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Lyons Senior High School
Lyons Middle Senior High School
FOCUS Rated at Performance, Colorado Department of Education’s highest level of accreditation 88 percent of Lyons Senior High students participate in band, choir, drama and/or athletics, and these programs receive numerous state and district Scored in the top eight percent of all Colorado high schools on state testing Courses offered with technology focus include Project-Based Technology and Introduction to Computer Science/Programming Lyons continues to expand opportunities in computer science, CSU online course offerings, and the Science and Leadership Program Students attend classes at the Innovation Center and work on research and development projects that will prepare them for future careers in STEM Students access 3D printers, a full tech lab outfitted with student workstations, industrial tech lab, and Apple Certification classes at the Innovation Center Student honors include: National Merit Finalists, Boettcher Scholars, and appointments to the U.S. military academies Rated as a top high school in 2017 according to U.S. News and World Report UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BOULDER | AEROSPACE ENGINEERING
CSU Online Partnership
PRINCIPAL Andrea Smith
ENROLLMENT 202 Students (HS)
CONTACT INFORMATION 100 McConnell Dr., Lyons, CO 80540 303-823-6631 lmshs.svvsd.org
College coursework offered through St. Vrain’s only Colorado State University online partnership; concurrent enrollment options also available with University of Colorado and Front Range Community College recognitions
Programs with College Credit Options
CSU online partnership offers college credits Advanced Placement (AP): Seven weighted grade courses Honors: Four weighted grade courses
Co-Curricular Activities
National Honor Society, Student Government, Yearbook, and elective courses, such as Technology, Robotics, Music Technology, and Studio Art
In addition to co-curricular opportunities, all students have the opportunity to participate in a diverse offering of student-led clubs.
Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality
Baseball, Basketball, Cheer, Cross Country, Football, Softball, Track, Wrestling, and Volleyball
Visual and Performing Arts
Music: Concert Band, Jazz Band, Mixed Choir, Show Choir, Guitar, and Music Technology Art: Computer Graphics, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, and Video Technology Drama: Annual full-length theatrical production; bi-annual full-length musical production
Nicholas Boggess Class of 2020
How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success?
Programs that are based in school but also have an extra-curricular focus – things like Yearbook, Science and Leadership, or Jazz Band – have provided a doorway to my success outside of high school.