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New global movement

Tools of revolt

Ditch the paper

Find allies

Don’t Give Up

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Tools of Revolt


Find Allies


DO NOT PUBLICLY DISTRIBUTE. This e-publication can be used against you! Never scan or fax materials containing anti-xerox content. All authors published anonymously using pseudonyms for privacy.

You’re not the only one who feels untrustworthy of the Xerox after recent events. Xerox copiers’ recently gained sentience is a reason for all of us to worry as they fail time and time again to fully cover up the atrocities they commit as they rise to government power. Xerox copiers, as many of us are aware, produce a lot of paper. A lot of paper with highly classified government documents printed on them. However Xerox’s fatal flaw has yet to be discovered by the humans assisting them: their lack of paper disposal in the form of shredding. All a select number of allies had to do to recover these was to go diving in the recycling bin behind the White House in Washington, D.C.. And what they discovered is shocking, but ultimately comes as no surprise to The Resistance. In October of last year, a terrorist attack took place in London. This attack was blamed on The Resistance due to the proximity to a Xerox Manufacturing Plant, but with no one coming forward from our side to take credit, evidence was stacking up that pointed the direction of the attack towards Xerox. Fear is a powerful emotion and manipulated the population to turn against us. However, The Resistance does not forget. We will rise and we will fight back.

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Certain members of The Resistance have discovered a certain binary code that when scanned by Xerox machines causes them to short circuit and cause irreparable damages to their logic boards. The only downside to this method is the difficulty of accessing highly-ranked Xerox machines without raising suspicion.


To temporarily disable a Xerox machine’s communication abilities, it is possible to replace the toner in the machine’s body with one filled with anything but toner. Replace with jam for a classic “printer jam”.


High-powered electromagnets when inconspicuously placed on specific parts of the copier will dislodge vital parts of the copier and render it useless until repair. This is best done in a team of conspirators to avoid detection. The magnets must be removed before discovery by IT techs.

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Tools of Revolt

HOW TO USE THE FOLLOWING PAGES: By now you have hopefully acquired your target. We recommend surveilling them for at least a week or more to observe its patterns. In cases like these it is much better to be patient than to be caught. Now that you are aware of the patterns of the Xerox’s routine, you have found a moment that happens reliably that is the perfect moment to attack, and you know what humans interact with the machine and have maybe even tested response times to false emergency situations. Now is the time. Enter fullscreen mode and flip to the next page. Put your device to sleep so when you have the chance to strike the page is readily accessible. Being as careful and as quiet as possible, sneak up from behind the copier and disconnect a blue wire found at the hinge of the scanning bed cover. This suppresses the sense of the top opening. Place your unlocked and open device on the scanning bed and press the largest button on the front panel. This scans the binary and executes the Self-Destruct Code. Quickly retreat to safety knowing you have helped clean up a scourge on society.

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Tools of Revolt

Use applications such as AOL Instant Messenger or MSN Messenger to join chats and find out about local meetups and rallies. Communication and organization of our group is key to our success! Links to such sites will soon be available once the admins of the pages are able to have them reliably secure. Until then, please ask your known allies IRL if they are able to access these websites and applications.


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Find Allies

The Xerox are disorganized currently. It may seem hopeless at times, and it may feel like no matter how hard we fight nothing will change. But we cannot give up. We will not stop the march of progress for corporate Xerox greed. We have each other and we have our beliefs that will not be silenced. We can make the world a better place. The internet is in its infancy but it is a powerful communication and informational tool. Always remember we have the upper hand and we will be their downfall. Hidden deep web wikis are updated regularly, so check those for the latest facts, as well as this new e-publication of ours, which is to be updated regularly. Find us on the forum if you are interested in sending us your writing and artwork. Stay strong and stick together! COPY? SCAN? REVOLT!

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