Summer Tidings 2024

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26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102

08 6250 0000 08 9470 2017

Tidings Magazine is a seasonal publication produced and printed on behalf of the residents at SwanCare.

Deadlines for editorial and advertising are: Autumn 7th February, Winter 7th May, Spring 7th August and Summer 7th November.

To book advertising or for information regarding rates please contact SwanCare Marketing on 6250 0032. Editorial contributions including photographs can be emailed to Hard copies of articles and supporting photographs can be handed to reception in the Administration offices at Bentley Park and Australind Rise.


In good faith SwanCare accepts articles, a small selection of advertisements, and other content for Tidings. However, the opinions and claims expressed in articles and advertising materials presented in Tidings are those of the authors and the advertisers respectively, and do not necessarily reflect the views of SwanCare, unless stated. No responsibility is accepted by SwanCare for the accuracy of information contained in the articles or advertisements.

Cover image: Outgoing CEO Graham Francis.



Graham Francis provides his final update




Support Services Updates



News from around SwanCare


Unsung Hero

Learn about quiet achiever, Dianne (Pg 8)
SwanCare's annual Charity Golf Day wrap up (Pg 6)
Become a Village Exchange Program volunteer (Pg 16)
Summer gardening tips (Pg 21)
Sue shares the stories that shaped her (Pg 10)
We farewell SwanCare CEO Graham Francis (Pg 12)
Staff celebrate National Safe Work Month (Pg 7)

CEO’S Column

Welcome to the final edition of Tidings for 2024. I’d like to start by giving a wrap up of the year so far.

SwanCare has continued to adapt to the changing and challenging environment that our sector is facing. This includes ongoing sector reforms as the rollout from the Royal Commission continues. The changes, whilst addressing important issues, have added complexity and costs to the delivery of aged care services and continues to place greater demands on staff and management.

SwanCare achieved continual high levels of occupancy within both our retirement village and care centres, finishing the year with a large waitlist for accommodation and an average occupancy of 92% overall.

Care and service remain core business drivers to improve resident experience, operational and financial performance. It goes without saying, but the success of SwanCare is attributable to our staff. I express my deepest and sincere thanks to each of our 725 employees for their continued hard work, commitment, and care that they provide to our residents and clients day in and day out.

As we look towards 2025 and beyond, we are excited to continue with the following major projects that will enhance the amenity and support services for our residents and staff:

• The major refurbishment works to SwanCare Waminda which is transforming the care centre into a contemporary and modern residential aged care building. Construction is set to be completed around October next year.

• We are currently seeking tenders from reputable building companies to construct an 18-apartment complex on the land behind the grocery store. This new apartment complex will not only provide additional housing amenity for our future clients

but will also enhance a part of the Bentley Park village that is currently unused. Construction is likely to commence early next year.

We had a fantastic day at Meadow Springs Golf & Country Club for our major fundraising event of the year, the SwanCare Charity Golf Day. You can read more about this on Page 6. We also had another fantastic fundraiser in October, our Bentley Park Open Day & Fete. Page 14 has all the details.

Special events closing out 2024 includes celebrating our wonderful SwanCare volunteers in honour of International Volunteers Day where we announce our very own Villager(s) of the Year, as well as our staff function: the Feathers Awards night.

As I prepare to step down at the end of this year, I wanted to take a moment to share my heartfelt thanks with each of you. Serving as CEO of SwanCare for these past 16 years - and being part of this incredible community for 19 years - has been the greatest privilege of my life. I am truly grateful for the kindness, warmth, and support you have shown me along the way. Together, we have built something truly remarkable.

As we approach the festive season, I want to wish you and your loved ones a safe, joyous, and prosperous time ahead. May the new year bring continued happiness, good health, and a sense of peace to you all. Thank you, again, for everything. You have enriched my life beyond measure, and I leave with immense pride and gratitude in my heart.


In the Know

Support Services Updates

Stay in the know with village updates from SwanCare’s General Manager of Growth & Support Services, Paul Grzelec.

Maintenance Requests

Residents are reminded that Maintenance is available to assist with issues that relate to SwanCare assets at your residence and common property. For items personal in nature such as loose furniture, household appliances and rubbish removal, these are not covered by Maintenance and should be attended to by yourself or family/friends. A fee will apply should Maintenance attend to these types of issues. Please also ensure large boxes are not left in bin stores for Maintenance to dispose of. These should be broken down into smaller pieces and placed in the Recycle bins.

