3 minute read
Trail Ridge Middle School
Trail Ridge students succeed and grow to their full potential through rigorous core classes, an integrated STEM program, a diverse offering of electives and extracurricular activities, and specialized services.
PRINCIPAL: Eddie Cloke
ENROLLMENT: 549 Students
CONTACT INFORMATION: 1000 Button Rock Dr., Longmont, CO 80504 | 720-494-3820 | trms.svvsd.org
MASCOT: Grizzlies

• The first St. Vrain middle school to offer Unified Sports programming, Trail Ridge is a National Banner Unified Champion School
• Trail Ridge is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) focus school and offers programming that integrates design thinking throughout all classrooms
• Trail Ridge is home to a strong robotics program that fosters leadership, teamwork, and complex problem-solving skills; Trail Ridge won the 2020 VEX Robotics State Championships and is a regular host of state robotics tournaments
• Students can choose from a variety of elective courses including Drama, Music, Technology, Foreign Language, and Physical Education
• Students participate in an extension block that helps them plan and prepare for high school and postsecondary opportunities, connect with teachers, and prepare an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)
• Trail Ridge partners with Skyline High School to support a cohesive transition from eighth to ninth grade
• Trail Ridge takes an innovative approach to creating relevant opportunities for students that build future ready-skills for high school and beyond
• Trail Ridge offers strong music programs and ensembles in choir, band, and orchestra, and students perform regularly in the school and community
• The art program features five different classes and an art club
• Approximately 98% of students are involved in co-curricular activities that engage students beyond the regular school day
• Trail Ridge is an Apple Distinguished School for integration of technology into the curriculum

Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality
Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Track, Unified Sports, Volleyball, and Wrestling
Visual and Performing Arts
Music: Band, Choir, Honor Choir, Jazz Band, and Orchestra Art: Ceramics, Computer Graphics, Drawing, Music Production, and Video Production Theater and Dance: Stage Technology
Co-Curricular Activities
Art Club, Computer Programming and Coding, Creative Writing Club, Drama, Geography Club, National Junior Honor Society (NJHS), Peer Tutoring, Robotics Club, Student Council, and Yearbook
What makes your school community unique across St. Vrain Valley Schools?
Trail Ridge Middle School is very inclusive, and the school offers a variety of programs to meet students’ interests. These programs, along with the amazing teachers, help students achieve their dreams in high school, college, and the real world.
-Ricardo Torres-Bravo, 8th Grade