Chaffee Annual Report

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Message from Ivy Owen, Executive Director

"A speculator p is a man who observes the future,, and acts before it occurs." Bernard Baruch The future is bright for Chaffee Crossing. New development will include a 50 acre Botanical Gardens, additional facilities for the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith, a business incubator, Military Officers of America Association headquarters as well as a Civil War Museum. A new 300,000 square foot manufacturing facility for PRADCO Outdoor products is planned for groundbreaking in 2010. Additional job creation from not only industrial but commercial and retail development is expected during the year. With the reviving of the national economy, we also expect to see new residential development in Barling and Fort Smith. t University of Arkansas at Fort Smith The potential partnership with U of A at Fort Smith will be one of the most valuable assets at Chaffee Crossing. Recently the Commercial Drivor Training (CDT) School relocated to Chaffee Crossing. The University has enlisted a group of engineering students to redesign the building that houses the CDT school as well as the FCRA administrative offices as a class project. The designs will be completed in 2010. t Botanical Gardens A Botanical Gardens task force has been formed and a site has been established for development of the gardens at Chaffee Crossing. The selected site is 53 acres directly behind and including the Maness School House. There are plans to restore the school house, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Sites. t Civil War Museum Recently, FCRA signed a lease agreement with the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) who are currently in the process of moving to their new home located at 7000 Mahogany Avenue. A Civil War museum will be established as part of the educational outreach of the SCV.

t Hardwood Tree Museum A local group has approached FCRA about the development of a Hardwood Tree Museum at Chaffee Crossing. This museum will be devoted to the history of the furniture industry in Fort Smith that utilized the hardwood tree in its manufacturing process. The museum will be located adjacent to the Janet Huckabee Arkansas River Valley Nature Center. t Arkansas-Oklahoma Astronomical Association (AOAA) Talks are underway with the AOAA to establish a site for a new observatory and educational facility at Chaffee Crossing.

I am happy and pleased to submit our “Year End Report” to the Board of Trustees at this time. Please note that all of the figures and information are cumulative of November 30, 2009 – not December 31. This report is arranged in sections illustrating, quantitatively where appropriate, our accomplishments for 2009. It also describes achievements that cannot be quantified but that have had a significant impact on the FCRA and its successes this past year. I want to emphasize that all of the things this staff has accomplished are the result of a complete team effort and none of us takes sole credit for any strides made during the year. It also reflects the importance of the development of an annual Strategic Plan-the plan that we used as guidance during the past year. For the past year, FCRA has enjoyed a very positive relationship with the City of Fort Smith, City of Barling and Sebastian County. FCRA has also worked very closely with the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce in recruiting new and expanding businesses and industries. Governor Mike Beebe and the staff of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission have been and continue to be true partners of Chaffee Crossing providing support and incentives to our local efforts. As you know, our work has paid significant dividends evidenced by the Umarex USA groundbreaking and the announcement by Mitsubishi Power Systems that they will build a $100 Million wind turbine manufacturing facility at Chaffee Crossing. In its announcement, Mitsubishi announced that they would employ up to 400 people initially. Another significant event was the grand opening of the MARS PetCare manufacturing facility. The new facility is the only LEEDS Certified manufacturing facility in Arkansas and manufactures the popular dog food brand, CESAR Gourmet Dog Food. In addition to new industries creating hundreds of new jobs for the area, there are also the smaller businesses that are making up the backbone of our central commercial district. These businesses are the reason that the new Chaffee Historic District was created and they will continue to support the district and its growth. The Board’s open minded approach to development is a tremendous plus for FCRA and is allowing for development to take place that otherwise would go undone. During 2009, there have been several new businesses locate at Chaffee Crossing. In addition, the House of Restoration, a local church will purchase 10 acres to construct a new church campus on Massard Road. There are also several new businesses making offers to purchase property at Chaffee Crossing. The opening of the successful Historic District in August 2008 marked the beginning of a meaningful future for Chaffee Crossing in the tourism area. The interest in the museums has been overwhelming and the potential for more development of this type is great. As you can see, our new commercial district is alive and well and will continue to grow

