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Balancing Motherhood, Entrepreneurship, & Self- Care
By Khadijah Philliips
I don’t believe there is a way to truly have a work-life balance because, most days, somethingwillalwaysbeneglected.Youcan’t give your full attention to multiple things at the same time, regardless of how well you multitask.
I know you’d like to believe you’re a superhero, and to some, you may be, but the reality is you are human, and that means you require rest and time to refuel and energize toperformatoptimallevels.
You must be intentional and relentless about you. You don’t let anyone else play about you,sodon’tplayaboutyourself.
Here are a few tips to skip burnout and elevateyourbusinessandhome.
Add “me” time to your calendar. Date yourself once a week and never reschedule. It will becomeroutine.Youcandothingslikegoforahike,getamassage,orevenjustsitdownfor anicecupofcoffeewithoutalaptoporphone.
Ask for help and use your village. Maybe someone else can pick up the kids or drop them off forextracurricularactivities,soit’sonelessthingyouhavetodo.
Delegate the tedious tasks in your business to an assistant. This will free your calendar for family time while still getting business done. Virtual assistants are fairly inexpensive and get thejobdone.
Take breaks. Work in short 15-20 sprints and then stop. There is no prize for being overworked.
Create realistic goals for yourself so that you aren’t pushing past your breaking point to meetdeadlines
Get the kids on board. Explain what you are trying to accomplish, give them a deadline, and sticktoit.Forexample:Forthenextsixmonths,I’mworkingonthisprojectsowecangetthe houseyouwanted.Aftersixmonths,Iwillhavemoretime,andwewilldothesethings.
Wine. Keep a bottle of wine on deck in case the days get too crazy. There is nothing a nap andwinecan’tfix.
Implementationofallorafewofthesestepswillallowyoutobefreerandhaveaclearhead whichinturngiveswaytomorecreativityandproductivityandabettermood.