BayAr eaEdi t i on|Fal l2020
S P O R T S E x c l u s i v e I n t e r v i e w wi t hi n f l u e n c e r
L e a d i n gWo me ni nt h e A d v e n t u r eo fS e l f D i s c o v e r y
• Over 30 years sales and marketing executive in telecom and hi-tech • Serves on the boards of two non profit senior care corporations • 4th generation Peninsula resident & has lived in Los Altos for over 30 years • Consistent top producer & member of Alain Pinel’s President Club
Serving The Communities Of Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, And Cupertino
Lynn North Respect, Service, Results, & Referrals
RESULTS: All homes have sold in an average of 9 days and all for over the asking price!
“I am personally committed to your success in selling or finding your dream home.” Lynn North direct 650.209.1562 | cell 650.703.6437 | fax 650.941.1411 |
• Over 30 years sales and marketing executive in telecom and hi-tech • Serves on the boards of two non profit senior care corporations • 4th generation Peninsula resident & has lived in Los Altos for over 30 years • Top 1% nationwide & member of Compass' President's Round Table
Serving The Communities Of Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, And Cupertino
Lynn North Respect, Service, Results, & Referrals
RESULTS: All homes have sold in an average of 9 days and all for over the asking price!
“I am personally committed to your success in selling or finding your dream home.” Lynn North direct 650.209.1562 | cell 650.703.6437 | fax 650.941.1411 |
Bay Area
WOMEN magazine
We Support Diversity and Gender Equality – An Issue Greater Than Just “Equal Pay in the Workplace”
The story behind Bay Area Women Magazine and Website has always been to empower, inspire and support women in our local communities and the workplace. We believe in diversity and gender equality, equal pay for equal work and believe that no woman should have to be in fear of harassment or assault in her community or workplace. Women have made unquestionable advances — from American boardrooms and courts of law, to political and sports arenas — but inequality remains, especially in poor or rural areas. By simply being inclusive of an equitable number of women in an organization, it has availed itself of a larger talent pool, increased its attractiveness to potential talent, increased its ability to retain talent and has brought an insightful eye to market to potential users and clients of the organization’s products or services. While outcomes of equality in the workplace should be achievable equally among genders, these outcomes may not necessarily be the same for all. Still, it’s essential to advance the trend of acceptance and advancement in gender equality to ensure that access and enjoyment of the same rewards, resources and opportunities are available to all. This includes freedom from gender discrimination and its stereotypes, pregnancy and parenting, freedom from discrimination in fields of employment where women have traditionally been excluded or discouraged and the systemic undervaluing of work traditionally performed by women. Workplaces need to provide equal opportunities and pay for equal work; there is no justifiable reason based on gender not to do so. There should never be limits to the equal participation of women in the workforce. All should have access to all positions and industries; including leadership roles regardless of gender. Women represent nearly half of the U.S. workforce and the number of women in politics is increasing rapidly. At some point in their career, one in four women has been subjected to harassment at work. Management has a responsibility to ensure they act early to both identify and stop harassment, but unfortunately, in many companies, occurrences are often ignored. If there are signs of harassment taking place within the workplace– no matter how big or small – it should be rectified immediately, and preventative processes reevaluated to avert such occurrences from happening again. Organizations have a responsibility to maintain an environment that is free of sexual harassment. Today we are asking that our communities’ most prominent workplaces and community organizations take a step to join Bay Area Women Magazine and its website to advocate for respectful, fair and dignified treatment of women. Thank You Rich Borell Founder & Publisher
Bay Area
WOMEN magazine
We Support Diversity and Gender Equality – An Issue Greater Than Just “Equal Pay in the Workplace”
The story behind Bay Area Women Magazine and Website has always been to empower, inspire and support women in our local communities and the workplace. We believe in diversity and gender equality, equal pay for equal work and believe that no woman should have to be in fear of harassment or assault in her community or workplace. Women have made unquestionable advances — from American boardrooms and courts of law, to political and sports arenas — but inequality remains, especially in poor or rural areas. By simply being inclusive of an equitable number of women in an organization, it has availed itself of a larger talent pool, increased its attractiveness to potential talent, increased its ability to retain talent and has brought an insightful eye to market to potential users and clients of the organization’s products or services. While outcomes of equality in the workplace should be achievable equally among genders, these outcomes may not necessarily be the same for all. Still, it’s essential to advance the trend of acceptance and advancement in gender equality to ensure that access and enjoyment of the same rewards, resources and opportunities are available to all. This includes freedom from gender discrimination and its stereotypes, pregnancy and parenting, freedom from discrimination in fields of employment where women have traditionally been excluded or discouraged and the systemic undervaluing of work traditionally performed by women. Workplaces need to provide equal opportunities and pay for equal work; there is no justifiable reason based on gender not to do so. There should never be limits to the equal participation of women in the workforce. All should have access to all positions and industries; including leadership roles regardless of gender. Women represent nearly half of the U.S. workforce and the number of women in politics is increasing rapidly. At some point in their career, one in four women has been subjected to harassment at work. Management has a responsibility to ensure they act early to both identify and stop harassment, but unfortunately, in many companies, occurrences are often ignored. If there are signs of harassment taking place within the workplace– no matter how big or small – it should be rectified immediately, and preventative processes reevaluated to avert such occurrences from happening again. Organizations have a responsibility to maintain an environment that is free of sexual harassment. Today we are asking that our communities’ most prominent workplaces and community organizations take a step to join Bay Area Women Magazine and its website to advocate for respectful, fair and dignified treatment of women. Thank You Rich Borell Founder & Publisher
Founder& CEO
Ri chBor el l
Leadi ngWomeni nt he Advent ur eofSel f Di s cover y! Fi veT hi ngsYouShoul dKnow
Amer i casWomenMagaz i neLLC publ i s hesci t yedi t i onsi ns el ectci t i est hr oughoutt heUni t edSt at es .Repr oduct i oni nwhol eori npar t ofanyt extorphot ogr aphswi t houtt hewr i t t enper mi s s i onf r om t hePubl i s heri ss t r i ct l ypr ohi bi t ed.T hemagaz i nei snotr es pons i bl ef or uns ol i ci t edmanus cr i pt s ,ar t wor korphot ogr aphs .T heopi ni onsexpr es s edi nAmer i casWomenMagaz i near eoft heaut hor sanddo notneces s ar i l yr ef l ectt hevi ewsofManagementorOwner s .T hemagaz i neas s umesnor es pons i bi l i t yorl i abi l i t yf orcl ai msmadeby adver t i s er si nt hemagaz i ne.Al lr i ght sr es er ved.Publ i s her sand/ orAdver t i s ers hal lbehel dbl amel es sf oranyandal lpr i ci nger r or s , al ongwi t hanyexpi r eddat es ,t ypi nger r or sort r ademar ki nf r i ngement s .I fanyer r or sar ef ound,wewi l lcor r ectt hem whenbr ought t oourat t ent i onwi t hi n72hour s .Foradver t i s i ngandedi t or i ali nqui r es ,cont actusati nf o@amer i cas womenmagaz i ne. com
1 931Al f or dAve. LosAl t os
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Top1 % nat i onwi deand memberofCompas s ' Pr es i dent ' sRoundTabl e
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An Exclusive Interview With Former President of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons,
Dr. Lynn Jeffers Q: You recently served as President of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Can you tell us what this meant to you and did you accomplish what you set out to do? LJ: Being President of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons was an honor and a privilege. Despite the COVID pandemic, we were able to accomplish what we set out to do. At the beginning of my presidency, I wanted to focus on technology/innovation/disruption and on valuing our physician members. I created a presidential task force on technology that will build an infrastructure within ASPS that will not only address technology used by the society in our work, but also support our members interested in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. We are also looking at the big ideas such as artificial intelligence, biosensors, block chain, etc. and making sure that we keep our society well-positioned to address potential opportunities and threats. In addition, we had a deliberate focus on making sure to recognize and engage our volunteer physician leaders. At the end of the day, this is a member organization, and we are thankful for their dedication and time that they give to ASPS and our specialty. Of course, we could not have anticipated COVID-19 and I am very proud of ASPS’s response to this pandemic. We were able to set up a COVID resource page for our members with regular webinars. We set up a clearinghouse for members to offer PPE and ventilators to other facilities in need. This caught the attention of the White House COVID Task Force which ultimately led us to help source over 6 million masks to New York alone as well as working with FEMA and other governor’s offices. When it was time to consider reopening, we responded to our members’ needs for access to PPE by having ASPS buy PPE in bulk and thus allowing our members access to PPE. Ultimately, I am so proud of the response of our physicians and our staff in coming together, being proactive, and responding effectively to the COVID pandemic. Q: Why is it important for a plastic surgeon to be a member of ASPS? LJ: The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is the largest plastic surgery organization in the world. We are here not only for our plastic surgeon members but also our patients. Our advocacy, research, education efforts (of the public as well as plastic surgeons) promote patient safety, ethics, and excellence in plastic surgery. We continue to promote collaboration and science not only in the US but globally with our global partners. We continue to support important
initiatives such as our clinical registries, task forces, and research endeavors that will lead to data that we need to better address topics such as implant safety, surgical safety, proper training, and best practices. ASPS is here also for our members to provide resources for their everyday practices both operationally as well as clinically and also helps to facilitate communication, networking and camaraderie among our members. Q: Can you tell us about your current positions as Chief Medical Officer at St John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital, and Medical Director of the Integrated Breast Center at St. John’s? LJ: I currently serve as the Chief Medical Officer at Dignity Health St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital which is a part of CommonSpirit Health. During the COVID crisis, I covered an additional hospital while their CMO was out. The Integrated Breast Center offers a community-based team-based approach to breast cancer care. The Center is nationally accredited and has been the recipient of a number of national grants. For the last 11 years, we have held a Breast Symposium that has grown from 30 attendees to 300 attendees last year. This year, of course, we will host a virtual symposium, but we look forward to being hold one in person next year (hopefully!). Q: Tell us about your private practice you have as a plastic surgeon in Ventura County, Calif, and why you chose to become a plastic surgeon. LJ: I am in solo private practice and share the office with my husband who is an Orthopaedic surgeon . I specialize in breast surgery, as well as non-invasive and minimally-invasive procedures such as injectables (Botox/fillers). I was drawn to plastic surgery because in plastic surgery, you create and rebuild. That really appealed to me. One of my first exposures to plastic surgery was watching one of my research mentors in the operating room build an ear for a patient who was born without one, using the cartilage from her rib. It was fascinating and I was hooked. Today, I am so grateful to be able to help people every day. Many of my breast cancer reconstruction patients, I have known for years and there really is no comparison to the satisfaction you get, knowing that you make a difference in people’s lives. Q: Most of your medical education was done in Michigan … how did you end up in Southern California? LJ: I grew up in southern California. I went to Michigan because I was accepted into medical school out of high school
AMA meeting during her first campaign for a seat on the AMA Council on Medical Service and thus did my undergraduate education, medical school education, and residency training in Michigan. I returned to California after finishing my training, and I now live in the same community in which I grew up. Q: Can you tell us how you manage your work life balance? LJ: It is definitely a day-by-day, even hour-by-hour, adjustment. I am fortunate to have a very supportive family including having my parents living nearby. My husband and I joke that our children did ok, DESPITE us. For better or worse, we were too busy to helicopter parent our kids and they had to learn independence and resourcefulness early in life. I have many stories that we laugh about now. Balance is a moving target, but I would say that it starts with self-assessment and being aware of what is really meaningful--what are your real priorities. I don’t sleep much, but even so, more recently, I find that I have had to set limits and recognize that you can’t do all things all of the time. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? LJ: Never underestimate the importance of relationships. It is the personal connections that not only make the work we do meaningful but also, I believe, personal connections are the key to success. I also believe in the importance of leaving things better than you found them both in terms of the organization itself but the people. I have certainly benefited from the mentorship of many people and I hope to be that for others. Q: Can you tell our audience one of your most memorable moments in your career? LJ: Some of the most meaningful milestones in my career
were starting my own practice, spearheading the Integrated Breast Center, assuming my Chief Medical Officer (in addition to my practice), being elected as one of 11 members of the American Medical Association’s Council on Medical Service, and most recently, my term as president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. In fact, at the end of my presidency, I was chosen for two awards: the ASPS Patients of Courage and the Young At Heart award that really meant so much to me as it really reminded me why I do what I do -advocating for my patients and mentoring those after me. Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? LJ: Sometimes, women may have a difficult time finding mentors and seeing role models in leadership, depending on the arena. Also, it can take some work to understand how to navigate a particular environment and finding ways to be heard that are effective. Studies have shown that women cannot employ the same tactics in the boardroom as men do, as they are not as effective for women. With more recognition of these differences, more work is being done as to effective strategies specifically for women, we can promote better functioning teams and organizations. Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to pursue a career as a Doctor? LJ: Being a physician is such a rewarding profession. Every day you can look in the mirror and know that you can help people directly. However, know that the number of years of education, training, and sacrifices can be daunting, so find your mentors and find your “why”. Make sure to pay attention to self-care and to not neglect the other portions of your life as those are just as crucial to a whole, meaningful life.
An Exclusive Interview With Former President of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons,
Dr. Lynn Jeffers Q: You recently served as President of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Can you tell us what this meant to you and did you accomplish what you set out to do? LJ: Being President of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons was an honor and a privilege. Despite the COVID pandemic, we were able to accomplish what we set out to do. At the beginning of my presidency, I wanted to focus on technology/innovation/disruption and on valuing our physician members. I created a presidential task force on technology that will build an infrastructure within ASPS that will not only address technology used by the society in our work, but also support our members interested in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. We are also looking at the big ideas such as artificial intelligence, biosensors, block chain, etc. and making sure that we keep our society well-positioned to address potential opportunities and threats. In addition, we had a deliberate focus on making sure to recognize and engage our volunteer physician leaders. At the end of the day, this is a member organization, and we are thankful for their dedication and time that they give to ASPS and our specialty. Of course, we could not have anticipated COVID-19 and I am very proud of ASPS’s response to this pandemic. We were able to set up a COVID resource page for our members with regular webinars. We set up a clearinghouse for members to offer PPE and ventilators to other facilities in need. This caught the attention of the White House COVID Task Force which ultimately led us to help source over 6 million masks to New York alone as well as working with FEMA and other governor’s offices. When it was time to consider reopening, we responded to our members’ needs for access to PPE by having ASPS buy PPE in bulk and thus allowing our members access to PPE. Ultimately, I am so proud of the response of our physicians and our staff in coming together, being proactive, and responding effectively to the COVID pandemic. Q: Why is it important for a plastic surgeon to be a member of ASPS? LJ: The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is the largest plastic surgery organization in the world. We are here not only for our plastic surgeon members but also our patients. Our advocacy, research, education efforts (of the public as well as plastic surgeons) promote patient safety, ethics, and excellence in plastic surgery. We continue to promote collaboration and science not only in the US but globally with our global partners. We continue to support important
initiatives such as our clinical registries, task forces, and research endeavors that will lead to data that we need to better address topics such as implant safety, surgical safety, proper training, and best practices. ASPS is here also for our members to provide resources for their everyday practices both operationally as well as clinically and also helps to facilitate communication, networking and camaraderie among our members. Q: Can you tell us about your current positions as Chief Medical Officer at St John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital, and Medical Director of the Integrated Breast Center at St. John’s? LJ: I currently serve as the Chief Medical Officer at Dignity Health St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital which is a part of CommonSpirit Health. During the COVID crisis, I covered an additional hospital while their CMO was out. The Integrated Breast Center offers a community-based team-based approach to breast cancer care. The Center is nationally accredited and has been the recipient of a number of national grants. For the last 11 years, we have held a Breast Symposium that has grown from 30 attendees to 300 attendees last year. This year, of course, we will host a virtual symposium, but we look forward to being hold one in person next year (hopefully!). Q: Tell us about your private practice you have as a plastic surgeon in Ventura County, Calif, and why you chose to become a plastic surgeon. LJ: I am in solo private practice and share the office with my husband who is an Orthopaedic surgeon . I specialize in breast surgery, as well as non-invasive and minimally-invasive procedures such as injectables (Botox/fillers). I was drawn to plastic surgery because in plastic surgery, you create and rebuild. That really appealed to me. One of my first exposures to plastic surgery was watching one of my research mentors in the operating room build an ear for a patient who was born without one, using the cartilage from her rib. It was fascinating and I was hooked. Today, I am so grateful to be able to help people every day. Many of my breast cancer reconstruction patients, I have known for years and there really is no comparison to the satisfaction you get, knowing that you make a difference in people’s lives. Q: Most of your medical education was done in Michigan … how did you end up in Southern California? LJ: I grew up in southern California. I went to Michigan because I was accepted into medical school out of high school
AMA meeting during her first campaign for a seat on the AMA Council on Medical Service and thus did my undergraduate education, medical school education, and residency training in Michigan. I returned to California after finishing my training, and I now live in the same community in which I grew up. Q: Can you tell us how you manage your work life balance? LJ: It is definitely a day-by-day, even hour-by-hour, adjustment. I am fortunate to have a very supportive family including having my parents living nearby. My husband and I joke that our children did ok, DESPITE us. For better or worse, we were too busy to helicopter parent our kids and they had to learn independence and resourcefulness early in life. I have many stories that we laugh about now. Balance is a moving target, but I would say that it starts with self-assessment and being aware of what is really meaningful--what are your real priorities. I don’t sleep much, but even so, more recently, I find that I have had to set limits and recognize that you can’t do all things all of the time. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? LJ: Never underestimate the importance of relationships. It is the personal connections that not only make the work we do meaningful but also, I believe, personal connections are the key to success. I also believe in the importance of leaving things better than you found them both in terms of the organization itself but the people. I have certainly benefited from the mentorship of many people and I hope to be that for others. Q: Can you tell our audience one of your most memorable moments in your career? LJ: Some of the most meaningful milestones in my career
were starting my own practice, spearheading the Integrated Breast Center, assuming my Chief Medical Officer (in addition to my practice), being elected as one of 11 members of the American Medical Association’s Council on Medical Service, and most recently, my term as president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. In fact, at the end of my presidency, I was chosen for two awards: the ASPS Patients of Courage and the Young At Heart award that really meant so much to me as it really reminded me why I do what I do -advocating for my patients and mentoring those after me. Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? LJ: Sometimes, women may have a difficult time finding mentors and seeing role models in leadership, depending on the arena. Also, it can take some work to understand how to navigate a particular environment and finding ways to be heard that are effective. Studies have shown that women cannot employ the same tactics in the boardroom as men do, as they are not as effective for women. With more recognition of these differences, more work is being done as to effective strategies specifically for women, we can promote better functioning teams and organizations. Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to pursue a career as a Doctor? LJ: Being a physician is such a rewarding profession. Every day you can look in the mirror and know that you can help people directly. However, know that the number of years of education, training, and sacrifices can be daunting, so find your mentors and find your “why”. Make sure to pay attention to self-care and to not neglect the other portions of your life as those are just as crucial to a whole, meaningful life.
M. Desi gnsAr chi t ect si saPal oAl t o,Cal i f or ni abasedI nt er nat i onalar chi t ect ur e,pl anni ngandi nt er i ordesi gnďŹ r m speci al i zi ngi n sust ai nabl e,r esi dent i aldesi gnaswel las commer ci alandi ndust r i alpr oj ect s. Wehavemor et han45year sofmanagementexper i encei nal laspect sofdesi gni ng, document at i onandconst r uct i onsuppor t , aswel lasanext ensi vebackgr oundi nconst r uct i onandcostest i mat i ngf orar chi t ect ur alpr oj ect s. Ourexper t i ser angesf r om homeandof ďŹ ce r emodel st onew home,Ei chl erhome, t ownhouses,vi l l as,est at esandmi dsi ze commer ci alpr oj ect s.
www. mdesi gnsar chi t ect s. com | 650. 565. 9036
M. Desi gnsAr chi t ect si saPal oAl t o,Cal i f or ni abasedI nt er nat i onalar chi t ect ur e,pl anni ngandi nt er i ordesi gnďŹ r m speci al i zi ngi n sust ai nabl e,r esi dent i aldesi gnaswel las commer ci alandi ndust r i alpr oj ect s. Wehavemor et han45year sofmanagementexper i encei nal laspect sofdesi gni ng, document at i onandconst r uct i onsuppor t , aswel lasanext ensi vebackgr oundi nconst r uct i onandcostest i mat i ngf orar chi t ect ur alpr oj ect s. Ourexper t i ser angesf r om homeandof ďŹ ce r emodel st onew home,Ei chl erhome, t ownhouses,vi l l as,est at esandmi dsi ze commer ci alpr oj ect s.
www. mdesi gnsar chi t ect s. com | 650. 565. 9036
Ursula Evans Leading Women in the Adventure of Self-Discovery! Author & Certified Life Coach for Women Around The World “Life isn’t about wait ing for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain” Q: What made you want to write a book about self-love/care? UE: I had first-hand experience of being a doormat woman, a woman with no identity and a woman who didn’t fully love herself. Through my own personal growth, my spiritual foundation and using coaching techniques I knew I wanted to help other women who had similar debilitating issues overcome these challenges just as I had done. I want to see women free from limiting beliefs, debilitating thought patterns, self-sabotage and so much more! I wanted women to know that there is a way to combat low emotional-health and self-love is a practice which will allow women to implement each and every day. In Chapter 9 of Heart Work I share that “…real self-love/care has very little to do with “treating yourself” and a whole lot to do with parenting yourself and making choices for your long term wellness.” Q: How did your career impact the writing of your book? UE: As an Emotional Health Coach, I have an understanding what my tribe wants and needs and this is incredibly important. Most of my clients are on the go,
Ursula at a Networking Event- Panelist Speaker speaking about Heart Work Emotional Health and Self Love so they want to read content that gets straight to the point, solves real-world problems, and helps them learn new things quickly. In writing Heart Work, knowing this I keep my topics focused, and formatted my book to appeal to my target audience. As an Emotional Health Coach, I listen to my client’s aches/pain points and I wanted to use my book to address women at large who may suffer from some of the same challenges such as setting boundaries, learning more about self-validation, and learning or renewing their own self- love journey. Q: How would you describe the Heart Work process? UE: The Heart Work process begins with cleansing, discovering areas in your life that may be hindering you from loving yourself fully or simply identifying areas for growth and improvement. Time spent in the cleansing phase may bring up old wounds but this is a great phase to deal with these challenges head-on. The next phase is appreciating, where you will deal specifically with self-care, making you a priority and loving yourself from the inside out. It is necessary to appreciate yourself, reading these appreciating chapters will give the reader resources and tools to use to continue this practice long after reading Heart Work. Finally, by the end of the Heart Work process you will deal with surefire ways for you to continue your self-love journey and continuing growing even after reading Heart Work. Once, you complete the growing chapters you are armed with an arsenal of ways to keep growing and evolving. Q: Why would you say emotional health is important? UE: Emotional health is important because it is essential to living a full, and balanced life. If you do not attend to your
emotional needs, your quality of life suffers, your relationships suffer, your work suffers and your physical health also suffers. It is important to give credence to your emotional health just as you would your physical health. Emotional health is about your approach to life, and your ability to live a life of wellness. Building your emotional strength doesn’t mean that life will be easy, or perfect, or that you won’t have negative thoughts. Instead, it means being able to navigate life’s ups, and downs with confidence, and resilience, and bouncing back when things don’t go to plan. Being able to manage your emotions, thoughts, and feelings empowers you to make better decisions, and approach life with optimism. The journey to building your emotional health is one of personal growth. Q: How do you maintain your self-care/love routine and what tips do you have for others? UE: I add me to my calendar… and it’s a non-negotiable appointment with myself. One that I never cancel or “re-schedule”. It’s important to me to check in with myself and carve out space to do the things I love. The truth is if we don’t make time for self-care/love, we probably won’t find the time for it. Make self-care a non-reschedulable appointment with yourself. Schedule it in your calendar and set reminders if you need to. For example, block off 30 minutes in the morning to do yoga and 30 minutes at night to read. Tell your family or roommates what times you will be unavailable. Make it as official as possible. It can even be something as simple as planning ahead and
Ursula Evans Leading Women in the Adventure of Self-Discovery! Author & Certified Life Coach for Women Around The World “Life isn’t about wait ing for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain” Q: What made you want to write a book about self-love/care? UE: I had first-hand experience of being a doormat woman, a woman with no identity and a woman who didn’t fully love herself. Through my own personal growth, my spiritual foundation and using coaching techniques I knew I wanted to help other women who had similar debilitating issues overcome these challenges just as I had done. I want to see women free from limiting beliefs, debilitating thought patterns, self-sabotage and so much more! I wanted women to know that there is a way to combat low emotional-health and self-love is a practice which will allow women to implement each and every day. In Chapter 9 of Heart Work I share that “…real self-love/care has very little to do with “treating yourself” and a whole lot to do with parenting yourself and making choices for your long term wellness.” Q: How did your career impact the writing of your book? UE: As an Emotional Health Coach, I have an understanding what my tribe wants and needs and this is incredibly important. Most of my clients are on the go,
Ursula at a Networking Event- Panelist Speaker speaking about Heart Work Emotional Health and Self Love so they want to read content that gets straight to the point, solves real-world problems, and helps them learn new things quickly. In writing Heart Work, knowing this I keep my topics focused, and formatted my book to appeal to my target audience. As an Emotional Health Coach, I listen to my client’s aches/pain points and I wanted to use my book to address women at large who may suffer from some of the same challenges such as setting boundaries, learning more about self-validation, and learning or renewing their own self- love journey. Q: How would you describe the Heart Work process? UE: The Heart Work process begins with cleansing, discovering areas in your life that may be hindering you from loving yourself fully or simply identifying areas for growth and improvement. Time spent in the cleansing phase may bring up old wounds but this is a great phase to deal with these challenges head-on. The next phase is appreciating, where you will deal specifically with self-care, making you a priority and loving yourself from the inside out. It is necessary to appreciate yourself, reading these appreciating chapters will give the reader resources and tools to use to continue this practice long after reading Heart Work. Finally, by the end of the Heart Work process you will deal with surefire ways for you to continue your self-love journey and continuing growing even after reading Heart Work. Once, you complete the growing chapters you are armed with an arsenal of ways to keep growing and evolving. Q: Why would you say emotional health is important? UE: Emotional health is important because it is essential to living a full, and balanced life. If you do not attend to your
emotional needs, your quality of life suffers, your relationships suffer, your work suffers and your physical health also suffers. It is important to give credence to your emotional health just as you would your physical health. Emotional health is about your approach to life, and your ability to live a life of wellness. Building your emotional strength doesn’t mean that life will be easy, or perfect, or that you won’t have negative thoughts. Instead, it means being able to navigate life’s ups, and downs with confidence, and resilience, and bouncing back when things don’t go to plan. Being able to manage your emotions, thoughts, and feelings empowers you to make better decisions, and approach life with optimism. The journey to building your emotional health is one of personal growth. Q: How do you maintain your self-care/love routine and what tips do you have for others? UE: I add me to my calendar… and it’s a non-negotiable appointment with myself. One that I never cancel or “re-schedule”. It’s important to me to check in with myself and carve out space to do the things I love. The truth is if we don’t make time for self-care/love, we probably won’t find the time for it. Make self-care a non-reschedulable appointment with yourself. Schedule it in your calendar and set reminders if you need to. For example, block off 30 minutes in the morning to do yoga and 30 minutes at night to read. Tell your family or roommates what times you will be unavailable. Make it as official as possible. It can even be something as simple as planning ahead and
laying your clothes, bag, and lunch out the night before to alleviate some stress in the morning. When you plan ahead and schedule self-care/love in, it becomes easier to fit it in your days. In Chapter 9, Love on You, I encourage others to say No to the people and things that get in the way of self-care and start saying YES to yourself! Q: What’s next after Heart Work? UE: I most certainly have more than one book in me; so there will be more books of inspiration and empowerment in the future. My next immediate project is a community book project. There are many women who have dreams of becoming an Author and I want help bring their dream to reality through my anthology book project. This project will be announced August 2020 and our Signature Coaching Program will be announced in September 2020 Q: What was your first job? And how did it shape or impact you? UE: I got my first job when I was 15 years old working as a Cashier at Hardees. Working at Hardees shaped me because I learned invaluable principles about leadership, collaboration, and service. I worked for a great boss who believed in mentoring and pouring into his employees. These values have stuck with me and I’m happy to say I learned these ideologies early in life. Q: What’s the greatest fear you’ve had to overcome to get where you are today? UE: The greatest fear I had to overcome was putting myself out there. My Heart Work success and growing from the inside out required me to be vulnerable, transparent and open with my tribe. Overcoming my fear of worrying what others thought of me, my platform, or what I had to say allowed me to share my heart with women who I wanted to see be set free and liberated; walking in freedom on their emotional health and self-love journey. Q: How do you maintain a healthy work life balance? UE: Chapter 8 in Heart Work talks about Boundaries. I say, “There are times when you may have to push your limits and take on a lot for a period of time, but make sure you check in with yourself. Are you feeling run down? Do you need a break? Did you mismanage your time and overcommit when you should actually be refueling yourself? Always evaluate where you are. Give an honest gauge of your output.” Personally, Boundaries are my best friend. Boundarieees help me keep things easy + light. I do not over commit or over extend myself. I leave work when I say I’m going to leave. I exercise when I’m supposed to, and I tell friends and family No! With a smile of course. I respect my time and activities. It’s important to maintain these balances for the positive effects, including less stress, a lower risk of burnout and a greater sense of well-being. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? UE: Focus on developing and using your strengths. Finding out what you enjoy doing and what you’re truly good at as well
as how to develop those areas is an important lesson I learned in my career. While it may take time, determining where you excel can be one of the most rewarding gifts of having a job and something you can’t learn outside the workforce. Find what you enjoy doing the most and work to develop your strength in that area. Keep in mind that no one is an overnight expert and that you’ll have to work hard to get to where you want to be. Q: Can you tell our audience one of your most memorable moments in your career? UE: One of my most memorable moments in my career is a client success story. I was coaching a woman who had been suffering with self-identity and emotional health challenges. It was so rewarding and memorable to see the great strides and work she put in to make positive changes in her life. Her determination met with coaching support and accountability, she was able to see the root of her self-identity challenges and from that point on it was moving to watch her grow in areas where she was once challenged. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? UE: I’m inspired by Marshawn Evans- Daniels. She is a reinvention strategist and life coach mentoring women all over the world to live a BOLD life. She left a high powered law firm and turned her passion for people into a multimillion-dollar enterprise. I absolutely admire her and her mission. She’s proven it can be done. She is my light. Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? UE: I hear the same thing over and over from my busy professional clients. These women are all busy with career, parenthood, marriage, and some caregivers. The resounding challenge women face is carving out time for self-care/self-love and feeling guilty when they do commit to self-care/self-love. Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace? UE: At companies where women are underrepresented, it might seem tempting to fall into the trap of competing with other women. But that misses the point. One easy way to support other women is through a mentorship relationship. A good mentor can provide career advice, counsel during stressful times, and unwavering support. And you don’t have to be a member of the C-suite to provide guidance to another female employee, either. Women should seek out mentors who are only one step ahead in their career — their advice can be invaluable since they made it to the next step in the management hierarchy fairly recently. My best advice to young women who want to succeed in the workplace is to seek out mentors with varied experience to get varied perspectives on your career. Always Stand in your Truth. What I have learned, in my humble years as a woman, is that being a strong woman means being unapologetically, fiercely and wholeheartedly YOU no matter what. Q: What self-care tips do you recommend during stressful times?
Ursula with a Group Of Women Sharing their Final Self Love Vision Board UE: When you’re stressed, self-care is often the first thing to go. Fortunately, there are several pathways to self-care, and none of them need to be difficult or take a lot of planning. I recommend starting with the following: Address unmet needs. When you can’t meet a certain need it can be exceptionally frustrating. Silently acknowledge that you’d like to satisfy this need in the future. Addressing your needs — even when they can’t be met — is a significant form of emotional self-care that can help hold you over until the storm passes. Check in with yourself. Self-care is all about listening. My biggest tip, is to sit still and pay attention. Literally, just sit for five minutes — somewhere quiet and cozy – and do a quick check-in physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, asking what do I notice?’ What do I need?’ in each area. Ask for help. When your plate is too full, remind yourself to reach out. Precisely, ask: “Can someone else do this?” Q: When people book a coaching session with you, what can they expect? What is the recommended number of sessions to see results? UE: Coaching with me is honest and loving. The battery of questions asked WILL challenge you and equip you for success. Coaching is a powerful conversation and support system that empowers you to experience your potential more quickly, easily and joyfully. It provides accountability, a sounding
board, and a way to overcome fears or challenges. Coaching is an ongoing tool that empowers you to move from where you are now to where you want to be. Coaching focuses on where you are presently and where you are headed, with a goal of helping you gain clarity, eliminate obstacles to your success, and accelerate the pace of growth. Coaching with me is forward focused. I recommend a minimum of three months for clients to establish a coaching relationship and begin to see significant results. Q: What would you tell younger you (10 years ago? 5 years ago? Last year?) UE: Ten Years Ago: Accept yourself as God made you. I spent too many years fighting this battle and it took a long time to surrender, and by that time it carried extremely painful ramifications. How I wish I could tell the young me that it is okay to be true to yourself. Because God does not make mistakes. Five Years Ago: I would advise my younger self to just say ‘yes’ to every opportunity that comes your way. No responsibility is beneath you. These are all stops on the path to your career, and don’t be that person that just waits for their turn to talk. Listen, care and then react. Last Year: Bless others. Be a positive influence in any way you can. Even simple little supportive acts can make others — and you — much happier.
laying your clothes, bag, and lunch out the night before to alleviate some stress in the morning. When you plan ahead and schedule self-care/love in, it becomes easier to fit it in your days. In Chapter 9, Love on You, I encourage others to say No to the people and things that get in the way of self-care and start saying YES to yourself! Q: What’s next after Heart Work? UE: I most certainly have more than one book in me; so there will be more books of inspiration and empowerment in the future. My next immediate project is a community book project. There are many women who have dreams of becoming an Author and I want help bring their dream to reality through my anthology book project. This project will be announced August 2020 and our Signature Coaching Program will be announced in September 2020 Q: What was your first job? And how did it shape or impact you? UE: I got my first job when I was 15 years old working as a Cashier at Hardees. Working at Hardees shaped me because I learned invaluable principles about leadership, collaboration, and service. I worked for a great boss who believed in mentoring and pouring into his employees. These values have stuck with me and I’m happy to say I learned these ideologies early in life. Q: What’s the greatest fear you’ve had to overcome to get where you are today? UE: The greatest fear I had to overcome was putting myself out there. My Heart Work success and growing from the inside out required me to be vulnerable, transparent and open with my tribe. Overcoming my fear of worrying what others thought of me, my platform, or what I had to say allowed me to share my heart with women who I wanted to see be set free and liberated; walking in freedom on their emotional health and self-love journey. Q: How do you maintain a healthy work life balance? UE: Chapter 8 in Heart Work talks about Boundaries. I say, “There are times when you may have to push your limits and take on a lot for a period of time, but make sure you check in with yourself. Are you feeling run down? Do you need a break? Did you mismanage your time and overcommit when you should actually be refueling yourself? Always evaluate where you are. Give an honest gauge of your output.” Personally, Boundaries are my best friend. Boundarieees help me keep things easy + light. I do not over commit or over extend myself. I leave work when I say I’m going to leave. I exercise when I’m supposed to, and I tell friends and family No! With a smile of course. I respect my time and activities. It’s important to maintain these balances for the positive effects, including less stress, a lower risk of burnout and a greater sense of well-being. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? UE: Focus on developing and using your strengths. Finding out what you enjoy doing and what you’re truly good at as well
as how to develop those areas is an important lesson I learned in my career. While it may take time, determining where you excel can be one of the most rewarding gifts of having a job and something you can’t learn outside the workforce. Find what you enjoy doing the most and work to develop your strength in that area. Keep in mind that no one is an overnight expert and that you’ll have to work hard to get to where you want to be. Q: Can you tell our audience one of your most memorable moments in your career? UE: One of my most memorable moments in my career is a client success story. I was coaching a woman who had been suffering with self-identity and emotional health challenges. It was so rewarding and memorable to see the great strides and work she put in to make positive changes in her life. Her determination met with coaching support and accountability, she was able to see the root of her self-identity challenges and from that point on it was moving to watch her grow in areas where she was once challenged. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? UE: I’m inspired by Marshawn Evans- Daniels. She is a reinvention strategist and life coach mentoring women all over the world to live a BOLD life. She left a high powered law firm and turned her passion for people into a multimillion-dollar enterprise. I absolutely admire her and her mission. She’s proven it can be done. She is my light. Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? UE: I hear the same thing over and over from my busy professional clients. These women are all busy with career, parenthood, marriage, and some caregivers. The resounding challenge women face is carving out time for self-care/self-love and feeling guilty when they do commit to self-care/self-love. Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace? UE: At companies where women are underrepresented, it might seem tempting to fall into the trap of competing with other women. But that misses the point. One easy way to support other women is through a mentorship relationship. A good mentor can provide career advice, counsel during stressful times, and unwavering support. And you don’t have to be a member of the C-suite to provide guidance to another female employee, either. Women should seek out mentors who are only one step ahead in their career — their advice can be invaluable since they made it to the next step in the management hierarchy fairly recently. My best advice to young women who want to succeed in the workplace is to seek out mentors with varied experience to get varied perspectives on your career. Always Stand in your Truth. What I have learned, in my humble years as a woman, is that being a strong woman means being unapologetically, fiercely and wholeheartedly YOU no matter what. Q: What self-care tips do you recommend during stressful times?
Ursula with a Group Of Women Sharing their Final Self Love Vision Board UE: When you’re stressed, self-care is often the first thing to go. Fortunately, there are several pathways to self-care, and none of them need to be difficult or take a lot of planning. I recommend starting with the following: Address unmet needs. When you can’t meet a certain need it can be exceptionally frustrating. Silently acknowledge that you’d like to satisfy this need in the future. Addressing your needs — even when they can’t be met — is a significant form of emotional self-care that can help hold you over until the storm passes. Check in with yourself. Self-care is all about listening. My biggest tip, is to sit still and pay attention. Literally, just sit for five minutes — somewhere quiet and cozy – and do a quick check-in physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, asking what do I notice?’ What do I need?’ in each area. Ask for help. When your plate is too full, remind yourself to reach out. Precisely, ask: “Can someone else do this?” Q: When people book a coaching session with you, what can they expect? What is the recommended number of sessions to see results? UE: Coaching with me is honest and loving. The battery of questions asked WILL challenge you and equip you for success. Coaching is a powerful conversation and support system that empowers you to experience your potential more quickly, easily and joyfully. It provides accountability, a sounding
board, and a way to overcome fears or challenges. Coaching is an ongoing tool that empowers you to move from where you are now to where you want to be. Coaching focuses on where you are presently and where you are headed, with a goal of helping you gain clarity, eliminate obstacles to your success, and accelerate the pace of growth. Coaching with me is forward focused. I recommend a minimum of three months for clients to establish a coaching relationship and begin to see significant results. Q: What would you tell younger you (10 years ago? 5 years ago? Last year?) UE: Ten Years Ago: Accept yourself as God made you. I spent too many years fighting this battle and it took a long time to surrender, and by that time it carried extremely painful ramifications. How I wish I could tell the young me that it is okay to be true to yourself. Because God does not make mistakes. Five Years Ago: I would advise my younger self to just say ‘yes’ to every opportunity that comes your way. No responsibility is beneath you. These are all stops on the path to your career, and don’t be that person that just waits for their turn to talk. Listen, care and then react. Last Year: Bless others. Be a positive influence in any way you can. Even simple little supportive acts can make others — and you — much happier.
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our dog. I am on the board of Development in Literacy, a non-profit organization to help educate girls in Pakistan, as well as The Khaled Hosseini Foundation, a non-profit organization to aid Afghan refugees. Q: Can you share with our audience how your passion for books has led you to be where you are right now? PMK: Cliches seem so exhausted, but they do hold some truth; “Follow Your Passion” sounds passe, but the irony is that it is true. When you follow your passion, work doesn’t seem like work– it feels like you are knee deep in your hobby. You may get overwhelmed at times, but that feeling isn’t annoying. It’s more like a challenge that you feel you can achieve. I am here because of my passion.
Parisa Mirza-Khan She Shares Her Passion With The World As An Avant-Garde Book Reviewer & Book Vlogger.
Q: So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. PMK: Hi, I’m Parisa. Thank you for featuring me in your wonderful publication. It’s an honor to be part of the Bay Area Women’s Community. I am humbled to be amongst such dynamic women. It is so wonderful to see all the astounding things women are doing. I am a passionate bibliophile. I love books and sharing what I have read with people and hearing their perspectives and ideas. Two years ago, in 2018, I started sharing my passion with the world on social media platforms. I share weekly Book Reviews in various forms such as flash book reviews, IGTV and YouTube videos. Additionally, I have a penchant for fashion, travel, and art. I fuse all elements and provide inspiration for an eccentric lifestyle. My content is an avant-garde blend of reading,
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fashion, and social media trends. My goal is to empower my audience and enrich their lives with exposure to books in a fun and creative way. Empowerment and being part of a community is something I take pride in. I want to enrich viewers’ lives through knowledge and awareness, and by encouraging them to read and explore new territories. I support the reading and fashion community by participating in partnerships and collaborations, and I have done IG Lives and interviews of authors to support their books. In 2020, I further expanded my passion and launched a company by the name of ‘Enchant by Parisa’. It is an online e-commerce shop, selling book novelties such as mugs, home decor and exclusive designs. It gives me great joy that many collections bring awareness to social issues and that partial proceeds of each purchase are donated to these causes. I reside in Silicon Valley with my husband, 3 kids and
Q: Can you tell us about the success you have experienced as an influencer? PMK: I often struggle with both of the word’s “success” and “influencer.” I don’t necessarily want to “influence” anyone. Rather, I would like to be a source of inspiration and motivation, rather than beguiling people and tricking them into wanting to emulate a certain image. Success, in my books, is a relative word. To me, success means getting my perspective heard and starting a dialogue with others. And yes, I have been able to reach more people by supporting others in the same cause. Collaborations, interviews, sponsorships, and shout-outs have all provided the platform to spread my message. Q: Tell us how your book novelty company, Enchant By Parisa is doing. PMK: It is doing really well. Its website is www.enchant. store. It’s my brainchild and there are so many angles to it that resonate with me. Firstly, it is a bibliophile’s best place to shop. If you’re not into books, there is always someone you know who is and you can find something for them. Secondly, there are so many causes that are addressed through exclusive designs made specifically for Enchant. For example, there is a “Black Lives Matters” collection, from which partial proceeds are donated to the NAACP to counter the injustices minorities face. We came out with another collection right before the election, “Your Vote Matters”. Many people took advantage of the shirts, mugs and accessories supporting this campaign. Q: I know you have a fondness for fashion and art. Tell us how you blend them and social media trends in with reading? PMK: I am a very visual person, and Instagram and TikTok are all about instant gratification and visual euphoria.
With book reviews, I’ll do a Flash Book Review and use fun and trending filters. I’ll share books with songs and fashion and tie the two together with a common theme. I’ll do a meme video and give it a bibliophile vibe. I’ll use fun effects and make books disappear. I’ll change multiple outfits and books in mere 15 seconds. Q: Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why? PMK: Books have so many genres: Nonfiction, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Horror... I have mostly stuck with Nonfiction and Fiction. In Fiction I include Historical Fiction and just recently I have started reading Fantasy. It’s quite good. I switch between the two and I feel my audience likes the switch up and react to it in the same fashion. I stay away from Horror– I am a scaredy cat. | Instagram: @parisamk | Facebook: Enchant by Parisa LinkedIn: Parisa Mirza-Khan YouTube: Books and Everything Nice Mirza-Khan
our dog. I am on the board of Development in Literacy, a non-profit organization to help educate girls in Pakistan, as well as The Khaled Hosseini Foundation, a non-profit organization to aid Afghan refugees. Q: Can you share with our audience how your passion for books has led you to be where you are right now? PMK: Cliches seem so exhausted, but they do hold some truth; “Follow Your Passion” sounds passe, but the irony is that it is true. When you follow your passion, work doesn’t seem like work– it feels like you are knee deep in your hobby. You may get overwhelmed at times, but that feeling isn’t annoying. It’s more like a challenge that you feel you can achieve. I am here because of my passion.
Parisa Mirza-Khan She Shares Her Passion With The World As An Avant-Garde Book Reviewer & Book Vlogger.
Q: So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. PMK: Hi, I’m Parisa. Thank you for featuring me in your wonderful publication. It’s an honor to be part of the Bay Area Women’s Community. I am humbled to be amongst such dynamic women. It is so wonderful to see all the astounding things women are doing. I am a passionate bibliophile. I love books and sharing what I have read with people and hearing their perspectives and ideas. Two years ago, in 2018, I started sharing my passion with the world on social media platforms. I share weekly Book Reviews in various forms such as flash book reviews, IGTV and YouTube videos. Additionally, I have a penchant for fashion, travel, and art. I fuse all elements and provide inspiration for an eccentric lifestyle. My content is an avant-garde blend of reading,
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fashion, and social media trends. My goal is to empower my audience and enrich their lives with exposure to books in a fun and creative way. Empowerment and being part of a community is something I take pride in. I want to enrich viewers’ lives through knowledge and awareness, and by encouraging them to read and explore new territories. I support the reading and fashion community by participating in partnerships and collaborations, and I have done IG Lives and interviews of authors to support their books. In 2020, I further expanded my passion and launched a company by the name of ‘Enchant by Parisa’. It is an online e-commerce shop, selling book novelties such as mugs, home decor and exclusive designs. It gives me great joy that many collections bring awareness to social issues and that partial proceeds of each purchase are donated to these causes. I reside in Silicon Valley with my husband, 3 kids and
Q: Can you tell us about the success you have experienced as an influencer? PMK: I often struggle with both of the word’s “success” and “influencer.” I don’t necessarily want to “influence” anyone. Rather, I would like to be a source of inspiration and motivation, rather than beguiling people and tricking them into wanting to emulate a certain image. Success, in my books, is a relative word. To me, success means getting my perspective heard and starting a dialogue with others. And yes, I have been able to reach more people by supporting others in the same cause. Collaborations, interviews, sponsorships, and shout-outs have all provided the platform to spread my message. Q: Tell us how your book novelty company, Enchant By Parisa is doing. PMK: It is doing really well. Its website is www.enchant. store. It’s my brainchild and there are so many angles to it that resonate with me. Firstly, it is a bibliophile’s best place to shop. If you’re not into books, there is always someone you know who is and you can find something for them. Secondly, there are so many causes that are addressed through exclusive designs made specifically for Enchant. For example, there is a “Black Lives Matters” collection, from which partial proceeds are donated to the NAACP to counter the injustices minorities face. We came out with another collection right before the election, “Your Vote Matters”. Many people took advantage of the shirts, mugs and accessories supporting this campaign. Q: I know you have a fondness for fashion and art. Tell us how you blend them and social media trends in with reading? PMK: I am a very visual person, and Instagram and TikTok are all about instant gratification and visual euphoria.
