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October 2012 bentley park resident newsletter

Across My Desk CEO’s Report This month I would like the bulk of my article to address some of the forward planning initiatives and projections that SwanCare Group can look forward to over the next 5 years. September, is the month when the Board sits down and puts their strategic planning hats on. It is that time of the year when we reflect on where we have come from, and cast our attention to the future and consider where we would like to be in the years ahead. It is really important that we plan ahead, and examine the strategic direction of the organisation. As the saying goes, “Failing to plan, is planning to fail”, and we certainly do not want to do that. We are all aware that as an organisation we have been through a very challenging time over the last two years, and it is really pleasing to say that we have emerged from this period a much stronger, sustainable and better focussed organisation. We now have a very clear direction for the road that lies ahead, and we have arranged our finances, infrastructure and people, in such a way that we have all of the essential foundations firmly established for a long, successful and vibrant future.

Improving our existing assets and buildings so that they can meet our service delivery requirements,

Building new infrastructure to meet the new demands, and

Expand our provision of care and essential support services into the home environment.

In terms of physical developments, the following capital projects are all being planned for the ensuing 5 years. The order is still to be refined, as factors such as available cash-reserves, property market conditions, Government legislation, and industry regulation will all have a bearing upon the commencement time-frame of each undertaking. However, below is the list of the primary “Hot Spots” that we are proposing to target over the next 5 or so years.

Targeted Capital Development “Hot Spots” for the next 5 or so years •

Waminda. Upgrades to each floor.

Tandara. External face-lift and internal make-over.

Stage 5 of the Bentley Park redevelopment program.

Centralised Community facilities, in and around the Bowling Green location.

Richard Cleaver Lodge. Upgrades to each floor’s communal areas and passage-ways.

Mavis Cleaver Court. Internal refurbishments to communal and common areas on each floor.

What can we look forward to in the next 5 or so years

External elevator program to continue in Bollig Gardens and Pugh Place locations.

Essentially the next 5 or so years are going to revolve around the following key objectives:

Extensions to Kingia Care facility.

Future Stages of Australind Rise.

Expansion of Community Care services including the provision of Extended Aged Care delivered into the home.

Continuing to reduce our debt down to more acceptable levels,

Security Number If the Resident Support Services number is unavailable residents are reminded the mobile contact number for Security is:

0413 388 650

Bentley Park Social Club Sunday Afternoon Concert - 14th October

I have been invited to be the guest speaker at the October VRAC Coffee meeting, and at this meeting I will provide some more detail and further insight into the strategic planning that has been undertaken. This is a really exciting time for SwanCare Group, and it is immensely gratifying and extremely pleasing that as an organisation we can confidently and proudly look forward to the future, and know that we can deliver on all of these major and extremely vital developments. Developments, which, are all aimed at ensuring that SwanCare Group remains at the forefront of the provision of high quality care, services and accommodation for our entire community of residents.

What’s in a Name …. Quite a lot really, particularly when it comes to distinguishing between CACP (Community Aged Care Packages) and HACC (Home and Community Care). SwanCare Group is now providing CACP services into resident’s homes, and it seems that many residents are confusing this service with the State provided and funded HACC services. Essentially the key differences between our CACP provided service and HACC is: •

CACP’s are for older people who might otherwise require high or low residential care.

HACC cares for a range of clients and is aimed at providing low level services to assist clients.

CACP’s provide for 6 hours of structured and planned care per week while HACC usually provides 1 to 2 hours per week or fortnight

CACP’s are planned and coordinated packages of care for people with complex care needs. These plans are designed for each individual client and based on their particular needs.

If you would like further information on the CACP’s please contact Heather or Leasa on 6250 0020. Continued Page 3

Inside this issue > Bentley Park News - pg 4 Bentley Park Social Club - pg 4 Charity Golf Day - pg 5 What’s On Calendar - pg 6&7 Disappearance of the SS Waratah - pg 9

Public Notices

Catholic Services 26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102 Phone: (08) 6250 0000 Fax: (08) 9470 2017 www.swancare.com.au Find SwanCare Group on Facebook www.twitter.com/swancare

1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Stratton Centre commencing at 11am.

Rowethorpe Uniting Church Rowethorpe Uniting Church Weekly Sunday Services are conducted in the Rowethorpe Chapel 10:00am with visiting Ministers. Contact Mary Perreau – 9355 5381.

