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February 2012 bentley park resident newsletter Across My Desk CEO’s Report

to a changing nature of Aged Care and the arrival of the Baby Boomers into our retirement living market. 3. People – we must have the right calibre of committed people, that are appropriately trained and skilled to ensure we deliver on the abovementioned strategies.

Waminda Facelift Another year bites the dust and we now focus our attention to 2012. I trust that all of you had a great festive season, and like me have had a good rest and are full of enthusiasm and excitement about 2012 and what this will bring to SwanCare Group. All of you know that during 2011, as an organisation, we worked extremely hard to lay down strong and sustainable foundations that I believe will set us up for a very bright, secure and successful long term future. Therefore, it is for this reason I am very positive about 2012, and beyond, and feel that these will be great years for all of those who are part of the wonderful SwanCare Group Community.

Our Three Key Pillars for Success To kick the year off, I would like to remind our residents of the three key platforms that the Board has identified as our major strategic initiatives, and which will be the focus of our efforts and hard-work for the next 5 years as we set about to deliver on the goals and objectives of the 2012 -2016 Strategic Plan. 1. Sustainability – we want to ensure that SwanCare Group has appropriate and sufficient resources (dollars, infrastructure and people) to meet all of its future demands and service requirements. 2. Services – we need to ensure that our models of service delivery are flexible, adaptable, contemporary and able to meet the (discerning) client demands as we look

Security Number If the Resident Support Services number is unavailable residents are reminded the mobile contact number for Security is:

0413 388 650

One of the immediate action plans that has been put in place to improve our infrastructure is the make-over to the Waminda foyer. For those residents that happen to visit Waminda from time to time you will have noticed a frenetic band of builders busily working to improve the front of house appearance to this building. Waminda is a wonderful care facility, it provides excellent quality low level care in a very friendly, cosy and comfortable environment. It is important that we maintain this look and feel, and it is for this reason that we wanted to provide a lift to the front of house. As they say, first impressions are all important, and we felt that over time the front entry foyer area and reception was starting to look a bit tired and losing that initial appeal factor. The makeover should be completed by the end of February, early March, and once completed would encourage residents to pay a visit, and perhaps partake of a coffee and cake at Rita’s retreat which is located on the Waminda ground floor, adjacent to the main lounge area.

What’s been happening since our last Tidings ….. Whilst on the theme of the New Year, I would like to just cover-off on some developments, and activities that have occurred since I last had to opportunity to write to you. For starters, one of the most significant achievements to occur was the attainment of our $20,000 target for raising monies to acquire our new SwanMobile. To be exact

Bentley Park Social Club Auditorium Concert - Sunday 12th Feb

our total amount raised was $20,400 and on this basis we have been able to order our new vehicle and I am pleased to say that it will be on site during February, and after a small commissioning period we are confident that the “new wheels will be turning” in an official capacity by March. I would like to offer my sincerest congratulations to all persons and community groups, particularly the Swan Village Social Club and Opportunity Shop for the amazing effort in helping to raise this amount of money in such a relatively short time period. It just goes to show the amount of unified community spirit that we have at SwanCare Group, and achievements such as this provide further evidence of just how lucky we are to have residents that exhibit such passion and commitment. I mentioned the Swan Village Social Club above, and on the 31st December, they officially held their last function with what I am told was a wonderful New Year’s Eve shindig. As of the 1st January a new committee of willing and enthusiastic volunteers have now taken up the important mantle of running the social activities and opportunity shop. The new committee will operate as the Bentley Park Social Club and I am lead to believe have hit the ground running and have arranged for their first function to be an Australia Day BBQ which has been met with enthusiastic support from our village residents. I would like to offer my best wishes to the new committee, and wish them great success. By now most residents will know who the new committee consists of, but just in case you have missed the announcements, I would like to remind you again, and reiterate the thanks and appreciation to the following dedicated residents.

Your Bentley Park Social Club President - Shirley Barnes Vice President/Secretary - Nancy Brazier Treasurer - Elizabeth Kroll Opportunity Shop Manager - Beryl Luckman Committee Members - Betty Briggs, Dave Newlan, Mary Manning and Allan Manning. Continued Page 3

Inside this issue > Bentley Park News - pg 3 Retired at Last- pg 4 Bentley Park Watering Times - pg 4 What’s On Calendar - pg 6-7 Residents Advisory Council - pg 8

Public Notices

Catholic Services 26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102 Phone: (08) 6250 0000 Fax: (08) 9470 2017 www.swancare.com.au Find SwanCare Group on Facebook www.twitter.com/swancare

1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Stratton Centre commencing at 11am.

Rowethorpe Uniting Church Rowethorpe Uniting Church Weekly Sunday Services are conducted in the Rowethorpe Chapel 10:00am with visiting Ministers. Contact Mary Perreau – 9355 5381.

