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April 2012 bentley park resident newsletter Across My Desk CEO’s Report

SwanCare Group wishes you a safe and happy Easter. The SwanCare Group Administration Office will be closed on Good Friday 6th April and Easter Monday 9th April.

Aged Care Reform and the Federal Budget

using aged care services than we do now - around 3.5 million! This also means an additional 500,000 workers for this sector.

With only one month to go until the Federal Government sits down to deliver up its budget for 2012/13, I thought I would take the opportunity in this month’s Tidings to devote part of my column to the on-going saga and challenges that our Aged Care sector is facing. We are all aware that the Productivity Commission review into the plight of the Aged Care system has recommended sweeping changes that if adopted by the Government will bring about a positive change to the foundations that underpin our system, and will help to provide a sustainable Aged Care sector that will service all future Australians. The uncertain element is whether or not the Government, with its own underlying issues and competing interests, will place Aged Care high enough in the pecking order to warrant the attention that it truly should receive in this years budget.

Australia is not prepared for this growth in demand. Our current system is complicated, inconsistent and under pressure.

SwanCare Group has been part of a long term national campaign called Australians Deserve to Age Well. The campaign’s goal to bring the issues of Aged Care to the attention of the Government. We are getting very close to the moment when we will know if our efforts have been noticed, but we still have a few weeks to go, and we cannot stop the campaigning when we are so close to the finishing line. So what is all the campaigning actually about. It is essentially about the fact that Australia has an ageing population - but what does this actually mean? Well, by 2050 we will have three times as many people

Security Number If the Resident Support Services number is unavailable residents are reminded the mobile contact number for Security is:

0413 388 650

We know the challenges and frustrations that many Australians and their families face now in trying to navigate the aged care sector and get the support and services they need.

recommended comprehensive reforms to the aged care sector to provide a system which is more simple, fair, affordable and equitable for all Australians. The reforms put people’s needs front and centre. Australians Deserve to Age Well campaign calls on the Government to implement these reforms. We need your help to let the Government know that all Australians deserve to age well. Help spread the word – check out the website and join the campaign yourself, and encourage your friends and family to do so as well. Remember, we are talking about the future of ageing for all Australians, everybody deserves the right to age well.

Safety and Security Rebates

On the website agewellcampaign.com.au you will see stories from older Australians, their children, carers and aged care workers about their experience. If you wish you can share your story too! The Federal Government needs to take action now or many Australians will be affected. The Productivity Commission has

Bentley Park Social Club Sunday Afternoon Concert - 8th April

During the month I received advice from our good friend and supporter Ben Wyatt MLA, letting me know that the Safety and Security rebate program to holders of a WA Seniors Card was being extended. Originally the program was to expire on the 31st March, 2012, the Minister for Seniors Robyn McSweeny has yet to release the new cut-off date, but the extension is certainly welcomed news. The rebate entitles eligible seniors to $200.00 towards the cost of the purchase and/or installation of home security devices such as smoke alarms, security screens, deadlocks etc … Should residents require more information on this scheme or require an application form please contact Karen Parker at Administration who will be more than pleased to assist you in this matter. Continued Page 3

Inside this issue > Bentley Park News - pg 3 Bentley Park Social Club - pg 4 Residents Advisory Council - pg 4 Archives - pg 5 Club News - pg 10&11

Public Notices

Catholic Services 26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102 Phone: (08) 6250 0000 Fax: (08) 9470 2017 www.swancare.com.au Find SwanCare Group on Facebook www.twitter.com/swancare

1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Stratton Centre commencing at 11am.

Rowethorpe Uniting Church Rowethorpe Uniting Church Weekly Sunday Services are conducted in the Rowethorpe Chapel 10:00am with visiting Ministers. Contact Mary Perreau – 9355 5381.

Podiatry Services Based at the Medical Centre in Graham Crescent. Rebates are claimable from private health insurers. Please call for our opening hours or to make a booking. Messagebank: 6468 0038

The Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park We would love to see you at our Sunday Service of praise and song. We are from all denominations and would love to welcome you into the Christian Fellowship. We meet at the JP Stratton Centre every Sunday 9.30am. The fourth Sunday of each month is our Prayer & Praise service, led by members of our group. All enquiries B. Bennett – 9472 6857. For Transport phone Ken Sinclair – 9361 0131. The Christian Fellowship (Get Together) Meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Stratton Centre at 10:30am. We meet for coffee, tea & tidbits. We find plenty of things we enjoy sharing & discussing. Ring Betty Bennett – 9472 6857

bentley park resident newsletter

Tidings Newsletter is a monthly publication produced and printed on behalf of the residents at Bentley Park, a SwanCare Group community.