Podiatry Services Based at the Medical Centre in Graham Crescent. Rebates are claimable from private health insurers. Please call for our opening hours or to make a booking. Messagebank: 6468 0038

The Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park We would love to see you at our Sunday Service of praise and song. We are from all denominations and would love to welcome you into the Christian Fellowship. We meet at the JP Stratton Centre every Sunday 9.30am. The fourth Sunday of each month is our Prayer & Praise service, led by members of our group. All enquiries B. Bennett – 9472 6857. For transport phone Ken Sinclair – 9361 0131. The Christian Fellowship (Get Together) Meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at the Stratton Centre at 10:30am. We meet for coffee, tea & tidbits. We find plenty of things we enjoy sharing & discussing. Ring Betty Bennett – 9472 6857

bentley park resident newsletter

Tidings Newsletter is a monthly publication produced and printed on behalf of the residents at Bentley Park, a SwanCare Group community.

Material deadline for advertising is the 20th of the month preceding each monthly edition.

To book display or lineage advertising or for information regarding rates please contact SwanCare Group on 6250 0000.

Please supply editorial contribution as a Word document electronically to tidings@swancare.com.au. Any supporting photographs may be supplied electronically or as hardcopy prints.

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Contributions for Tidings If you have something for Tidings please email it to: tidings@swancare.com.au

Hard copies of articles can still be handed to Reception in the main Administration office at 26 Plantation Drive.

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CEO’s Report Around our Community …

VRAC Elections reminder

The SwanCare Group Community includes our three Care Facilities of Waminda, Kingia and Tandara, our Bentley Park Village, Australind Rise and the Space@Carlise. Let’s explore a little bit of what’s been happening this month in and around our Community.

October is the month of the year when we hold our VRAC elections. If you are interested in being involved wiith village activities and developments, then a position on the Village Residents Advisory Council (VRAC) is definitely for you. This year we have three vacancies up for grabs so there is no better time than this year to throw your hat into the ring.

The Board visits Australind Rise On the 21st September, the Board members and the Executive Team jumped onto one of our SwanCare Group buses and journeyed down to meet with the residents at Australind Rise. The hospitality and welcoming received from the Australind Rise residents was simply wonderful. The village, even despite the extremely inclement weather, presented extremely well, and the new community centre is shaping up to be a very impressive building that will no doubt be a great source of relaxation and recreation for our Australind Rise residents. The Board and Executive came away from Australind feeling very proud of the development, but more importantly, very impressed with the quality, enthusiasm and friendliness of the small but very happy community that has been established at Australind. It is very early days in the life of this community, but already it is very obvious that Australind Rise is going to provide a retirement lifestyle of immense quality for these very lucky residents.

Accreditation Celebration The 24th September marked a memorable milestone for the staff of our care facilities when they were officially presented with their three year accreditation certificates by Ben Wyatt, MLA for Victoria Park.

The wonderful accreditation results that were achieved is a reflection of the dedication and hard-work that all of the staff in the care facilities display, day-in and day-out, to ensure that SwanCare Group continues to be seen and acknowledged as a leading provider of Aged Care services.

Op Shop Whilst we are always very grateful for donations to the Op Shop, I would just like to remind residents to please advise the Op Shop of any furniture donations BEFORE they are taken there for sale. Forms do need to be completed by the resident/ family donating the item so that the Op Shop can arrange an inspection. Please do not arrange direct delivery to the Op Shop without first discussing it with one of our volunteers. Your assistance and consideration in relation to this will be very much appreciated by our extremely hard working Op Shop volunteers.

this year we were able to raise the princely sum of $13,129. This takes our total raised over the five years that we have been running the golf day to $52,082. And finally ….

Spring has Sprung …. In my regular walks around the village I have noticed that a large number of residents have been taking a very active interest in their gardens and the results have been quite amazing. The voluntary efforts of these residents is a great reflection of the pride and enthusiasm that they have for our village and I am really delighted to see the great floral displays that are the reward for their labours of love. The photo’s below probably do not do justice to the real thing, the first picture was taken of the sensational display of Azalea’s that adorn the courtyard of the Plantations Apartment. The second highlights a startling floral display which can be seen along Talbot Place.