Spritz & Jarrah Café Update

Jarrah Café will be closed over the Christmas and New Year period between the 23rd of December and the 7th of January inclusive, allowing the team to have some well-earned rest. The café will reopen on Wednesday the 8th of January 2025.

Spritz Café will remain open during the Christmas and New Year period except public holidays. During this time, Spritz Café will also open on Saturday and Sunday. Online ordering is now available at Spritz Café, allowing you to order ahead and reduce your wait time. Pickup orders can be made online at during opening hours. Online ordering will also be coming soon to Jarrah Café.

How to Recycle

Most consumer food products now have the Australian Recycling Label (ARL) to help consumers better understand what packaging can go in the yellow lid mixed recycling bin. Please note, there is currently no program to recycle coloured plastic bags and clear printed or labelled plastic bags.

Examples of the ARL symbols are below:

Below are two actual product examples:

For the 2L milk bottle, the ARL refers to the bottle and cap being Conditionally Recyclable with instructions to crush bottle and replace cap. Always rinse milk bottles prior to placing in the Recycle bins.

The ARL refers to the chicken mince tray being recyclable, with the film and liner to be disposed in General Waste. Always thoroughly rinse meat trays prior to placing in the Recycle bins.

Summer Tips

SwanCare’s Environmental & Sustainability Committee have put together some summer tips to help ease our impact on the environment:

• Do not hand water areas that are already reticulated

• Put your Christmas party leftovers in Food Waste bins rather than General Waste

• Smelly food leftovers such as fish can be frozen first, then put in Food Waste bins the day before emptying. For Bentley, this bin day is Thursday.

• Put out Recycle bins only when full. It costs the same to empty a partially filled bin as it does a full one.

Congratulations to those in our community already doing the above tips.

SwanCare News

SwanCare Charity Golf Day 2024

26 teams took to the green this spring as part of SwanCare’s annual Charity Golf Day. We're proud to announce we raised a total of $13,417.26. This brings the grand total, raised over the 17 years of the event, to just over $230k!

Proceeds from this year’s Charity Golf Day will go towards the purchase of a NeuronsVR Kit. This will enable us to provide specialised VR therapy for our residential aged care residents, particularly those living with Dementia.

SwanCare would like to congratulate and give thanks to all players, donors and sponsors, for their contribution to the success of our event, and whose support goes a long way in assisting us to deliver SwanCare’s vision of enriching the lives of everyone in our community.

R U OK? Day

We know the importance a simple chat can make to someone who may be struggling, which is why this September our Resident Services, Marketing and Admin teams came together to host a morning tea for our village residents in honour of R U OK? Day. We all sometimes struggle with life’s ups and downs, it’s OK not to be OK, but making time to support someone who is doing it tough can change, or even save, their life.

So, let's continue to band together as a community. Ask R U OK? any day.

Our Charity Golf Day 2024 Players
Residents taking the time to connect over morning tea
Checking in with friends
A beautiful day at Meadow Springs, Mandurah

National Safe Work Month

Throughout October, our staff participated in various activities and initiatives to commemorate National Safe Work Month.

From Safe Tea catch ups to a giant dunk tank, we did it all! Proving that learning about safety doesn’t have to be boring, but that safety does have to be everyone’s business.

Plantation Apartments Turns 17!

This group of neighbours recently got together to honour the 17-year anniversary of their beloved Plantation Apartment.

The courtyard was decked out in party decorations as the retirement living residents gathered for nibbles and drinks to commemorate the place their proud to call home.

Special mention to the Plantation residents who have been here right from the start:

Sue G., Jean O., Jean T., Sandra D., Bev W., Trevor W., & Glo K.

What a celebration! Congratulations to all.

SwanCare News

Staff Services Lunch

Every year we host our Staff Services Awards Lunch as an opportunity to recognise some of our most dedicated team members. And this year's was yet another example of just how lucky we are to have our people.

In late October, staff of 10, 20 and 30+ years were joined by their loved ones, Managers and our CEO Graham Francis to celebrate their incredible commitment to our SwanCare community.

We’re extremely proud to share that those 25 team members have completed an overall total of 370 years of service! What an achievement.

