Jessica Slendak
Marketing Director
he June/July issue of The Canadian Laker is my favorite! It’s June, so it’s officially summer in Michigan, in my opinion, and my birthday is also in June. Michigan summers, also in my opinion, are incomparable. However, I have nothing to compare a Michigan summer to, until after this June. I plan to check an item off my bucket list by boating Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri for my birthday, and I cannot wait. I have waited for this trip for many years. Many of my friends have bragged about their boat trips during the Annual Lake of the Ozarks Shootout that takes place each year late August and I always beam with envy. I’ll finally be able to brag along. I grew up on the mighty Muskegon River right here in Mecosta County. I’ve spent many days, my entire life, not only
Marketing Associate Lindsay Halcomb Assistant Webmaster Lee Ann McCormick
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on the river, but also on Chippewa Lake, Clear Lake, Tri-Lakes and mostly all lakes here in Canadian Lakes. I’ve spent a ton of boating time on our Great Lakes and always frequent our northern inland lakes. My large boating group always does a Torch Lake, Lake Bellaire and Clam Lake boat trip each year. Boating is what I do, for sure! Although Lake of the Ozarks is extremely exciting, I’ll admit it’s going to be tough to top Michigan boating and a Michigan summer. Canadian Lakes is the epitome of Michigan summers, don’t you think? Think about our amenities. lakes, golf, beaches, campground, pickleball, outdoor concerts, hiking/biking trail, Legacy Park... I could keep going, but we all get my point. In just four months or so, there seems to be just one place that rolls up all of a true Michigan summer in 11 square miles...Canadian Lakes. This year, Lindsay, Marketing Associate, and I are focusing on internal marketing. Part of that is making sure new members that purchase property here are better informed. The process of making sure we know all new members who purchase in 2022 is not perfected yet. We are doing our best to connect with them all, but we know a few have
not crossed our desk. Current members can help us out by telling new members to come to the corporation office for their new member welcome pack and credentials. They a need membership cards and vehicle stickers. We also have a neat new member gift for those who purchased in 2022 and never purchased before. So far, we have welcomed just over 40 brand new members to Canadian Lakes in 2022 who’ve never owned property here in Canadian Lakes.
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