Podiatry Services Based at the Medical Centre in Graham Crescent. Rebates are claimable from private health insurers. Please call for our opening hours or to make a booking. Messagebank: 6468 0038

The Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park We would love to see you at our Sunday Service of praise and song. We are from all denominations and would love to welcome you into the Christian Fellowship. We meet at the JP Stratton Centre every Sunday 9am. The fourth Sunday of each month is our Prayer & Praise service, led by members of our group. All enquiries B. Bennett – 9472 6857. For Transport phone Ken Sinclair – 9361 0131. The Christian Fellowship (Get Together) Meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Stratton Centre at 10:30am. We meet for coffee, tea & tidbits. We find plenty of things we enjoy sharing & discussing. Ring Betty Bennett – 9472 6857

bentley park resident newsletter

Tidings Newsletter is a monthly publication produced and printed on behalf of the residents at Bentley Park, a SwanCare Group community.

Material deadline for advertising is the 20th of the month preceding each monthly edition.

To book display or lineage advertising or for information regarding rates please contact SwanCare Group on 6250 0000.

Please supply editorial contribution as a Word document electronically to tidings@swancare.com.au. Any supporting photographs may be supplied electronically or as hardcopy prints.

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Contributions for Tidings If you have something for Tidings please email it to: tidings@swancare.com.au

Hard copies of articles can still be handed to Reception in the main Administration office at 26 Plantation Drive.

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CEO’s Report

Bentley Park News

And finally some other quick snippets …. • On the 13th December, Australind Rise residents celebrated their first official function with a Xmas Party and cordially invited some 20 residents from Bentley Park to join in the festivities. This was a wonderful event and marked the first official joining of the two villages, and represented a significant milestone for SwanCare Group with the linking of these two communities. This year, we hope to do the same united function, only this time will be looking forward to including residents from The Space@Carlisle as well. • During December, SwanCare Group was fortunate to be selected to be recipients of 6 pieces of excellent art-work from the private collection of large accountancy firm KPMG. The art works, are all exceptional pieces, and are from well-know Australian artists. They will eventually adorn the newly cladded walls that are part of the Waminda facelift.

Bentley Park - Rowethorpe The delegates of Neighbourhood Watch would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. Unfortunately over the holiday period there were several break ins including our shop. Rowethorpe, I heard had 15 break ins. The Residents Council invited the police to give a talk on home security. Most people who attended learned something about securing their homes. The CEO, Graham Francis, said that Wilson’s were employing some new staff who were still getting used to our requirements. Please take note of all the points that the police suggested at the Residents Council meeting. Also do not hesitate to call our security if you see anything suspicious. The number is 6250 0020.

• Over the last few months two diligent a dedicated volunteers in Bob Devereux and Tini Kampen have been working extremely hard to reinvigorate the SwanCare Group Archive Unit. For those residents that are not aware, this archive display is located on the ground floor of Richard Cleaver Lodge, and contains an inordinate amount of stunning information relating to the earlier SwanCare Group years, it is really worth a look sometime. I would encourage residents that are interested in our history to pop over and have a cuppa with Bob and Tini, they would love to share the efforts of their hard work. The Archive Unit is open by arrangement and you can call Bob on 9361 5144 to arrange for an appointment.

If anyone would like to borrow our inscriber for marking their valuables please ring me on 6250 0510.

• Just a quick reminder to all residents that we are keeping the $1,000.00 sales incentive award going. This means that if you provide us with the name of a contact, and this contact ends up purchasing an independent living unit at any of our sites, Bentley, Australind or Carlisle, then you will receive $1,000.00 as your reward. For full details please contact your General Manager of Retirement Living, Natalie Hodi on 6250 0044.


And just to finish off, a little piece of advice that I picked up over the holidays …. “You don’t stop laughing because you grow old, You grow old because you stop laughing!!!”

The Security team are always available to assist residents with problems. Their Phone Number is 62500020 day or night. The next meeting for delegates will be on Wednesday, February 8th in Plantations, Administration Building, at 9.30am. The updated list of delegates is as follows. DON PEDERICK, ALMA RALPH,ANDREW CHISHOLM, MARION POLLOCK, LILLIAN PELLHAM, AUDREY WYLIE, BARRY WILLIAMS, DORRIS HARPER, DON REID, PAM McINNES, JOAN EDWARDS, DAWN INVERARITY. TONY RYDER CO-ORDINATOR

Tony Ryder, Co-ordinator.

Bentley Park Show 2012

Maintenance Duties As requested at the November VRAC Coffee Meeting, below is a list of the duties our maintenance team are employed to perform: • General handyman duties • Setting up and packing down equipment for resident functions and activities • Hanging pictures • Minor patching and painting • Liaising with contractors to facilitate repairs and maintenance tasks • Put out/bring in bins • Provide general assistance to tradespeople • Removal of fixtures and fittings as directed • Other duties as required Our maintenance staff are required to move items as directed by management and staff are provided with the correct equipment and training to carry out all tasks required of them. Regarding moving residents personal items, maintenance staff have been asked not to undertake this, due to a number of reasons. Firstly when residents leave the village they and their families often leave furniture behind to donate to the Op Shop. In a lot of cases this furniture is old, unclean and totally unsuitable for resale and has been left as people do not want to make their own arrangements to remove it. SwanCare Group then is left with the removal and disposal of such items. Secondly, by spending their time moving personal items our staff are not concentrating on their core duties – providing maintenance services for the village. Lastly, we often have requests to move the same piece of furniture for the same resident numerous times in a small space of time. This is obviously not what our staff are employed to do and again means they are taken away from their actual duties. I believe that some residents feel they were promised a porter service from our maintenance staff when they entered the village. While we would like to be able to provide such a service, it is not feasible to do so and would require SwanCare Group to employ additional staff, which in turn would raise resident fees. However if there is an urgent requirement for assistance please contact Mike Sullivan on 6250 0066 to discuss.