Among them was Maintenance Supervisor George Palmer, the longest serving staff member on the day with an incredible 40 years under his belt.

Our SwanCare family would not be the same without these individuals. Congratulations to each and every one of you, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you do.

George Palmer (L) alongside CEO Graham Francis (R)
Care centre staff enjoying a safe-tea catch up!
Plantation neighbours celebrating

Resident Story

Unsung Hero

‘To Dianne, a quiet achiever.’ These words were inscribed on the back of a painting and presented to Bentley Park resident, Dianne May. They summarise her generosity and warmth, as well as acknowledge her lifelong quest to help others.

Early Influences

Dianne grew up with three siblings on a farm in country South Australia. Her dad assisted and advised soldier settlers, and her mum was a seamstress. After the family moved to Adelaide, Dianne’s high school years proved to be instrumental.

“My parents were community-focused, but it was also the school’s teachings that really influenced the rest of my life,” shares Dianne.

As a teenager, Dianne got heavily involved in youth groups, helping to organise activities and camps. It was no surprise she went on to become a primary school teacher, and being the youngest, took all the sport classes.

“I coached the boys AFL and won the Southern Districts of Adelaide! I still dine out on that story!”

Community Spirit

Dianne met her husband Bruce at a Commonwealth Youth Conference which she’d helped organise.

They eventually moved just outside of Brisbane with the idea of being self-sufficient, owning goats, chooks and turkeys. They also opened their home to others.

“We hosted a lot of city kids from the school, they would come along and feed the animals. It was fun.”

Dianne’s involvement in the community continued to grow strong. Not only did she create a successful environmental program at the primary school she worked at, but she was also part of a group that built the local church.

“It was said to be built on lamingtons!” She laughs, “We had an order for 300 dozen lamingtons every fortnight, which would be sold to fundraise for the church. We delivered them all around the neighbourhood. We also started up a Brownie group and Meals on Wheels. We did lots of fundraising in that town.”

Dianne and Bruce later moved to Western Australia where they settled in Roleystone, home of the iconic Araluen Botanic Park.

“During the late 80’s, there was talk of turning the Park into a retirement village. I wanted to save it.

I spoke at an official meeting and got my students involved in having their say. It worked, and I

Dedicated volunteer & retirement living resident, Dianne May

received an invite to the official opening alongside representatives from my class! It was a big thing. I was very proud.”

The painting with the words ‘quiet achiever’ came from one of the local school teachers. It is one of Dianne’s most cherished gifts.

Passing on the Kindness

Dianne and Bruce have been married for 56 years and have two daughters. After the kids had grown and flown, Dianne decided to dive deeper into volunteering, and spent 20 years coordinating a low-cost food centre where the ethos was that people should have the dignity to choose and pay for what they wanted, rather than just be given it.

She was also involved in refugee support work for Iraqi and Afghani asylum seekers and housed a family of Vietnamese refugees. These experiences resulted in long-lasting friendships which Dianne spoke fondly about.

“One of my favourite stories is about one of the Afghani families. I’d spend an hour every morning with the girls trying to teach them games that other kids played, so they could join in. The father would stand there watching, silently. I later found out, once he had learned English, that he was protecting us from men with guns, since that was the norm where they had come from.

I’m happy to say the children of this family went on to become doctors and researchers, and are a great asset to the country. The parents set up a painting and decorating business, and always employed a

Resident Story

refugee to be part of their team as a way of passing on the kindness.”

Village Life

Dianne may have retired at Bentley Park, but she hasn't slowed down on her commitment to giving back to others. Some examples include supporting the charity ‘Wheelchairs for Kids’ with her handknitted teddies, as well as helping to run SwanCare’s annual Cancer Council ‘Biggest Morning Tea’ fundraiser.

Although Dianne is not just a humanitarian, she’s also what you might call an ideas person. Need some fresh thinking and innovative ways of bringing people together? Dianne is your lady!

“During COVID-19 lockdown, Bruce and I organised a treasure hunt, where residents would be asked to walk out and spot certain things in windows and gardens. We dropped the list of items in people's letterboxes. It was a great way to get people out and about, and to remind them they’re part of a community.”

Dianne, we’re truly inspired by your kindness and compassion. Thank you for all you do.