Material deadline for advertising is the 20th of the month preceding each monthly edition.

To book display or lineage advertising or for information regarding rates please contact SwanCare Group on 6250 0000.

Please supply editorial contribution as a Word document electronically to tidings@swancare.com.au. Any supporting photographs may be supplied electronically or as hardcopy prints.

Prepaid Funerals. Simple. We all know planning ahead is a good idea. And so too is a prepaid funeral plan. You can cover the costs of the funeral at today’s prices, you can plan the type of funeral that you want, and your family will not have to make difficult decisions at a time of loss. Simplicity Funerals, making prepaid funerals simple. For more information on a prepaid funeral, or to receive an obligation-free private consultation, please complete and return the coupon to: Prepaid Funeral Information, Reply Paid 195 Osborne Park WA 6917

Contributions for Tidings If you have something for Tidings please email it to: tidings@swancare.com.au

Hard copies of articles can still be handed to Reception in the main Administration office at 26 Plantation Drive.

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CEO’s Report

Bentley Park News Bentley Park Show 2012

News on the Village Front During March the following notable events occurred which I would like to bring to the attention of residents: • The new, much eagerly awaited and anticipated, SwanMobile hit the road for its maiden voyage. Officially launched on the 8th March, by our own Laurie Hudson, the new vehicle will be a great boost to the current service enabling a more streamlined and continual operation to be put into place. • Safety is an on-going and extremely important component of village life, and we as operators have a duty of care to ensure that the environment in which you choose to live is as safe as it possibly can be. For this reason it was really gratifying to see the residents embrace wholeheartedly the recent OSH fire drills that were undertaken in the various village high rise buildings during the month. Safety is everybody’s responsibility, and it is great to know that you all passed the drills with flying colours. • Another notable milestone was created during March with the completion of the Stage 4 redevelopment of our Bentley Park site. The 45 villas are all now completed, and I believe provide a very pleasing interface with the “old” and the “new” as you wander down Talbot Avenue. The villas are filling fast and we welcome all of the new residents to their new abode, and trust that they will enjoy living here at Bentley Park and being a part of the wonderful SwanCare Group community. • On a sad note we say farewell to two very senior employees who have chosen to leave SwanCare Group. It is with regret that I advise that Michelle De Ronchi, General Manager of Aged Care Operations and SK Tan, Manager of Waminda, both finished up their employment with us in March. Both of these ladies have been instrumental in helping to drive through some very important and much needed changes to our aged care operations and each of them have achieved wonderful success in the relatively short time that they have been with us. I know that both ladies were extremely happy working here and were certainly not looking to move on, but sometimes opportunities just present themselves and they are too good to refuse. On behalf of SwanCare Group I would sincerely like to wish both Michelle and SK all the very best for the future and thank them both for the wonderful contribution that they have made to our organisation. • Finally, just to let all of our residents know that the administration office will be closed for business from the 6th April to the 9th April as we enjoy the Easter holiday break. That’s it for this month, happy Easter to all. Sincerely, Graham Francis.

Bentley Park - Rowethorpe While strolling through the Village recently, I noticed a small garden shed behind the shrubbery. The pad bolt was closed but it appeared to have no locking device fitted – remember when the Police Dept. recently spoke at the Residents advisory Council, that doors, windows, sheds etc. should be locked, not only when you leave the house, on the phone, in the garden, or otherwise pre-occupied, away from points of entry. Please report any suspicious behaviour immediately to security on 6250 0020. While the Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator is on holidays, Don Pederick is Acting Co-ordinator. Phone 6250 0402. The next meeting for delegates will be on Wednesday 11th April 2012 in Plantations Administration building. Remember the time – 9:30am. Acting Co-ordinator Don Pederick

Library News The Bentley Park Library will be closed for Easter from Thursday 5th April, reopening on Wednesday 11th April. On behalf of the volunteers and myself I would like to wish everyone a very happy Easter. Yours in books Penny, Bentley Park Librarian

Flu Vaccinations - Dr Smeaton’s Residents Dr Smeaton will be administering flu vaccinations on the 30th March & 13th April between the hours of 1:00pm & 2:00pm. In the Medical Centre on Graham Crescent.

