Transition from Summer to Winter Patrols
MOBILE WATCH has transitioned from summer to winter patrols. In the summer, our primary function is a deterrent, watching for mischievous and suspicious activities, and helping lost residents and visitors. In the winter months, we continue this summer function, but also keep a watchful eye out for those red lights. Red Lights Red lights are used to identify a potential home heating system problem. Residents who have left their Canadian Lakes home for warmer climates install these red lights and attached thermostats to illuminate the red light if the temperature in their home drops below a preset value. While we check every house for red lights, we give special attention to those homes that have completed the Residential Vacation Form. For those who install a red light, but don’t fill out a Resident Vacation Form, you are not helping yourself. These forms include your contact information and help Canadian Lakes Safety if there were problems at your home. If you are gone and have not filled out this form, Canadian Lakes Safety may not be able to contact you as quickly or even at all. Please note that a new form is needed for each absence. They do NOT roll over year to year! The form also includes instructions for installing the red light. You provide the information regarding who to contact if a problem should develop at your home while you’re away. These forms are available at the CLPOC office or on the Canadian Lakes website. On the CLPOC website, click on “Governing”, then “Documents and Forms”, then under Online Forms, Residential Vacation Form (Red Light), https://members. T h e C a n ad i a n L a ke r
uploads/2018/03/2018ResidentialVacation-Information-Form.pdf. Canadian Lakes Safety provides Mobile Watch with a list of the homes registered with this free service. Open Garage Doors It only takes a moment for an opportunistic criminal to gain access to your home via an open garage door. Nationally, thirty percent of all home burglaries happen because of unlocked and/or open doors. Criminal statistics show that most burglaries occur between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Mobile Watch volunteers report to Canadian Lakes Safety garage doors left open where it appears no one is at home – no cars in the driveway or garage, no lights on in the house, no evidence of a homeowner working in the yard. When Mobile Watch alerts Canadian Lakes Safety, an officer will come to the home and will ring the doorbell to see if the resident is at home. If there is no answer, the Safety officer will close the garage door to secure the home from unwanted entry. Please keep your home secure by closing and locking all doors, especially when you are not home. Rest assured that Mobile Watch and Canadian Lakes Safety will do all they can to keep your home and valuables secure. Helping Stranded Motorists During the snowy months ahead, we occasionally encounter residents and visitors who are stuck in snow or have slid-off the road. If the resident or visitor needs assistance, the patroller will contact Canadian Lakes Safety to offer aid. Upon arrival, the Safety officer will attempt to assist the motorist, but if the job is too big, Canadian Lakes Safety can arrange for a reliable tow company to remedy the situation.