With book reviews, I’ll do a Flash Book Review and use fun and trending filters. I’ll share books with songs and fashion and tie the two together with a common theme. I’ll do a meme video and give it a bibliophile vibe. I’ll use fun effects and make books disappear. I’ll change multiple outfits and books in mere 15 seconds. Q: Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why? PMK: Books have so many genres: Nonfiction, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Horror... I have mostly stuck with Nonfiction and Fiction. In Fiction I include Historical Fiction and just recently I have started reading Fantasy. It’s quite good. I switch between the two and I feel my audience likes the switch up and react to it in the same fashion. I stay away from Horror– I am a scaredy cat. | Instagram: @parisamk | Facebook: Enchant by Parisa LinkedIn: Parisa Mirza-Khan YouTube: Books and Everything Nice Mirza-Khan
a difficult time to start businesses. There have been ups and downs and we have learned a lot. I enjoy working with my husband, Mike on all of our businesses. We have a great team around us, and we have narrowed our focus to the foundation, the ANNIKA Collection of clothing with Cutter & Buck, and golf course design.
Annika and her family having fun at a photo shoot.
Having Been Inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame as One of the Greatest Winners in LPGA History, Our Exclusive Interview with Golf Legend, Annika Sorenstam Q: You started playing Golf at a young age, what inspired you to pursue it professionally? AS: As a kid, I loved all sports. I played soccer, badminton, did downhill skiing and my first love was tennis. I didn’t start playing golf until the age of 12 and was introduced to it because my parents played a lot. My sister, Charlotta and I would ride my parents’ pull carts like a horse and get ice cream at the turn. I didn’t take it seriously until the age of 16. That’s when I focused on golf, rather than tennis. Fellow Swede, Liselotte Neumann won the US Women’s Open in 1988 and that really inspired me. If she could do it from our small country, why couldn’t I? I continued to work hard and went to the University of Arizona on a golf scholarship and after two years there I decided
it was time to turn professional and give it a shot. Q: For those in our audience not familiar with the Annika Foundation, tell us what kind of opportunities it provides for young women. AS: We started the ANNIKA Foundation in 2007 to provide golf opportunities at the junior, collegiate and professional levels while teaching young people the importance of living a healthy, active lifestyle through fitness and nutrition. It has partnered with key organizations to promote healthy, active lifestyles for children. Some initiatives are SPARK, the Florida Hospital for Children in support of its Healthy 100 Kids initiative and The First Tee in development of the Nine Healthy Habits curriculum for children.
The Foundation annually conducts six major golf events for aspiring junior girls. They are the award-winning AJGA tournament, the ANNIKA Invitational presented by Rolex at the World Golf Village in St. Augustine, Fla.; the ANNIKA Invitational at Mission Hills, the first all-girls junior tournament in China; the ANNIKA Invitational in Europe; and the ANNIKA Cup, a team event for the top juniors in Sweden. In partnership with The R&A, the Women’s Amateur Latin America, and the ANNIKA Invitational Australasia at the famed Royal Wellington Golf Club in Wellington, New Zealand. With the support of Stifel, the Haskins Commission and Golfweek, the Foundation created the ANNIKA Award Presented By Stifel in 2014. It is given annually to the best collegiate female golfer. In concert with the award, the Foundation launched the ANNIKA Intercollegiate Presented By 3M, a college tournament featuring 12 of the top Division I schools. This tournament takes place at Royal Golf Club and has had the strongest field in all of college golf since its inception. Q: Have any of your alumnae gone on to pursue a professional career in Golf ? AS: Each year we have over 600 girls from over 50 different countries compete in our global events. We have had over 60 of our alumnae play on the LPGA Tour, and over 150 on the Symetra Tour. Q: You’ve accomplished so much as a Professional Golfer, Businesswoman, and mentor to many young women. Has it been a smooth road? AS: I think the lessons I have learned from golf certainly apply to life. It teaches you integrity, how to overcome adversity, how to make goals and accomplish them. There are a lot of correlations. Each day brings you new challenges. Some days you get good breaks and some days bad ones. I stepped away in 2008, which in hindsight was
Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? AS: My dad taught me when I was a young girl that there are no shortcuts to success. It was raining and I didn’t feel like practicing, so I called my Dad to pick me up. As we drove out of the course, we passed the driving range, and there were still kids hitting balls in the rain. My dad turned to me and said that to me. I will never forget that, and it still drives me to this day. Q: Can you tell us one of your most memorable moments in your career? AS: I have been fortunate to have a lot of very memorable events of which I’m proud. I would say shooting a 59 in 2001, playing against the men on the PGA TOUR in 2003 at Colonial, and being inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame. Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace? AS: I would tell young ladies in the workforce to find their passion. Life is too short to do something you don’t love. Work hard and put in the time. Again, there are no shortcuts to success. Surround yourselves with good people and network as much as possible. Q: What’s the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn’t learn from your resume alone? AS: I am a normal Mom and wife. I love to hang with our family and kids. I cook probably six nights a week and love it. I enjoy housework and chores and am constantly busy.
Annika and players at the gala dinner to kick off the ANNIKA Invitational USA presented by Rolex hosted at the World Golf Hall of Fame.
a difficult time to start businesses. There have been ups and downs and we have learned a lot. I enjoy working with my husband, Mike on all of our businesses. We have a great team around us, and we have narrowed our focus to the foundation, the ANNIKA Collection of clothing with Cutter & Buck, and golf course design.
Annika and her family having fun at a photo shoot.
Having Been Inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame as One of the Greatest Winners in LPGA History, Our Exclusive Interview with Golf Legend, Annika Sorenstam Q: You started playing Golf at a young age, what inspired you to pursue it professionally? AS: As a kid, I loved all sports. I played soccer, badminton, did downhill skiing and my first love was tennis. I didn’t start playing golf until the age of 12 and was introduced to it because my parents played a lot. My sister, Charlotta and I would ride my parents’ pull carts like a horse and get ice cream at the turn. I didn’t take it seriously until the age of 16. That’s when I focused on golf, rather than tennis. Fellow Swede, Liselotte Neumann won the US Women’s Open in 1988 and that really inspired me. If she could do it from our small country, why couldn’t I? I continued to work hard and went to the University of Arizona on a golf scholarship and after two years there I decided
it was time to turn professional and give it a shot. Q: For those in our audience not familiar with the Annika Foundation, tell us what kind of opportunities it provides for young women. AS: We started the ANNIKA Foundation in 2007 to provide golf opportunities at the junior, collegiate and professional levels while teaching young people the importance of living a healthy, active lifestyle through fitness and nutrition. It has partnered with key organizations to promote healthy, active lifestyles for children. Some initiatives are SPARK, the Florida Hospital for Children in support of its Healthy 100 Kids initiative and The First Tee in development of the Nine Healthy Habits curriculum for children.
The Foundation annually conducts six major golf events for aspiring junior girls. They are the award-winning AJGA tournament, the ANNIKA Invitational presented by Rolex at the World Golf Village in St. Augustine, Fla.; the ANNIKA Invitational at Mission Hills, the first all-girls junior tournament in China; the ANNIKA Invitational in Europe; and the ANNIKA Cup, a team event for the top juniors in Sweden. In partnership with The R&A, the Women’s Amateur Latin America, and the ANNIKA Invitational Australasia at the famed Royal Wellington Golf Club in Wellington, New Zealand. With the support of Stifel, the Haskins Commission and Golfweek, the Foundation created the ANNIKA Award Presented By Stifel in 2014. It is given annually to the best collegiate female golfer. In concert with the award, the Foundation launched the ANNIKA Intercollegiate Presented By 3M, a college tournament featuring 12 of the top Division I schools. This tournament takes place at Royal Golf Club and has had the strongest field in all of college golf since its inception. Q: Have any of your alumnae gone on to pursue a professional career in Golf ? AS: Each year we have over 600 girls from over 50 different countries compete in our global events. We have had over 60 of our alumnae play on the LPGA Tour, and over 150 on the Symetra Tour. Q: You’ve accomplished so much as a Professional Golfer, Businesswoman, and mentor to many young women. Has it been a smooth road? AS: I think the lessons I have learned from golf certainly apply to life. It teaches you integrity, how to overcome adversity, how to make goals and accomplish them. There are a lot of correlations. Each day brings you new challenges. Some days you get good breaks and some days bad ones. I stepped away in 2008, which in hindsight was
Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? AS: My dad taught me when I was a young girl that there are no shortcuts to success. It was raining and I didn’t feel like practicing, so I called my Dad to pick me up. As we drove out of the course, we passed the driving range, and there were still kids hitting balls in the rain. My dad turned to me and said that to me. I will never forget that, and it still drives me to this day. Q: Can you tell us one of your most memorable moments in your career? AS: I have been fortunate to have a lot of very memorable events of which I’m proud. I would say shooting a 59 in 2001, playing against the men on the PGA TOUR in 2003 at Colonial, and being inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame. Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace? AS: I would tell young ladies in the workforce to find their passion. Life is too short to do something you don’t love. Work hard and put in the time. Again, there are no shortcuts to success. Surround yourselves with good people and network as much as possible. Q: What’s the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn’t learn from your resume alone? AS: I am a normal Mom and wife. I love to hang with our family and kids. I cook probably six nights a week and love it. I enjoy housework and chores and am constantly busy.
Annika and players at the gala dinner to kick off the ANNIKA Invitational USA presented by Rolex hosted at the World Golf Hall of Fame.
Meaningful Remedies “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain” We do not always know what life will throw at us. Whether it is managing daily tasks at home or at work, taking on just that “one more thing or experiencing an unexpected life event that we were not initially prepared for. These experiences may lead to feelings of confusion, sadness, loneliness, anxiousness, irri-tability, stress, exhaustion, or more. Over time, we can lose our emotional and physical reserves that we generally have to manage these tasks. We may even forget or overlook our own limits, needs, wants, goals, desires, and dreams. Life can be unpredictable and unmanageable at times, and we may not know all of the answers that come along with itWe often look for understanding, meaning, or strength through it all, but we may not know where to find it.
Michelle Medeiros Ph.D. (650) 830-8334 |
Therapy can be a safe and non-judgmental environment to explore these experiences, find meaning through them, examine how we respond to them, and gain guidance on how to navigate them. The goal for therapy is to develop an individualized treatment plan that provides you with the opportunity to eYplore your experiences, gain new insights, identify your needs, wants, and goals, build on your unique strengths, obtain a clearer sense of direction with confidence, and restore a sense of harmony and balance. I commend you on your courage, strength, and willingness to explore these experiences to find meaning and answers. I am committed to working in a collaborative approach by carefully listening, helping you find the solutions you have been looking for, and starting this journey with you. Finding the right therapist or psychologist takes time. Please contact me at (650) 830-8334, if you have any questions. My office is located in Palo Alto, CA and is accessible to many locations in the San Francisco, Bay Area. I also offer audio and video telemental health for individuals anywhere in California. I accept Lyra Health and Modern Health benefits.
Meaningful Remedies “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain” We do not always know what life will throw at us. Whether it is managing daily tasks at home or at work, taking on just that “one more thing or experiencing an unexpected life event that we were not initially prepared for. These experiences may lead to feelings of confusion, sadness, loneliness, anxiousness, irri-tability, stress, exhaustion, or more. Over time, we can lose our emotional and physical reserves that we generally have to manage these tasks. We may even forget or overlook our own limits, needs, wants, goals, desires, and dreams. Life can be unpredictable and unmanageable at times, and we may not know all of the answers that come along with itWe often look for understanding, meaning, or strength through it all, but we may not know where to find it.
Michelle Medeiros Ph.D. (650) 830-8334 |
Therapy can be a safe and non-judgmental environment to explore these experiences, find meaning through them, examine how we respond to them, and gain guidance on how to navigate them. The goal for therapy is to develop an individualized treatment plan that provides you with the opportunity to eYplore your experiences, gain new insights, identify your needs, wants, and goals, build on your unique strengths, obtain a clearer sense of direction with confidence, and restore a sense of harmony and balance. I commend you on your courage, strength, and willingness to explore these experiences to find meaning and answers. I am committed to working in a collaborative approach by carefully listening, helping you find the solutions you have been looking for, and starting this journey with you. Finding the right therapist or psychologist takes time. Please contact me at (650) 830-8334, if you have any questions. My office is located in Palo Alto, CA and is accessible to many locations in the San Francisco, Bay Area. I also offer audio and video telemental health for individuals anywhere in California. I accept Lyra Health and Modern Health benefits.
Ons i t e&Vi r t ualPar t i es ,Camps&Cl as s es EventEnt er t ai nment | DI YKi t s
For15year s ,f ami l yownedDr agonflyDes i gnshasbeenpas s i onat e abouthel pi ngyouaddc r eat i vi t yt oyourdai l yl i f e.Webel i evet her e’ s not hi ngqui t el i kemaki ngs omet hi ngwi t hyourownhands !Whi l eour popul arJ ewel r yMaki ngPar t i esputusont hemap,ourt i met es t ed c ur r i c ul um hasbec omeaval uabl er es our c ei nAr tEducat i on.Your c hi l dr enwi l ll ear nl i f el ongs ki l l s ,us et hei ri magi nat i onandbui l dc onfidenc eatours eas onalCampsandweekl yAr tCl as s es( al s oavai l abl ei nMandar i n) .Bet heher oatyournextc or por at eorpr i vat ef unc t i onbyaddi ngaf un,i nt er ac t i veel ementwi t hourBeadBarEvent Ent er t ai nment-i t ’ sas hows t opper !OurVi r t ualPar t i es ,Cl as s es , CampsandWor ks hopsar eac utabovewi t h100% exper t ,LI VEi ns t r uc t i on,hi ghqual i t yMat er i al sKi t ss hi ppedr i ghtt oyourdoorand meani ngf ulpr oj ec t s .Looki ngf ori ns pi r at i on?Chec koutourt hemed DI YKi t sanddoz ensofFr eeCr af tTut or i al sonourbl og.Whywai tt o c r eat e?Di s c overyouri nnerar t i s tt oday!
Ons i t e&Vi r t ualPar t i es ,Camps&Cl as s es EventEnt er t ai nment | DI YKi t s
For15year s ,f ami l yownedDr agonflyDes i gnshasbeenpas s i onat e abouthel pi ngyouaddc r eat i vi t yt oyourdai l yl i f e.Webel i evet her e’ s not hi ngqui t el i kemaki ngs omet hi ngwi t hyourownhands !Whi l eour popul arJ ewel r yMaki ngPar t i esputusont hemap,ourt i met es t ed c ur r i c ul um hasbec omeaval uabl er es our c ei nAr tEducat i on.Your c hi l dr enwi l ll ear nl i f el ongs ki l l s ,us et hei ri magi nat i onandbui l dc onfidenc eatours eas onalCampsandweekl yAr tCl as s es( al s oavai l abl ei nMandar i n) .Bet heher oatyournextc or por at eorpr i vat ef unc t i onbyaddi ngaf un,i nt er ac t i veel ementwi t hourBeadBarEvent Ent er t ai nment-i t ’ sas hows t opper !OurVi r t ualPar t i es ,Cl as s es , CampsandWor ks hopsar eac utabovewi t h100% exper t ,LI VEi ns t r uc t i on,hi ghqual i t yMat er i al sKi t ss hi ppedr i ghtt oyourdoorand meani ngf ulpr oj ec t s .Looki ngf ori ns pi r at i on?Chec koutourt hemed DI YKi t sanddoz ensofFr eeCr af tTut or i al sonourbl og.Whywai tt o c r eat e?Di s c overyouri nnerar t i s tt oday!
Female Ground Breakers in Professional Sports
Michele Roberts: National Basketball Association
Michele Roberts was ranked Numero Uno by a panel of sports insiders for the top spot on a list of “The 25 Most Powerful Women in Sports,” and for good reason. As the current executive director of the NBA Players Association, Roberts represents the interests of over 300 of the best basketball players in the world. Michele is the first woman to ever hold the position and is first woman to head a major professional sports union in the United States. A graduate of UC Berkeley Law and former trial attorney, Roberts success is an inspiration to women everywhere.
Sarah Thomas: National Football League
NFL Down Judge Sarah Thomas has made making history a habit. In 2007 she was the first ever female official to work in a major college football game. Since then Sara was the first ever female official to work a college football bowl game, the first ever full-time female official to work in the National Football League and in January of 2019 Sarah became the first ever female official to participate in an NFL playoff game. Aside from making football history, Sarah lettered five times playing high-school softball and received a basketball scholarship to the University of Mobile where she was an academic all-American.
Diana Taurasi and Sue Bird: Women’s National Basketball Association/Team USA
Legends in the making and double trouble for opposing teams, point guards Diana Taurasi of the Phoenix Mercury and Sue Bird of the Seattle Storm account for a combined eight Olympic and seven FIBA World Cup gold medals and will again team up for the 2020 Olympics. Taurasi was the first WNBA player to score 8,000 points and is the league’s all-time leader in field goals. One of the highest paid female athletes in the world, at 38 years old Sue Bird is still a backcourt phenom with ball-handling skills that rival those of any basketball player, male or female, at any level. Unless one of them breaks a leg, the 2020 gold medal should be a lock for Team USA.
Alex Morgan: Women’s Professional Soccer
Women in sports have come a long way since the inception of Title IX in 1965. In an industry that had for so long been dominated by men, women have assumed their rightful place as being able to hold their own both on the field and in the front office, even obliterating the glass ceiling in some instances. Here are just a few cases in point:
Very few players can start out at the top and stay there, but Alex Morgan has made it look easy. Soccer fans will never forget Alex Morgan’s game-winning shot in overtime that beat Canada and sent the USA Women to the gold medal match vs Japan in the 2012 London Olympic Games. Since her juggernaut debut, Alex has played professionally at home and abroad, including a stint with the French Olympique Lyonnais, where she helped the team win a French Cup and UEFA title. Most recently, in July of 2019, Morgan once again help the U.S. team win the FIFA Women’s World Cup and was awarded the Silver Boot.
Serena Williams: Professional Tennis
Ranked as Number One in the world eight different times, Serena Williams has won more combined Grand Slam tennis titles then any active player, with 39 major victories. Serena is the most recent female player to hold all four of the singles Grand Slam titles at once, is only the third player in professional tennis history to do it more than once and is also the most recent player to win a championship on hard court, grass and clay in one year. With over $28 million in earnings in 2016 and again in 2017, Williams was the only woman to make Forbes’ list of the 100 highest paid athletes. At 37 years old in 2019, Williams is ranked 8th in the world and will arguably go down in history as one of the greatest female athletes of all time.
Female Ground Breakers in Professional Sports
Michele Roberts: National Basketball Association
Michele Roberts was ranked Numero Uno by a panel of sports insiders for the top spot on a list of “The 25 Most Powerful Women in Sports,” and for good reason. As the current executive director of the NBA Players Association, Roberts represents the interests of over 300 of the best basketball players in the world. Michele is the first woman to ever hold the position and is first woman to head a major professional sports union in the United States. A graduate of UC Berkeley Law and former trial attorney, Roberts success is an inspiration to women everywhere.
Sarah Thomas: National Football League
NFL Down Judge Sarah Thomas has made making history a habit. In 2007 she was the first ever female official to work in a major college football game. Since then Sara was the first ever female official to work a college football bowl game, the first ever full-time female official to work in the National Football League and in January of 2019 Sarah became the first ever female official to participate in an NFL playoff game. Aside from making football history, Sarah lettered five times playing high-school softball and received a basketball scholarship to the University of Mobile where she was an academic all-American.
Diana Taurasi and Sue Bird: Women’s National Basketball Association/Team USA
Legends in the making and double trouble for opposing teams, point guards Diana Taurasi of the Phoenix Mercury and Sue Bird of the Seattle Storm account for a combined eight Olympic and seven FIBA World Cup gold medals and will again team up for the 2020 Olympics. Taurasi was the first WNBA player to score 8,000 points and is the league’s all-time leader in field goals. One of the highest paid female athletes in the world, at 38 years old Sue Bird is still a backcourt phenom with ball-handling skills that rival those of any basketball player, male or female, at any level. Unless one of them breaks a leg, the 2020 gold medal should be a lock for Team USA.
Alex Morgan: Women’s Professional Soccer
Women in sports have come a long way since the inception of Title IX in 1965. In an industry that had for so long been dominated by men, women have assumed their rightful place as being able to hold their own both on the field and in the front office, even obliterating the glass ceiling in some instances. Here are just a few cases in point:
Very few players can start out at the top and stay there, but Alex Morgan has made it look easy. Soccer fans will never forget Alex Morgan’s game-winning shot in overtime that beat Canada and sent the USA Women to the gold medal match vs Japan in the 2012 London Olympic Games. Since her juggernaut debut, Alex has played professionally at home and abroad, including a stint with the French Olympique Lyonnais, where she helped the team win a French Cup and UEFA title. Most recently, in July of 2019, Morgan once again help the U.S. team win the FIFA Women’s World Cup and was awarded the Silver Boot.
Serena Williams: Professional Tennis
Ranked as Number One in the world eight different times, Serena Williams has won more combined Grand Slam tennis titles then any active player, with 39 major victories. Serena is the most recent female player to hold all four of the singles Grand Slam titles at once, is only the third player in professional tennis history to do it more than once and is also the most recent player to win a championship on hard court, grass and clay in one year. With over $28 million in earnings in 2016 and again in 2017, Williams was the only woman to make Forbes’ list of the 100 highest paid athletes. At 37 years old in 2019, Williams is ranked 8th in the world and will arguably go down in history as one of the greatest female athletes of all time.
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Shar on pur chas ed herf i r s thome i n 2016 and r eal i z ed how di f f i cul tt he home buyi ng pr oces scanbe.T hi sexper i ence i ns pi r ed herear nherr eal es t at el i cens et o ens ur et hatot heri ndi vi dual sar es af eguar ded agai ns t t hes echal l enges .Shar oni saper s onofi nt egr i t yandi scommi t t edt ocr eat i nganEXT RAvagantexper i encef orhomebuyer sands el l er saswel lcommer ci alr eales t at ei nves t or si nt he Eas tSan Fr anci s co BayAr ea.T hi si ncl udes ,buti snotl i mi t edt o,chauf f er edbuyer ' st our s ,t hemedopenhous es , decor at i onanddes i gns uppor tf orbuyer saf t ercl os eofes cr ow,excl us i ve i nt r oduct i onandacces st os ubj ectmat t erexper t s ,andexqui s i t enegot i at i ont act i cs .Whi l enoneoft hes et hi ngsar eexpect ed,t heycer t ai nl ymake t heent i r epr oces sal otmor eenj oyabl e.Af t eral l ,whys et t l ef orbas i c,when youcanhaveEXT RA?™
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Shar on pur chas ed herf i r s thome i n 2016 and r eal i z ed how di f f i cul tt he home buyi ng pr oces scanbe.T hi sexper i ence i ns pi r ed herear nherr eal es t at el i cens et o ens ur et hatot heri ndi vi dual sar es af eguar ded agai ns t t hes echal l enges .Shar oni saper s onofi nt egr i t yandi scommi t t edt ocr eat i nganEXT RAvagantexper i encef orhomebuyer sands el l er saswel lcommer ci alr eales t at ei nves t or si nt he Eas tSan Fr anci s co BayAr ea.T hi si ncl udes ,buti snotl i mi t edt o,chauf f er edbuyer ' st our s ,t hemedopenhous es , decor at i onanddes i gns uppor tf orbuyer saf t ercl os eofes cr ow,excl us i ve i nt r oduct i onandacces st os ubj ectmat t erexper t s ,andexqui s i t enegot i at i ont act i cs .Whi l enoneoft hes et hi ngsar eexpect ed,t heycer t ai nl ymake t heent i r epr oces sal otmor eenj oyabl e.Af t eral l ,whys et t l ef orbas i c,when youcanhaveEXT RA?™
Julie Castro Abrams
is a CEO of How Women Lead, a network of women influencers and gamechangers. As a result she is also a GP in a venture fund, How Women Invest and Managing Partner for a corporate board search firm, BoardLeaders. She is admired as an advisor to many female executives and entrepreneurs. Q: After you graduated from college, where did you feel your career path would take you? JCA: I thought I was going to be a clinical social worker and was on my way to graduate school. Once there I realized that I am better at the administration side and focused on health policy and hospital administration. I only worked for 2 years in that arena. Q: What was your first job? And how did it shape or impact you? JCA: I worked at the Chicago Foundation for Women and that helped me see how I could use my skills and passion to work aligned with my values. I saw powerful women using their wealth and influence to change the world. They were big thinkers with a discipline around racial and gender justice that shaped my life. Q: You are Founder & CEO of How Women Lead. For those in our audience not familiar with your organization, can you tell us how it started and where it’s at now? JCA: How Women Lead is a network of 13,000 women leaders who come together to disrupt antiquated unequal systems to ensure women leaders are in the room where the most critical decisions are made. We champion the voices of all women and propel their leadership forward through designing and training on leadership and pathways to take action together. Women influencers find a platform for thought leadership, collaboration, resource sharing and to make an impact.
We started because I wanted to get together with other senior women leaders. They found such relief and inspiration by coming together, they asked for more and I invited them to architect programs and ultimately an organization. This is truly an organization and effort built out of the collective. As a result, we can pivot quickly, be responsive to the environment and take bold action. Today our areas of focus are on supporting women leaders in a variety of short and long term programming, to train and place women on corporate boards and to encourage and support women to invest in women founded companies including our venture capital arm we are just now launching. Q: Where do you see How Women Lead five years from now? JCA: We have had a lot of requests to expand into other regions of the world. I would love to share the “toolbox” and support others to build something like what we have here. That said, now that the world is virtual, perhaps we will have robust virtual networks around the globe. Q: If you could make one change to help women at work, what would it be? JCA: Remove bias in the promotion systems Q: What’s your advice for women in
male-dominated fields? JCA: Define your values and your leadership traits based on a measuring stick that is feminine and let others know what they will see in you and how they can best utilize your gifts. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? JCA: Those people who look like they have it all figured out, don’t. So, move forward even if you don’t have all of the answers and let others know they can support you in filling in the blanks. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? JCA: Stacey Abrams. No relation. She is unapologetically standing in her values and sense of herself. She is smart, prepared, disciplined, and deeply rooted in justice and integrity. Q: Can you tell our audience one of your most memorable moments in your career? JCA: I was hired for my first CEO role and I moved my family across the country. When I arrived, the entire board said they were resigning now that I was there, and I could handle the challenging board chair. I told them no, they hired me, and they had to stick it out until we could restructure the board. Q: What are the best practices you have employed to build a successful career?
JCA: • 80/20. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of getting it done. • Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them and then tell them what you told them. Own the narrative. • Be responsive • Be authentic • Be clear • Ask what success looks like • Drive decision making as close to the client as possible • Be loving and clear about how someone can do a good job, whether it is a board member, a client, or a staff person.
Q: What is one word of advice you can offer to young women who want to reach your level of success? JCA: Get rid of the itty bitty shitty committee in your head. You have to keep working at it because it crops back up.
Identify the stories that no longer serve you, acknowledge that what might have been true when you were 12 served you but it is time to move forward with a new story about your value and qualities and strengths and define yourself.
Julie Castro Abrams
is a CEO of How Women Lead, a network of women influencers and gamechangers. As a result she is also a GP in a venture fund, How Women Invest and Managing Partner for a corporate board search firm, BoardLeaders. She is admired as an advisor to many female executives and entrepreneurs. Q: After you graduated from college, where did you feel your career path would take you? JCA: I thought I was going to be a clinical social worker and was on my way to graduate school. Once there I realized that I am better at the administration side and focused on health policy and hospital administration. I only worked for 2 years in that arena. Q: What was your first job? And how did it shape or impact you? JCA: I worked at the Chicago Foundation for Women and that helped me see how I could use my skills and passion to work aligned with my values. I saw powerful women using their wealth and influence to change the world. They were big thinkers with a discipline around racial and gender justice that shaped my life. Q: You are Founder & CEO of How Women Lead. For those in our audience not familiar with your organization, can you tell us how it started and where it’s at now? JCA: How Women Lead is a network of 13,000 women leaders who come together to disrupt antiquated unequal systems to ensure women leaders are in the room where the most critical decisions are made. We champion the voices of all women and propel their leadership forward through designing and training on leadership and pathways to take action together. Women influencers find a platform for thought leadership, collaboration, resource sharing and to make an impact.
We started because I wanted to get together with other senior women leaders. They found such relief and inspiration by coming together, they asked for more and I invited them to architect programs and ultimately an organization. This is truly an organization and effort built out of the collective. As a result, we can pivot quickly, be responsive to the environment and take bold action. Today our areas of focus are on supporting women leaders in a variety of short and long term programming, to train and place women on corporate boards and to encourage and support women to invest in women founded companies including our venture capital arm we are just now launching. Q: Where do you see How Women Lead five years from now? JCA: We have had a lot of requests to expand into other regions of the world. I would love to share the “toolbox” and support others to build something like what we have here. That said, now that the world is virtual, perhaps we will have robust virtual networks around the globe. Q: If you could make one change to help women at work, what would it be? JCA: Remove bias in the promotion systems Q: What’s your advice for women in
male-dominated fields? JCA: Define your values and your leadership traits based on a measuring stick that is feminine and let others know what they will see in you and how they can best utilize your gifts. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? JCA: Those people who look like they have it all figured out, don’t. So, move forward even if you don’t have all of the answers and let others know they can support you in filling in the blanks. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? JCA: Stacey Abrams. No relation. She is unapologetically standing in her values and sense of herself. She is smart, prepared, disciplined, and deeply rooted in justice and integrity. Q: Can you tell our audience one of your most memorable moments in your career? JCA: I was hired for my first CEO role and I moved my family across the country. When I arrived, the entire board said they were resigning now that I was there, and I could handle the challenging board chair. I told them no, they hired me, and they had to stick it out until we could restructure the board. Q: What are the best practices you have employed to build a successful career?
JCA: • 80/20. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of getting it done. • Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them and then tell them what you told them. Own the narrative. • Be responsive • Be authentic • Be clear • Ask what success looks like • Drive decision making as close to the client as possible • Be loving and clear about how someone can do a good job, whether it is a board member, a client, or a staff person.
Q: What is one word of advice you can offer to young women who want to reach your level of success? JCA: Get rid of the itty bitty shitty committee in your head. You have to keep working at it because it crops back up.
Identify the stories that no longer serve you, acknowledge that what might have been true when you were 12 served you but it is time to move forward with a new story about your value and qualities and strengths and define yourself.
Traci is certified as a Family Law Specialist by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization. She graduated from Santa Clara University in 2000 and was admitted to the bar in December of that year. During her tenure at Santa Clara, she was the Sr. Technical Editor of the Computer Technology Law Journal and received a Certificate of Excellence in Legal Research and Writing. After graduation, Traci was recruited by a top corporate law firm. She worked at Gray Cary (now DLA Piper) from 2000 - 2002 as a securities and corporate transactional attorney. She was involved in complicated tax issues, mergers & acquisitions, and securities filings. Although Traci was recognized as one of the best in her recruitment class, she missed the personal satisfaction she had hoped to gain as a legal advocate. In 2002, Traci moved firms and began practicing exclusively in the field of family law. After practicing in this field for almost 5 years, she founded Mello & Pickering, LLP with her colleague and close friend, Jennifer Mello. Traci loves being a family law attorney. What sets her apart from other family law attorneys is her first-hand knowledge of the issues concerning blended families. Her personal experience and the awareness of the legal challenges involved motivated Traci to continue her pursuit of family law. Traci is committed to providing excellent client service. She works hand-in-hand with
her clients, informing them of their various legal options, leaving no stone unturned, as well as doing what it takes to get them the results that they deserve. Traci has exceptionally strong negotiation skills and is known to settle entire cases in a few hours. Traci is further committed to taking an ethical approach to each unique family law situation. She practices all areas of family law, including stepparent adoptions, legal separation, mediation, annulment, divorce, alimony/spousal support, child support, child custody, child visitation, domestic violence, modification of prior orders, paternity, postnuptial agreements, prenuptial agreements, and property valuation and division. Prior to earning her J.D. from Santa Clara University, Traci received her B.A. in History with honors at San Jose State University. She is an active member of the Santa Clara County Bar Association, a member of the Family Law Executive Committee of the Santa Clara County Bar Association, and is admitted to practice law in the State of California. Traci has lectured as part of the continuing legal educational process. Traci is married and has three children. For your free 20-minute initial telephone consultation with Traci Pickering, call her at Mello & Pickering, LLP at (408) 288-7800.
Traci is certified as a Family Law Specialist by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization. She graduated from Santa Clara University in 2000 and was admitted to the bar in December of that year. During her tenure at Santa Clara, she was the Sr. Technical Editor of the Computer Technology Law Journal and received a Certificate of Excellence in Legal Research and Writing. After graduation, Traci was recruited by a top corporate law firm. She worked at Gray Cary (now DLA Piper) from 2000 - 2002 as a securities and corporate transactional attorney. She was involved in complicated tax issues, mergers & acquisitions, and securities filings. Although Traci was recognized as one of the best in her recruitment class, she missed the personal satisfaction she had hoped to gain as a legal advocate. In 2002, Traci moved firms and began practicing exclusively in the field of family law. After practicing in this field for almost 5 years, she founded Mello & Pickering, LLP with her colleague and close friend, Jennifer Mello. Traci loves being a family law attorney. What sets her apart from other family law attorneys is her first-hand knowledge of the issues concerning blended families. Her personal experience and the awareness of the legal challenges involved motivated Traci to continue her pursuit of family law. Traci is committed to providing excellent client service. She works hand-in-hand with
her clients, informing them of their various legal options, leaving no stone unturned, as well as doing what it takes to get them the results that they deserve. Traci has exceptionally strong negotiation skills and is known to settle entire cases in a few hours. Traci is further committed to taking an ethical approach to each unique family law situation. She practices all areas of family law, including stepparent adoptions, legal separation, mediation, annulment, divorce, alimony/spousal support, child support, child custody, child visitation, domestic violence, modification of prior orders, paternity, postnuptial agreements, prenuptial agreements, and property valuation and division. Prior to earning her J.D. from Santa Clara University, Traci received her B.A. in History with honors at San Jose State University. She is an active member of the Santa Clara County Bar Association, a member of the Family Law Executive Committee of the Santa Clara County Bar Association, and is admitted to practice law in the State of California. Traci has lectured as part of the continuing legal educational process. Traci is married and has three children. For your free 20-minute initial telephone consultation with Traci Pickering, call her at Mello & Pickering, LLP at (408) 288-7800.
African American film critics. Being accepted as a member meant a lot because we get access to the team and talent behind films that mean the most to our culture.
Wycleff Jean interview at Andrew Young Leadership Awards.
Our Exclusive Interview with Influencer
Kim Ford
Kim Ford Is A Keynote Speaker, TV Host & Media Consultant. She Has Appeared On CNN As An Entertainment Correspondent Where She Shares Her Take on What’s Relevant in Film, Television, & Celebrity News. Q: After college, where did you feel your career path would take you? KF: Honestly, I wasn’t really sure. All I knew was I wanted to live in Atlanta. I knew I’d figure it out when I got there. It took a while, but I finally figured it out. Q: What was your first job? And how did it shape or impact you? KF: My jobs after college were random and all over the place. I first worked at Macy’s in the handbag department
until I locked in a “real” job after college. After Macy’s I entered the Management Trainee program at Enterprise Car Rental. Working there taught me a lot about owning a business, sales calls, and teamwork. The hours were long and sometimes I had to wash cars in my suit. I hated it back then. Now I understand the lesson was to get the job done no matter how uncomfortable I was. That’s a skill I use today. Q: Can you share with our audience some details about your role as a CNN/Headline News entertainment contributor? KF: I appear as a guest Entertainment Contributor on CNN/HLN to give my take on what is relevant regarding film and television. Typically, when there is a special segment. Q: In March 2019 you were accepted into AAFCA (African American Film Critics Association). Can you tell us what it meant to you? KF: AAFCA isn’t an award. It’s the world’s largest organization of
Q: Tell us about Jubilee Mag, how it started and where you see it going. KF: Jubilee Mag was an online mag I started in 2007 that covered faith, culture, and style. I created it because I saw a void in the industry for positive media. I built my own website and gained access to events like the BET Awards, Essence Fest and countless press junkets affiliated with NBC, CBS, Sony, Warner Bros, and many others. In March 2020, the growth of my audience led to me to leave Jubilee Mag behind and evolve from just an online magazine. My audience wanted more of me as a personal brand instead of a magazine. As a result, I launched covering entertainment, personal development, and lifestyle. Q: You must keep a hectic schedule between speaking engagements and TV commitments. How do you maintain a healthy work life balance? KF: It’s all about prioritizing. The commitments my children have come first. I schedule everything else around that. My kids are older, so that makes it a lot easier. Q: What’s the greatest fear you’ve had to overcome to get where you are today? KF: Since I didn’t study media in college, I was concerned about what I didn’t know that should know. I’m in grad school now, but for many years it was a concern in the back of my mind. It’s definitely possible to do it without grad school, but it was a personal goal of mine.
NBC press dinner for ‘This Is Us’. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? KF: It’s hard to narrow it down to one woman. There’s definitely a village of women I admire for various reasons. A few are: Oprah, for obvious reasons. Myleik Teel for her entrepreneurial journey. J Lo because she’s been timeless for decades. Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? KF: I’m actually writing a book about that right now. It’s called “It’s Never Too Late”, releasing late summer 2020. A lot of women think just because they’ve had major setbacks, it’s too late to pursue their dream life. If God called you to it, “It’s Never Too Late”. Q: What is one word of advice you can offer to young women who want to reach your level of success? KF: Do your research. Pay attention to the greats. Find your lane and dominate.
African American film critics. Being accepted as a member meant a lot because we get access to the team and talent behind films that mean the most to our culture.
Wycleff Jean interview at Andrew Young Leadership Awards.
Our Exclusive Interview with Influencer
Kim Ford
Kim Ford Is A Keynote Speaker, TV Host & Media Consultant. She Has Appeared On CNN As An Entertainment Correspondent Where She Shares Her Take on What’s Relevant in Film, Television, & Celebrity News. Q: After college, where did you feel your career path would take you? KF: Honestly, I wasn’t really sure. All I knew was I wanted to live in Atlanta. I knew I’d figure it out when I got there. It took a while, but I finally figured it out. Q: What was your first job? And how did it shape or impact you? KF: My jobs after college were random and all over the place. I first worked at Macy’s in the handbag department
until I locked in a “real” job after college. After Macy’s I entered the Management Trainee program at Enterprise Car Rental. Working there taught me a lot about owning a business, sales calls, and teamwork. The hours were long and sometimes I had to wash cars in my suit. I hated it back then. Now I understand the lesson was to get the job done no matter how uncomfortable I was. That’s a skill I use today. Q: Can you share with our audience some details about your role as a CNN/Headline News entertainment contributor? KF: I appear as a guest Entertainment Contributor on CNN/HLN to give my take on what is relevant regarding film and television. Typically, when there is a special segment. Q: In March 2019 you were accepted into AAFCA (African American Film Critics Association). Can you tell us what it meant to you? KF: AAFCA isn’t an award. It’s the world’s largest organization of
Q: Tell us about Jubilee Mag, how it started and where you see it going. KF: Jubilee Mag was an online mag I started in 2007 that covered faith, culture, and style. I created it because I saw a void in the industry for positive media. I built my own website and gained access to events like the BET Awards, Essence Fest and countless press junkets affiliated with NBC, CBS, Sony, Warner Bros, and many others. In March 2020, the growth of my audience led to me to leave Jubilee Mag behind and evolve from just an online magazine. My audience wanted more of me as a personal brand instead of a magazine. As a result, I launched covering entertainment, personal development, and lifestyle. Q: You must keep a hectic schedule between speaking engagements and TV commitments. How do you maintain a healthy work life balance? KF: It’s all about prioritizing. The commitments my children have come first. I schedule everything else around that. My kids are older, so that makes it a lot easier. Q: What’s the greatest fear you’ve had to overcome to get where you are today? KF: Since I didn’t study media in college, I was concerned about what I didn’t know that should know. I’m in grad school now, but for many years it was a concern in the back of my mind. It’s definitely possible to do it without grad school, but it was a personal goal of mine.
NBC press dinner for ‘This Is Us’. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? KF: It’s hard to narrow it down to one woman. There’s definitely a village of women I admire for various reasons. A few are: Oprah, for obvious reasons. Myleik Teel for her entrepreneurial journey. J Lo because she’s been timeless for decades. Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? KF: I’m actually writing a book about that right now. It’s called “It’s Never Too Late”, releasing late summer 2020. A lot of women think just because they’ve had major setbacks, it’s too late to pursue their dream life. If God called you to it, “It’s Never Too Late”. Q: What is one word of advice you can offer to young women who want to reach your level of success? KF: Do your research. Pay attention to the greats. Find your lane and dominate. 510-725-7422
Photo credit: Thomas Kuoh
Q: Can you share with us why you decided to have a career in Real Estate? ET: Taking a “road less traveled,” I came to real estate as a career-change when I realized it was already my lifestyle. I was the corporate-relocated spouse, moving my family coast-to-coast and back again, through 7 states and 15 homes. It was on the 5th re-launch of my former career – as a journalist, then a marketing-PR executive – (also the purchase of the 12th home) that I realized I knew more about making the real estate deal than most of the agents I hired. It dawned on me that having lived through so many moves – some happy, some traumatic; some profitable, some not – with kids and pets in tow, that my personal experience could be of enormous help to people. I wanted to put down roots – I saw the deep connection to the community that comes with deep market knowledge. I realized I could make a difference in people’s lives in a meaningful way.
they work with the Eileen Townsend & Team? ET: The agents who joined my team share that foremost commitment to the client’s goals, and we really work on educating and leading our clients through the process. Our team right now is all women, each with a different strength. I’m the content-focused communicator – I want to know everything and be able to explain everything involved in a transaction. Sharon is a MBA scientist – formerly in pharma sales – she’s details-driven and goes the extra mile. Janna is a born advocate; she is going to push her clients’ objectives to the finish line. Megan is a natural leader, fearless and willing to tackle any challenge. Backing us up is our team admin, Sarah, a former teacher. Together we follow systems and procedures designed to ensure nothing is overlooked, and that we have the expert resources to draw in whenever needed.
Q: What do you think are the ingredients that keep you as a top Realtor year after year? ET: It’s really one main ingredient, supported by hundreds of details: Succeeding in each real estate challenge is enormously personal for me. It is deeply fulfilling to me to get it right for my clients – I think it’s quite like the urgency I felt when I was trying to make each move right for my children. Resonating with the dreams people hold about real estate … understanding how huge the financial stake is … knowing how to solve each of the property-finance-legal-negotiation-and human dilemmas along the way … and finally, helping people create “home” in their new space … it is just important to me that it be done well. This commitment to excellence – and to caring – is a common thread among my team.
Q: How do you help buyers come to a decision? ET: By respecting that the decision is, in fact, theirs to make. My job is to understand their goals and their capabilities, then to provide them with the resources to move ahead and opportunities to do so. I see my job as to keep them “safe” along their way. I use the expression, “eyes wide open.” While it is easy to get wrapped up in the dream, and to feel pushed by the pace and competition in our market, I lay out for my buyers the facts about condition, about comparative values, about how the market is behaving … and when they make the decision that “this is the one,” I help them put their best foot forward.
Q: Can you share with our audience what Buyers & Sellers can expect when
Q: If we interviewed all your past clients… what is one common word that comes up when they describe working with you? ET: “Real.” Working with me, people sense my commitment, and know I see each 510-725-7422
Photo credit: Thomas Kuoh
Q: Can you share with us why you decided to have a career in Real Estate? ET: Taking a “road less traveled,” I came to real estate as a career-change when I realized it was already my lifestyle. I was the corporate-relocated spouse, moving my family coast-to-coast and back again, through 7 states and 15 homes. It was on the 5th re-launch of my former career – as a journalist, then a marketing-PR executive – (also the purchase of the 12th home) that I realized I knew more about making the real estate deal than most of the agents I hired. It dawned on me that having lived through so many moves – some happy, some traumatic; some profitable, some not – with kids and pets in tow, that my personal experience could be of enormous help to people. I wanted to put down roots – I saw the deep connection to the community that comes with deep market knowledge. I realized I could make a difference in people’s lives in a meaningful way.
they work with the Eileen Townsend & Team? ET: The agents who joined my team share that foremost commitment to the client’s goals, and we really work on educating and leading our clients through the process. Our team right now is all women, each with a different strength. I’m the content-focused communicator – I want to know everything and be able to explain everything involved in a transaction. Sharon is a MBA scientist – formerly in pharma sales – she’s details-driven and goes the extra mile. Janna is a born advocate; she is going to push her clients’ objectives to the finish line. Megan is a natural leader, fearless and willing to tackle any challenge. Backing us up is our team admin, Sarah, a former teacher. Together we follow systems and procedures designed to ensure nothing is overlooked, and that we have the expert resources to draw in whenever needed.
Q: What do you think are the ingredients that keep you as a top Realtor year after year? ET: It’s really one main ingredient, supported by hundreds of details: Succeeding in each real estate challenge is enormously personal for me. It is deeply fulfilling to me to get it right for my clients – I think it’s quite like the urgency I felt when I was trying to make each move right for my children. Resonating with the dreams people hold about real estate … understanding how huge the financial stake is … knowing how to solve each of the property-finance-legal-negotiation-and human dilemmas along the way … and finally, helping people create “home” in their new space … it is just important to me that it be done well. This commitment to excellence – and to caring – is a common thread among my team.
Q: How do you help buyers come to a decision? ET: By respecting that the decision is, in fact, theirs to make. My job is to understand their goals and their capabilities, then to provide them with the resources to move ahead and opportunities to do so. I see my job as to keep them “safe” along their way. I use the expression, “eyes wide open.” While it is easy to get wrapped up in the dream, and to feel pushed by the pace and competition in our market, I lay out for my buyers the facts about condition, about comparative values, about how the market is behaving … and when they make the decision that “this is the one,” I help them put their best foot forward.
Q: Can you share with our audience what Buyers & Sellers can expect when
Q: If we interviewed all your past clients… what is one common word that comes up when they describe working with you? ET: “Real.” Working with me, people sense my commitment, and know I see each
Photo credit: Thomas Kuoh
situation as uniquely as they do. They feel my confidence which comes from completing hundreds of purchases and sales – for myself, my friends, my clients – and now with my team agents. They know that if I don’t already know something, I’ll tell them, and then I’ll go find out. They quickly learn that I’ll go outside the box to solve problems and that those years in the news business taught me how to find whatever it is they need, to comprehend even the prickliest of problems, and to be direct and goal-focused in getting it all done – on time. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? ET: Patience and calm along this journey. There’s no point in being the drama queen, and usually no gain. Know your craft – in my case it’s the market, the many details and connecting dots of the contract, and my client’s goals. They choose the destination; I chart the savvy course. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? ET: My daughter, Tess Townsend, never ceases to amaze and impress me. Half my age, she has always had smarts and wisdom beyond her years; she is as ideals driven a person as I’ve ever met. She challenges me to remain true to myself and my strengths, and she holds me accountable. Having grown up in newsrooms across the country, she has charted her own career as a journalist, today working as deputy opinion editor of the Sacramento Bee. She has committed her free time to leading the non-profit she founded, Journalists in Classrooms (JiC), to ensure that our next generations understand the difference between the “noise” and dis-information in our media, and properly researched, factbased information … she teaches, and teaches other journalists to teach, students what to trust and what to discard as “fake.” Like her millennial generation, she seeks both to disrupt systems that no longer are working, and to form new ways to make life and our world work toward the greater good.
