1 minute read
Fancy: So what else is new with I’Mat Dream Brand?
Tami: I love that question. We've been meeting our marks in terms of engagement and our online presence, and that was one of our goals for this year. It’s been great to see those numbers increase on our social media platforms. We decided to leverage our press to extend our reach kind of. Being here on your platform also helps us to extend our reach because beauty is everywhere. As I said, our goal and our mission are to let people know that it is okay to have certain struggles that we struggle with. Sometimes when we lean into them, it just comes out more beautiful ontheotherside.
We put our focus on humanizing our brand. We've been doing research and development on different innovative ways that we could implement to further the business’s growthanditsmessaging,increasingourmarketingefforts andthingsofthatnature.Ofcourse,again,toreachwider audiences. That is something that we've been strategically doingandjustreallylookingfordifferentwaystogrowthe business and looking at competition and things that are out there. We’re also taking feedback and just kind of testing. Being out there in the field, putting our ears to the ground, and just figuring out what's going on, what the people need, what they want, what is it that they're missing, and how can we solve those problems? That's prettymuchwhatwe'vebeenfocusedon.
Fancy: What tips can you share for businesses that are considering scaling their business?
Tami: I would say for businesses who are considering scaling and for individuals who are looking to go into business and entrepreneurship, just have a clear vision about what it is that you want your brand to look like. What's the messaging? Just have a clear vision. We will be rolling out different training programs, e-courses, and ebooks. We're actually developing a mentorship program right now. Everything that we're doing, of course, is just to pay it forward. That's always been my bottom line- to pay it forward. That's why we do what we do. We are trying to findotherwaystodothatandgetthatreachoutthere,so wecanhavethatincreasedbrandawarenessaswell.