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Self-Care in the Workplace

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The Spiral Upward

Winter Self-Care in the Workplace

By: Kim Cross


Particles in the air we breathe, whether electro-waves, germs, or lithe pollutants, all contribute to how we feel mentally and physically. Ever wonder why you can work in some places but not others? Take a moment to observe your surroundings. Is the space open or closed in? Is it a tech haven or fairly low-tech? The answers to these three questions offer insight into how well – or not so well – you can perform. Include the stress of the ongoing pandemic, and you have a recipe for not feeling like yourself and wondering why.

I believe the phrase” soup of hazards” describes our current workspaces best. I giggled at first but found that phrase so very accurate. We are literally swimming in an invisible sea of harmful emissions that have been beneficial for us prior to the technology boom. With everything we don’t see, we sometimes feel sick building syndrome is a thing, my friend. So, read on to see how essential oils and foliage can help you keep “things” in check. You’ll have a great starting point for bringing a portion of your home self-care into your workspace during colder weather when going outside isn’t ideal. Let’s get started! To give yourself the best opportunity to return to the workplace and create a productive, health environment for you and others, we’ll cover what is in the air, some symptoms you may experience, and solutions. First, let’s talk about what is in the air that can make us less productive and feel rotten, especially in colder weather. Different work environments have different hazards; some can be interchangeable.


Furniture and carpet cleaning chemicals Copy machines emit ozone and nitrogen dioxide Fluorescent lighting and computer screens emit UV rays


Inhaling heavy metal particles like lead and mercury Noise pollution agitates the nervous system

Land Workers

Pesticides contain carcinogenic ingredients Farming equipment chemicals can be absorbed into the skin


Bacteria, viruses, and fungus that have the potential to kill

Now that you know what is in the air that makes us feel less stellar, next is recognizing the symptoms you may experience. While some folks do experience year-round allergies and sinus, symptoms could be caused by the space in which you work.

Lethargy: lack of energy or drive; feeling weak

Headaches: throbbing, dull, or sharp pain on one side of or the entire head

Dry Throat: itchy feeling, scratchiness, or rough feeling of the Throat

Stuffy Nose: one or both nostrils blocked, even after a full nasal sweep

Dry, itchy eyes: roughness, redness, itchiness of the eye

While each of these is indeed a result of seasonal allergies, sinus problems, or even a cold, poorly ventilated offices, prolonged exposure to chemicals and unfiltered germs could be to blame.

So! What do you do about it? It’s not my building, and it’s way too cold for a stroll outdoors, you say. Well, I mentioned essential oil as a solution to self-care in the workplace at the start of this; however, the most accessible, least expensive way to clean the air around you is FOLIAGE! Yes! A few strategically placed plants of certain varieties are pleasing to look at and cleanse the air as efficiently as a filter, even in winter. A few varieties are:

Peace Lily

Chrysanthemum Snake Plant

Rubber Plant English Ivy

Devil’s Ivy Aloe Vera

Spider Plant

But why stop with plants when you can use a plant AND a diffuser? The goal is to create a productive and peaceful workspace - mentally, visually, and physically. Enter essential oil... Mother Nature’s geniuses. Here are my favorite essential oils for each “thing” I, personally, maybe feel.

Favorite Pick-Me-Up Oils: Peppermint, anything Citrus, Rosemary, Eucalyptus

Favorite Stuffed Up Oils: Eucalyptus, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Thyme, Ravensara

Favorite For Migraines: Lavender, Chamomile, Geranium, Peppermint

Favorite For Screen Strain: Calendula, Chamomile

Favorite For Workaholic Oils: Lavender, Sandalwood, Lemon, or Sweet Orange

Favorite For Mental Fatigue or Stress: Grapefruit, Geranium, Clary Sage

Each oil can be used individually or blended to your olfactory liking. As mentioned, these oil work incredibly to cleanse the air and relieve some physical and mental issues. The beauty is that many oils have multiple purposes, and they also work well if your workspace is right at home.

What now? How do I make the oils do what they are supposed to? I’m so glad you asked! First, be sure to buy quality oil that is not full of chemicals. I use Mountain Rose Herbs oils for their superior quality and purity. Next, there are many delivery methods to get nature’s wholesome oils up to your nasal passages.

From personal experience and years of research, an ultrasonic diffuser and aromatherapy necklace/bracelet are the most portable, popular, and least expensive.

Ultrasonic diffusers infuse the air with microparticles of essential oil and water. These particles are easily inhaled and absorbed by the body. Find them at your favorite online essential oil supplier or health food markets in a variety of sizes for various spaces - from mini to XL. For crowded office spaces, consider setting the output to the lowest level as to not disturb others around you. Some aromas may invoke negative emotions, so first, something universal like Lemon - it’s a safe way to go, and the benefits are many. Lemon is a germ fighter. It uplifts and soothes anxiety, decreases stress, and improves mental alertness. Last is headaches…the formula below is for tackling those dreaded stress-related headaches. Four ingredients, a USB diffuser (Follow USB diffuser instructions for adding oil) or aromatherapy bracelet, and slow deep breaths will help until you can relax and release in your favorite warm, cozy spot.

An aromatherapy bracelet or necklace with a few drops of essential oil are easy, stylish methods if your workplace doesn’t allow diffusers. Add oil on the bracelet beads a few hours before use or onto the pad in the necklace. Enjoy the benefits just in your personal space.

Ingredients & Supplies Blending Instructions Directions for Use

Lavender - 3 Drops Lemon - 2 Drops Geranium - 1 Drop Grapeseed Oil - 1 tsp

Additional Supplies

USB diffuser or aromatherapy bracelet/ necklace

Small Bottle w/Dropper (1/4th to ½ oz) Mix each essential oil together in the small bottle.

Add 3-5 drops of the oil blend to 1 tsp of Grapeseed oil

(Skip grapeseed oil if using a USB diffuser)

Store away from heat until ready to use. Drop 5-10 drops of headache blend onto the bracelet; making sure to cover most of the beads.

Once the blend has soaked, put it on and inhale deeply until the pain starts to subside.

As a massage oil, apply over the upper abdomen in a circular motion (clockwise).


Disclaimer: When trying any essential oil formula, be sure to follow the recipe to the letter. More is not better with essential oil. Essential oils are not a replacement for treatment by a trained professional. Please seek advice from your physician to know if aromatic/essential oil solutions are right for you.

Winter presents unique challenges to staying symptom-free, productive, and at peace in the workplace. The hope is that you’ll be able to successfully incorporate the solutions mentioned and take care of yourself even at work.

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