Dianne & Bruce at a dinner party fundraiser, 1990's
Dianne with her first daughter in Brisbane, 1970
Dianne outside her beautiful cottage home, 1990's

Resident Story

The Moments that make Memories

Sue Lewis is a lady who plays to her strengths, with her talents providing both interesting and impressive experiences. We interviewed the Bentley Park resident to learn more about the stories that shaped her life.

Memory Lane

Born in Wimbledon, south-west London, Sue had what she describes as a lovely countryside upbringing, unsurprisingly affiliated with tennis! As locals, Sue’s mother had access to tickets, and she remembers walking across the common to see all the action. This is just one of Sue’s many childhood memories which stand out.

“I remember bottled milk and sacks of coal being delivered by horse and cart. I also remember the rag and bone man going down the road calling out ‘rag and bones!’ If you had any rags, you gave them to him – I’m not sure what they were used for, and I have no idea what the bone was about! I think it must have been unwanted household items.”

Singing to the Stars

As a student at Wimbledon High School, Sue enjoyed her education and had a love for singing. She spent her teen years as a soprano in the Wimbledon Girls Choir.

“We travelled all over the UK and abroad. We exchanged with choirs from Germany, Norway and Holland. I met Cliff Richard in a recording studio in London and as I was introduced, he commented on my cold hands!

We performed in shows with Adam Faith, The Hollies, Cilla Black, Maurice Chevalier – many people from that era.

Two outstanding evenings were singing at the Victoria Palace and singing a duet at the Royal Albert Hall.”

As you do!

Love on the Horizon

Sue loved singing but always wanted to be a teacher and had a bee in her bonnet about visiting Australia.

“I decided to go as an exchange teacher to Sydney. From Southampton, I had an amazing seven-week cruise stopping at thirteen ports. On the ship I was introduced to a man named Ken. At the end of my year in Sydney, I flew to Perth, was married to Ken and we both cruised back to the UK via South Africa.

I taught in Surrey again and in 1974 headed back to Perth as a ten-pound Pom. I resumed teaching and

Retirement living resident Sue Lewis working on her latest puzzle
Sue performing in the Wimbledon Girls Choir, Norway 1964

my love of ballroom dancing as luckily Ken was a dancer as well. I currently go dancing three times a week. Travel has also remained an important part in my life, and I have enjoyed numerous trips in Australia and abroad. I have been back to the UK and Europe 15 times!”

When the two children came along, Sue was a stayat-home mum. She now has four grandchildren. Sue eventually resumed teaching and worked in the school library until 2012, before commencing work as a private tutor.

Connections & Crosswords

In 2017, Sue retired from her private tutoring. It was this same year that she decided to sign up to participate in Curtin University’s Senior Citizen Partnership Program.

The Program works closely with retirement living residents who are paired up with two medical students, allowing our future doctors to gain a deeper insight into the older generation and their needs.

“The Program also helps foster intergenerational connections and is very enjoyable. Twelve of my students have graduated so far, and I have been to three graduation ceremonies.”

Over the past nine years at Bentley Park, Sue and Ken have made a life for themselves being active members of the community, attending most of the functions and village clubs, running dances, and making use of what’s on offer.

Resident Story

Among her busy schedule, Sue can often be found partaking in various creative pastimes. In fact, do you enjoy the crosswords and puzzles in Tidings? Well, you can thank Sue for those! With her background in education, she is the perfect candidate to keep our brains active. You can see her latest work on Page 20.

It’s been a joy to learn more about you, Sue! Thank you for sharing your wonderful journey with us.

Ken & Sue with their children Tristen & Lisa, 1981
Sue's first visit back to the UK with her children, 1978
Sue & her class, Sydney 1971

Meet the Team

Do What you Love & Call it Work |

In September 2005, I stepped into SwanCare, fresh from a role with the Town of Kwinana, managing the town’s aged care and retirement living interests. Little did I know then that this chance connection with the aged care sector would spark a passion that would become my life's work.

My start at SwanCare was as the Director of Business and Support Services, charged with driving redevelopment, fostering new business, and helping coordinate village operations. These early days were invigorating, but it was the promotion to CEO in 2008 that allowed me to work even more closely with the extraordinary team here. Together, we worked through major milestones, enduring challenges like the 2009 Global Financial Crisis and later, the complexities brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through it all, we were driven by our unchanging commitment to one another and our residents.