Adie Court – Cross Walk We were advised last year that the cross walks on Adie Court would be removed as they do not meet Main Roads/Council requirements for a dedicated zebra crossing. Main Roads will soon be putting up some additional signage to remind all pedestrians that they must give way to traffic. Please be careful at all times when crossing Adie Court.

SwanCare Group Charity Golf Day During September, the annual SwanCare Group Charity Golf Day was held, and once again it was a resounding success. This year we had 18 teams participate in a fun filled day of golf. The most pleasing aspect from my perspective was that this year we were able to entice a team of residents from Bentley Park to play. This is the first time that we have had a team of residents in the event and I must say that they acquitted themselves very well and were wonderful ambassadors for Bentley Park. To Jim and Phyllis Leavy, Pat Wadsworth and Pat Hall a huge thank you, and well-done. Hopefully you will be keen to play again next year, and who knows, we may be able to entice another team or two from the village, or perhaps even one from Australind. The great thing about this golf day is that not only is it a chance to promote SwanCare Group, but it also is a major fund-raiser, and

That’s all for this month … see you around the village. Graham Francis – CEO

The New Villas

Homes still available from $478,000 Call 6250 0000 to make an appointment with our Sales Team.


Bentley Park News Bentley Park Show 2012 Now it is only 3 weeks to go to the Show and entries are coming in fast – just a reminder that the closing date is 19th October so still plenty of time to get your form in and complete your entries. Please remember that no late entry forms can be accepted due to the amount of time it takes to sort and record the sheets. It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the generous contributions and assistance given over the years by the late Barbara Ryder and Nancy Armstrong. Their participation will be sadly missed. I am pleased to report that our fund raising chocolate sales drive was once again a sellout success. We raised $640.10 from sales and a further $37.50 from donations – many thanks to all concerned. Our raffle tickets will be available for purchase outside the Swan Grocery Store on Fridays 12th/17th and Saturdays 13th/ 20th of this month and also in the Auditorium during the Show. The Committee look forward to seeing you all at the Show over the weekend of 27th/28th October from 9.30am to 4.00pm. The Official Opening and presentation of Trophies will take place on the Saturday at

2.30pm. Sausage sizzles (10am to 2pm) and Devonshire teas (all day) will again be available. Remember that admission is free on both days, so keep some time free and remind your family and friends. Sandra Dale, Show Publicity Officer Ph: 6250 0538.

Stratton Luncheon/Concert Shirley & Peter Brunt host a Luncheon and Concert at the Stratton Centre on the 1st Friday of each month from 11:30 – 2:30pm. This includes a Fish & Chip luncheon, wine, beer and soft drinks, a 1hr concert by quality performers and afternoon tea or coffee and cakes.The cost is $10 all inclusive. To obtain a ticket ring Shirley on 9355 4767. Please be early as it books out very quickly.

Rowethorpe Physio Day Therapy Physiotherapy is suffering a loss of goods. Walkers, walking sticks overhead pulleys etc and particularly hand held weights are missing from our stores. If you are still using and needing a physio item as part of your programme, can you drop us a line and say what you have so we can make sure we have it in the book. If you have something you are not using any more please call us or drop it off at the Physio department. Any other exercise items would be welcome as well. Thanks, the Rowethorpe Physio Team Ph: 6363 6771

Recycling Papers

Bentley Park Social Club Well – it’s now proven that the Bentley Park Villagers do love an Afternoon Tea with friends, especially outdoors in Spring! Over 75 people, including Committee Members and volunteers, enjoyed a wide range of ‘goodies’ in true Spring weather, and I know you all appreciated the Committee efforts, we all sincerely thank the volunteers who provided assistance at various times during the event. The winners of the excellent raffle prizes were thrilled with the result and the ‘Best Spring Hat’ Competition provided a good selection for choice, by all those present. The next event is a Sunday Afternoon Concert in the Auditorium on 14th October, with music supplied by the ‘Storyville Jazz Band’. Flyers will be available shortly.


After that, a Melbourne Cup Luncheon in November is planned, and further details will be provided in plenty of time to ensure you all create your best hat.

