OUR RESEARCH PROGRAMMES An Appeal for Support from: Integral Books <sri@integralbooks.com> date: Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 4:32 AM subject: Research Programmes The Puranas and other texts of India’s spiritual heritage are funds of insightful knowledge preserved in the form of stories to survive the passage of time, which give answers to the existential questions about life and the universe. This scientific age calls for an in-depth search into their rationale, which will help make modern life more meaningful. Already functioning in this field, we conceive intensive programmes to train youngsters for research in these vital fields for propagating them universally with an updated perspective. This knowledge is mostly remaining relegated as mere religious concepts. A bold urge for study came paradoxically from a scholar of dialectical materialism of the erstwhile U.S.S.R Academy of Sciences, Prof. Alexander Spirkin, who says in his book, Dialectical Materialism (Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1983): “The sages of ancient India discovered astonishingly subtle and profound psycho-biophysical connections between the human organism and cosmic and subterranean processes. They knew much that even today is beyond the ken of European scientific thought….” His two-page commendation concludes thus: “Does this not go to show an astonishingly high level of culture that should arouse our admiration, gratitude and desire to study! This knowledge could not have retained its vitality if it had not again and again been confirmed by practice. Active effort is called for to bring to light the essence of this fund of knowledge for practical application so that humankind can have a greater vision of transformation, instead of wasting life in meaningless conflicts and wars. Having established a basis of universal goodwill, Integral Books is evolving a major setup in this field of vital educative importance. The programme includes promotion of the study of Sanskrit, a language which helps facilitate the expression of greater faculties of life and gives access to treasures of wisdom. Integral Books Pvt.Ltd., A publishing mission of insightful books, Anandashram P.O., Kanhangad, Kerala 671 531
THE SELF: A Biological Introduction to the Bhagavad-Gita Comments from Dr. A.D. Amar, Professor of Management, Seton Hall University, New Jersey, U.S.A., whose initiative motivated the university to introduce the study of the Bhagavad-Gita mandatory to every student. This is a part of the university’s transformational course that will influence the character and life of its students. It initiates studies that seek answers to perennial questions like the purpose of life, why are we here, where are we going, etc, as part of the course.
“Srikant’s The Self: A Biological Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita Volume 1 is a brilliant interpretation of Gita that digs deep into the Hindu philosophy to connect Gita to the understanding of the Self in the universe. I have never seen such a meticulous connection of Gita to the Self. It adds richly to Gita’s message that I am sure will resonate all over the world for a very long time.” -- A.D. Amar, PhD Chair (Pro tem) & Professor of Management (Knowledge/Innovation, Operations & Strategy), Stillman School of Business, 650 Jubilee Hall, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ 07079, USA; Telephone 973 761 9684 ad.amar@shu.edu ORamaramar@shu.edu; http://pirate.shu.edu/~amaramar See Our Doing Business in India 2013 Trip Story:http://www.shu.edu/news/article/437488 & http://www.shu.edu/news/article/347131. See photos of Doing Business in India: http://www.flickr.com/photos/amaramar/
VIEWS FROM INDIA AND ABROAD ‘The quotation of Julian Huxley is profound and can be fulfilled only if spiritual scientists emerge as a new class of investigators….The book [The Self : A Biological Introduction to the Bhagavad-Gita] is an excellent beginning and its result will ensue when it reaches the understanding of millions of the masses.” -- Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer, former Judge, Supreme Court, India. “…the noble task you have taken up in restoring our ancient values and ethics.” -- Dr. E. Sreedharan, Principal Advisor/DMRC & LMRC “Srikant’s The Self: A Biological Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita Volume 1 is a brilliant interpretation of Gita that digs deep into the Hindu philosophy to connect Gita to the understanding of the Self in the universe. I have never seen such a meticulous connection of Gita to the Self. It adds richly to Gita’s message that I am sure will resonate all over the world for a very long time.” -- A. D. Amar, Ph.D., Chair (pro tem) & Professor of Management (Knowledge/Innovation, Operations & Strategy), Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University, New Jersey, U.S.A.
“The book [Power in Temples: A Modern Perspective] by an author whose erudition is quite obvious and matched only by his abundant passion for Hindu thought encompasses a much wider canvas than the title would suggest….The author provides scintillating fare on the subtle nexus that exists between the Creator, Cosmos and Man….The explanation of the interlocking symbolism is indeed very beautiful….A book written lucidly and rich in contents.” -- The Hindu, Daily (from review) “I looked at the book [Sri Ganesha] from the viewpoint of Hindu parents in US who face the challenge of teaching their children about their faith. School and college textbooks and reference material routinely feed misinformation about Hinduism. For these parents, Integral Books has undertaken a very much needed and timely endeavor indeed. It is an admirable treatise full of vast amount of pertinent information presented in the larger concept of theory and universal tenets of Hinduism, so that it all makes complete sense together - or as the young people would say, it all hangs together.” --Dr. Ved Chaudhary, U.S.A. “The book, Power in Temples is an impassioned but vigorous plea for reevaluating the meaning and importance of the Hindu heritage. Such a plea is vitally necessary today. The author, deserves special compliments for making available these refreshing waters to soothe the souls of those sweating in the heat of the materialistic views.” -Swami Nityabodhananda, former President, Vedanta Centre, Geneva “I convey my appreciation of the wonderful book, Power in Temples – A Modern Perspective, which I had read recently. It goes a long way in giving guidance and scientific explanation s for many of our questions…I strongly recommend this book to every temple worshipper, to the sceptics and the temple administrators.” --Dr. G.V. Raghu, Former President, Hindu Temple, Atlanta, U.S.A. “In this country, there are volumes of scholarly treatises available; but your books are for open-minded people with a Western (read: scientific) bent for whom the myriad complexities of Hindu rituals and Indian cultural anomalies are deterrents to further inquiry. I have had at least one person read your books, with the predictable result that they piqued his curiosity for more, and gave him a frame of reference to view Hindu Dharma….The simplicity, brevity and the straightforward presentation are the greatest asset of the books. They can be a bridge over a yawning gap in people’s perception and understanding.” -Kathelene Daniel, Texas, U.S.A.