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CLPOC Board Minutes
CLPOC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Saturday, March 27, 2021 (Virtual Via Zoom)
1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Paul Szymkowicz, President at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were: John Colley, Vice President, James French,
Treasurer, Linda Tilley, Secretary,
Dan Rice, Dan Altier, Jerry Juncker and Steve Wilcox. Bob Halpin arrived at 9:53 a.m. 2. Staff members: Greg Babbitt,
Kim Dowell, Jessica Slendak 3. Approval of the Agenda: Motion by Wilcox / Support Rice Passed 7/0 (Halpin absent)
AUSTIN AND MORTON TOWNSHIP REPORTS: 1. Austin Township: None received. 2. Morton Township: M Klumpp report: We are soliciting bids for the construction of a recycling facility to allow us expanded and more efficient recycling options. 3. We will be approving a special assessment district for paving Valley
Court at our April meeting. 4. Tri-Lakes association is moving forward with a petition signature drive to start a special assessment district for gypsy moth spraying in their area. 5. There is an upcoming election on May 4, 2021. Mecosta County
Parks and Mid Michigan College.
Please do your homework and become an informed voter - the
Mid Michigan millage promises approximately $240,000 a year in savings to local students at a price tag of $1,042,120 per year in taxes- forever. This is not a good millage for Morton Township. 6. Recently approved approximately $250,000 in road repairs and maintenance in the township through
Mecosta County Road Commission. 7. The Township is now back to having our meetings in person with a face mask and social distancing required. 8. Hired local builder Rich Davis as our new building and zoning official. 9. It appears we will be receiving a little over $400,000 in stimulus funds from the federal American Rescue
Plan Act. We are still researching what those funds can be used for and will let you know what we have designated them for at a future date. 10. President’s Report: President
Szymkowicz noted that the snow and ice are gone. Golfers are out enjoying their first rounds on the
Pines, some boats are in the water and Spring is finally here. This
Spring is vastly different than what we experienced last year. Many of our amenities are now open with restrictions, the Pines office and the
CLPOC office is open by appointment only. The campground is scheduled to open on time. Our general manager is keeping up with the Governor’s mandates and will keep us apprised of changes as they occur. Thanks to our members and staff for their patience as we navigate COVID-19. 11. Financial Report: Controller
Dowell reviewed the financial statements included in the agenda packet. Noted that this year 352 lots have outstanding 2020 balances, last year at this time 372 lots had outstanding balances from 2019.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. ACC: Director Tilley reported four new home builds were approved by the committee. These quality homes will complement their respective neighborhoods. The approved plans are for new residents. The lot owners range from recent land purchases to longer-term owners. Director Wilcox asked if the marketing department had a plan in place to contact new property owners, noting that many of the new builds are new to
Canadian Lakes. Have we surveyed them to determine the reason they chose Canadian Lakes for their new home. General Manager Babbitt said that New Member Packets are provided to all new members. Vice
President Colley reminded the board that Salesforce software was purchased and will be an asset in tracking interest in and purchases in Canadian Lakes. 2. CLA Liaison: Director Rice reports that the meeting on March 4th.
There are 808 paid 2021 members.
Of those, 15 are new, 147 not renewed as of March 2nd. Bruce and
Caroline Miller were this month’s member appreciation gift card winners. Easter Egg Lane April 3rd , CLA Shopping Spree promotion started February 1 and will run until June, Kite Day is May 15. Details for all these events can be found in the Lite Lines and on the CLA website. The CLA board thanks the local businesses for their support. 3. Executive: The committee met to discuss several legal items on
March 24. The success of the Group
Golfers promotion and the Morton
Township paving project. In person meetings are not yet scheduled.
