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By: Leticia Starks-Underwood
Lettinggoissometimeseasiersaidthan done, butitisnecessarytoelevatetothe next level God has for you. We often givethethingsweholdontomorepower thantheydeserve,suchashurt,shame, unforgiveness, failure, and many other things. When we hang onto hurts, mistakes,andunforgivenessinourpast, we stunt our growth and block our elevation. The Bible said, “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing…”(Isaiah43:18-19a).
Tooperateinthe“New”Godhasforyou andme,wemustbewillingtotradeour ashesforHisbeauty(Isaiah61:3).Aswe let go of the past, we can embrace the “New” and experience elevation. The decision to hold on might seem like the right thing, but we use it in many cases as a shield to protect ourselves from further hurt and embarrassment. However, it hinders our forward progress.
“The future isn’t ahead of you, but it’s within you, and the best of you is yet still in you.”-Dr.
Oscar J. Nelson Dowdell-Underwood
The key to healing and elevation in this new year of 2023 is letting go and forgiving yourself and others. Don’t hold on to baggage from 2022 or your childhood. Having the courage or fortitude to let go and forgive will lead you into God’s peace, opening the door to new creativities, ideas, dreams, and happiness.However,wecannotletgoby ourstrength,butGodmakesiteasyifwe askforthegracetoletgo.Theextentto which you can let go and forgive, whether it is yourself or others, determines the elevation you will experience. Let go so you can experiencemaximumelevationthisyear! WhatGodhasforyouandyourelevation is not in looking backward nor holding onto the past; it is looking forward from within.OneofthemanyquotesIhold close to my heart from my pastor, grandfather, and mentor, Dr. Oscar J. Nelson Dowdell-Underwood, is: “The future isn’t ahead of you, but it’s within you, and the best of you is yet still in you.”

God’s plan for you and your future is more extraordinary than anything trying to hold you back and prevent your elevation.It’s2023!Itistimetoletgoso you can elevate and grow. It is impossible to move forward if you constantly revisit the past: your past hurts, past shame, past failures, past mistakes, past wounds, or unforgiveness. Concerning unforgiveness, forgive yourself and others NOW to allow God to move you forwardandELEVATEyou!
NOW is the time to let go and dream biggerthaneversothatyourdreamscan elevateyouandyourlife!It’snottoolate to dream that dream. It’s not too late to start that business. It’s not too late to write that book. It’s not too late to get that degree. It’s not too late to own that house. If you believe in God and are willing to do the “sweat work,” you can accomplish anything. Mark 9:23 states, “All things are possible to those who believe.” Go after the impossible because God will show you the possibilities in the midst of the impossible. It doesn’t matter your age. It’snottoolatetogoafteryourdreams! NOW is the time to let go so you can ELEVATEin2023sothateverythingthat is trying to hold you back, whether people or things, have to see you as a blessed child of God, and God be glorified!