Presented at the Bharatiya Vichar Manch Seminar on “Hindutva in Present Context” held in Karnavati, Gujarat on September 16-17, 2009
A HINDUTVA AGENDA FOR POLITICAL ACTION BY DR.SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY President of Janata Party & Fmr. Cabinet Minister for Commerce, Law & Justice, Government of India
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Every nation must have an identity to be regarded distinct. Even in United States of America, a relatively young nation created by an influx of immigration from diverse countries, scholars have felt the need to define the identity of an American. Harvard Professor Samuel Huntington has penned a book titled Who Are We? [ Penguin Books, India 2004] to define the American’s identity as a “White Anglo-Saxon Christian who speaks English”. It seems contrived since majority of Americans are not ‘White’, but Huntington is emphatic.