4 minute read

From the CLA



Cornhole Totnament Winners, David and Gary Heath

Photography by Kim Flanagan of Creative Occasions Photography (Top of page and above)

Good day my fellow Canadian Lakers!

I hope this letter fi nds you and your family well. Summer has been fantastic here in Canadian Lakes this year, and we still have four more beautiful months to enjoy before the lakes freeze over and that white stuff covers the ground.

Since my last Laker letter, the Canadian Lakes Association (CLA) has sponsored a concert at the Reuther Music Pavilion, held a New Member Welcome Event, had the Ferris Community Summer Band perform for you at the Castle, had a Summer Arts & Crafts Show for your shopping enjoyment, and held our annual CLA Summer Picnic! OMG was that picnic a hit this year! We had over 700 Canadian Lakes members, family and guests come out and enjoy the beautiful weather. Th e temperature was a nice 80 degrees, sunny and breezy. THANK YOU, MOTHER NATURE!

For the fi rst time, we off ered a Cornhole Tournament as part of the picnic festivities. Twelve teams competed and had a great time. Congratulations to David and Gary Heath, our fi rst-place winners. Our second-place team was Joe and Joe McCormick. We had some “old fashioned picnic games” for families to participate in, which were also a big hit. We held a door prize drawing for our Canadian Lakes Association members only – congratulations to Mearl Kerns, who won a $125 Mini-Car detailing donated by Scott’s Auto Body. And fi nally, we had some of our traditional entertainment for our members to enjoy, which has always been popular throughout the years. Healey’s Outback Ranch provided wagon rides, Dee Jay the Clown provided his balloon magic for the kids, and the Dixie Ramblers Jazz Band provided musical entertainment throughout the day.

Most of our young Canadian Lakes members (and some of our “young at heart” members) went home with tattoos. And then there was the food. Oh boy do Canadian Lakes members like their food! We went through 800 hot dogs, 150 pounds of potato salad, 150 pounds of corn, 82 boxes of ice cream treats, 720 bags of potato chips and countless bags of popcorn. Typically, we need to make trips back to the stores to return items we didn’t use – well not this


Harold Wolf

President haroldwolf63@gmail.com

year! Let me just say thank you to our big eaters out there for saving us all of that gas money returning unopened items.

For the CLA Board Members, our Summer Picnic is like Christmas. We plan, clean, buy, decorate, buy some more, and cook to get everything just right. Th en “poof”, just like that it’s over in an instant. Th en we are left with the clean-up and putting all our supplies back into our storage room so we can all get home and collapse in our chairs. What a wonderful and perfect event!

So that sums up what we, the Canadian Lakes Association, have done since my last Laker letter. In most communities, that would be a year’s worth of activities, but not in Canadian Lakes. Your CLA Board is dedicated to providing you with fun, entertaining, and educational things to do each and every month.

Here is what the CLA has coming up... We will have our Community Information Day on Saturday, August 13. Th is event gives our Canadian Lakes members the opportunity to come to the Castle and learn about the Canadian Lakes Association and our CLA Sanctioned Clubs. You can also learn more about what several of our local business have to off er. Our annual CLA Ice Cream Social is on Wednesday, August 17 at the Castle. Th is event provides the chance for our Canadian Lakes neighbors to come out and enjoy a bowl of ice cream and conversation. Th is is a great way to meet new people or to reconnect with old friends.

For those of you who aren’t already a CLA member, please support our community by becoming a member today. It is only $30 annually for your entire household, and we will keep you informed each month of all the happenings in and around Canadian Lakes, through our monthly newsletter, the Lite Lines. Now is a great time to COME JOIN THE FUN!

For our loyal CLA members, there is something I need from you as well. We have three positions available on our CLA Board due to term limits. If you would like to help shape future events and continue the traditions of the CLA, we need you now! Th e CLA is the backbone of Canadian Lakes events and is in large part why we all enjoy the GOOD life here. So please step up and help us continue making a positive infl uence in our wonderful community. I promise you won’t regret it. Enjoy the rest of your Summer! Stay Healthy, Safe and Strong!

CLA Picnic Fun

Photography by Kim Flanagan of Creative Occasions Photography

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