It’s on again! The 7th Bentley Park Show will be held on Friday & Saturday 27th & 28th October 2012.

Natalie Hodi, General Manager Retirement Living

Entries for the Show are open to all residents and staff of the Village. To all our new residents copies of last year’s schedule are available as a guide until the 2012 schedule comes out in July.

Residents Joining Our Bentley Park Community

All the best

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th February 2012 followed by our first General Meeting for the year. We look forward to another successful year.

Graham Francis Chief Executive Officer

Beryl Davis, Co-ordinator. Ph: 9355 4795

Our community extends a warm welcome to Mrs Judith Jowett, Mrs Rita Smith, Mrs Bridget May, Mr Edgar Simmons, Mrs Violet Dillion, Mrs Barbara Simmons and Mrs Mavis Garbutt. Bentley Park resident Tony Ryder is happy to answer any questions that new residents have regarding living in the village. Please feel free to call Tony on 6250 0510.


Retired at Last

Battery Recycling

We will be giving them our support, starting by attending the planned Australia Day function, and we encourage others to do likewise.

Having fully retired from our work of events organising on December 31st we thought it only proper to sign off with a final piece in Tidings.

We now have a facility in the village for the recycling of used and/or unwanted batteries. Just about all kinds of batteries, except car batteries, can be recycled through our collection points. This includes single use and rechargeable batteries.

We take this opportunity to record our thanks to the many Villagers who telephoned and sent letters, cards and gifts of appreciation for the enjoyment and fellowship we have given them over the years. After the great “wrap up” and gifts presented to us by CEO Graham Francis at last December’s Volunteer function these gestures added to the satisfaction we had in providing entertainment and other services for our community.

C and D sized batteries

Button batteries (e.g. from hearing aids and watches)

9V batteries

6V batteries (e.g. lantern/torch batteries)

The batteries will be taken from our collection points to bulk recycling repositories at The Park Centre or Belmont Forum.

Footnote We will still be continuing with one function in 2012, we were asked and agreed to organise and host the traditional 1st Friday of the month Stratton Luncheon and Concert.

In January we handed over for the new committee all documentation and a handsome balance of funds in hand to enable them to take up the reins and get down to organising their programme for the year.

AA and AAA cells

Collection boxes are located in the laundries at Phillips Close, Pugh Place, Lindsay Rise and Wootliff Way. Also by the notice boards in Mavis Cleaver Court, Richard Cleaver Lodge, Drummond Way Apartments, Plantation Drive Apartments and the Administration building.

Sincerely, Peter and Shirley Brunt

Our last two events, Christmas Show and Carols and New Year’s Eve Party were both well attended and enjoyable, as usual we received many plaudits from patrons.

The first of these will be on Friday February 3rd. Those wishing to attend should ring Shirley on 9355 4767.

Batteries will damage the environment if they are disposed of through normal rubbish collection services, so please help us to keep the Earth clean for future generations.

Bentley Park Watering Times JARRAH ROAD

110/ 210


111/ 211


104 G4

G10 G9








G15 G17












G16 G15

29 18

L G6 105 G5

104 G4

101 G1 102 G2 103 G3

4am Start


Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday

10pm Start

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 5 Lithgo Court

1am Start



offee area,

6 7 8

1 2


10pm Start


Vilips Row Mead Place Indoor Bowling Facility

19 20





3 4














21 22 23 24 1

38 37 36



16 17 18











5 6 7 8


30 31 32

3 1

3 2 1 5 6













15 14

10 11 12

Outdoor Bowling Centre Leisure Centre Mavis Cleaver Court Maintenance Workshop



21 17


22 21 20 19 18

7 8 9












Visitor Parking TransPerth Bus Stops Backup Power Supply Generators Main Electrical Switchboards EMERGENCY EVACUATION AREAS