Covering the Greater Berkeley-Oakland market: Left to right: Janna Woods, mother of two in the Melrose Leadership Academy and La Plazita preschool in Oakland; Sharon Gill, MBA, focusing on Oakland and suburbs to the East, from Concord to Dublin; assistant Sarah Lawrence; Megan Gurrentz, a former wilderness guide living in West Berkeley; and Berkeley-based Team Lead Eileen Townsend.
Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? ET: Honestly, I have never thought in terms of challenges that limit or are unique to women. I grew up the only girl with four strong brothers, and I think I took life on with perspective just like theirs: to be and do whatever I choose, to neither respect nor accept boundaries or limits imposed by others. Q: What advice do you have for parents with daughters graduating from high school? ET: I think it is our duty to provide models
of success in the endeavors that matter to our children. Help them find mentors who can guide them and help them grow. Being a mentor and seeing success emerge among my team agents is as rewarding as “winning” in my career myself. Pass it on. Q: What do you see as the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you? ET: I truly believe the sky is the limit and as long as they believe that too, it will be. Q: What advice would you give to young
women who want to succeed in the workplace? ET: Come from courage, never fear. Set a goal and work toward it. Setbacks, even failure, are part of the process. Learn from every win, and every loss, and use what you’ve learned to keep progressing. Ask for help – there is no shame in accepting help. Ask questions. There are no stupid questions; anyone who makes you feel your question is “dumb” is the problem – not you. There will be another person who will answer your question, and that is the one to follow.
Photo credit: Thomas Kuoh
situation as uniquely as they do. They feel my confidence which comes from completing hundreds of purchases and sales – for myself, my friends, my clients – and now with my team agents. They know that if I don’t already know something, I’ll tell them, and then I’ll go find out. They quickly learn that I’ll go outside the box to solve problems and that those years in the news business taught me how to find whatever it is they need, to comprehend even the prickliest of problems, and to be direct and goal-focused in getting it all done – on time. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? ET: Patience and calm along this journey. There’s no point in being the drama queen, and usually no gain. Know your craft – in my case it’s the market, the many details and connecting dots of the contract, and my client’s goals. They choose the destination; I chart the savvy course. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? ET: My daughter, Tess Townsend, never ceases to amaze and impress me. Half my age, she has always had smarts and wisdom beyond her years; she is as ideals driven a person as I’ve ever met. She challenges me to remain true to myself and my strengths, and she holds me accountable. Having grown up in newsrooms across the country, she has charted her own career as a journalist, today working as deputy opinion editor of the Sacramento Bee. She has committed her free time to leading the non-profit she founded, Journalists in Classrooms (JiC), to ensure that our next generations understand the difference between the “noise” and dis-information in our media, and properly researched, factbased information … she teaches, and teaches other journalists to teach, students what to trust and what to discard as “fake.” Like her millennial generation, she seeks both to disrupt systems that no longer are working, and to form new ways to make life and our world work toward the greater good.
Covering the Greater Berkeley-Oakland market: Left to right: Janna Woods, mother of two in the Melrose Leadership Academy and La Plazita preschool in Oakland; Sharon Gill, MBA, focusing on Oakland and suburbs to the East, from Concord to Dublin; assistant Sarah Lawrence; Megan Gurrentz, a former wilderness guide living in West Berkeley; and Berkeley-based Team Lead Eileen Townsend.
Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? ET: Honestly, I have never thought in terms of challenges that limit or are unique to women. I grew up the only girl with four strong brothers, and I think I took life on with perspective just like theirs: to be and do whatever I choose, to neither respect nor accept boundaries or limits imposed by others. Q: What advice do you have for parents with daughters graduating from high school? ET: I think it is our duty to provide models
of success in the endeavors that matter to our children. Help them find mentors who can guide them and help them grow. Being a mentor and seeing success emerge among my team agents is as rewarding as “winning” in my career myself. Pass it on. Q: What do you see as the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you? ET: I truly believe the sky is the limit and as long as they believe that too, it will be. Q: What advice would you give to young
women who want to succeed in the workplace? ET: Come from courage, never fear. Set a goal and work toward it. Setbacks, even failure, are part of the process. Learn from every win, and every loss, and use what you’ve learned to keep progressing. Ask for help – there is no shame in accepting help. Ask questions. There are no stupid questions; anyone who makes you feel your question is “dumb” is the problem – not you. There will be another person who will answer your question, and that is the one to follow.
What Does it Mean to be a Successful Woman in Business?
he U.S. Census Bureau in its Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs notes that women owned 20 percent of all employer firms in 2016. The number of women who are starting their own companies in the U.S. continues to grow. These women find that entrepreneurship offers a unique opportunity to use their talents, expand their influence and increase their wealth. Although starting and maintaining a successful business is not always smooth sailing, women often find the endeavor not only suits their personalities, but also their personal goals.
Creating an Enterprise That Reflects Your Own Values
you get to determine your own level of financial success. Your ability to earn is only limited by your own efforts to maxStarting a business is often an uphill imize profits. This requires doing a sigclimb that many people never even attempt. The corporate world offers many nificant amount of research and understanding important features of your area perks and financial benefits, but you of the economy. In addition, successful must always bow to the “vision” of the corporation. For some women, this effort woman entrepreneurs know that you can can be too limiting. They may be able to never rest on past laurels. They always see other aspects of the market that need keep an eye out for new opportunities to addressing, and the chance to tackle the expand their markets, increase their customer base and refine their operations. task in your own way offers personal gratification at the highest level.
The Freedom to Manage Your Own Finances Having your own business also means
Becoming an Expert in Time Management
Women have a natural aptitude for multi-tasking, and this quality can be of
significant benefit when they are running a business. Women prioritize activities to schedule work efficiently and keep the most important aspects at the forefront of their actions. Managing a workforce well is a critical part of success in business, and women often have the “people skills” needed to maintain high efficiency and productivity.
Dealing with Harassment & Discrimination
comfortable situations. In addition, you may still feel acquiring loans, getting important contracts and maintaining your competitive edge still requires you to work harder in order to be judged as equal to a male-owned company. However, as you develop a record and reputation for success, this need to “dance backwards and in high heels” tends to diminish.
Being a woman in business offers a chance to forge your own path in your own way. Unfortunately, the downside for women continues to be frequent incidents of sexual Although the obstacles can be daunting and harassment and discrimination that may oc- often reflect institutional prejudices, being a cur at both personal and institutional levels. woman also offers a variety of natural adLearning ways to skillfully deflect unwanted vantages that can help you excel in business. attention can help you manage these un-
What Does it Mean to be a Successful Woman in Business?
he U.S. Census Bureau in its Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs notes that women owned 20 percent of all employer firms in 2016. The number of women who are starting their own companies in the U.S. continues to grow. These women find that entrepreneurship offers a unique opportunity to use their talents, expand their influence and increase their wealth. Although starting and maintaining a successful business is not always smooth sailing, women often find the endeavor not only suits their personalities, but also their personal goals.
Creating an Enterprise That Reflects Your Own Values
you get to determine your own level of financial success. Your ability to earn is only limited by your own efforts to maxStarting a business is often an uphill imize profits. This requires doing a sigclimb that many people never even attempt. The corporate world offers many nificant amount of research and understanding important features of your area perks and financial benefits, but you of the economy. In addition, successful must always bow to the “vision” of the corporation. For some women, this effort woman entrepreneurs know that you can can be too limiting. They may be able to never rest on past laurels. They always see other aspects of the market that need keep an eye out for new opportunities to addressing, and the chance to tackle the expand their markets, increase their customer base and refine their operations. task in your own way offers personal gratification at the highest level.
The Freedom to Manage Your Own Finances Having your own business also means
Becoming an Expert in Time Management
Women have a natural aptitude for multi-tasking, and this quality can be of
significant benefit when they are running a business. Women prioritize activities to schedule work efficiently and keep the most important aspects at the forefront of their actions. Managing a workforce well is a critical part of success in business, and women often have the “people skills” needed to maintain high efficiency and productivity.
Dealing with Harassment & Discrimination
comfortable situations. In addition, you may still feel acquiring loans, getting important contracts and maintaining your competitive edge still requires you to work harder in order to be judged as equal to a male-owned company. However, as you develop a record and reputation for success, this need to “dance backwards and in high heels” tends to diminish.
Being a woman in business offers a chance to forge your own path in your own way. Unfortunately, the downside for women continues to be frequent incidents of sexual Although the obstacles can be daunting and harassment and discrimination that may oc- often reflect institutional prejudices, being a cur at both personal and institutional levels. woman also offers a variety of natural adLearning ways to skillfully deflect unwanted vantages that can help you excel in business. attention can help you manage these un-
Do you want to be more confident in bed? Feel sexually uninhibited & experience more pleasure in your body? Do you want to have the sex you dream about? Are you motivated & open minded with a desire to look inside yourself? Could you use guidance around where things are misaligned? I use practical & body-based sex therapy methods to help individual & couples move through physical and emotional intimacy struggles. They’re looking to make sex playful, fulfilling and invigorating — to fully let go erotically! My clients have a huge capacity for love but they can’t seem to put it all together in the intimacy category. If you’re ready to stand in your power in the bedroom, understand yourself sexually and unleash what you have always know was inside of you, I can help you get there.
Do you want to be more confident in bed? Feel sexually uninhibited & experience more pleasure in your body? Do you want to have the sex you dream about? Are you motivated & open minded with a desire to look inside yourself? Could you use guidance around where things are misaligned? I use practical & body-based sex therapy methods to help individual & couples move through physical and emotional intimacy struggles. They’re looking to make sex playful, fulfilling and invigorating — to fully let go erotically! My clients have a huge capacity for love but they can’t seem to put it all together in the intimacy category. If you’re ready to stand in your power in the bedroom, understand yourself sexually and unleash what you have always know was inside of you, I can help you get there.
She’s Committed to Her Profession, Her Community, and Impassioned Goodwill. A Successful Woman Making a Significant Impact in our Community. Meet Action Cleaning Service President
Davlyn Spetch Q: Can you share with our audience some history about ACS and how long the company has been in business? DS: ACS originally started as a partnership with my sister Erica. I believe it was 2005. We decided to form a partnership as we were working together quite a bit. I fought to name it Action Cleaning Service. It went through a major change in 2011, which is when I first started hiring employees. My sister moved to Modesto from San Jose, and although I enjoyed working with her, there were some ideas I had for the business that she was not on board with at the time. The most important one being to expand the business, by hiring employees etc. So, in 2010, we became the sole owners of separate businesses. I was terrified to hire employees lol! So different from now, where one of the things I enjoy most, is supplying people jobs in a small business. But randomly and without knowing something like this existed, I found a great consultant/ coach for cleaning and have had two
different consultants since then, who have really helped me to move along. Quite awesome! Don’t be afraid to get help! This world is hard enough. Forget tackling it alone, if you don’t have to. At this point in my career, I have realized that the only thing that can hold me back in life is me. I have really focused on self-care in the last few years and am now ready to bring my business to a whole new level. We are definitely in a growth period. One idea that I have planned is opening more branches of my company to widen out my service areas. It’s very exciting, and will give me the challenge I need, to stay fully engaged and interested in what I am doing. After being in the cleaning business for over 22 years, it is important to me to have new goals and plant new seeds. Q: For those who maybe looking for a house cleaning service … which areas of Santa Clara County do you service? DS: San Jose, Campbell, Santa Clara, Milpitas, Sunnyvale and parts of Los Gatos and Saratoga (in town).
“After being in the cleaning business for over 22 years, it is important to me to have new goals and plant new seeds.”
Q: If we interviewed all your clients … what is “one” common word that comes up when they describe working with your cleaning service? DS: I would say dependable. We hear that in a lot of our interaction with clients. It is one of our core values as well! We are very grateful to have awesome employees and clients. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? DS: In the end, nothing is that big of a deal. We tend to make it a big deal. And that can hold us back from changing our perspective on it. But in the real scheme of things, nothing is that big of a deal. We can get through it! 408.690.8016
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She’s Committed to Her Profession, Her Community, and Impassioned Goodwill. A Successful Woman Making a Significant Impact in our Community. Meet Action Cleaning Service President
Davlyn Spetch Q: Can you share with our audience some history about ACS and how long the company has been in business? DS: ACS originally started as a partnership with my sister Erica. I believe it was 2005. We decided to form a partnership as we were working together quite a bit. I fought to name it Action Cleaning Service. It went through a major change in 2011, which is when I first started hiring employees. My sister moved to Modesto from San Jose, and although I enjoyed working with her, there were some ideas I had for the business that she was not on board with at the time. The most important one being to expand the business, by hiring employees etc. So, in 2010, we became the sole owners of separate businesses. I was terrified to hire employees lol! So different from now, where one of the things I enjoy most, is supplying people jobs in a small business. But randomly and without knowing something like this existed, I found a great consultant/ coach for cleaning and have had two
different consultants since then, who have really helped me to move along. Quite awesome! Don’t be afraid to get help! This world is hard enough. Forget tackling it alone, if you don’t have to. At this point in my career, I have realized that the only thing that can hold me back in life is me. I have really focused on self-care in the last few years and am now ready to bring my business to a whole new level. We are definitely in a growth period. One idea that I have planned is opening more branches of my company to widen out my service areas. It’s very exciting, and will give me the challenge I need, to stay fully engaged and interested in what I am doing. After being in the cleaning business for over 22 years, it is important to me to have new goals and plant new seeds. Q: For those who maybe looking for a house cleaning service … which areas of Santa Clara County do you service? DS: San Jose, Campbell, Santa Clara, Milpitas, Sunnyvale and parts of Los Gatos and Saratoga (in town).
“After being in the cleaning business for over 22 years, it is important to me to have new goals and plant new seeds.”
Q: If we interviewed all your clients … what is “one” common word that comes up when they describe working with your cleaning service? DS: I would say dependable. We hear that in a lot of our interaction with clients. It is one of our core values as well! We are very grateful to have awesome employees and clients. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? DS: In the end, nothing is that big of a deal. We tend to make it a big deal. And that can hold us back from changing our perspective on it. But in the real scheme of things, nothing is that big of a deal. We can get through it! 408.690.8016
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They often say that the future is female, and they’re not wrong at all. Women are beginning to truly take the world by storm. They’re covering many different sectors, too. Women are starting to become bigger forces in everything from athletics to business. If you look around, you’ll probably notice that there are more small businesses owned by women than ever before. Things are changing in rapid and meaningful ways all over the United States and globe. It doesn’t look like things are going back ever again, either.
Small Businesses and
Female Owners
Women in sports have come a long way since the inception of Title IX in 1965. In an industry that had for so long been dominated by men, women have assumed their rightful place as being able to hold their own both on the field and in the front office, even obliterating the glass ceiling in some instances. Here are just a few cases in point:
Women of past decades and centuries were often kept down by societal standards. They in many cases felt as though they had no option but to lead certain types of lives. It wasn’t uncommon for women to believe that they had no option but to remain at home. The situation is totally different now, however, and without a doubt for the better. Women are rapidly discovering that they have more options than ever. It doesn’t matter if a woman wants to pursue a life as a small business owner. It doesn’t matter if she wants to go after a rewarding career as a staff member for a massive corporation, either. Women are gaining major traction in all sorts of career divisions. They’re setting fantastic examples for young girls that are part of newer generations, too.
They often say that the future is female, and they’re not wrong at all. Women are beginning to truly take the world by storm. They’re covering many different sectors, too. Women are starting to become bigger forces in everything from athletics to business. If you look around, you’ll probably notice that there are more small businesses owned by women than ever before. Things are changing in rapid and meaningful ways all over the United States and globe. It doesn’t look like things are going back ever again, either.
Small Businesses and
Female Owners
Women in sports have come a long way since the inception of Title IX in 1965. In an industry that had for so long been dominated by men, women have assumed their rightful place as being able to hold their own both on the field and in the front office, even obliterating the glass ceiling in some instances. Here are just a few cases in point:
Women of past decades and centuries were often kept down by societal standards. They in many cases felt as though they had no option but to lead certain types of lives. It wasn’t uncommon for women to believe that they had no option but to remain at home. The situation is totally different now, however, and without a doubt for the better. Women are rapidly discovering that they have more options than ever. It doesn’t matter if a woman wants to pursue a life as a small business owner. It doesn’t matter if she wants to go after a rewarding career as a staff member for a massive corporation, either. Women are gaining major traction in all sorts of career divisions. They’re setting fantastic examples for young girls that are part of newer generations, too.
longer taking others telling them that they cannot accomplish certain objectives. Women are not sitting back and settling for things. They’re standing up for themselves. They’re speaking up about the things on the planet that make them feel the most passionate. It’s happening in women across many different walks of life. It’s happening in women of many different age categorizations as well.
Women and Small Businesses of All Kinds Little girls are growing up with so many positive female role models around them. It isn’t hard to come across female small business owners in this day and age. If you visit a bakery or general dining establishment in your community, there’s a strong chance that it’s owned and operated by a hard-working woman. Women are quickly learning about all of the ins and outs that are associated with keeping businesses running smoothly. They’re figuring out the fundamentals of getting their hands-on business loans of all kinds. They’re figuring out the logistics that are part of recruiting staff members. They’re figuring out how to train their team mem-
bers. These things are only the beginning. There are many women nowadays who have bosses and who appreciate their careers. There are also many women who are having serious epiphanies. They’re realizing that they can opt to be their own bosses if they wish. They’re realizing that there are choices that go beyond being part of a company’s staff. They can make pertinent choices that relate to staffing. They can make meaningful choices that relate to getting their hands-on supplies and tools. What makes things so different for women who are keen on the concept of entrepreneurship as of late? Women are no
Women are becoming more supportive of their fellow female entrepreneurs, too. It’s not atypical to see women giving their full support to other businesses that are owned and managed by female aficionados. Sisterhood is more than alive in the United States. It’s more than alive all around the planet, too. Young girls in elementary schools are learning that sisterhood is a wonderful thing. They’re starting to make it a huge priority in their existences. Women have a lot of potential. The future may revolve around women and all their possibilities. They’re making enormous waves in all sorts of fields and industries. They’re thriving in science. They’re thriving in politics. They’re thriving in many sectors that go beyond those as well. It’s going to be fascinating to see where women will go next. Small businesses that are run by women are going to become even more ubiquitous.
longer taking others telling them that they cannot accomplish certain objectives. Women are not sitting back and settling for things. They’re standing up for themselves. They’re speaking up about the things on the planet that make them feel the most passionate. It’s happening in women across many different walks of life. It’s happening in women of many different age categorizations as well.
Women and Small Businesses of All Kinds Little girls are growing up with so many positive female role models around them. It isn’t hard to come across female small business owners in this day and age. If you visit a bakery or general dining establishment in your community, there’s a strong chance that it’s owned and operated by a hard-working woman. Women are quickly learning about all of the ins and outs that are associated with keeping businesses running smoothly. They’re figuring out the fundamentals of getting their hands-on business loans of all kinds. They’re figuring out the logistics that are part of recruiting staff members. They’re figuring out how to train their team mem-
bers. These things are only the beginning. There are many women nowadays who have bosses and who appreciate their careers. There are also many women who are having serious epiphanies. They’re realizing that they can opt to be their own bosses if they wish. They’re realizing that there are choices that go beyond being part of a company’s staff. They can make pertinent choices that relate to staffing. They can make meaningful choices that relate to getting their hands-on supplies and tools. What makes things so different for women who are keen on the concept of entrepreneurship as of late? Women are no
Women are becoming more supportive of their fellow female entrepreneurs, too. It’s not atypical to see women giving their full support to other businesses that are owned and managed by female aficionados. Sisterhood is more than alive in the United States. It’s more than alive all around the planet, too. Young girls in elementary schools are learning that sisterhood is a wonderful thing. They’re starting to make it a huge priority in their existences. Women have a lot of potential. The future may revolve around women and all their possibilities. They’re making enormous waves in all sorts of fields and industries. They’re thriving in science. They’re thriving in politics. They’re thriving in many sectors that go beyond those as well. It’s going to be fascinating to see where women will go next. Small businesses that are run by women are going to become even more ubiquitous.
Buyers and Sellers immediately benefit from Cat’s instinctive abilities gained from over 18 years of practicing law. She started her journey in real estate during the housing crisis where she defended hundreds of homeowners, both investors and primary residents in foreclosure proceedings. She negotiated with lenders and worked alongside agents and tax advisers to ensure the most favorable results for her clients. You can trust that Cat will work hard to protect your interests and keep you informed and empowered during the entire process. As an attorney and broker who routinely works with high profile professional athletes and executives, you can rest assured that your privacy will always be protected. Having grown up in Lafayette and making Orinda her home, she understands the local mar-
ket and recognizes the value of owning in Lamorinda. She will help you avoid pitfalls that aren’t always identifiable and will take the stress and anxiety out of what should always be a positive experience! Cat is an alum of Santa Clara University and New York Law School and is licensed with the California and Florida State Bars. She is a board member of the San Francisco 49ers Academy in East Palo Alto and advocates for former NFL players with disability claims. “As my client, you will work with me one-on-one. Not with my team or my assistant. This is why I take on only a select number of clients at a time. I recognize when there are potential conflicts of interest and I strive for quality vs. quantity.”
I am dedicated to ensuring that I take care of all of my clients, and that their legal needs are not just met, but exceeded. I offer high-quality legal advice and personal client service. I am committed to providing you with top notch legal support and representation. I serve a wide range of clientele, and value every client relationship greatly. I approach every client with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding. I will fight for you and your rights!
Mirella is an expert who specializes in investment-grade properties, particularly apartments and mixed-use properties located throughout
Mirella Webb
Senior Investment Advisor DRE lic.: 01409540 O: 415.814.6699 M: 415.640.4133
San Francisco and the Bay Area. With 15 years of experience specializing in these properties, she clearly understands the intricacies of San Francisco’s rent controlled apartment buildings and she’s become one of the best sources for market information. Prior to joining Compass, Mirella worked at Alain Pinel RE Investment Group where her team built the strongest group of apartment brokers in San Francisco. Prior to APR, Mirella worked at Grubb & Ellis Commercial Real Estate for over 10 years where she successfully completed over $150 million in transactions and she was Rookie of the Year in 2005. Since joining APR in 2008, Mirella has become one of the top producers for the Alain Pinel Investment Group earning the coveted President’s Club Membership for the last 7 years and a totol of over $1 billion in sales volume. Mirella’s market knowledge has earned her a column in the San Francisco Apartment Magazine where she writes regularly about the most recent sales. With her many years of experience in selling investment properties, Mirella can help maximize the value of your property. She takes pride in always achieving the highest price for her clients and she has the track record to prove it.
She’s well known as a Leader in the Newsroom and Advocate for Women in Journalism. Meet Our Evening Anchor at NBC Bay Area News & Emmy Award Winning Journalist
Jessica Aguir re
Q: What was your first job and how did it shape or influence you? JA: My first job was in a mall, I was working at a clothing store called “The Body shop.” I was a senior in high school, got involved in a ton of clubs, and was working too. I knew I really could not complain since I saw how hard my parents worked, so it taught me how to manage my time and to multitask. My parents also told me to be the best at whatever I did, so I was quickly the best sales clerk! That really came into play when I was in college doing an internship at the Spanish Language station and the woman I was interning under quit. The new director then asked me if I could handle her job, I didn’t falter, so I said yes, and turned that internship into a full-time job. I was back to working full-time and going to school full-time. To this day, my daily schedule is super full, with charity events, stories, interviews, and board meetings. Then, I actually go to the station to do my job. Q: How did your career start as a news Anchor? JA: My career started in Miami. Way before, I was a news anchor as an intern at the local Spanish Language television affiliate for UNIVISION. I was at the University of Miami when the woman I worked under suddenly quitted, and in a “Broadcast News” (movie), they turned to me and said, “Can you do her job? You are hired “. From that moment on, I went to school during the mornings and worked as a night shift at the TV station until I graduated doing a variety of jobs from production assistant, prompter, assignment desk, and producer, and after I finished school, I became a reporter in Spanish. It was great training because it really helped me have a grasp of how the entire news operation works and what I take to get a story on the air. A year later I got a call from the CBS station in town, they asked me if I wanted to switch to English Language, and I said yes! My next jump was to weekend anchor and eventually full time, from Monday through Friday primetime anchor. I worked in Miami and Los Angeles before arriving in the Bay Area in 1998. I have always been a reporter at heart, I love being out in the field covering a story and really seeing it unfold for myself. Q: Can you share with our audience one of your most memorable events that you’ve covered? JA: I have had so many memorable experiences, some historic, some heartbreaking, some adventurous, and some silly. My kids always tease me that I can’t remember all the people and things I have done and it’s true because I am always deleting them from my memory bank to make room for more. I have covered natural disasters like Hurricane Andrew and more recently the North Bay fires, manmade disasters like the Oklahoma City bombing and “9-11 “. I have traveled to report on immigration issues in Cuba, Princess Diana in England, and the Olympics in Brazil. This is the beauty of this job; it is never ordinary, so it’s very difficult to single out one great event.
She’s well known as a Leader in the Newsroom and Advocate for Women in Journalism. Meet Our Evening Anchor at NBC Bay Area News & Emmy Award Winning Journalist
Jessica Aguir re
Q: What was your first job and how did it shape or influence you? JA: My first job was in a mall, I was working at a clothing store called “The Body shop.” I was a senior in high school, got involved in a ton of clubs, and was working too. I knew I really could not complain since I saw how hard my parents worked, so it taught me how to manage my time and to multitask. My parents also told me to be the best at whatever I did, so I was quickly the best sales clerk! That really came into play when I was in college doing an internship at the Spanish Language station and the woman I was interning under quit. The news director then asked me if I could handle her job and I didn’t falter, I said yes, and turned that internship into a full-time job. I was back to working full-time and going to school full-time. To this day, my daily schedule is super full, with charity events, stories, interviews, and board meetings. Then, I actually go to the station to do my job. Q: How did your career start as a news Anchor? JA: My career started in Miami. Way before I was a news anchor, I was as an intern at the local Spanish Language television affiliate for UNIVISION. I was at the University of Miami when the woman I worked under suddenly quit, and in a “Broadcast News” (movie), they turned to me and said, “Can you do her job? You are hired “. From that moment on, I went to school during the mornings and worked as a night shift at the TV station until I graduated doing a variety of jobs from production assistant, prompter, assignment desk, and producer, and after I finished school, I became a reporter in Spanish. It was great training because it really helped me have a grasp of how the entire news operation works and what I take to get a story on the air. A year later I got a call from the CBS station in town, they asked me if I wanted to switch to English Language, and I said yes! My next jump was to weekend anchor and eventually full time, from Monday through Friday primetime anchor. I worked in Miami and Los Angeles before arriving in the Bay Area in 1998. I have always been a reporter at heart, I love being out in the field covering a story and really seeing it unfold for myself. Q: Can you share with our audience one of your most memorable events that you’ve covered? JA: I have had so many memorable experiences, some historic, some heartbreaking, some adventurous, and some silly. My kids always tease me that I can’t remember all the people and things I have done and it’s true because I am always deleting them from my memory bank to make room for more. I have covered natural disasters like Hurricane Andrew and more recently the North Bay fires, manmade disasters like the Oklahoma City bombing and “9-11 “. I have traveled to report on immigration issues in Cuba, Princess Diana in England, and the Olympics in Brazil. This is the beauty of this job; it is never ordinary, so it’s very difficult to single out one great event.
Jessica with Gloria Steinem
I have had the opportunity to interview Presidents, movie stars, and even the Pope. However, for me as a reporter, the most satisfying stories are often about ordinary people doing extraordinary things —these kinds of interviews stick with you and make you reflect as a person. Q: for most of us, it’s very difficult to discuss events like 9/11 or Natural Disasters … for those seeking a career in broadcast, can you offer advice on how you dealt with these events emotionally and still be a calm voice to your viewers? JA: I have covered almost every natural disaster including earthquakes, hurricanes, and manmade disasters like 9-11 or the bombing of the Murrah in the Federal Building. It is daunting to see the pain and fear that people feel when something that horrible touches their lives. It is hard not to let it overwhelm you when you see so much loss and cruelty. The important part is not to let the barrage of tragedy ever take away your ability to feel. I have over decades learned to use my empathy to be a better journalist, to share other people’s heartache with respect and dignity, and to highlight the human resolve and spirit of optimism. I see it so much… when tragedy strikes, we rise to be better. I also know that it is on my shoulders to be that calm voice of information and reassurance that people desire when there is such breaking news. It is in those moments like the “Wine Country “firestorm that we must individually and as a profession bring our best selves and put our own fears, our own worries aside, and do what is best for the viewers looking to us for answers. It’s a strange profession when you have to leave your family and hope they are ok because you have a responsibility to care and inform others, but that is what we do
Jessica Covering Wine Country Fires
without even thinking twice. Q: What’s the toughest part of your job? JA: From a personal perspective, it’s the very nature of the job that requires that “it” be first in your life. I have missed many birthdays, holidays, vacations, and back to school nights. When there is breaking news, you have to go without hesitation because your commitment has to be to the community, often before your own family. In many ways, it is like a first responder. When things go bad and everyone is running home to take care of their loved ones, the firefighters, police, and reporters are the ones running toward the mayhem. On a professional level, all that “mayhem” takes a toll on your psyche. I am the most prepared person at every event because I always think something could go wrong. I see potential danger everywhere! When I was the class mom at my girl’s schools, I would book the field trip busses, and everyone knew I would inspect them before anyone got on. I am a worrier and all my fears are on a grand news scale! Q: What is the key to success when communicating with the public? JA: Being yourself, being honest and allowing them to see who you really are. Q: Do you have any advice you can share for those women who may want to pursue a career in Broadcast Journalism? JA: I talk to women studying broadcast journalism all the time and I always say the same thing: start in the trenches. You need to know how to do everyone’s job in the newsroom, so you are self-sufficient as an anchor and reporter. If you are looking to be on TV because you think it’s glamorous, you will be disappointed.
Jessica at the Olympics in Rio
Jessica as Club Reporter in Miami
You are not reading the news; you are living the news. I also always tell young women coming up not to be afraid, to be direct, to take chances, or to ask for what they want.
I see the way she carries herself while she works so hard at a job that many would consider to be unskilled, and I think to myself, I hope I can one day live up to her.
Q: What’s the greatest fear you’ve had to overcome to get where you are today? JA: I am still combating it: that I am not doing enough, accomplishing enough, or giving enough.
Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? JA: I think a lot has changed since I started in TV in the 90’s. At that point, I was one of handful of minority reporters in the newsroom and the men ran virtually all the stations. Today, newsrooms reflect the communities in which we live. At KNTV the main anchors are Hispanic, Indian and Chinese and African American, I could not have imagined that level of diversity 30 years ago. Even more significant a woman runs our network division, my general manager is a woman, and my news director is a woman. But I would be naïve if I didn’t admit that we still face some of the same issues we did decades ago, as do most women in workforce, dealing with kids, family, and having our voices heard.
Q: Can you tell our audience one of your most memorable moments in your career? JA: There is no single moment, it is a tapestry of moments woven together where you feel satisfied and proud that you made a difference, that you helped someone, and that you changed a life. What I often most remember are the hugs, the thank you notes, and the photos people send me years after I have done a story, updating me on how they are doing and reminding me that all the lost personal moments were well worth it. Q: What’s the one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? JA: You get a new chance every day to do right. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? JA: I see inspiring women on a daily basis, Moms who fight to get their kids’ medical care, Women fighting to get a seat at the table in corporate boardrooms, or Women battling to lead, I see it every day in my co-workers who are unafraid to run toward a dangerous story. I see it at night when the elderly woman who cleans our studio comes by my desk. She does her job with such dignity and diligence to help pay for her daughters’ college.
Q: What do you like the most about living in the Bay Area? JA: I love the diversity of the Bay Area from the people to the landscape to the opportunities that are available. You forget how beautiful it is here and how much there is to do until you have out of town guests. You have a very sophisticated social scene in San Francisco and a wonderfully creative vibe in Oakland. The peninsula is innovative and the East Bay where I live still has a small-town feel. Go to the North Bay, it is breathtaking and healing. My only complaint is the ever-increasing costs to live here, which I fear will eventually force my own daughters who were both born here to move away.
Jessica with Gloria Steinem
I have had the opportunity to interview Presidents, movie stars, and even the Pope. However, for me as a reporter, the most satisfying stories are often about ordinary people doing extraordinary things —these kinds of interviews stick with you and make you reflect as a person. Q: for most of us, it’s very difficult to discuss events like 9/11 or Natural Disasters … for those seeking a career in broadcast, can you offer advice on how you dealt with these events emotionally and still be a calm voice to your viewers? JA: I have covered almost every natural disaster including earthquakes, hurricanes, and manmade disasters like 9-11 or the bombing of the Murrah in the Federal Building. It is daunting to see the pain and fear that people feel when something that horrible touches their lives. It is hard not to let it overwhelm you when you see so much loss and cruelty. The important part is not to let the barrage of tragedy ever take away your ability to feel. I have over decades learned to use my empathy to be a better journalist, to share other people’s heartache with respect and dignity, and to highlight the human resolve and spirit of optimism. I see it so much… when tragedy strikes, we rise to be better. I also know that it is on my shoulders to be that calm voice of information and reassurance that people desire when there is such breaking news. It is in those moments like the “Wine Country “firestorm that we must individually and as a profession bring our best selves and put our own fears, our own worries aside, and do what is best for the viewers looking to us for answers. It’s a strange profession when you have to leave your family and hope they are ok because you have a responsibility to care and inform others, but that is what we do
Jessica Covering Wine Country Fires
without even thinking twice. Q: What’s the toughest part of your job? JA: From a personal perspective, it’s the very nature of the job that requires that “it” be first in your life. I have missed many birthdays, holidays, vacations, and back to school nights. When there is breaking news, you have to go without hesitation because your commitment has to be to the community, often before your own family. In many ways, it is like a first responder. When things go bad and everyone is running home to take care of their loved ones, the firefighters, police, and reporters are the ones running toward the mayhem. On a professional level, all that “mayhem” takes a toll on your psyche. I am the most prepared person at every event because I always think something could go wrong. I see potential danger everywhere! When I was the class mom at my girl’s schools, I would book the field trip busses, and everyone knew I would inspect them before anyone got on. I am a worrier and all my fears are on a grand news scale! Q: What is the key to success when communicating with the public? JA: Being yourself, being honest and allowing them to see who you really are. Q: Do you have any advice you can share for those women who may want to pursue a career in Broadcast Journalism? JA: I talk to women studying broadcast journalism all the time and I always say the same thing: start in the trenches. You need to know how to do everyone’s job in the newsroom, so you are self-sufficient as an anchor and reporter. If you are looking to be on TV because you think it’s glamorous, you will be disappointed.
Jessica at the Olympics in Rio
Jessica as Club Reporter in Miami
You are not reading the news; you are living the news. I also always tell young women coming up not to be afraid, to be direct, to take chances, or to ask for what they want.
I see the way she carries herself while she works so hard at a job that many would consider to be unskilled, and I think to myself, I hope I can one day live up to her.
Q: What’s the greatest fear you’ve had to overcome to get where you are today? JA: I am still combating it: that I am not doing enough, accomplishing enough, or giving enough.
Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? JA: I think a lot has changed since I started in TV in the 90’s. At that point, I was one of handful of minority reporters in the newsroom and the men ran virtually all the stations. Today, newsrooms reflect the communities in which we live. At KNTV the main anchors are Hispanic, Indian and Chinese and African American, I could not have imagined that level of diversity 30 years ago. Even more significant a woman runs our network division, my general manager is a woman, and my news director is a woman. But I would be naïve if I didn’t admit that we still face some of the same issues we did decades ago, as do most women in workforce, dealing with kids, family, and having our voices heard.
Q: Can you tell our audience one of your most memorable moments in your career? JA: There is no single moment, it is a tapestry of moments woven together where you feel satisfied and proud that you made a difference, that you helped someone, and that you changed a life. What I often most remember are the hugs, the thank you notes, and the photos people send me years after I have done a story, updating me on how they are doing and reminding me that all the lost personal moments were well worth it. Q: What’s the one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? JA: You get a new chance every day to do right. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? JA: I see inspiring women on a daily basis, Moms who fight to get their kids’ medical care, Women fighting to get a seat at the table in corporate boardrooms, or Women battling to lead, I see it every day in my co-workers who are unafraid to run toward a dangerous story. I see it at night when the elderly woman who cleans our studio comes by my desk. She does her job with such dignity and diligence to help pay for her daughters’ college.
Q: What do you like the most about living in the Bay Area? JA: I love the diversity of the Bay Area from the people to the landscape to the opportunities that are available. You forget how beautiful it is here and how much there is to do until you have out of town guests. You have a very sophisticated social scene in San Francisco and a wonderfully creative vibe in Oakland. The peninsula is innovative and the East Bay where I live still has a small-town feel. Go to the North Bay, it is breathtaking and healing. My only complaint is the ever-increasing costs to live here, which I fear will eventually force my own daughters who were both born here to move away.
Infoblox - a global leader in delivering Actionable Network Intelligence to enterprise, government, and service provider customers around the world - has launched a global initiative entitled the“Women’s Internal Network”(WIN) to increase the representation of women at the company. The purpose of WIN is to build an internal support system to attract, retain and promote women in the workplace. A global initiative of this magnitude can only be successful with active support at the highest level.
Bay Area Women Magazine caught up with the Executive Board for the WIN group … • Jesper Andersen, CEO • Sonya Andreae, Vice President of Global Customer Advocacy • Norma Lane, Executive Vice President of People & Places Read on to see what each has to say . . .
Infoblox - a global leader in delivering Actionable Network Intelligence to enterprise, government, and service provider customers around the world - has launched a global initiative entitled the“Women’s Internal Network”(WIN) to increase the representation of women at the company. The purpose of WIN is to build an internal support system to attract, retain and promote women in the workplace. A global initiative of this magnitude can only be successful with active support at the highest level.
Bay Area Women Magazine caught up with the Executive Board for the WIN group … • Jesper Andersen, CEO • Sonya Andreae, Vice President of Global Customer Advocacy • Norma Lane, Executive Vice President of People & Places Read on to see what each has to say . . .
Q&A with Infoblox’s WIN Executive Team “Our primary focus is to expand the presence of women in leadership, enterprise direct sales, and engineering roles.” JESPER ANDERSEN - INFOBLOX CEO
Q: What is the purpose of Infoblox’s “Women’s Internal Network” and what need will it serve? JA: Our purpose is to build an internal support system to attract, retain and promote women in the workplace. Our primary focus is to expand the presence of women in leadership, enterprise direct sales, and engineering roles.
Q: As a company, what made you stop and say … “we need to create a WIN program?” JA: We value diversity at all levels and in all job categories throughout the organization. We’re fortunate to have a diverse workforce, in general. However, we lack broad representation of Women in senior leadership and technical roles. We decided to create an internal network for women to learn together and from each other. Additionally, we want to support external efforts that inspire young women to pursue engineering and technology careers. This will help fill the pipeline with qualified candidates in the future. Collectively, we think we can make a difference. The result will be a more engaged and productive workforce, and ultimately a more successful organization. Q: What goals do you hope to achieve and what is your time frame? JA: We haven’t established a timeframe or specific quotas to achieve. Instead we’re taking direct action to achieve our goals in everything we do. From recruitment, to employee development, outreach activities and mentoring efforts. Additionally, we’re participating in a variety of community initiatives that align with our goal. Q: How will you monitor the progress of WIN? JA: We’ll measure our effectiveness in engagement levels of women employees through our mid-year and annual employee engagement survey. Additionally, we’ll measure our percent of women representation in leadership and technology positions.
Q: What do you think is the most significant barrier to female leadership? SA: A primary concern is the lack of women entering the Engineering/technical profession resulting in fewer women available to assume leadership position in the high-tech industry. There are a variety of social and economic reasons that have resulted in an imbalance of women in leadership and technology. Many women don’t have mentors at home to help shape their career aspirations. Others were preoccupied with fulfilling traditional roles of being a mother and/or caretaker, placing their career goals on the back burner. Additionally, there are still deep-seated biases that have existed for many generations. During the last few decades I’ve seen a positive shift in this mindset. As a result, women are achieving parity in the workplace. Although we’re seeing positive change in the workplace, it will require sustainable change in institutional mindset to correct these biases over time. Male presence still dominates the boardroom and C-Suite positions.
Q: Why is tech the fastest-growing industry in the U.S. which is predicted to provide more job opportunities than all other professional sectors, still failing to attract and retain women in your opinion? SA: I wouldn’t say the high-tech industry is failing at attracting and retaining women in the workplace. Quite the opposite. I think we’re making significant progress. More than ever, employers are sponsoring mentorships for women in technology and proactively pursuing opportunities to expand their representation of women, particularly in technical positions. Additionally, there are now many Corporate-backed outreach programs designed to attract and inspire women to enter high-tech careers. STEM and come to mind as two well-funded programs sponsored by employers in the high-tech industry. However, as noted earlier, it takes time to change mindset and practice resulting from generations of gender bias. Infoblox is one of many employers who are embracing this change in mindset by promoting women leadership in the workplace and sponsoring programs aligned with our beliefs.
Q&A with Infoblox’s WIN Executive Team “Our primary focus is to expand the presence of women in leadership, enterprise direct sales, and engineering roles.” JESPER ANDERSEN - INFOBLOX CEO
Q: What is the purpose of Infoblox’s “Women’s Internal Network” and what need will it serve? JA: Our purpose is to build an internal support system to attract, retain and promote women in the workplace. Our primary focus is to expand the presence of women in leadership, enterprise direct sales, and engineering roles.
Q: As a company, what made you stop and say … “we need to create a WIN program?” JA: We value diversity at all levels and in all job categories throughout the organization. We’re fortunate to have a diverse workforce, in general. However, we lack broad representation of Women in senior leadership and technical roles. We decided to create an internal network for women to learn together and from each other. Additionally, we want to support external efforts that inspire young women to pursue engineering and technology careers. This will help fill the pipeline with qualified candidates in the future. Collectively, we think we can make a difference. The result will be a more engaged and productive workforce, and ultimately a more successful organization. Q: What goals do you hope to achieve and what is your time frame? JA: We haven’t established a timeframe or specific quotas to achieve. Instead we’re taking direct action to achieve our goals in everything we do. From recruitment, to employee development, outreach activities and mentoring efforts. Additionally, we’re participating in a variety of community initiatives that align with our goal. Q: How will you monitor the progress of WIN? JA: We’ll measure our effectiveness in engagement levels of women employees through our mid-year and annual employee engagement survey. Additionally, we’ll measure our percent of women representation in leadership and technology positions.
Q: What do you think is the most significant barrier to female leadership? SA: A primary concern is the lack of women entering the Engineering/technical profession resulting in fewer women available to assume leadership position in the high-tech industry. There are a variety of social and economic reasons that have resulted in an imbalance of women in leadership and technology. Many women don’t have mentors at home to help shape their career aspirations. Others were preoccupied with fulfilling traditional roles of being a mother and/or caretaker, placing their career goals on the back burner. Additionally, there are still deep-seated biases that have existed for many generations. During the last few decades I’ve seen a positive shift in this mindset. As a result, women are achieving parity in the workplace. Although we’re seeing positive change in the workplace, it will require sustainable change in institutional mindset to correct these biases over time. Male presence still dominates the boardroom and C-Suite positions.
Q: Why is tech the fastest-growing industry in the U.S. which is predicted to provide more job opportunities than all other professional sectors, still failing to attract and retain women in your opinion? SA: I wouldn’t say the high-tech industry is failing at attracting and retaining women in the workplace. Quite the opposite. I think we’re making significant progress. More than ever, employers are sponsoring mentorships for women in technology and proactively pursuing opportunities to expand their representation of women, particularly in technical positions. Additionally, there are now many Corporate-backed outreach programs designed to attract and inspire women to enter high-tech careers. STEM and come to mind as two well-funded programs sponsored by employers in the high-tech industry. However, as noted earlier, it takes time to change mindset and practice resulting from generations of gender bias. Infoblox is one of many employers who are embracing this change in mindset by promoting women leadership in the workplace and sponsoring programs aligned with our beliefs.
“We would like to see a significant increase of women represented in our management and technical positions. We are committed to creating and maintaining a work environment that reflects gender diversity, which in turn, will result in higher employee morale, superior performance, and ultimately profitability. ” NORMA LANE - EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT OF PEOPLE & PLACES
Q: Focusing on diversity in the workplace is an essential step in building a great culture. How has Infoblox responded to this challenge as a company thus far? NL: Fortunately, we’ve built a great culture and a cool work environment which focuses on collaboration, respecting others, and having fun. (“We believe that a fun, caring, collaborative, and learning work environment will stimulate creativity and innovation that results in customer satisfaction and business success,” said Jesper Andersen, CEO of Infoblox) We also maintain a diverse work environment and fully embrace diversity in all areas of the company. Our challenge is finding qualified candidates in our senior management, direct enterprise sales, and Engineering environment. We’re taking steps to sponsor programs (like Hour of Code) that promote women in technology through STEM and various professional associations (such as Watermark) who are also aligned with our purpose. This will help build a strong pipeline of female candidates for future consideration. Additionally, we’re sponsoring a variety of programs to develop and promote women currently employed at Infoblox. Q: There is currently lack of women in tech … does Infoblox have a goal of how many Women they would like to employ in the company? NL: We would like to see a significant increase of women represented in our management and technical positions. We are committed to creating and maintaining a work environment that reflects gender diversity, which in turn, will result in higher employee morale, superior performance, and ultimately profitability. Q: A diverse workplace is proven to get better results, more accurately reflects your customer/client base, and ensures a wider range of experience. Do you feel WIN project will help Infoblox meet its goals? NL: Absolutely! A diverse work environment offers diverse opinions on broad business issues. Ultimately, business decisions are well thought out and result in sustainable solutions because we’ve considered a variety of creative ideas and in-depth insight.
Q: What woman inspires you and why? NL: Personally, I relate to women who are successful because of their resilience and grit. They’ve been through their share of life experiences that may have been challenging. However, they remained focused and determined, despite the obstacles. These women were not born with a silver spoon. They didn’t come from privileged families who paved the way for their success. Instead, these women envisioned their dreams and seized opportunities to pursue them; Overcoming many speed bumps along the way. Even after achieving success they remained humble and gave back to their community so that others can also prosper. Oprah Winfrey comes to mind. My Grandma is another.
“We would like to see a significant increase of women represented in our management and technical positions. We are committed to creating and maintaining a work environment that reflects gender diversity, which in turn, will result in higher employee morale, superior performance, and ultimately profitability. ” NORMA LANE - EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT OF PEOPLE & PLACES
Q: Focusing on diversity in the workplace is an essential step in building a great culture. How has Infoblox responded to this challenge as a company thus far? NL: Fortunately, we’ve built a great culture and a cool work environment which focuses on collaboration, respecting others, and having fun. (“We believe that a fun, caring, collaborative, and learning work environment will stimulate creativity and innovation that results in customer satisfaction and business success,” said Jesper Andersen, CEO of Infoblox) We also maintain a diverse work environment and fully embrace diversity in all areas of the company. Our challenge is finding qualified candidates in our senior management, direct enterprise sales, and Engineering environment. We’re taking steps to sponsor programs (like Hour of Code) that promote women in technology through STEM and various professional associations (such as Watermark) who are also aligned with our purpose. This will help build a strong pipeline of female candidates for future consideration. Additionally, we’re sponsoring a variety of programs to develop and promote women currently employed at Infoblox. Q: There is currently lack of women in tech … does Infoblox have a goal of how many Women they would like to employ in the company? NL: We would like to see a significant increase of women represented in our management and technical positions. We are committed to creating and maintaining a work environment that reflects gender diversity, which in turn, will result in higher employee morale, superior performance, and ultimately profitability. Q: A diverse workplace is proven to get better results, more accurately reflects your customer/client base, and ensures a wider range of experience. Do you feel WIN project will help Infoblox meet its goals? NL: Absolutely! A diverse work environment offers diverse opinions on broad business issues. Ultimately, business decisions are well thought out and result in sustainable solutions because we’ve considered a variety of creative ideas and in-depth insight.
