“The Mobile Lab is a showcase of the innovative learning that takes place in St. Vrain Valley Schools every day and the possibilities that are just around the corner. Our vision is to engage families in learning together and to bring advanced, interactive, and meaningful learning experiences to our schools.” COLIN RICKMAN INNOVATION LAB COORDINATOR
ST. VRAIN IS TAKING ENGAGING LEARNING EXPERIENCES ON THE ROAD OR OVER THIRTY YEARS, MS. FRIZZLE AND HER MAGIC SCHOOL BUS have graced the pages of books lining school library shelves that have inspired the imagination of millions of students across the world. The idea of students boarding a bus to be transported through time and space to engage deeply in learning about science, history, geography, and more, is just as memorable today as it was when the first book was published in 1986. The difference is that this type of academic journey is now possible for students in St. Vrain Valley Schools. Technology has become an incredibly powerful tool to advance personalized learning and accelerate communication and collaboration. Every day in classrooms across St. Vrain, students are leveraging 20 COMMUNITYSTRONG.SVVSD.ORG
technology and design-thinking processes to foster innovation, understand complex systems, imagine new possibilities, and discover subjects of passion that will shape their future pathways. With the launch of the ST. VRAINNOVATION FutureReady Innovation Lab, St. Vrain is taking those experiences on the road to build an even broader reach to inspire learning through technology. The ST. VRAINNOVATION Future-Ready Innovation Lab is a cutting-edge technology and innovation center in a mobile environment, emphasizing virtual reality, augmented reality, robotics, design thinking, and aeronautics, as well as STEM and early educational experiences that will accelerate students’ learning and extend public education beyond the classroom.