6 8
Publisher’s Letter Staff Box
10 Holiday Fashions 12 The Pin Show 13 SWAGG Fashion BoyMom Jean Paul Gaultier
16 Jobs with SWAGG Page Parkes Sarah Melton
23 Khloe Kardasian’s 4
Children’s Medical Center Toy Drive
Texas Rangers make a return to the World Series. Is Demarco Murray the Boys’ next great running back?
25 Jason Terry’s
Championship Bday Celebration
26 MAVs are Back!
Grand opening of Omni Hotel and The Box Office
28 SWAGG City Living Savoye Luxury Apartments
29 Lamar & Khloe take Dallas
32 SWAGG Scene 34 SWAGG News
H&M Latest Collaboration Museum Tower 2012 Ferrari 458 Italia Spider Katydid Boot Collection
Around this time of year, people always start talking about change-things they want to do, things they want to stop doing, things they wish were better, things they wish were different. It’s an interesting idea for us because so much of making a magazine like SWAGG is about capturing people as they change-and, in some cases, helping them along by encouraging them to take chances so others see them in a new way. It’s about sensing the mood, the feeling, what’s in the air at any given moment. It’s also about driving change-about reinventing and repackaging the old and introducing and celebrating the new. There is a power that comes from embracing change and evolving-which is something that we try to do ourselves each quarter-and this issue is filled with people who believe if you are not moving forward you are standing still. In this issue we bring you candid images from Fashion’s Night Out, Dallas Style. On that evening more than 300 stores in Dallas stayed open until 11pm for a citywide shopping spree, champagne, food and fun! Thank you for the invites to all the fabulous events and to everyone that participated to make it an amazing night in the City! Jobs with SWAGG is a new section we are kicking off in this issue. Our first feature is Sarah Melton, the PR director of the Dallas Mavericks. I was at practice one day when the Mavs were playing the Lakers and I saw her give Kobe Bryant a big hug and they were visiting. That’s when I came up with this idea. Sarah tells us all about her job and what it was like winning the NBA Championship! If you know of someone in Dallas with a “Job with SWAGG” please email us and tell us about them. SWAGG is a swanky, chic, citylife magazine. We excel in capturing the hippest hottest of the urban metropolitan lifestyle. We cater to the young, upwardly mobile city dwellers. We cover fashion, music, arts, dining, celebrities, sports, parties and much more. Everyone picks up SWAGG to see the latest styles and what’s going on! . Whether it’s a close up celebrity profile, a special feature on the chicest trends, that unsung hero, cutting-edge fashion or in-depth review of the city’s hot spots, we cover it all! We wish to express our deepest thanks to all those who have contributed to this magazine. We do hope you enjoy this issue, and we encourage your feed-back. Please contact us and let us know your thoughts and send us your ideas for future issues. We look forward to hearing from you. So as we move into 2012 think of how you are going to reinvent yourself! My father always told me if you are always trying to improve yourself spiritually, physically and mentally you will have a fulfilled life!
Happy New Year 2012! Elizabeth Humphreys
Please let us know if you have an event, ideas or suggestions. We love to hear from you and want you to be a part of SWAGG magazine.
Live at the intersection of
Natural. Luxury. Living. If you seek an apartment home to accentuate your lifestyle and nurture your spirit, look no further. SAVOYE SQUARED is your destination. Located just Northwest of LBJ and the Dallas North Tollway, SAVOYE SQUARED is the second phase of Vitruvian ParkSM, a unique, master-planned neighborhood that features a lush, 12-acre park with a spring-fed creek and a six-mile trail system. Designed to meet LEED Gold Certification for its environmentally friendly features, SAVOYE SQUARED offers deluxe amenities, sophisticated design and an eco-minded lifestyle. Come, feel good about living well.
