Solid Waste Management BY TERE RODRĂ?GUEZ C H I E F, M U LT I M E D I A P E R M I T S A N D C O M P L I A N C E B R A N C H C A R I B B E A N E N V I R O N M E N TA L P R O T E C T I O N D I V I S I O N
Solid Waste Management Hierarchy
Puerto Rico Recycling Partnership
Created on May 5, 2010
Region 2 EPA Administrator
Promote waste reduction, reusing products, recycling, and composting through a working partnership.
Puerto Rico Recycling Partnership
Establish a working partnership across all sectors Manage solid waste reducing harm to the environment Dispose waste in cost feasible manner Educate the public Ensure effective implementation
Puerto Rico Recycling Partnership
Mode of Operation
Collaborative Governance – Problem Solving Process Active involvement of all key parties Maintain transparency in all deliberations
Who is involved?
Government (at all levels) Non-profit organizations Citizens Environmental groups Private sector
Puerto Rico Recycling Partnership
Vision Organics Public Education and Outreach Market Development Infrastructure and Finance Source Reduction
Puerto Rico Recycling Partnership
Organics Committee
Composting project at PRASA - WWTP Composting project at universities Composting projects at landfills Promote the creation of domestic composting projects
Puerto Rico Recycling Partnership
Public Education and Outreach Committee
“Promotores de Reciclaje” Education campaign Poster contest High school video contest initiative
Puerto Rico Recycling Partnership
Infrastructure Committee
Recycling and Composting Economic and Infrastructure Plan (Draft)
Puerto Rico Recycling Partnership
Market Development Committee
Statistics analysis Improve drop-off conditions Improve recyclable materials flow – statistics Municipal pilot project
Puerto Rico Recycling Partnership
Source Reduction Committee
Implement a method to measure total waste generation based on weight Revise existing educational training courses to emphasize on source reduction Material Exchange Alternatives for demolition debris
Puerto Rico Recycling Partnership