25 26 27 28

31 29 27



24 23




5 32

17 16

24 22




11 12



16 4 2


1 2

32 6







4 3

9 8 7 6 5





9 10




15 14 13 12

! 10



25 26 27 28 29

12 13 14 15 16


Watering Times


17 18

22 21 20 19


Monday, Wednesday, Saturday H




Monday, Wednesday, Friday




24 23



15 16


10 11





108 G10 109 G11






107 106 G9 G8

13 12

3 1

8 9



113 G23 114 G24




112 G22

111 G21 110 G20






4 2

5 6 7






104 G5

15 14


3 5


101 G2 102 G4 103 G4






13 14

18 17 16

G1 G7








111 110 G13 G12



















108 G10 109 G11













107 G9


107 G13 108 G14







105 106 G11 G12






105 G7 106 G8 107 G9

101 G2








G12 G13



5 6




102 101 G3 G2

1 1 2


112/ 212

106 G7


113/ 213

101/ 201


104 103 G5 105 G6 G4 102 G3



114/ 214

104 105 G5 G6 106 G7 103 G4


102 202


101 G1 102 G2 103 G3



103/ 203




108/ 208 109/ 209



107 207

106/ 206

104/ 204




105/ 205




Bollig Gardens Pugh Place Lindsey Rise Wootliff Way


Archives To a lot of you that word conjures up in your mind a dingy, dusty, place of old papers and documents. But not here! In “Bentley Park” we are fortunate to have a bright, airy and pleasant unit at Richard Cleaver Lodge in which to come with a few of our friends and enjoy a couple of hours reminiscing over days that have gone and even enjoy a cuppa while you are doing it. In the Archives we have literally hundreds of photos and no doubt a lot of you will be amongst them, we also have just about a complete set of Newsletters as they started out being called in the early days to what we now know as “Tidings”. Also, of course, there are the paper clippings and documents of events that have occurred over the fifty years of our existence. We have endeavoured to put all the papers and documents onto an Excel spreadsheet on the computer in the Archive Unit so as to be able to find them when needed. I am quite sure you will be pleasantly surprised on a visit to your Archives so why not add it to your list of things to do in 2012? The Archive Unit is situated in Unit G1 of Richard Cleaver Lodge so it is quite central. Just give me a call on 9361 5144 and I will arrange to meet you there. Should I not be at home please leave your name and number and I will get back to you and make a time to show you through? Thank you, Bob Devereux Ph: 9361 5144

The Space@Carlisle Open Day The new units at Carlisle will be open Thursday 17th November at 10am and 2pm for Bentley Park residents to view. We have arranged for a bus to be available to take residents. If you would like to attend, please telephone reception and advise what time you would like to go – either 10am or 2pm. Phone: 6250 0000.

• Choice of 2 or 3 bedrooms • Beautifully finished • All maintenance taken care of • Only 5kms from the city • Ample public transport on your doorstep • 24 hour security and assistance • Wonderful social and friendship opportunities


SPACE @carlisle





WEDNESDAY 1 Library Open Op Shop Open Table Tennis Art Group Computer Club Undercroft Bowls Exercise Class Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Swan Bowling Club Darts Club Canasta

What’s On

February 2012 5



Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.00am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Undercroft Bowls 9.00am RCL Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Swan Bowling Club 6.00pm OBC Auxiliary Committee Meeting 6.30pm ABL2

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Catholic Services Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club




Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.00am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131) Bentley Park Concert 2.00pm AUD

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Undercroft Bowls 9.00am RCL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Swan Bowling Club 6.00pm OBC Patchwork Group 6.30pm HR

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Catholic Services Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club







Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.00am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.00am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Undercroft Bowls 9.00am RCL Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Swan Bowling Club 6.00pm OBC

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Undercroft Bowls 9.00am RCL Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Swan Bowling Club 6.00pm OBC Patchwork Group 6.30pm HR

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Catholic Services Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club

9.15am - 12.15pm 8.30am - 12pm 9.00am SCR 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.00am RCL 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.00pm OBC 6.30pm JPS 6.30pm JPS

8 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

Library Open Op Shop Open Table Tennis Art Group Computer Club Undercroft Bowls Exercise Class Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Swan Bowling Club Darts Club Canasta

9.15am - 12.15pm 8.30am - 12pm 9.00am SCR 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.00am RCL 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.00pm OBC 6.30pm JPS 6.30pm JPS

15 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Table Tennis 9.00am SCR Computer Club 9.00am ABL2 Undercroft Bowls 9.00am RCL Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Bentley Show Committee 9.30am HR Neighbourhood Watch Meeting 9.30am CL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Swan Bowling Club 6.00pm OBC Canasta 6.30pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Table Tennis 9.00am SCR Computer Club 9.00am ABL2 Undercroft Bowls 9.00am RCL Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Swan Bowling Club 6.00pm OBC Canasta 6.30pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Table Tennis 9.00am SCR Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Computer Club 9.00am ABL2 Undercroft Bowls 9.00am RCL Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Swan Bowling Club 6.00pm OBC Canasta 6.30pm JPS







Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Balance Group 11.00am RAC Fish & Chips Luncheon 11.30am Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Mahjong Club 1.00pm JPS Darts Club 6.30pm SCR

Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club



Pottery Group Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Group Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo

9.00am PGS 9.00am RSC 9.15am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

9 Pottery Group Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Group Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo

9.00am PGS 9.00am RSC 9.15am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

16 Pottery Group Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Writers Group Stretch Balance Class Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Snooker Club Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo


Pottery Group Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Class Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Snooker Club Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo

Library Open Art Group Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm SCR

17 9.00am PGS 9.00am RSC 9.15am ABL2 9.30am JPS 9.30am HR 10.00am JPS 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.00pm SCR 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

9.00am PGS 9.00am RSC 9.15am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.00pm SCR 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

Library Open Art Group Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 9.00am RCL 6.00pm OBC

Bentley Park Calendar of Events

February My events to note:

Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 9.00am RCL 6.00pm OBC

18 9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm JPS

Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 9.00am RCL 6.00pm OBC

If your club would like a diary date inserted into the Tidings monthly calendar, email the details to: tidings@swancare.com.au


Library Open Art Group Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm JPS


Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

ABL2 Administration Building Level2 8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 9.00am RCL 6.00pm OBC

Spritz Café


Adie Court


Art Room (Admin Building)

AUD Auditorium CC

Cultural Centre


Coffee Lounge (2nd Floor Administration)


Committee Room (Admin)


Handicraft Room (Administration Building)


JP Stratton Centre


Kingia Concourse


Leisure Centre


Millstream Gardens

Weekdays 9.30am - 2pm

MSHP Multiple Schlerosis Hydrotherapy Pool (bus pick-up at Bentley Park)

Why not take the Swanmobile?

