From the General Manager
A GREG BABBITT General Manager
belated Happy New Year! Good-bye 2021 and hopefully 2022 has found you all healthy and happy. Did anyone make a New Year’s resolution? If you did, is it still holding true? You might be surprised to know that millions around the world take these resolutions very seriously. Resolutions can basically be anything, such as doing something new and positive from the first day of the year or accomplishing a goal. One resolution I made, and try to always keep, is simply “to rise above the trivial things.” Another challenging year has come to an end and as usual I have set myself some goals and objectives for 2022. I like to view the beginning of each year as an opportunity for improvement upon the prior year. I do not always accomplish this, but I do try, and it remains an annual aspiration. Below are some annual reminders pertaining to this time of year: GENERAL • Your annual statement(s) were mailed in early January along with your 2022 Membership Form. Your annual Membership fee is due March 1st. If you have not received your statement, please contact the office. • I would also encourage each of you to return your Membership form to the office after you have verified that all the information is accurate and/or corrected any inaccurate or missing information.
• Also, please ensure that you go to the website,, and provide your email address, this way you can be assured you will receive the Member Bulletin in which pertinent information and announcements are e-mailed directly to you.
CLPOC OFFICE 10690 Pierce Rd. Canadian Lakes, MI 49346 Phone: 231-972-7651 OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. MEMBER SERVICES Dawn McNeill Michelle Farris Jane Hensley
FINANCE You will find a copy of the ProForma Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 on page 13. We have continued to build upon a successful funding plan by again using conservative estimates. It remains a fiscally sound budget and we will need to continue to operate conservatively in order to achieve a positive outcome. Realizing continued increased usage of the inclusive amenities, we will still need to rely on significant member and guest support of The Royal golf course and the Royal Grille. The Budget Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2023 budget will be February 26th at the regularly scheduled Board meeting, where there will be an opportunity for members’ comments concerning the budget. WINTER SPORTS PARK As I write this article, we have yet to be able to fully open the Winter Sports Park at the Highland Haus. The ice rink and cross-country ski trail have been opened. The tubing tow has not been able to be open due to lack of sufficient snow. The tubing tow requires a significant amount of snow and a good base. This is because when tubes are towed up the hill, they wear a path and cannot be towed on grass or dirt as this will create additional drag on the equipment and pose potential damage. In addition, we need significant snow for building a proper discharge at the top of the hill, so tubes are correctly discharged from the tow cable. There is snow in the forecast so hopefully by the time you read
T h e C a n ad i a n L a ke r