NOW LEASING.Visit or call 866.973.7968 to schedule a tour. 866.973.7968 3850 Vitruvian Way Addison, Texas 75001
he Pin Show, Dallas’ premiere independent fashion show returns on Feb 23, 2012 with new management and a new direction. Co-founder Julie McCullough Kim and Ross Akard Gallery owner Bryan Embry have teamed up to take the Pin Show Dallas to a larger more prestigious
venue, The Fairmont Dallas. The new Pin Show team did not stop with an upgraded venue, lighting and sound show, they have also instated an Artist in Residency and several monetary awards to the benefits offered to designers. So what does all this mean for attendees? Bryan Embry owner of Ross Akard Gallery says “ We have made a concerted effort to solidify the bond between art and fashion by creating an amazing show that touches all the senses and makes fashion accessible to all”. The Pin Show has always had a small designer boutique that will balloon into a full size POP-UP Shop on location for the 2012 show,
“Commerce is an important part of sustainable independent design, we will be delivering a fully interactive shopping experience for the attendees this year, with off the runway products from each of the featured designers” says Julie McCullough Kim. Get tickets for the show at
great idea who’s time has come. That is, in the form of a sleek, unique line of limited-edition clothing and accessories for Moms of boys, or simply “BoyMoms”. is truly a one-of-a kind brand that attempts to capture the sometimes rocky, often crazy, utterly unpredictable journey of mothers who love their boys for exactly who they are. And who they are seems to be sword fighting, truck-loving, scraped knee, wannabe heroes. Founder, Amy Williams, a self-proclaimed “girly-girl” admits that boys were always somewhat of a mystery. After having two of her own, she found herself clueless, literally. She simply couldn’t find anything that helped her understand the world of boys. Consider it her calling, if you will, to help unite the BoyMoms of the world. Through vintage-washed, cleverly cartooned, skillfully designed T-shirts, that is. Created with the help of business partner, Carolyn Wilder, a local architect, graphic designer and mom of two girls, no
less, long-sleeve and short sleeve designs feature quite a range... from the ever-so-British “boymum” to the apron-wearing, sword-yielding, perfectly-coiffed Mom of “We Fight Bad Guys” to the simple, yet true, “BoyMoms rock.” And since all children (boys and girls, alike) are close to founders Williams’ and Wilder’s hearts, a portion of each sale goes to a very special charity that benefits orphans in Southeast Asia. The money helps provide food, shelter and medical supplies to these children who simply can’t help themselves. The best is yet to come for With an extensive line of wearable’s and accessories soon to be introduced, including eco-totes, coordinating Mommy/Baby/ Toddler outfits, day planners and more. Contact Info: 214-683-4845 z
The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier DMA, 1717 N. Harwood
From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk November 13, 2011– February 12, 2012
ean Paul Gaultier, whose early work in the 1970s earned him the nickname “enfant terrible” of fashion, is unquestionably one of the most important fashion designers in recent decades. This is the first exhibition devoted to Gaultier, who draws inspiration from dance, pop-rock, cinema, television, photography, and world cultures. The exhibition highlights Gaultier’s eclectic and vibrant sources of inspiration through a selection of approximately 130 haute couture dresses and ready-to-wear pieces made between the early 1970s and 2011.
Dallas is the first of only two U.S. cities on the international tour. Group tickets are on sale now. Be the first to see these incredible works of art in this multimedia presentation direct from the runway. 13
ith West Village’s tenth anniversary on the horizon, they are working to edit their tenant mix by building on their current repertoire of reputation retailers and bringing in new-to-market shops with a distinctive point of view. Since opening in 2001, the customer profile at West Village has evolved with the vibrant Uptown neighborhood, and in turn they are crafting their merchandise mix to cater to shoppers purchasing patterns. In the past year they have opened a cohesive collection of shops – Club Monaco, Demerara, Kendra Scott, and LF – each catering to the on-trend consumer with an individual sense of style. This collection of shops will provide customers with more oppourtunity to cross-shop.
shakers, the e th , rs e v o m e th SWAGG saludtethse incredible in our city! n fearless a for a feature minate someone If you want to no gg.magazine@ email us | swa
f you have been watching E! Entertainment you have seen Modeling Agency founder Page Parkes featured on the new reality television show, Scouted! The show spotlights four talent scouts in the nation and Texas’ very own Page Parkes is one of them! The series follows and documents the ongoing search for star quality models, and the journey to make it in the industry. Scouted is on Mondays on E! Entertainment at 10:00pm ET/PT.
