1 minute read
Fancy: You now have a partnership with Walmart.com. Congratulations on that. How did that come about?
Tami: Well, it's a very long-winded, loaded response, so I have these bullet points of what I did and what I suggest for the essence of time's sake. The first thing is whether you want to brand partner with Walmart or whatever retailer, have an abundance mindset and an attitude of gratitude. A positive mindset gives you that clarity and vision that you need to curate whatever you want to curate and be able to receive additional resources and information to pivot the brand if need be. Do you know whatI'msaying?
The second thing I would say to do is to research where you want to show up in the industry, what it is that you're offering, and who you are offering it to. One thing about retail, specifically with Walmart.com, you must have a tangible item or a product that is not customizable. The reason why they want it to be non-customizable is in case yougetaninfluxoforders.They'renotgoingtobewaiting on you to sit there and customize any products. One thing about Walmart, and I say it all the time, you can get 50 orders a day. They want each order out that same day. They don't play when it comes to that. I love that about thatpartnership,anditdefinitelyholdsmeaccountableas well to make sure everybody's getting their products in time.
Once you figure out what tangible product you want to do, make sure you register your products. If you want to get on the shelf, if you want to sell online, whatever your goal is to do- you want to make sure you register your productandbrandandhaveyourbrandlegallysetup.The structure needs to be set up legally, and it needs to be at least a corporation or LLC. It cannot be a sole proprietorshiporanythinglikethat.Youwanttomakesure you have that set up correctly as well with the state and city, your local ordinances. Once you do that, insure your products. Not sure if I mentioned that just yet, but just insure your products and make sure whatever policy you have on your brand, that your products are underneath thatpolicyaswell.
There's a website you'll actually go to and register for your UPC codes and your barcodes. So you would go to gs1.org. Having more than one product is actually even better because retailers want more stuff that they'll be abletooffertotheircustomersaswell.
Once you do all of that and you have all your legal documents in place, you upload them. You complete the application process, of course, and you upload it to the dashboard so they can review and see what it is that you'reoffering.Theywilldoresearch,likeabackgroundon your company, to make sure everything is legally set up properly.Actually,myapprovaldidn'ttakeverylongatall.
Once you are approved, you can upload all your products andstufflikethat.It’sveryexciting.Iloveit.