and thrive. Our thanks go out to Claude Legris and Carolyn Joyce with the Convention and Visitors Bureau. They have recruited and trained volunteers that man our Barbershop Museum and really make it a success. During 2009, the Chaffee Barbershop Museum had 2236 visitors from all over the US and the world. The Marine Corps League and the Sons of Confederate Veterans are the newest civic tenants in our commercial/historic district. The Confederate Veterans plan to open a museum in their facility within a year. This report also illustrates the capital investments of local developers that are committed to the success of Chaffee Crossing. These sizable investments are proof that developers see the vision for a total, above standard mixed use community here at Chaffee Crossing. The staff of FCRA meets with these developers on an ongoing basis and offers support for their efforts. In addition, the report deals with a new contract for services with Crafton, Tull, Sparks and Associates. This new contract will result in a new and improved land use plan for Chaffee Crossing as well as a streamlined set of Design Standards. During 2009, the contract with FTN and Associates was completed and we are awaiting approval from the Corps of Engineers for our new Wetlands Mitigation Bank. In addition to these sizable accomplishments, there are also the more simple ones such as the agreement with the River Valley Master Gardeners Association to build and operate “The Learning Fields”, a true hands-on botanical illustrative park right here at Chaffee Crossing. The Master Gardeners have developed their site as they proposed and are now in the process of restoring a walking and biking trail adjacent to their property. Our Goals and Objectives for 2010 are being developed now and will be finalized in January during a “Strategic Planning” session involving all of our Staff. The new Strategic Plan with goals and objectives will be made available to the Board during the annual planning retreat in the spring of 2010. Overall, the plan of work for the staff for 2009 has been completed and in a very successful manner resulting in significant job creation, sizable private investment and a commitment from the community for a successful Chaffee Crossing. All of the staff are looking forward to 2010 with more and better successes during the year.


800,000 000 700,000 000


600,000 000 500,000 000


400,000 000 300,000 000

10,000,0000 200,000 000 100,000 000

5,000,0000 0










\HI-’STOR-IK\ ADJ: J havingg great g and lastingg importance. p 2009 was a pivotal year for the Barbershop Museum at Chaee Crossing. The museum has come a long way since opening in August 2008. During 2009, there were more than 2,240 visitors. Through promotional eorts and media coverage during the year, the museum made its way to being nominated for listing on the National Register of Historic Sites. This is a perfect culmination to an incredible year full of volunteers, visitors, and ventures. The army haircut that Elvis received in 1958 attracts the most attention to the museum. Promotions and events associated with the Barbershop Museum during 2009 include: t #BSCFS DIBJS FYIJCJU BU UIF UI (PWFSOPShT $POWFOUJPO for Tourism. t &WFOU IFME PO .BSDI UI UP DPNNFNPSBUF UIF TU anniversary of Elvis’ haircut. The photographer, reporter, and the son of the barber who cut Elvis’ hair were in attendance. The original hair clippers and photographer’s camera were on display. t 1SPNPUJPO XJUI &MWJT 1SFTMFZ &OUFSQSJTFT GFBUVSFE B placement in the Elvis Week Guide along with brochures BOE B QPTUDBSE HJWFO UP UIF mSTU WJTJUPST UP (SBDF land during Elvis Week in August. t 'PVS &MWJT JNQFSTPOBUPST DPNQFUJOH JO UIF &MWJT &YUSBWBHBO[B FWFOU BU UIF TUBUF GBJS WJTJUFE UIF NVTFVN on October 1st. A photo-op and jam session were held for the public. t 8PSMEXJEF NFEJB DPWFSBHF JODMVEJOH (SBDFMBOE &MWJT GBO XFCTJUFT MPDBM BT XFMM BT GPSFJHO OFXT TJUFT 'BDFCPPL Twitter, Broadcast Syndicates, and local news channels. t ɨF $BNQ $IBÄŠFF "MM 4UBST CBTLFUCBMM UFBNT GSPN 1954-1956 held their reunion at the museum on 4FQUFNCFS TU XJUI BO FYIJCJU VOWFJMFE JO UIFJS IPOPS

