Comments on HAF's Report: "Hinduism: Not Cast in Caste" -- Aditi Banerjee

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from S. Kalyanaraman date Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 12:50 PM subject Comments on HAF's Report: "Hinduism: Not Cast in Caste" -- Aditi Banerjee (available at

COMMENTS ON THE HAF’S REPORT ON “CASTE” By Aditi Banerjee For the reasons given by others in their comments as well as the reasons set forth below, HAF must immediately withdraw the report and reissue it only if and when it substantially incorporates the revisions to be provided by a select group of scholars that address the community’s grave concerns and objections. There are many ways to achieve this, and surely we can find a way to structure such a process that would be satisfactory to you as well as the other concerned parties. This is absolutely critical and urgent for the sake of the Hindu community as well as for HAF’s sake, or else this may turn out to be a rift within the community that cannot be mended. Here are my main objections to the report (to the extent not covered by the other comments): (1) Despite being 160+ pages long, it is not at all clear what HAF’s position is on the issue of caste. There’s so much CYA language going in all directions that the report ends up simultaneously saying too much and saying nothing at all. For example, the report states that it is the position of HAF that “We believe in equal religious and spiritual rights for all Hindus, including a priesthood that is open to all Hindus.” (p. 56) The report also refers to a 2006 press release by HAF, where HAF stated: “The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) welcomed [sic] the a order of the government of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu allowing all Hindus with the required training and qualification to become archakas (priests) in temples regardless of caste.” Does this mean you (as an advocacy group) will openly call for the government of India to interfere (even more than they are already interfering) in the internal affairs of temples to enforce some quota or other variant of affirmative action for nonBrahmin Hindus? If not, are you demanding that temples themselves do this? Are you arrogating to yourself the authority to tell temples how to conduct their internal affairs? Let’s leave India out of it, since you are the Hindu “American” Foundation. Will you undertake such intervention for American temples? Also, since the report states ad nauseum that HAF opposes birth-based discrimination, I presume as a logical matter this includes gender. Is it HAF’s official position that the “priesthood” (which is an inaccurate term since there is no institutionalized “priesthood” in Hinduism but rather various sampradayas and paramparas and mathas that have their own rules) should be


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