Several new volunteers have joined the ranks of those organising the paper recycling, which is a great help and eases the load on the others. A small load of newspaper was taken away recently but a larger one is due for consignment very soon. Assistance by various people in taking bundles to the Paper Shed is greatly appreciated but please, Villagers, when making up your bundles remove ‘the glossies, including the Tidings first’ – as to undo the bundles and separate the usable from the unusable for our purposes, takes a lot of wasted time and effort – and wears out our volunteers quickly! (However, ‘the glossies’ are definitely appreciated in the general recycling bin.) If you are able to have your bundle of newspapers transported to the Paper Shed without first tying them up – and bearing in mind the wind – that would also save time for the volunteers. If your papers are not being taken from your nearby location on a regular basis, please advise and we will endeavour to organise a better pick-up.

Bentley Park - Rowethorpe Once again the delegates of Neighbourhood Watch would like to remind everyone about security, looking after our safety, and reporting to Admin or the Security guards, of any suspicious characters around the village. A resident reported that three break and entries had occurred in Hawthorne Crescent recently, so please be aware that, as the cost of living rises, and so does stealing, especially from the elderly. The Neighbour Watch delegates meet once a month, always on the second Wednesday. If anyone would like to join us we would be pleased to see you, as we need people from all sections of the village. Remember the Security phone number is 6250 0020. Tony Ryder, Coordinator

Bentley Park Library Can everyone who borrows books from the Bentley Park library or has borrowed a book from their neighbour please check for the following large print Victoria Park soft cover book called ‘Chapparral Marauders’ by Tom Curry. If you find it Penny Felder would be very happy to have it returned to the Bentley Park library, no questions asked. in store, plus bargains for winter are still available, so it’s worth a visit there during such beautiful weather. Small donations of furniture/clothing/books etc. are very greatly appreciated and thank you for providing these items. However, large/very large items of furniture are still being taken to the Op Shop without any real possibility of being sold, so everyone is again requested not to take them or send them there, without checking as to their suitability with the Manager. There is insufficient staff available to move large items once they have arrived, so they cause great inconvenience all round. Forms are obtainable from the Op Shop to request staff viewing and assessment before being taken on board, and you are thanked for your cooperation. Finally, on a lighter note, I thank you all for your attendance at the events provided by the Social Club, and for the support you provide to the Committee.

Op Shop


The Op Shop is continuing to do well, thanks to the staff - and customers, of course. A range of summer clothing is now

Shirley Barnes, President of the Bentley Park Social Club

Residents Advisory Council

SwanCare Group Charity Golf Day 2012

- Brian Dale

SwanCare Group Charity Golf Day 2012 raised a total of $13,129.33, taking the grand total raised to over $50,000 in 5 years. Thank you to the teams that participated in the event this year. As you can see from the scores below it was a very close competition. Place




Precision Ceilings



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Bentley Park Residents



4 Wiley Wonders (AMA/St Ives)


The month of October is an important date on the calendar for the VRAC as this is the time when three of the six places on the Council are automatically available for election. Closing date for nominations is Friday 12 October to be followed by an election if four or more nominations are received. If you have an interest in Village activities, enjoy talking, (and especially listening), to people and are available to meet with SwanCare Executive and Management for about an hour each month then this sure beats retirement. The VRAC Residents Coffee Meeting is on the third Tuesday of every month (except December) at 9.30 am in the Auditorium. All Village and Care Centre Residents are invited to attend and participate in the meeting. Please feel free to contact any member of the Council on any Village issue or concern. Brian Dale, Chairman, ph 6250 0538 Carolyn Wellstead, Vice Chair, ph 6250 0505 Cath Devereaux, ph 6250 0407 Ken Sinclair, ph 9361 0131 Shirley Barnes, ph 6250 0558 Tom Brazier, ph 6250 0496

Congratulations to Precision Ceilings winners of the 2012 SwanCare Group Charity Golf Day.

Brian Dale, Chairman Village Residents Advisory Council

We take this opportunity to thank our major sponsors:

It is through the very generous sponsorship of BGC Construction that SwanCare Group have been able to host the Charity Golf Day over the past 5 years. Thank you also to the 2012 Hole Sponsors:

And to all that contributed prizes and donations, thank you:

Ascot Farriers BGC Construction (Golf Box, East Perth) Black & Atkinson Bunzl Carpet Call City Toyota

New Villas

Light, bright, beautiful retirement homes Display Home Open Wednesdays 1pm to 2pm or by appointment.