OBC Outdoor Bowling Club

• Coffee / Cappuccino / Tea • Sandwiches / Foccacias • Hot Meals & Fresh Salads • Selection of Cakes & Muffins • Soft Drinks / Juices / Milk Drinks

PGS Pottery Group Studio RAC Rowethorpe-Activity Centre RCL

Richard Cleaver Lodge

RPG Rowethorpe-Physio Gym

kingia arcade

RSC Rowethorpe-Sutton Centre SCR Snooker Club Room

7 7

Lorraine’s Outings Over the past 12 months I have organised resident outing for Bentley Park Diner’s, Sunday Movies, Christmas Lights and Twilight Concerts. The total number of passengers was 1215, plus thanks to the drivers. The total collected has been: $6893 Paid Administration for bus charges: $3518 Expenses for driver’s meals, ink & paper: $2725 Balance $650

Residents Advisory Council - Brian Dale NOTES FROM VRAC COFFEE MEETING 17TH JANUARY 2012 (106 PEOPLE) Our first meeting of the year, with a near recent-record crowd in attendance, was highlighted by a presentation by CEO Graham Francis followed by Crime Prevention advice from the Police. Graham outlined the broad vision of Board and Management for the next five years. He also talked about some of the more immediate plans and activities and mentioned that the new SwanMobile has been ordered and will be delivered and commissioned soon.

Thank you Lorraine Pittaway

Bentley Park Social Club The new Committee welcomes you all to the events that will be programmed during 2012, and hopes that you will support us, and enjoy them.

A policy-change, prompted by the VRAC, was acknowledged and announced by Graham relating to the cost of servicing resident funded air-conditioning units. In future SwanCare will be responsible for these costs.

Our first event was, of course, the Australia Day celebrations at the new BBQ area near the Stratton Centre and we hope that you did indeed enjoy the old fashioned Sausage Sizzle with Pavlova, as well as the Flag ceremony and entertainment. The number of participants was outstanding and we thank you all for attending.

Following this the Police spokesman then gave a most entertaining and informative address on the measures that residents should follow to maximise their security and safety.

The next major event will be held for St Patrick’s Day on Saturday March 17th. More information will be circulated very shortly.

A booklet “Safety Advice for Seniors” was distributed, with some extra copies available from Administration. The scheduled Guest Speaker at the February meeting is Kym Werner, SwanCare Hospitality Services Manager. Please feel free to contact any member of the Council on any Village issue of concern or appreciation. Brian Dale, Chairman, ph 6250 0538 Carolyn Wellstead, Vice Chair, ph 6250 0505 Cath Devereaux, ph 6250 0407 Ken Sinclair, ph 9361 0131 Shirley Barnes, ph 6250 0558 Tom Brazier, ph 6250 0496 We meet on the third Tuesday of every month (except December) at 9.30 am in the Auditorium. At the conclusion coffee/ tea and biscuits are served. All Village and Care Centre Residents are invited to attend and participate in the meeting.


Paid to administration: June 2011 - $350 January 2012 - $300 To go towards a new bus.

Brian Dale, Chairman

WA Bush Poets & Yarnspinners Association The WA Bush Poets & Yarnspinners Association is a non – profit organisation whose aims include: • To preserve and promote our Australian Literary Heritage through Story Telling and the Rhyming Poetry of the style generally referred to as “Bush Poetry” and made famous by Banjo Paterson, Henry Lawson and others of that era, along with many poets who have followed in their footsteps. • To encourage and promote writers and performers who are following these traditions. • To have regular public performances of mixed traditional and contemporary Australian Rhyming and Story Telling. We hold public performances (Musters) on the first Friday of each ODD Month at the SwanCare Group Retirement Village Auditorium, 26 Plantation Drive Bentley.

Resident Support Services DEAR RESIDENTS, DO YOU SUFFER WITH ANGINA PAIN? Do you use a spray under your tongue, when you have chest pain? HAVE YOU CHECKED THE EXPIRY DATE RECENTLY? Turn the little red bottle upside down and on its bottom there is a date. If it has expired, it is not helping your pain, please renew it. Maxene & Leasa, Resident Support Services

As the Committee has only been operating since mid-December, as yet, the full annual program has not been scheduled, however, we are planning to continue with the Sunday Concerts. The February Concert will be held on the afternoon of the 12th and it is planned that future concerts will be held on the 2nd Sunday of each alternate month. There will be a mix of artists during that time and you will be advised well in advance of the details. It is intended that there will be other events from time to time and those details will also be circulated as soon as possible. The Committee would also like to express its thanks for the sterling efforts of the past Committees, for the enjoyment they brought to residents and the funds that were raised and donated to various good causes within the village. Their hard work is greatly appreciated and we trust they will support our future efforts. Shirley Barnes, President

