1 minute read
Mobile Watch
Roger Stobert
Mobile Watch Coordinator 231-288-0148 spankky@charter.net
THE ANNUAL MOBILE WATCH Picnic and Golf Outing are events that allow the community to show its appreciation for everything the Mobile Watch volunteers do. Th is includes performing weekly patrols of Canadian Lakes, helping stranded or lost residents and visitors, watching for suspicious activities and safety violations like leaf burning. Along with helping Canadian Lakes Safety control traffi c during the Independence Day Parade, fi reworks display, Winter Carnival, and other large crowd events. Th ese events are sponsored by local businesses, the CLA, and the CLPOC. Th e Mobile Watch Annual Picnic will be held on Wednesday, August 24 at the Pines Pavilion beginning about 4:30 p.m. All current Mobile Watch volunteers, Canadian Lakes Safety employees, and their spouses/signifi cant others are welcome and should mark the date. Attendees should bring a place setting and beverages of their choice. Burgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, salads, and more will be provided. Attendees, please inform your Area Captain if you plan to attend and how many will be joining you.
Th e Mobile Watch Annual Golf Outing will be held at Th e Pines Golf Course on Wednesday, August 24, beginning with a shotgun start at 9:00 a.m. Like previous outings, some interesting and fun surprises await the players on various holes. All current Mobile Watch volunteers, Canadian Lakes Safety employees, and their spouses/signifi cant others are eligible to participate. Contact Roger Stobert at 231-288-0148 or spankky@charter.net, if you plan to play.
Want to join in on the Mobile Watch appreciation activities, but not a Mobile Watch member yet? Contact Roger Stobert if you want to join or have any questions related to Mobile Watch.