Page Parkes herself is known worldwide for her “eye” in scouting and developing talent for fashion and commercial industry’s most renowned agencies. E!’s cutting-edge reality show allows the public to see Page hard at work as she scouts for fresh talent in the most unexpected locations.
You can become a talent scout too! The iScout application for the iPhone is the perfect solution to this! As the first and only talent scouting application for the iPhone, iScout is available for downloading on Ti unes and is absolutely free. Once downloaded, any iPhone user can submit a picture, video or audio file of someone with STAR potential and the submission will directly go to an iScout Talent Agent for review of their entry. Who will be the next STAR in Texas??? For more details about Page Parkes and iScout, please visit: 16
LIGHTS, camera, fashion! Fashion’s Night Out, the annual retail extravaganza, celebrated it’s 3rd glorious year! SWAGG MAGAZINE was on the SCENE to cover it all and here are some of the pictures of the nights festivities. In September, fashion had the biggest-ever block party, The 3nd annual Fashion’s Night Out (FNO)! A global party all meant to celebrate and embrace the fashion industry. Here in Dallas, known to be a leader in the fashion arena, we celebrated Big D Style! With soirees all over the city it was hard to make a plan of attack on the agenda of the evening. We were unable to attend every event but here is how SWAGG spent Fashion’s Night Out, Dallas Style! Last year we were at NorthPark Center and Highland Park Village so this year we headed over to the Dallas Galleria to celebrate the evening! This was the home of the paparazzi for the night! Parties in every store and North America’s longest runway - a full quarter-mile - with a series of seasonal trend shows produced by Jan Strimple. Guests had a chance to give the catwalk a whirl (really, at this length, more like work in a little light cardio) between shows.
The champagne lounges were a buzz with people sipping, visiting and listening to DJ Brandon Olds spinning tunes, you could also get your glam on with fun retro photos. The fashion show was amazing with models walking the full length of the mall struttin their stuff! Our first stop of the night’s whirl-wind festivities began at the Fashion Group International champagne lounge where we got to sip the drink of the night the RED STILETTO cocktail! Next, we went to The Fashionista’s champagne lounge with founder, Heidi Dillon. We enjoyed the evening mingling, shopping, sipping champagne and tasting hors d’oeuvres. Everything’s bigger in Dallas and the 3rd annual Fashion’s Night Out was no exception! Runways were walked. Champagne sipped. Swag scored. Credit cards swiped. And we’ll be doing it all again in 2012! Follow all the FNO action on Twitter at @SwaggMag Thank you to all of the retailers who took the time and energy to create some very exciting events and to all of the wonderful shoppers who came out to celebrate! If you have an event you want us to cover or listed in SWAGG please email us at
I am getting to know DFW. I love the hospitality.
She was one of the first women to ever become a famous DJ. She’s toured the world and now she’s living right here in Dallas! She’s DJ Spinderella from the girl group Salt ‘N’ Pepa. And for the last year, she’s made DFW home. When it comes to female DJs she’s queen bee. “They’re blown away to see a female DJ, but not just a female DJ that looks good, but more so someone who can really DJ, that`s what`s hot,” said former Salt ‘N’ Pepa member DJ Spinderella. The Grammy Award winner is lending her time to the North Texas chapter of the American Diabetes Association. She lost her mother to a battle with diabetes this past July and feels that if her mother had known about all the resources available to her, she may have been able to prolong her life. “I am just a voice for them. I am not diabetic, but I am changing my lifestyle to fit accordingly, cause I see how close it is to me and it`s also genetic,” said Spinderella. She’s also getting ready to launch a series of spin clinics to share her skills with youth.”I’ve been blessed to do it myself and I`ve noticed that there is so many people interested in the dj trade, especially a lot of young people,” she said. She is also DJing at several venues around the city! “When I`m DJing, I notice sometimes that people don`t want to leave when it`s over, so that`s a good feeling,” said Spinderella. Welcome to Dallas Spin! To Book DJ Spinderella contact L.J. Smith Join Spins community on
I appreciate and love everyone so much, so happy holidays!” Kardashian said. “You guys are changing children’s lives that are in the hospital so you are doing such an amazing thing. Thank you guys so much and thank you, mayor.