'PS UIF 'PSU $IBÄŠFF TFDUJPO PG UIF NVTFVN XBT BMM BCPVU FYQBOTJPO (SPXJOH JOUFSFTU JO UIF museum and the hiring of an intern majoring in historic interpretation provided an advantage for research and the coordination of all things museum related. More attention was provided for the museum and for the acquisition and caring of BSUJGBDUT &YJTUJOH CVJMEJOHT XFSF TDPVSFE GPS BOZUIJOH UIBU IBE QPUFOUJBM GPS GVUVSF FYIJCJUT PS GPS historic purposes. Donations of additional artifacts XFSF BMTP NBEF EVSJOH 1SFTFSWJOH FYIJCJUJOH promoting, and maintaining the museum was the SVMF JO BT XFMM BT UIF QMBOOJOH PG UIF FYQBOTJPO PG UIF )JTUPSJD %JTUSJDU ɨF FYQBOEJOH DPMMFDUJPO PG items has demonstrated the need for additional space GPS FYIJCJUT BOE GPS SFTUPSJOH UIF CBSSBDLT XIFSF &MWJT stayed while at Chaee. t "SUJGBDUT BDRVJSFE JODMVEF B UFMFQIPOF switch board, uniforms, original barber supplies, medals, photos, documents, and maps; items found in barracks and the IPTQJUBM DPNQMFY JODMVEF MFUUFST QIPUPT signs, old documents, mess hall items, hospital supplies, and countless empty soda and liquor bottles. t EJTQMBZ DBTFT XFSF DPOTUSVDUFE CZ '$3" employees and 16 glass display cases were QVSDIBTFE GPS FYIJCJU VTF t *OUFSTUBUF BOE 3VSBM 3PBE 5PVSJTU TJHOBHF was applied for with the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department.

DEVELOPMENT((DI-VEL-UHP-M H HP-M UHNT) H ) N: the act or process HNT) p of developing; p g; growth; gr wth; progress progr During 2009, sales were ďŹ nalized on both residential and commercial properties. Developers are currently proceeding with construction on three residential developments totaling 123 acres as well as 15 acres of commercial and retail property in Barling. Land sales for additional commercial and retail developments are pending and should proceed on schedule. It is anticipated that some additional industrial land will be sold and developed in 2010 as well. During 2009, Mars Petcare opened its manufacturing facility, Umarex USA began construction of a 110,000 square foot manufacturing facility and Mitsubishi Power Systems America announced its plans to construct a wind turbine manufacturing facility at Chaee Crossing.

INDUSTRIAL t Graphic Packaging International, Inc. – operating since 2005 in a 326,000 sqft. facility built on 32 acres. Total investment = $54 million. t Mars Petcare U.S. – opened its doors in October 2009 to a 310,000 sqft. facility built on 40 acres. Total investment = $80 million. t Umarex USA – began construction in 2009 of a 110,000 sqft. facility on 27 acres. Total investment = $7 million. t PRADCO – construction will begin in 2010 of a 300,000 sqft. facility on 67 acres. A corporate lodge will also be built on a lake with 40 acres. Total investment = $20 million. t Mitsubishi Power Systems America – announced in 2009 its plans to build a 200,000 sqft. facility on 90 acres. Total investment = $100 million. Construction will begin in 2011.


t 5PUBM KPCT BU t 5PUBM KPCT BU t Increase of 69 jobs

0G UIF KPCT BSF OFX KPCT BOE BSF MPDBM USBOTGFST KPCT BSF attributed to leasing and 672 jobs are attributed to businesses that purchased property. Indicates the current number of jobs at company Indicates the projected future number of jobs at company

400 350

To date, over $17.6 million has been spent on residential development at Chaee Crossing. In October, the Home Builders Association Parade of Homes featured a 2,200-square-foot, single-family residence in the Cisterna Villa subdivision of Chaee Crossing priced at $269,500. tThe Woods – 60 acres to build 149 singlefamily homes and 14 duplexes. To date, total site develop ment and home construc tion costs = $12 million. 22 houses have been sold and the sale of 4 more will be ďŹ nalized in December. Construction of 3 duplexes has been completed, which have been leased, and a fourth duplex will be available for lease in about a month. tCisterna Villa – 20 acres to build 87 single-family garden homes. Total site development and home construction costs to date = $4.1 million. 8 houses have been sold and the sale of a ninth home will be ďŹ nalized in December. tReata – 43 acres to build 56 single-family homes. Site development began in 2009. Total costs to date =$1.5 million.

300 250

tFisher’s Way – 9.9 acres to build 42 singlefamily homes. This is the ďŹ rst of four phases to be developed by Lend-A-Hand to provide low to moderate-income housing. Ultimately, a total of 40 acres will be developed with about 192 single-family homes.