Over the next few months we will be finalising the Schedule for the 2012 Bentley Park Show. As more new residents join the village, we see a variety of new skills represented in our displays alongside those previously exhibited, so if you have any suggestions/requests for any new categories which you would like to see included, please drop a note to the Hon. Secretary, Mary Gent, 7 Pugh Place. If you need any information regarding last year’s schedule, just give the Show Co-ordinator Beryl Davis a call on 9355 4795. Although the Show was only ever intended to be a self-funding event, we were pleased to be able to give a donation of $1000 to the SwanMobile Fund out of past years’ accumulated profits. It was great to see “SwanMobile 2” being commissioned last month and the village clubs and residents who donated are to be congratulated on their generosity. All clubs and individuals in the village are invited to be involved in demonstrations during the Show weekend. If you are interested in doing so, please contact the Hon. Secretary, Mary Gent, 7 Pugh Place, in writing by Friday 28th April. Sandra Dale, Publicity Officer Ph. 6250 0538.

Residents Joining Our Bentley Park Community Our community extends a warm welcome to Mr Roy Morey, Mrs Kathleen Morey and Mrs Jean Murray. Bentley Park resident Tony Ryder is happy to answer any questions that new residents have regarding living in the village. Please feel free to call Tony on 6250 0510.

The New Villas

PETITION organised by Australian Seniors via the VRAC

Homes still available from $481,000

Residents are invited to sign a petition to try and persuade the State Government to give Pensioners a 17.5% power-bill reduction.

Call 6250 0000 to make an appointment with our Sales Team.

Visit Ronnie/Admin to sign before 20 April.


The World’s Greatest Shave I wish to thank all Villagers, friends & neighbours who have helped me in my quest in “The World’s Greatest Shave” and a very special Thank You to Pam (Village hairdresser) who did the deed. It is with great pride that I could do something for this worthy cause. With your help I have raised $2200.00 with some promises yet to come. Thanks to all Maureen Thompson

Bentley Park Social Club I am happy to report that the St Patrick’s Day Luncheon went according to plan – and the residents who attended enjoyed the meal and the overall event, according to ‘feedback’ received, with the band as usual, providing its usual good music and fun. The Social Committee sincerely thanks the residents for their support and the Hospitality Catering Service for the food and their assistance.

• • • •


My thanks are once again due to the hardworking Social Club Committee and the volunteers: without them, these events would not occur. Shirley Barnes President

Residents Advisory Council - Brian Dale

The next events scheduled are the Sunday Afternoon Concert on 8th April and an Afternoon Tea on 20th May. Information concerning them has been/will be circulated, so it is hoped to see many of you there, although the Afternoon Tea numbers will be somewhat restricted, as it will be held in the Stratton Centre.

Our scheduled Guest Speaker at our 17 April 2012 meeting is CEO Graham Francis.

Opportunity Shop

Notes from our meetings are distributed to residents prior to the next meeting.

The Op. Shop’s sale of summer items has proved very popular, and by now the winter stock will be coming on display, so make sure you visit very soon to ‘snap up a bargain’.

Recycling Recycled paper and cans provide a handy income for the Social Club and consequently to residents. Thank you to all those who leave cans and papers for recycling, and to the volunteers who handle them. However, before you leave papers for recycling, please remember to remove all glossy pages. The recycling company’s machinery cannot handle glossy paper, so please –

Please feel free to contact any member of the Council on any Village issue or concern. Brian Dale, Chairman, ph 6250 0538 Carolyn Wellstead, Vice Chair, ph 6250 0505 Cath Devereaux, ph 6250 0407 Ken Sinclair, ph 9361 0131 Shirley Barnes, ph 6250 0558 Tom Brazier, ph 6250 0496 We meet on the third Tuesday of every month (except December) at 9.30 am in the Auditorium. All Village and Care Centre Residents are invited to attend and participate in the meeting. Brian Dale, Chairman Village Residents Advisory Council

ANZAC DAY Wednesday 25th April 2012

Transport Arrangements For residents wishing to attend our ANZAC DAY bus trip, we only have one bus available so please place your name on the notice board in Administration to reserve your seat. All residents attending are requested to be in front of the main Administration building by 8:30am for pick up. Thank you, Norma Spiller Ph: 9362 3504

Remember our Diggers 4

Archives We take things for granted now but in the early stages things were a bit different. Here is a copy of items one and four of the “Information Circular No 19� dated September 1964.

