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APEX Homeschool Program
FOCUS Multi-Day Flexible Enrichment Program
PRINCIPAL Kim Lancaster
ENROLLMENT 123 Students (HS)
CONTACT INFORMATION 1351 S. Sunset St., Unit B Longmont, CO 80501 303-702-8600 apexhomeschool.org
MASCOT Wolfpack
Programs with
Community College
APEX supports parents who choose to be their student’s primary educator by offering academic courses, enrichment classes, and curriculum resources in a K-12 environment Students build a schedule from a flexible multi-day course schedule to suit their academic needs AP courses in AP Language, AP Literature, AP Computer Science, and AP Human Geography Courses in academic disciplines including science, math, social studies, language arts, world language, STEM, art, music, and theater STEM courses in graphic design, computer technology, programming, and engineering Highly-qualified licensed teachers who are passionate about supporting homeschooling and bringing students the best of both worlds Small class sizes with multi-grade ranges High school counselor available for college guidance Curriculum library with hundreds of resources parents can check out for home use, most at no cost Region
Access to SAT, PSAT, and PSAT/NMSQT testing and test prep resources Parents remain the student’s primary educator and are responsible to set graduation requirements and present the student’s diploma upon Students do not graduate or receive a diploma from St. Vrain or APEX
College Credit Options
Concurrent Enrollment: Dual Credit opportunities through Front Range Career Development Center: Technical and vocational education Innovation Center: Computer, Robotics and Technology Education, and P-TEACH Program
Co-Curricular Activities
Block Letter Awards, National Honor Society, Student Government, Yearbook, and elective courses such as Graphic Design, Orchestra, Musical Theater, and Studio Art
Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality
APEX students can participate in sports at their local St. Vrain high school to develop sportsmanship, fitness, and skills. Physical Education classes offered on site.
Visual and Performing Arts
Music: Choir, Guitar 1 and 2, Orchestra, Percussion, and Piano Art: Advanced Studio Art, Advanced Fiber Arts, 2D and 3D Art, Graphic Design, Photography, and students participate in the district art show Theater: High school full musical theater production each year, classes in Acting, Advanced Acting, and Technical Theater; Received multiple awards from the National Youth Arts, Rocky Mountain graduation
Jasey Chanders Class of 2020 Dance: Collaboration with Longmont Dance Theater Academy’s PBIP Program to support high-level dance students
What makes your high school unique?
APEX offers a flexible high school experience with the ability to build a schedule that works for you while allowing you the time to be part of other programs or projects. APEX allows you to easily take classes from Front Range Community College, the Career Development Center, or the Innovation Center through concurrent enrollment as well as giving you the flexibility to take classes online and follow your passions in other areas.