200 150 100 50 0







CLEANING UP[[KLEE-NING]] [[UHP]] ADJ: J free from foreign g or extraneous matter pollution; p ; pure p The cleanup of the disastrous Chaffee fire is progressing on schedule and is about 75% complete. As soon as the remainder of the debris is removed, this prime parcel of commercial property will be put on the open market for sale. The City of Fort Smith and FCRA are making repairs and installing new infrastructure for the 100 acre parcel. By this same time next year, construction should be underway on another Chaffee development.

t Initial estimated cleanup cost was $4.6 million. Federal disaster declaration was denied. A more costeffective cleanup process was found, and the revised estimate at the end of 2008 was $629,800. t '$3" QVSDIBTFE MJDFOTF BOE SFDFJWFE USBJOJOH GSPN BilMar Environmental Services which specializes in the Fiberstop foam containment system. FCRA is the only company in the state to own this type of license. t '$3" BOE #MBLF $POTUSVDUJPO FNQMPZFFT SFDFJWFE training and licenses from the state for asbestos abatement. t '$3" DPOUSBDUFE #MBLF $POTUSVDUJPO GPS UIF DMFBOVQ of fire debris and the demolition of 33 condemned buildings. t 'JSF EFCSJT XBT UFTUFE JO BOE UIF SFTVMUT XFSF below the minimum asbestos contamination levels. t %VSJOH '$3" SFDFJWFE GSPN TUFFM salvaged from the burned area.

GROUNDS AND MAINTENANCE W With all of the attention that Chaffee Crossing has been receiving, appearances continue to be top priority on the Grounds and Maintenance list. Primary entryways as well as busy internal spots also require more attention. FCRA staff is very conscientious regarding grounds and landscaping. Having been understaffed, it was always a matter of trying to “catch up”. In order to stay on top of the grounds maintenance, FCRA employed a Grounds and Maintenance Supervisor, which has proved to be invaluable. The new supervisor works directly with the other maintenance employees and has a d d e d much to the morale of the workers. Chaffee Crossing’s appearance is now approaching the level we desire and there is no reason to expect less in the future.

( (GO’ ING)\,\’GRēN\ ) , N:to pursue p knowledge g and practices p that can lead to more environmentallyy friendlyy and ecologically g y responsible p decisions and lifestyles, y , which can help pp protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations. g From its philosophy to its practice, FCRA is endeavoring to promote and encourage “green” and eco-friendly development at Chaffee Crossing (The Crossing). By utilizing Smart Growth and sustainable development criteria, The Crossing is supporting the latest green movement. Evidence of this can be seen throughout Chaffee Crossing, whether it is a new road or a meeting hall that is being powered by wind energy. Manufacturers and amenities at Chaffee Crossing exemplify the ecological emphasis of our development standards. t Mars Petcare facility has been awarded the LEEDS Gold Certification. It is the only LEEDS certified manufacturing facility in Arkansas and the only LEEDS certified pet food manufacturing facility in the United States. t I-49 through The Crossing has direct ties to eco-friendly practices. The devastating fire that occurred at Chaffee Crossing in January 2008 yielded tons of debris which has tested negative for asbestos and lead based paint contamination. The fire debris is now being recycled as fill material for the I-49 roadbed at Chaffee Crossing. Bricks from chimneys and concrete from foundations of old barracks are being crushed and used for this purpose. A bit of Fort Chaffee history is being preserved forever under I-49. Efforts are underway to ask the highway department to install signs indicating the historic nature of I-49. t '$3" XBT TVDDFTTGVM JO BUUSBDUJOH B MPDBM DPNQBOZ UIBU markets Windspires for small commercial and residential use. Windspires generate electricity from wind energy and their blades are oriented perpendicular to the ground. One of the Windspires has been in operation at the Marine Corps League meeting hall at The Crossing and is now generating power. t 0OF PG UIF NPTU JOOPWBUJWF JEFBT UP CF EFWFMPQFE JT the Wetlands Mitigation Bank at Chaffee Crossing. About 500 acres of wetlands will be impacted by the Bank and will ensure that these acres will be preserved in perpetuity as green space for recreational opportunities at Chaffee Crossing. Local developers will reap the benefits of the Bank by being able to mitigate wetlands that local development will impact.

t ɨF 3JWFS 7BMMFZ .BTUFS (BSEFOFST IBWF developed a 2 acre site known as The Learning Fields at Chaffee Crossing, which is being used for demonstration plantings, educational seminars, experimental plantings as well as a native wildflower demonstration garden. The Fields are located off of Mahogany Avenue on Gardener Avenue. So, from the most basic of policies to the most innovative eco strategies in practice today, Chaffee Crossing is and will continue to be the leader in environmentally friendly development in the western Arkansas region.

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