1. SPECIAL DONATIONS RECIEVED BY THE BOARD We are particularly grateful for the specific donations received during the recent weeks. An electric clock has been made available by a resident for use in the Library. Another member of our settlement has thoughtfully provided an electric radiator for use in the Medial Clinic. A substantial cash donation has come to hand from an anonymous source to help with the very heavy cost of equipping the new food centre. We will shortly place in position in the food centre an electric clock given us some time ago, which with a little renovation should prove quite ideal for our requirements. The Board of management has no hesitation in asking for donations like these, because for a number of years our Capital outlay to make Swan Cottage Homes a lovely Settlement will naturally be strained.


Rehab & Healthcare Equipment

The Board is most grateful to our Sub Committee headed by Mr Eric James for all the planning which is going on in connection with our grounds and gardens. Between now and xmas, the following work will be put in hand, 1. New Gravel roads will be sealed and kerbed.

Recline & Lift Chairs Custom Made in WA From $1890

2. Existing roads will be repaired. 3. Avenues of street trees and trees in other areas in the NO 6 projecct will be planted. 4. Shrubs will be provided for the food centre, Library and Medical Clinic, areas and in front of all flats. 5. Piles of old pine trees and rubbish at rear of flats will be burnt, lawns will be top dressed and cut regularly.

HI LO Homecare Electric Adjustable Bed Avail in Single & King Single From $2800

We tend to forget what it took to get this place to what it is now. If you are interested to learn more come and have a browse through, we are situated at Unit G1 Richard Cleaver Lodge, just call and make a date.

Metro Mobility 1236 Albany Highway Cannington

Bob Devereux 9361 5144 or Tini Kampen 6250 0462.



9258 8733








Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Auxiliary Committee Meeting 6.30pm ABL2

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Catholic Services Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club




Easter Sunday Social Club Concert 2.00pm Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Easter Monday - Administration Closed Pottery Group 9.00am PGS Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club




Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Resident Coffee Morning Catholic Services Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club






Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Patchwork Group 6.30pm HR

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP

WEDNESDAY 4 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

Library Open Table Tennis Op Shop Open Art Group Computer Club Exercise Class Snooker Club Rummycub Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club Canasta

9.15am - 12.15pm 8.00am SCR 8.30am - 12pm 9.00am ABL2 9.15am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.15pm RCL 1.15pm OBC 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS 6.30pm JPS

11 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Table Tennis 8.00am SCR Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm B’Park Show Comm. Meeting 9.30am HR Neighbourhood Watch 9.30am CL Computer Club 9.15am ABL2 Undercroft Bowls 9.00am RCL Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Rummycub 1.00pm JPS Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Tai Chi 5.00pm AUD Darts Club / Canasta 6.30pm JPS


Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Auxiliary Meeting Tai Chi Darts Club

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am AUD 11.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 2.00pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Table Tennis 8.00am SCR Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Computer Club 9.15am ABL2 Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Canasta 6.30pm JPS


ANZAC Day Public Holiday Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Fellowship Coffee Morning 10.00am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Canasta 6.30pm JPS


What’s On April 2012







Good Friday - Administration Office Closed Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Fish & Chips Luncheon 11.30am JPS Darts Club 6.30pm SCR

Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Group Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo

9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

12 Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Group Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo

9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

19 Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Writers Group Stretch Balance Class Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo


Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Class Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo

9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 9.30am HR 10.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD


Spritz Café

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 1.15pm RCL 1.15pm OBC

Bentley Park Calendar of Events

April My events to note:



Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Computer Club 9.00am ABL2 Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Balance Group 11.00am RAC Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Mahjong Club 1.00pm JPS Darts Club 6.30pm SCR Theatre Group Outing 7.00pm

Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club



Library Open Art Group Computer Club Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club


Library Open Computer Club Art Group Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club


9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm JPS

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm JPS

Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 1.15pm RCL 1.15pm OBC

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 1.15pm RCL 1.15pm OBC

If your club would like a diary date inserted into the Tidings monthly calendar, email the details to: tidings@swancare.com.au


Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

ABL2 Administration Building Level2 8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 1.15pm RCL 1.15pm OBC



Adie Court


Art Room (Admin Building)

AUD Auditorium CC

Cultural Centre


Coffee Lounge (2nd Floor Administration)


Committee Room (Admin)


Handicraft Room (Administration Building)


JP Stratton Centre


Kingia Concourse


Leisure Centre


Millstream Gardens

Weekdays 9.30am - 2pm

MSHP Multiple Schlerosis Hydrotherapy Pool (bus pick-up at Bentley Park)

Why not take the Swanmobile?

OBC Outdoor Bowling Club

• Coffee / Cappuccino / Tea • Sandwiches / Foccacias • Hot Meals & Fresh Salads • Selection of Cakes & Muffins • Soft Drinks / Juices / Milk Drinks

PGS Pottery Group Studio RAC Rowethorpe-Activity Centre RCL

Richard Cleaver Lodge

RPG Rowethorpe-Physio Gym

kingia arcade

RSC Rowethorpe-Sutton Centre SCR Snooker Club Room

7 7

Open 7 Days Friendly service & professional advice. Phone and speak to one of our helpful staff today. We look forward to being of service to you. Our friendly team: (left to right) Michelle, Linda, Sue, Alex, Joanne, Doris, John, Melanie, Gill, Cheryl, Sian, & Regina

Script Collection


(from our “Script Boxes” Monday to Friday)

Administration Building

11am & 3pm

Drummond Way Apartments 11am & 3pm Grocery Store

11am & 3pm

Mavis Cleaver Court

11am & 3pm

Medical Centre

10am, 11am, 1pm & 3pm

Plantation Apartments

11am & 3pm

Richard Cleaver Lodge

11am & 3pm

Monday to Friday

3.30pm - 5.30pm


2.00pm - 3.30pm


by arrangement (if urgent)

Open Hours Monday to Saturday

8.00am - 6.30pm

Sunday & Public Holidays

9.00am - 5.00pm

Saturday and Sunday orders can be placed by phone









10% SENIORS’ DISCOUNT Excludes prescriptions, Darrell Lea Confectionery specials & already discounted lines.

Webster Packing (even for customers not living in Waminda Care Centre)

NDSS Sub Agency Darrell Lea Confectionery Fax Services Giftware Laminating Services Photocopying Photo Developing Selfcare Cards Vitamins

16 A & B Chapman Rd, St James WA 6102 Phone: 9361 6101

Bentley Park Diners We all enjoyed our outing to Ramons at Willow Ponds. Our outing for April we will be returning to the Bentley Hotel on Albany Highway on Tuesday 10th & 17th April 202. You will have a choice of about 6 main courses and a couple of desserts. All services at your table. Bus pick up from 5:30pm. Please book early so I can arrange drivers and bus lists. You don’t need a partner as there will be 42 friendly villagers to welcome you.


Please contact Lorraine on 6250 0425.

Theatre Go-ers Club This month we are off to see “Rookery Nook” a Farce at Marloo Theatre, Greenmount on the 13th April. CORRECTION: Please note the August outing to K.A.D.S is “Private Lives” by Noel Coward.

All residents of the Village are welcome to join the Threatre Go-er’s Club. No joining fees. If you have any further enquiries just give me a call…Your name will be placed on our Newsletter mailing list for all the shows we will be attending.

For May we are going to the “Tivoli Club” at Applecross on Friday 18th May 2012. Cost $20.00 per person.

Until next meeting Beryl Davis 9355 4795

Tickets are available at the JB Stratton Centre on Monday 16th April 2012.

Conditions apply.

Slimming the Menu

Cooch SWAN48R

Introducing a retirement community lifestyle with a money back guarantee.