Q: What woman inspires you and why? NL: Personally, I relate to women who are successful because of their resilience and grit. They’ve been through their share of life experiences that may have been challenging. However, they remained focused and determined, despite the obstacles. These women were not born with a silver spoon. They didn’t come from privileged families who paved the way for their success. Instead, these women envisioned their dreams and seized opportunities to pursue them; Overcoming many speed bumps along the way. Even after achieving success they remained humble and gave back to their community so that others can also prosper. Oprah Winfrey comes to mind. My Grandma is another.
I sincerely enjoy my career as a real estate agent. For over 20 years I have lived and provided excellent service, as well as practical guidance, in the listing and sale of properties in the Santa Clara Valley and beyond. Whether I am negotiating to garner the best contract price for my sellers or working hard in a multiple offer scenario for my buyers, I thrive on helping my clients realize their property ownership dreams. I bring Honesty, Integrity, and Passion for the Job! If I am not with a client or working on marketing and advertising a new listing, you will find me at the gym working out, running, spending time with my two grown daughters, playing a competitive tennis match, or sipping a wonderful glass of wine with my husband at the end of the day. For many years I have supported and volunteered for local ballet and dance troupes and I am passionate about supporting Breast Cancer Awareness events and finding a cure for Lyme disease. As a prospective client, you may be assured that I will always place your interests and needs as my first priority. I take my responsibilities VERY seriously and am more than full time in your service. One extremely satisfied client of mine summarized my work ethic better than I could, “Kerry is extremely professional and has the commitment and high energy needed for top performance… Kerry’s sales efforts show preparation and creativity, along with quick and excellent results.” I bring a wealth of experience, education, tenacity, and ingenuity to each transaction. I believe my degree in psychology from the University of Colorado, Boulder has provided me with the ability to keep interactions between people positive. My training as a Certified Residential Specialist and Relocation Specialist enhances my capacity to represent your interests at the highest level. I am thankful to have received numerous honors over the years from my full-service broker, Alain Pinel Realtors including: Top Producing Agent, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Circle Awards, and Rookie of the Year. APR has since joined forces with Compass Real Estate.
Raised in the Bay Area and Silicon Valley, Angelé is intimately familiar with the area, neighborhoods, schools, and lifestyle. Going on 25 years as a full-time agent, Angelé has developed her talent for selling and finding dream homes for her clients so well that she is consistently a top producer. She now works with Compass, a cutting-edge real estate company sleekly designed with the goal of helping clients find their place in the world. Being part of such an organization gives both her sellers and buyers the competitive edge needed in today’s complicated market. Markets served: Santa Clara County, parts of San Mateo County, and Santa Cruz County. Angelé has earned her SRES® Desgination as her commitment to assist Baby Boomers and the 50+ homeowners with decisions about aging in place, reverse mortgages, or senior housing options. First time homebuyers and up-sizing homeowners are specialties as well!
Making an Incredible Impact on Community Through Selfless, Dedicated Volunteer Work
Meet Lynn North,
Recognized Top Realtor & Dedicated Community Volunteer “My clients would say that I’m honest, trustworthy, experienced and committed to working with integrity. I truly care about my clients and am personally committed to their success, which shows in how I work with them and in my results.” Sunny View Award Presentation to Francis N Njuakom, Director CDVTA in Cameroon, Africa for senior housing there: Francis accepts his award of $20,000 donated by the residents and staff of Sunny View & Front Porch (left to right: Sally Plank, EVP Front Porch, Francis’ wife Rosie, Jack York (founder of iN2L and large donor to CDVTA), Lynn North, Chair of Sunny View’s Foundation, Francis N. Njuakom, Director of CDVTA in Cameroon)
Lynn North has been a realtor for the past 15 years & ranked in the top 5% with the prestigious Alain Pinel Realtors in the Bay Area. She has served as coordinator and director of programs and is currently in various leadership positions at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Los Altos, California. Previously, she was director of telecommunications business development at Network Appliance and vice president in sales with SBC and Pacific Bell, where her large team literally built the infrastructure known today as Silicon Valley.
“I believe there will continue to be a strong demand for housing with continued struggles of less inventory and pent up demand.”
After earning her Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Behavior from University of San Francisco, Lynn’s expertise has been in helping her clients deal with change, whether it be in growing their business or with her recent board experiences, in helping families with seniors deal with the challenges of life changes. Lynn has been the Chair on the Board of Sunny View’s Foundation since 1999 & with Front Porch since 2004. Lynn has been in several key leadership roles at Immanuel Lutheran Church for 33 years. For 3 years, she took 40 youth and adults to Mexico to build homes for the poor and has been an active role in local schools and community sports programs. Lynn is a licensed real estate agent drawing on her wealth of experience helping clients and is a fourth generation Bay Area resident, who has lived in Los Altos for 33 years. She was past president of her neighborhood association. Lynn has earned the reputation among her colleagues and clients for honesty, integrity and loyalty. Lynn’s philosophy on real estate recognizes the need for a knowledgeable consultant who can produce top results. “I work continually to keep up with this ever-changing, complex market and strive to help my clients realize the greatest return on one of their largest investments.”
Sunny View’s Annual Benefit Dinner, Lynn North, Chair of the Foundation
Q: How long have you been in the Real Estate business? LN: I have been in real estate for 16 years, starting as an assistant for 2 of the top agents for a year to really get a sense of the business and develop a strong understanding of the details. Prior to changing careers, I was a vice president at Pacific Bell and SBC, where my team built the infrastructure that we now know as Silicon Valley with all of the large accounts headquartered here. Also, I ran our church (Immanuel Lutheran Church) for 5 years when our long-term pastor retired. As a youth director at our church during 4 of those years, I took 40 teens to Mexico to build homes for the poor, which was very inspiring and really rewarding in seeing how it gave the kids a broader perspective of life. Q: What designations or certifications do you hold? LN: Relocation is my current designation, where I help my clients and their families moving to this area get settled into the community. Compass has an extensive relocation program, where I have helped many of my clients buy vacation homes or
relocate to anywhere in the world through their recommendations and referrals. Q: What percentage of your clients are buyers vs. sellers? LN: The majority of my clients are sellers. While I am in the top 1% of my business, I only take one listing at a time, so I can dedicate my attention to that seller in marketing their home. The result is I usually bring in the highest offer for that neighborhood, which gives them their greatest return on their investment. I attend to all of the details, including preparing their home for the market and directly working with all of the potential buyers and their agents. For my buyers, I really focus on what they are looking for and make sure they have a great lender, which can strengthen their offer and make them as competitive with all cash offers. Also, I have a good reputation amongst my peers, so listing agents really encourage me to write an offer for their properties, which helps my buyers as well. I am thorough in researching the comparative market sales and reviewing the disclosures, so my buyers are confident in what they are buying and at the right price.
Making an Incredible Impact on Community Through Selfless, Dedicated Volunteer Work
Meet Lynn North,
Recognized Top Realtor & Dedicated Community Volunteer “My clients would say that I’m honest, trustworthy, experienced and committed to working with integrity. I truly care about my clients and am personally committed to their success, which shows in how I work with them and in my results.” Sunny View Award Presentation to Francis N Njuakom, Director CDVTA in Cameroon, Africa for senior housing there: Francis accepts his award of $20,000 donated by the residents and staff of Sunny View & Front Porch (left to right: Sally Plank, EVP Front Porch, Francis’ wife Rosie, Jack York (founder of iN2L and large donor to CDVTA), Lynn North, Chair of Sunny View’s Foundation, Francis N. Njuakom, Director of CDVTA in Cameroon)
Lynn North has been a realtor for the past 15 years & ranked in the top 5% with the prestigious Alain Pinel Realtors in the Bay Area. She has served as coordinator and director of programs and is currently in various leadership positions at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Los Altos, California. Previously, she was director of telecommunications business development at Network Appliance and vice president in sales with SBC and Pacific Bell, where her large team literally built the infrastructure known today as Silicon Valley.
“I believe there will continue to be a strong demand for housing with continued struggles of less inventory and pent up demand.”
After earning her Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Behavior from University of San Francisco, Lynn’s expertise has been in helping her clients deal with change, whether it be in growing their business or with her recent board experiences, in helping families with seniors deal with the challenges of life changes. Lynn has been the Chair on the Board of Sunny View’s Foundation since 1999 & with Front Porch since 2004. Lynn has been in several key leadership roles at Immanuel Lutheran Church for 33 years. For 3 years, she took 40 youth and adults to Mexico to build homes for the poor and has been an active role in local schools and community sports programs. Lynn is a licensed real estate agent drawing on her wealth of experience helping clients and is a fourth generation Bay Area resident, who has lived in Los Altos for 33 years. She was past president of her neighborhood association. Lynn has earned the reputation among her colleagues and clients for honesty, integrity and loyalty. Lynn’s philosophy on real estate recognizes the need for a knowledgeable consultant who can produce top results. “I work continually to keep up with this ever-changing, complex market and strive to help my clients realize the greatest return on one of their largest investments.”
Sunny View’s Annual Benefit Dinner, Lynn North, Chair of the Foundation
Q: How long have you been in the Real Estate business? LN: I have been in real estate for 16 years, starting as an assistant for 2 of the top agents for a year to really get a sense of the business and develop a strong understanding of the details. Prior to changing careers, I was a vice president at Pacific Bell and SBC, where my team built the infrastructure that we now know as Silicon Valley with all of the large accounts headquartered here. Also, I ran our church (Immanuel Lutheran Church) for 5 years when our long-term pastor retired. As a youth director at our church during 4 of those years, I took 40 teens to Mexico to build homes for the poor, which was very inspiring and really rewarding in seeing how it gave the kids a broader perspective of life. Q: What designations or certifications do you hold? LN: Relocation is my current designation, where I help my clients and their families moving to this area get settled into the community. Compass has an extensive relocation program, where I have helped many of my clients buy vacation homes or
relocate to anywhere in the world through their recommendations and referrals. Q: What percentage of your clients are buyers vs. sellers? LN: The majority of my clients are sellers. While I am in the top 1% of my business, I only take one listing at a time, so I can dedicate my attention to that seller in marketing their home. The result is I usually bring in the highest offer for that neighborhood, which gives them their greatest return on their investment. I attend to all of the details, including preparing their home for the market and directly working with all of the potential buyers and their agents. For my buyers, I really focus on what they are looking for and make sure they have a great lender, which can strengthen their offer and make them as competitive with all cash offers. Also, I have a good reputation amongst my peers, so listing agents really encourage me to write an offer for their properties, which helps my buyers as well. I am thorough in researching the comparative market sales and reviewing the disclosures, so my buyers are confident in what they are buying and at the right price.
rienced and committed to working with integrity. I truly care about my clients and am personally committed to their success, which shows in how I work with them and in my results. Q: How do you compare Compass Real Estate from past companies you’ve worked for? LN: I have had the privilege to always work and be associated with strong, respected market leaders. Specifically, in real estate, I previously worked for Alain Pinel Realtors, (a privately owned Bay Area company), which was a highly respected brand in terms of integrity, professionalism, and high standards. Compass brings that same quality in a broader scope on a national scale. It is the number one largest independent brokerage in the country with a strong financial backing (over $1.5 billion in funding as a market leader), resulting in a stronger marketing brand. This gives its agents an opportunity to invest in the company and participate in equity shares for their own financial planning goals. The company’s mission is to help everyone find their place in the world. With the agents at the core of the company, Compass drives market insights and offers continuous new tools that help us differentiate ways to better serve our clients. They have incredible leadership beginning with their CEO, Robert Reffkin, who communicates regularly for input and encourages us to collaborate without ego. Q: Can you tell us about your involvement with the Sunny View’s Foundation? Sunny View resident, Sara Carter receiving the Oliver Ruud Award (left to right: Bill Penrod, Director of Sunny View’s Foundation, Lynn North, Chair of Sunny View’s Foundation & Sara Carter, resident)
Q: If you had to make one prediction of where the Silicon Valley Real Estate market will be this year … what would it be? LN: I believe there will continue to be a strong demand for housing with continued struggles of less inventory and pent up demand. Most of our buyers are looking for closer commutes. Many seniors and baby boomers are not moving because of their capital gains and the need to keep their property taxes down with Prop 13 (currently they can only transfer it to 8 counties). Frequent needs in the cycle of life are first time home buyers, young families moving up, baby boomers downsizing and selling their parents’ homes, along with people from all over the world here looking for new jobs. Our main concern is buyers being priced out of the market. We have already seen a correction in our appreciation rate to a more “normal” rate (10% per year) and listing prices seem to be lower. With 5 world-leading industries headquartered here (see list below), we continue to be a buoyant economy with so many
diverse jobs requiring many different skill sets resulting in healthy appreciation rates: • Entrepreneurial/VCs/Stanford • Tech including Apple, wireless, chips, Google and new AI • Bio Tech, Pharmaceuticals & Medicine (Stanford & UCSF) • Clean Tech such as solar, Tesla (automotive) • Animation Entertainment (Pixar, Nvidia & Lucas Films) Q: What has been your most satisfying moment while in the Real Estate business? LN: Helping my clients realize their dreams in getting their first home or seeing my retired clients realize their greatest return on their investment for their retirement. Q: You were featured in the 2019 list of Americas Best Real Estate Professionals. If we interviewed all your past clients … what is “one” common word that comes up when they describe working with you and why? LN: My clients would say that I’m honest, trustworthy, expe-
LN: I have been chair of the Sunny View board for over 20 years, which is a non-profit senior retirement community in Cupertino. We have created an environment where our seniors have a renewed purpose to their lives and are able to continue to thrive in their later years & fulfill their legacy. We leverage tech products such as iN2L (very large computer wall tablet) and artificial intelligence tools such as Echo dots and Nest thermostats to assist them. With iN2L, our cognitive or dementia residents in Summer House can play the piano and entertain their neighbors or other residents can see their hometowns or attend their grandchildren’s weddings. Partnering with local high schools, those students can earn community service hours in writing the biographies of our residents as a gift for their families. Residents raise money for scholarships for the staff and together they work on community projects that benefit children in the hospital. The local Lutheran churches started it, so the spiritual element is there, and we have a full time wonderful chaplaincy team, who brings wonderful programs and worship services for our residents as well. Q: If you could talk to one person from history, who would it be and why? LN: I would like to answer with 2 people. Jesus Christ and Abra-
ham Lincoln. As a direct descendant of Abraham Lincoln (my paternal great grandmother’s cousin was Nancy Hanks, his real mother), I would love to interview him on how we can heal our nation by realizing we have more in common than have differences. I would love to meet Jesus to learn from him on how he changed us to serve others and be inspired by his message on gratitude and being in his presence. Q: How do you maintain a healthy work life balance? LN: Life is so precious! Keeping a perspective and having a sense of humor (along with eating right, getting enough sleep and exercise) brings so much enrichment and joy into my life. Knowing that God, my family and my life’s work of making a difference are my priorities and keeping clarity of purpose are the keys to keeping a balance. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? LN: That the value of truly listening to my clients can really guide me to better serve them. It is the ability to focus on what clients really need and give them that concierge experience! Recently, the actor, Tom Hanks shared how Mister Rogers was a masterful listener and used the acronym, WAIT as a guide to help him improve his ability to better listen. It stands for “Why Am I Talking”, which I have found to be a great tool for thoughtful listening. Q: What advice do you have for the next generation of women behind you? LN: Don’t let fear sabotage your ability to take risks and don’t lose the courage to be your best self! It can be challenging for women to continue to believe in themselves and to know that they can succeed and to not lose the confidence and faith that they are on the right path despite the challenges. Rehearse each challenging task mentally in advance, so you are ready to address them and have considered all scenarios (from Stephen Covey). Previously, as a corporate VP in a very dynamic and changing environment, I knew that the people I had the privilege to lead truly made the key difference, as they were the ones closest to the clients’ needs. Respect all those who have led the way, listen and be grateful to your mentors. All of us can recollect those who believed in us and were humbled by their incredible support. They were the ones who created your path!
rienced and committed to working with integrity. I truly care about my clients and am personally committed to their success, which shows in how I work with them and in my results. Q: How do you compare Compass Real Estate from past companies you’ve worked for? LN: I have had the privilege to always work and be associated with strong, respected market leaders. Specifically, in real estate, I previously worked for Alain Pinel Realtors, (a privately owned Bay Area company), which was a highly respected brand in terms of integrity, professionalism, and high standards. Compass brings that same quality in a broader scope on a national scale. It is the number one largest independent brokerage in the country with a strong financial backing (over $1.5 billion in funding as a market leader), resulting in a stronger marketing brand. This gives its agents an opportunity to invest in the company and participate in equity shares for their own financial planning goals. The company’s mission is to help everyone find their place in the world. With the agents at the core of the company, Compass drives market insights and offers continuous new tools that help us differentiate ways to better serve our clients. They have incredible leadership beginning with their CEO, Robert Reffkin, who communicates regularly for input and encourages us to collaborate without ego. Q: Can you tell us about your involvement with the Sunny View’s Foundation? Sunny View resident, Sara Carter receiving the Oliver Ruud Award (left to right: Bill Penrod, Director of Sunny View’s Foundation, Lynn North, Chair of Sunny View’s Foundation & Sara Carter, resident)
Q: If you had to make one prediction of where the Silicon Valley Real Estate market will be this year … what would it be? LN: I believe there will continue to be a strong demand for housing with continued struggles of less inventory and pent up demand. Most of our buyers are looking for closer commutes. Many seniors and baby boomers are not moving because of their capital gains and the need to keep their property taxes down with Prop 13 (currently they can only transfer it to 8 counties). Frequent needs in the cycle of life are first time home buyers, young families moving up, baby boomers downsizing and selling their parents’ homes, along with people from all over the world here looking for new jobs. Our main concern is buyers being priced out of the market. We have already seen a correction in our appreciation rate to a more “normal” rate (10% per year) and listing prices seem to be lower. With 5 world-leading industries headquartered here (see list below), we continue to be a buoyant economy with so many
diverse jobs requiring many different skill sets resulting in healthy appreciation rates: • Entrepreneurial/VCs/Stanford • Tech including Apple, wireless, chips, Google and new AI • Bio Tech, Pharmaceuticals & Medicine (Stanford & UCSF) • Clean Tech such as solar, Tesla (automotive) • Animation Entertainment (Pixar, Nvidia & Lucas Films) Q: What has been your most satisfying moment while in the Real Estate business? LN: Helping my clients realize their dreams in getting their first home or seeing my retired clients realize their greatest return on their investment for their retirement. Q: You were featured in the 2019 list of Americas Best Real Estate Professionals. If we interviewed all your past clients … what is “one” common word that comes up when they describe working with you and why? LN: My clients would say that I’m honest, trustworthy, expe-
LN: I have been chair of the Sunny View board for over 20 years, which is a non-profit senior retirement community in Cupertino. We have created an environment where our seniors have a renewed purpose to their lives and are able to continue to thrive in their later years & fulfill their legacy. We leverage tech products such as iN2L (very large computer wall tablet) and artificial intelligence tools such as Echo dots and Nest thermostats to assist them. With iN2L, our cognitive or dementia residents in Summer House can play the piano and entertain their neighbors or other residents can see their hometowns or attend their grandchildren’s weddings. Partnering with local high schools, those students can earn community service hours in writing the biographies of our residents as a gift for their families. Residents raise money for scholarships for the staff and together they work on community projects that benefit children in the hospital. The local Lutheran churches started it, so the spiritual element is there, and we have a full time wonderful chaplaincy team, who brings wonderful programs and worship services for our residents as well. Q: If you could talk to one person from history, who would it be and why? LN: I would like to answer with 2 people. Jesus Christ and Abra-
ham Lincoln. As a direct descendant of Abraham Lincoln (my paternal great grandmother’s cousin was Nancy Hanks, his real mother), I would love to interview him on how we can heal our nation by realizing we have more in common than have differences. I would love to meet Jesus to learn from him on how he changed us to serve others and be inspired by his message on gratitude and being in his presence. Q: How do you maintain a healthy work life balance? LN: Life is so precious! Keeping a perspective and having a sense of humor (along with eating right, getting enough sleep and exercise) brings so much enrichment and joy into my life. Knowing that God, my family and my life’s work of making a difference are my priorities and keeping clarity of purpose are the keys to keeping a balance. Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? LN: That the value of truly listening to my clients can really guide me to better serve them. It is the ability to focus on what clients really need and give them that concierge experience! Recently, the actor, Tom Hanks shared how Mister Rogers was a masterful listener and used the acronym, WAIT as a guide to help him improve his ability to better listen. It stands for “Why Am I Talking”, which I have found to be a great tool for thoughtful listening. Q: What advice do you have for the next generation of women behind you? LN: Don’t let fear sabotage your ability to take risks and don’t lose the courage to be your best self! It can be challenging for women to continue to believe in themselves and to know that they can succeed and to not lose the confidence and faith that they are on the right path despite the challenges. Rehearse each challenging task mentally in advance, so you are ready to address them and have considered all scenarios (from Stephen Covey). Previously, as a corporate VP in a very dynamic and changing environment, I knew that the people I had the privilege to lead truly made the key difference, as they were the ones closest to the clients’ needs. Respect all those who have led the way, listen and be grateful to your mentors. All of us can recollect those who believed in us and were humbled by their incredible support. They were the ones who created your path!
Catherine Canfield
has been creating distinctive interiors unique to each client’s personal taste since 1985. Her design philosophy involves working hand in hand with her clients, listening carefully, so as to define their individual style. By integrating their treasured possessions, combined with the necessary experience, imagination and inspiration, to result in an exceptional interior and loyal clientele. Catherine consults on design concepts, color, space planning, lighting, finish materials, fixtures, furnishings, wall coverings and finishes floor and window coverings, art and accessories. Our focus is to assist our clients in expressing their own unique
and individual style, which best suits their budget and lifestyle. Specializing in all phases of interior design, from in home consultation to complete redesign, remodel or design & build, providing design advice for every aspect of your home or office. Austin Design can assist you with conceptual design and specification and/or purchase of custom furnishings, lighting, window, wall & floor coverings, color selection, space planning, kitchen & bath design, artwork and accessories, as well as, many other resources available to the design trade. Regardless of your personal style, Catherine combines vision, presence, sophistication and beauty to create the perfect artful enhancements for your home.
LOS GATOS 408.358.9663 LOS GATOS 408.358.9663
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Ki m Ri chman
Ki m Ri chmani saSi l i conVal l eynat i veandhasbeenexper t l ys er vi ngands el l i ngr es i dent i alr eal es t at ei nt hear eaf orover25year s .Asacons i s t entt oppr oducerandal eaderi nt hei ndus t r y,s he s peci al i zesi nbei ngaMas t erCer t i fiedNegot i at i onExper tandhasapr of es s i onalbackgr oundi n pr oper t ypr epar at i onandi nt er i ordes i gn.She’ shasbeenr ecogni zedf ormanyaccompl i s hment sover t heyear sandwasnamedasaTop1% Agenti nSant aCl ar aCount yandAmer i ca’ sBes tRealEs t at e Agent sbyReal Tr endsf r om 20142018. Ki mr es i desi nLosGat oswi t hherdaught er ,Kar l yandt hei rdog,Cooper .Shel ovest obeact i veandi n herf r eet i meyoucanfindheratherl ocalSoulCycl ecl as s !Sheal s ol oveshi ki ng,s ki i ng,t r avel i ngand s pendi ngqual i t yt i mewi t hherf r i endsandf ami l y,i ncl udi nghergr owns onChad.Shei st r ul yi nves t ed i ngi vi ngbackt ot hel ocalcommuni t i esandhaspr oudl ydonat edover$40, 000ands er vedover70 hour st ol ocals chool s ,char i t i esandcaus esi n2018.
4084069533 | ki m@ki mri chmant eam. com | www. ki mri chmant eam. com
Cathleen Gouveia is the Design Principal of Cathleen Gouveia Design, an award-winning design firm based in Belvedere-Tiburon, California delivering high-end residential Interior Design and Project Management services to the San Francisco Bay Area, Lake Tahoe, the Napa and Sonoma Wine Region, the Hamptons, Nantucket and beyond. Her work has been featured on Home and Garden Television (HGTV), California Living® Television, in The San Francisco Chronicle, and several other periodicals. Cathleen is the 2016/17 President of ASID California North, and an Associate Member of the IIDA. CGD was founded in Sausalito in 2004. Cathleen previously designed spaces for prestigious residential design firms in San Francisco. Her work has appeared at The Traditional Home Napa Showhouse (2012 and 2014), The San Francisco Decorator Showcase House (2011), The Elle Décor Home Tour (2011) and the Marin Designers Showcase House (2004, 2005, 2007, 2010). The San Francisco Chronicle named Cathleen a, “San Francisco Stylemaker”. Ms. Gouveia was the recipient of The 2011 ASID Cal North Design Excellence Award for, “Best Sustainable Residential Interior Design Project”; The 2015 Design Excellence Award for, “Best Showhouse Design” (1st Place); “The Best Residential Project Under 3,000SF” (2nd Place), and ASID Design Excellence Award this year, “Best Residential Space in the Public Domain (Living Rooms, Dining Rooms). Cathleen graduated with Honors from the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) where she received an MFA Degree in Interior Architecture and Design, and received The Departmental Award for Design Excellence. She studied European Architecture, Art and Design in London, Paris, and Rome; and completed post-baccalaureate studies at The School of Visual Arts (SVA), and The N.Y. School of Interior Design. The hallmark of Cathleen’s style is a conceptual perspective unique to the history and vernacular of each building and design client. Cathleen has established a cornucopia of unique sources, artisans and suppliers. In her free time, Cathleen may be found indulging her passion for travel, art, design, music and boating. She divides her time between San Francisco, CA; Bay Head NJ; and East Hampton, NY and one day plans to open a design studio in Nantucket, MA.
P.O. BOX 1203 | TIBURON, CA 94920 TEL. 415.203.8663 | FAX: 888.908.1634 WWW.GOUVEIADESIGN.COM
If you want to find the best home or investment, partner up with an experienced and proven agent, Jessie Lee. She is an award-winning realtor with a track record of among the top 1% of real estate professionals in the Bay Area. Anyone who worked with Jessie is familiar with her tenacity and exceptional negotiating skills. She is well-informed, well-connected, a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI), and a consistent top-earning producer for her brokerage since 2010. Jessie specializes in high-rise condos, urban lofts, corporate, and personal investments, multi-family units, and single-family homes. Over the years, she has cultivated valued client relationships, which help continue to grow her business through referrals. Jessie offers her clients the most up-to-date market analysis and investment opportunities, and her guidance continually leads to smoother transactions. She also prides herself on her hard-working team to provide resources and the best service possible to clients. Raised in Korea by parents who are real estate
investors, Jessie’s formative years were heavily influenced by entrepreneurs who often discussed real estate-related topics at dinner. Her upbringing taught her invaluable real-world business experience long before many of her peers began their path to entrepreneurship. Today, Jessie is a product of Korean, American, and French influences, having married a French hubby. She is multilingual and can speak English, Korean, Japanese, and French. Outside of work and family, Jessie is active in the Foreign Investment Professionals Group, and serves as the Vice President of the Korean American Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco. She is an avid traveler who frequently visits Asia and Europe while keeping a close eye on global and local real estate market trends and always brewing up ways to expand her network of investors, financial service providers, and other agents and brokers. Jessie aims to continually bring value to her clients and foster new relationships. If interested in real estate, partner up with Jessie and gain a true friend in the business.
Pamela Lindsay Pamela Lindsay co-founded the College of Adaptive Arts (CAA) with DeAnna Pursai in the spring of 2009, launching a vision of lifelong collegiate education for those who have historically not had access to such opportunity. The effort began with one student and endless possibilities, a twinkle in the eye, and a call upon their hearts. However, that little-vision-that-could has developed into one of their community’s most historic and impactful contributions to accessible, lifelong higher education for adults with differing abilities. The importance of this mission has been recognized locally and state-wide while the college itself has grown strong as a California charitable organization. CAA “Cardinals” are spirited collegiate men and women with a whole wide and beautiful range of learner profiles, including those who happen to have Down syndrome and autism. They have collectively earned over 11,000 credits to-date toward private diplomas in designated areas of adapted classroom study. The students do not need to leave the program upon graduation or cease their learning journey. They can stay and pursue as many diploma tracks as they like or take just one class. Like any community college, CAA is there for students whenever and however they need it. Lindsay explains that adults with differing abilities ages 18 to 70+ can experience obstacles to their pursuit of lifelong academic development including cost, age-out, class content, pace of study, and access to programs. These obstacles inhibit movement toward ongoing diploma goals. Lindsay’s M.A. in Theatre Arts, background in special needs education and consulting, and experience in college classroom instruction guide continual invention of innovative designs for eliminating these limits. She is currently completing her doctorate in research and development of ground-breaking ways for CAA staff, students, families, and community partners to collaboratively construct new solutions for curriculum and instruction within this disruptive and adaptive learning model. A day in Cardinal life has expanded to include joyful learning moments in nine schools of study. However, the need for expanded classroom space also grows every year. According to Lindsay, this is a great problem. They are now launching the next stage of their vision to accommodate growth: the move of their students and programs from current studio space to an existing college campus. The significance of this step will only be surpassed by the increase in the students’ learning and contribution potential. Colleges with space on their campus and in their plans for expanded impact
will experience another stratosphere of identified inclusive learning opportunities when they add CAA to their student community. The battle cry for this revolutionary work is, “Move the mountain!” The students’ motto is, “Showcase ability!” The community cry is “Transform perception!” Lindsay describes these as ingredients for powerful momentum and change if, as their alma mater asks, we all work together and “Just Believe.”
Pamela Lindsy, Co-Founder | College of Adaptive Arts 1401 Parkmoor Ave. #260 | San Jose, CA 95126 | mobile: 408-538-3809
DeAnna Pursai DeAnna Pursai teamed up with Pamela Lindsay in 2009 to co-found College of Adaptive Arts, which provides an equitable collegiate experience to adults with special needs who historically have not had access to college education. This lifelong college model is one the first of its kind in the country, and it’s grow 12-fold since inception. CAA’s vision is empowering the student body to creatively transform perception of individuals with disabilities. The long-term vision is to make this model of lifelong education as flexible and scalable so that it can be replicated across the country to become the Special Olympics model in the education space. DeAnna received her Bachelor’s at Purdue University in special education and elementary education and her Master’s from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Educational Policy Analysis. She’s active in the San Jose in San Jose Rotary Club, in the MyProGroup business leads/referrals group, and she sits on the board of Christmas in the Park. Her guiding force is her sister, Angel, who happens to have Down syndrome, who is a constant source of love, guidance, and in rethinking possibility.
DeAnna Pursai, Executive Director | Official Mountain Mover, College of Adaptive Arts 1401 Parkmoor Ave. #260 | San Jose, CA 95126 | mobile: 408-394-6816
Priscilla is a totally passionate Realtor® with tremendous energy for helping her clients buy or sell their homes. She worked in the construction industry for over a decade and this has given her an extensive network of contacts as well as an experienced eye for evaluating properties. She speaks the language of construction and this is crucial for working with contractors and inspectors throughout the buying and selling process.
Priscilla is a homeowner herself who bought a fixer 33 years ago and has watched it grow in value. She is a believer in Real Estate investment as a means to create wealth. It’s her greatest joy to take care of her clients’ needs and make them her top priority. She is extremely hardworking and dedicated. She has excellent negotiation skills and a great reputation in the Real Estate industry. Priscilla utilizes her expertise throughout the process to provide her clients with the highest level of service.
T or i ' sr eales t at ecar eerbegani n1986and hasencompas s edoverf i f t eenhundr ed RealEs t at et r ans act i onswhi chr angef r om s mal lcondomi ni umst omul t i mi l l i ondol l ar homes .T or iof f er smany" s t r ong"poi nt st o hercl i ent s ,andal t houghwel lver s edi nt he ar tofas s i s t i ngBuyer sandRealEs t at eI nves t or si npr oper t yacqui s i t i on,T or i ' st r uel ove ands ki l l scomei nt heas s es s mentofpr oper t yval ue,t heknowl edgeofwhatcanbe donet oapr oper t yt omaxi mi z ei t sval ue ( andmar ketpos i t i on) ,andheradvanced mar ket i ngs ki l l swhi chgof araboveand beyondwhatcannor mal l ybeexpect ed f r om aRealEs t at eBr oker . Whenyouhi r eT or i ,yougetT or i !Noas s i s t ant sorunder l i ngswi l lbewor ki ngwi t hyou; T or iper s onal l yhandl esALLas pect sofyour RealEs t at epur chas eors al e;f r om t hemar ket i ng,f i el di ngofcal l s ,negot i at i ng,paper wor kandt hehundr edsofl i t t l ebehi ndt hes cenesdet ai l s .T or iwant syour t r ans act i ont onotonl ybepr of i t abl ef or you,butapos i t i veexper i ence! T or ihast heexper i enceofwor ki ngi nt he f ol l owi ngmar ket s :LosAl t os ,Mount ai n Vi ew,Menl oPar k,Pal oAl t o,Sunnyval e, Sant aCl ar a,Ros eGar den,Wi l l ow Gl en andNagl eePar k! Remember ,whenyouwor kwi t haReal Es t at eAgent[ orBr oker ]youar er eal l y hi r i ngt hatAgent ' sr eput at i on,orl ack t her eof ,i nt hei ndus t r y.YourAgent ' sr eput at i onwi l ldi r ect l yr ef l ectpos i t i vel yornegat i vel yonyou;T or ii shi ghl yr es pect edi nt he RealEs t at eCommuni t yi nwhi chs hewor ks , andi nt ur nbr i ngst hatl evelofr es pectt o youasei t heraBuyer ,orasaSel l er .Never under es t i mat eorover l ookt heval ueof yourAgent ' sr eput at i on! T or il ooksf or war dt odemons t r at i ngt oyou whatt r ue" f ul ls er vi ce"i sl i keandgi vi ngyou t heoppor t uni t yt omakeyourr eales t at e endeavorass moot haspos s i bl e.
Recognized Education Leader,
Meet Dr. Mary Ann Dewan, Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools Q: When your career in Education started, did you have any idea, you would be where you are today? Dr. Dewan: I began my career in education as a fourth grader teacher. I loved teaching and I had no idea at that time what the future would hold nor what the possibilities for advancement were.
Dr. Dewan, presiding over the Opportunity Youth Academy’s (OYA) ribbon cutting ceremony at Snell. The blended program engages 16-24 year olds to earn their high school diploma and leave with a path to post graduation college or career.
“As a teacher, I thought it was important to create the conditions in the classroom for active learning and collaboration. I believed that children enjoy learning, like to set goals and embrace new challenges.”
Q: When you began your career as a teacher, can you describe your philosophy of teaching? Dr. Dewan: As a teacher, I thought it was important to create the conditions in the classroom for active learning and collaboration. I believed that children enjoy learning, like to set goals, and embrace new challenges. Students demonstrate their knowledge and are most engaged with “Hands on” learning lessons and projects. I believed that it was my job to be prepared and I was always eager to work long hours to prepare lesson plans and materials for students. Q: How long were you a teacher before you knew you wanted to take the next step as Principal? Can you share with our audience what motivated you to take that step up to Principal? Dr. Dewan: My career in Educational administration started when a leader I admired greatly encouraged me to become a school principal. I was hesitant at first to leave the classroom after nine years because the students inspired me. I had taken on several leadership roles with committees and schoolwide projects and really enjoyed the work. My mentor convinced me that I could do even more as a school principal and that I could make a bigger contribution to the community. Q: Tell us about the time you spent as Director of Special Education?
The Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is a champion of public education, providing instructional, administrative, business, and technology services to the 31 school districts of Santa Clara County, representing over 275,000 students from preschool through 12th grade.
Dr. Dewan: I served as Director of Special Education for about five years. It was a remarkably challenging and extremely rewarding position in which I could create programs and support young people and their families. During this time, we explored the concepts of universal design for learning as a means to break down silos and support all students. Q: How is education changing? Dr. Dewan: It is a very exciting time in education. We know more about how students learn than we ever have before. We are able to engage students in learning about science, technology, computer science, engineering and math through project based learning and hands on projects. We are also seeing the value of civics education, encouraging youth to understand and participate in our democracy, understanding history through varying perspectives and applying the skills of civil discourse. Q: In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that teachers face today? Dr. Dewan: Teachers today are facing many challenges. Teachers worry about the increasing levels of anxiety that young people are experiencing. Safety and emergency preparedness are top of mind for many educators today as well. Teachers have to be prepared for potential emergencies cre-
ated by fire, earthquake or flood. Campus safety continues to be an area of challenge for all of us in education. Q: Can you share with us some of the educational opportunities you have championed as Superintendent? Dr. Dewan: I am a strong advocate for the expansion of Early care, heath, and education. The first five years of a child’s life are the most vulnerable years and also the time when the most brain development is occurring. Along with my colleagues on the County Board of Education, we have championed efforts to increase access to quality early learning. I was an early champion of Educare of California at Silicon Valley, a high quality early learning campus in east San Jose. Inclusive learning is a high priority and one way that I demonstrate the importance is through support of the Inclusion Collaborative. We expanded the Inclusion Collaborative to have a focus on equity and to serve families and children birth to Grade 12. Q: In your role as Superintendent, what steps can you implement to see that every child gets the opportunity to succeed and be prepared for college, career and life? Dr. Dewan: Every child is precious, and it
Recognized Education Leader,
Meet Dr. Mary Ann Dewan, Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools Q: When your career in Education started, did you have any idea, you would be where you are today? Dr. Dewan: I began my career in education as a fourth grader teacher. I loved teaching and I had no idea at that time what the future would hold nor what the possibilities for advancement were.
Dr. Dewan, presiding over the Opportunity Youth Academy’s (OYA) ribbon cutting ceremony at Snell. The blended program engages 16-24 year olds to earn their high school diploma and leave with a path to post graduation college or career.
“As a teacher, I thought it was important to create the conditions in the classroom for active learning and collaboration. I believed that children enjoy learning, like to set goals and embrace new challenges.”
Q: When you began your career as a teacher, can you describe your philosophy of teaching? Dr. Dewan: As a teacher, I thought it was important to create the conditions in the classroom for active learning and collaboration. I believed that children enjoy learning, like to set goals, and embrace new challenges. Students demonstrate their knowledge and are most engaged with “Hands on” learning lessons and projects. I believed that it was my job to be prepared and I was always eager to work long hours to prepare lesson plans and materials for students. Q: How long were you a teacher before you knew you wanted to take the next step as Principal? Can you share with our audience what motivated you to take that step up to Principal? Dr. Dewan: My career in Educational administration started when a leader I admired greatly encouraged me to become a school principal. I was hesitant at first to leave the classroom after nine years because the students inspired me. I had taken on several leadership roles with committees and schoolwide projects and really enjoyed the work. My mentor convinced me that I could do even more as a school principal and that I could make a bigger contribution to the community. Q: Tell us about the time you spent as Director of Special Education?
The Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is a champion of public education, providing instructional, administrative, business, and technology services to the 31 school districts of Santa Clara County, representing over 275,000 students from preschool through 12th grade.
Dr. Dewan: I served as Director of Special Education for about five years. It was a remarkably challenging and extremely rewarding position in which I could create programs and support young people and their families. During this time, we explored the concepts of universal design for learning as a means to break down silos and support all students. Q: How is education changing? Dr. Dewan: It is a very exciting time in education. We know more about how students learn than we ever have before. We are able to engage students in learning about science, technology, computer science, engineering and math through project based learning and hands on projects. We are also seeing the value of civics education, encouraging youth to understand and participate in our democracy, understanding history through varying perspectives and applying the skills of civil discourse. Q: In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that teachers face today? Dr. Dewan: Teachers today are facing many challenges. Teachers worry about the increasing levels of anxiety that young people are experiencing. Safety and emergency preparedness are top of mind for many educators today as well. Teachers have to be prepared for potential emergencies cre-
ated by fire, earthquake or flood. Campus safety continues to be an area of challenge for all of us in education. Q: Can you share with us some of the educational opportunities you have championed as Superintendent? Dr. Dewan: I am a strong advocate for the expansion of Early care, heath, and education. The first five years of a child’s life are the most vulnerable years and also the time when the most brain development is occurring. Along with my colleagues on the County Board of Education, we have championed efforts to increase access to quality early learning. I was an early champion of Educare of California at Silicon Valley, a high quality early learning campus in east San Jose. Inclusive learning is a high priority and one way that I demonstrate the importance is through support of the Inclusion Collaborative. We expanded the Inclusion Collaborative to have a focus on equity and to serve families and children birth to Grade 12. Q: In your role as Superintendent, what steps can you implement to see that every child gets the opportunity to succeed and be prepared for college, career and life? Dr. Dewan: Every child is precious, and it
is our obligation to provide each and every child with opportunities. Strong partnerships are key. When we work together to offer enriching programs and services in and out of school and remove barriers to access, children have their best chance. A firm foundation in the first few years is an important component and investments in health and wellness pay dividends. Q: I see several issues facing Public Schools like; Classroom Size, Parent Involvement, Student Health (Obesity) along with Bullying. I’m sure funding is a big issue … what do you feel still needs to be done to assure that no child is left behind? Dr. Dewan: I am glad that you brought up funding. It is the biggest challenge facing our schools. California still ranks near the bottom in the nation in terms of per pupil spending, despite the fact that we are one of the wealthiest economies in the world. I think there is more that could be done to address funding in education. Educators, families, and community want schools to be able to support the needs of their students in many areas including social and emotional wellness. Another issue that is becoming more prominent in the bay area is homelessness and housing insecurity. More families and children are impacted by the devastating consequences of instable housing on their health, wellness, and education. Q: What types of programs can be implemented to assure students and teachers can have a continued successful partnership? Dr. Dewan: Programs that create a safe and healthy community and promote equity build the foundation for successful partnership. Mindfulness and trauma informed practices building community and wellness. Q: What’s the toughest part of your job? Dr. Dewan: I sincerely love my work. The things that make the work tough are the same things that make it rewarding. I enjoy tackling new challenges and problem solving. I hope that in some small way, every day, I can make a difference for the children in Santa Clara County. Q: What will be the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you? Dr. Dewan: The pace of change today is incredibly fast, and the allure of the next new thing is ever present. This environment can be challenging and anxiety inducing. Living, working, and leading in this environment requires balance in ways previous generations did not have to worry about. Q: What’s one leadership lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? Dr. Dewan: Leaders make mistakes. We don’t always get it right. The leadership lesson is forgiveness. We have to be willing to reflect, learn from our mistakes, forgive ourselves and then extend the same to those with whom we work. Leadership is a people business. Q: Can you share with our audience one of your most memorable events of your career? Dr. Dewan: One of the most memorable events of my career was at the first graduation of our Opportunity Youth Academy. Each graduation continues to be memorable. Opportunity Youth Academy is a school for young people who need another chance and some additional support and encouragement to earn their high school diploma and embark on college and career. As one of the architects of the program, I was overjoyed at our first graduation. The stories of perseverance and gratitude from the students are unforgettable. We demonstrated that we believed in them and they achieved despite all odds.
L-R: Dr. Dewan, County Superintendent of Schools; Rebecca Reynolds Lytle, CEO of Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union; and Ron Gonzales, President and CEO Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley and former Mayor of the City of San Jose, attend the 49th Annual Teacher Recognition Celebration in 2018. Every fall the Teacher Recognition Celebration honors Santa Clara County’s finest teachers, each selected by their respective school districts. The SCCOE produces the annual gala with the generous support of community partners. The Teacher Recognition Celebration is the oldest and largest celebration of teachers in California, and the most prestigious local award given to classroom teachers.
Q: Which woman inspires you and why? Dr. Dewan: I am inspired by women and girls every day. I admire the courage of women who run for elected office and engage in public service. This calling to elected office is foundational to preserving our democracy. Qualified, committed women who serve in elected office deserve our support and admiration. I would like to honor my deceased grandmother, Rosella. She inspired me as a young person and continues to do so. Rosella advocated for inclusion and acceptance of her daughter with Down’s Syndrome at a time in our country’s history when individuals with disabilities were removed from their families and institutionalized. She fought against institutionalization knowing that inclusion, acceptance, and love were inherent rights for all children. Rosella encouraged me to pursue college and to
have a career, opportunities that she and other women of her generation did not have. I continue to be inspired by her courage, persistence, and wisdom to advocate for all children. Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? Dr. Dewan: Women continue to face challenges related to wage equity, affordable childcare, and access to diverse opportunities. We still have a long way to go towards equity in representation in elected office, CEO positions, and in the board room. And, in certain fields of work, women are still underrepresented. Women working in careers that have been traditionally dominated by women such as childcare and early education have lower than average wages. Q: Can you offer some advice for young women that
may want to pursue a career as an educator? Dr. Dewan: I hope more young women will consider a career in education. I have found it to be a very rewarding profession. There are many types of positions in education so consider all of the possibilities. Not everyone who works as an educator is a classroom teacher. All types of positions exist such as college professor, community college instructor, tutor, special educator, school psychologist, interpreter, audiologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, and school nurse. Educators are everyday heroes. The first few years can be challenging so it is important to take care of yourself, establish a network of colleagues, and never stop learning. The more we learn, the more we realize how much there is to learn about children, teaching and learning, curriculum, brain development, and building community in the classroom.
is our obligation to provide each and every child with opportunities. Strong partnerships are key. When we work together to offer enriching programs and services in and out of school and remove barriers to access, children have their best chance. A firm foundation in the first few years is an important component and investments in health and wellness pay dividends. Q: I see several issues facing Public Schools like; Classroom Size, Parent Involvement, Student Health (Obesity) along with Bullying. I’m sure funding is a big issue … what do you feel still needs to be done to assure that no child is left behind? Dr. Dewan: I am glad that you brought up funding. It is the biggest challenge facing our schools. California still ranks near the bottom in the nation in terms of per pupil spending, despite the fact that we are one of the wealthiest economies in the world. I think there is more that could be done to address funding in education. Educators, families, and community want schools to be able to support the needs of their students in many areas including social and emotional wellness. Another issue that is becoming more prominent in the bay area is homelessness and housing insecurity. More families and children are impacted by the devastating consequences of instable housing on their health, wellness, and education. Q: What types of programs can be implemented to assure students and teachers can have a continued successful partnership? Dr. Dewan: Programs that create a safe and healthy community and promote equity build the foundation for successful partnership. Mindfulness and trauma informed practices building community and wellness. Q: What’s the toughest part of your job? Dr. Dewan: I sincerely love my work. The things that make the work tough are the same things that make it rewarding. I enjoy tackling new challenges and problem solving. I hope that in some small way, every day, I can make a difference for the children in Santa Clara County. Q: What will be the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you? Dr. Dewan: The pace of change today is incredibly fast, and the allure of the next new thing is ever present. This environment can be challenging and anxiety inducing. Living, working, and leading in this environment requires balance in ways previous generations did not have to worry about. Q: What’s one leadership lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? Dr. Dewan: Leaders make mistakes. We don’t always get it right. The leadership lesson is forgiveness. We have to be willing to reflect, learn from our mistakes, forgive ourselves and then extend the same to those with whom we work. Leadership is a people business. Q: Can you share with our audience one of your most memorable events of your career? Dr. Dewan: One of the most memorable events of my career was at the first graduation of our Opportunity Youth Academy. Each graduation continues to be memorable. Opportunity Youth Academy is a school for young people who need another chance and some additional support and encouragement to earn their high school diploma and embark on college and career. As one of the architects of the program, I was overjoyed at our first graduation. The stories of perseverance and gratitude from the students are unforgettable. We demonstrated that we believed in them and they achieved despite all odds.
