Mission 31 - Day 15 & 16

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1 3 n Missio an er of a righteous m ay pr t en rv fe l ua ct fe James 5:16b The ef

availeth much.

Day 15 & 16 June 16, 2009

READ  PROVERBS 16:3 “Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.” PRAISE  DONATIONS Praise God for individuals who have given to Camp Elienai. God DOES provide! PRAY  WISDOM & PEACE OF MIND Please pray for wisdom & safety as Bro. Kwame & Bro. Ricardo are currently purchasing items in the States for the week of camp. Pray for the peace of mind to make the right decisions amidst the hustle & bustle of the world.

DELETE  Thank you for partcipating in today’s mission!

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