SwanCare Group has a history of creating successful retirement communities dating back to 1960. So we know what’s required to deliver a lifestyle that’s just about perfect. In fact, we’re so confident you’ll love living in a SwanCare Group community, we’ll refund your money if you don’t. You can now move into either Bentley Park, Australind Rise or The Space@Carlisle, experience everything it has to offer and know that if you’re not completely happy, we’ll give you your money back if you leave within the first twelve months. How’s that for complete peace of mind? To find out more, call Yvonne or Harry on 6250 0000 or visit our website at www.swancare.com.au

Fish Curry


• 30gr margarine

Melt margarine and fry onion, capsicum, carrot and curry powder for 5 minutes. Stir in the flour and cook for a further 1 minute. Gradually add the stock and lemon juice, stirring until the sauce thickens. Add apple, sultanas and fish and season to taste.

• 1 med onion finely chopped • ½ green capsicum, seeded, cored and finely sliced.

Once more we have lived through the festive season and now for some of us our good resolution is getting back in shape.

• 1 med carrot, thinly sliced

What we eat is of course a number one priority and we think of those very interesting diets that guarantee a rapid and successful weight loss.

• 1 ¼ cups vegetable of fish stock, gluten free

So here’s a couple of tips and a delicious recipe for you to enjoy – tips are: cut out as much fat and sugar as possible.

• 1 small green apple, peeled and grated

• 3 teaspoons curry powder • 1 tablespoon flour or cornflour for coeliac • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Garnish Serve with ½ cup cooked rice per person. Serves 4

• 1 tablespoon sultanas • Salt & pepper to taste • Coarsely chopped coriander, to garnish • 500gr fish fillets, cubed.

Kj/Cal per person without rice: 774 kj/185 Calories Enjoy Ethel Murdoch

Rita’s Retreat &

tea coffee lunches chocolates gift baskets a licenced premise located in waminda

See Rita’s Retreat for Easter Gift Baskets!


Made to order. All residents welcome.



Club News Handicraft / Jewellery Making Our meetings are held every Monday at 1:00pm ( Except Public Holidays). All are welcome bring your own beads and craft or just yourself. New residents are welcome to meet for a cuppa and see what we do.

Undercroft Bowling Club

B e nt le y Pa r k

We played ‘The Battle of the Sexes’ on Feb 25. It was a very even game until the last round when the men overtook the ladies and won by 16 shots (69 to 53). Had a great BBQ, with sweets and drinks, and lots of chatter and teasing, well done the men!!!

B i n g o C lu b !

We are off on an outing at the end of March to Embers Restaurant in Gooseberry Hill.

If you would like to join with us then come along on Thursday from 6;30pm and join the fun. If you have never played before don’t worry it’s easy and there are many of us only willing to help! Books $2, Flyers $1, Break opens, Raffle and Lucky numbers are also available. Hope to see you there.

Jewellery making - very relaxing come and join our lively friendly crowd.

Afternoon Bowls commence on Monday 2nd April at 1.15pm. Casino outing on the 10th of April. List is on the board at Administration.

Wendy Paull, Coordinator, Ph: 9470 1966


Canasta Is held every Wednesday night from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. Bus pick up appox 6:15pm. $1.00 to play, & $1.00 for lucky numbers. Supper is provided. New members are welcome, we will teach you if you can’t play. For enquiries please contact Maureen Thompson on 9472 7967.

POTTERY GROUP By the time this issue comes out we will have enjoyed (I’m sure) our outing to visit Guildford and Whiteman Park Potteries. Our newest member, Elena, is enjoying learning her new hobby and has already started making pots! The Pottery is open every Monday morning between 9 and 11 and we are situated in Allen Crt. next door to Kingia. Ann Morris, Secretary

Mahjong Club The Mahjong Club meets every Friday Afternoon from 1pm to 4pm in the JP Stratton Centre EXCEPT the 1st Friday of the month we meet in the Leisure Centre. New players always welcome & we will teach new players the rules of the game. Shirley Walton, Ph: 9362 2342

DARTS CLUB NEWS Darts are on Tuesday and Friday at 6.30pm. Don Mabbott, President

Pony Canasta Now at the JP Stratton Centre every Wednesday from 1:00pm until 3:45pm. New players wanted – will teach. Come and have a cuppa and a game for 50 cents. For more information contact Marie Stephens Ph: 9472 5097 or Joan Mellowship Ph: 9361 4106.