Discussion on the updates of the
Articles of Incorporation and presentation to the membership. 4. Finance: Director French reported that the committee reviewed the budget projections and discussed next year’s challenges. Finding seasonal employees continues to be a challenge. Small Claims are continuing to be filed and payments are being received. Gypsy Moth control and the potential cost was discussed. The activities of the Strategic Planning effort and updates for Lot Default Ad-Hoc Committee were also discussed. 5. Strategic Planning: Director Altier reported the committee met on March 8 to discuss the IT and multi-year community planning.
The Committee met with General
Manager Babbitt, the management team and members of the
Finance Committee on March 25.
The next steps reviewing the Lot
Default Committee report, when issued, to determine if there are additional needs not yet con-
sidered. The IT group will hold individual meetings with the departments to determine, in detail, current and future needs and the community interfaces needed.
GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT: 1. The Agenda packet contains reports on amenity usage and safety. 2. Each month one of the department heads will attend the board meeting to present their reports in person.
This month Jessica Slendak presented the activities and plans of the
Marketing Department. 3. Please note: The departmental reports, normally listed here, have been posted on the Canadian Lakes website for your convenience. 4. Limitations on the amenity use will continue as required by the state. 5. The nice weather has allowed staff to get ahead of yearly maintenance in advance of the high season. 6. IRS dependents need to be listed to use the amenities. Non listed
dependents will be allowed one complimentary use, after that they will be charged the guest fee. 7. The Annual Garage sale and other
Memorial Day weekend events are scheduled as in prior years, assuming no additional COVID-19 restrictions 8. Consent Calendar: The notes for the Board Workshop
February 10, 2021, minutes of the
Board Meeting February 23, 2021 and the receipt and filing of the
February, 2021 Check Disbursements were presented for approval.
Motion by Tilley, Support by Rice
Approved 7/0 (Halpin absent).
MEMBERS COMMENTS ON ITEMS FOR ACTION OR DISCUSSION: 1. Fran Voci, CL11. We have larger numbers of young children living here and visiting here. The major playground equipment at the ball field and Lookout Point beach could use some repair/replace
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attention. These two in particular are very heavily used. I don’t know if repair is covered under replacement reserve. Please see if something can be done especially about these two playgrounds. Both would benefit from replacement with larger equipment. 2. Richard Althouse, MF016. In regards to the cart path expenditure proposed. If this is to remove and replace, please consider voting not to remove any, just add more. In my opinion, none of our existing paths are that bad where we need to remove and replace, however, adding more and extending others would be great. 3. Rick Lowe, RS546 & RS547. A lot of these expenditures are replacing capital assets that have reached the end of their life cycle so the list of proposed expenditures is fairly straight forward stuff. I’ve really only got one comment/question and it is more of an accounting question: Will these items be treated as capital assets and depreciated over their life cycle on a GAAP basis? Or, since the replacement reserve fund is essentially a “maintenance” budget, will these items be expensed in the fiscal year that the expenditure is made? 4. One question from Bonnie
Fielder, CL141, regarding the
Annual Garage Sale. The question was answered by General Member
Babbitt during his report.
ITEMS FOR ACTION: 1. Approve Fiscal Year 2022 Proposed
Budget for April 1, 2021 through
March 31, 2022 • Operating Income and Expense line-item budget of $4,943,808 • Replacement Reserve Contribution of $592,000 • Capital Improvement Fund
Contribution of $50,000 • Replacement Reserve Expenditures in principal of $515,916 2. Motion by French/Support Wilcox
Approved 7/0 (Halpin absent) 3. Director Halpin joined the meeting at 9:53 am.
ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Motion to suspend the rules for item 12a. Wilcox/Support,
Approved 8/0 2. Approve the purchase of a Maintenance Cleaning Vehicle not to exceed $20,685, Motion by Wilcox/ support French Approved 8/0 3. Motion to suspend the rules for item 12b. French/Support by
Wilcox , Approved 8/0 4. Approve the purchase of a
Safety Vehicle not to exceed $18,390
Motion by French/Support Wilcox,
Approved 8/0 5. Motion to suspend the rules for item 12c. Wilcox/Support French,
Approved 8/0 6. Approve the Michigan Liquor
Control Liquor license resolution for application for a special license for June 5, 2021, July 25, 2021 and August 28,2021 to approve alcohol.
