-: Introducing the Book :Vivekananda His Gospel of Man-making With a Garland of Tributes & A Chronicle of His Life & Times With Pictures 988 pages Multi-colour jacket 80 B & W photos ISBN 81-85304-66-1 LCCN 93-900986
CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Prologue – 2 What is ‘Man-making’? – 3 Overview of the Book: A Guide to the Contents – 5 Synopsis of the Contents – 6 Review Excerpts – 7 Milestones in the Publication –11 Author –12 His other Works –13 Swami Vivekananda: The Great Hindu Monk of India, & His Lasting Spiritual Legacy to Humanity
(A Presentation) – 14 10. ‘HPI’ on the Presentation – 29 12. Presentations made in the U.S. – 30 11. ‘Success’ Story of a Humble Monk – 31 -1-