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Canadian Lakes Property Owners Corporation

Board of Directors Meeting June 24, 2023 @ 9:00 a.m.

Attendee’s Role Present Absent Zoom (Z) In Person (IP)

Paul Szymkowicz President IP John Colley Vice President X James French Treasurer IP Steve Wilcox Secretary IP

Others in attendance – Greg Babbitt -General Manager, Kim Dowell – Comptroller, and Lindsay Halcomb – Marketing Dept.


1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance – Meeting called to order by President Szymkowicz @ 9:00 AM and Pledge conducted.

2. Agenda Approval – Motion Secretary Wilcox support Treasurer French, approved unanimously.

3. Austin and Morton Township Reports – None

4. Presidents Report – Presented by President Szymkowicz

5. Financial Report – Presented by Controller Dowell


1. ACC Committee – None

2. CLA – Presented by Director Ricketts

3. Executive Committee – Presented by President Szymkowicz

4. Finance Committee – Presented by Treasurer French

5. Strategic Planning Committee –Presented by Secretary Wilcox