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Extraordinary Walking the Talk with Anna G. Eshoo, U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. Eshoo visits Intuitive Surgical in Sunnyvale.
Anna G. Eshoo,
U.S. House of Representatives DEVOTING ALL THE BEST, EAST TO WEST PLM: Where did you grow up and go to school? Congresswoman Eshoo: I was born and raised in New Britain and Old Saybrook, Connecticut, and have lived in California most of my life. I have an AA degree from Cañada College, and I am a graduate of the CORO Foundation. I also hold an Honorary Degree from Menlo College. PLM: What prepared you, who inspired you to go into politics? What did you do before being elected to Congress? Congresswoman Eshoo: I was elected to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors in 1982, and served for ten years before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1992. Previous to my Board service, I was Chief of Staff to the late Leo T. McCarthy, Speaker of the California Assembly. He was a man of great integrity and a mentor to me. Previous to my work in the public sector, I worked in the private sector. PLM: How long have you been in the House of Representatives? Is it what you thought it would be like? Has it changed over these years? Congresswoman Eshoo: I have served as a Member of the House of Representatives for 22
t her sciences Rep. Eshoo speaks with @BioCentury TV abou e. mitte Com e merc Com agenda for the Energy and
years, and representing my constituents has been beyond rewarding. My Silicon Valley district has changed, as have politics in Washington, but my devotion to public service remains steadfast. PLM: A day in the life, a week in the life of, it’s always full, it’s always busy, especially going back and forth, coast to coast, as often as you do … what might this look like? Congresswoman Eshoo: Week days I am in Washington, D.C. for voting and my legislative work. As the top Democrat on the subcommittee overseeing communications and technology issues, I participate in congressional hearings to examine proposed policies or write bills. My days begin early and can end late, and they are always very full. I read all communications from my constituents every night and they are always instructive to me. I’ve commuted across
Rep. Eshoo established the 18th Congressional District Student Advisory Board in 1993 for San Mateo and Santa Counties to give young peo ple a voice in our government.
Rep. Eshoo announces a new law aimed at developing better treatments and potential cures for the deadliest of cancers. She was joined by Julie Fleshman, President and CEO of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, Lisa Niemi Swayze, wife of the late Patrick Swayze and Chief Ambassador of Hope for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, in addition to leading cancer research advocates at Stanford University Hospital. Eshoo was recognized by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network for her leadership and presented with the Congressional Champion of Hope Award by Fleshman.
the country over all the years I have been in Congress because it’s important for me to be in the community with my constituents. I learn so much from them and they’re a constant source of inspiration to me. PLM: What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? Congresswoman Eshoo: I am fond of a wise quote of Eleanor Roosevelt, who once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” My family also instilled in me to be a ‘giver’…not a ‘taker’. PLM: What are the questions people ask most of you? Congresswoman Eshoo: Many constituents ask me about the dysfunction in Congress and when it will return to being a productive, bipartisan legislature for the good of the country. They also express their concerns about our national economy, the cost of education and climate change. PLM: Who are some of the people on both sides of the aisle (past and present) that you have worked with, respected, truly liked and appreciate? Congresswoman Eshoo: I was honored to work with the late Senator Ted Kennedy to enact a law that for the first time established an approval process for biosimilars, in effect creating a biosimilars industry, just as Congress did with generic drugs in 1984. Biosimilars, or biologics, are drugs created using biological rather than chemical properties. I am always proud to work across the aisle
