The project-planning process (e-book 1)

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A practical guide to legal and financial levers

N O 1

Border cities and climate change

The process A

cross-border climate adaptation project is implemented in a series of steps. This process is the same for all of the various stakeholders, including those who are already at a stage in which co-operation is underway and can therefore skip the steps that have already taken place.

Phase 1 PHASE 1: FROM INCEPTION TO PLANNING A CROSS-BORDER PROJECT From inception to planning a cross-border project


State Services

Country A national climate strategy (+regional/ local)

Mediation, support

EU National Delegation, local AFD office, GiZ, etc.

Évaluation de l’intérêt du projet

Local Authority Country A

Shared challenges Idea for cross-border PROJET

Cross-border local development strategy

Technical assistance to plan the project

Structuring projects

Local Authority Country B Country B national climate strategy (+regional/ local)


AFD Agence Française de Développement GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit EU European Union



Phase 2 Contracting betweenENTRE partners and with PHASE 2 : LA CONTRACTUALISATION PARTENAIRES ETfinancers AVEC LES FINANCEURS Convention de partenariat transfrontalier entre les partenaires du projet

Lettre autorités locales + nationales au bailleur

Instruction du projet par le bailleur

Contrat avec les financeurs

Validation des cofinancements Conventions de partenariats pour les financements

Phase 3 The setting up of a cross-border project

PHASE 3 : LA RÉALISATION DU PROJET TRANSFRONTALIER Etape 1 du projet Activités Avance financière

Réunions des partenaires Expertise externe

Rapports techniques et financiers finaux

Etape 2 du projet Envoi des justificatifs de dépenses au chef de file

Reporting technique et financier

Activités Déblocage des fonds pour étape 2

Clôture du financement

This practical guide is published by the Sahel and West Africa Club Secretariat (SWAC/OECD). The opinions expressed and the arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the OECD, the SWAC Secretariat or their respective Members. This document, as well as any data and any map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of

international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. Please cite this work as: OECD/SWAC (2020), Border Cities and Climate Change: A Practical Guide to Legal and Financial Levers, Rev. ed. Paris. Graphic design: Daniel Krüger, Martin Rümmele

Réunions des partenaires Expertise externe

Envoi des justificatifs de dépenses au chef de file

Reporting technique et financier

Déblocage des fonds pour étape 3, etc.

Réunion des partenaires pour capitaliser les expériences et réalisations & envisager la suite du partenariat transfrontalier

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