sounds for chris

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sounds for chris

April 23, 2020

40_steps_along_a_sidewalk.wav 40_degrees_around_a_fountain.wav 40_bars_from_here_to_there.wav 40_chirps_above_a_street.wav

40_seconds_of_a_game.wav Ross Martin Mexico City

80_webster_ave.wav Anna Lyman ...this is a salute to Chris from a particularly rollicking Saturday morning at 80 Webster Avenue... It’s kind of meta. Just kind of. But it’s the sound of NOW.

backseat_subaru.wav Phoebe Cohen Green Mountain National Forest

bantam_rocketman.wav Marty Sacks

bea_slurp.wav Andy Klein & Jeanette Lim

boots.wav Todd Evanoff

boston_harbor_gull.wav boston_harbor_walk.wav Jolie Olivetti Castle Island

bounce.wav Justin Parscher Here is the most notable sound implement in my life recently.

train.wav Demetrious Harrington

choo_choo.wav Jen Kovnats I just told Meech what I sent and he let me hear his. No coordination. Two trains.

...this is recorded from the bottom pocket of the baby stroller on the way to the pond that we walk to in Hamden. At the end, we make it to the pond drainage. It’s somewhere we’ve been walking with Julian since he was tiny. In the spring, the bullfrogs are raucously loud and we sit and watch them.

churchill_rd.wav Carolyn Eng & Zach Lewis

club_house_dr.wav Rob Kuczynski

sea_lions1.wav sea_lions2.wav

cobble_beach1.wav cobble_beach2.wav Shannon Simms Newport

connecticut_creek.wav Ryan Ives

court_stairwell.wav Tera Hatfield

creak.wav max_bell.wav Dale Davis

crema_thursday.wav Dave Woolf & Alyssa Koomas Call it Thursday Morning at Crema Cafe while Waiting for a Single Photonic Simulation to Run, if you’re calling it anything. Panda soon?

giggles.wav Jackie & Brett DeWolfe

Look what sounds I randomly found out in the world as I was just going about my business!! (It’s a silly Current 93 joke for Chris’s bday... literally different parts of their song Happy Birthday played from 4 different sources... you don’t have to use 40 seconds for the project obviously - just had to choose some length and that seemed like an appropriate one.)

happy_birthday_current93.wav Jen Page

hudson_ice.wav hudson_ice_bells.wav Brendan Gaesser Ice breaking off the banks of the Hudson River as they thaw from the morning sun.

LEGOs.wav Sarah Strickler & Cory Suratt

lights.wav Pat Rafferty

Also, took this on my porch yesterday. Sounds are shifting with the seasons.

louisiana_peepers.wav louisiana_porch_feb.wav louisiana_porch_mar.wav Flannery Denny

designs_for_different_futures.wav q_genderless.wav

meow_maximus.wav purr_maximus.wav Ashley Berke Of course I had to start with Maximus since he loves Chris so much.

Given how many cat people you likely know, I hope this is not duplicating some one else’s submission. Mocha had just chowed down on some freshly fluffed wet food and was expressing herself very vocally that day.

meow_mocha.wav Cat Bee

mister_softee.wav Dan Knapp


mmm_mushroom.wav Matt & Karen Shanley

motor_beautiful.wav Kostya Bakhurin Recorded while canvassing for Bernie this week.

Tried unsuccessfully to record our cat making adorable snorting/ chirping noises, so in lieu of that here is a picture of her and a recording of the “birthday questions”. Probably not quite what you had in mind, but hope it’ll do. A friend of ours inherited a tradition of asking and answering these questions each birthday, and that’s made its way into our Philly social group. I absolutely hated it at first, so naturally it became my job to lead the asking of the questions.

nadav_bday_Qs.wav Nadav Carmel & Laura Crandall

ocean.wav Catalina Hoyos

pizza_dreams.wav Shawna Pochan

plum_island_2012.wav Drew Kane The sound is taken from a video of us all on a bike ride together. You can hear a little chatter in the background, but it’s mostly the wind whipping noise.

porcelain.wav Isabel Miller

shannon: Josh wins for strangest file format so far. You ever head of .qcelp? mattie: Nope! I’ll look around, I’m sure there must be a way to convert it. shannon: Hey Josh, neither Mattie nor I could get this file to open. We’re wondering if maybe it’s corrupt? Only comes through as a 13kb .qcelp file via email. Can you resend? Or maybe record on a secondary device?

really_not_sure.wav Josh Malamy Haha, OK, I played it from my phone into my laptop through the air (attached).

sawdust.wav sizzle.wav sox.wav

squeak.wav Bob Dizon & Kris Richardson

shovel.wav skateboardwheels.wav

tunnel.wav Bill & Susie Dirks

water_boil_start.wav water_boil_first_time.wav water_boil_second_time.wav Kate LaForge

water_thingy.wav Michael Woon 53°30’23.0”N 10°15’10.8”E

Hi Friends! Chris is turning 40 in April, as is increasingly the fashion. One of Chris’ favorite things is collective creativity (see make-art-with-yourbike birthday party, c. 2011). As such, I am formally requesting your contribution to an arty group gift. I know, you’re busy. It’s really simple: Step 1) Sometime in the next month, observe a cool sound out in the world. Any kind of sound. Step 2) Record it somehow (i.e. make a voice memo on your phone). Step 3) Take a photo that has something (anything) to do with the sound (can be the source or not, doesn’t matter). Step 4) Email me the audio file and the photo by by Saturday, March 7. That’s it! I’ll be collecting your sounds into a friend field recording sample pack for Chris to use in his ongoing audio programming multichannel installation experimentations... Stay tuned for Sound Lounge 2020. This is a surprise, so don’t talk to Chris about it, please! Love, Shannon

sounds for chris

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