L-R: Dr. Dewan, County Superintendent of Schools; Rebecca Reynolds Lytle, CEO of Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union; and Ron Gonzales, President and CEO Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley and former Mayor of the City of San Jose, attend the 49th Annual Teacher Recognition Celebration in 2018. Every fall the Teacher Recognition Celebration honors Santa Clara County’s finest teachers, each selected by their respective school districts. The SCCOE produces the annual gala with the generous support of community partners. The Teacher Recognition Celebration is the oldest and largest celebration of teachers in California, and the most prestigious local award given to classroom teachers.
Q: Which woman inspires you and why? Dr. Dewan: I am inspired by women and girls every day. I admire the courage of women who run for elected office and engage in public service. This calling to elected office is foundational to preserving our democracy. Qualified, committed women who serve in elected office deserve our support and admiration. I would like to honor my deceased grandmother, Rosella. She inspired me as a young person and continues to do so. Rosella advocated for inclusion and acceptance of her daughter with Down’s Syndrome at a time in our country’s history when individuals with disabilities were removed from their families and institutionalized. She fought against institutionalization knowing that inclusion, acceptance, and love were inherent rights for all children. Rosella encouraged me to pursue college and to
have a career, opportunities that she and other women of her generation did not have. I continue to be inspired by her courage, persistence, and wisdom to advocate for all children. Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? Dr. Dewan: Women continue to face challenges related to wage equity, affordable childcare, and access to diverse opportunities. We still have a long way to go towards equity in representation in elected office, CEO positions, and in the board room. And, in certain fields of work, women are still underrepresented. Women working in careers that have been traditionally dominated by women such as childcare and early education have lower than average wages. Q: Can you offer some advice for young women that
may want to pursue a career as an educator? Dr. Dewan: I hope more young women will consider a career in education. I have found it to be a very rewarding profession. There are many types of positions in education so consider all of the possibilities. Not everyone who works as an educator is a classroom teacher. All types of positions exist such as college professor, community college instructor, tutor, special educator, school psychologist, interpreter, audiologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, and school nurse. Educators are everyday heroes. The first few years can be challenging so it is important to take care of yourself, establish a network of colleagues, and never stop learning. The more we learn, the more we realize how much there is to learn about children, teaching and learning, curriculum, brain development, and building community in the classroom.
After graduating from the University of San Francisco in 1976 with an elementary credential, Jackie was faced with a downturn in the education system with schools closing and teaching jobs scarce. Wanting to use the degree she obtained, she searched for a position in the corporate world where she’d not only be an employee but educator as well. Always fascinated with construction and property, she landed her first job with Century 21 Real Estate in their Regional Office in San Francisco where she oversaw the company’s real estate school; scheduling classes and managing the students, as well as acting as activities coordinator organizing events for the 144 franchises. In 1979, a new marriage took her to San Diego and another real estate firm, only this time it was as an Asset Manager for The Koll Company, a real estate investment group. Her projects were the Rancho San Diego Shopping Center, with seven major stores and forty small “mom and pop” business. It was her responsibility to see construction was done on time, move the tenants in, and manage the rents. Her next project was The Bank of America Building in downtown San Diego, a twenty-two-story high rise. In 1981, Jackie moved back to the Bay Area with her children’s father to start their family and raised four children in Los Altos. Twenty-three years later, in 2004, as her last child left the nest, Jackie knew her talents would be best served to help others with the largest investment they ever own, their home, and became a residential real
estate agent. In her practice, she prides herself on acting as a consultant, not a salesperson. Her duties to her clients include the education necessary for making the proper decisions when buying or selling a home, as well as serving them above and beyond their expectations. She works to bring her sellers top dollar and guide buyers to properties that will not only have resale value but a home where memories are created, shared and last a lifetime. Her primary goal is to make realty a reality. With her Senior Real Estate Specialist designation, she works closely with the older population and their families making transitions in their life smooth and stress-free. She also holds a certification in dealing with distressed properties. In her spare time, she volunteers at the YMCA, helping adults and children reach their fitness goals; is a mentor with Partnering for Next Generation guiding high school students towards college; and spends her free time raising money for the American Cancer Society, Relay for Life, Habitat for Humanity, and The 100 Women Foundation. Jackie is also a published author. Her first book, My Life in a Tutu, a memoir, was launched in June 2018 with WriteLife Publishers. She is currently working on her next project, The Promise I kept, and is a columnist for the Los Altos Town Crier newspaper with her column Haugh-about-That, covering newsworthy and human-interest stories.
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Sunaina Arora is proud to be part of Compass, one of the most sophisticated and dominant real estate companies in the Bay Area. She is a full-service real estate professional and brings years of experience to the business. She is committed to growth and is constantly educating herself on ever changing real estate laws and learning new skills. She brings wealth of knowledge and professionalism to the business. Sunaina strongly believes that in business, the best reward is a happy customer. She is patient and takes all the time necessary to guide her clients through the process. Her relentless commitment to clients and their needs, and her passion and enthusiasm for her work has enabled her to build a strong referral based business. A business that is built on partnership, trust and client focus. Whether you are a first time homebuyer or a seasoned seller, Sunaina guarantees that you receive the highest level of service. She is highly skilled in marketing and negotiation. And ensures that you have the best representation in every transaction.
Honest, Funny & Filled with Passion to Empower Women!
Dion Lim,
News Anchor / Reporter ABC7 News, KGO-TV Q: How did your career start as news anchor? DL: By a stroke of pure luck! I had always wanted to be a reporter, then a network correspondent before the age of 30. This was the career path I had carved out in my head. But during my first on-air job in tiny Springfield, Massachusetts, (market 109) just a year into the job, somehow, my agent got a call from the ABC station in Kansas City (market 33) and asked if I wanted to try anchoring. Having never anchored before, and wanting to keep it a secret, a friend of mine from a competing station snuck me into their studios after hours to record a demo using the day’s old scripts. When I got the job and first sat down at that desk, (much to the chagrin of my much older, experienced, talented co-workers) I made a lot of mistakes but learned so much. All it took was for one person to believe in me, someone who thought I had talent and just needed the experience and skills. He laid the foundation for what I do today, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world. Q: What is a typical day like for you? DL: After working nights most of my career, I’ve discovered unless you are regimented on waking up it’s far too easy to sleep in until noon! So, when the alarm goes off, usually around 8 I immediately get on my phone and scroll through social media and catch up on the big news of the day. That keeps me from going back to sleep. DION AT THE OSCARS 2019
In the news business you never know what your
shift will be depending on the day...and that some weeks I work day shifts and night shifts and the occasional early morning 3am shift! The hours before my shift starts at 2:30 or 3 pm, I try to be as productive as possible. This week, I’m meeting with the Asian Realtors Association of America to go over a speech I’m presenting for their yearly gala.Other days I meet up with friends for lunch since I’m at work at the time most people go out to dinner and drinks. I’ve been a part of an online food group called #FoodTravelChat for several years and for the San Francisco members, we explore new places to eat and we jokingly refer to ourselves as “those people” who take photos of our food to post on social media later! As soon as work begins, it’s go-go-go. For reporting shifts, I’m in assignment meetings, making calls, in the field grabbing interviews and trying to juggle many tasks at once. A photographer friend of mine introduced me to a device called a Hot Logic, which is like a portable oven the size of a lunchbox. I use it to eat while I write my story script and web script. Depending on what I’m covering, I could be live in the 11 pm newscast. The fact you never know where you’ll be on any given day is what makes reporting exciting. On anchoring days, it’s equally as busy, but inside the station. There is proofing and writing of scripts. Recording teases and tracking story packages and calls to set up stories for reporting days. Since we have a lot of newscasts at ABC7 during
the week and on the weekend, I usually use my Hot Logic at my desk for dinner or we’ll all order delivery. Postmates, Caviar and Uber Eats are a must some nights! Some evenings, we’ll have special guests visit the studio. I’m involved with a group called Best Buddies, which promotes friendship, job creation and confidence for those with physical and developmental disabilities. Recently, a generous donor spent $1600 to sponsor a group of 10 Buddies and their family members to watch one of our newscasts. My co-anchor Eric Thomas and I, along with meteorologist Drew Tuma spent time answering their questions, showing them the technology of the studio and just spending quality time eating cake with them. These evenings are very special to me and part of why I love what I do! After getting home at around midnight, (or later if I’m reporting and live somewhere far away from the station) I stay up another hour or two reading, unwinding with all of my DVR’d shows and eating my 4th meal with my husband. He is a professional poker player and has a flexible schedule, so it’s good he’s a night-owl too! Q: Can you share with our audience one of your most memorable events you’ve covered? DL: My first day on air at ABC7 was when the North Bay Fires broke out. As soon as I stepped into the newsroom, a colleague thrust a big red
Honest, Funny & Filled with Passion to Empower Women!
Dion Lim,
News Anchor / Reporter ABC7 News, KGO-TV Q: How did your career start as news anchor? DL: By a stroke of pure luck! I had always wanted to be a reporter, then a network correspondent before the age of 30. This was the career path I had carved out in my head. But during my first on-air job in tiny Springfield, Massachusetts, (market 109) just a year into the job, somehow, my agent got a call from the ABC station in Kansas City (market 33) and asked if I wanted to try anchoring. Having never anchored before, and wanting to keep it a secret, a friend of mine from a competing station snuck me into their studios after hours to record a demo using the day’s old scripts. When I got the job and first sat down at that desk, (much to the chagrin of my much older, experienced, talented co-workers) I made a lot of mistakes but learned so much. All it took was for one person to believe in me, someone who thought I had talent and just needed the experience and skills. He laid the foundation for what I do today, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world. Q: What is a typical day like for you? DL: After working nights most of my career, I’ve discovered unless you are regimented on waking up it’s far too easy to sleep in until noon! So, when the alarm goes off, usually around 8 I immediately get on my phone and scroll through social media and catch up on the big news of the day. That keeps me from going back to sleep. DION AT THE OSCARS 2019
In the news business you never know what your
shift will be depending on the day...and that some weeks I work day shifts and night shifts and the occasional early morning 3am shift! The hours before my shift starts at 2:30 or 3 pm, I try to be as productive as possible. This week, I’m meeting with the Asian Realtors Association of America to go over a speech I’m presenting for their yearly gala.Other days I meet up with friends for lunch since I’m at work at the time most people go out to dinner and drinks. I’ve been a part of an online food group called #FoodTravelChat for several years and for the San Francisco members, we explore new places to eat and we jokingly refer to ourselves as “those people” who take photos of our food to post on social media later! As soon as work begins, it’s go-go-go. For reporting shifts, I’m in assignment meetings, making calls, in the field grabbing interviews and trying to juggle many tasks at once. A photographer friend of mine introduced me to a device called a Hot Logic, which is like a portable oven the size of a lunchbox. I use it to eat while I write my story script and web script. Depending on what I’m covering, I could be live in the 11 pm newscast. The fact you never know where you’ll be on any given day is what makes reporting exciting. On anchoring days, it’s equally as busy, but inside the station. There is proofing and writing of scripts. Recording teases and tracking story packages and calls to set up stories for reporting days. Since we have a lot of newscasts at ABC7 during
the week and on the weekend, I usually use my Hot Logic at my desk for dinner or we’ll all order delivery. Postmates, Caviar and Uber Eats are a must some nights! Some evenings, we’ll have special guests visit the studio. I’m involved with a group called Best Buddies, which promotes friendship, job creation and confidence for those with physical and developmental disabilities. Recently, a generous donor spent $1600 to sponsor a group of 10 Buddies and their family members to watch one of our newscasts. My co-anchor Eric Thomas and I, along with meteorologist Drew Tuma spent time answering their questions, showing them the technology of the studio and just spending quality time eating cake with them. These evenings are very special to me and part of why I love what I do! After getting home at around midnight, (or later if I’m reporting and live somewhere far away from the station) I stay up another hour or two reading, unwinding with all of my DVR’d shows and eating my 4th meal with my husband. He is a professional poker player and has a flexible schedule, so it’s good he’s a night-owl too! Q: Can you share with our audience one of your most memorable events you’ve covered? DL: My first day on air at ABC7 was when the North Bay Fires broke out. As soon as I stepped into the newsroom, a colleague thrust a big red
newscast from her. She taught me every has a season and a place to shine. Lyanne Melendez here at ABC7 News/KGO-TV is inspirational because she’s reported all over the world for CNN and is tough as nails, knows who she is and has been a cheerleader for me as the relative new kid at KGO. Members of Women Entrepreneurs of Los Altos launch festive inaugural 2017 WE Vibe Block Party highlighting the women-owned businesses of Los Altos.
I’ve had a lot of success, but behind it also came a lot of rejection. But it’s those who said “yes” and took a chance or believed in me that helped me get to where I am today.
bag my direction and inside was my fire-retardant suit, a face mask, and hard helmet. I’ve covered tornadoes and hurricanes and all other natural disasters...but a wildfire, which grows, and spread is unlike anything I could ever imagine. I met so many people those first few days who had experienced tremendous loss. A man, covered in ash, dazed and wandering the streets. A family frantically packing up their belongings to evacuate. A woman who had lost a dozen horses to the flames. I still keep in touch with some of them today, and it’s been encouraging to hear how they’re starting to rebuild and piece their lives back together. The funniest? A time in Kansas City when a man was arrested after licking a frog, hoping the animal’s poisonous venom would create a hallucinogenic experience! Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? DL: That you don’t have to be the smartest, the most talented or most skilled in order to thrive in your career. (I’m definitely not and have the grades from school to prove it!) It’s about being able to communicate, not
Q: Do you have any advice you can share for those women who may want to pursue a career in broadcast journalism? DL: Don’t be discouraged by the “no’s”. Let them fuel your passion to strive for something better. This is a subjective business. It’s not like mathematics, where there is always a clear and defined right or wrong answer to an equation. In TV news, you could be a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, but if one person doesn’t like your voice, and you don’t get the job, does that mean you’re not talented? Absolutely not.
only with an audience but during those day-to-day “microinteractions” in the workplace and also with yourself. Being comfortable in your own skin to have the confidence to tackle any challenge that comes your way. This is the theme of my book “untitled” (McGraw-Hill 2019) coming out this fall. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? DL: Do I have to pick just one?! The cliché thing to say would be my mom but she is truly remarkable in many ways. My mother grew up in Taiwan and because girls were not viewed as valuable like boys, she was given away to another family. When that family rejected her and gave her back, can you imagine what that must do to you psychologically? Later as an immigrant she faced tremendous racism and adversity in the US. I’m amazed by her work ethic and grit to get things done and to take care of our family despite all of the hurdles. When it comes to TV news, I’ve had the fortune of working with some remarkable women in my career. Sonja Gantt the former main anchor at the NBC station in Charlotte taught me how to lead a newsroom with kindness and empathy when I took over the 11pm
Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? DL: What AREN’T some challenges women face today? An important topic I speak about often at schools and at women’s conferences is being “ok” with who you are and understanding you are “enough”. There is so much pressure to look and sound a certain way. To fit the standard of beauty and success. But unless you wholeheartedly grasp the notion of acceptance of who you are, you cannot effectively emote and communicate with your audience, your colleagues, the environment around you. Early in my career, I was very insecure. Unaware of my unique talents as a person. But during this time, I was portraying this image of perfection on TV. It was not authentic. My advice is to never let others take away your confidence. Your sense of self-worth. It empowers you to pass on these lessons to others and empower them. If you remember what that is, you’ll be untouchable. Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace?
DL: It’s why I partnered with my literary agent at Full Circle Literary and my publisher, McGraw-Hill to write a book about communication. It’s number one. Unlike in say, college, workplaces are filled with people from all different backgrounds, all different ages. The bringing together of a diverse workforce means each person can bring inherent skills and talents to the table. But it also can mean breakdowns in communication style. This breeds stress, drama, and frustration. You don’t have to be the smartest, the quickest or the most talented. But when you know how to listen and react appropriately with those you interact with, you’ll have a more productive, harmonious work environment. Q: What do you like the most about living in the Bay Area? DL: Hands down the diversity, which is reflected in the thinking, the lifestyle, and the FOOD! Every city I’ve had the opportunity to work in has shaped who I am today, and I’m so grateful for those experiences. But San Francisco has a vibrancy like no other, which makes me feel alive.
newscast from her. She taught me every has a season and a place to shine. Lyanne Melendez here at ABC7 News/KGO-TV is inspirational because she’s reported all over the world for CNN and is tough as nails, knows who she is and has been a cheerleader for me as the relative new kid at KGO. Members of Women Entrepreneurs of Los Altos launch festive inaugural 2017 WE Vibe Block Party highlighting the women-owned businesses of Los Altos.
I’ve had a lot of success, but behind it also came a lot of rejection. But it’s those who said “yes” and took a chance or believed in me that helped me get to where I am today.
bag my direction and inside was my fire-retardant suit, a face mask, and hard helmet. I’ve covered tornadoes and hurricanes and all other natural disasters...but a wildfire, which grows, and spread is unlike anything I could ever imagine. I met so many people those first few days who had experienced tremendous loss. A man, covered in ash, dazed and wandering the streets. A family frantically packing up their belongings to evacuate. A woman who had lost a dozen horses to the flames. I still keep in touch with some of them today, and it’s been encouraging to hear how they’re starting to rebuild and piece their lives back together. The funniest? A time in Kansas City when a man was arrested after licking a frog, hoping the animal’s poisonous venom would create a hallucinogenic experience! Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? DL: That you don’t have to be the smartest, the most talented or most skilled in order to thrive in your career. (I’m definitely not and have the grades from school to prove it!) It’s about being able to communicate, not
Q: Do you have any advice you can share for those women who may want to pursue a career in broadcast journalism? DL: Don’t be discouraged by the “no’s”. Let them fuel your passion to strive for something better. This is a subjective business. It’s not like mathematics, where there is always a clear and defined right or wrong answer to an equation. In TV news, you could be a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, but if one person doesn’t like your voice, and you don’t get the job, does that mean you’re not talented? Absolutely not.
only with an audience but during those day-to-day “microinteractions” in the workplace and also with yourself. Being comfortable in your own skin to have the confidence to tackle any challenge that comes your way. This is the theme of my book “untitled” (McGraw-Hill 2019) coming out this fall. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? DL: Do I have to pick just one?! The cliché thing to say would be my mom but she is truly remarkable in many ways. My mother grew up in Taiwan and because girls were not viewed as valuable like boys, she was given away to another family. When that family rejected her and gave her back, can you imagine what that must do to you psychologically? Later as an immigrant she faced tremendous racism and adversity in the US. I’m amazed by her work ethic and grit to get things done and to take care of our family despite all of the hurdles. When it comes to TV news, I’ve had the fortune of working with some remarkable women in my career. Sonja Gantt the former main anchor at the NBC station in Charlotte taught me how to lead a newsroom with kindness and empathy when I took over the 11pm
Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? DL: What AREN’T some challenges women face today? An important topic I speak about often at schools and at women’s conferences is being “ok” with who you are and understanding you are “enough”. There is so much pressure to look and sound a certain way. To fit the standard of beauty and success. But unless you wholeheartedly grasp the notion of acceptance of who you are, you cannot effectively emote and communicate with your audience, your colleagues, the environment around you. Early in my career, I was very insecure. Unaware of my unique talents as a person. But during this time, I was portraying this image of perfection on TV. It was not authentic. My advice is to never let others take away your confidence. Your sense of self-worth. It empowers you to pass on these lessons to others and empower them. If you remember what that is, you’ll be untouchable. Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace?
DL: It’s why I partnered with my literary agent at Full Circle Literary and my publisher, McGraw-Hill to write a book about communication. It’s number one. Unlike in say, college, workplaces are filled with people from all different backgrounds, all different ages. The bringing together of a diverse workforce means each person can bring inherent skills and talents to the table. But it also can mean breakdowns in communication style. This breeds stress, drama, and frustration. You don’t have to be the smartest, the quickest or the most talented. But when you know how to listen and react appropriately with those you interact with, you’ll have a more productive, harmonious work environment. Q: What do you like the most about living in the Bay Area? DL: Hands down the diversity, which is reflected in the thinking, the lifestyle, and the FOOD! Every city I’ve had the opportunity to work in has shaped who I am today, and I’m so grateful for those experiences. But San Francisco has a vibrancy like no other, which makes me feel alive.
MemberofNAWBO Si l i conVal l ey
FLORDELI SA HARRI S I nsur anceBr oker andConsul t ant
Benefit sSi mpl i fied I nsur anceSol ut i ons,LLC Benef i t sSi mpl i f i edwasf oundedont hebel i eft hatbenef i t ss houl dbes i mpl et ounder s t and,whet heryou' r eas t ar t up,gr oup,i ndi vi dualorf ami l y.Wi t ht he ongoi ng changesi n heal t hcar er ef or m and t he compl exi t i esoft he Af f or dabl e Car e Act ( ACA) ,cons umer sneed anadvocat et ohel p wi t ht hei ns ur ancer equi r ement s ,admi ni s t r at i onandcommuni cat i ons .T hr oughourpr of es s i onal exper t i s eandgui dance, wepr ovi det her i ghtl evelofbenef i t sbas edonyourcur r entandant i ci pat edneeds . Wet akepr i dei nt hei ns ur ancecar r i er sandvendor swer epr es entandpar t nerwi t h, s uch asAnt hem Bl ue,Cr os s ,Bl ue Shi el d,Del t a Dent al ,Guar di an,Kai s er ,St er l i ng, Uni t ed Heal t hcar e,and Vi s i on Ser vi ce Pl an.Medi cal ,dent al ,vi s i on,l i f e,di s abi l i t y, empl oyee as s i s t ance pl an,f l exi bl es pendi ng account ,et es ome oft he pl an pr oduct sands er vi cesavai l abl e.Weal s opar t nerwi t hT hi nkHRwhopr ovi despr of es s i onal HumanRes our cesadvi ceandgui dance,al ongwi t hEas eCent r al f oronl i neenr ol l mentandbenef i t smanagement . Ouri ns ur ancebr oker ageandcons ul t i ngs er vi cesar epr ovi dedf orFREE!
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MemberofNAWBO Si l i conVal l ey
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Q: How did you get involved in the nonprofit sector? PD: I wanted to make a difference and give back to the community and felt the nonprofit sector was aligned with my values. I started off my career providing direct services in education to migrant children and immigrant families in the Salinas and Pajaro Valleys. Being a child of immigrant parents and wanting to give back to my community, I decided to pursue a master’s in social work with a focus in serving low-income Latino children as a therapist. As I was pursuing my degree, I gained a better understanding on how policies impact low-income families and decided to concentrate my career in policy advocacy and community building. For the past 20 years, I’ve worked in the nonprofit sector advocating for improving the lives and opportunities of Latino and immigrant families. It’s my passion and it’s personal. Q: Tell us about your time with the SIREN organization … what changes did you bring about in your role as Executive Director? PD: SIREN, an immigrant rights organization in San Jose, will always be close to my heart. I first started working at SIREN as their policy director. I’m so grateful for SIREN providing me the space and tools to learn how to bring the voice of the immigrant community on issues that are impacting them. I left SIREN to continue advocating for the Latino community in Sacramento with UnidosUs (formerly National Council of La Raza) and Latino Coalition for a Healthy California. I was happy to return to SIREN as their Executive Director in 2005. During my ten years at SIREN, I brought the organization to financial stability, reorganized its program priorities, and partnered with key statewide and national partners that led to victories for immigrants and their families. This couldn’t have happened without having a dynamic and dedicated Board and staff. Q: In your current position as Executive Director of the Chicana / Latina Foundation, can you share with our audience the foundations mission? PD: The mission of the Chicana Latina Foundation (CLF) is to empower Latinas and Chicanas through personal, educational and professional development. We invest in helping Latinas find their own path to success and open a path for others. It’s about cultivating leadership so that they have the confidence and skills to succeed in college, career and life. Q: What has been the impact of Chicana / Latina Foundation in the Bay Area since its inception in 1977? PD: The Chicana Latina Foundation was founded by three Latinas attending UC Berkeley who found the need to support other Latinas pursuing higher education. As first-generation college students, they realized the importance to come together to support each other and future generations of Latina college students. As of today, CLF has awarded nearly $1 million dollars in scholarship assistance to over 600 low-income and first-generation Latina college students in Northern California. Of this number, 400 scholarship awardees have participated in CLF’s leadership institute to succeed as leaders in social change. In 2015, CLF conducted a survey to its alumnae and found that CLF doubled the rate of educational attainment compared to Latinos statewide average.
Promoting Professional & Leadership Development of Latinas,
Patricia Diaz,
Executive Director of the Chicana Latina Nonprofit Foundation
Q: Tell us about your role as Executive Director of the foundation. PD: I joined CLF in January 2018. As their Executive Director, I’m responsible for the agency’s leadership and oversee program and organizational management, resource and fund development, financial operations and administration, and the management and evaluation of personnel. During my time at CLF, I am amazed by the love, community and support that underlies everything we do. CLF is successful because at the core of its work is an inherent love for the women we serve and a desire to serve as their cornerstone as they seek to grow as individuals and as leaders. When we provide a scholarship, we are saying “we believe in you.” When we provide our leadership program, we are helping them find their voice and make their words powerful and impactful. And what results, is a group of activated women who are involved in our communities and effecting change. Our participants and alumnae are powerful Latinas who will transform our future. Q: What are some of the goals you would like to achieve for the foundation? PD: First, it’s an honor to be able to follow in the footsteps of Olga Talamante and to receive so much love from the CLF board and community. As its first Executive Director, Olga led CLF for the last 15 years to be a respected and effective organization in building the power of Latinas.
With 40 years of investing in the leadership of Latinas, my goal is to listen and learn what has made CLF programs effective and through partnerships with the board, staff, alumnae, and supporters. I look forward to building onto that success to take it to the next level. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on our past and current work and the impact we want to make in the future. I’m excited of the endless opportunities. Q: Can you share with our audience your most memorable achievement in your career? PD: Obtaining my college degrees. I’m the first one and the only one in my family that graduated from college. My parents and siblings made sacrifices so that I could go to college. Because of that I am forever grateful to my family and completely understand what first-generation college students go through. When you receive that college degree, it has your name but it’s a family accomplishment. Q: What’s one leadership lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? PD: Embrace your cultural identity. This is what makes you a leader and better able to serve your community. As a woman and person of color, I’m strongly attached to my cultural identity. I had been to numerous leadership trainings that were very much related to skill acquisition. While they were very helpful, it didn’t get to the deep core of your identity. Growing up in the 70’s, my culture was not seen as an asset. The messaging we are hearing from the administration about Mexicans is similar to what I heard growing up. Oftentimes we internalize these beliefs and thoughts and they affect how we “show up.” After going through the Rockwood leadership program, I embraced my identity as a proud second-generation immigrant from the Salinas Valley. I learned from my immigrant parents and relatives to be courageous and brave, resilient, determined, and compassionate. This is what it means to be an immigrant. And that is why I’m grateful my journey landed me to the Chicana Latina Foundation. Their leadership program develops the student’s awareness and positive identification with the Latinx community by engaging them in the process of framing their individual stories of their past experiences from a deficit to an asset. We help our students build a strong cultural identity and pride in their heritage that propels their leadership and passion to create positive change. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? PD: It’s not necessarily one person but all the women in my family and relatives inspire and motivate me - My mom, sisters, tias (aunts), and primas (cousins). They are all immigrants or children of immigrants. They are all strong, determined and hardworking mujeres (women). They are my foundation. Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? PD: As a Latina, we still face discrimination and gender stereotypes. In just 12 years, Latinas will make up the largest share of California’s workforce. Even though Latinas college graduation rates are increasing, far too many Latinas live in poverty and have the lowest median earnings. Keeping Latinas unprepared and things as they are, is a reality we cannot afford. Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace? PD: First, be true to who you are by embracing your identity and culture with pride. What you have to offer is vital and needed. You deserve to be at the table and your voice matters. Next, build a network of people you trust to be vulnerable. Have people in your circle who will support and uplift you and provide honest feedback with love. These are people who will help you through your growth and development. We’re always learning regardless of our age. Finally, take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Self-care is so important to be able to give your best, and I recommend integrating this at an early age. Selfcare shows that you value yourself. Q: What do you like the most about living in the Bay Area? PD: The food! My children are such foodies. When we moved to Eastern Washington, I learned how to cook Mexican and Indian foods – our favorite! I never learned how to cook and joke how my husband taught me how to boil chicken.
Q: How did you get involved in the nonprofit sector? PD: I wanted to make a difference and give back to the community and felt the nonprofit sector was aligned with my values. I started off my career providing direct services in education to migrant children and immigrant families in the Salinas and Pajaro Valleys. Being a child of immigrant parents and wanting to give back to my community, I decided to pursue a master’s in social work with a focus in serving low-income Latino children as a therapist. As I was pursuing my degree, I gained a better understanding on how policies impact low-income families and decided to concentrate my career in policy advocacy and community building. For the past 20 years, I’ve worked in the nonprofit sector advocating for improving the lives and opportunities of Latino and immigrant families. It’s my passion and it’s personal. Q: Tell us about your time with the SIREN organization … what changes did you bring about in your role as Executive Director? PD: SIREN, an immigrant rights organization in San Jose, will always be close to my heart. I first started working at SIREN as their policy director. I’m so grateful for SIREN providing me the space and tools to learn how to bring the voice of the immigrant community on issues that are impacting them. I left SIREN to continue advocating for the Latino community in Sacramento with UnidosUs (formerly National Council of La Raza) and Latino Coalition for a Healthy California. I was happy to return to SIREN as their Executive Director in 2005. During my ten years at SIREN, I brought the organization to financial stability, reorganized its program priorities, and partnered with key statewide and national partners that led to victories for immigrants and their families. This couldn’t have happened without having a dynamic and dedicated Board and staff. Q: In your current position as Executive Director of the Chicana / Latina Foundation, can you share with our audience the foundations mission? PD: The mission of the Chicana Latina Foundation (CLF) is to empower Latinas and Chicanas through personal, educational and professional development. We invest in helping Latinas find their own path to success and open a path for others. It’s about cultivating leadership so that they have the confidence and skills to succeed in college, career and life. Q: What has been the impact of Chicana / Latina Foundation in the Bay Area since its inception in 1977? PD: The Chicana Latina Foundation was founded by three Latinas attending UC Berkeley who found the need to support other Latinas pursuing higher education. As first-generation college students, they realized the importance to come together to support each other and future generations of Latina college students. As of today, CLF has awarded nearly $1 million dollars in scholarship assistance to over 600 low-income and first-generation Latina college students in Northern California. Of this number, 400 scholarship awardees have participated in CLF’s leadership institute to succeed as leaders in social change. In 2015, CLF conducted a survey to its alumnae and found that CLF doubled the rate of educational attainment compared to Latinos statewide average.
Promoting Professional & Leadership Development of Latinas,
Patricia Diaz,
Executive Director of the Chicana Latina Nonprofit Foundation
Q: Tell us about your role as Executive Director of the foundation. PD: I joined CLF in January 2018. As their Executive Director, I’m responsible for the agency’s leadership and oversee program and organizational management, resource and fund development, financial operations and administration, and the management and evaluation of personnel. During my time at CLF, I am amazed by the love, community and support that underlies everything we do. CLF is successful because at the core of its work is an inherent love for the women we serve and a desire to serve as their cornerstone as they seek to grow as individuals and as leaders. When we provide a scholarship, we are saying “we believe in you.” When we provide our leadership program, we are helping them find their voice and make their words powerful and impactful. And what results, is a group of activated women who are involved in our communities and effecting change. Our participants and alumnae are powerful Latinas who will transform our future. Q: What are some of the goals you would like to achieve for the foundation? PD: First, it’s an honor to be able to follow in the footsteps of Olga Talamante and to receive so much love from the CLF board and community. As its first Executive Director, Olga led CLF for the last 15 years to be a respected and effective organization in building the power of Latinas.
With 40 years of investing in the leadership of Latinas, my goal is to listen and learn what has made CLF programs effective and through partnerships with the board, staff, alumnae, and supporters. I look forward to building onto that success to take it to the next level. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on our past and current work and the impact we want to make in the future. I’m excited of the endless opportunities. Q: Can you share with our audience your most memorable achievement in your career? PD: Obtaining my college degrees. I’m the first one and the only one in my family that graduated from college. My parents and siblings made sacrifices so that I could go to college. Because of that I am forever grateful to my family and completely understand what first-generation college students go through. When you receive that college degree, it has your name but it’s a family accomplishment. Q: What’s one leadership lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? PD: Embrace your cultural identity. This is what makes you a leader and better able to serve your community. As a woman and person of color, I’m strongly attached to my cultural identity. I had been to numerous leadership trainings that were very much related to skill acquisition. While they were very helpful, it didn’t get to the deep core of your identity. Growing up in the 70’s, my culture was not seen as an asset. The messaging we are hearing from the administration about Mexicans is similar to what I heard growing up. Oftentimes we internalize these beliefs and thoughts and they affect how we “show up.” After going through the Rockwood leadership program, I embraced my identity as a proud second-generation immigrant from the Salinas Valley. I learned from my immigrant parents and relatives to be courageous and brave, resilient, determined, and compassionate. This is what it means to be an immigrant. And that is why I’m grateful my journey landed me to the Chicana Latina Foundation. Their leadership program develops the student’s awareness and positive identification with the Latinx community by engaging them in the process of framing their individual stories of their past experiences from a deficit to an asset. We help our students build a strong cultural identity and pride in their heritage that propels their leadership and passion to create positive change. Q: Which woman inspires you and why? PD: It’s not necessarily one person but all the women in my family and relatives inspire and motivate me - My mom, sisters, tias (aunts), and primas (cousins). They are all immigrants or children of immigrants. They are all strong, determined and hardworking mujeres (women). They are my foundation. Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? PD: As a Latina, we still face discrimination and gender stereotypes. In just 12 years, Latinas will make up the largest share of California’s workforce. Even though Latinas college graduation rates are increasing, far too many Latinas live in poverty and have the lowest median earnings. Keeping Latinas unprepared and things as they are, is a reality we cannot afford. Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace? PD: First, be true to who you are by embracing your identity and culture with pride. What you have to offer is vital and needed. You deserve to be at the table and your voice matters. Next, build a network of people you trust to be vulnerable. Have people in your circle who will support and uplift you and provide honest feedback with love. These are people who will help you through your growth and development. We’re always learning regardless of our age. Finally, take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Self-care is so important to be able to give your best, and I recommend integrating this at an early age. Selfcare shows that you value yourself. Q: What do you like the most about living in the Bay Area? PD: The food! My children are such foodies. When we moved to Eastern Washington, I learned how to cook Mexican and Indian foods – our favorite! I never learned how to cook and joke how my husband taught me how to boil chicken.
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Keynote speakers Randi Zuckerberg and NASA’s Dr. Natalia Batalha, Event Chair Jenny Dearborn, playwright Lauren Gunderson, and speaker Ann Bowers at TheatreWorks’ Leading Ladies, held in 2014, at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Photo credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Senior Vice Present, Chief Learning Officer, SAP
Speaking on The Art of Learning, Developing & Inspiring Leadership When you talk about Leadership, Management, Human Relations, Sales, and Excellence and someone who is one of the most inspiring, leading positive role models in Silicon Valley - Jenny Dearborn’s name will come up.
at Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems (acquired by Oracle), Suc-
peers are awesome and my manager is visionary and just
cessFactors and SAP. I’ve been a Chief Learning Officer at four
an all-around great guy. I love the type of work that I do,
different companies.
it’s challenging and rewarding. I love the variety in the work I do – leading the function at my company, helping
SVL: Who and what inspired you along your path to be where you
customers solve complex business challenges, writing arti-
cles and speaking at conferences on topics that are import-
JD: I am severely Dyslexic, have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hy-
ant to me like data analytics, business strategy, the future
peractivity Disorder) and mild OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Dis-
of workplace and diversity & inclusion.
order) and was undiagnosed until age 18. The most formative part of my early life was
enny is Senior Vice President and Chief Learning Officer
and a Teaching Credential in 1993, and San Jose State University
growing up knowing that I was very smart
of SAP, the world’s largest business-to-business software
with a MBA in Organizational Development in 2003.
and capable, but placed in the lower tracked and Special Education classes at school. I felt
company, and is accountable for the learning and devel-
I love the type of work that I do, it’s challenging and rewarding. I love the variety in the work I do
SVL: You have learned so much about the special dynamics of Leadership … First, what is your definition of Leadership? JD: Great leaders inspire a common purpose, collaboratively create a shared vision and
opment of the 75,000 SAP employees worldwide. She has won
Q: Where do you work? What do you do? What has been your
that my early education years were wasted.
many top industry awards, including recognition as one of the 50
path leading you to today?
I felt great resentment towards the teach-
Most Powerful Women in Technology by the National Diversity
JD: I work at SAP, the world’s largest business software company.
ers and school system and vowed to make
Council in 2014 and 2015.
As the Chief Learning Officer, I’m accountable for the training, ed-
a difference in the education system so no
Her invaluable interviews with more than 100
ucation, development and readiness of SAP’s 75,000 employees
student would ever experience the frustra-
global leaders,...has led to her best seller: Data Driven - How Per-
world-wide. I am in Human Resources and report to the Chief Hu-
tion and humiliation that I went through in
formance Analytics Delivers Extraordinary Sales Results.
man Resources Officer who reports to the CEO. I started as a high
my K-12 years. I felt great passion to drive
In the high tech universe, Jenny serves as a highly regarded advo-
school English, Public Speaking and Drama teacher at Woodside
change in our education system. This fire
cate and inspiration for many. Please enjoy this delightful conver-
High School. After two years I transitioned to corporate education
got me started in education, then after 2 years as a high school
their greatest potential. “Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to
sation with Jenny Dearborn...
as an instructor at Hewlett-Packard teaching the personal devel-
teacher I transitioned to the corporate education world for the
high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher stan-
opment, management and leadership courses. I worked my way
opportunity to apply exciting and growing new learning tech-
dard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.”
Q: Where were you born and raised? Where did you go to
up through all the various roles in corporate learning and educa-
nology to impact learners on a mass scale.
—Peter Drucker
school and what did you study?
tion including carrying a quota in Sales selling learning services
JD: I was born in Marin, California and raised K-12 in Davis, Califor-
to external corporate customers and partners. I’ve worked at a
SVL: What do you like most about what you do?
ple, they instinctively redirect all credit to the team when praise
nia. I graduated from Davis High School in 1987, American River
small learning technology start-up that went public (Docent, now
JD: There are so many things I like, that I can’t say what I
comes and absorb all blame when criticism comes. They are slow
College with an AA in Social Science in 1989, UC Berkeley with a
Sum Total Systems), and had a succession of executive roles with
like the most. I love my team, they are hands down the
to punish and swift to reward. Leadership is about the courage to
BA in English in 1991, Stanford University with a MA in Education
increasing responsibility in Human Resources, Sales & Services
best professionals I’ve ever worked with in my career. My
stand alone and the integrity of intent. “Leadership and learning
translate that vision into reality. Leadership is about action and driving results for the greatest good, great leaders see solutions where others only see challenges and obstacles. Great leaders know that people want to “make a dent in the universe” as Steve Jobs famously said, and make the world a better place. This comes through empowering others to achieve
Great leaders have the humility to be a servant leader to their peo-
Keynote speakers Randi Zuckerberg and NASA’s Dr. Natalia Batalha, Event Chair Jenny Dearborn, playwright Lauren Gunderson, and speaker Ann Bowers at TheatreWorks’ Leading Ladies, held in 2014, at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Photo credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Senior Vice Present, Chief Learning Officer, SAP
Speaking on The Art of Learning, Developing & Inspiring Leadership When you talk about Leadership, Management, Human Relations, Sales, and Excellence and someone who is one of the most inspiring, leading positive role models in Silicon Valley - Jenny Dearborn’s name will come up.
at Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems (acquired by Oracle), Suc-
peers are awesome and my manager is visionary and just
cessFactors and SAP. I’ve been a Chief Learning Officer at four
an all-around great guy. I love the type of work that I do,
different companies.
it’s challenging and rewarding. I love the variety in the work I do – leading the function at my company, helping
Q: Who and what inspired you along your path to be where you
customers solve complex business challenges, writing arti-
cles and speaking at conferences on topics that are import-
JD: I am severely Dyslexic, have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hy-
ant to me like data analytics, business strategy, the future
peractivity Disorder) and mild OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Dis-
of workplace and diversity & inclusion.
order) and was undiagnosed until age 18. The most formative part of my early life was
enny is Senior Vice President and Chief Learning Officer
and a Teaching Credential in 1993, and San Jose State University
growing up knowing that I was very smart
of SAP, the world’s largest business-to-business software
with a MBA in Organizational Development in 2003.
and capable, but placed in the lower tracked and Special Education classes at school. I felt
company, and is accountable for the learning and devel-
I love the type of work that I do, it’s challenging and rewarding. I love the variety in the work I do
Q: You have learned so much about the special dynamics of Leadership … First, what is your definition of Leadership? JD: Great leaders inspire a common purpose, collaboratively create a shared vision and translate that vision into reality. Leadership is
opment of the 75,000 SAP employees worldwide. She has won
SVL: Where do you work? What do you do? What has been your
that my early education years were wasted.
many top industry awards, including recognition as one of the 50
path leading you to today?
I felt great resentment towards the teach-
Most Powerful Women in Technology by the National Diversity
JD: I work at SAP, the world’s largest business software company.
ers and school system and vowed to make
Council in 2014 and 2015.
As the Chief Learning Officer, I’m accountable for the training, ed-
a difference in the education system so no
Her invaluable interviews with more than 100
ucation, development and readiness of SAP’s 75,000 employees
student would ever experience the frustra-
global leaders,...has led to her best seller: Data Driven - How Per-
world-wide. I am in Human Resources and report to the Chief Hu-
tion and humiliation that I went through in
formance Analytics Delivers Extraordinary Sales Results.
man Resources Officer who reports to the CEO. I started as a high
my K-12 years. I felt great passion to drive
In the high tech universe, Jenny serves as a highly regarded advo-
school English, Public Speaking and Drama teacher at Woodside
change in our education system. This fire
cate and inspiration for many. Please enjoy this delightful conver-
High School. After two years I transitioned to corporate education
got me started in education, then after 2 years as a high school
their greatest potential. “Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to
sation with Jenny Dearborn...
as an instructor at Hewlett-Packard teaching the personal devel-
teacher I transitioned to the corporate education world for the
high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher stan-
opment, management and leadership courses. I worked my way
opportunity to apply exciting and growing new learning tech-
dard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.”
SVL: Where were you born and raised? Where did you go to
up through all the various roles in corporate learning and educa-
nology to impact learners on a mass scale.
—Peter Drucker
school and what did you study?
tion including carrying a quota in Sales selling learning services
JD: I was born in Marin, California and raised K-12 in Davis, Califor-
to external corporate customers and partners. I’ve worked at a
Q: What do you like most about what you do?
ple, they instinctively redirect all credit to the team when praise
nia. I graduated from Davis High School in 1987, American River
small learning technology start-up that went public (Docent, now
JD: There are so many things I like, that I can’t say what I
comes and absorb all blame when criticism comes. They are slow
College with an AA in Social Science in 1989, UC Berkeley with a
Sum Total Systems), and had a succession of executive roles with
like the most. I love my team, they are hands down the
to punish and swift to reward. Leadership is about the courage to
BA in English in 1991, Stanford University with a MA in Education
increasing responsibility in Human Resources, Sales & Services
best professionals I’ve ever worked with in my career. My
stand alone and the integrity of intent. “Leadership and learning
about action and driving results for the greatest good, great leaders see solutions where others only see challenges and obstacles. Great leaders know that people want to “make a dent in the universe” as Steve Jobs famously said, and make the world a better place. This comes through empowering others to achieve
Great leaders have the humility to be a servant leader to their peo-
are indispensable to each other.” —John F. Kennedy Q: What is the best course of action for management when it comes to Leadership? What is the best course of action for the employee when it comes to Leadership? JD: I believe in leadership at every level, leadership is about person power not position power. Everyone, regardless if they are people managers or individual contributors, can and should be a leader.
Hone your management skills – When managing your work and family, you’re managing a complex organization. Do activities as a family, to maximize efficiency.
Photo credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Q: How do you see the workplace evolving and improving?
Keynote speakers Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo, New York Times best-selling author Lalita Tademy, Event Chair Jenny Dearborn, and Emmy Award-winning writer and producer Margaret Nagle at TheatreWorks Silicon Valley’s Leading Ladies event celebrating passion in arts and innovation, held in 2015, at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Photo credit: Drew Altizer Photography TheatreWorks Artistic Director Robert Kelley, Event Chair Jenny Dearborn, and TheatreWorks Managing Director Phil Santora at TheatreWorks’ Leading Ladies, held in 2014, at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Photo credit: Drew Altizer Photography
JD: The overarching theme for the workplace of the future is transparency.
the help you need.
business trip to align with a school break or just pull them from school
• Transparency in how we work: Your mobile device will become your office.
• Let it go – Your house does not have to be spotless. When you have a full
for a week here or there. John (or a grandparent or nanny) and the kids
• Transparency in where we work: We’ll work from everywhere - Workers will be
work and family life, the children have to learn to be independent. With
visit the local sites while I’m at the office working. We’ve done work/
spread across many time zones and countries in numerous satellite offices for
clear and consistent communication, every child can do their own laun-
family trips to: Mexico, Germany, China, Dubai, Singapore, Japan, Pan-
worker interaction, but not necessarily as daily destinations. Always-on video will
dry, clean their own rooms, clean the kitchen and bathrooms, make their
ama, Canada, England, France, Amsterdam, Australia, Belgium, Italy,
facilitate collaboration with colleagues in other locations.
own breakfast and lunch. Learning to be responsible and capable early on
to name a few….
• Transparency of our competence and value: Everyone will have a rating score,
is good for everyone.
I throw myself fully into what my children love as a way to spend time
based on his/her reputation capital, which is the sum total of your personal brand,
• Focus and prioritize – Do the high value work that only you can do and
together doing what interests them. Currently my 12 year old is ab-
the quality of your results, your expertise, depth and breadth of experience and
outsource the rest. You can outsource the laundry but your child only
solutely obsessed with Giants baseball, so he and I watch the games
social networks. The new workplace will be a results only work environment.
wants you there to see her win an award at school. Knowing how to fo-
together. It’s our special thing to do.
• Transparency in who we work for: Every manager will also have a rating score
cus on your highest priorities makes a big career and a big family possible.
I love to be creative. I write and publish articles in business magazines
based on similar criteria plus people management and functional leadership.
SVL: What do you see are some of the major issues facing us in today’s
and my first book Data Driven: How Performance Analytics Delivers
Employees will be hired into a company and then choose which manager they
work environment?
Extraordinary Sales Results was published in March 2015 – it debuted
want to work for based on the rating score of that manager.