’s n a i h s a d r a K Khloe
Children’s Medical Center Toy Drive
allas City Hall has never seen anything like this. The line to get in wrapped around the building. There were thousands of screaming women, all waiting to meet Dallas’ newest celebrity, reality TV star Khloe Kardashian. Swagg Magazine was on the scene. More than 2,000 fans showed up, all with toys in hand for a drive to benefit Children’s Medical Center that Khloe Kardashian organized in less than three days. Kardashian made her entrance next to Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, who donated the first toy — a Cowboys edition Monopoly game. All the action was taped by a crew of Kardashian’s reality show, “Khloe & Lamar.” Crew members told a news station it was the largest crowd they’d seen at any of Khloe’s events. Pizza Hut was also a sponsor of the event & were giving away free pizza. Thousands of toys filled a 20-foot moving truck. The toys were distributed to more than 500 pediatric patients at Children’s Medical Center Dallas.
Well done Khloe & Welcome to our City!
UGAN AUrXkeDting &ntPeRr E V E L E a e NOELLctor of Medical C Sr tDCirheildren’s M A
he Texas Rangers have undergone a major transformation over the past two seasons as we the DFW sports fans have been treated to two trips to the Fall Classic from a franchise that usually served as filler programming between the end of the Dallas Mavericks season and the beginning of Dallas Cowboys Training Camp. Once the Rangers acquired ace starting pitcher Cliff Lee last season, the hope was that he would be able to lead the local baseball team to winning a playoff series since they had only won ONE GAME in the team’s not so illustrious postseason history. Texas’ magical run to the World Series included beating the New York Yankees in the ALCS before falling short to the San Francisco Giants in the 2010 World Series. When Lee departed via free agency to the Philadelphia Phillies to the tune of $120 million, the common theme among those ‘baseball experts in the know’ was that the Rangers would return to mediocrity. Following the hottest summer in the history of North Texas, the Rangers posted record attendance numbers just shy of three million and repeated as AL West champions before marching through the Tampa Bay Rays and Detroit Tigers to become the first American League to advance to consecutive World Series since the most recent Yankees dynasty in 200001. While new additions to this season’s roster such as Adrian Beltre,
Mike Napoli and Mike Adams were experiencing this type of postseason success for the first time in their careers, it was old hat for DFW baseball fans. The Rangers were the odds-on favorites to win the World Series going in against the National League’s Wild Card representative St. Louis Cardinals. However, because the NL won the Major League Baseball All-Star Game for a second straight season, the Cardinals were awarded home field advantage. Ironically, it was Rangers starter C.J. Wilson who took the loss in the All-Star Game as he gave up a three-run homer to Cards arch rival-Brewers first baseman Prince Fielder. And many Rangers fans will bemoan the fact that the team was within one strike of winning the World Series on two different occasions in Game 6 in St. Louis, I choose to be thankful for all the joy that Josh Hamilton, Michael Young, Neftali Feliz, Nelson Cruz, Elvis Andrus and co. have delivered me as a sports fan for two straight years. After all, it was not that long ago -- 2003 to be exact -- that there were barely 10,000 fans for many games at the Ballpark watching Alex Rodriguez, Mark Teixeira, Chan Ho Park, John Rocker, Todd Van Poppel and others struggle to a 71-91 last place finish in the AL West. With the Rangers new infrastructure including GM Jon Daniels, and President Nolan Ryan, I am optimistic that we are only in the beginning stages of the first ever Texas Rangers dynasty. -Jay Betsill
