from: A P Joshi
date:Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 12:09 PM
subject: Ebook-Birth of Christianity: Facts & Fiction
By chance I happened to come across an article on the Gnostic Gospels which were destroyed by the Church in the fourth century. One thing lead to another and I ended up in writing a series of articles on early Christianity in the quarterly, Bharat Speaks, published by the Patriots’ Forum, Delhi. They were based on the recent books of distinguished Western scholars in this field.
Several persons found this series interesting and suggested that I compile them into a book so that there will be a proper coherent record even when the magazine issues are not available. Hence I have brought all the material together, edited it for coherence and prepared the enclosed draft which also incorporates references, appendices and glossary. It will be finalised after I receive comments of readers and scholars