JD: The globalization of work and changing demographics of the
at #1 in the new business releases on Amazon. I like to paint large
• Transparency of skill gaps: Big data, predictive analytics and artificial intelli-
workforce; multiple generations in the workplace
scale acrylic on canvas pictures, primarily pop art versions of comic
gence are enabling a workplace of the future that magnifies the global talent
• Contingent labor force
book superheroes.
shortage and makes more sparse highly skilled workers. Thus making lifelong
• Big data and analytics
learning a business requirement.
• Adaptation of mobile and social networks
SVL: Who are some of your favorite authors and what are some of your favorite books? Different topics? Are there books you like to rec-
Q: What do you recommend as tips and strategies for work-life balance?
SVL: If you could wave a magic wand, what would you like to see for
JD: Well, I don’t think there is such a thing as work-life balance, but work-life inte-
progress in the workplace?
JD: I try to read what my kids are reading for pleasure or in school to
gration is very do-able. I was recently quoted in the Fortune Magazine article on
JD: I’d like to see a true meritocracy in the workplace. A workplace
make our dinner table conversation richer with the themes they are
this topic - Women with big jobs and big families: Balancing really isn’t that hard.
where people are paid equally for equal work regardless of their gen-
exploring and how to connect with broader issues in the world. So
Here are the tips and strategies mentioned in that article and others that I use.
der or race, and the diversity in the workplace at all levels of an organi-
if it’s a popular young adult series, I’ve probably read it. I go through
• Hone your management skills – When managing your work and family, you’re
zation mirroring the diversity in the population at large.
phases with the books I read. Right now I’m doing a research project on the knowledge and skills first time managers need and I’m reading
managing a complex organization. Do activities as a family, to maximize efficiency. I use a shared on-line calendar and each kid is color coded, they all have an
SVL: Who are some of the people who inspire you most and why?
stacks and stacks of books and white papers on the topic. For fun I
iPhone and can see where they need to be at any given time.
JD: My children and husband. I follow the research of a few social
listen to audio books and love Doris Kearns Goodwin who is such a
• Prioritize self care – Put your own oxygen mask on first. Managing your life takes
scientists, like Amy Cuddy of Harvard and Kelly McGonigal of Stanford,
great story teller.
energy, so never skimp on sleep, nutrition or exercise.
I find their work fascinating. SVL: What are some of your favorite movies, music, theater?
• Build your support team at work – Invest in the development of your staff to be accountable and independent. Seek sponsors and allies that understand and
SVL: You have many interests … please share with us what some of
JD: For movies – I love all horror / thriller / suspense films. I wrote my se-
support you.
these are?
nior thesis at UC Berkeley on the evolving role of women in horror films
• Build your support team at home – Enlist a village to help you and don’t be afraid
JD: I love to travel, I’m always up for going to a country that I’ve nev-
from Nosferatu in 1922 to Silence of the Lambs in 1991. The central idea
to ask for support (it’s a sign of strength not weakness). Live near family if possible.
er been to before. I’ve just passed 60 countries. I’m very fortunate
is that the female character in horror films is the manifestation of how
Invest in things that make your life easier. Not at the same time, but in the last 20
professionally to have worked for companies with operations around
our culture views women in society and as societies views of feminism
years I have employed all of the following: a part-time nanny, a full-time live-in au
the globe and have the opportunity to travel extensively for work. I
evolve, so does the female protagonist.
pair, home cook, meal delivery service, housekeeper, and a personal accountant.
also love to share with my family the cultures of the world and I’ve
For music – I love classic rap, hip hop and alternative punk from the 80s.
Depending on what the big challenge is at a given phase in life, reach out to get
brought them along on many of my business trips. I typically plan a
For theatre – I love any production that my kids are in.
are indispensable to each other.” —John F. Kennedy SVL: What is the best course of action for management when it comes to Leadership? What is the best course of action for the employee when it comes to Leadership? JD: I believe in leadership at every level, leadership is about person power not position power. Everyone, regardless if they are people managers or individual contributors, can and should be a leader.
Hone your management skills – When managing your work and family, you’re managing a complex organization. Do activities as a family, to maximize efficiency.
Photo credit: Drew Altizer Photography
SVL: How do you see the workplace evolving and improving?
Keynote speakers Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo, New York Times best-selling author Lalita Tademy, Event Chair Jenny Dearborn, and Emmy Award-winning writer and producer Margaret Nagle at TheatreWorks Silicon Valley’s Leading Ladies event celebrating passion in arts and innovation, held in 2015, at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Photo credit: Drew Altizer Photography TheatreWorks Artistic Director Robert Kelley, Event Chair Jenny Dearborn, and TheatreWorks Managing Director Phil Santora at TheatreWorks’ Leading Ladies, held in 2014, at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Photo credit: Drew Altizer Photography
JD: The overarching theme for the workplace of the future is transparency.
the help you need.
business trip to align with a school break or just pull them from school
• Transparency in how we work: Your mobile device will become your office.
• Let it go – Your house does not have to be spotless. When you have a
for a week here or there. John (or a grandparent or nanny) and the kids
• Transparency in where we work: We’ll work from everywhere - Workers will be
full work and family life, the children have to learn to be independent.
visit the local sites while I’m at the office working. We’ve done work/
spread across many time zones and countries in numerous satellite offices for
With clear and consistent communication, every child can do their own
family trips to: Mexico, Germany, China, Dubai, Singapore, Japan, Pan-
worker interaction, but not necessarily as daily destinations. Always-on video will
laun-dry, clean their own rooms, clean the kitchen and bathrooms, make
ama, Canada, England, France, Amsterdam, Australia, Belgium, Italy,
facilitate collaboration with colleagues in other locations.
their own breakfast and lunch. Learning to be responsible and capable
to name a few….
• Transparency of our competence and value: Everyone will have a rating score,
early on is good for everyone.
I throw myself fully into what my children love as a way to spend time
based on his/her reputation capital, which is the sum total of your personal brand,
• Focus and prioritize – Do the high value work that only you can do and
together doing what interests them. Currently my 12 year old is ab-
the quality of your results, your expertise, depth and breadth of experience and
outsource the rest. You can outsource the laundry but your child only
solutely obsessed with Giants baseball, so he and I watch the games
social networks. The new workplace will be a results only work environment.
wants you there to see her win an award at school. Knowing how to fo-
together. It’s our special thing to do.
• Transparency in who we work for: Every manager will also have a rating score
cus on your highest priorities makes a big career and a big family possible.
I love to be creative. I write and publish articles in business magazines
based on similar criteria plus people management and functional leadership.
Q: What do you see are some of the major issues facing us in today’s
and my first book Data Driven: How Performance Analytics Delivers
Employees will be hired into a company and then choose which manager they
work environment?
Extraordinary Sales Results was published in March 2015 – it debuted
want to work for based on the rating score of that manager.
JD: The globalization of work and changing demographics of the
at #1 in the new business releases on Amazon. I like to paint large
• Transparency of skill gaps: Big data, predictive analytics and artificial intelli-
workforce; multiple generations in the workplace
scale acrylic on canvas pictures, primarily pop art versions of comic
gence are enabling a workplace of the future that magnifies the global talent
• Contingent labor force
book superheroes.
shortage and makes more sparse highly skilled workers. Thus making lifelong
• Big data and analytics
learning a business requirement.
• Adaptation of mobile and social networks
Q: Who are some of your favorite authors and what are some of your favorite books? Different topics? Are there books you like to rec-
SVL: What do you recommend as tips and strategies for work-life balance?
Q: If you could wave a magic wand, what would you like to see for
JD: Well, I don’t think there is such a thing as work-life balance, but work-life inte-
progress in the workplace?
JD: I try to read what my kids are reading for pleasure or in school to
gration is very do-able. I was recently quoted in the Fortune Magazine article on
JD: I’d like to see a true meritocracy in the workplace. A workplace
make our dinner table conversation richer with the themes they are
this topic - Women with big jobs and big families: Balancing really isn’t that hard.
where people are paid equally for equal work regardless of their gen-
exploring and how to connect with broader issues in the world. So
Here are the tips and strategies mentioned in that article and others that I use.
der or race, and the diversity in the workplace at all levels of an organi-
if it’s a popular young adult series, I’ve probably read it. I go through
• Hone your management skills – When managing your work and family, you’re
zation mirroring the diversity in the population at large.
phases with the books I read. Right now I’m doing a research project on the knowledge and skills first time managers need and I’m reading
managing a complex organization. Do activities as a family, to maximize efficiency. I use a shared on-line calendar and each kid is color coded, they all have an
Q: Who are some of the people who inspire you most and why?
stacks and stacks of books and white papers on the topic. For fun I
iPhone and can see where they need to be at any given time.
JD: My children and husband. I follow the research of a few
listen to audio books and love Doris Kearns Goodwin who is such a
• Prioritize self care – Put your own oxygen mask on first. Managing your life takes
social scientists, like Amy Cuddy of Harvard and Kelly McGonigal of
great story teller.
energy, so never skimp on sleep, nutrition or exercise.
Stanford, I find their work fascinating. Q: What are some of your favorite movies, music, theater?
• Build your support team at work – Invest in the development of your staff to be accountable and independent. Seek sponsors and allies that understand and
Q: You have many interests … please share with us what some of
JD: For movies – I love all horror / thriller / suspense films. I wrote my se-
support you.
these are?
nior thesis at UC Berkeley on the evolving role of women in horror films
• Build your support team at home – Enlist a village to help you and don’t be afraid
JD: I love to travel, I’m always up for going to a country that I’ve nev-
from Nosferatu in 1922 to Silence of the Lambs in 1991. The central idea
to ask for support (it’s a sign of strength not weakness). Live near family if possible.
er been to before. I’ve just passed 60 countries. I’m very fortunate
is that the female character in horror films is the manifestation of how
Invest in things that make your life easier. Not at the same time, but in the last 20
professionally to have worked for companies with operations around
our culture views women in society and as societies views of feminism
years I have employed all of the following: a part-time nanny, a full-time live-in au
the globe and have the opportunity to travel extensively for work. I
evolve, so does the female protagonist.
pair, home cook, meal delivery service, housekeeper, and a personal accountant.
also love to share with my family the cultures of the world and I’ve
For music – I love classic rap, hip hop and alternative punk from the 80s.
Depending on what the big challenge is at a given phase in life, reach out to get
brought them along on many of my business trips. I typically plan a
For theatre – I love any production that my kids are in.
Join The Fight Against Human Trafficking Here in Santa Clara County! By Cindy Chavez
Santa Clara County Supervisor, District Two
“Out of sight, out of mind” is a sad but fitting way to describe they recalled many suspicious situations that had occurred how human trafficking has grown into a multi-billion dollar in the past. One of the VTA drivers who received this training illicit industry across the globe. Human trafficking is a form recognized that passengers on his bus seemed to match the of modern day slavery that transcends gender, age, ethnic, description of a kidnapper and his toddler abductee texted socioeconomic and national boundaries. The most vulner- from the VTA operations center. He acted, and when the bus able of us are susceptible to traffickers’ use of deception, reached the Fremont BART Station, police officers immedifraud, threats, coercion, violence, debt ately apprehended the captor and rescued bondage and other manipulative stratethe child. The hero driver, Tim Watson, gies to force people into commercial sex credited the human trafficking training he or labor. had received the week before. The FBI has identified the Bay Area as one We need strong enforcement, too, so the of the nation’s top four hubs for human County has also funded new teams in the trafficking. That is why one of my primaSheriff’s and District Attorney’s offices dedry foci since joining the Board of Supericated to fighting human trafficking. The visors has been to expose and combat Law Enforcement to Investigate Human the scourge of human trafficking in Santa Trafficking (LEIHT) Task Force has investiClara County. gators from the Sheriff, local police and the In 2014, I proposed, and the Board of FBI. The work of the LEIHT Task Force has CINDY CHAVEZ Supervisors unanimously apalready paid off with the arrest of proved, the creation of the multiple human traffickers and Santa Clara County Human Trafrescue of victims from both sex ficking Commission, which I coand labor trafficking. chair with Sheriff Laurie Smith We need your help in identifying, and District Attorney Jeff Rosen. reporting and raising awareness The Human Trafficking Comabout human trafficking. In colmission has already worked on laboration with our community a number of high-profile campartners, Santa Clara County’s paigns, including collaborating Office of Women’s Policy has with the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) developed training materials to help raise awareness and to provide human trafficking awareness training to all VTA decrease the number of people trafficked in our neighbordrivers beginning in March, 2015, and launching the San- hoods. Please learn the red flags of human trafficking and ta Clara County Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign in remember: if you see something, say something. December, 2015. To view the County’s Human Trafficking training video and In the first week of the training provided to VTA drivers and brochure, please visit: fare inspectors, the Office of the Sheriff received eight tips. (video) VTA employees wished they had this knowledge before, as (brochure)
Any realtor will sell you a house. I’ll search high and low until we find your home. I won’t sell any home I wouldn’t live in myself. What does this mean for my clients? It means that I know all of the market trends, neighborhood comps, and statistics. But I don’t rely exclusively on the numbers. I get to know you, what you need, and what you want in your next home. And I won’t settle for a house that checks all the data boxes but feels cold or unwelcoming. I want you to have a stable investment and build equity. I also find spaces with atmosphere and smart, livable design. My knack for relationship building means I make a great selling agent as well. Once you list with me, you can sit back and relax, knowing that I’m constantly networking with other local realtors and meeting new buyers to make sure we find a perfect match and sell your home for its full value.
If you’re interested in this kind of buying and selling experience, I’d love to work with you. I’ll walk you through the process, distill the complexities into easy steps, and answer the questions you might not even think to ask. And if we begin working together and you find a different agent who’s more your style - just let me know! I’m might not be the perfect realtor for every single person - and that’s ok. But for those who choose to continue working with me, I give 100% of my focus and attention to finding you the very best solution. I discovered my passion for real estate when my husband and I purchased our first home. After we closed, I found myself continuing to check home prices and following the market. I find it fascinating - and I know not everyone does, so feel free to borrow my nerd-level expertise for your own real estate adventures.
FERTILITY PRESERVATION 5 Things You Should Know By Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh
Your fertility isn’t skin deep. It’s as simple as that. Just because you look like you’re 28 when you’re 42, doesn’t mean your ovaries are the same. Unlike men who don’t run out of sperm, it is totally normal and expected for every woman to run out of eggs by a certain age. The average age of menopause is 51 and it’s very difficult to get pregnant during the 10 years leading up to that age. Some of us are born with more eggs or run out at a slower rate but at the end of the day most women are not fertile in their 40’s. It’s unfair for women to be made to feel like there’s something wrong with them when they’re told they’re not fertile at the age of 40. Not many women are fertile in their 40’s. Empower yourself with knowledge about your fertility so you can learn more about your options. Running out of eggs doesn’t mean you also run out of options. Women in their 40’s often turn to more creative ways to grow their family: donor eggs, donor embryos and adoption just to name a few. I find that most of my patients who see me over the age of 40 say they wish they had frozen their eggs when they could have. Women today sadly learn that they’re running out of eggs at the same time that they decide to start a family. Egg freezing technology has changed dramatically over the past 5 years or so. Women don’t have to say that they wish they froze their eggs 10 years ago…..a time when egg freezing success rates weren’t as good as they are today. The time is now to ask your doctor whether egg freezing is for you. Here’s what you should know: 1. There are tests you can do to find
Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh Photos by Jennifer Crandall
out more about your fertility. Your doctor can order an Anti Mullerian Hormone level (AMH) as a guide regarding how much battery you have in your biological clock. Cycle day 3 FSH and estradiol levels and an antral follicle count (ultrasound looking at your ovaries often done by a reproductive endocrinologist) can also be used clinically as a guide. 2. If your Mom or other female family members had fertility issues related to conditions like endometriosis or early menopause, you should strongly consider preserving your fertility and seeing a doctor
to talk more about your options. 3. There are some medical conditions that require drug treatments that can be what we call “gonadotoxic” ie result in damage to eggs or sperm. Patients who are diagnosed with conditions like Lupus, blood disorders, and cancer are often put on chemotherapeutic Dr. Eyvazzadeh has been hosting “Egg Freezing Parties” designed to raise awareness of fertility issues since 2014. drugs. Freezing eggs/sperm Harvard Medical School, she completed a can give these patients a chance for pregnancy in the future fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility at University of Michigan. She after their treatment is over if they run out also completed a Masters in Public Health in of eggs earlier because of the treatments. Health Management and Policy at University 4. Freezing eggs for future use is best in of Michigan. She has a private practice in younger women because our eggs have a the SF Bay Area. higher chance of being viable the younger Each day she hears story after story we are. If you’re considering freezing your from women struggling to conceive. In her eggs in your late 30’s, you could still have a attempt to alleviate some of this heartbreak, good chance for pregnancy. Speaking with she has gone on a mission of “fertility a fertility specialist would be helpful before awareness”. Her hope is to empower you decide to freeze your eggs. women at an early age, making them more 5. Egg freezing involves a surgical aware of their own personal fertility levels procedure. Women have to take selfadministered shots in the skin of their lower and allowing them to be better educated about their options. Never again does she abdomen for about 10 days prior to the egg want to hear “If I had known 10 years ago extraction procedure. To hear more about the process of IVF or that my egg reserves were running low, I would have done things differently”. egg freezing, please read Dr. Aimee’s next In 2014, she launched her message with article. “Egg Freezing Parties”. These hosted parties Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh is a native of offer women a chance to learn more about the Bay Area. She is a graduate of UCLA egg freezing and ask their questions in a School of Medicine. After completing her comfortable, safe environment with likeresidency in Obstetrics & Gynecology at minded women. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and
Reasons to Shop at Local Stores
ou may already shop locally because it is convenient, or perhaps you don’t shop locally at all. There are however, many excellent reasons why shopping at local stores is very beneďŹ cial to you and the community in which you live. Here are the top ten reasons why you should do more local shopping: Better Customer Experience
Are you tired of being served by a grumpy, miserable, or even downright rude checkout operator? If you shop locally you are more likely to be received with a smile and have a very pleasant customer experience. At your local shop you are not just a faceless money-carrier, you are a person. Building a friendly relationship with the local shop owner makes for a much more relaxed atmosphere and a nicer shopping experience allround. Rather than making your day worse, shopping at a local store might just brighten your day. Helping to Local stores are owned and Maintain the operated by local people. The Community very same people as yourselves who care about the neighbourhood they live in. Local businesses donate to local charities and causes and improve the surrounding area. Why? They care about the area in which they live, just like you. Support local stores and you are supporting your local community.
Local Economic Properity
Money you spend at local shops and businesses is money that is kept in your community, enriching it for all. When you spend at a superstore the profits are taken by the corporation, whereas when you spend locally your whole community indirectly benefits, since that money will be re-invested in your region.
Unique Nothing destroys a region’s Community character like the imposition of Charactor an all-purpose megastore store. Local communities are unique places that have their very own culture, history and individual quality. Local stores are a part of this rich history and culture, having usually been around for several decades serving as pillars of the community. By supporting these local businesses you are ensuring the maintenance of the tradition and character of your area. A traditional diner or grocer is part of a town’s identity, and you would do well to support them with your custom. Unique When you shop at a local store, Products and you get to buy unique, local prodQuality ucts of a diverse range that you Produce would not find at a superstore. The stock has been carefully picked by the owner, rather than the dictates of market research and profitability. Especially when it comes to fruit and vegetables, shopping locally is superior to supermarket shopping in every way. The produce is fresher and tastier than supermarket goods, often picked only a day or two beforehand. Fresh, organic, locallygrown food is also not only healthier for you, but it is also healthier for your community, as you are sustaining local agriculture.
Using local businesses encourLocal ages healthy competition. This Competition ultimately brings you, the consumer, and a cheaper, wider range of goods. Multiple companies competing in individual markets is much better for everyone than one huge conglomerate selling a narrow range of every type of product. More Local Jobs
Small local companies create a wide variety of local jobs which help sustain community economies. By shopping at local stores and using local businesses you are ultimately creating a supply of jobs in your local area, through increasing demand for goods and services. Supporting Regional Agriculture
Through buying your fruit and vegetables from local outlets there are multiple positive effects. Aside from cheaper food bills and fresh produce, by supporting local farmers you are reinvesting money into your community and also helping the environment by reducing transport pollution. Helping In the world today everyone wants the to do what they can to help conserve Environment the environment and the planet’s natural resources. Shopping locally serves this cause in several ways. Major road congestion is reduced, as is general transport pollution. Buying goods from local stores also reduces fuel and energy consumption by bypassing the need to import from around the world. Local shops require little infrastructure, further decreasing our impact on the environment. Local Decision Making
Important decisions made by local stores and businesses ought not be harmful to the community since the owners are part of the community too – they have a vested interest and are committed to the area’s future themselves. Decisions affecting the community are not made in corporate board rooms hundreds of miles away, they are made by fellow members of the community who appreciate their impact. Happy Shopping!
stop and say, ‘Wow this or Wow, I’m a success at this’. Well, I’m just doing it. I’m still doing it. It’s never over. You’re always working to get better. SVL: What advice do you offer to aspiring basketball players or aspiring youth? TV: In anything, if you want to be accomplished, you have to put a lot of time into something. You have to love it. You have to have passion for it. For someone to do anything, you need to be passionate about it, excited about it, enthusiastic and work at it every day. And you don’t know where it’s going to take you. I had no idea that basketball would take me to where it has taken me. But, I love basketball. I love to watch
A great student ... a great teacher ... a great leader. Tara VanDerveer and team in their pregame preparation as they were about to play UConn in the Final Four.
Music and Life A Fascinating Conversation with Stanford’s Tara VanDerveer
it, I love to play it; I love to think about it, talk about it. I still do. To be good at something, yes, you have to put a lot of time into it, and you have to have a plan - how to always improve and get better. SVL: What advice do you offer people in life in general? TV: Young people that I meet, or even if I’m speaking, I think first of all, for the most part - I mean look at our lives, how fortunate we are to live where we live, the people that we are around, the opportunities that we have, the beauty of the Bay Area, all this great weather … It’s not to say that there aren’t problems or issues. I say to our team: when you wake up in the morning, you have two choices: Are you going to have a good day or are you going to have a great day? Make it a
Tara VanDerveer is the Setsuko Ishiyama Director of Women’s Basketball at
life and the people she meets … and she loves her coaching. There is so
Stanford University. She is one of the greatest coaches, men or women, bas-
much … in basketball … in music … and in life … She is the ultimate student
ketball or any sport, of any era. She is just one of six Women’s College Basket-
of all … and the ultimate teacher, too. I hope you enjoy this visit with her as
ball coaches to win more than 900 games … and coaches at one of the very
much I certainly have.
few schools where the academic standards are so high, so many of the best recruits cannot be admitted and play for Stanford.
Q: What is your definition of leadership? TV: I think leaders are people that don’t complain; they are people that get
Tara has won two national championships, 23 Pac-12 Championships, 11 Pac-
things done. Leaders to me are people with high energy; they really care
12 Tournament Championships and was the coach of the US Olympic Wom-
about the people they are working with. They care about the outcome of
en’s Basketball Team in Atlanta that went 60-0 and won the Gold Medal. She
events; they are unselfish, are very determined and are very resilient. I like
is also on the verge of becoming the winningest NCAA Women’s Basketball
resilient leaders. Having worked with different teams, leaders have to set a
Coach in history.
good example, they have to be people that you can identify with. Yes, the same can be said about coaching.
In 1985, Tara accepted the challenge of coming to Stanford where on the west coast women’s basketball was merely an afterthought. Tara saw some-
Q: What is your definition of success?
thing … it called to her … and she has never looked back. She loves it here.
TV: I don’t know that I have a definition of success just because it seems like
“There is a culture of excellence here. We are part of a special place in time, to
it’s so fluid. To me, nothing is “done”. It is always a journey. So maybe you’re
be here, to be in the Silicon Valley and the Bay Area. It is very energizing and
lying on your deathbed and then you can say, “Wow, that was a success”. But,
it’s motivating. It gives me an incredible amount of energy.”
everything to me, a success seems like it’s a final answer. A final, here’s a successful season - Well, you’re always working on always improving and getting
She loves her piano every day, she loves her training for a triathlon, she loves
better. So, that’s a hard one for me. I am just kind of in the moment. I don’t
great day and do the things to make it a great day, by giving to others and by being excited. SVL: What would you say about how much life is about sports and sports is about life? TV: To me basketball is just my medium. Basketball, it could be an art, it could be ballet, it could be music. Anything you do, if someone is passionate about computers, or cars, what-
So excited. Tara VanDerveer loved being the honorary coach of the
ever it is you’re passionate about, that’s what you try to do,
Stanford football team. It was such fun and, sure enough, Stanford won big.
you try and learn as much as you can about them – work as hard as you can, like for me, to making our team as good as
cruiting weekend this weekend, so we are hoping there will be some more of those that want
it can be. Like Tesla, how do you make a great car, how do
what we call, “to be on the wall” … To be on the wall, they are great players, or All-Americans,
you make the great working environment. Whatever it is, it’s
or they’re great team players - teammates like Krista Rappahahn, who is now a doctor here at
all the same to me. You’re always recruiting, you’re always
Stanford – so it’s not just the All-American best, but All-American caliber players, teammates,
coaching. But basketball is my medium.
the whole thing. It’s going to be a big game this weekend vs. Arizona. You know, I’m the honorary coach this
SVL: What do you look for in your recruits?
weekend at the football game. I am very excited about it. I’m going to be talking to the team
TV: You know, really, it’s are they great basketball players and
Friday night. We have our recruits here, so it’s going to be a very busy weekend. I’ll be running
are they great students? And, then, those are people that we
out onto the field, will be there for the toss of the coin, I’ll be on the field and also in the stands
recruit. You hope the fact that they are very disciplined aca-
with our recruits, so I’ll be running back and forth. I am really excited about it.
demically and that they work really hard.
Over the years, I have been here with such great Football coaches … I have been very close
We just try to keep recruiting and it’s going to be a big re-
with a number of them. Coaches like Bill Walsh, Tyrone Willingham, Jim Harbaugh, David
stop and say, ‘Wow this or Wow, I’m a success at this’. Well, I’m just doing it. I’m still doing it. It’s never over. You’re always working to get better. Q: What advice do you offer to aspiring basketball players or aspiring youth? TV: In anything, if you want to be accomplished, you have to put a lot of time into something. You have to love it. You have to have passion for it. For someone to do anything, you need to be passionate about it, excited about it, enthusiastic and work at it every day. And you don’t know where it’s going to take you. I had no idea that basketball would take me to where it has taken me. But, I love basketball. I love to watch
A great student ... a great teacher ... a great leader. Tara VanDerveer and team in their pregame preparation as they were about to play UConn in the Final Four.
Music and Life A Fascinating Conversation with Stanford’s Tara VanDerveer
it, I love to play it; I love to think about it, talk about it. I still do. To be good at something, yes, you have to put a lot of time into it, and you have to have a plan - how to always improve and get better. Q: What advice do you offer people in life in general? TV: Young people that I meet, or even if I’m speaking, I think first of all, for the most part - I mean look at our lives, how fortunate we are to live where we live, the people that we are around, the opportunities that we have, the beauty of the Bay Area, all this great weather … It’s not to say that there aren’t problems or issues. I say to our team: when you wake up in the morning, you have two choices: Are you going to have a good day or are you going to have a great day? Make it a
Tara VanDerveer is the Setsuko Ishiyama Director of Women’s Basketball at
life and the people she meets … and she loves her coaching. There is so
Stanford University. She is one of the greatest coaches, men or women, bas-
much … in basketball … in music … and in life … She is the ultimate student
ketball or any sport, of any era. She is just one of six Women’s College Basket-
of all … and the ultimate teacher, too. I hope you enjoy this visit with her as
ball coaches to win more than 900 games … and coaches at one of the very
much I certainly have.
few schools where the academic standards are so high, so many of the best recruits cannot be admitted and play for Stanford.
SVL: What is your definition of leadership? TV: I think leaders are people that don’t complain; they are people that get
Tara has won two national championships, 23 Pac-12 Championships, 11 Pac-
things done. Leaders to me are people with high energy; they really care
12 Tournament Championships and was the coach of the US Olympic Wom-
about the people they are working with. They care about the outcome of
en’s Basketball Team in Atlanta that went 60-0 and won the Gold Medal. She
events; they are unselfish, are very determined and are very resilient. I like
is also on the verge of becoming the winningest NCAA Women’s Basketball
resilient leaders. Having worked with different teams, leaders have to set a
Coach in history.
good example, they have to be people that you can identify with. Yes, the same can be said about coaching.
In 1985, Tara accepted the challenge of coming to Stanford where on the west coast women’s basketball was merely an afterthought. Tara saw some-
SVL: What is your definition of success?
thing … it called to her … and she has never looked back. She loves it here.
TV: I don’t know that I have a definition of success just because it seems like
“There is a culture of excellence here. We are part of a special place in time, to
it’s so fluid. To me, nothing is “done”. It is always a journey. So maybe you’re
be here, to be in the Silicon Valley and the Bay Area. It is very energizing and
lying on your deathbed and then you can say, “Wow, that was a success”. But,
it’s motivating. It gives me an incredible amount of energy.”
everything to me, a success seems like it’s a final answer. A final, here’s a successful season - Well, you’re always working on always improving and getting
She loves her piano every day, she loves her training for a triathlon, she loves
better. So, that’s a hard one for me. I am just kind of in the moment. I don’t
great day and do the things to make it a great day, by giving to others and by being excited. Q: What would you say about how much life is about sports and sports is about life? TV: To me basketball is just my medium. Basketball, it could be an art, it could be ballet, it could be music. Anything you do, if someone is passionate about computers, or cars, what-
So excited. Tara VanDerveer loved being the honorary coach of the
ever it is you’re passionate about, that’s what you try to do,
Stanford football team. It was such fun and, sure enough, Stanford won big.
you try and learn as much as you can about them – work as hard as you can, like for me, to making our team as good as
cruiting weekend this weekend, so we are hoping there will be some more of those that want
it can be. Like Tesla, how do you make a great car, how do
what we call, “to be on the wall” … To be on the wall, they are great players, or All-Americans,
you make the great working environment. Whatever it is, it’s
or they’re great team players - teammates like Krista Rappahahn, who is now a doctor here at
all the same to me. You’re always recruiting, you’re always
Stanford – so it’s not just the All-American best, but All-American caliber players, teammates,
coaching. But basketball is my medium.
the whole thing. It’s going to be a big game this weekend vs. Arizona. You know, I’m the honorary coach this
Q: What do you look for in your recruits?
weekend at the football game. I am very excited about it. I’m going to be talking to the team
TV: You know, really, it’s are they great basketball players and
Friday night. We have our recruits here, so it’s going to be a very busy weekend. I’ll be running
are they great students? And, then, those are people that we
out onto the field, will be there for the toss of the coin, I’ll be on the field and also in the stands
recruit. You hope the fact that they are very disciplined aca-
with our recruits, so I’ll be running back and forth. I am really excited about it.
demically and that they work really hard.
Over the years, I have been here with such great Football coaches … I have been very close
We just try to keep recruiting and it’s going to be a big re-
with a number of them. Coaches like Bill Walsh, Tyrone Willingham, Jim Harbaugh, David
The Girls’ Basketball Camp in Maples Pavilion at Stanford. The teaching and the learning of the game start early on. It’s fun and exciting and valuable, in so many ways, for a lifetime. TV: I think the main thing is to have a great attitude and make a great effort
ski or play tennis when I am 80. So, maybe I will, I don’t know.
… and I’ll get along with players that do that. I love players that are great
So very proud of all her kids as if they’re her own. Here, Chiney and Nneka Ogwumike stand with their gleaming coach as they receive their WBCA All-America awards at the Final Four festivities.
teammates. They’re not just talented players. Talented players that work
SVL: Please tell us something about your wonderful Summer Basketball
hard, that have a great attitude, that work well with other people, that are re-
Camp …
spectful. You know, it is fun. Yes, it often is a grind. It is a lot of traveling. I want
TV: It’s something we do every year. It’s a great camp. There are over 700
people that are fun to be around, that are upbeat and positive, that are not
who attend, from all across the country, from all around the world. Our
complainers or deadbeat. Unfortunately, I think it is a challenge sometimes.
Eileen Roche (Assistant Athletic Director of Basketball Operations) here
Everyone says that the athletes have changed. Well, it’s the environment that
at Stanford runs it. It’s an opportunity to learn so much. I think in any
has changed … You know now with Social Media, Twitter, Facebook, all that,
sport you have to learn the fundamentals. And so many kids want to skip
that has made people different. I think at the core people are the same, but
through that. Like in music you have to learn the scales. You are not going
Shaw … I have been here with eight different Head Football Coaches … I
little bit. I work out. I’m kind of doing my own training for a triathlon. I swim
the circumstances are very different. We all want to feel appreciated; we want
to be a great pianist just sitting down hacking away at Beethoven or some-
have seen a lot, you know, and learned a lot.
twice a week, I bike twice a week and I run twice a week; I’m trying to get into
to work with people that care about us.
thing. You have to start right at the beginning.
better shape.
I am shocked at the number of people that I talk to out in the business world
SVL: In closing, a few words of gratitude …
Q: What have been some of your favorite moments and memories. What’s it
I love to read. As for the kids, I think they have so much studying to do, maybe
who don’t really learn the lessons that are learned in the gym or on a team. I
TV: Something I want to include here, is a part of my life that is so very
like, such special moments?
during a break I’ll give them a book, or recommend a book to them, maybe
have talked with friends of mine that are CEO’s and they tell me about shock-
important, my sister, Heidi. She is the Women’s Basketball Head Coach
TV: Fabulous winning national championships; winning the first one in 1990,
over the summer, but for the most part, they are in summer school and al-
ing adult misbehavior that is really very sad in this day and age, when we
at University of California San Diego. I am so fortunate that I can bounce
was unbelievable. To go from being a .500 team, Jennifer Azzi’s freshman
ready have so much reading to do. I’m reading right now, Dead Wake, a book
want to be efficient and we want to win as a team.
ideas off of her and I talk with her all the time. We are so close and I think
year, to a National Championship Team in Knoxville. I mean, it was a Cinder-
about the sinking of the Lusitania. I read about 15 books over the summer,
ella Story … it was just fabulous. I loved that. And winning again in 1992 was
mostly non-fiction. One book about the Wright Brothers … some historical
SVL: What’s this about your training for a triathlon?
Also, something I am becoming more involved with, is one of our games
awesome. I think cutting down the nets from the Regional Championship
fiction … but a lot of variety.
TV: I do triathlon training … but I do my own triathlon. I do it with friends
called the Nike N7 Game … it’s our “Native American Game”. This grew
to go the Final Four that’s really exciting. Winning the Olympics Gold Medal
I love music. I love Opera. I am hoping to go to the San Francisco Opera this
in the summer, in June, July and August. We’ll do a mile swim and a fifteen
out of a fabulous clinic that was put together - with Ganon Baker, who’s
was really fun.
year. I don’t feel like I take advantage of all the great things in the Bay Area. I
mile bike ride and a five mile run. And maybe we’ll do more the next time,
like a God in what he does in basketball skills training, who was there – he
You know, I take pleasure in each day. Just watching the improvement,
love to listen to music and love going to concerts. Basically, I have too many
and maybe we’ll increase upon it each time, each month. During the season,
came with his wife - along with Johnny (Johnny Dawkins, Stanford Men’s
watching the young people grow up. Watching the young people, I’m just so
interests for the time I have in a day. And work, too. I get up early and stay up
during the year, I try to exercise every day.
Basketball Coach) – one call was all it took, “I’ll be there for you, Coach!”, he
proud of them. You know, someone like Jennifer Azzi, who is now the Head
late and I go to bed exhausted. But I sleep well.
Coach at USF; Sonja Henning, who is a Vice President up at Nike; Kate Starbird,
we benefit from that.
said … I just love Johnny Dawkins! – also Amy (Amy Tucker, Stanford WomSVL: Do You have your favorite music? Your favorite composers? Inspira-
en’s Basketball Coach), my sister, Heidi, Ceal (Ceal Barry, retired University
who is a Professor up at the University of Washington; just go through the
Q: Are you close to any nonprofits?
of Colorado Women’s Basketball Coach) and myself. This was on the Salish
whole list (it’s a long list) of all these great players and great people I’ve been
TV: I am. Two. One is JobTrain. JobTrain is a fantastic service basically giving
TV: There are so many great … I love Chopin, Brahms, Mozart. I love the
Kootenai Indian reservation in Montana. I am so grateful to all, that we
around; it’s always fun, it’s really exciting.
people a skill set to get hired. I am on the JobTrain Board and I am very proud
classics more than anything. There are so many, that I wouldn’t want to limit
were all there. It was, it is fantastic.
of what JobTrain does. It is a fantastic organization. It is located right by Face-
myself to one or two or three. I have been playing for about 15 years, but I am
Q: What are some of your outside hobbies, interests, passions and activi-
book. The other nonprofit I am close to is the Humane Society Silicon Valley.
not very good. It’s the hardest thing. Playing the piano is the hardest thing.
I think a big part of who I want to be is to give back. I feel so fortunate. Wheth-
I love my dogs.
But I love it.
er it’s helping the Onetta Harris Community Center (in East Palo Alto) or Job-
I am very fortunate that I have a great teacher. But, lately, I have been doing
Train … or doing things with our team like volunteering at the hospital or
TV: I love to ski, snow skiing (I don’t get to do too much of it because it’s during the season), water skiing (I enjoy getting in a lot of water skiing). I sail,
Q: Great coaches bring great winning philosophies. What are some of
more active, physical things just because I realize I want to be in better shape.
serving Thanksgiving meals … I think it’s really an important part of what I do
I love to sail, I have three sailboats actually at different places. I play tennis a
Coach Tara VanDerveer philosophies?
I can play the piano when I am 80, whereas I might not be able to water ski or
… and who I am.
The Girls’ Basketball Camp in Maples Pavilion at Stanford. The teaching and the learning of the game start early on. It’s fun and exciting and valuable, in so many ways, for a lifetime. TV: I think the main thing is to have a great attitude and make a great effort
ski or play tennis when I am 80. So, maybe I will, I don’t know.
… and I’ll get along with players that do that. I love players that are great
So very proud of all her kids as if they’re her own. Here, Chiney and Nneka Ogwumike stand with their gleaming coach as they receive their WBCA All-America awards at the Final Four festivities.
teammates. They’re not just talented players. Talented players that work
Q: Please tell us something about your wonderful Summer Basketball
hard, that have a great attitude, that work well with other people, that are re-
Camp …
spectful. You know, it is fun. Yes, it often is a grind. It is a lot of traveling. I want
TV: It’s something we do every year. It’s a great camp. There are over 700
people that are fun to be around, that are upbeat and positive, that are not
who attend, from all across the country, from all around the world. Our
complainers or deadbeat. Unfortunately, I think it is a challenge sometimes.
Eileen Roche (Assistant Athletic Director of Basketball Operations) here
Everyone says that the athletes have changed. Well, it’s the environment that
at Stanford runs it. It’s an opportunity to learn so much. I think in any
has changed … You know now with Social Media, Twitter, Facebook, all that,
sport you have to learn the fundamentals. And so many kids want to skip
that has made people different. I think at the core people are the same, but
through that. Like in music you have to learn the scales. You are not going
Shaw … I have been here with eight different Head Football Coaches … I
little bit. I work out. I’m kind of doing my own training for a triathlon. I swim
the circumstances are very different. We all want to feel appreciated; we want
to be a great pianist just sitting down hacking away at Beethoven or some-
have seen a lot, you know, and learned a lot.
twice a week, I bike twice a week and I run twice a week; I’m trying to get into
to work with people that care about us.
thing. You have to start right at the beginning.
better shape.
I am shocked at the number of people that I talk to out in the business world
Q: In closing, a few words of gratitude …
SVL: What have been some of your favorite moments and memories. What’s
I love to read. As for the kids, I think they have so much studying to do, maybe
who don’t really learn the lessons that are learned in the gym or on a team. I
TV: Something I want to include here, is a part of my life that is so very
it like, such special moments?
during a break I’ll give them a book, or recommend a book to them, maybe
have talked with friends of mine that are CEO’s and they tell me about shock-
important, my sister, Heidi. She is the Women’s Basketball Head Coach
TV: Fabulous winning national championships; winning the first one in 1990,
over the summer, but for the most part, they are in summer school and al-
ing adult misbehavior that is really very sad in this day and age, when we
at University of California San Diego. I am so fortunate that I can bounce
was unbelievable. To go from being a .500 team, Jennifer Azzi’s freshman
ready have so much reading to do. I’m reading right now, Dead Wake, a book
want to be efficient and we want to win as a team.
ideas off of her and I talk with her all the time. We are so close and I think
year, to a National Championship Team in Knoxville. I mean, it was a Cinder-
about the sinking of the Lusitania. I read about 15 books over the summer,
ella Story … it was just fabulous. I loved that. And winning again in 1992 was
mostly non-fiction. One book about the Wright Brothers … some historical
Q: What’s this about your training for a triathlon?
Also, something I am becoming more involved with, is one of our games
awesome. I think cutting down the nets from the Regional Championship
fiction … but a lot of variety.
TV: I do triathlon training … but I do my own triathlon. I do it with friends
called the Nike N7 Game … it’s our “Native American Game”. This grew
to go the Final Four that’s really exciting. Winning the Olympics Gold Medal
I love music. I love Opera. I am hoping to go to the San Francisco Opera this
in the summer, in June, July and August. We’ll do a mile swim and a fifteen
out of a fabulous clinic that was put together - with Ganon Baker, who’s
was really fun.
year. I don’t feel like I take advantage of all the great things in the Bay Area. I
mile bike ride and a five mile run. And maybe we’ll do more the next time,
like a God in what he does in basketball skills training, who was there – he
You know, I take pleasure in each day. Just watching the improvement,
love to listen to music and love going to concerts. Basically, I have too many
and maybe we’ll increase upon it each time, each month. During the season,
came with his wife - along with Johnny (Johnny Dawkins, Stanford Men’s
watching the young people grow up. Watching the young people, I’m just so
interests for the time I have in a day. And work, too. I get up early and stay up
during the year, I try to exercise every day.
Basketball Coach) – one call was all it took, “I’ll be there for you, Coach!”, he
proud of them. You know, someone like Jennifer Azzi, who is now the Head
late and I go to bed exhausted. But I sleep well.
Coach at USF; Sonja Henning, who is a Vice President up at Nike; Kate Starbird,
we benefit from that.
said … I just love Johnny Dawkins! – also Amy (Amy Tucker, Stanford WomQ: Do You have your favorite music? Your favorite composers? Inspira-
en’s Basketball Coach), my sister, Heidi, Ceal (Ceal Barry, retired University
who is a Professor up at the University of Washington; just go through the
SVL: Are you close to any nonprofits?
of Colorado Women’s Basketball Coach) and myself. This was on the Salish
whole list (it’s a long list) of all these great players and great people I’ve been
TV: I am. Two. One is JobTrain. JobTrain is a fantastic service basically giving
TV: There are so many great … I love Chopin, Brahms, Mozart. I love the
Kootenai Indian reservation in Montana. I am so grateful to all, that we
around; it’s always fun, it’s really exciting.
people a skill set to get hired. I am on the JobTrain Board and I am very proud
classics more than anything. There are so many, that I wouldn’t want to limit
were all there. It was, it is fantastic.
of what JobTrain does. It is a fantastic organization. It is located right by Face-
myself to one or two or three. I have been playing for about 15 years, but I am
SVL: What are some of your outside hobbies, interests, passions and activi-
book. The other nonprofit I am close to is the Humane Society Silicon Valley.
not very good. It’s the hardest thing. Playing the piano is the hardest thing.
I think a big part of who I want to be is to give back. I feel so fortunate. Wheth-
I love my dogs.
But I love it.
er it’s helping the Onetta Harris Community Center (in East Palo Alto) or Job-
I am very fortunate that I have a great teacher. But, lately, I have been doing
Train … or doing things with our team like volunteering at the hospital or
SVL: Great coaches bring great winning philosophies. What are some of
more active, physical things just because I realize I want to be in better shape.
serving Thanksgiving meals … I think it’s really an important part of what I do
Coach Tara VanDerveer philosophies?
I can play the piano when I am 80, whereas I might not be able to water ski or
… and who I am.
TV: I love to ski, snow skiing (I don’t get to do too much of it because it’s during the season), water skiing (I enjoy getting in a lot of water skiing). I sail, I love to sail, I have three sailboats actually at different places. I play tennis a
Meet Denise Bevers
Our mission is to bring our pets the same kinds of innovative, safe, and effective medicines that our human family members enjoy
Co-Founder & COO of KindredBio Q: Why/how did you get into the animal health industry? DB: For over 20 years I worked in the human drug development and medical communications industries, managing dozens of products and development programs from Phase I though Phase IV. While I enjoyed what I was doing, I wanted to do something that also paired with my love for animals and degree in zoology. I was fortunate to be able to leverage my years of experience in drug development and investor relations to co-found KindredBio, a company dedicated to developing cutting-edge therapeutics for cats, dogs, and horses. As the parent of frogs, hermit crabs, mice, rats, bunnies, hamsters, and a dog as a child (not all at the same time), my mother is not surprised by my success or that of KindredBio! Q: Who has been a career inspiration to you? DB: I met my co-founder and KindredBio CEO, Dr. Richard Chin, when we worked together at Elan Pharmaceuticals. Right away, I felt connected to him and his business philosophies. As a Harvard-trained physician and former Rhodes Scholar, with a track record of almost a dozen drug approvals, I knew I could learn from him and that my clinical operations expertise and management skills would benefit him as well. When we left Elan, we kept in touch and I always knew we would work together again. Then, in 2012, we began to talk about how we could pair our decades of experience and love of animals to start a veterinary biopharmaceutical company. That’s when we started KindredBio and never looked back. I feel very fortunate to be in partnership with Richard because our diverse skill set and management styles that really complement one another. Q: People think of pets as part of their family, how does that fit in with what you do? DB: Our fury companions have truly become members of the family proven by Americans spending $700 million each year on Valentine’s Day gifts for our beloved pets. The evolution of the pet as a family member has been relatively short. In my lifetime, I have seen dogs move from the yard, to the dog house, to a sequestered room behind a gate, and now, 40% of pets sleep in bed with their pet parents! In 2016, pet owners in the U.S. spent over $66 billion on their pets, and increase of over 10% from the year before. There is a critical need, and
willingness to pay, for innovative medicines for our pets. We found that there are few companies dedicated to developing such therapies for companion animals, with a market in dire need, which is why we founded KindredBio. Q: What’s KindredBio’s mission? DB: Our mission is to bring our pets the same kinds of innovative, safe, and effective medicines that our human family members enjoy. Our core strategy is to leverage the billions of dollars that have been invested in human drug development by modifying, improving, and repurposing pre-existing drugs and pursuing biological targets that have already proven to be safe and effective in humans. We have developed a team of veterinarians, scientists, and operational experts who love animals and want to develop therapeutics that have been appropriately studied and, eventually, approved by FDA for use in pets. The passion that we have for pet wellness is infectious throughout the organization. Q: Why did you decide to headquarter the company in Silicon Valley? DB: We love the energy that comes with working in an innovative hub of technology like Silicon Valley. The bay area is an epicenter of biotechnology and Richard, who spent years as the head of Clinical Research for biotherapeutics at Genentech, has recruited a world-class team of scientists and protein engineers to develop our cutting-edge biologics for cats, dogs, and horses. Because of the talent in the area, we have put together an incredible team that is innovating in lockstep with human breakthroughs, such as those in immunotherapy. Importantly, the energy of the valley, along with the great weather and access to outdoor pursuits, is what allows us to attract top talent to our organization. Q: What were some of the challenges you faced as a woman raising money on Wall Street? DB: I grew up in biotech and pharma in California, and was fortunate that I did not feel limited by a glass ceiling in my career trajectory. It was quite apparent to me as we began our testing-the-waters meetings and eventual IPO roadshow that there were many fewer female decision-makers on Wall Street. There were entire days on the roadshow when I would not see a single woman at the table. I have always felt that, regardless of gender, it is critical to know your business and industry better than any-
one else in the room. Because we had a very strong business plan that I knew inside-and-out, I did not feel a need to alter my pitch because of my gender. The fact that my passion for animals and KindredBio shines through my pitch, perhaps more because of my delivery as a woman, is only an asset. I am happy to say that, in the nearly four years as a publicly-held company, I do meet more and more female investors at the table who are decision-makers.
and competitors to the product and the customer. Do your homework. Combine your passion and knowledge with drive and persistence, and you are well on your way.