he Dallas Cowboys dynasty of the 90s featured the superstars on offense known as “The Triplets” with QB Troy Aikman, WR Michael Irvin and RB Emmitt Smith. The trio represents the Cowboys in the Pro Football Hall of Fame and is the gold standard when it comes to the players who have since donned the blue star on the side of the helmet. Quarterbacks include Quincy Carter, Drew Bledsoe, Chad Hutchinson, Ryan Leaf, Vinny Testaverde, Brad Johnson, Brooks Bollinger, Drew Henson to current signal caller Tony Romo. The receivers list features names such as Terrell Owens, Keyshawn Johnson, Terry Glenn, Joey Galloway, Roy Williams, Patrick Crayton, Antonio Bryant and the current group including Miles Austin and Dez Bryant. Replacing Smith, the NFL’s All-Time Leading Rusher has also been a bit of a dilemma for ‘America’s Team.’ After his departure for the desert to play for the Arizona Cardinals, Dallas has attempted to fill his shoes with running backs such as Eddie George, Julius Jones, Marion Barber III, the recently released Tashard Choice and Felix Jones. The latest name to enter this realm is rookie DeMarco Murray out of Oklahoma. While playing for the Sooners, Murray became the school’s all-time leader in all-purpose yards and touchdowns (65). Murray certainly knows how to make an entrance as he ran for 253 yards against the St. Louis Rams at Cowboys Stadium on October 23. This broke Rookie rushing record for a game in club history, previously held by Tony Dorsett (206 yards in 1977) and Emmitt Smith’s Cowboys single game rushing record (237 yards in 1993). The record total included a first-quarter 91-yard touchdown run that is second longest in Cowboys history, after a NFL-record 99-yard run by Dorsett in 1983. This is not a new phenomenon for Murray as he tied Adrian Peterson for the freshman touchdown record in 2007 with 15 including a TD run of 92 yards, which is the third longest in Oklahoma football history. With the Dallas Mavericks fresh off their first NBA championship and the Texas Rangers coming off consecutive World Series appearances, DeMarco Murray gives Cowboys fans hope that the franchise is moving in the right direction. -Jay Betsill
allas Maverick Jason ‘Jet” Terry recently hosted his “All Blue” Championship Birthday Celebration. Lil Kim, Young Jeezy, Jadakiss, Trae Tha Truth, Big Block (Bad Boy South) and many more athletes and celebrities came out to help the champ celebrate his 34th special day. The event, with sounds by DJ Clue was held at “EM The Venue” in the Dallas Design District and exuded shades of blue. This party was the center of attention in Dallas. Armand De Brignac “Ace of Spades” champagne was also available for guests to enjoy. Sponsors included Swagg Magazine, Green Thumb Entertainment, K104FM, Starpower and Heather Antoine (Ghnii Designs) did an amazing job with the event planning.
very fan of the NBA and especially the Dallas-Fort Worth sports fans who cheer for the world champion Dallas Mavericks -- a group that grew exponentially this past summer -- received an early Christmas present when the lockout came to an unexpected end during Thanksgiving weekend. The Mavs will have the honor of celebrating their first-ever NBA title right in front of the very team they defeated, the hated Miami Heat with Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh on national TV on Christmas Day. And not only will there be a huge reminder of James and Wade’s mocking of Dirk’s illness, but the many members of the national media who picked Dallas to lose to Portland, the LA Lakers and the Thunder will be inside American Airlines Center the same afternoon. If you are a fan of the NBA in general, several fun storylines to follow include whether the media will indeed refer to Lakers forward Ron Artest as ‘Metta World Peace’ and if Mavs newly acquired swingman Lamar Odom and former Mavs center Kris Humphries are still brothers-in-law when the meet up on the court. That should make for an interesting episode of “Khloe & Lamar’ in Dallas on E! Will the Miami Heat implode again in epic style? Perhaps another E! special? Lastly, as we celebrate the Mavs victory lap around the country in front of national media who will undoubtedly proclaim that ‘the Mavs championship window has closed,’ we will all be treated to Shaquille O’Neal and Charles Barkley together on TNT’s award-winning Inside the NBA. That may turn out to be the best present of all!
NATURE & SCIENCE TO OPEN IN EARLY 2013 “ SCIENCE EDUCATION TO GET BIG BOOST WITH OPENING OF WORLD-CLASS Come help build the Perot Museum with potential for up to 4-to-1 donation match
The Perot Museum is going to be ground breaking and breathtaking, and it’s going to offer a mind-shaping experience for everyone from toddlers and students, to lifelong learners.
