WHY SHOULD THE ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA FUNCTION AS A PRADESH SONIA CONGRESS COMMITTEE? V.SUNDARAM IAS I derive my inspiration to write this article from the words of Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) who said : ‘’ My way of Joking is to tell the Truth ‘’. The functioning of the Election Commission of India today has become a Cruel Joke! More then 60.239 Lakhs of Genuine Voters have been deliberately left out of the Final Electoral Roll in Maharashtra by the Election Commission of India. This is a criminal offence. On this is ground alone F I Rs can be filed against all the Election Commissioners for their total failure to discharge their due responsibilities under the Indian Constitution. Chief Election Commissioner Sampath was appointed as Election Commissioner on the recommendation of Rajasekhara Reddy (Former Chief Minister of Andhtra Pradesh ) made to Sonia Gandhi. He is a Dedicated Congress Partisan like Navin Chawla who was a Loyalist of the Nehru- Gandhi Family right from the first day of his Entry into the IAS in 1969. Navin Chawla was indicted by the SHAH COMMISSION in 1978. Navin Chawla can be viewed as Sampath of yesterday and Sampath of today can be viewed as Navin Chawla of yesterday. Either way Sonia Gandhi should not be allowed to succeed in her Nefarious Mission of Rigging the Process of Lok Sabha Polls 2014.