BIRTHDAYS FOR APRIL:- Gina Mabbott, Jan Tucker, Rosina Walsh. Awesome Arians!!! Sayings (1) If you don’t have a sense of humour you probably don’t have any sense at all. (2) Happiness is contagious if allowed to spread it can infect the whole world with joy

Thursday Nights in our Auditorium. Eyes Down 7.00pm

Bus pick up commences at 6:15pm. All village stops including Waminda. Rowethorpe pick up approx. 6; 20pm at the Rivergum Apartments. Our St Patrick’s Day Thursday on the 15th was a fun night with “the green” being very well supported! Thanks to everyone who joined in the spirit of the evening.

Gill Godsmark, Secretary


Held every Tuesday from 1pm to 4pm in the Stratton Centre. All Welcome.

The Snooker Players Association The Snooker Players Association is situated on the second (Social) floor of the Administration Building. Playing sessions are held Monday to Friday from 1–3pm. New members are welcome and we would especially welcome ‘recently-moved-in’ residents. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t played for many years, as the ‘old touch’ will soon come back! If you decide to join, the membership fee is only $5 per year and you pay 20c for each frame played. Think about it, come along, or give me a ring. Peter Brunt, President Ph: 9355 4767

Bentley Park Indoor Bowls In the Auditorium Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons at 1:30pm. New players welcome. “Cease to ask what the morrow will bring forth and set down as gain each day that future grants”. - Horace Jack Aspland, Secretary Ph: 6250 0460

There were one or two deserve a special mention like Kath Hudson who went all out with green hair as well as her sparkly green jacket bur even more prominent and certainly needs a mention was her beautiful green eye make –up which matched her hair perfectly. Gloria went home and changed into her special St Pat’s outfit including a lovely big hat!! We had extra lucky envelopes added to our 1 big flyer prizes, which the little green leprechaun left with our caller! Our st Patrick’s Day raffle was won by Rene Lambie and her daughter. Congratulations to you both. While Bingo is every Thursday our next big “Events Bingo” will be Thursday 5th April for Easter. When you will wear your best Easter bonnet/hat. Prizes for the best ones. Good Luck Carol Greenaway, Licence Holder Ph: 0459 540 921

SCRABBLE CLUB Held every Thursday in the Stratton Centre 1.30 - 4pm. All welcome. Pam Urquhart

TAI CHI We meet Tuesdays at 5pm in the Auditorium. For more information please contact Tom Brazier on 6250 0496.


9 – 11am Reg Gooch 9.15–11.15am Phillip Matthews


9 – 11am 2 – 4pm

Ken Thurtell John Wellstead

Friday* 9 – 11am Tony Ryder *by appointment (Beginner’s Class) Reserve Tutor: David Newlan

SWAN BOWLING CLUB Happy Easter to everyone where has the year gone? With so much on at the Club no wonder the year is flying by. The morning teas were a great success and well attended, we will have to look at having more. Our “Happy Hour” on Wednesdays after play has been a great success with more enjoying the friendship each week. Unfortunately the last $ day was cancelled due to rain and was postponed until the following Saturday and was well attended.

It has been really quiet in the clubrooms this past month, so it must be the hot days that have kept everyone inside in the cool. Now that it is officially Autumn, I would hope that the prospect of cooler weather will get you out. We are located on the 2nd floor of the Administration building in an air-conditioned room so it is never hot or cold, the membership is only $10 per annum and each session only $2. There is an experienced facilitator available at each session to help those who need it. We also run a special class for beginners and welcome Rowethorpe residents. A reminder to existing members that the 2012 fees are now due and can be paid at any of the above session times or to Secy/ Treas John Wellstead at 3 Millstream Way.

ART GROUP The Art Group meets on Tuesday and Friday between 9 am and 11.30 am on Level 2, Administration Building. Please provide your own materials. For enquiries phone Bev on (08) 9472 1641 or Kay (08) 9470 6554.

The Writer’s Group We are a group of friends who write for our own pleasure. We meet to share our work and our ideas, and to offer suggestions to fellow members in a non-critical way that helps to improve their work. Most members write about their memories from years ago, and some write parts of their life stories. Some interesting discussions are had following the reading of the work.