Commencing at 7:30pm. We produce a members monthly newsletter “The Bully Tin”. Membership Fees & Muster costs are kept to a minimum. No need to be a poet to attend Musters; many come regularly as the appreciative audience sharing enjoyment and pleasure with the many Performer/s in their development progress. • Different “Specials” most months • Our venues are “disabled friendly” • Most members are in their senior years • We are a friendly group, new faces are always welcome. • Bush Poetry is not just about the bush – Topics include City Living, Politics, Love & Romance, Traveling, Sport – Everything and Anything about Australia & Australians. For more information: Website: www.wabushpoets.com or phone John 9377 1238, Bill 9765 2365, Brian 9361 3770 or Maxine 0429 339 002

Open 7 Days Friendly service & professional advice. Phone and speak to one of our helpful staff today. We look forward to being of service to you. Our friendly team: (left to right) Michelle, Linda, Sue, Alex, Joanne, Doris, John, Melanie, Gill, Cheryl, Sian, & Regina

Script Collection


(from our “Script Boxes” Monday to Friday)

Administration Building

11am & 3pm

Drummond Way Apartments 11am & 3pm Grocery Store

11am & 3pm

Mavis Cleaver Court

11am & 3pm

Medical Centre

10am, 11am, 1pm & 3pm

Plantation Apartments

11am & 3pm

Richard Cleaver Lodge

11am & 3pm

Monday to Friday

3.30pm - 5.30pm


2.00pm - 3.30pm


by arrangement (if urgent)

Open Hours Monday to Saturday

8.00am - 6.30pm

Sunday & Public Holidays

9.00am - 5.00pm

Saturday and Sunday orders can be placed by phone









10% SENIORS’ DISCOUNT Excludes prescriptions, Darrell Lea Confectionery specials & already discounted lines.

Webster Packing (even for customers not living in Waminda Care Centre)

NDSS Sub Agency Darrell Lea Confectionery Fax Services Giftware Laminating Services Photocopying Photo Developing Selfcare Cards Vitamins

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Bentley Park Diners Our first outing for 2012 will be to the Lynwood Tavern Ferndale, on Tuesday 14th and 21st February. There is a 3 course meal for $14.20 (at the time of booking could be a small increase before we arrive). There is also many other things on the menu. I hope to find some new restaurants this year and will return to some of the old, so if you have been to a nice venue that will suit our requirements I would be pleased to hear from you. The bus is $5.00. Please book your seats as soon as possible as drivers need to be booked. Contact Lorraine on 6250 0425.

Theatre Go-ers Club

Tickets were open for sale on Monday 30th January but there could be some available. It is an advantage to be on the mailing list as the dates do not always coincide with the Tidings.

Our first outing this year is to the Garrick Theatre at Guildford to see the Mystery/Drama “Who Knows” on Friday 17th February 2012.

Tickets $20.00 each includes Sherry/Port on arrival, tea & coffee at interval. Also the bus pick up & return.

It’s the eve of the annual Dr Who convention and the President of the Club has disappeared. His friends and committee members try to find him, a very large birthday present arrives. An old friend has an eye on taking over the club and what follows is an evil plot to reclaim fame and fortune.

Our next outing is on Friday 13th April to see “Rookery Nook” at Marloo Theatre at Greenmount. A great line up of plays are planned for this year. Further information in the next Tidings.

Will the fan club find a new President? “Who Knows”.

All residents are welcome to join the Club. No joining fees. Beryl Davis, Ph: 9355 4795


Club News Handicraft We welcome our newer members to our group. All villagers are welcome. Meet and enjoy new and old friends on Mondays, between 1.00pm and 3.00pm (except Public Holidays.) Call in and join us for a ‘cuppa’. Wendy Paull, Coordinator, Ph: 9470 1966

BEADING GROUP Beading will be on every Monday with Handicraft. 1pm -3pm Special days with guest demonstrations will be held and notification will be in future tidings and posted on craft room door so please check. Bring along ideas and beads. Wires and some beads findings are available. Come and join us in a cuppa and see if you can add to our ideas. $2 for raffle and cuppa. Further enquiries Mary Manning 6250 0461. Hope to see you there.

TAI CHI We meet Tuesdays at 5pm in the Auditorium. For more information please contact Tom Brazier on 6250 0496.


Undercroft Bowling Club

Is held every Wednesday night with the new commencing time now is 6:30pm to 9:00pm. Bus pick up approx 6:15pm. $1.00 to play and $1.00 for lucky numbers. Supper is provided. New members are welcome, we will teach you if you can’t play. Enquiries, please contact: Maureen Thompson

First I must apologise as birthday’s for December and January were inadvertently left out. The birthdays were Ann Tap, Betty Briggs Mary Johnstone, Peggy Grayson & Judy Morley. Thanks for the cakes, girls!!