SVL: Tell me about the drugs you have in development and how they help animals? DB: We are currently anticipating FDA approval and launch of Zimeta™ (dipyrone injection), a novel, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory for the control of fever in horses, and Mirataz™ (mirtazapine 2% topical ointment) for the management of weight loss in cats. It says so much about our team that we have two drugs under review by FDA in less than 5 years of founding the company. In addition to those products, we have approximately 20 products in development for a variety of diseases for cats, dogs, and horses. In the future, we will be helping animals with autoimmune diseases, cancer, and metabolic disorders, to name a few.
SVL: What is the best advice you’ve ever received? DB: While my Mom didn’t verbalize advice as much as she led by example, she taught me to follow my passion, regardless of where society pushed me (or even where she thought I should be heading). She raised two girls as a single parent and worked two jobs at once, as a special education teacher and a waitress. She also got her Master’s degree before I graduated high school and found time to attend the Academy of Dramatic Arts to fulfill her creative needs. As a child of the 70’s and 80’s, she was a phenomenal role model, who taught me that a woman could be anything she set out to be. She supported my every whim as a child, as long as it was something I was passionate about. I saw the way she loved teaching and nurturing children with learning challenges, and the fulfillment she received in return, which showed me how to have a
SVL: What is your advice for companies who are fundraising for their businesses? DB: Tout your brain and your heart. Telling your story and conveying your vision is a huge part of connecting with a potential investor. Your heart will show how much you believe in what you are doing. Investors will see that. It’s equally important to show your knowledge of what you are selling. Investors want to see that you know what you are talking about – from the industry
rewarding career, driven by passion. SVL: What hobbies or interests do you enjoy when you aren’t working? DB: My husband, Lon, and I enjoy traveling, music, and theater in our spare time. We have had the opportunity to support theatrical productions on and off Broadway. In additional to adventure travel, we find the dozens of concerts we attend each year to be a great way to be in the moment and relax. We have recently become horse enthusiasts and owners of a grand prix show jumper, Wasco, as well as parent to a border collie, Betty, and two cats, Gladys and Glover.
Meet Denise Bevers
Our mission is to bring our pets the same kinds of innovative, safe, and effective medicines that our human family members enjoy
Co-Founder & COO of KindredBio SVL: Why/how did you get into the animal health industry? DB: For over 20 years I worked in the human drug development and medical communications industries, managing dozens of products and development programs from Phase I though Phase IV. While I enjoyed what I was doing, I wanted to do something that also paired with my love for animals and degree in zoology. I was fortunate to be able to leverage my years of experience in drug development and investor relations to co-found KindredBio, a company dedicated to developing cutting-edge therapeutics for cats, dogs, and horses. As the parent of frogs, hermit crabs, mice, rats, bunnies, hamsters, and a dog as a child (not all at the same time), my mother is not surprised by my success or that of KindredBio! SVL: Who has been a career inspiration to you? DB: I met my co-founder and KindredBio CEO, Dr. Richard Chin, when we worked together at Elan Pharmaceuticals. Right away, I felt connected to him and his business philosophies. As a Harvard-trained physician and former Rhodes Scholar, with a track record of almost a dozen drug approvals, I knew I could learn from him and that my clinical operations expertise and management skills would benefit him as well. When we left Elan, we kept in touch and I always knew we would work together again. Then, in 2012, we began to talk about how we could pair our decades of experience and love of animals to start a veterinary biopharmaceutical company. That’s when we started KindredBio and never looked back. I feel very fortunate to be in partnership with Richard because our diverse skill set and management styles that really complement one another. SVL: People think of pets as part of their family, how does that fit in with what you do? DB: Our fury companions have truly become members of the family proven by Americans spending $700 million each year on Valentine’s Day gifts for our beloved pets. The evolution of the pet as a family member has been relatively short. In my lifetime, I have seen dogs move from the yard, to the dog house, to a sequestered room behind a gate, and now, 40% of pets sleep in bed with their pet parents! In 2016, pet owners in the U.S. spent over $66 billion on their pets, and increase of over 10% from the year before. There is a critical need, and
willingness to pay, for innovative medicines for our pets. We found that there are few companies dedicated to developing such therapies for companion animals, with a market in dire need, which is why we founded KindredBio. SVL: What’s KindredBio’s mission? DB: Our mission is to bring our pets the same kinds of innovative, safe, and effective medicines that our human family members enjoy. Our core strategy is to leverage the billions of dollars that have been invested in human drug development by modifying, improving, and repurposing pre-existing drugs and pursuing biological targets that have already proven to be safe and effective in humans. We have developed a team of veterinarians, scientists, and operational experts who love animals and want to develop therapeutics that have been appropriately studied and, eventually, approved by FDA for use in pets. The passion that we have for pet wellness is infectious throughout the organization. SVL: Why did you decide to headquarter the company in Silicon Valley? DB: We love the energy that comes with working in an innovative hub of technology like Silicon Valley. The bay area is an epicenter of biotechnology and Richard, who spent years as the head of Clinical Research for biotherapeutics at Genentech, has recruited a world-class team of scientists and protein engineers to develop our cutting-edge biologics for cats, dogs, and horses. Because of the talent in the area, we have put together an incredible team that is innovating in lockstep with human breakthroughs, such as those in immunotherapy. Importantly, the energy of the valley, along with the great weather and access to outdoor pursuits, is what allows us to attract top talent to our organization. SVL: What were some of the challenges you faced as a woman raising money on Wall Street? DB: I grew up in biotech and pharma in California, and was fortunate that I did not feel limited by a glass ceiling in my career trajectory. It was quite apparent to me as we began our testing-the-waters meetings and eventual IPO roadshow that there were many fewer female decision-makers on Wall Street. There were entire days on the roadshow when I would not see a single woman at the table. I have always felt that, regardless of gender, it is critical to know your business and industry better than any-
one else in the room. Because we had a very strong business plan that I knew inside-and-out, I did not feel a need to alter my pitch because of my gender. The fact that my passion for animals and KindredBio shines through my pitch, perhaps more because of my delivery as a woman, is only an asset. I am happy to say that, in the nearly four years as a publicly-held company, I do meet more and more female investors at the table who are decision-makers.
and competitors to the product and the customer. Do your homework. Combine your passion and knowledge with drive and persistence, and you are well on your way.
Q: Tell me about the drugs you have in development and how they help animals? DB: We are currently anticipating FDA approval and launch of Zimeta™ (dipyrone injection), a novel, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory for the control of fever in horses, and Mirataz™ (mirtazapine 2% topical ointment) for the management of weight loss in cats. It says so much about our team that we have two drugs under review by FDA in less than 5 years of founding the company. In addition to those products, we have approximately 20 products in development for a variety of diseases for cats, dogs, and horses. In the future, we will be helping animals with autoimmune diseases, cancer, and metabolic disorders, to name a few.
Q: What is the best advice you’ve ever received? DB: While my Mom didn’t verbalize advice as much as she led by example, she taught me to follow my passion, regardless of where society pushed me (or even where she thought I should be heading). She raised two girls as a single parent and worked two jobs at once, as a special education teacher and a waitress. She also got her Master’s degree before I graduated high school and found time to attend the Academy of Dramatic Arts to fulfill her creative needs. As a child of the 70’s and 80’s, she was a phenomenal role model, who taught me that a woman could be anything she set out to be. She supported my every whim as a child, as long as it was something I was passionate about. I saw the way she loved teaching and nurturing children with learning challenges, and the fulfillment she received in return, which showed me how to have a
Q: What is your advice for companies who are fundraising for their businesses? DB: Tout your brain and your heart. Telling your story and conveying your vision is a huge part of connecting with a potential investor. Your heart will show how much you believe in what you are doing. Investors will see that. It’s equally important to show your knowledge of what you are selling. Investors want to see that you know what you are talking about – from the industry
rewarding career, driven by passion. Q: What hobbies or interests do you enjoy when you aren’t working? DB: My husband, Lon, and I enjoy traveling, music, and theater in our spare time. We have had the opportunity to support theatrical productions on and off Broadway. In additional to adventure travel, we find the dozens of concerts we attend each year to be a great way to be in the moment and relax. We have recently become horse enthusiasts and owners of a grand prix show jumper, Wasco, as well as parent to a border collie, Betty, and two cats, Gladys and Glover.
A POWERFUL ANTIDOTE TO ENTITLEMENT By Carole Pertofsky, M.Ed. Director, Wellness and Health Promotion Services at Stanford University I was meeting up with friends in the latest hot restaurant in Palo Alto. As I walked towards my group, a very cool looking guy wearing a classy expensive black T-shirt leaned back in his chair and almost crashed into me as I squeezed between tables. He glared at me. And there, nestled just below his sculpted pecks, was the message, in bold Elephant Font: “You don’t get my respect. You have to earn it.” There may be many interpretations. What might you think? Would you be attracted to his swagger? Turned off by the implied entitlement? Be curious about how this attitude plays out in his life? Wonder how this message impacts those around him? I don’t know what goes through this guy’s mind when he awakens at 3 in the morning. But I know too many people of all ages who brand themselves with some display of entitlement, even arrogance. The attitude is fueled by media that offers top billing to those who display their entitlement and arrogance as strengths of character, even virtues. What is the impact on you, me, our kids looking for successful role models?
The truth is that on the surface, these people appear to be dominant, accomplished, on top of things. But trust me, it’s an illusion. Because deep down, they often experience isolation, emptiness and frustration. “Superiority” masks vulnerability. Recent studies indicate that this loss of empathy and connection to self and others is a growing concern among all ages. Is there a way out of this trend towards displaying arrogance or entitlement as valor? Consider the power of gratitude as an antidote to this deep well of discontent. Gratitude isn’t just a soft filmy blur of appreciation. It takes gumption and courage to live with gratitude in a culture that rewards snarky digs and hostile irony. It takes grit to choose to live with thankfulness for what we have, rather than focusing on endless lists of what is missing. Gratefulness is a gold standard of deep happiness, positive emotion and good health. Dr. Robert Emmons, UC Davis, leading researcher and author of “Thanks”, reminds us, “Gratitude can be as easy as a beautiful sunset, an exquisite bite of chocolate, a child, or the brilliance of autumn leaves. No matter what shape
or form gratitude takes, it fills us with a warmth and a reminder that life is good; this moment is special. Gratitude provides lessons to make us stronger. It is more than appreciation- it is a gift.” Research suggests why the experience of gratitude is transformative and offers tremendous health benefits. Thankfulness awakens our brain’s pleasure centers, and our bodies produce bio-chemicals that activate a strong and powerful sense of our potential, well-being and connection. Our bodies respond with vitality and a stronger immune system. We may be inspired to serve others, to contribute to the greater good. Power up your gratitude muscle with a few simple actions. Do these with your family. Do these with your friends. Do them alone. Mix it up. If you practice just three times a week, you’ll begin noticing a stronger sense of ease, fun, and lightness. Best of all, these practices will spark new connections among your friends and family in fun heart-warming ways. - Gratitext: Everyone takes out their cell phone or notepad. Each person imagines a particular person to whom you are grateful, maybe someone who helped you get where you are today. Send them a “gratitext” or a note, expressing your thoughts and feelings of gratitude to them for adding some benefit- or sparkle- to your life. Notice the good feelings that arise when you send this note- and how you feel when they respond. - Reach Out: Notice the many people who earn minimum wage performing a service that adds value to your day. Reach out, and thank them. Experience the gentle exchange of appreciation. - 3 Good Things:. Begin a “gratitude” journal and several times a week, write down 3 good things that happened. Even if you aren’t feeling particularly grateful, no problem. Just take a deep breath, and give thanks for the simple things. Hot and cold running water. A daily meal. The people who contribute to your comfort, whether or not you personally know them. Gratitude is a powerful antidote to entitlement, indifference, the “blahs”, and discontentment. - -
- Just Like Me. Find a good place to “people watch”. Relax and just be aware of others, take a deep breath and bring to mind the following thought: “Just like me this person has faced struggles, suffering and disappointments, and just like me, this person wants to be content and happy.” Observe what gets stirred up in you or how this guided attention changes your emotional state. Do you feel more empathy or perhaps appreciation for our shared humanity? Share your experience with each other. - Soak in this awesome 5 minute video with your family and friends: Just watch and notice your thoughts and feelings. - Gratitude. Simple. Powerful. Transformative. It is an act of courage to express your thankfulness. Do stuff that opens your heart. Tell your friends and family how they contribute to your life. When you savor and appreciate the goodness in your life, the little things and the million dollar moments, no one will ever need to earn your respect. Gratitude itself is an act of deepest respect, freely given, for life itself.
A POWERFUL ANTIDOTE TO ENTITLEMENT By Carole Pertofsky, M.Ed. Director, Wellness and Health Promotion Services at Stanford University I was meeting up with friends in the latest hot restaurant in Palo Alto. As I walked towards my group, a very cool looking guy wearing a classy expensive black T-shirt leaned back in his chair and almost crashed into me as I squeezed between tables. He glared at me. And there, nestled just below his sculpted pecks, was the message, in bold Elephant Font: “You don’t get my respect. You have to earn it.” There may be many interpretations. What might you think? Would you be attracted to his swagger? Turned off by the implied entitlement? Be curious about how this attitude plays out in his life? Wonder how this message impacts those around him? I don’t know what goes through this guy’s mind when he awakens at 3 in the morning. But I know too many people of all ages who brand themselves with some display of entitlement, even arrogance. The attitude is fueled by media that offers top billing to those who display their entitlement and arrogance as strengths of character, even virtues. What is the impact on you, me, our kids looking for successful role models?
The truth is that on the surface, these people appear to be dominant, accomplished, on top of things. But trust me, it’s an illusion. Because deep down, they often experience isolation, emptiness and frustration. “Superiority” masks vulnerability. Recent studies indicate that this loss of empathy and connection to self and others is a growing concern among all ages. Is there a way out of this trend towards displaying arrogance or entitlement as valor? Consider the power of gratitude as an antidote to this deep well of discontent. Gratitude isn’t just a soft filmy blur of appreciation. It takes gumption and courage to live with gratitude in a culture that rewards snarky digs and hostile irony. It takes grit to choose to live with thankfulness for what we have, rather than focusing on endless lists of what is missing. Gratefulness is a gold standard of deep happiness, positive emotion and good health. Dr. Robert Emmons, UC Davis, leading researcher and author of “Thanks”, reminds us, “Gratitude can be as easy as a beautiful sunset, an exquisite bite of chocolate, a child, or the brilliance of autumn leaves. No matter what shape
or form gratitude takes, it fills us with a warmth and a reminder that life is good; this moment is special. Gratitude provides lessons to make us stronger. It is more than appreciation- it is a gift.” Research suggests why the experience of gratitude is transformative and offers tremendous health benefits. Thankfulness awakens our brain’s pleasure centers, and our bodies produce bio-chemicals that activate a strong and powerful sense of our potential, well-being and connection. Our bodies respond with vitality and a stronger immune system. We may be inspired to serve others, to contribute to the greater good. Power up your gratitude muscle with a few simple actions. Do these with your family. Do these with your friends. Do them alone. Mix it up. If you practice just three times a week, you’ll begin noticing a stronger sense of ease, fun, and lightness. Best of all, these practices will spark new connections among your friends and family in fun heart-warming ways. - Gratitext: Everyone takes out their cell phone or notepad. Each person imagines a particular person to whom you are grateful, maybe someone who helped you get where you are today. Send them a “gratitext” or a note, expressing your thoughts and feelings of gratitude to them for adding some benefit- or sparkle- to your life. Notice the good feelings that arise when you send this note- and how you feel when they respond. - Reach Out: Notice the many people who earn minimum wage performing a service that adds value to your day. Reach out, and thank them. Experience the gentle exchange of appreciation. - 3 Good Things:. Begin a “gratitude” journal and several times a week, write down 3 good things that happened. Even if you aren’t feeling particularly grateful, no problem. Just take a deep breath, and give thanks for the simple things. Hot and cold running water. A daily meal. The people who contribute to your comfort, whether or not you personally know them. Gratitude is a powerful antidote to entitlement, indifference, the “blahs”, and discontentment. - -
- Just Like Me. Find a good place to “people watch”. Relax and just be aware of others, take a deep breath and bring to mind the following thought: “Just like me this person has faced struggles, suffering and disappointments, and just like me, this person wants to be content and happy.” Observe what gets stirred up in you or how this guided attention changes your emotional state. Do you feel more empathy or perhaps appreciation for our shared humanity? Share your experience with each other. - Soak in this awesome 5 minute video with your family and friends: Just watch and notice your thoughts and feelings. - Gratitude. Simple. Powerful. Transformative. It is an act of courage to express your thankfulness. Do stuff that opens your heart. Tell your friends and family how they contribute to your life. When you savor and appreciate the goodness in your life, the little things and the million dollar moments, no one will ever need to earn your respect. Gratitude itself is an act of deepest respect, freely given, for life itself.
A Conversations with
Katie Jacobs Stanton,
CMO of Color & Former Vice President of Global Media at Twitter Q: Can you share with us your experience working at the White House and State Department?
nities. I’m thrilled that the Gates Foundation has committed $170 million towards improving economic
KJS: Working in the Obama Administration was the honor of a lifetime. At the White House, I served
leverage for women worldwide. According to Melinda Gates, “when money flows into the hands of
as the Director of Citizen Participation, trying to make it easier for citizens to engage with the govern-
women who have the authority to use it, everything changes.”
ment using digital platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. At the State Department, I worked in the Office of Innovation, helping the government use 21st century tools to address 21st century challenges. For example, we organized Town Halls for the President in China where participants could Tweet and text questions (even when these tools were blocked in China).
Q: What are some strategies that can help women achieve a more prominent role in their organizations? KJS: 1. Build your own personal Board of Directors. Cultivate relationships with people you admire, seek
Q: Of the 8 countries you’ve lived in, which was your favorite and why?
out their advice and collaborate with them on projects you’re passionate about. For example, I’m a
KJS: I’ve greatly appreciated all the countries I’ve been fortunate to spend time in, but
founding partner of #Angels, which I started with five of my friends from Twitter. We share access to
I’ve always felt a strong personal connection with France. I like the way Thomas Jeffer-
deals, networks and opportunities. I also lean on entrepreneurs and execs including Tina Sharkey, Dan
son put it; “a walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty and the point of life.”
Rosensweig, Dick Costolo and Elad Gil for career and industry advice.
Q: What was your experience like working as Vice President of Global Media at Twitter? KJS: Twitter was one of the highlights of my career. When I joined, we didn’t have any employees, offices, revenues or partnerships outside of the U.S. My role was to help build our teams globally and then lead the Media team which was responsible for partnerships across government, news, sports, music, and TV. We brought the best content from each of our markets to the platform and tried to help build the most vibrant and safest digital town square. I worked with exceptional people at Twitter and I’m proud of how much we were able to achieve. Q: You were an Angel Investor for Color Genomics … what made you decide to step in as Chief Marketing Officer? KJS: There are 4 core values that help me decide on new roles:
2. Pay it forward - help women at all levels. I’m pretty sure I’m going to work for the women on my team at Color one day and am really excited about that! 3. Make sure women’s voices are heard and presences are felt. Work to ensure that they’re seated at the table and included in the conversation. 4. Have conviction in your beliefs and share them. Don’t be afraid to bring new ideas forward. 5. Be passionate about what you’re doing. Life is short. 6. Choose wisely. Look for a manager and team that help you be your best self. 7. Don’t worry about the job title - do your best work and the title and prominence will follow. Q: What’s one leadership lesson you’ve learned in your career? KJS: My media team at Twitter had a great motto: Dream big, do big, act big. Follow these principles as a leader and you can’t go wrong.
1. Are the people smart and ethical? 2. Is this a product I would use?
Q: What do you think is the most significant barrier to female leadership?
3. Is this an opportunity I would be proud of?
KJS: There is still plenty of gender bias in our society and structural barriers that make it difficult for
4. Can I make an impact?
women to rise to the top: lack of access to paid leave, affordable childcare, and equal pay. We’re making progress, but not fast enough. We need to keep pushing and make it easier for women to stay in
Color checked all of these boxes. Othman Laraki, our CEO and co-founder, is one of the smartest and most ethical people I’ve ever known. Cancer has hit my family, as it has so many others, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to join a movement to help beat cancer and other hereditary conditions. Q: Can you share with us some of the advancements and discoveries Color Genomics has made? KJS: When you buy a car, a home or a phone, you get an owner’s manual. Unfortunately, that’s not the case with our bodies! Color is making it easier to unlock the DNA inside of us to make it easier to stay healthy. Specifically, Color has made access to medically actionable genetic testing easier and more affordable. We’re empowering people to learn their risk of hereditary conditions and use that early knowledge to take control of their healthcare and develop personalized plans to prevent illness or detect it early.
the workplace, advance quickly, and get paid fairly. Q: Can you offer advice to parents with daughters graduating from high school? KJS: Not yet! My older daughter graduates this year. Please send me advice on Twitter: @katies! Q: Tell us about your hobbies outside of work? KJS: I love Zumba with Ula Ghosheh. She’s the best instructor. I’m the worst in the class. Q: Is there an interesting fact that most people wouldn’t know about you? KJS: I wanted to be a pilot and was briefly in Air Force ROTC in college. Maybe one day I’ll finish getting my pilot’s license!
Q: What would you like to see Color Genomics accomplish in the next 5 years?
Q: How do you achieve work-life balance?
KJS: I would love to look back in 2023 to see that Color helped eliminate all hereditary conditions,
KJS: There’s no such thing as a balance - it’s more of a mashup. I try to prioritize the most important
including breast and ovarian cancers, caused by genetic mutations.
things and be present wherever I am.
Q: Which woman inspires you and why? KJS: My daughters, Ellie and Kiki. They’re passionate, fearless, strong, curious, and funny. Most importantly, they are focused on making a positive difference in the world! Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? KJS: One of the biggest challenges for women is economic power. It’s also one of our biggest opportu-
Q: What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment thus far? KJS: I can Tweet reasonably well. :) Q: What do you enjoy most about living in the Bay Area? KJS: The Bay Area is a magical place filled with smart, optimistic people who want to make the world a better place and have the skillset to have massive positive impact at scale.
A Conversations with
Katie Jacobs Stanton,
CMO of Color & Former Vice President of Global Media at Twitter Q: Can you share with us your experience working at the White House and State Department?
nities. I’m thrilled that the Gates Foundation has committed $170 million towards improving economic
KJS: Working in the Obama Administration was the honor of a lifetime. At the White House, I served
leverage for women worldwide. According to Melinda Gates “when money flows into the hands of
as the Director of Citizen Participation, trying to make it easier for citizens to engage with the govern-
women who have the authority to use it, everything changes.”
ment using digital platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. At the State Department, I worked in the Office of Innovation, helping the government use 21st century tools to address 21st century challenges. For example, we organized Town Halls for the President in China where participants could Tweet and text questions (even when these tools were blocked in China).
Q: What are some strategies that can help women achieve a more prominent role in their organizations? KJS: 1. Build your own personal Board of Directors. Cultivate relationships with people you admire, seek
Q: Of the 8 countries you’ve lived in, which was your favorite and why?
out their advice and collaborate with them on projects you’re passionate about. For example, I’m a
KJS: I’ve greatly appreciated all the countries I’ve been fortunate to spend time in, but
founding partner of #Angels, which I started with 5 of my friends from Twitter. We share access to
I’ve always felt a strong personal connection with France. I like the way Thomas Jeffer-
deals, networks and opportunities. I also lean on entrepreneurs and execs including Tina Sharkey, Dan
son put it; “a walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty and the point of life.”
Rosensweig, Dick Costolo and Elad Gil for career and industry advice.
Q: What was your experience like working as Vice President of Global Media at Twitter? KJS: Twitter was one of the highlights of my career. When I joined, we didn’t have any employees, offices, revenues or partnerships outside of the U.S. My role was to help build our teams globally and then lead the Media team which was responsible for partnerships across government, news, sports, music, and TV. We brought the best content from each of our markets to the platform and tried to help build the most vibrant and safest digital town square. I worked with exceptional people at Twitter and I’m proud of how much we were able to achieve. Q: You were an Angel Investor for Color Genomics … what made you decide to step in as Chief Marketing Officer? KJS: There are 4 core values that help me decide on new roles:
3. Pay it forward - help women at all levels. I’m pretty sure I’m going to work for the women on my team at Color one day and am really excited about that! 4. Make sure women’s voices are heard and presences are felt. Work to ensure that they’re seated at the table and included in the conversation. 5. Have conviction in your beliefs and share them. Don’t be afraid to bring new ideas forward. 6. Be passionate about what you’re doing. Life is short. 7. Choose wisely. Look for a manager and team that help you be your best self. 8. Don’t worry about the job title - do your best work and the title and prominence will follow. Q: What’s one leadership lesson you’ve learned in your career? KJS: My media team at Twitter had a great motto: Dream big, do big, act big. Follow these principles as a leader and you can’t go wrong.
1. Are the people smart and ethical? 2. Is this a product I would use?
Q: What do you think is the most significant barrier to female leadership?
3. Is this an opportunity I would be proud of?
KJS: There is still plenty of gender bias in our society and structural barriers that make it difficult for
4. Can I make an impact?
women to rise to the top: lack of access to paid leave, affordable childcare, and equal pay. We’re making progress, but not fast enough. We need to keep pushing and make it easier for women to stay in
Color checked all of these boxes. Othman Laraki, our CEO and co-founder, is one of the smartest and most ethical people I’ve ever known. Cancer has hit my family, as it has so many others, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to join a movement to help beat cancer and other hereditary conditions. Q: Can you share with us some of the advancements and discoveries Color Genomics has made? KJS: When you buy a car, a home or a phone, you get an owner’s manual. Unfortunately, that’s not the case with our bodies! Color is making it easier to unlock the DNA inside of us to make it easier to stay healthy. Specifically, Color has made access to medically actionable genetic testing easier and more affordable. We’re empowering people to learn their risk of hereditary conditions and use that early knowledge to take control of their healthcare and develop personalized plans to prevent illness or detect it early.
the workplace, advance quickly, and get paid fairly. Q: Can you offer advice to parents with daughters graduating from high school? KJS: Not yet! My older daughter graduates this year. Please send me advice on Twitter: @katies! Q: Tell us about your hobbies outside of work? KJS: I love Zumba with Ula Ghosheh. She’s the best instructor. I’m the worst in the class. Q: Is there an interesting fact that most people wouldn’t know about you? KJS: I wanted to be a pilot and was briefly in Air Force ROTC in college. Maybe one day I’ll finish getting my pilot’s license!
Q: What would you like to see Color Genomics accomplish in the next 5 years?
Q: How do you achieve work-life balance?
KJS: I would love to look back in 2023 to see that Color helped eliminate all hereditary conditions,
KJS: There’s no such thing as a balance - it’s more of a mashup. I try to prioritize the most important
including breast and ovarian cancers, caused by genetic mutations.
things and be present wherever I am.
Q: Which woman inspires you and why? KJS: My daughters, Ellie and Kiki. They’re passionate, fearless, strong, curious, and funny. Most importantly, they are focused on making a positive difference in the world! Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today? KJS: One of the biggest challenges for women is economic power. It’s also one of our biggest opportu-
Q: What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment thus far? KJS: I can Tweet reasonably well. :) Q: What do you enjoy most about living in the Bay Area? KJS: The Bay Area is a magical place filled with smart, optimistic people who want to make the world a better place and have the skillset to have massive positive impact at scale.
Elisha Marie Skin & Body Dedicated to achieving results. SVL: Tell us about the med spa and what you offer?
er level of service, to help connect with the mind, body, and soul,
EC: We are a boutique spa that offers customized, high qual-
and really make lasting changes in people’s lives.
ity services for the skin. We also carry a clinical grade skincare
SVL: What does being a female entrepreneur/business owner
line by Elisha Marie for all types of skin. My skincare brand has
mean to you?
been meticulously thought out from the beautiful packaging
EC: It means that I have the capacity to impact many lives. I have
to the ingredients. The Elisha
an opportunity to use my tal-
Marie Skincare line dedicated
ents and creativity in building
to achieving results for peo-
a business I believe in. It is re-
ple. We are very experienced,
warding to be able to employ
with a team that possess tre-
talented people and give them
mendous knowledge about
a place to utilize their gifts. And
the clinical skin care industry.
equally amazing to be able
I am truly passionate about
to reach so many clients and
what I do and am very fortu-
hear from them how we have
nate to be where I am today.
touched them. We often receive testimonials from clients
SVL: What makes your busi-
about what our service means
ness stand out from the com-
to them, and it is gratifying to
know that we have been able
EC: Although spa services are often thought of as simple re-
to help them. I’m hoping as we expand we can give back and
laxation, our approach is much different. We want to make
focus some of our time and efforts on Oncology patients who
sure that when our customers leave, we have made a positive
suffer from severe skin problems due to radiation and chemo-
difference for them, whether that means an enhancement of
therapy. I would like not only like to help people feel and look
their skin, an hour of relaxation, or an improvement in a specif-
more beautiful but assist in the healing process of disease.
ic health condition…we really work on the inside and out. We also pride ourselves on being personal and friendly—for us it is
SVL: What is the most rewarding part of owning your own busi-
about the clients and their needs, not just giving a service. We
ness and brand?
want to build a lasting relationship with each person we touch.
EC: The most rewarding part of being a female business owner is meeting so many fantastic, creative like-minded people. I’ve
SVL: What inspired you to start this business?
been able to take all of my years of practice and knowledge and
EC: As a Clinical Esthetician I am fascinated by skin care and
create something that was just a vision years ago. My co-work-
beauty, and so my initial desire was to help clients with their
ers are amazing—they are each very talented and believe in my
skincare needs. But I have seen that it is much larger than skin
mission and what it stands for. Being able to create a space and
care—it has to do with self-esteem, self-care, and how those we
a brand where people feel and look better is extremely reward-
have touched impact others around them. While creating this
ing and my purpose in life.
sacred space it gave us the opportunity to provide a much deep-
Professional aesthetic skincare and spray tanning services provided in Palo Alto. Medical grade skincare in a beautiful setting where skin transforms.
• Custom Facials • Chemical Peels • Waxing • Oncology Skincare • Lashes & Brows / Lash Extensions • Makeup • AirBrush Spray Tanning
5 1 2
A V E .
A L T O ,
9 4 3 0 1
W W W . E L I S H A M A R I E S K I N A N D B O D Y . C O M
he search for the perfect swing is the Holy Grail for golfers all over the world as they strive to ďŹ nd an action that will permit them to play the game to a high standard. Grooving a golf swing that is repeatable and dependable can only be achieved through practice, and this will require time and patience. Trying to perfect a swing while playing in competition is never advisable as you cannot possibly give your full concentration to the areas that need attention. Professional golfers will work tirelessly on their swings, some even hiring teachers who will give advice on elements of the swing. For recreational golfers, perhaps securing the services of a club professional will help, but for most golfers, it is a case of trial and error on the practice range. What can you do to improve
you swing? The starting point for anyone who hopes to improve their game is to ensure that the fundamentals are in place. These include a good grip, proper stance, correct alignment and tempo of the swing. When the basics are in place, you will be in position to hit golf shots that are reasonably good. Your next step is to experiment with things that may improve your swing allowing you to hit the ball longer, straighter and with more spin. For example, ball position is something that can have a real impact on your swing as it often determines the angle at which you approach the ball and how this affects your arms and shoulders on the downswing. If you position the ball too far toward your front foot, this can encourage an over-the-top pass at the
ball, probably resulting in a pull or a slice. On the other hand, if you position the ball too far back in your stance, you may find you are blocking the ball to the right or hooking it wildly. Experiment with ball position and you will most likely find that placing the ball in the middle of your stance or just fractionally toward your front foot will reap dividends. On longer clubs like the driver, the ball will be further toward your front foot. A tip you will find helpful when working on grooving your golf swing, is to experiment on the practice range with different tempo swings. Some recreational golfers swing very hard and fast in order to attempt to hit the ball further. You may be surprised to find that with a more leisurely, smooth swing, you will actually achieve greater distance. In reality, you want to hit the ball better, not harder. Fast swings tend to pull the arms into play too quickly and this often results in cutting across the ball, leading to a slice. The tempo of your swing is possibly the most crucial element you can work on as it will promote a repeatable swing you can rely on under pressure. In fact, you can groove such a swing in the garden at home without the need to hit golf balls. Find the tempo that works best for you, and make this part of your golf game. Another element that impacts on your swing
is how you stand to address the ball. This can make a real difference to the quality of your shots and determine how high or low your ball trajectory will be. It can also influence how you bring the club head to the ball. Are you possibly stretching for the ball at address? Or is your stance too upright causing you to slice? Again, take time on the practice range to experiment by hitting shots while taking a variety of address positions. A tall person will naturally stand more upright to the ball while a shorter person will reach more for the ball and have a flatter swing. On that subject, if you are serious about grooving a solid, repeatable golf swing, you would do well to make sure you are using golf clubs suited to your height. Badly fitted clubs will have you swinging on an arc that is unnatural and will inevitably result in hooking or slicing. As is true for even the best of players, grooving a good golf swing is a matter of practice. You may find that there is a great deal of trial and error involved until you find a swing that suits you individually. Do not treat this as a chore, but enjoy those times you spend on the practice ground, realizing that it will result in a better golf swing that will in turn, allow you to derive greater enjoyment from the game and improve you score.
As is true for even the best of players, grooving a good golf swing is a matter of practice.
Want to Advance your Career?
Find a Mentor! By Dr. Frumi Rachel Barr
Lux was a top performer. In the 20 years before I met her she was always considered a high potential employee. In her two decades in the IT department of a large financial institution she progressed slowly but steadily through the ranks. If there were a complex problem to resolve –Lux would get it done. And then she got stuck. She couldn’t understand why she was overlooked time and again to achieve a top position. The reason was simple – she never asked. Sometime being good at what you do can be what prevents you from getting ahead. Why would anyone advance Lux further when she was doing such an excellent job just where she was? And for her part, she never let anyone know that she had her eye on a very senior position. The game changer for her was the suggestion to find a Mentor. She chose the CFO of the organization who was both flattered and interested in being her guide. Within a very short time, after expressing her interest in moving up the ladder, and following her mentor’s suggested roadmap to success, she achieved her objective of being a senior V.P. And now it’s your turn. A Mentor is a wise and trusted counselor and guide. In “traditional” corporations an executive or senior person is assigned a “high potential” to assist in his or her development. A Mentor has a body of knowledge that a Mentee would like to learn. For example, in an accounting firm, information regarding technical matters and professional development are often transferred from Mentor to Mentee. There are many reasons why having a Mentor can acceler-
ate your career. Here are three for you to consider: • Guidance regarding how to navigate corporate politics. For women, it sometimes helps to have a Mentor who is also female. Your role as a Mentee is to be open to the feedback, suggestions, and critiques that are offered to you. This will maximize the effect of the support you receive. • Assistance finding connections, the “whos” who can help you get where you’d like to be more quickly. The question to ask is “who do you know who….” • And thirdly, guidance in how to improve your skills. Within the context of a mentoring relationship the Mentor assists an individual fill a particular knowledge gap by learning how to do things more effectively. In your search for a Mentor, it’s a good idea to choose someone working in the same functional area as you are, as well as someone who shares your values. Professional organizations in your field, whether they offer formal mentoring programs or not, can be excellent sources of Mentors. Test the waters by asking for advice first. Be open to sharing your concerns and fears. Mentors are most likely to invest themselves in those in whom they see a little of themselves. Don’t think that you, as a Mentee, get all the benefits from the relationship. In my experience mentoring is a rich and rewarding experience and I’ve learned more about technologies from my Mentees than I would ever have learned on my own! Having a well chosen Mentor to guide you can be a game changer in accelerating your career. Do it now!
Vicki Hennessy
Neighborhood mobilization in support of Sheriff Hennessy prior to her election in November 2015. Volunteers went door-to-door in the neighborhood.
SFL: Who and what inspired you to go into Law Enforcement?
Department are separate – so the Sheriff’s Department does
When and how did you come up with this idea for a career …
not do general patrol. We basically would do the running of
and what ultimately inspired you to run for Sheriff?
the county courts, providing bailiffs for the jails, and also pro-
Sheriff Hennessy: Like I said, it was rather a fluke. There was
viding for the civil process. So, what I did was I worked in a
On November 3rd, 2015, Vicki Hennessy was elected by a large 61%
for a six-month period. This prepared her for her campaign to run
a test, I took the test and I got in. My first day on the job was
county jail, on the swing shift, night shift, any shift; when I was
of the vote and on January 8th, 2016, she was sworn in to become San
for and be elected to the Office of Sheriff … and it also earned for her
Christmas Eve, 1975. At the time, the Department had newly
new, I worked every shift, in a women’s jail to begin with.
Francisco’s first-ever elected woman sheriff. Since joining the San
practically everyone’s strong endorsement.
turned over to a new sheriff, Sheriff Richard Hongisto. Until
SFL: Your husband is a retired San Francisco Mounted Police
then, the Sheriff’s Department was pretty much left to its own
Officer, what was that like meeting, dating, marrying a police
Francisco Sheriff’s Department in 1975, Sheriff Hennessy has had a truly distinguished, storied career.
Upon her winning the election, Sheriff Hennessy said, “I had so
devices for years and so I came in at
officer … and then also raising a
In 1983, in what was just seven years, she reached the rank of Cap-
much good support and people have been so good to me and I
the cusp of customizing and build-
tain, becoming the youngest in California to do so. Then, in 1997, she
appreciate their confidence in me. It’s a daunting journey I will
ing the department into a profes-
Sheriff Hennessy: I met him when
became the Chief Deputy Sheriff. In 2006, she became the Deputy
be on now, working for the people of San Francisco, but I believe
sional, well-considered Sheriff’s
he was riding on the horses for the
Director of the San Francisco Department of Emergency Manage-
I am up to it.”
Department, first under Richard
San Francisco Police Department
ment, and from 2008 to 2011, she became San Francisco’s Director of
Up to it, indeed, she is. I hope you will enjoy this conversation
Hongisto and then Michael Hen-
and I was not yet in the Sheriff’s
Emergency Management. In 2011, she retired, but was brought out of
with her as much as I have. Meet Sheriff Vicki Hennessy, the
nessey (no relation) and I just loved
Department when I first met him.
retirement in 2012 when Mayor Ed Lee appointed her interim sheriff
Sheriff of San Francisco
it. It was such a great time to be
I got to know him and he encour-
there. SFL: When you joined the San
Sheriff Hennessy at an Alice B Toklas event before the Pride Parade. The two people are candidates from the 2011 Sheriff’s race supporting the Sheriff for her race in 2015.
aged me to join the Sheriff’s Department. And, I think like any oth-
Q: What prepared you for this very special path to become
I enjoyed quite a few majors in college - I majored in Art His-
Francisco Sheriff’s Department,
Sheriff and how special is it becoming Sheriff of your Home-
tory and then Art (because I love to draw and paint); another
what was it like then, early on, in
was Business, and I did a major in Administrative Justice (after I
the 1970’s being a woman in what was a truly male dominated
me … but we had relatives who assisted us and we were able
Sheriff Hennessy: The first thing you should know about me
joined the Department) and then a major also in Management,
career path?
to arrange our schedules so we could support each other and
is that I really don’t like talking about myself. It does not come
as well. A lot of classes in a variety of things.
Sheriff Hennessy: I worked mostly with men at the time but,
our family. And I think we were very fortunate with the jobs
easy to me. For me, it’s about the San Francisco Sheriff’s De-
So, when you ask me how I ended up in Law Enforcement, it
you know, I was one of the first women to work in the men’s
that we have had.
partment more than it is about me. This is something, I think,
was a fluke really. I was at loose ends; I needed a job. I needed
jails … and then I became one of the first women to become
SFL: You had retired earlier, why and what brought you out of
you need to know about me.
money coming in and a friend told me about this opportuni-
a firearms instructor. I had a lot of opportunities and I enjoyed
retirement? How pleased are you with your decision?
First of all, I was born and raised in San Francisco. I went to
ty. It was a non-traditional job for women. Women were just
them. Because we had such forward thinking Sheriffs, like
Sheriff Hennessy: Sometimes I ask myself this question. But I
public elementary and junior high schools, 3 or 4 of them
getting in … this was the first recruitment for men and wom-
Richard Hongisto and Michael Hennessey (who, particularly, I
saw the need for leadership in the Department and I thought
around The City, and then Lowell High School in San Francis-
en, and people of color, and lesbians and gays. So, this was an
worked with for a good many years), I think we were support-
that it was failing. I thought the Department was having a
co. I have been to college a number of times. I have probably
interesting time in San Francisco, about 1973-1974, when they
ed as women in the Department.
lot of problems and realized when I came back as the interim
around 135 units, but I have never graduated, because I kept
were doing this. I liked the idea of a non-traditional job and I
The first thing we did, because the City and County of San Fran-
Sheriff, that I had the ability, and I had the name, to run for of-
changing my majors.
had always been very athletic, so I loved this opportunity.
cisco are one entity, the Sheriff’s Department and the Police
fice – It was not something I thought I would ever do. I don’t
er family, sometimes people would ask if he liked his horse better than
Vicki Hennessy
Neighborhood mobilization in support of Sheriff Hennessy prior to her election in November 2015. Volunteers went door-to-door in the neighborhood.
Q: Who and what inspired you to go into Law Enforcement?
Department are separate – so the Sheriff’s Department does
When and how did you come up with this idea for a career …
not do general patrol. We basically would do the running of
and what ultimately inspired you to run for Sheriff?
the county courts, providing bailiffs for the jails, and also pro-
Sheriff Hennessy: Like I said, it was rather a fluke. There was
viding for the civil process. So, what I did was I worked in a
On November 3rd, 2015,Vicki Hennessy was elected by a large 61%
for a six-month period. This prepared her for her campaign to run
a test, I took the test and I got in. My first day on the job was
county jail, on the swing shift, night shift, any shift; when I
of the vote and on January 8th, 2016, she was sworn in to become San
for and be elected to the Office of Sheriff … and it also earned for her
Christmas Eve, 1975. At the time, the Department had newly
was new, I worked every shift, in a women’s jail to begin with.
Francisco’s first-ever elected woman sheriff. Since joining the San
practically everyone’s strong endorsement.
turned over to a new sheriff, S heriff Ri chard Ho ngisto. U n til
Q: Your husband is a retired San Francisco Mounted Police
then, the Sheriff’s Department was pretty much left to its own
Officer, what was that like meeting, dating, marrying a police
Francisco Sheriff’s Department in 1975, Sheriff Hennessy has had a truly distinguished, storied career.
Upon her winning the election, Sheriff Hennessy said, “I had so
devices for years and so I came in at
officer … and then also raising a
In 1983, in what was just seven years, she reached the rank of Cap-
much good support and people have been so good to me and I
the cusp of customizing and build-
tain, becoming the youngest in California to do so. Then, in 1997, she
appreciate their confidence in me. It’s a daunting journey I will
ing the department into a profes-
Sheriff Hennessy: I met him when
became the Chief Deputy Sheriff. In 2006, she became the Deputy
be on now, working for the people of San Francisco, but I believe
sional, well-considered Sheriff’s
he was riding on the horses for the
Director of the San Francisco Department of Emergency Manage-
I am up to it.”
Department, first u nder R ichard
San Francisco Police Department
ment, and from 2008 to 2011, she became San Francisco’s Director of
Up to it, indeed, she is. I hope you will enjoy this conversation
Hongisto and then Michael Hen-
and I was not yet in the Sheriff’s
Emergency Management. In 2011, she retired, but was brought out of
with her as much as I have. Meet Sheriff Vicki Hennessy, the
nessey (no relation) and I just loved
Department when I first met him.
retirement in 2012 when Mayor Ed Lee appointed her interim sheriff
Sheriff of San Francisco
it. It was such a great time to be
I got to know him and he encour-
there. Q: When you joined the San
Sheriff Hennessy at an Alice B Toklas event before the Pride Parade. The two people are candidates from the 2011 Sheriff’s race supporting the Sheriff for her race in 2015.
aged me to join the Sheriff’s Department. And, I think like any oth-
SFL: What prepared you for this very special path to become
I enjoyed quite a few majors in college - I majored in Art His-
Francisco Sheriff’s D epartment,
Sheriff and how special is it becoming Sheriff of your Home-
tory and then Art (because I love to draw and paint); another
what was it like then, early on, in
was Business, and I did a major in Administrative Justice (after I
the 1970’s being a woman in what was a truly male dominated
me … but we had relatives who assisted us and we were able
Sheriff Hennessy: The first thing you should know about me
joined the Department) and then a major also in Management,
career path?
to arrange our schedules so we could support each other and
is that I really don’t like talking about myself. It does not come
as well. A lot of classes in a variety of things.
Sheriff Hennessy: I worked mostly with men at the time but,
our family. And I think we were very fortunate with the jobs
easy to me. For me, it’s about the San Francisco Sheriff’s De-
So, when you ask me how I ended up in Law Enforcement, it
you know, I was one of the first women to work in the men’s
that we have had.
partment more than it is about me. This is something, I think,
was a fluke really. I was at loose ends; I needed a job. I needed
jails … and then I became one of the first women to become
Q: You had retired earlier, why and what brought you out of
you need to know about me.
money coming in and a friend told me about this opportuni-
a firearms instructor. I had a lot of opportunities and I enjoyed
retirement? How pleased are you with your decision?
First of all, I was born and raised in San Francisco. I went to
ty. It was a non-traditional job for women. Women were just
them. Because we had such forward thinking Sheriffs, like
Sheriff Hennessy: Sometimes I ask myself this question. But I
public elementary and junior high schools, 3 or 4 of them
getting in … this was the first recruitment for men and wom-
Richard Hongisto and Michael Hennessey (who, particularly, I
saw the need for leadership in the Department and I thought
around The City, and then Lowell High School in San Francis-
en, and people of color, and lesbians and gays. So, this was an
worked with for a good many years), I think we were support-
that it was failing. I thought the Department was having a
co. I have been to college a number of times. I have probably
interesting time in San Francisco, about 1973-1974, when they
ed as women in the Department.
lot of problems and realized when I came back as the interim
around 135 units, but I have never graduated, because I kept
were doing this. I liked the idea of a non-traditional job and I
The first thing we did, because the City and County of San Fran-
Sheriff, that I had the ability, and I had the name, to run for of-
changing my majors.
had always been very athletic, so I loved this opportunity.
cisco are one entity, the Sheriff’s Department and the Police
fice – It was not something I thought I would ever do. I don’t
er family, sometimes people would ask if he liked his horse better than
see myself as a politician. I see myself as a practitioner in the
with command staff, program staff, school staff. I have been
issues sit with your values. I also think that you have to have
Sheriff’s Department, somebody who knows it pretty well and
meeting with different entities from around the City – and be-
some humility. You can’t be arrogant. I heard somewhere that
who wants to make it the best Department that I can. And, so,
cause I came in when there’s a lot going on, I have to turn my
arrogance is the selfish pig in the room, basically. I don’t know
because I have lived in San Francisco my entire life, and that I
attention to that. Instead of sitting back, I need to access these
if that’s true, but I have not responded well to arrogance in my
owed a great career to the Sheriff’s Department, I looked at it
things, before I make a lot of changes. So, that’s what I am do-
as giving back.
ing right now.