Terry Luckman’s 21st Birthday was a lot of fun – not many of us are born on 29th February – He even received the Key to the Door from Admin.

J C Wellstead, Secretary Ph: 6250 0505

We meet each fortnight on Thursday mornings at 9.30 am in the Handicraft Room on the second floor of the Administration Building. One or two new members would be welcome; there are no fees, all you need to do is to bring a piece of your writing to read. Anyone interested would be welcome to come and listen to the readings before deciding to join us. The meeting for April will be on Thursdays 12th and 26th at 09.30 am. Reg Gooch, Ph: 9472 6132

Table Tennis Club We play in the Snooker Room Level Two in the Administration Building on WEDNESDAY MORNINGS at 8.00am onwards. All equipment supplied – everyone welcome. Cost is $20 per annum. Pres/Tres: Andrew Chisholm 9470 1352 Sec: Trisha Power 6250 0542

BRIDGE PLAYERS Come and join us at the JP Stratton Centre on Monday afternoon at 1pm.

Ladies of the Night

Patchwork Group Meetings are held at 6.30pm on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each calendar month in the Handicraft Room at Administration Building Plantation Drive, Bentley Park. All patch workers and quilters welcome. For more information phone: Marion Pitcher - 9362 1702 or Jean Buchanan-Hughes - 9362 5903

Kingia/Tandara High Care Auxiliary The Murray Raynard Shield was held on the 24th March (hopefully weather in our favour) Results will be in May Tidings. Night bowls end on the 31st March with day bowls starting 2nd April at 1:15pm. Molly Hobbs Trophy gala day is to be held Wednesday 18th April, please watch the Notice Board for more details. The following day Thursday 19th April, we are off to Moore River for our annual picnic, where a river trip can be taken if desired, also fish and chips if you don’t want to take a picnic lunch (these need to be booked). Please see the Notice Board for further information on costs etc. Ladies and gents, the challenge is on, “Fillies v Colts” to be held, possibly late April – start practicing now!!!

Our next meeting will be on the 24th April commencing at 2:00pm Cameo Lorretta will once again be bringing their fashions to us presenting their Autumn / Winter range. We all love to see the latest fashions. So don’t forget to come along with your cheque book, credit card or cash!! I’m sure you will see something you like being modelled by our very own members! See you all at the April Fashion show. Our speaker for the March meeting from the RAC was very informative and very well received by all. I think we all took away some new knowledge and helpful hints on “Driving for Seniors”.

A return game with the Undercroft is scheduled for Saturday 5th May – Mark your calendars or diaries – more details will be on the Notice Board – in the meantime Good Bowling to all.

Just a further reminder that the Annual Membership of $3 is due if you haven’t paid already. Afternoon tea $1.00 and raffle tickets 3 for $2.00.

Good Bowling Hazel Lancaster, President

Everyone is welcome. Carol Greenaway, President



Community Noticeboard Girl Guides Association Western Australia Inc For more information please contact Nancy Brazier on 6250 0496 or email tomnanb@bentleyparkestate.com.au

Stratton Luncheon/Concert

SwanMobile availability Bookings: 6250 0023 As the SwanMobile is very busy, please ensure you book in advance and allow plenty of time to get to appointments, etc. The drivers will be swapping over at administration around 12:30pm each day, so do not expect them to be somewhere else at that time. It has also been reported to me that drivers are subjected to abuse from time to time, which I find totally unacceptable. The drivers are volunteers, they brave all kinds of inclement weather to provide this service and they respond to calls and bookings AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


9am - 4pm


9.30am - 4pm


9am - 12 noon

Shirley and Peter Brunt host a luncheon and Concert at the Stratton Centre on the 1st Friday of each month from 11:30 – 2:30pm. This includes a Fish & Chip luncheon, wine, beer and soft drinks, a 1hr concert by quality performers and afternoon tea or coffee and cakes. The cost is $10 all inclusive. To obtain a ticket ring Shirley on 9355 4767. Please be early as it books out very quickly.

Thank You To our lovely welfare staff Maxene & Leasa. For your caring and professional support during mine and Ken’s health issues. We appreciated your help very much.

Carolyn Wellstead, 6250 0505, Co-ordinator

Dianne & Ken Barr

A Synergy of Service



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