POTTERY GROUP Just a reminder that our AGM will be held on Monday 13th February at 9.30 am when the election of office bearers for 2012 will take place. Annual fees, which at $10.00 remain the same as last year, are due at the AGM. We would love to see some new members at the club. If you are interested, we have a very experienced member who will gladly show you “the ropes” and give you all the help you need to get going. We do wheel work, hand building and ceramics, so there are choices if you would like to start a new hobby. We meet every Monday from 9am to 11am at the pottery in Allen Crt. Look forward to welcoming new faces! Ann Morris, Secretary

Swan Bowling Club beat us in November very close 50-49!! We had a good time afterwards – ate our fill and now lots of laughs. Thank you Swan Club. Our Xmas Raffle was won by: 1. Dot in Waminda Hostel 2. Betty Briggs 3. Thelma Brown 4. Ted Morrow Well Done!! We have our first committee meeting in 2012 on Monday 6th February at 11:30am. Here’s to a peaceful & healthy new year! Birthdays for February Dave Newlan, Stan Mabbott, Sheila Barley. Admirable Aquarians.


– money will buy a fine dog – but only kindness will make him wag his tail. Gill Godsmark, Secretary

Mahjong Club


The Mahjong Club meets every Friday afternoon from 1pm to 4pm in the JP Stratton Centre EXCEPT the 1st Friday of the month we meet in the Leisure Centre. New players always welcome and we will teach new players the rules of the game. Shirley Walton, Ph: 9362 2342


The Snooker Players Association

Held every Tuesday from 1pm to 4pm in the Stratton Centre. All Welcome.

Darts are on Tuesday and Friday at 6.30pm. Don Mabbott, President

Rehab & Healthcare Equipment

The Snooker Players Association is situated on the second (Social) floor of the Administration Building. Playing sessions are held Monday to Friday from 1–3pm. New members are welcome and we would especially welcome ‘recently-moved-in’ residents. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t played for many years, as the ‘old touch’ will soon come back! If you decide to join, the membership fee is only $5 per year and you pay 20c for each frame played. Think about it, come along, or give me a ring. Peter Brunt, President Ph: 9355 4767

Bentley Park Indoor Bowls Members of the Bowls Club wish to express their sorrow at the passing of two of our members former Treasurer Beryl Sullivan and Cathie Carragher both fondly remembered by us. The 2012 afternoons play is held in the Auditorium as usual on Tuesday and Wednesday at 1:30pm. Jack Aspland, Secretary Ph: 6250 0460

BRIDGE PLAYERS Come and join us at the JP Stratton Centre on Monday afternoon at 1pm.


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9258 8733


9 – 11am Reg Gooch 9.15–11.15am Phillip Matthews


9 – 11am 2 – 4pm

Ken Thurtell John Wellstead

Friday* 9 – 11am Tony Ryder *by appointment (Beginner’s Class) Reserve Tutor: David Newlan HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our Members. Our AGM was held on Monday January 16th at 7.0pm in the coffee lounge Administration, with 25 members attending. The minutes of the meeting will be displayed on the Notice Board in the Computer Room. The Officers and Committee were re-elected for 2012 as follows: President - Ken Thurtell, Secretary / Treasurer – John Wellstead Committee Mbrs. – Philip Matthews, Reg Gooch, Tony Ryder, Dave Newlan The Computer Club is situated on the 2nd Floor Administration Building and is open at the above days and time, Bentley Park Residents and Rowthorpe residents are welcome for any computer requirements. The first session is free, thereafter an Annual $10.00 Membership Fee with a $2.00 (2hr) Session Fee is required.

B e nt le y Pa r k

B i n g o C lu b ! Thursday Nights in our Auditorium. Eyes Down 7.00pm I hope you all had a lovely Xmas and New Year. By the time we go to print, Bingo will have commenced for 2012, and not before time according to many residents. We hope to have a shorter break next Xmas! We had a wonderful year last year ending with our Xmas party followed by Bingo. There were 55 players present, and what a time we had. Lovely food, very helpful elves and prizes galore. Many winners and nice Xmas presents as well. We played Bingo after the festivities and our flyer prizes were very acceptable. The photo below shows our group of volunteers without whom we would not have Bingo!!!

At our volunteers meeting held on the 12th January, I am pleased to advise that these volunteers plus a few extras have once again come forward to help each week. Thank you one and all.


The Xmas hamper raffle was drawn on the 15th December at the Xmas party by our very own security guard “Darryl”. The winners are as follows: Mrs Gibson – 1st Prize Mrs Campbell – 2nd Prize Mrs Itzstein – 3rd Prize Mrs Inverarity – 4th Prize

Kingia/Tandara High Care Auxiliary Our first meeting for the year is on the 28th February commencing at the new time of 2:00pm. The new Committee members are as follows: President – Carol Greenaway Vice President – Patricia Wells Carolyn Wellstead – Secretary Frankie Comstive – Treasurer Lorraine Pittaway – Social Convener Everyone is welcome. Carol Greenaway, President

December and January were extra busy with Christmas socials, dinners and City Lights bus tours. The Annual Christmas Raffle was great success and many thanks to all who helped and supported it. Winners: 1st Prize – Orange C 76 – I Moir 2nd Prize – Blue C 35 – W Murty 3rd Prize – Black D 70 – D Sammels 4th Prize – Yellow E 25 – T Brazier The New Year started with our first morning tea on January 12th which was enjoyed by all who attended. The next morning tea will be on Thursday 16th February so mark it on your calendar. Bring a plate and a friend. Entry fee is $1.00, with a door prize. Looking forward to seeing you all again this year and remember our friendship night after bowls every Wednesday night.

