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Leticia Starks-Underwood is an educator, mentor, student, and author. She holds a B.A. in Biblical Literature from Taylor University Upland, a Master’s and Doctorate in Christian Education from Cornerstone Bible College, Intl Fort Wayne, Indiana. She currently is an educator at Cornerstone Christian College Prep Day and High School International in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She is the Founder, and CEO of You Can Make It Books, LLC. She has published several books, including The You Can Make Series and The J & J Royal Kids Collections. She also serves as an international contributing writer for BlackNews.UK.YoucanfollowheronInstagram@youcanmakeitinspiration
Christina Woodard
Christina Woodard was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She attended Dillard University in New Orleans, Louisiana, and received a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication. She is passionate about all things related to writing, investigation, family, and crime and hopes in the future to put those passionstogoodusebybecominganauthorandparalegal.Sheiscurrentlythe Managing Editor at SwagHer Magazine and Media. You can find her on Instagram@cstina.nicole.