7 minute read

Sit Down with an Empath, Denay Dominic

By: Francheska “Fancy” Felder

Denay Dominic is your healer’s healer. Through her business, Denay Dominic Enterprises, the spiritual and transformation coach, provides digital content publishing, online courses, and life coaching programs that act as a catalyst for personal empowerment. The company’s mission is to provide tools that empower black women to ignite their dreams, unleash their potential, and fulfill their purpose. In 2014 Denay Dominic found herself seeking spiritual enlightenment and began the process to discover her life purpose. She discovered that she had many passions to share when she created the blog My Divine Beauty Obsession. This blog celebrates the health, wellness, and beauty of Black women by providing articles that promote healthy relationships with the physical self.


The Hampton alum and mental health advocate is passionate about helping women become better versions of themselves. By using groundbreaking life coaching strategies, intuitive and empathic gifts, and subtle energy techniques.

Fancy: What sparked your interest in coaching?

Denay: I have worked in the mental health field for over 15 years. I have my degree in Clinical Counseling. I found that coaching was more aligned with my moral beliefs. With spiritual life coaching, I am able to use a more holistic approach that helps people connect to who they truly are. I get to guide folks through the process to change/re-direct/ navigate their life, uncover their desires, take steps towards their goals, achieve their dreams, bust limiting beliefs, and remove roadblocks.

Fancy: You were a mental health advocate before, so was it difficult to transition into coaching?

Denay: It was not difficult at all. Both roles allow me to help people attain their goals.

Fancy: What are some signs that someone may be in need of your services?

Denay: Here are three clear signs that you’re ready to bring spiritual coaching into your life.

1. You Feel Lost

When you don’t know who you are or what you want from life, as a spiritual coach, I can help you find your true self. If you can develop a deeper understanding of your place in the universe, you can find a greater sense of meaning. By addressing the negative thoughts and patterns that make your life chaotic and distort your perspective, you can begin to focus on what truly matters to you.

2. You Feel Blocked

If you’re not quite lost, but you can’t quite seem to move forward, there might be blocks that are holding you back. Often these blockages are related to old traumas and the patterns, stories, and triggers around those traumas.

With Denay Nicole Coaching, you can identify those traumas and work through them in a safe way.

3. You’re Facing a Big Transition

Changing careers, getting out of a relationship, moving to a new city, or a death in the family- all of these are major life transitions. They can cause chaos and disruption in an otherwise healthy life.

That’s because life transitions mean change. They mean we have to let go of what we know and adapt to a new situation.

Fancy: What does it mean to be an empath and how did you discover you are one?

Denay: If you’re an empath, you’re an extremely sensitive person who is in tune with the energy of others and you’re capable of picking up the thoughts and feelings of those around you. Sometimes, empaths are so capable of relating to other people that they take on pain that doesn’t belong to them, which can be exhausting.

I knew I had a gift as early as the second or third grade. However, due to religious programming, I would not allow myself to share what I was seeing or sensing. I kept all of my gifts a secret for many, many years until October 2016 when I visited the Whitney Plantation in Louisiana for a tour with my Grandmother, Mother, and Aunt. During the tour, our guide rang the bell that was used to call the enslaved people to or out of the sugar cane fields. As the guide rang the bell, the vibrations hit me in my chest and then came up through the ground. I could feel the pain of our ancestors that had been absorbed by the land. The pain was so strong that I fell to my knees and just cried. My mother thought I was losing my mind. That’s when I knew I could no longer hide my gifts and I shared with my family what I was going through. By being honest about who I am, the burden that was weighing me down, lifted and I felt a sense of relief.

Fancy: How does this affect or enhance your ability to provide your services?

Denay: As an empath, I am able to read energy. It’s a useful tool when a client doesn’t have the words to express themselves or may be fearful of sharing their thoughts or feelings.

Fancy: What are some ways people can protect their energy?

Denay: The easiest way to protect your energy is to ground your Sacral Chakra through meditation and imagine a golden bubble around your entire body so that others (a.k.a. energy vampires) cannot attempt to take your energy. If you don’t like the idea of the bubble, you can also imagine a wall of fire or water.

By imagining the bubble, you are keeping what is yours while the energy of others is bounced back to them. When using the imaginary wall of fire, you are burning the energy of others before it gets attached to you and the water will drown the energy. Another tried and true technique to remove emotional energy that may or may not belong to you is to imagine your heart has two doors. One door faces your chest and the other door faces your back. Imagine that both doors are open. Once you feel the emotion then you acknowledge it and determine if it is yours. If the emotion does not belong to you then you can push it out of your heart chakra. This will keep the emotion from getting stuck inside of you and you can focus on other things.

With the Empath Mechanics Course you will learn:

Fast strategies to easily release other people’s energy.

Deep knowledge of yourself

Knowing how to be seen and loved by others

An understanding of your sensitive body.

Having confidence in public spaces

An ease in navigating emotions you’ve only dreamed about (you may be sensitive, but it doesn’t mean that you need days to recover from a tongue lashing or rude remark)

Comfort setting heart-centered boundaries with loved ones

... and more!

For a limited time, you can get lifetime access to this Empath Mechanics course for $11.11.

Fancy: You also educate others about narcissism. Why are narcissism and empaths often associated with each other?

Denay: Given their great amount of compassion, the empath is prone to absorbing the emotions and energy of others., When they meet a narcissist, the energy they sense triggers something in them that ignites their need to comfort the narcissist, beginning the cycle of narcissistic supply. Usually, the empath believes (often subconsciously) they can heal and help the narcissist, so they pour themselves into showing the narcissist their worth, but the narcissist never will see it. The narcissist in this position will take advantage of the empath and see their compassion as weakness. The attraction between the two is profoundly due to their complementary desires,

unhealthy as it may be, to seek attention and validation from one another. Things are likely to become more problematic if the empath has a tendency to be more codependent in relationships.

The relationship between a narcissist and an empath is one-sided, where one is the giver and the other takes as much as they can, thus leaving the other dry. The empath in the relationship wants to help the other and provide a source of support and love to the narcissist, who thrives on this type of attention. Given the manipulative and selfish tendencies 1- The most common manipulation tactics and how to avoid them

2- Self-care and reparenting perspectives that can expedite your personal progress

3- How to maintain emotional control in the most trying of conversations

4- The communication techniques that work best for ensuring that you get in and out of interactions with your heart, sanity, and wallet intact.

Fancy: What do you have planned for 2022?

Denay: I have some amazing things coming in 2022. But for right now, I can share that I will offer Reiki Energy Healing, Tarot Readings, and Psychic Medium Readings.

Fancy: How can others keep up with you?

Denay: https://www.denaynicolecoaching.com/ https://www.facebook.com/DenayNicoleCoaching https://www.instagram.com/denaynicolecoaching/

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