Our team’s culture - this vibrant sense of family - didn’t just happen. It’s been built on trust, respect, and shared values. From the beginning, I

believed in setting egos aside, empowering each team member, and ensuring everyone felt valued. This approach fostered a unique environment, one where everyone contributes to the shared goal of creating a place where people want to live, work, and grow. The friendships I’ve forged with both staff and residents are among my most treasured relationships; they are friendships rooted in mutual respect, kindness, and shared memories.

Reflecting on my time here, it’s hard to pinpoint a single "greatest achievement," because each success is woven into the fabric of SwanCare’s story. But if I had to name one, it would be leading SwanCare through a transformative journey, back to our roots and then forward to where we are now.

When I first took over as CEO, SwanCare was facing challenges; we needed to refocus on our core values and rebuild our financial and operational foundations. By grounding ourselves in our purpose - caring for people - we were able to pull through and emerge stronger.

Graham joins the SwanCare team, 2008
Bentley Park Leisure Precinct grand opening, 2020

Now, as I approach my retirement, I am filled with pride when I look at the SwanCare community. Bentley and Australind Rise are no longer just places to live; they’re vibrant places where people feel safe, valued, and free to live life fully. The true heart of SwanCare isn’t found in our buildings but in the people who fill them. The warmth, dedication, and resilience of our

Meet the Team

staff and residents define who we are. It’s these connections, these friendships, that I will miss most.

As I look to SwanCare’s future, I am filled with hope and confidence. Our commitment to providing integrated aged care and retirement communities remains strong, and I am certain that our foundation of compassion, respect, and community will carry us forward. SwanCare has always been about people - from our founder’s original vision to today’s dedicated team - and I trust it will continue to be a place that celebrates and uplifts every person who calls it home.

Do what you love… and call it work. That’s the joy SwanCare has brought to my life. Thank you for allowing me to be part of this remarkable journey.

To read Graham’s full story, head to and search ‘Do What you Love & Call it Work’.

All aboard for the CEO Coffee Catch Up Club, 2016
Graham upon his retirement announcement, 2024
SwanCare Inducted into Vic Park Business Hall of Fame, 2020
Graham celebrating Purple Bra Day with residents, 2015

Bentley Park Open Day & Fete Community Connections

On Saturday the 19th of October, we proudly hosted the new look Bentley Park Open Day & Fete. Reflecting on the special occasion is retirement living resident and member of the fundraiser’s committee, Thelma.

“The event was a wonderful success! A lot of it was testament to the cooperation between the residents and staff, who worked together to welcome the wider community into our lovely village.”

There were over 10 stalls and exhibits decorating our Leisure Precinct, majority of which were run by village residents and clubs, in addition to our residential aged care centre staff, and friends at Daily Living Products and Guide Dogs WA.

“Our exhibitors and stall holders were able to partake in a very happy atmosphere. This happy atmosphere is what the committee set out to create and it was achieved on the day – so the hard work paid off!”

There were plenty of activities to keep the little kids (and big kids) entertained, with live music adding to the ambiance, courtesy of talented Bentley Park resident Lesley and her duet partner Tom.

There’s no doubt our show-goers needed some extra fuel to keep up with all the fun. Shoutout to our incredible Tea and Scones team (who sold 180 scones in just two hours!), Auxiliary’s magnificent Bake Stall, as well as the Sausage Sizzle crew, whose exceptional effort meant not a single sausage or bun was left behind!

We also had some exciting goodies up for grabs thanks to all who donated to the raffle, including our event sponsors Time Centre Jewelers, Friday Night Chase, and St. James Newstart Pharmacy. Huge well done to our raffle ticket volunteers and congratulations again to our lucky prize winners.

“It was a great day, but for me, the highlight was our wonderful CEO opening the Fete. Sadly, this will be his last time doing so - our village has prospered having Graham at the helm.

Ultimately, while it was a fundraiser, it was not about making money. It was about people coming together and connecting with a light-hearted, community spirit.” Well said, Thelma!

None of this would’ve been possible without our hard-working Bentley Park Open Day & Fete Committee, whose dedication and passion for SwanCare contributed greatly to its success. Special thank you to our Community Living Coordinator Matt Upston and retirement living residents Maureen G., Thelma C., Bev H., Phyl L., Robin H., Terry B. & Margot H.

