My Calling: In recent years, our Bahamas has seen a great increase in teen pregnancy, gang violence, sexual abuse, drug trafficking, and broken homes. We have two options. We can either wait for something to happen or with God’s power make something happen. I’m Evangelist Kwame Selver and I was born and raised in the Bahamas. God has called me to start a Christian camp in Frazer’s Hog Cay in the Berry Islands. With God’s help, I want to reach our young people and make something happen! My Vision: One way to combat the sin of this country is to reach young people “before the evil days draw nigh” and point them toward God. God has called me to start Camp Elienai (el-lee-uh-niy) to minister to teenagers. This decision became a reality on July 9, 2006 when we had our first week of camp. Elienai is Hebrew for ‘our eyes are toward God.’ The camp’s theme is “Behold the Lamb of God.” (John 1:36) We desire every young person to fix their eyes on Jesus.
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Psalm 127: 4
My Plan: I believe we can turn teenagers eyes to God through prayer and the use of God’s Word. During the week of camp, the teens receive 3 messages a day and also memorize Scriptures. During the services we have people praying for the teens in private. We know that God will use this to make a difference. Last summer we hosted 50 teenagers and saw 2 professions of faith. We are eager to see what God will do July 5-11, 2009. My Plea: Many of the teenagers who will attend camp are “bus kids.” This fact along with the high cost of living in the Bahamas and the recent economic crisis has made payment for camp difficult for many teens. This is why I am asking individuals and churches to prayerfully consider paying for one or more of the campers through our camper scholarship. We need approximately 20 sponsors to help the teens come to camp. Your financial support can make a difference and point one life to the cross.
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