2 minute read
Angela Allen Johnson
By Francheska "Fancy" Felder
Angela Allen Johnson is the CEO/Founder of The Angela Johnson Group. She is affectionately known as #TheMother #TheMinister#TheMogulduetothemanyhats she wears and how she was called to minister toothers.
Having been married to a marine for eight years. Angela has traveled as far west as Honolulu and as far east as Charleston, South Carolina. She was licensed into ministry in Charleston and later ordained when the marriage ended in 1988. It was then, later in 2000thatshestartedherevangelisticoutreach ministry. Believing that her job in the body of Christ was to help mature its members, she hosted what was called then “Sons and Daughters.” Later, God would call Angela to theofficeofaprophet.
True to her nickname, Angela is quite the business mogul, as she is an author, life coach, and notary. Get more familiar with the womanofGodbelow.

Fancy: You sought to be an entrepreneur upon retiring from a career in childhood education.Whatinspiredthisdecision,and wasitdifficulttogetstarted?
Angela: WhenIwrotemysecondbook, When Destiny and Purpose Kiss Destiny is Born, I was on a news broadcast. The caption under my name read: #TheMother #TheMinister #TheMogul. That statement was very fitting for me.Iraisedmychildren,VaShaunMosby(41) and Dwanae Johnson (40), and while raising them, I was called into ministry. After retiring from Early Childhood Education, I pursued my business, The Angela Johnson Group LCC, full-time.
Fancy: You sought to be an entrepreneur upon retiring from a career in childhood education. What inspired this decision, and was it difficult togetstarted?
Angela: Becoming an entrepreneur was in my blood.MyfatherwasabusinessownerwhenIwas a child. He owned a laundry mat; several apartments, and he had excellent money management skills, which was a tremendous help formeandthebusinessesthatIhave.Ihavebeen inbusinessformanyyears.Istartedoffbyopening a family home daycare to teach my youngest daughter. Later I published a "how to" manuel to" help others follow that pattern. Later, I started an evangelistic outreach in my community. Its focus was,andstillis,womeninministry.
Fancy: What was it that attracted you to life coaching?
Angela: I have counseled many through my years in ministry, so I decided to create a life coaching business. I coach in the areas of exploring your purpose and parenting. I have a signatureprogram,"FromDiaperstoDegrees."I amawritingcoachforthoseinterestedinwriting, and I am also a mobile notary in my area and a publicspeaker.
Fancy: What problem do you typically see mostamongyourclients?
Angela: The problem I see with my clients typically is what to do as empty nesters. They are searching for a new direction once their children are launched, and they may be getting close to retirement. I help people get back to their unexplored dreams and desires and possiblymakemoneywhiledoingit.
Fancy: What sparked your interest in writing?
Angela: I have been an avid reader since my childhood.Ireceivedmyloveofreadingfrommy mother. My parents provided many types of books and literature in our home. I was shy and foundgreatsolaceinbooksandpoetry.In2009, my mother was dying of Alzheimer-related disease, and my youngest daughter was in the Iraq war. My mother was the keeper of stories, and I had to ensure they were handed down to mychildrenandgrandchildrencorrectly.
Fancy: That’s really beautiful. So tell us aboutyourlatestbook, The Healing Power of Forgiveness.
Angela: The Healing Power of Forgiveness was written during Covid 19 to address the areas where many get stuck. I did some serious soulsearching and came up with this very raw and transparent look at my journey of forgiveness andhowitchangedmylife.
Fancy:Youalsohaveajournal.Tellusalittle aboutthat.
Angela: My book, Relationships when you are single, engaged, married to being divorced, and single again. The journal helps you ask yourself the hard questions and gain insight into who you really are and what you really want in a partner. It can be completed as a group, as a couple,orbyyourself.

Angela: Mynewbookjustcameoutthisyear.Iam focusing my attention on a journal to go with that piece to be done by different groups and organizations. Forgiveness is the gift that you give toyourself.
Angela: If readers are looking to connect with me, they can do so through my website: http://www.theallenjohnsongroup.com Facebook:AngelaAllenJohnson Email:aaljohn5@yahoo.ocm I’malsoonLinkedinandInstagram.