Ladies of the Night

If you would like to join this year, then just come along on Thursday and join the fun, if you have never played before don’t worry it’s easy and there are many of us only to willing to help. Books $2, Flyers $1, Break Opens, Raffle, and Lucky Numbers are also available. Hope to see there.

The Art Group is having a big “sort out” of the Art Room. If you are a lapsed or past member, and have any paintings or materials stored either in the cupboards or on the tables, would you please remove them by 1st March. We are getting new members, and are running very short of space for them to work. Anything not claimed by this date will be disposed of. Thank you for your cooperation. Audrey Thurtell, Secretary

Welcome to 2012, have a happy & healthy year. With night bowls started on Monday, Wednesday & Saturday nights we really look forward to thewarm evenings in the open air.

Good Bowling Hazel Lancaster, President

A reminder that the $10.00 Annual Fee is now due for existing Members to continue Membership, which can be paid at any time at the above days/times. K Thurtell, President Ph: 9362 6169

The AGM was held on 27th January. Details in next months Tidings.


A grand total of $945.00 was raised and this will be donated to the Kingia/Tandara Auxiliary Committee at their next meeting. They can arrange for it’s use in the best possible way. Thank you all for your support of this fund raising venture, we hope to do it again this year. Bus pick up commences at 6:20pm. All village stops including Waminda and Rowethorpe pick up appox 6:20pm at Rivergum Apartments. See you there. Good Luck. Carol Greenaway, Licence Holder Ph: 0459 540 921

Table Tennis Club We play in the Snooker Room Level Two in the Administration Building on WEDNESDAY MORNINGS at 9.00am onwards. All equipment supplied – everyone welcome. Cost is $20 per annum. Pres/Tres: Andrew Chisholm 9470 1352 Sec: Trisha Power 6250 0542

Patchwork Group Meetings are held at 6.30pm on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each calendar month in the Handicraft Room at Administration Building Plantation Drive, Bentley Park. All patch workers and quilters welcome. For more information phone: Marion Pitcher - 9362 1702 or Jean Buchanan-Hughes - 9362 5903

The Writer’s Group We are a group of friends who write for our own pleasure. We meet to share our work and our ideas, and to offer suggestions to fellow members in a non-critical way that helps to improve their work. Most members write about their memories from years ago, and some write parts of their life stories. Some interesting discussions are had following the reading of the work. We meet each fortnight on Thursday mornings at 9.30am in the Handicraft Room on the second floor of the Administration Building. One or two new members would be welcome; there are no fees, all you need to do is to bring a piece of your writing to read. Anyone interested would be welcome to come and listen to the readings before deciding to join us. The meeting for February will be on Thursdays 16th at 9.30am. Reg Gooch, Ph: 9472 6132

Pony Canasta Now at the JP Stratton Centre every Wednesday from 1:00 until 3:45pm. New players wanted – will teach. Come and have a cuppa and a game for 50 cents. For more information contact Marie Stephens Ph: 9472 5097 or Joan Mellowship Ph: 9361 4106.



Community Noticeboard Bentley Park Recipe Book I suggested in December’s ‘Tidings’ that a recipe book made up of villagers’ contributions would make a good community project. Little has come of that notice and I am asking again for support. I am appealing for favourite family recipes be collated like the old CWA/ Golden Wattle cook books, with each recipe/ contribution being acknowledged.

60th Wedding Anniversary

Thank You

Congratulations to both Dick & Betty Garrett on celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary on the 19th January 2012 from your friends and members of the Swan Bowling Club. The SwanCare Group Board Members, Management & Staff would also like to congratulate you both on this great milestone.

This is from Myra Rudd, she’s not dead yet! She’s alive and is home and all she wants to say is “Thank you, thank you, thank you” for all the beautiful Christmas Cards, Get Well Cards, emails, calls and visits. God bless you all. Love Myra.

Swanmobile availability Bookings: 6250 0023

If so, please contact me - John Wellstead, 3 Millstream Way Ph: 6250 0505 or email jocar@bentleyparkestate.com.au

Wanted – Ballroom Dancing Partner

With the Swanmobile being very busy these days please ensure you book in advance, especially if you are attending appointments.

I am prepared to collate submissions and produce the final result for distribution, be it in paper form or digital file. Are you interested in contributing?

Thank you so much and kindest regards to Kim and Maxene. - Anne Princeton (daughter).


9am - 12 noon 1pm - 4pm


9.30am - 12 noon 1pm - 4pm


9am - 12 noon

Carolyn Wellstead, 6250 0505, Co-ordinator

A tall, attractive lady, interested in finding a partner for ballroom dancing. Please call Sheila on 9361 5227.

Girl Guides Association Western Australia Inc For more information please contact Nancy Brazier on 6250 0496 or email tomnanb@bentleyparkestate.com.au

A Synergy of Service



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