SFL: Throughout your life, and then throughout your career,
Q: If you could wave a magic wand, what would you like
Q: You have been honored by the San Francisco Commission
who are some of your heroes and positive role models? And
to see short range and long range for San Francisco? Now
on the Status of Women for your leadership in protecting
how about today?
as Sheriff, do you have a Top 5 list or agenda that you like to
vic-tims and survivors of domestic violence; please share
Sheriff Hennessy: My heroes and positive role models have
refer to?
with us more about this important issue.
probably been more about people that I know than people
Sheriff H ennessy: I f I c ould w ave a m agic w and, I c ertainly
Sheriff Hennessy: This occurred when I was the Executive Di-
I don’t know. And so I would say, many women who I have
would like to see affordable housing. And to work together to
rector of Emergency Management, which includes 911, in San
known in my life, particularly my grandmother, who was a
make it happen in every area, in every neighborhood, in every
Francisco. And I give a lot of the credit for this to the 911 staff
nurse here in San Francisco, who was kind of a strong wom-
aspect in San Francisco. I would love to see better transporta-
and 911 supervisors who worked with the community in cre-
an and very successful. And I would also say my great aunt
tion in terms of parking and driving. And I think we are work-
ating specific codes for Domestic Violence calls. These codes
who, when most women weren’t working, was a bookkeep-
ing on that. I think that the Mayor is also working on Afford-
helped the police identify what kind of call it was promptly.
er in Berkeley at a department store – these are two people I
able Housing with a number of people.
And, so, that’s why they honored me; but I have always pointed
probably looked up to the most. And, nowadays, my positive
I think of divisiveness. I would like to see people working to-
to my Deputy Director and others because they were the ones
role models are people who do the right things for the right
who actually did all the work around this … and certainly I sup-
each other. And I’d like to see diminishing gaps between peo-
ported that work. Currently, we have the Survivors Program, a
SFL: What advice did you appreciate most that you were giv-
ple with jobs and people without jobs and flight from The City.
robust program, that works with victims of Domestic Violence
en when growing up and then professionally? What advice do
I think about all that. I have a grown son and a grown daugh-
either who have been to jail or whose abusers are in jail. So
you like to give today to aspiring young men and women wish-
we do a lot with that community and I am really proud to sup-
ing to go into Law Enforcement … and also in general?
to buy a home here much like I did when I was growing up. So
port that, as well. Again, it’s the people with the boots on the
Sheriff Hennessy: The advice I appreciated most was to put
these things are missing from The City.
ground that are making these things happen.
things into perspective - personally and professionally. When
Now, this List of a Top 5 you are talking about, a lot of peo-
Q: What is your definition of Leadership?
you are new and eager, and you want to get things done,
Sheriff Hennessy: You know, there are a lot of things I can say
sometimes you take things personally. And to not take things
but now that I am here, for what is a week and two days, I’m
about this … about different parts of Leadership … I think one
personally … and to take the high road … is what I would do.
finding that it really behooves me to kind of take a step back
of the main things I can say from my experience is setting an
I believe for young men and women looking at going into the
and meet with people, work with people. I have been meeting
example and holding myself accountable. I think it’s one of
field of Law Enforcement, you need to look at the code of eth-
the main things in leadership, you have to be a good listener,
ics in terms of how to treat people. I think that’s the first thing.
you have to have openness, be approachable, and you have to
You have to understand you have to put things in perspective.
listen more than talk, and you can’t be afraid to take other peo-
You cannot take things personally. And you have to act in a
ple’s ideas – if they’re good ideas – and not always just push
way that is ethically and, in some way, a higher way than what
your ideas on people. I also think you have to have a demon-
is expected from a normal person.
strated competence in whatever field you are leading in. And
SFL: Are there some Non Profits in particular that you love,
your perspective – having a good perspective, to be able to see
support and/or like to recommend?
both sides of an issue is, I think, very important. As well as, you
Sheriff Hennessy: I believe many of the nonprofits we work
know you have power … not to abuse the power, but to use
with at the Sheriff’s Department are all wonderful. The Garden
it only when it’s necessary. And I think having values that you
Project is a great project. I would also say the Five Keys Charter
can depend upon to come to your rescue when all else fails.
School is another great one, too. There are wonderful ones,
You have to go back and see those values, to see where the
such as the Salvation Army and Goodwill … some may be well
gether a little bit better. Not deliberately misunderstanding
ter. They grew up in San Francisco and don’t have the ability
ple have asked me. I have had a few different answers before,
Members of the Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club supporting Sheriff Hennessy during her campaign at the Castro Street Fair.
known, and others may not be as well known. For example,
Sheriff Hennessy filling out her ballot designation worksheet for the November 2015 Election. Glide Memorial Church, St. Anthony’s Dining Room … and also Lava Mae (Google supported, meaning “Wash Me” in Spanish, helps turn San Francisco buses into showers for the homeless) … Yes, these are some of the many great causes doing many great things. SFL: If you could host a dinner party and could invite anyone (living or not), who would you like to invite and what would you like to talk about? Sheriff Hennessy: You know who I would really like to invite? Oprah Winfrey, Merv Griffin and David Niven. I know that sounds weird, but I think I’d really like to have a dinner party with people who can tell good stories and offer such insight about what’s going on in the world. From different viewpoints … I would lik e that. Oprah Winfrey is so amazing. She has done so much. She is so intelligent and such a thoughtful person. I would like to have dinner with her. Merv Griffin, too, I remember growing up and enjoying watching him on TV. He was such a clever person and such a good host. And David Niven seems like he would be a lot fun … what can I say. In closing, I am honored to be in this position and I take it seriously. I am the kind of person who is about doing the work and getting the job done. Stepping out in front like this is not my druthers, shall I say, and I am happy to have talked with you today. SFL: Thank you very much, Sheriff. We are very happy to have talked with you.
see myself as a politician. I see myself as a practitioner in the
with command staff, program staff, school staff. I have been
issues sit with your values. I also think that you have to have
Sheriff’s Department, somebody who knows it pretty well and
meeting with different entities from around the City – and be-
some humility. You can’t be arrogant. I heard somewhere that
who wants to make it the best Department that I can. And, so,
cause I came in when there’s a lot going on, I have to turn my
arrogance is the selfish pig in the room, basically. I don’t know
because I have lived in San Francisco my entire life, and that I
attention to that. Instead of sitting back, I need to access these
if that’s true, but I have not responded well to arrogance in my
owed a great career to the Sheriff’s Department, I looked at it
things, before I make a lot of changes. So, that’s what I am do-
as giving back.
ing right now.
Q: Throughout your life, and then throughout your career,
SFL: If you could wave a magic wand, what would you like
SFL: You have been honored by the San Francisco Commission
who are some of your heroes and positive role models? And
to see short range and long range for San Francisco? Now as
on the Status of Women for your leadership in protecting vic-
how about today?
Sheriff, do you have a Top 5 list or agenda that you like to refer
tims and survivors of domestic violence; please share with us
Sheriff Hennessy: M y heroes and positive role models have
more about this important issue.
probably been more about people that I know than people
Sheriff Hennessy: If I could wave a magic wand, I certainly
Sheriff Hennessy: This occurred when I was the Executive Di-
I don’t know. And so I would say, many women who I have
would like to see affordable housing. And to work together to
rector of Emergency Management, which includes 911, in San
known in my life, particularly my grandmother, who was a
make it happen in every area, in every neighborhood, in every
Francisco. And I give a lot of the credit for this to the 911 staff
nurse here in San Francisco, who was kind of a strong wom-
aspect in San Francisco. I would love to see better transporta-
and 911 supervisors who worked with the community in cre-
an and very successful. And I would also say my great aunt
tion in terms of parking and driving. And I think we are work-
ating specific codes for Domestic Violence calls. These codes
who, when most women weren’t working, was a bookkeep-
ing on that. I think that the Mayor is also working on Afford-
helped the police identify what kind of call it was promptly.
er in Berkeley at a department store – these are two people I
able Housing with a number of people.
And, so, that’s why they honored me; but I have always pointed
probably looked up to the most. And, nowadays, my positive
I think of divisiveness. I would like to see people working to-
to my Deputy Director and others because they were the ones
role models are people who do the right things for the right
who actually did all the work around this … and certainly I sup-
each other. And I’d like to see diminishing gaps between peo-
ported that work. Currently, we have the Survivors Program, a
Q: What advice did you appreciate most that you were giv-
ple with jobs and people without jobs and flight from The City.
robust program, that works with victims of Domestic Violence
en when growing up and then professionally? What advice
I think about all that. I have a grown son and a grown daugh-
either who have been to jail or whose abusers are in jail. So
do you like to give today to aspiring young men and women
we do a lot with that community and I am really proud to sup-
wish-ing to go into Law Enforcement … and also in general?
to buy a home here much like I did when I was growing up. So
port that, as well. Again, it’s the people with the boots on the
Sheriff Hennessy: The advice I appreciated most was to put
these things are missing from The City.
ground that are making these things happen.
things into perspective - personally and professionally. When
Now, this List of a Top 5 you are talking about, a lot of peo-
SFL: What is your definition of Leadership?
you are new and eager, and you want to get things done,
Sheriff Hennessy: You know, there are a lot of things I can say
sometimes you take things personally. And to not take things
but now that I am here, for what is a week and two days, I’m
about this … about different parts of Leadership … I think one
personally … and to take the high road … is what I would do.
finding that it really behooves me to kind of take a step back
of the main things I can say from my experience is setting an
I believe for young men and women looking at going into the
and meet with people, work with people. I have been meeting
example and holding myself accountable. I think it’s one of
field of Law Enforcement, you need to look at the code of eth-
the main things in leadership, you have to be a good listener,
ics in terms of how to treat people. I think that’s the first thing.
you have to have openness, be approachable, and you have to
You have to understand you have to put things in perspective.
listen more than talk, and you can’t be afraid to take other peo-
You cannot take things personally. And you have to act in a
ple’s ideas – if they’re good ideas – and not always just push
way that is ethically and, in some way, a higher way than what
your ideas on people. I also think you have to have a demon-
is expected from a normal person.
strated competence in whatever field you are leading in. And
Q: Are there some Non Profits in particular that you love,
your perspective – having a good perspective, to be able to see
support and/or like to recommend?
both sides of an issue is, I think, very important. As well as, you
Sheriff Hennessy: I believe many of the nonprofits we work
know you have power … not to abuse the power, but to use
with at the Sheriff’s Department are all wonderful. The Garden
it only when it’s necessary. And I think having values that you
Project is a great project. I would also say the Five Keys Charter
can depend upon to come to your rescue when all else fails.
School is another great one, too. There are wonderful ones,
You have to go back and see those values, to see where the
such as the Salvation Army and Goodwill … some may be well
gether a little bit better. Not deliberately misunderstanding
ter. They grew up in San Francisco and don’t have the ability
ple have asked me. I have had a few different answers before,
Members of the Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club supporting Sheriff Hennessy during her campaign at the Castro Street Fair.
known, and others may not be as well known. For example,
Sheriff Hennessy filling out her ballot designation worksheet for the November 2015 Election. Glide Memorial Church, St. Anthony’s Dining Room … and also Lava Mae (Google supported, meaning “Wash Me” in Spanish, helps turn San Francisco buses into showers for the homeless) … Yes, these are some of the many great causes doing many great things. Q: If you could host a dinner party and could invite anyone (living or not), who would you like to invite and what would you like to talk about? Sheriff Hennessy: You know who I would really like to invite? Oprah Winfrey, Merv Griffin and David Niven. I know that sounds weird, but I think I’d really like to have a dinner party with people who can tell good stories and offer such insight about what’s going on in the world. From different viewpoints … I would lik e that. Oprah Winfrey is so amazing. She has done so much. She is so intelligent and such a thoughtful person. I would like to have dinner with her. Merv Griffin, too, I remember growing up and enjoying watching him on TV. He was such a clever person and such a good host. And David Niven seems like he would be a lot fun … what can I say. In closing, I am honored to be in this position and I take it seriously. I am the kind of person who is about doing the work and getting the job done. Stepping out in front like this is not my druthers, shall I say, and I am happy to have talked with you today. BAWM: Thank you very much, Sheriff. We are very happy to have talked with you.
Marina Gavric
Marina Gavric Health & Fitness Training
Commit to Balance, to Your Fitness Success and to Yourself S
taying committed to an exercise and health plan is not always the simplest task. Breaking bad habits is never easy. “I have tried and tried!” … Yes, I know, I hear this, everyone’s story, all the time! Regardless of what age you may be or at what point you are in your life, men and women, boys and girls … a corporate executive, a student, an employee, a stay-at-home parent … we’re all busy all the time. Please recognize that health & wellness, as well as fitness & nutrition, are interrelated. It’s all a good thing and it’s a choice we make in our busy lives. Once you have resolved a priority to yourself of “health & fitness” in your life … make “finding balance” a key component. You can stay genuinely dedicated, enjoying your commitment, while not falling victim to excuses. What a positive difference in our lives and how we feel (the energy alone, perhaps meaning better sleep) we all seem to know it would make. It’s a matter of doing. For example, Jane is a busy executive and, although Jane is a fictitious character, she represents a good number of men and women. She is up at 5am, by 5:15am has her coffee in hand and for the next hour, before she rounds up the kids for school, she reviews her yesterday and prepares for today. In no time, she then packs up her home team, briefcase in hand and is out the door. Finally, she’s at the office and sits with another cup of coffee, with breakfast in hand … whatever pastries there may be. The sodas come later. Day in and day out, Jane reflects on making life changes to improve her well-being and feel good about herself, inside and out. Yet, day after
day, Jane’s willpower gives in and she seems to repeat the same old routine, a cycle, she wishes she could break. When? She feels too busy. She feels not up to it”. She believes there is no other way. She speaks for many, many people. No matter the phase of the health cycle one is in, we all struggle with this … to get in that workout in or say no to an extra helping of our favorite foods. The first step is to find your balance … and to commit to change. It starts with that commitment … even if one step at a time to begin with and to win. Regularly reflect on all your priorities … then decide on the commitments you can realistically make and stick with them. Whether this week it’s a 30 minutes for 3 days-a-week commitment or next week a 40 minutes 6 days-a-week commitment. A key is to write your commitments down. As you would keep your word to your boss or loved ones, keep your word to yourself. Stay Hydrated, Stay Focused, Stay Fit
Ourgoali st oi ns pi r e,empower& s uppor twomeni nci t i est hr oughoutt heU. S.
ways been a great working-class city, which gives us an authenticity that people are really being drawn to now. And, our progressive values. We’re a place of social movements and social innovation. That’s what makes Oakland Oakland. To understand and appreciate those past strengths I think is what is going to allow us to continue to be the unique city that we are. It’s finally becoming noticed and appreciated and people are being drawn to that incredible urban energy. But, we don’t want to ever disrespect our legacy if we are to realize our full potential as a great, unique city.
EBL: Where did you go to school and what did you study? Mayor Schaaf: It’s funny, I was born and raised in Oakland, but my parents thought it was important that I go to college in another part of the country to experience diverse opportunities ad leave my comfort zone. In its own way, Oakland can be a sheltered environment. I went to a small liberal arts school in central Florida called Rollins College. It really was an eye-opener to how the rest of the country thinks- particularly politically. I then went to Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. The truth is I have always been an appreciator of the arts, but without enough talent to be an artist myself, I was interested in getting into the entertainment industry. So, in that spirit, I went to a law school with a great Entertainment Law program.
meet mayor libby schaaf
the bay area’s highly esteemed mayor of oakland There are cities that have gone through big transformations when it was said it could never be done. Oakland is one of those cities on that cusp and Mayor Libby Schaaf is a great leader and inspiring Mayor who is determined to see that happen. She is dedicated to public service, community work and is devoted to restoring people’s faith and belief in government and how it can work for them while, energizing and engaging a proud community. After the Warriors, if there is someone who could unite and inspire the community and bring great transformation for the City of Oakland, Mayor Libby Schaaf is a shining example of someone, who can and is helping lead the way for Oakland, the East Bay and the greater Bay Area. Meet Mayor Libby Schaaf and enjoy this wonderful conversation with her, as we did:
Q: What was it like being born and raised as you were in Oakland? Mayor Schaaf: I come to the job as Mayor from a place of just passionate love for my City. And I have been in love with Oakland all my life, since I was a child. Those experiences and that depth of emotion is really what fuels me. But I also believe that for any city to become great, it has to be itself well. It cannot try and imitate another city. And, so, to really appreciate Oakland’s past, I believe, is the key to its great future. I always talk about Oakland’s “Secret Sauce”. For me, it has to do with our legacy of diversity, an inclusive diversity, of artists and this incredible creative energy that we have. What’s more is our gritty industrial flavor, w hich i s w hy w e’ve a l-
But, as it turned out, I didn’t really like entertainment law. Actually, I did really well in Law School; I really enjoyed law school. I worked for a short time as a lawyer at a very large law firm in Oakland. But I very quickly found that my real passion was for community service since that’s where I came from.
in particular, I loved volunteering at the West Oakland Boys and Girls Club. There, I just really connected with this one young man named Nathan. The day that I walked in, really tired, having just come from work at Oakland’s largest law firm, seeing 9-year-old Nathan struggling in school motivated me and when I helped him with his homework, he just got it. I could just see the light bulb come on. When I walked into the gym that night, and he spotted me from across the way, he just sprinted from all across the way and just threw his arms around me. This, I thought, is what I want to do. This is what I want to make happen. This is so much more who I am. Nathan is 30 years old now and he is still very much part of my life. He’s doing very well. He was working for H&R Block and has stopped that. He is now working with troubled youth. Funny, how something great like this has come full circle, where he is now helping and inspiring many others.
EBL: How did the transition to politics and city government come about? Mayor Schaaf: I have not always had a love of politics. I grew up in a family that was very committed to community service and community volunteerism, but not to politics. I got my first job in politics by accident. I had studied Political Science in college, that is true, and had also been an attorney. But I was working with non-profits and education. It was thanks to a good friend, who knew of my love for Oakland, who suggested that I interview for this particular job. It was to be Chief of Staff to then-President of the City Council, Oscar De La Fuente. We hadn’t met until the interview. I was hired and loved the job. It was the perfect job for me. Local government is your chance to fly at the perfect altitude and this was such a perfect fit. (Mayor Schaaf would later become an aide to then-Mayor, Jerry Brown).
EBL: What inspired you for this journey of Public Service you were soon to embark on? Mayor Schaaf: It was in 1995, I left practicing law. I took a job to start a sunshine volunteer program for the Oakland’s public schools. As a lawyer, my Mom and I co-founded a non-profit in Oakland called “Oakland Cares”. We created a calendar of one-shop volunteer opportunities to try and get even busy people out giving back in their community. And,
EBL: What are some of the challenges Oakland faces? Mayor Schaaf: Oakland has both the challenges and the beautiful potential of urban America. We are consistently considered one of, if
ways been a great working-class city, which gives us an authenticity that people are really being drawn to now. And, our progressive values. We’re a place of social movements and social innovation. That’s what makes Oakland Oakland. To understand and appreciate those past strengths I think is what is going to allow us to continue to be the unique city that we are. It’s finally becoming noticed and appreciated and people are being drawn to that incredible urban energy. But, we don’t want to ever disrespect our legacy if we are to realize our full potential as a great, unique city.
Q: Where did you go to school and what did you study? Mayor Schaaf: It’s funny, I was born and raised in Oakland, but my parents thought it was important that I go to college in another part of the country to experience diverse opportunities ad leave my comfort zone. In its own way, Oakland can be a sheltered environment. I went to a small liberal arts school in central Florida called Rollins College. It really was an eye-opener to how the rest of the country thinks- particularly politically. I then went to Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. The truth is I have always been an appreciator of the arts, but without enough talent to be an artist myself, I was interested in getting into the entertainment industry. So, in that spirit, I went to a law school with a great Entertainment Law program.
meet mayor libby schaaf
the bay area’s highly esteemed mayor of oakland There are cities that have gone through big transformations when it was said it could never be done. Oakland is one of those cities on that cusp and Mayor Libby Schaaf is a great leader and inspiring Mayor who is determined to see that happen. She is dedicated to public service, community work and is devoted to restoring people’s faith and belief in government and how it can work for them while, energizing and engaging a proud community. After the Warriors, if there is someone who could unite and inspire the community and bring great transformation for the City of Oakland, Mayor Libby Schaaf is a shining example of someone, who can and is helping lead the way for Oakland, the East Bay and the greater Bay Area. Meet Mayor Libby Schaaf and enjoy this wonderful conversation with her, as we did:
EBL: What was it like being born and raised as you were in Oakland? Mayor Schaaf: I come to the job as Mayor from a place of just passionate love for my City. And I have been in love with Oakland all my life, since I was a child. Those experiences and that depth of emotion is really what fuels me. But I also believe that for any city to become great, it has to be itself well. It cannot try and imitate another city. And, so, to really appreciate Oakland’s past, I believe, is the key to its great future. I always talk about Oakland’s “Secret Sauce”. For me, it has to do with our legacy of diversity, an inclusive diversity, of artists and this incredible creative energy that we have. What’s more is our gritty industrial flavor, which is why we’ve al-
But, as it turned out, I didn’t really like entertainment law. Actually, I did really well in Law School; I really enjoyed law school. I worked for a short time as a lawyer at a very large law firm in Oakland. But I very quickly found that my real passion was for community service since that’s where I came from.
in particular, I loved volunteering at the West Oakland Boys and Girls Club. There, I just really connected with this one young man named Nathan. The day that I walked in, really tired, having just come from work at Oakland’s largest law firm, s eeing 9 -year-old N athan s truggling i n school motivated me and when I helped him with his homework, he just got it. I could just see the light bulb come on. When I walked into the gym that night, and he spotted me from across the way, he just sprinted from all across the way and just threw his arms around me. This, I thought, is what I want to do. This is what I want to make happen. This is so much more who I am. Nathan is 30 years old now and he is still very much part of my life. He’s doing very well. He was working for H&R Block and has stopped that. He is now working with troubled youth. Funny, how something great like this has come full circle, where he is now helping and inspiring many others.
Q: How did the transition to politics and city government come about? Mayor Schaaf: I have not always had a love of politics. I grew up in a family that was very committed to community service and community volunteerism, but not to politics. I got my first job in politics by accident. I had studied Political Science in college, that is true, and had also been an attorney. But I was working with non-profits and education. It was thanks to a good friend, who knew of my love for Oakland, who suggested that I interview for this particular job. It was to be Chief of Staff to then-President of the City Council, Oscar De La Fuente. We hadn’t met until the interview. I was hired and loved the job. It was the perfect job for me. Local government is your chance to fly at the perfect altitude and this was such a perfect fit. (Mayor Schaaf would later become an aide to then-Mayor, Jerry Brown).
Q: What inspired you for this journey of Public Service you were soon to embark on? Mayor Schaaf: It was in 1995, I left practicing law. I took a job to start a sunshine volunteer program for the Oakland’s public schools. As a lawyer, my Mom and I co-founded a non-profit in Oakland called “Oakland Cares”. We created a calendar of one-shop volunteer opportunities to try and get even busy people out giving back in their community. And,
Q: What are some of the challenges Oakland faces? Mayor Schaaf: Oakland has both the challenges and the beautiful potential of urban America. We are consistently considered one of, if
not the most, diverse cities in America. And that is a beautiful thing. But the disparities that we see in this city, and across America, are very shameful. Disparities in educational outcomes, health and income, are very real and Oakland, like all cities, is grappling with them.
Mayor Schaaf: People are going to hear a lot about “The Oakland Promise”. That is this idea that all of our children deserve the opportunity to go to college. And that we have a “cradle-to-career” plan for how we, as an entire city, can wrap our arms around these young people and help them in that journey. A major partner in that is the East Bay College Fund. That is an organization that the Superintendent and I are going to be working very closely with to create the support and scholarship money. So, it’s not just getting our kids into college, it’s making sure they finish college, to really make sure that we change the trajectory for young people in Oakland. If I can give you one cause, that would be it.
We have many challenges and, yet, a lower level of public revenue than wealthier cities that don’t have the same challenges. And, so, we can’t do it alone. Government cannot do it alone. We have to be smarter. We have to engage in good partnerships. And, we have to not settle. We have to not just present opportunities, but hold ourselves accountable for the actual outcomes. Those are three areas I am very focused on: being healthy, wealthy and wise.
orative spirit that got them that championship. And I really appreciate the Warriors. They were very generous. We had two appreciation events for our employees. Everyone had worked very long and hard. To show our appreciation, we put on a big barbeque for the employees. The Warriors let us actually bring the trophy - the actual Laurence O’Brien Trophy! - to the employee picnic and then the next day to the police line ups - so that our employees also got to be recognized as part of that championship team. And that’s how we still feel.
Q: If you could wave a magic wand …? Mayor Schaaf: If I could wave a magic wand and do just one thing for Oakland, to address those challenges, it would be that every child graduates from high school with the skills and the hope to be successful in the college and career of their choice. I think if you can do that, it would address many of the other challenges. This is such a clear passion of mine. Oakland is still recovering from recession and now is not the time to add positions to the Mayor’s office. So, local philanthropies got together and they actually have funded two positions in my office – a Director of Education and a Director of Equity and Strategic Partnerships.
educational excellence will be a challenge, that are succeeding. And not just on the individual student basis - whole schools are figuring out how to reverse those trends. And, so, I am absolutely an optimist, but I am an optimist that analyzes data. I am always optimistic with data.
I am actually “a geek policy wok at heart”. This is great, but I understand creating a position does not solve the problem. I am not stopping until we see the actual outcomes with the kids. It is a step in the right direction.
Q: Winning the election … Winning the championship … The beginning of a new era?
Q: You bring youth, energy and charisma to the Mayor’s office. Are you optimistic with what you have seen so far? Mayor Schaaf: I am absolutely optimistic! I am an optimistic realist. And, there is a lot to be optimistic about. We have seen that cities can do this. Cities can go from dangerous to safe. New York. Los Angeles. Those big cities have reduced every major category of crime by 80%. That is a different city. If they can do it, Oakland can do it. I used to feel like urban crime was one of those intractable problems, but we’ve seen that it can be done. The same goes with education. You have schools where kids that have every kind of social stressor, despite every demographic that suggests
Mayor Schaaf: It was wonderful to be elected with a very healthy mandate, and particularly running against an incumbent. And, yes, it has been a magic carpet ride of a year with the Golden State Warriors winning the championship. (It had been 40 years of waiting). The Warriors win and celebrating their victory in Oakland has meant so much for this city. First, it was great to show the world that this city celebrates with class. We had no negative incidents at all. Not a piece of property was damaged the night the Warriors won the Championship or during the world class parade that attracted nearly 1 million people to celebrate. To see those helicopter shots of a million people wrapped around this glittering jewel of a lake nestled against our downtown with the beautiful forested hills of Oakland in the background and the majestic skyline of San Francisco across the Bay was beautiful. Grown men cried in the streets that day because they grew up and waited 40 years for a day they optimistically held out hope for but never actually thought would be realized. It truly was beautiful. This city turned out every race, economic status and age. Everyone together in a positive sea of blue and gold - and it wasn’t just the confetti - everybody there had their Warriors shirts on. (Very nice! Very nice!) To celebrate a team that stands for a little bit more than just athletic excellence. A team that was known for working as a team. Not depending on a single superstar, but having discipline, persistence and that collab-
That win happened right before we passed my first budget as Mayor. This two-year budget for the city, a very positive budget, and our new city administrators started; and, so, it really is this feeling of a beautiful new era, a golden era for Oakland, maybe a blue and golden era for Oakland.
EBL: What advice do you offer for young people? Mayor Schaaf: Recognize the power that you have. Love yourself. Respect yourself. Worry less about what you think others think of you and realize your power. Our young people are so brilliant and I am convinced that many of the solutions to empowering and improving the lives of young people need to come from young people themselves. Their power to implement those ideas is so much greater than they
EBL: What is your definition of Leadership? Mayor Schaaf: I certainly believe in the idea of the “servant leader”. And, I come to this position very humbled and that I have to lead with this sense of service. And I hope that everyone, and expect everyone, in this organization to come from that same place of believing in service. And also service to those who often are left behind, our most vulnerable residents - the neighborhoods that aren’t always seen on TV. That is something that I believe is part of leadership … is not just doing what’s urgent but also what’s important.
EBL: What do you hear most from the people of Oakland? Mayor Schaaf: People who grew up here feel like there’s nothing for kids to do anymore. That, when we were kids, there were a lot of free activities and positive places for kids to go that just aren’t available anymore. That just breaks my heart. That is something I hear a lot. But I also hear that people love this city and they’re really proud to be Oaklanders. There’s a certain kind of scrappy pride that Oaklanders have that I don’t think you can find anywhere else. That’s something else I hear.
EBL: Is there a great cause in particular you’d like to share that people can learn more about and possibly be supportive of?
ever realized. And I am excited about trying to unleash that because I love Oakland young people. Oakland young people, in particular, have a wisdom and power that you don’t find everywhere and it deserves to be nourished.
EBL: What is your vision for Oakland? Mayor Schaaf: I see this vibrant, equitable city that it’s growing, but growing responsibly. Where we see prosperity and investment and development, but that it’s coming to the city in a way that lifts up the long-term residents. All that proud Oakland legacy, that you know I’m so passionate about, I want to be sure that the change that is coming to Oakland – and it’s coming – lifts up what makes Oakland Oakland and doesn’t push it out. Lifts up our long-term residents, our vulnerable residents, and doesn’t push them out. That is something I am very excited about … Because I haven’t seen other cities be as successful as they should be. At doing both those things - seeing prosperity and transformation, but in a way that lifts up not just the long-term residents but the culture, the identity, the “Secret Sauce” of the city - and that’s what I want for Oakland.
not the most, diverse cities in America. And that is a beautiful thing. But the disparities that we see in this city, and across America, are very shameful. Disparities in educational outcomes, health and income, are very real and Oakland, like all cities, is grappling with them.
Mayor Schaaf: People are going to hear a lot about “The Oakland Promise”. That is this idea that all of our children deserve the opportunity to go to college. And that we have a “cradle-to-career” plan for how we, as an entire city, can wrap our arms around these young people and help them in that journey. A major partner in that is the East Bay College Fund. That is an organization that the Superintendent and I are going to be working very closely with to create the support and scholarship money. So, it’s not just getting our kids into college, it’s making sure they finish college, to really make sure that we change the trajectory for young people in Oakland. If I can give you one cause, that would be it.
We have many challenges and, yet, a lower level of public revenue than wealthier cities that don’t have the same challenges. And, so, we can’t do it alone. Government cannot do it alone. We have to be smarter. We have to engage in good partnerships. And, we have to not settle. We have to not just present opportunities, but hold ourselves accountable for the actual outcomes. Those are three areas I am very focused on: being healthy, wealthy and wise.
orative spirit that got them that championship. And I really appreciate the Warriors. They were very generous. We had two appreciation events for our employees. Everyone had worked very long and hard. To show our appreciation, we put on a big barbeque for the employees. The Warriors let us actually bring the trophy - the actual Laurence O’Brien Trophy! - to the employee picnic and then the next day to the police line ups - so that our employees also got to be recognized as part of that championship team. And that’s how we still feel.
EBL: If you could wave a magic wand …? Mayor Schaaf: If I could wave a magic wand and do just one thing for Oakland, to address those challenges, it would be that every child graduates from high school with the skills and the hope to be successful in the college and career of their choice. I think if you can do that, it would address many of the other challenges. This is such a clear passion of mine. Oakland is still recovering from recession and now is not the time to add positions to the Mayor’s office. So, local philanthropies got together and they actually have funded two positions in my office – a Director of Education and a Director of Equity and Strategic Partnerships.
educational excellence will be a challenge, that are succeeding. And not just on the individual student basis - whole schools are figuring out how to reverse those trends. And, so, I am absolutely an optimist, but I am an optimist that analyzes data. I am always optimistic with data.
I am actually “a geek policy wok at heart”. This is great, but I understand creating a position does not solve the problem. I am not stopping until we see the actual outcomes with the kids. It is a step in the right direction.
EBL: Winning the election … Winning the championship … The beginning of a new era?
EBL: You bring youth, energy and charisma to the Mayor’s office. Are you optimistic with what you have seen so far? Mayor Schaaf: I am absolutely optimistic! I am an optimistic realist. And, there is a lot to be optimistic about. We have seen that cities can do this. Cities can go from dangerous to safe. New York. Los Angeles. Those big cities have reduced every major category of crime by 80%. That is a different city. If they can do it, Oakland can do it. I used to feel like urban crime was one of those intractable problems, but we’ve seen that it can be done. The same goes with education. You have schools where kids that have every kind of social stressor, despite every demographic that suggests
Mayor Schaaf: It was wonderful to be elected with a very healthy mandate, and particularly running against an incumbent. And, yes, it has been a magic carpet ride of a year with the Golden State Warriors winning the championship. (It had been 40 years of waiting). The Warriors win and celebrating their victory in Oakland has meant so much for this city. First, it was great to show the world that this city celebrates with class. We had no negative incidents at all. Not a piece of property was damaged the night the Warriors won the Championship or during the world class parade that attracted nearly 1 million people to celebrate. To see those helicopter shots of a million people wrapped around this glittering jewel of a lake nestled against our downtown with the beautiful forested hills of Oakland in the background and the majestic skyline of San Francisco across the Bay was beautiful. Grown men cried in the streets that day because they grew up and waited 40 years for a day they optimistically held out hope for but never actually thought would be realized. It truly was beautiful. This city turned out every race, economic status and age. Everyone together in a positive sea of blue and gold - and it wasn’t just the confetti - everybody there had their Warriors shirts on. (Very nice! Very nice!) To celebrate a team that stands for a little bit more than just athletic excellence. A team that was known for working as a team. Not depending on a single superstar, but having discipline, persistence and that collab-
Q: What advice do you offer for young people? Mayor Schaaf: Recognize the power that you have. Love yourself. Respect yourself. Worry less about what you think others think of you and realize your power. Our young people are so brilliant and I am convinced that many of the solutions to empowering and improving the lives of young people need to come from young people themselves. Their power to implement those ideas is so much greater than they
That win happened right before we passed my first budget as Mayor. This two-year budget for the city, a very positive budget, and our new city administrators started; and, so, it really is this feeling of a beautiful new era, a golden era for Oakland, maybe a blue and golden era for Oakland.
Q: What is your definition of Leadership? Mayor Schaaf: I certainly believe in the idea of the “servant leader”. And, I come to this position very humbled and that I have to lead with this sense of service. And I hope that everyone, and expect everyone, in this organization to come from that same place of believing in service. And also service to those who often are left behind, our most vulnerable residents - the neighborhoods that aren’t always seen on TV. That is something that I believe is part of leadership … is not just doing what’s urgent but also what’s important.
Q: What do you hear most from the people of Oakland? Mayor Schaaf: People who grew up here feel like there’s nothing for kids to do anymore. That, when we were kids, there were a lot of free activities and positive places for kids to go that just aren’t available anymore. That just breaks my heart. That is something I hear a lot. But I also hear that people love this city and they’re really proud to be Oaklanders. There’s a certain kind of scrappy pride that Oaklanders have that I don’t think you can find anywhere else. That’s something else I hear.
Q: Is there a great cause in particular you’d like to share that people can learn more about and possibly be supportive of?
ever realized. And I am excited about trying to unleash that because I love Oakland young people. Oakland young people, in particular, have a wisdom and power that you don’t find everywhere and it deserves to be nourished.
Q: What is your vision for Oakland? Mayor Schaaf: I see this vibrant, equitable city that it’s growing, but growing responsibly. Where we see prosperity and investment and development, but that it’s coming to the city in a way that lifts up the long-term residents. All that proud Oakland legacy, that you know I’m so passionate about, I want to be sure that the change that is coming to Oakland – and it’s coming – lifts up what makes Oakland Oakland and doesn’t push it out. Lifts up our long-term residents, our vulnerable residents, and doesn’t push them out. That is something I am very excited about … Because I haven’t seen other cities be as successful as they should be. At doing both those things - seeing prosperity and transformation, but in a way that lifts up not just the long-term residents but the culture, the identity, the“Secret Sauce” of the city - and that’s what I want for Oakland.
Photo by Amy Sullivan
Meet Kristin Connelly East Bay Leader
recently had the pleasure of talking with Kristin Connelly, the President and CEO of the East Bay Leadership Council. It was a delightful conversation that covered so much about the East Bay. We shared insights about the past and present. Kristin’s view of the future is certainly full of energy, enthusiasm and optimism. Kristin works to bring people and organizations together to foster a better future for the East Bay, where businesses, nonprofits, government and individuals work collaboratively to create positive solutions to our region’s economic and social challenges. A policy advisor, strategist and former attorney, Kristin assumed leadership of the East Bay Leadership Council (EBLC) in June, 2014. A private-sector-driven public policy and advocacy organization with more than 250 members, EBLC represents some of the most important employers in the region. Its mission is to improve the economic vitality and quality of life for the East Bay region, specifically Contra Costa County and the Tri-Valley. Kristin also serves as executive director of the Contra Costa Economic Partnership, the Council’s non-profit (and non-advocacy) arm, providing outcome-based programs that create jobs, develop infrastructure and offer workforce training through STEM-related initiatives. The Partnership conducts public-policy research to authenticate the initiatives that the Partnership and the Council support. Kristin was born and raised in the East Bay. It is home for her and her family, and she loves it dearly. She attended College Park High School in Pleasant Hill before she went on to UCLA and graduated with a bachelor’s in political science. Before a career in non-profit fundraising, she went to Georgetown University, acquiring a master’s in
Kristin at the 2014 East Bay Leadership Council Installation and Awards Dinner. Photo by Basil Glew-Galloway
Kristin with East Bay Leadership Council Chair Keith Archuleta. Photo by Amy Sullivan
education policy. She earned her law degree at Fordham University, and practiced employment law at Sidley Austin in New York. It took her 18 years after finishing high
school to return full-time to the Bay Area, but it It’s funny how things come full circle. Kristin was Kristin’s goal. “I was very fortunate to have has never forgotten the spirit conveyed by been mentored throughout my education and in the scholarship, and the appreciation she felt my career by so many great people,” she said. receiving it. So she was particularly moved “Somehow, I have often managed to be in the when in November, as President and CEO of right place at the right time.” Kristin worked for the East Bay Leadership Council, along with coCalifornia Forward and was the executive director presenting sponsors Wells Fargo Bank and the of the California Forward Action Fund before East Bay Community Foundation, her organization serving as chief of staff to Contra Costa County presented the 4th Annual East Bay Philanthropy Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, the post she held just Awards. Some 250 people gathered at the prior to her current Blackhawk Automotive position with the Museum to honor this Council. year’s award recipients Who inspired Kristin and nominees across as she was growing nine categories, and up? Who were her role to be inspired by their models? “There have generous contributions been so many,” she to their communities. said. Growing up in the “I feel so privileged Bay Area, she recalled to have my job,” she being inspired by said. “There are so California’s U.S. Senator many people who have Dianne Feinstein while terrific ideas, energy she served as mayor of and optimism in this Kristin with Kristi Conner, honored as the Next GenSan Francisco. Kristin organization. I value eration Philanthropist at the 2014 East Bay Leadership remembered watching the breadth and depth Geraldine Ferraro on TV Council Philanthropy Awards event, and Awards Com- of the many business become the Democratic mittee Chair Mark Hughes. and community leaders Photo by Amy Sullivan Party’s first woman I work with to help U.S. Vice-Presidential companies thrive in candidate in 1984 during the convention held in the East Bay,” she said. “I also value being able San Francisco. It was a defining moment for her, to work with employers of all sizes, to identify seeing history, and progress, being made close to barriers to their success, so that we can advocate home. for policy that breaks down these barriers.” Kristin’s family was also a model for her. “We How does her past work and life experience always had lively conversations at the dinner table affect her current work? Kristin spent nine years as a family. We talked about the news of the day, living in New York City where she attended and it was common to discuss world events. It law school and briefly practiced at a large law was a positive household growing up, and there firm. The experience made her appreciate that were high expectations for all three of us, my two the top people from nearly every industry were brothers and me. My childhood memories are in New York. “It was very exciting, as the city really wonderful,” she said. encompasses all walks of life. The experience Upon graduating from high school, Kristin raised my consciousness, and I became very received a major scholarship from a private aware of the many challenges people face in family foundation based in Vacaville. This has business and in their communities,” she said. always meant a great deal to her because of “This is also true of people in the East Bay. Our the extraordinary opportunities the scholarship communities are very diverse. I believe most provided. The generosity of this family foundation people have little understanding of the diversity of further inspired her to excel, and fueled her the East Bay’s economy —and the importance of interest in a career in public service. advocating for the people, the businesses and the
organizations that make up our communities. “There are key challenges and issues facing our region, related to water policy, health care, transportation, education and housing,” she added. “An important area of concern is increasing our awareness of income inequality — recognizing that the East Bay is both an affluent area and also one with much poverty. Affordability of housing and transportation is an issue we will face for years to come. There is a lot of work to be done.” This is an exciting time to be thinking strategically about how to help our region thrive economically. The East Bay Leadership Council intends to pursue an ambitious agenda through its various task forces that consider the most pressing issues facing the region and the state. EBLC members with a presence here include Shell, Wells Fargo, Kaiser Permanente, John Muir Health, Chevron, CSAA Insurance, AT&T, Comcast, John F. Kennedy University and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, to name a few who care deeply about this community and are willing to work on some of the region’s biggest challenges. “I’m very optimistic about our future,” Kristin said. “It’s important to confront challenges so we can make things better. Addressing rising income inequality is the right thing to do and it’s good business. “It is essential to increase economic development and to promote the extraordinary assets of the East Bay to potential employers at every turn,” she noted. When asked about her definition of leadership, Kristin eloquently responded, “Identifying the right thing to do and having the courage to do it.” One last question, if she could have a fantasy
dinner party, and could invite anyone, living or not, whom would she like to invite, what would she ask them and what would they talk about? She would invite Nelson Mandela, she said, recalling how impactful it was to study his life and see him speak at the Oakland Coliseum upon his release from prison. What would be his past and present perspectives about his life in South Africa, and also for the United States today and for the world? What would he like to see happen? She would also include President Obama and the First Family, Eleanor Roosevelt, the Grimké sisters (Sarah Moore Grimké and Angelina Emily Grimké), who were some of the nation’s first southern abolitionists, and women’s rights advocate, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She would like to discuss Photo by Amy Sullivan with Stanton the process by which women were finally able to vote, nearly 100 years ago. “I would want my husband and children at the table to share in the fascinating conversation,” added Kristin. “This is an impossible question to answer because there are so many others I would want to join us, yet I would want this dinner party to be small so that we would be able to really listen to one another and enjoy each other’s company.” There have been many “pioneers” doing great things for great causes in our community. Kristin is one of these leaders. She recently made Diablo Magazine’s “40 Under 40” list … meaning, fortunately for the East Bay, yes, there is already so much good she has done, and she is just getting started. For more information about the East Bay Leadership Council, visit EBLC is also active on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Marina Gavric
Marina Gavric Health & Fitness Training
Age is Nothing But a Number Y
ou don’t spend 20 years in the fitness industry without learning a few things about numbers. A valuable term I learned early on, and attest to, is the age old adage that “Age is nothing but a number”. Each of us has a calendar age and a biological age. We’ve all seen this … Often I will see a 30 or 40 year-old who may look and feel considerably older than his or her actual age … or a 60 or 70 year-old who may look and feel considerably younger. How and why is that? Good health and well-being, so much of it is in our mind. Also our diet and exercise. It includes an attitude, our habits, our way of life. Healthy and vibrant, the good news is we don’t have to be stuck, where we might not be happy. The choice is ours and there are things we can do to improve. We should control our health rather our health control us. Health, fitness and wellness, no matter what our age, is a great recipe that works … and is everyone’s best reward. When and how did those years get stuck within layers of unhealthy fat, lining our frames? Can you pinpoint the time you became older than you really are? Think back. Was it when you were 12 trying to get out of gym class? Maybe in college when all your time was spent studying and socializing over noodles
and cocktails? Perhaps your fitness years were lost when the children began ruling your world or work sucked you in to the career abyss? Is it possible you just haven’t found your way out. Resolving when you began losing those years is key to getting them back. No matter what your current age or fitness level, taking action in changing your fitness age, to grow younger as you age, to become a fitter and wiser you, begins with some simple, clean life choices we can all make. Ask yourself: How old am I? How old do I feel? What is my fitness age? If I have lost years of vibrant life, when did I lose them? How can I get them back? And when do I begin taking action in the fight to take them back? Don’t let your “real” age rule or get the better of you. You can do it ... let your fitness age take the spotlight! … Stay Hydrated, Stay Focused, Stay Fit!
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Beautiful Wedding
By Julie Hart Conde
y passion is bringing peace, joy and beauty into people’s lives. I especially enjoy doing this for brides and grooms, who often find it overwhelming when planning their wedding. If the multitude of details involved in planning your wedding is starting to get you stressed, below are 8 ways to keep you at peace as you plan one of the most important days in your life. 1. Breathe: When things start to get overwhelming, breathe deep, take a look at your options and focus on the most pressing one.
2. Focus: Keep a notebook near you or use your notebook app to jot down the myriad of thoughts that distract you from the task at hand. This will help you to focus and give you reassurance that you won’t be forgetting something important. 3. Hit List: While the long list of details can be overwhelming, the key is to break your list down into smaller bites. Find a wedding timeline online and use that to break down your list into separate monthly plans. Then focus on just one month at a time. 4. Stress Reducer: If you find yourself getting stressed, talk with a friend or call your wedding planner. It’s great to get a different perspective and encouragement from those who love you and those who have the expertise.
Similar to the point above, keep focused on the positive and the possibilities. Look to your future and keep people around you who want your true happiness. 6. Vendors: When considering working with any vendor, read their contract thoroughly. Make note of the specifics and ask questions if anything isn’t clear. If something doesn’t fit in with what you originally had in mind, decide now if it is a deal breaker or if you are willing to compromise. 7. Possibilities: You don’t have to do a wedding a specific way, anything is possible. This day should be all about the two of you coming together and your guests should leave feeling like they saw who you are and what you like. 8. Wedding Style: Pinterest is a great tool that can help define your style. Once you have pinned a set of pictures that you love of the various elements of your wedding, look for common themes among your selections. Next, pick 3 to 5 words that describe your style. Moving forward, if you have a question about whether something is right for your wedding, you can go back to these words and decide if it fits in.
Remember, at the end of the day you will be married to the one that you love and the one who loves you: deeply, completely and unconditionally. No matter what elements you put into your day … take joy in this and savor the moments that bring you the most joy during the planning process.
Julie Hart Conde, Wedding and Event Planner, is the owner of Celebrations by Heart. 5. Positivity: Surround yourself with positive people.
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