CEO Graham Francis opening this year's Bentley Park Open Day & Fete
Making some new friends at the Petting Zoo

Valuable Volunteer

Village Exchange Program

SwanCare’s Environmental & Sustainability Committee provides a platform for residents to implement greener practices and solutions throughout the campus. One example of their many notable initiatives is our Village Exchange Program, coordinated by retirement living resident Bruce May.

For three years now the Village Exchange has served as a sustainability centre for residents and staff. It gives every-day household items, that would otherwise go to waste, a purposeful place to go.

“Some examples of items we accept include aluminium coffee pods, medication blister packs, plastic bread tags, hearing aids, spectacles, oral care products, used batteries, plant tags, milk bottle tops, egg cartons and hair care aerosols, as long as the lid is included.

We also have our Repurposing Section where people can bring in almost anything that they no longer want but think is too good to throw out – the only limit is the donor’s imagination,” explains Bruce.

If you’ve ever wondered what may have happened to your recycled goods, it’s fair to say the opportunities are endless. And contrary to what you may think, Bruce shares how some of the smallest donations can go on to make the biggest difference.

“The bread tags recycled through our Program are utilised by a handy couple in Robe, South Australia, who manufacture bowls, chopping boards, and other various homewares using postconsumer plastic. The proceeds of the sales from their business, ‘Transmutation’, goes towards a charity that provides wheelchairs to children.”

Heartwarming stories like these can only be made possible through donations, and while the Village Exchange welcomes most items, there are a few exceptions.

“We can’t manage furniture at this stage, due to the lack of space. Some people also bring in electrical items, however because of government regulation, we cannot handle these at all. Electrical items should be dropped in a waste bin, with the cords

removed; or held until there is a General Waste collection,” Bruce shares.

The Village Exchange Program is run by a small team of volunteers who help manage what goes in and out of the centre. A portion of the items collected are then processed through TerraCycle, a global recycling organisation who acts as the receiving agent for many items, and they give credits for the quantities sent in.

“Once a year, groups can allocate their credits to a registered charity, as long as they’ve raised a certain number. We’ve exceeded this amount and look forward to receiving cash for the 4,456 credits accumulated, with SwanCare nominated to receive the donations.”

It’s rewarding to know that by doing good things, good things come back to us. However, raising funds for our SwanCare community is only one benefit, with the Program’s ultimate success leading to lasting change.

“I would like residents and staff to donate more recyclables of every kind, because any item we can save from the waste bins is all for the greater good of our planet,” says Bruce.

If you would like to lend a hand, the Committee are looking for more volunteers to help sort the donations coming into the centre. Anyone wishing to support our Village Exchange Program is encouraged to contact Bruce.

Bruce sorting coffee pods at the Village Exchange

Resident Watch

Safety is Everyone’s Business

There are many things that go into making a community a safe place to work and live, most of which are done behind the scenes or go relatively unnoticed. With a renewed focus on safety throughout 2024, SwanCare’s SwanSafe Committee has been working hard on several initiatives aimed at improving safety across all of our facilities.

Whilst these initiatives may not always be visible, or remain a work in progress, some of the initiatives introduced have shown immediate results.

Some initiatives that you will notice, if you haven’t already, are:

1. SwanCare has implemented a new safety management system known as Rapid. You may have noticed posters with QR codes at the entry to many locations across the village. These posters are now used by any tradesperson attending on behalf of SwanCare so that we can ensure the meet our safety standards which includes our trades being suitably inducted and the collation of all relevant safety documentation in place. We are now able to have greater control and oversight of the work being carried out within our facilities and take peace of mind knowing that those who enter your homes, and our facilities, are working in line with our everincreasing safety standards.

2. Across the Bentley Park village, our team have undertaken extensive and thorough reviews of aspects in relation to building fire safety and preparedness, along with broader emergency management planning. Once complete, we anticipate that all residents will be provided with updated, simple to follow instructions on what to do in the event of an emergency, including fire alarms.

3. Traffic management has been another aspect under review with several amendments identified for consideration. Some action has already been approved and is underway, whilst others continue to be monitored prior to final decisions being made.

With the fast-approaching festive season nearly upon us, I would like to take the opportunity to ask you to look out for each other. Many of our wonderful residents will become very active during this time with family and friends, however we should not forget those who may not.

