Petitioning Hindus of India
Global Hindus: Protest against Congress policy on Harassment of Hindus Petition by
Hindu Mahasabha of America Hindus.... Have you read about the COMMUNAL VIOLENCE BILL? In a last ditch attempt to win muslim votes Congress Party of India is hell bent to pass this bill in this winter session of Parliament. You will be arrested just because you are a Hindu ...based on a mere allegation. No Investigation needed. Dont believe? Read the government document: Comments on Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill (PCTV): IF THIS BILL IS PASSED HINDUS WILL BE TREATED AS CRIMINALS WORLD WIDE. KEY POINTS: 1. A Hindu against whom any Muslim/Christian/minority make any Complaint shall be presumed in law to be guilty by Police & Courts till that Hindu proves his innocence (Sec70, 71 & 73) 2. An accused Hindu Shall have to be immediately arrested as all offences under this bill are non-bailable & cognizable (Sec 56) 3. This law can be invoked only by a minority against Hindus. 4. Accused Hindu shall not be informed who has complained against him (Sec 38) but police has to inform complainant progress of the case.