- Forrest Hoglund, chair of the Museum’s expansion campaign.
t’s a sobering fact. In coming years, the United States will face a dramatic shortage of professionals in math, science and technology, which could jeopardize the nation’s ability to compete globally. However, science and math education will get a significant boost in early 2013 when the new world-class Perot Museum of Nature & Science opens its doors to the public in Dallas. In May 2008, the Perot children made a $50-million gift to the Museum in honor of their parents, Margot and Ross Perot. The Victory Park facility will be named in their honor. The Perot children are Katherine Reeves, Carolyn Rathjen, Suzanne McGee, Nancy Perot Mulford and Ross Perot, Jr. “Our permanent exhibit halls are going to be fun, hands-on and exciting … and our temporary exhibit hall is going to give us room to
host the world’s biggest blockbuster exhibitions on topics related to science, the natural world, anthropology, history and so much more.” The $185-million Perot Museum, designed by 2005 Pritzker Prize Laureate Thom Mayne and his California-based firm Morphosis, has been described by The Dallas Morning News architecture critic Scott Cantrell as “the boldest piece of modern architecture to hit Dallas. Eye-catching and unusual, the building is under construction on a 4.7-acre site located at the corner of Woodall Rodgers Freeway and Field Street in Dallas’ Victory Park. The building itself will be a “living” example of engineering, sustainability and technology at work. There will be five floors of public space featuring 11 permanent exhibition halls, including a state of the art exhibition hall designed to host world
class traveling exhibitions and a children’s museum complete with outdoor play space/ courtyard. Highlights include an expansive glass-enclosed lobby and adjacent outdoor terrace with a downtown view; a large-format, multi-media digital cinema with seating for 300; a flexible-space auditorium; a café and a retail store. The building and outdoor areas will serve as a dynamic science lesson and living lab, providing provocative examples of engineering, technology and conservation. The education wing will be equipped with six learning labs. The halls will feature state-of-the-art video, 3-D computer animation with thrilling, life-like simulation. Tabletop landscapes and computer generated flyovers will provide eye-popping enhancement supported with timely, relevant and engaging lessons and programs. Hands-on activities, interactive kiosks, educational games and dioramas will engage and excite visitors of every age. Currently, the Museum in Fair Park offers more than 50 different education programs for students and teachers. Last year the museum served over 600,000 people, including 328,000 schoolchildren. Once the new museum opens, millions of people from Texas, across the nation and globe are projected to visit over the next several decades, making the institution an economic powerhouse for the city. Come help build the Museum! To learn more or to donate to the Perot Museum campaign, please call Mary Crain at 972-201-0555 or email her at expansion@ For information about the Museum, go to 27
f you’ve been in Addison lately you will have noticed an amazing new area!!! Savoye is the first phase of Vitruvian Park in Addison, a new neighborhood destined to become a mecca for urban living. Found just northwest of LBJ and the Dallas North Tollway, the Vitruvian Park master plan includes retail, office and restaurant offerings all connected by a lush, 12 acre park with a spring-fed creek. Park trails offer space to stroll and link into a regional trail system for running and biking. Residents can unplug and unwind in this natural exercise and relaxation destination. I recently went on a tour of this property and let me tell you if you are looking for a new place to live this is definitely the place to be! The pool makes you feel as if you’re at a luxury resort in Bel Air and the media room and workout facilities are state of the art and a great place to meet with friends! Believe me, you will love it!! 3850 Vitruvian Way Addison, TX 75001 If you like to be featured in city living, email us
Lamar & Khloe Take Dallas!
t’s official Hollywood has landed in Dallas. The Lakers have traded forward Lamar Odom to the Dallas Mavericks. Being that he is married to Khloe Kardashian that means there will be plenty of Kardashian sighting around Dallas! They have also brought along thier reality tv show crew and have been filming for the upcoming season of “Khloe & Lamar.” The couple is making thier new home at The W Residences which is right next to where Lamar will be playing for the Dallas Mavericks. We are already getting calls about sightings of them all over Dallas! Khloe also received a warm welcome from several local businesses, Big Al’s McKinney Avenue Tavern put up a banner welcoming Khloe and Lamar, with the note, “Kardashians drink free... especially Rob” and the local Crate and Barrel decorated a holiday table with place cards naming the Kardashian clan. Dallas Mavericks coach Rick Carlisle is already one of Khloe’s biggest fans and said, “Khloe is my favorite Kardshian. She’s the coolest!”
here with my w y n a o g ld u “I wo anywhere. e iv v r u s n a c hubby”. “I I’m good.” , m a L h it w ian hloe Kardash As long as I’m
It’s so exciting & fun to have this celebrity couple in Dallas! Hopefully Swagg Magazine will get a mention in their reality show & maybe and exclusive interview, Wouldn’t that be cool?!
