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St.Vrain Valley School District
St. Vrain Valley School District is the educational home of more than 30,000 of Colorado’s students. The seventh largest school district in the state, St. Vrain Valley operates 53 schools that are spread over 411 square miles. The makeup of the schools include: 1 Stand Alone Preschool, 26 Elementary, 2 K-8, 7 Middle, 1 Middle/Senior, 8 High, 1 Alternative, and 6 Charter. Located approximately 30 miles north of Denver, the District is geographically diverse. Its physical boundaries extend from the Continental Divide into the plains of Colorado. Adding to its scenic setting are historic downtown Longmont and the backdrop of Rocky Mountain National Park and Longs Peak. There are 13 different communities that makeup St. Vrain Valley School District: eastern Boulder, Broomfield, Dacono, Erie, Firestone, Frederick, Hygiene, Longmont, Lyons, Mead, Niwot, Peaceful Valley, and Raymond. Parts of Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer, and Weld Counties fall within its boundaries.