DJ Dunn Contractors

Prepare to be impressed by the generous spaces and natural flow between indoor and outdoor living. Contact Harry on 6250 0000 or visit bentleypark.com.au for more details.


ďƒŞ 9 Augustus Way, Bentley

Classic Meats Commodore Cabinets Dale James Hair

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What’s On


Administration Office Closed – Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Pottery Group 9.00am PGS Undercroft Bowling Club 1:00pm RCL Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club

WEDNESDAY 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

2012 Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131) Bentley Park Social Club Concert 2pm-4pm

Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)

Bentley Park Show 9:30am – 4:00pm AUD Christian Fellowship of Bentley Park 9.30am JPS (For Transport Ph: 9361 0131)


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Undercroft Bowling Club 1:00pm RCL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Patchwork Group 6.30pm HR

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Undercroft Bowling Club 1:00pm RCL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Undercroft Bowling Club 1:00pm RCL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP Patchwork Group 6.30pm HR

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Pottery Group 9.00am PGS General Balance Group 9.00am RSC Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Undercroft Bowling Club 1:00pm RCL Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Bridge 1.00pm JPS Handicraft/Beading 1.00pm HR Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Hydrotherapy 1.30pm MSHP Hydrotherapy 2.30pm MSHP

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Diner’s Club Outing Darts Club

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Resident Coffee Morning Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Diner’s Club Outing Darts Club

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Indoor Bowls Tai Chi Darts Club

Art Group Computer Club Exercise Club Snooker Club Rummycub Auxiliary Meeting Tai Chi Darts Club

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 5:30pm 6.30pm JPS

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 9:30am AUD 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 5:30pm 6.30pm JPS

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 1.30pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS

9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 2.00pm AUD 5.00pm AUD 6.30pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Morning Tea Vic Park Mayor 10:00am AUD Neighbourhood Watch 9.30am CL Computer Club 9.15am ABL2 Undercroft Bowls 9.00am RCL Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Rummycub 1.00pm JPS Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Canasta 6.30pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Bentley Show Committee Meeting 9.30am HR Neighbourhood Watch 9.30am CL Computer Club 9.15am ABL2 Undercroft Bowls 9.00am RCL Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Fellowship Coffee Morning 10.30am JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Rummycub 1.00pm JPS Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Canasta 6.30pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Computer Club 9.15am ABL2 Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Indoor Bowls 1.00pm AUD Canasta 6.30pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Fellowship Coffee Morning 10.30am JPS Computer Club 9.15am ABL2 Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Canasta 6.30pm JPS


Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Op Shop Open 8.30am - 12pm Computer Club 9.15am ABL2 Stretch Balance Group 9.30am RPG Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Pony Canasta 1.00pm JPS Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC Indoor Bowls 1.30pm AUD Canasta 6.30pm JPS







Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Group Undercroft Bowling Club Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo


Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Writers Group Stretch Balance Group Undercroft Bowling Club Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo


Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Stretch Balance Class Undercroft Bowling Club Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo


Low-impact Exercise Computer Club Exercise Class Writers Group Stretch Balance Class Undercroft Bowling Club Snooker Club Scrabble Club Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Computer Club Bingo

9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1:00pm RCL 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 9.30am HR 10.00am JPS 1:00pm RCL 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 10.00am JPS 1:00pm RCL 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

9.00am RSC 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 9.30am CR 10.00am JPS 1:00pm RCL 1.00pm SCR 1.30pm JPS 1.30pm MSHP 2.30pm MSHP 2.00pm ABL2 7.00pm AUD

Library Open 9.15am - 12.15pm Art Group 9.00am ABL2 Computer Club 9.00am ABL2 Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Balance Group 11.00am RAC Fish & Chips Luncheon 12.00pm JPS Snooker Club 1.00pm SCR Mahjong Club 1.00pm JPS Darts Club 6.30pm SCR


Library Open Art Group Computer Club Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club


Library Open Art Group Computer Club Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club


Library Open Computer Club Art Group Exercise Class Balance Group Snooker Club Mahjong Club Darts Club

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm SCR

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm JPS

9.15am - 12.15pm 9.00am ABL2 9.00am ABL2 9.30am JPS 11.00am RAC 1.00pm SCR 1.00pm JPS 6.30pm JPS

Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 1.00pm RCL 1.15pm OBC

October My events to note:


Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club


Op Shop open Exercise Class Undercroft Bowls Swan Bowling Club

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 1.00pm RCL 1.15pm OBC

8.30am-12pm 9.30am JPS 1.00pm RCL 1.15pm OBC

If your club would like a diary date inserted into the Tidings monthly calendar, email the details to: tidings@swancare.com.au ABL2 Administration Building Level2


Bentley Park Show 9:30am – 4:00pm AUD Op Shop open 8.30am-12pm Exercise Class 9.30am JPS Undercroft Bowls 1.15pm RCL Swan Bowling Club 1.15pm OBC

Spritz Café


Adie Court


Art Room (Admin Building)

AUD Auditorium CC

Cultural Centre


Coffee Lounge (2nd Floor Administration)


Committee Room (Admin)


Handicraft Room (Administration Building)


JP Stratton Centre


Kingia Concourse


Leisure Centre


Millstream Gardens

MSHP Multiple Schlerosis Hydrotherapy Pool (bus pick-up at Bentley Park)

Weekdays 9.30am - 2pm • Coffee / Cappuccino / Tea • Sandwiches / Foccacias • Hot Meals & Fresh Salads • Selection of Cakes & Muffins • Soft Drinks / Juices / Milk Drinks Groups are requested to make advanced bookings Phone: 6250 0163

Bentley Park Calendar of Events

OBC Outdoor Bowling Club PGS Pottery Group Studio RAC Rowethorpe-Activity Centre RCL

Richard Cleaver Lodge

RPG Rowethorpe-Physio Gym

kingia arcade

RSC Rowethorpe-Sutton Centre SCR Snooker Club Room

7 7

Open 7 Days Friendly service & professional advice. Phone and speak to one of our helpful staff today. We look forward to being of service to you. Our friendly team: (left to right) Michelle, Linda, Sue, Alex, Joanne, Doris, John, Melanie, Gill, Cheryl, Sian, & Regina

Script Collection


(from our “Script Boxes” Monday to Friday)

Administration Building

11am & 3pm

Drummond Way Apartments 11am & 3pm Grocery Store

11am & 3pm

Mavis Cleaver Court

11am & 3pm

Medical Centre

10am, 11am, 1pm & 3pm

Plantation Apartments

11am & 3pm

Richard Cleaver Lodge

11am & 3pm

Monday to Friday

3.30pm - 5.30pm


2.00pm - 3.30pm


by arrangement (if urgent)

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8.00am - 6.30pm

Sunday & Public Holidays

9.00am - 5.00pm

Saturday and Sunday orders can be placed by phone









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AUCTION commencing at 12:00pm. All auction items including paintings have been donated. All items must be paid for in cash at the fall of the hammer. Viewing of items, catalogues & registration on the day or Friday 2nd November from 10.00am until 2.00pm. The beneficiaries for this year’s Gala Day will be the not for profit organisations: The Indigenous Parent Factor and The Cat Haven. You are invited to attend and bring your friends to buy Lunch, Devonshire teas, cakes, plants and handmade craft items or to bid on an auction item. Free Parking is available opposite Boronia at Curtin University in Car parks 23 & 24. Just follow the signs. No plastic bags. Bring a bag or buy an environmentally friendly bag on the day.


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The Mysterious Disappearance of a Brand New Ship The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage in 1912. It had a tonnage of 46,328 and was designed to carry about 2200 passengers. When launched, it was the largest ship in the world. Another ship, Waratah, was considerably smaller and had come into service just four years earlier. It was a mere 9500 tons and was built in Glasgow for the Blue Anchor Line, specifically to carry migrants to Australia. Its life was not much longer that the Titanic’s, completing only one round trip before disappearing. The Waratah was under the command of 68 year old Captain Josiah Ilbery, who was commodore of the Blue Anchor Line fleet. It was launched on 12th September 1908, provided for 128 first class and 300 third class passengers. On southbound voyages it could also carry 400 migrants in temporary berths erected in the holds. It left on its maiden voyage on 5th November 1908 carrying 67 first class and 689 third class and migrants. My father, Frederick Rogers, was a 19 year old third class steerage passenger on this maiden voyage. His family had for many generations been in service to the owners of several rural estates in Bedfordshire, Gloucestershire and Essex. His mother died in 1907, and it was then decided to take advantage of a Victorian Government scheme that enabled British subjects to migrate to Australia for a fare of 12 pounds, which meant my father was never able to be termed a “ten pound Pom”.