Companionship comes in many forms; a simple hello, a check in of a neighbour or a passing discussion could brighten someone’s day.

Our vision is to enrich the lives of everyone in our community, so every little bit helps.

On behalf of our SwanSafe team, I would like to wish you all a safe and wonderful Christmas and look forward to an even busier 2025.

- Paul Marshall, WHS & Risk Manager

Village News

Bentley Park Social Club Fish N Chips with

There are new energies within the Committee of the Social Club and as a recently elected Leader, I welcome the village community to our events. So far, we have enjoyed hosting a ‘Great Gatsby Roaring 20s’ party, a sing-along with the very talented Robert Graham, and an event for the race that stops the nation, the Melbourne Cup. We encourage suggestions and feedback from you all to cater to your diverse tastes. All are discussed at Committee level. My team is amazing as are our helpers and I thank them all. The Op Shop continues to support us financially and without this we would not exist as we are. A huge thanks also to Margaret Frew and her crew.

Dates for your diaries:

• Allsorts Choir Performance: 2:00pm until 4:15pm Sunday 15th December 2024

• New Years Eve: 7:00pm until 12:30am Tuesday 31st December 2024

• Australia Day: 10:00am until 12:30pm Sunday 26th January 2025

• Valentines Day High Tea: 2:00pm until 4:15pm 16th February 2025

We welcome you all to join us for good fun, food, and friendship as you enjoy the entertainment we offer. See the Bentley Park Bulletin for more information. On behalf of my Committee, I wish you all a safe, healthy and happy season.

- Anne Latham


After many years at Bentley Park, those green aprons have now retired. The Committee would like to thank residents for their continued support. While we must say farewell to Fish N Chips with Friends, it’s our pleasure to say hello to Morning Melodies with Friends!

From February 2025 the Auditorium will be alive with the sound of music on the first Friday morning of each month from 10:00am to 12:30pm. These will be ticketed events at $10.00 (cash) per person, including an hour of entertainment followed by a late morning tea. Raffle tickets will also be on sale with prizes to be won. Bookings are essential.

Please see the Bentley Park Bulletin for more information. We look forward to seeing you there!

- Lesley Foster

Our dedicated Fish N Chips with Friends Committee
The ladies racing event at the Melbourne Cup Fish N Chips with Friends
Fun with friends at Social Club's Melbourne Cup event

Swan Village Bowling Club Village

Summer night bowls will commence on Saturday the 30th of November with a pre-bowling sausage sizzle for members. Sizzle will commence from 5:00pm with bowling starting at 6:30pm. Normal bowling time for night bowls will be 6:00pm for a 6:30pm start.

Happy Hours will continue on Saturdays and Wednesdays, and Monday nights will be scroungers bowls. This allows club members to assess their own ability, not just be part of a team. If unusually high numbers come along on a Monday we may have to revert to team games. The mid-game break for tea and biscuits at scroungers may have to be abandoned to ensure the competition finishes before floodlights go off at 9:00pm.

No Shield competitions are held during summer but social games with staff or the residents at Rowethorpe will be advertised at the club should they be arranged. Our final outing for the year will be a Christmas dinner at RAAFA on the 5th of December, with other outings still being planned. Please check the club noticeboard for details.

New members are always welcome, and we hope they can all enjoy many years of friendly competitive bowling. Any queries please contact me. More information can be found in the Bentley Park Bulletin.

- Stan Barclay, President

Bentley Park Residents’ Council

As the year draws to a close, the Residents' Council have been reflecting on the many achievements in the village during the year including various interesting guest speakers and a number of projects completed. We recently had a meeting with members of the Auxiliary and Social Club to discuss cooperation of all groups. A village calendar will be put in place to make sure the year runs smoothly, and all interested groups will meet at least three times during the year. The Council also met with the full management team to discuss better communications and working closer together.


SwanCare Centres Auxiliary

In September we enjoyed an excellent lunch at the Yanchep Inn. Because we are a charity organisation we didn't have to pay for the National Park Entry fee, which made the trip more profitable for us.

The October meeting included the ever-popular Kimbo Fashion parade for the summer fashions, and it was very well attended. Our models Joelle, Fran, Jadwiga and Adleen did a wonderful job and had a good time as well.

Our November meeting was also the AGM and because the whole Committee decided to carry on for another year, no nominations were sought. Our CEO, Graham, attended for the last time and was presented with a farewell card on behalf of all Auxiliary members.

