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Graduation Requirements
Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) P-TECH is a new model of education connecting high school, college, and the world of work through college and industry partnerships. Currently offered at Skyline High and Frederick High, and starting at Silver Creek High in the 2020-2021 school year, it is a model that allows students to earn a high school diploma as well as an associate degree at no cost to the student. Students begin the program in 9th grade and can complete it in four to six years. At Concurrent Enrollment Options
Skyline High, students earn an Associate of Applied Available at all high schools, the Concurrent
Science in Computer Information Systems from Enrollment Program provides an opportunity for all
Front Range Community College. Included with this high school students to earn both high school and
program are significant internship and mentorship college credit. This option is available to students
opportunities with IBM and other industry partners who have completed a minimum of 11.5 credits
giving students a head start on the other side toward graduation.
students earn their Associate of General Studies with a focus on biochemistry through AIMS Community College. Students have mentorship and internship opportunities from Tolmar, Agilent Technologies, and Novartis. The newest P-TECH program at Silver Creek High will enable students to earn their associate degree in cybersecurity. CU Succeed Gold and Silver Programs St. Vrain offers college courses through the CU Succeed Program. The program provides students the opportunity to take college courses during high school hours while simultaneously earning college credits through the University of Colorado Denver. Students take a qualifying course at a weighted grade and receive college credit at a fraction of the cost of most university courses.
of completing the program. At Frederick High,
Honors Honors courses prepare students for the rigor of Advanced Placement courses by introducing the writing and critical thinking skills necessary for advanced coursework. Honors courses are available at all high schools, open to freshmen and sophomores, and receive a weighted grade.
Graduation Requirements – Class of 2025
St. Vrain’s graduation requirements consist of a three-pronged approach designed to educate and prepare students to become well-rounded citizens who are prepared for success in our competitive global economy. Rigorous coursework and credit hours are a focus of St. Vrain’s graduation requirements.
In order to graduate, students must complete the following three components before receiving a St. Vrain Valley Schools diploma: • Graduates will create and successfully complete an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP). The ICAP will serve as their roadmap to graduation and postsecondary readiness. Elements of the ICAP include career and college interests, written postsecondary goals, service learning and work experience, college application(s) and/or resumes, academic progress, and assessment scores. • Graduates will be required to complete a minimum of 24.5 credits. The total credits of coursework has not changed from current graduation requirements. • St. Vrain Valley students will also need to complete a Graduation Capstone, which consists of completion of the student’s ICAP and 0.5 credits in financial literacy coursework. For further details, please contact your high school’s counseling department.
Learn more at stvra.in/graduation