Motion by Wilcox/Support Rice,
Approved 8/0
7. Lot Default Ad-Hoc Report:
Director Halpin reported a short committee meeting to set up April activity. Meeting with Michigan
Land Bank two times during April.
The report from Sharon Wood will be presented to the board and LDC committee members on April 9 from 2-4:00 p.m. The session will be recorded for viewing at a later time by those not able to attend. 8. Members’ Comments: None received. 9. Directors’ Comments: None
10. Member Communication
Requirements: Notifying members that the Budget was approved for 2022. Also,informing the community they will be receiving the departmental reports each month and how to access the reports.
RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 10:02, 10:08 1. Adjournment: Motionby French/
Support Altier at 10:50 a.m.,
Approved 8/0 2. Notes: The Board workshop previously scheduled for
March 10, 2021 was cancelled
The next Board Workshop is scheduled for April 14, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.; the next scheduled
Board Meeting is at 9:00 a.m. on
April 24, 2021. Today’s meeting was viewed by 34 people. Respectfully submitted by Linda Tilley. (Minutes are printed as submitted.)
CLPOC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Saturday, April 24, 2021 (Virtual Via Zoom)
1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Paul Szymkowicz,
President at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were: John Colley,
Vice President, James French,
Treasurer, Linda Tilley, Secretary,
Dan Rice, Dan Altier, Bob Halpin,
Jerry Juncker and Steve Wilcox. 2. Staff members: Greg Babbitt,
Kim Dowell, Jessica Slendak 3. Approval of the Agenda: Motion by French / Support Rice Passed 8/0
AUSTIN AND MORTON TOWNSHIP REPORTS: 1. Austin Township: S. Mayo: Park millage will be on the May 4 ballot.
One of the County Commissions noted that it would be better to raise daily fees. In that manner, the park improvements are funded by those using the park. The fire service contract with Morton township has been extended for 5 years.
Graveling of Six Mile Road has been added to the list of road work by Mecosta County Road Commission. Township Hall rentals will be resumed with a limit of two rentals of hall per week to allow
for enhanced cleaning. The rental contract will contain COVID restrictions. 2. Morton Township: M Klumpp report: We signed a contract to build a new drive through recycling facility. The project should be completed by early Summer.
One of the improvements will be a carboard compacting mechanism. This will allow us to sell the cardboard, rather than paying to have it hauled away. The fire service contract with Austin
Township is being finalized. Residents of Austin Township will continue to be covered by the excellent Morton Township Fire
Rescue service. 3. Firefighter Cecil DeMott was recognized with a Lifetime
Achievement Award for his nearly 50 years of service with the Morton Township Fire Department. 4. President’s Report: President
Szymkowicz noted that Spring has finally arrived and Summer is just around the corner. He spoke with several golfers who reported that the courses are in excellent condition, thanks to the work of the Canadian Lakes grounds staff.
The campground is full of activity, the staff and members are getting ready for the coming season.
The boat launch has seen a lot of activity in anticipation of a great boating season. 5. Financial Report: Controller
Dowell reviewed the financial statements included in the agenda packet. Noted that this year 317 lots have outstanding 2020 balances, 231 lots have outstanding balances from 2019.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. ACC: Secretary Tilley reported one new home build was approved by the committee.
The home will be built in 2022 and is for new lot owners and soon-to-be new residents. Two new fence requests and two new shed requests were approved.
Other requests are holding for more information. 2. CLA Liaison: Director Rice reports the CLA BOD meeting held in April as normal. Please
refer to the CLA Website and the
Lite Lines for complete minutes and details for the April meeting.
The CLA BOD discussed recent changes on the COVID restrictions for CL building use and opening dates in the near future.