Make sure to follow @SwaggMag on Twitter and on Facebook/SwaggMagazine for the inside scoop on all things in Dallas: Hottest evenets, music, fashion, food and coolest people. 29
t the new Dallas OMNI, guests and locals alike will have access to five culinary selections, including the celebrated Bob’s Steak & Chop House, The Owner’s Box (great sports bar/restaurant with pool tables and tv’s galore) and a farm-to-table restaurant, Texas Spice, for a casual dining experience, as well lounges, a signature Mokara Spa, urban pool deck and more. In-room technology will include flat screen TVs as well as TV monitors embedded within the bathroom mirrors. The new construction project includes utilization of recycled materials, irrigation supplied by recycled water, water-saving fixtures, guest room energy management systems and more. For more information, please visit or call 214-744-6664
The Owners Box inside The Dallas Omni Hotel.
View from poolside area.
DALLAS 4023 Oak Lawn | 214.890.1500 FORT WORTH 3100 W. 7th Street | 817.336.8000 SCOTTSDALE COMING 2011 | 15323 N. Scottsdale Rd
HOUSTON 12848 Queensbury Lane | 832.200.2380 2800 Kirby Dr ive | 713.874.1800 AUSTIN 301 E. 5th Street | 512.472.1860 9400 B Arboretum Blvd | 512.342.2642
Inside in the billards room. 31
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Jean Paul Ga ultier’s pers just for TEXASonal autograph !
Designers Choice Fashion Sh
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David Kozlowsk
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Fre elance Photog
Omni Hotel grand opening
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Jason “The Je
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Fashions Nigh
Three Dallas Interior Designers to each design a model home at
Museum Tower!
Marni will follow Versace as the next label to create a collection for H&M. The Italian label’s founder Consuelo Castiglioni has designed a spring collection for the high street brand which will land in 260 stores worldwide, as well as online, on March 8th. The menswear and womenswear offering will showcase all the elements that the Marni mainline has become famous for, from vivid colors to all-over prints.
H&M Latest Collaboration
The developers of Museum Tower have selected three of Dallas’ leading interior designers to each design a model home in the prestigious, contemporary residential high-rise project in the heart of the Dallas Arts District neighborhood. The three unique interior designs will illustrate the range of personal style and creativity that each Museum Tower homeowner can bring to their residence. The three designers chosen are Emily Summers, Emily Summers Design Associates; Ann Schooler, Schooler, Kellogg & Company; and Marco French, Marco French Studio. The three featured homes, ranging in size from 2,100 square feet to 3,700 square feet, will reflect the vision of its respective designer, incorporating styles that feature contemporary, transitional and traditional treatments.
Katydid Boot Collection! Katy Messersmith, Dallas based apparel and accessory designer, invites you to pamper your feet with her new boots. Each boot is equipped with genuine suede leather upper material, a synthetic sole and lined in durable fleece. Specific styles also come accessorized with a genuine leather hair on hide patch work and outlined in quality rhinestones. All boots are packaged in a Katydid shoebox. Also available to jazz up this simple footwear is a rhinestone accessorized boot strap.
Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to the
2012 Ferrari 458 Italia Spider
If there’s anything better than a beautiful, red Ferrari 458 Italia, it’s that same beautiful, red Ferrari with its top down. We received confirmation that Ferrari was planning on producing a Spider version of one of their highly successful new models back in 2009 from none other than Luca di Montezemolo, himself and now the covers have finally been pulled off. Sales for the drop top beauty will start in January for the US with prices starting at $257,000.
To be featured in SWAGG News, email us at