Our next meeting will be on the fourth Tuesday of February. We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a healthy and happy 2025!

- Annette Lennerts, President

The Council can only be effective if the residents communicate with us. We recognise living in a village has its challenges and at times we must all compromise, but wherever possible we will strive for a positive outcome. When contacting the Council always make sure you at least leave a phone number.

On behalf of the Residents Council, thank you for your support and we wish you and your families the best for the festive season and New Year.

- Bill Waterer, Chairperson

Auxiliary's beautiful fashion parade models

Brain Teaser

Simile Word Sleuth | By Sue Lewis

1. As stubborn as a

2. As blind as a

3. As drunk as a

4. As mad as a

5. As brave as a

6. As sly as a

7. As playful as a

8. As free as a

9. As wise as a

10. As sick as a

11. Memory like an 12. As eager as a 13. As busy as a 14. As poor as a 15. As quiet as a 16. As strong as an 17. Drinks like a 18. As slow as a 19. As happy as a 20. As proud as a 21. As gentle as a 22. As hungry as a



2. BAT,
SKUNK, 4. HORNET, 5. LION, 6. FOX, 7. KITTEN, 8. BIRD, 9. OWL, 10. DOG, 11. ELEPHANT, 12.
BEAVER, 13. BEE, 14. CHURCH MOUSE, 15. MOUSE, 16. OX, 17. FISH, 18. SNAIL, 19. LAMB, 20. PEACOCK, 21. LARK, 22. HORSE

Gardens Interest Group

Festive Flowering

Summer is here bringing warmer days to enjoy your pot plants and gardens in the cool of the morning or afternoon.

Brighten up your Christmas by adding a few colourful plants like salvia, petunias or red and white vincas amongst the rest of your garden. Gerberas have been beautiful in village gardens and continue to bloom all year round.

A fun idea is to grow water lilies in a large urn, add some native fish to keep mosquitoes from breeding. Caterpillars and other pests can be controlled with Mavrik or Dipel sprays, they both have low withholding times for your favourite crops. Spray in the late afternoon after bees have gone to bed.

For those who still have roses, dead head to encourage more blooms and keep an eye out for aphids which can be contained by squirting with a strong blast of your hose or pyrethrum sprays.

Lift bulbs that have finished, dust with copper oxychloride and store in paper bags ready to plant in autumn.

For vegetable gardeners, add flowers to your beds for the bees which pollenate your crop. Also, it is time to plant beans, beetroot, carrots, lettuce, cucumber, onion, peas, silver beet, radish, tomatoes, and zucchini for easy continuous harvesting through summer. Keep moist but not waterlogged. Sweet corn and melon are great too if you have room for them to grow. Stake tall varieties of tomatoes, prune side shoots out to encourage more flowers and clear the low foliage to prevent fungal diseases.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at the Bentley Park Gardens Interest Group.

Red Lily
Variegated Water Lily

Home Care

Help at Hand

SwanCare's purpose is to provide a caring community where every person feels safe and has the freedom and choice to live the life they desire. To assist us in this, we enjoy hosting information sessions to engage with our residents on various subjects, providing a comfortable space for them to ask questions and share their ideas.

This November, our SwanCare At Home Manager, Mechy, held a presentation for Bentley Park residents. For those who don’t know, SwanCare At Home provides a range of home care services in Bentley and the surrounding areas, so that you can continue living independently in your own home. Examples of their services include personal care, domestic assistance, and even social support.

Mechy’s session provided a great insight into the Support At Home Program which is planned to

commence on the 1st of July 2025 in replacement of the current Home Care Package Program.

We hope all those who attended found the session helpful and informative. For further information on our Home Care Services, or to learn more about the changes to the Home Care Package Program, feel free to reach out to Mechy and her team anytime.

SwanCare At Home Manager, Mechy
Residents enjoying a performance by a talented Albany school choir
Admin staff giving residents a Halloween surprise!
Bowls is full of friendship and fun
Our friendly village Photography Club
Always plenty of fun at the Girl Guides' Beetle Afternoon
The final trees being planted for Bentley Park's new Community Forest
Admin Staff join residents for Line Dancing
The smiling faces behind our Bentley Park Snooker Club
Great performance from resident Lesley & her duet partner Tom

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