Modi, the future PM of India..

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IS MODI FIT TO BE PM? Anandshankar Pandya All questions over Narendra Modi’s candidature for the post of Prime Minister subsided after he was officially anointed for the top post. And as such the ruling party afraid of losing power is preparing a multipronged attack on fake and flimsy grounds to be delivered in the speeches by Congress leaders in the election. They have also roped in some people like Amartya Sen, the Noble Prize winner and a professor at Harvard University. Today everybody wants to capture power through the game of fake secularism by appeasement of Muslims right or wrong. And then loot the poor masses. In fact they are communalists in the garb of secularism. Mayawati and Mulayam Singh, queen and king of secularism, are always ready to bail out corrupt congress so that the supposed communal but honest BJP specially Modiji remains out of power. They prefer corruption to communalism in the name of perverted secularism. Hence corruption and crime is thriving in the so-called secular parties. Narendra Modi has been dropped from addressing the Wharton India economic forum through Video conference on the pretext of human rights violation, whose activists often indirectly support terrorists. But about 80 lakh Hindus in Pakistan and 1.50 crore Hindus in Bangladesh have been butchered yet no Human right activist, and socialist leader came forward to protest against this injustice on Hindus, the most peace, loving race on earth. Where were all the secularists when all these atrocities were being inflicted on Hindus? Americans are pretending to be the upholders of human rights, it is a sham and they have no moral right to point a finger at Modi because Americans never protested when Hindus were being massacred in Kashmir. It is pure hypocrisy. Politics in India today has simply become a very profitable business through which politicians collect large amounts of property and money at the expense of the masses illegally and immorally. Poor people in India often face a life and death struggle. Mahatma Gandhi once said that the deadliest form of Violence is poverty. It is poverty that kills more people than all the wars that takes place. But secularism, not development has been an article of faith for the Gandhis. The poor Muslims have been entrapped into a fear psychosis that warns them. Vote for “the other� and you will not be safe. Amartya Sen on behalf of Congress is doing the same. During 50 years of secular Congress regime billions and billions of dollars have been stashed away in Swiss banks resulting in abject poverty, unemployment and dearness in the Country for Muslims and Hindus. 1

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