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Let’s Get Social
Canadian Lakes
Canadian Lakes Weekly Scheduled Activities NOTE: All activities are open to Canadian Lakes property owners, family members, and guests. Property owners are asked to obtain guest passes from the CLPOC office.
9:30 am Melody Makers (ladies) Apr-Jul/Sept-Dec. Highland Haus 2nd 1 pm Dotted Cubes (bunko) Alpine Haus
3:30-5 pm Canadian Lakes Men’s Chorus Apr-Dec. 6:30 pm Euchre Club Highland Haus Alpine Haus
6:30 pm Camera Club Every other Mon Highland Haus 231-796-2460 231-972-7920 231-359-1114 231-972-7920 989-560-2124
TUESDAY 2nd 9 am 1 pm 7 pm Morton Township Meeting Odd months 290 Main, Mecosta 231-972-7138
Pool Cue League Oct-Dec/Jan-Mar. Member homes 231-972-7327
Table Tennis Alpine Haus 231-408-7716
2nd 7 pm
Morton Township Meeting Even months 2nd 7:30 pm Austin Township Meeting Monthly 2-3 pm Exercise/Dance Class 290 Main, Mecosta 231-972-7138 14132 Pierce, Stanwood 231-972-7472 Alpine Haus 231-972-0029
9-11 am Drop-In Mixed Tennis Seasonal Alpine Haus Courts 231-408-8801
WEDNESDAY 1st 10 am Garden Club
Apr-Nov. 2nd 9:30 am Book Babes Book Club Apr-Dec. Highland Haus
231-972-5702 Member Homes 231-972-8869
3rd 10 am-4 pm Quilt Club 11:30 am Mah Jongg 12:30 pm Mixed Bowling Apr-Oct. Sept-May Highland Haus Alpine Haus Remus Lanes
1 pm Duplicate Bridge Weekly
Alpine Haus 2nd 1 pm CLPOC Workshop/Agenda Mtg Main Conf. Room 231-972-7651 4:30 pm Girl Scout Troop 4788 Alpine Haus 616-581-6734 231-972-1115 231-215-5556 231-972-4858
1st 4:30 pm Canadian Lakes Players Highland Haus 231-972-7447
2nd 7 pm Canadian Lakes Fishing Club Apr-Oct. Alpine Haus
231-972-8663 3rd 7 pm Morton Twp. Planning Comm. Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct 290 Main, Mecosta 231-972-7138 4th Variable Treasure Seekers Destinations Vary 231-359-1023 4th Variable Fishing Fun Night May-Sept. Main Beach TBA
7:30 am Men’s Christian Book Study June-August 10-11 am Exercise/Dance Class Royal Grille Alpine Haus
1st, 3rd 1 pm Needles and News See Lite Lines Alpine Haus 231-972-5132 231-972-0029 231-598-2203
1 pm
Drop-in Bridge 1 pm-3 pm Model Yacht Club Apr-Oct. TBA Edgewater Park 231-629-1004
9-11 am Drop-In Mixed Tennis 11:30 am Mah Jongg 1st 3:30 pm Writers Quest Apr-Oct. Royal Courts Alpine Haus Alpine Haus 231-408-8801 231-972-1115 734-223-7841
SATURDAY 4th 9 am CLPOC Monthly Board Meeting Highland Haus 231-972-7651 2nd 1:00 pm Euchre Tournament Oct-April Highland Haus 231-972-3054
1-3 pm Model Yacht Club Apr-Oct. Edgewater Park 231-629-1004
Indoor Pool & Fitness Area: 972-2123 (CLOSED on Tuesdays) Lap Swimming: Mon, Wed-Fri 7-8 am Adult Open Swim: Mon, Wed, Fri 9-10 am, Thurs 7-9 am Open Swim: Mon, Wed, Fri 11 am-8 pm, Thurs 7-9 am, Sat, Sun 9 am-8 pm Outdoor Pool/Pines Pavilion: 972-4462 May 28-Sept. 7, 11 am-6 pm Pickleball: Contact: Jeff Butzin 586-599-9684 Legacy Park Daily 9am - 12pm (Apr.-Oct.) Tennis: Open play daily at all courts (see above for drop-in mixed tennis) Thursday Ladies 9-Hole Golf: Contact: Sandy Engott 848-933-0759 jengott@aol.com Ladies 18-Hole Golf: Contact: Deb Macaddino 231-972-4874 Euchre Tournament: Contact: Kathy Lawyer 231-972-3054 vklaw@charter.net Alternate contact: Diane Kennedy 231-972-3176 Writer’s Quest: Contact Joyce Wilcox: 734-223-7841 joycewilcox@gmail.com Alternate contact: Griz Holbrook 231-972-1947 grizh@yahoo.com Girl Scout Troop 4788 Club: Contact: Jennifer Cady 231-629-2259 cady-jb@hotmail.com Alpine Haus 4:30pm-6pm meets bi-weekly (Oct.-June) Men’s Tuesday 9-Hole League: Contact: Tim Hannon 248-231-2990 timhannon@comcast.net CL Camera Club: Contact: Troy Smith 989-560-2124 smithtd1969@gmail.com MARSP: Contact: Mary Salisz 231-972-8084 marysalisz@gmail.com Alternate contact: Chris Wernette 231-972-7336 chrisandsandy@yahoo.com Canadian Lakes Dog Club: Contact: Jim Ashbaugh 231-359-1464 jimash550@yahoo.com Great Ideas: Contact: Dave Fisher 810-919-1765 ppwig@aol.com Men’s Summer Christian Book Study: Contact: Tom Keef 231-9725132 tomkeef@centurylink.net Alternate contact: Joe Rausch 989-2929980 rauschjoe@gmail.com