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Rigorous Academic Preparation
Content Specific Focus Programs and College Credit Opportunities
Advanced Placement The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a nationally recognized academic program designed to provide motivated high school students with weighted, dual-credit college-level courses. Students build study skills for a successful college experience. AP courses give students the opportunity to earn college credit, save on tuition, and graduate college in less than four years. AP courses are available at all high schools.
International Baccalaureate The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is an internationally recognized, comprehensive curriculum that leads to a high school diploma and a prestigious IB diploma. Selective and competitive colleges and universities around the world recognize the IB diploma. Offered at Niwot High School, IB course grades are weighted, and when the program is successfully completed, the student earns between 24 and 40 college credit hours. IB graduates are guaranteed admission to all Colorado public colleges and universities.
STEM Academy The STEM Academy is a rigorous academic program at Skyline High School that exposes students to coursework in creative and advanced engineering, project design, workplace collaboration, and leadership. Engineering Ph.D. fellows from the University of Colorado work directly with Skyline faculty and students. STEM graduates have the opportunity to earn guaranteed admission to the CU College of Engineering.
Medical and BioScience Academy The Medical and BioScience Academy at Longmont High School offers rigorous college preparatory curriculum that prepares students for admission to postsecondary programs in medicine, research, and allied health sciences. In partnership with state universities, community colleges, and community business partners, students experience challenging coursework, interact with health science professionals, develop hands-on skills through internships, and apply technology to reallife problems. Leadership Academy The Silver Creek Leadership Academy provides the foundation for world-class leaders. This four-year program takes students on a journey beginning with 9th Grade Foundations of Leadership, 10th Grade International Leadership, 11th Grade Community and Local Leadership, and culminating with the 12th Grade Senior Capstone Project.
Engineering and Aerospace Academy Erie High School is embarking upon a new era of taking academic excellence to the next level through its Engineering Focus Program. Students are able to enroll in exciting classes which introduce the concepts of engineering design, automation, computer science, and software design over their four years of high school. Students who complete three years of study prior to their senior year will enroll in a research and seminar capstone project. Their research is around an open-ended “real-life” problem that needs solving.
Biomedical Sciences Academy DNA analysis, identification of disease biomarkers, hands-on anatomy study – these are just a few of the specialized experiences now available to students enrolled in the Biomedical Sciences Academy at Frederick High School. Developed through Project Lead the Way, this new program gives students a chance to lead their own experience through specialized coursework and real-world applications that prepare students for the rigors of advanced university study and STEM careers.
Energy Academy The Mead Energy Academy is a unique program that offers a secondary public education devoted to the principles of energy. The program requires core courses of all students while offering a choice between academic college-bound course work and practical workforce-ready coursework. Crosscurricular courses in math, science, social studies, language arts, business, and more will be taught to support the energy focus. Visual and Performing Arts Academy The Visual and Performing Arts Academy at Skyline High School is the only grades 9-12 arts academy in St. Vrain Valley Schools. As the designated VPA school, Skyline is able to offer a wide variety of courses in the visual arts, theater, dance, and music. Some of these unique course offerings include Voice Performance, Stage Technology, Advanced Dance and Drama courses, AP and Non-AP Music Theory, Music Technology, Digital Animation, and Video Production.
High School of Business™ High School of Business™ is designed much like a college business administration program. Offered at Longmont High School, students take approximately one course per semester, beginning with Principles of Business. In the capstone course, Business Strategies, students use what they have learned from the first five courses to open and run their own business. In addition, students can earn six credit hours from the University of Colorado Denver and three credit hours from University of Northern Colorado.
CSU Online Partnership The Lyons Senior High – Colorado State University Concurrent Enrollment Program is an opportunity for students at Lyons to complete challenging college courses and earn college credit while in high school. Courses are taught by CSU faculty online, and students interact with them during their school day through the online learning management system. A high school teacher is present during online coursework to assist with questions and to guide the class.
Seal of Biliteracy The Seal of Biliteracy is an award that will appear on a student’s official transcript to certify to colleges and employers that they have demonstrated proficiency in multiple languages. The Seal of Biliteracy is available to any St. Vrain senior who has studied and attained proficiency or higher in English and at least one other language. In today’s competitive job market, and our multicultural community, the ability to speak, read, and write in more than one language will set a student apart from the crowd.