Desire is to get meetings back to being held in person at the
Highland House soon. Maggie
Richardson submitted her resignation. The BOD thanked her for her time and efforts. Total membership April 2021 is 872. This compares to 890 at the same time last year. Random membership appreciation award Winner is
Julane Quick. Please renew your membership for 2021. Look for the new feature in the Lite Lines,
“Kids Corner” which will appear on page 8. A Winter Fun Day Recap was completed and $155 was donated to Gods Helping Hands by the closest to the pin event that was so generously supported by our PGA Pro Dennis Wolfe and staff. Please consider volunteering to share the load of work. Please contact Robin Beilby if you can assist. Kite Day is May 15, 1-3 pm.
This is a CLA event only so please bring your membership card. NO
CLA Shopping event started Feb 1 and continues to run through
June 21. To date over 700 receipts have been totaled at our local CL area businesses equating to over $15,000 were of purchases from local businesses. 3. Executive: The committee met to discuss several legal items and responses to members email inquiries this week. 4. Finance: Treasurer French reported that we do not have the number of lots going back to the state as of today. Small claims are still being pursued. Group Golfer was a big success, the golf leagues are full, the campground is full and the waiting list is growing.
Our outlook for this new fiscal year is promising. The review of the Replacement Reserve study is still pending due to COVID
restrictions on meetings. 5. Lot Default AdHoc: Director
Halpin reported that the Target
Market and Community Analysis reports were presented to the Board and LDC on April 9; the General
Manager and his staff, the at-large members of Finance and Strategic planning on April 15. Two committee meetings are planned for April 27 and 28. The next meeting with the Michigan Land Bank is scheduled for May 12. Board members are asked to send your top takeaways from this report by
April 30. That information will be helpful in developing a big picture view of the information. 6. Strategic Planning: Director
Altier reported that a meeting with the IT subcommittee identified a timetable for the management review of the IT tools needed. Once that is complete, they will develop a schedule of activities, including identifying contract requirements.
The target for completion is late
Fall of this year. 7. The committee reviewed and considered the LDC reports.
Several of the items presented reflected the Management Teams recommendations. This correlation highlights the value, insight and understanding the Management staff has for Canadian
Lakes. The Community Funding plan will focus on maintaining and improving Canadian Lakes in the next year. Plans for the following years will be completed at a time to be determined.
GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT: 1. The Agenda packet contains reports on amenity usage and safety. 2. Each month one of the department heads will attend the board meeting to present their reports in person. This month Dennis Wolf reported on the golf programs. 3. Please note: The departmental reports, normally listed here, have been posted on the Canadian Lakes website for your convenience. 4. Limitations on the amenity use will continue as required by the state. 5. The General Manager’s committee meetings will resume soon. 6. Community buildings are now open, but following current
COVID guidelines. 7. The Community Garage sale will be held as planned. The traditional 4th of July events are going forward as in prior years. No final decision has been made on the fireworks show. The Pickleball tournament is planned for July. 8. Consent Calendar: The minutes of the Board Meeting March 27, 2021 and the receipt and filing of the
March, 2021 Check Disbursements were presented for approval.
Motion by Tilley, Support by
Wilcox Approved 8/0.
MEMBERS COMMENTS ON ITEMS FOR ACTION OR DISCUSSION: 1. Items for Action: None 2. Items for Discussion: None 3. Members’ Comments: None received. 4. Directors’ Comments: The staff and general manager are thanked for the information, reports and input. The beach project is still targeted for May completion.
5. Member Communication
Requirements: The general manager is asked to let the membership know that events are coming back online and we are striving to return to normal activities. 6. Recess to Executive Session: 9:41 am 7. Adjournment: Motion by
French/Support Altier at 10:35 a.m., Approved 8/0 8. Notes: The next Board Workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, May 12 , 2021 at 5:30 p.m.; the next scheduled Board Meeting is at 9:00 a.m. on May 22, 2021. Today’s meeting was viewed by 4 people. Respectfully submitted by Linda Tilley. (Minutes are printed as submitted.)