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LaunchED Virtual Academy
Launching to success, LaunchED VirtualAcademy is a fully online program forstudents in grades K-12.
FOCUS: Online
ENROLLMENT: 155 Students
CONTACT INFORMATION: 619 Bowen St. Longmont, CO 80501 | 303-702-8800 | launched.svvsd.org

• LaunchED Virtual Academy offers a fully-accredited 100% online alternative for students in alignment with the mission of St. Vrain Valley Schools
• LaunchED offers flexibility for families as they partner with educators to support and foster student development and social-emotional well-being in a rigorous academic platform
• Curriculum is taught by licensed St. Vrain educators and delivered via Schoology and Webex
• A combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities support student learning
• Advanced level courses are available in a variety of subjects
• Counselors are available for support, planning, and guidance
• LaunchED participates in the St. Vrain Valley Schools Learning Technology Program and provides all students with iPads to access rigorous and high-quality instruction
• Course schedules are flexible and offer individualized opportunities for student growth and support
Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality
Students may participate in athletics at their school of residence provided they meet CHSAA eligibility and any other extracurricular activities offered.
Special Programming
LaunchED Virtual Academy delivers a rigorous and comprehensive educational experience that aligns with the Colorado Academic Standards. The content taught and the pace of delivery will approximate district expectations for each grade level and course, according to district unit plans.
How has your school prepared you for high school success?
I feel very prepared for high school. I receive great individual time with my teachers who support and help me to succeed. The teachers do a great job using their iPads to share screens and teach in an online environment.
-Marie Juarez, 8th Grade