with my Republican colleagues. A majority of the bills I introduce have a Republican co-sponsor, including legislation I have long spearheaded with Congressman Frank Wolf of Virginia to bring about greater protections for persecuted religious minorities in the Middle East. I have also worked with Representatives Joe Barton (R-Texas), Leonard Lance (R-New Jersey), Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) and Senator Richard Burr (R-North Carolina), and we have been successful in having our legislation signed into law. PLM: Do you love history? Congresswoman Eshoo: I respect history. Our past instructs our future. PLM: What do you enjoy and love most about what you do? Congresswoman Eshoo: Being a problem solver; getting complex issues resolved for my constituents; and shaping policies to improve the lives of people and strengthen our country. PLM: What are some of your proudest moments and/or accomplishments? Congresswoman Eshoo: My two children. PLM: What’s an issue close to your heart that you are working on, striving for? Congresswoman Eshoo: Biomedical research because it holds the promise to cure diseases and heal humankind. Investment in biomedical research at the National Institutes of Health is at unprecedented lows, jeopardizing our national health and preventing future breakthroughs. More than half of basic research funding in the U.S. comes from the federal government, yet we spend two-thirds less on research and development than
we did in 1965. I have spearheaded legislation in be afraid to fail. this Congress—the America HEALS Act—to reverse PLM: What advice do you have for aspiring this troubling trend by establishing a trust fund women? for our biomedical research agencies and ensure Congresswoman Eshoo: Follow your dreams. that the United States is the leader in scientific Think big. Keep going. Keep your friends, discovery. teammates and family close to help you reach PLM: What would you still like to see your goal. accomplished? PLM: What can people do to help make this Congresswoman Eshoo: Comprehensive a better community, such as volunteerism and immigration reform, addressing climate change, a philanthropy? stronger economy that benefits all Americans, and Congresswoman Eshoo: The American more advancement for women and girls. education reformist Horace Mann said, “Doing PLM: What do you feel is our biggest nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.” challenge? Our citizenship is a gift…it’s also a responsibility. Congresswoman Eshoo: Climate change is Every generation is called to build on the progress one of the most serious issues facing our nation of the past and move our communities and and the world. our country forward. There PLM: You have gotten to are hundreds of non-profit know a number of leading CEO’s organizations in our communities and community leaders. Are and our churches that carry out there any that stand out that noble efforts. Find one. Join one. we should know about…and PLM: What in your spare time possibly watch and listen to? do you like to do? Do you like Congresswoman Eshoo: Jeff to read? Do you have favorite Weiner, the CEO of LinkedIn, has authors, favorite books? Movies? ambitious ideas about how to Music? Sports? Do you have a employ Americans and people hidden talent? around the world. Congresswoman Eshoo: I am PLM: In 2011, you were a voracious reader, a big fan of interviewed by Carl Guardino, public broadcasting, and I enjoy CEO of the Silicon Valley walking. Our community theaters Leadership Group, at what are terrific, and a healthy meal was called “an unprecedented with family and friends renews gathering of leaders focused me. on working together to get the PLM: Do you have hobbies, Rep. Eshoo, along with four other economy on a sustainable path interests? Do you enjoy travel? female representatives, visited our for growth.” That was then and What may be some of your troops in Afghanistan and spoke we have come a long way since. favorite places you have visited with Regional Support Command You and Carl both do so much or like to visit? (South) leadership about working for community and have a great Congresswoman Eshoo: I have to promote women’s rights under working relationship. Please traveled many times to visit our the Afghan constitution and the comment. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, positive role of women in the Afghan National Security Forces. Congresswoman Eshoo: attended foreign policy workshops Carl Guardino and the Silicon in Africa, and I had the honor Valley Leadership Group are a to be a member of the official force for good in our region and congressional delegation for the our country, advocating for issues ranging from inauguration of Pope Francis. immigration reform to investment in STEM, job PLM: Lastly, if you could host a dinner, and creation, infrastructure and housing—investments you could invite anyone (living or not), who that bolster our economy and improve people’s would you like to have as your guests? lives. I am proud to have Carl and the SVLG as Congresswoman Eshoo: My entire family, partners in my work. Katherine Hepburn, Mother Teresa, Pope John PLM: What advice do you have for aspiring XXII, Pope Francis, FDR and Eleanor, Albert young people? Einstein, Gloria Steinem, the Dalai Lama, JFK and Congresswoman Eshoo: Learn. Lead. Don’t Bono. Imagine the dinner conversation!