25th July. Cargo was unloaded and some passengers disembarked. One passenger who had been booked through to London left the ship here, claiming it “hung badly when rolling”. When it left Durban on the evening on 26th July, the Waratah had on board 119 crew, 92 passengers, and 6500 tons of cargo. The next day, it ran into a full gale, and was sighted in the morning by a cargo ship, the Clan Macintyre. Waratah then disappeared into the murky weather. When it did not arrive in Cape Town as scheduled on 29th July, there was no immediate concern, as it was thought the vessel may have slowed up, but the next day, anxiety began to mount. On 31st July a tug was sent from Cape Town to search for the missing ship, which was presumed to have broken down. Another tug and two British cruisers were also sent from Durban to search.

The Waratah sailed via Cape Town, Adelaide and Melbourne, where my father disembarked, and arrived in Sydney on Christmas Eve 1908. The Sydney Morning Herald reported extensively on the new ship, including noting that “the most up to date refrigerating plant is fitted, so that all on board are provided with fresh provisions, vegetables, fruit etc. throughout the voyage.” My father’s ticket, which I still have, set out details of the weekly amounts passengers were to receive of these items. On the return leg of its maiden voyage, the Waratah left Sydney on 9th January 1909, spending several days loading cargo in Melbourne, then sailing via Adelaide to Durban and Cape Town, arriving in London on 8th March. In London, some of the crew said that the ship seemed to be top heavy, while others said it had a tendency to maintain a permanent list. However the Captain said he was satisfied with the ship, except it should not be moved in dock without ballast aboard. The Waratah left London on 27th April 1909 on its second voyage and arrives in Sydney on the 17th June. It left Sydney on 26th June and berthed at Durban on

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The Australian Government and the ship’s underwriters jointly chartered another ship, the Sabine, which left Cape Town on 11th September 1909, but it sighted nothing and returned on 7th December. On 15th December the Waratah was officially posted as missing at Lloyds, but in Australia funds were raised for another search. On 10th February 1910 the steamer Wakefield left Melbourne for Durban and spent three months searching without finding anything. An enquiry into the loss of the ship opened in London late in 1910 and on 13th January 1911 the Sydney Morning Herald carried a report from London dated 11th January: At the Board of Trade inquiry into the loss of the steamer Waratah today Captain Bidwell, Marine Superintendent for Wilhelm Lund and Son, gave evidence that after the voyage of the Waratah the captain and officers eulogised the Waratah and made no complaint. The witness said he did not remember telling Messrs Lund that the Waratah was less stable than the Geelong. Witness added the Captain Ilbery treated rumours on the subject among the clerks in the employ of Wilhelm Lund and Sons as idle talk. Another witness, Admiral Davis, quoted a letter of the Chief Engineer, Mr Hodder, informing Mr Shanks, engineer superintendent for Lunds, of the difficulty about coaling the Waratah in Sydney, and of his compelling the captain to stop coaling twice because he was afraid of the possible list. The witness replied “Captain Illbery told me nothing of this.”

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Captain Bidwell was unable to explain why the ballast tanks were full on the first voyage, and left empty on the second voyage home to Durban.

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In the end the inquiry could determine no reason for the tragedy, which remains one of the great mysteries of the sea. John Rogers


Club News Handicraft We welcome our newer members to our group. All villagers are welcome. Meet and enjoy new and old friends on Mondays, between 1.00pm and 3.00pm, (except Public Holidays). Call in and join us for a ‘cuppa.’ Wendy Paull, Coordinator, Ph: 9470 1966

Canasta Canasta is held every Wednesday night from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. Bus pick up appox 6:15pm. $1.00 to play and $1.00 for lucky numbers. Supper is provided. New members are welcome, we will teach you if you can’t play. Enquiries please contact: Maureen Thompson

POTTERY GROUP On Thursday November 1st we are holding a sale of pottery and ceramics at Peters Pavilion from 8.30am to 12pm. Come and join in for morning tea, a raffle, a lucky dip and a chance to buy Xmas gifts early! Make a note of the date. The Pottery Group meets every Monday morning between 9 and 11 am in Allen Crt. next door to Kingia. Visitors are always welcome. We also have pottery for sale in our showroom. Ann Morris/Secretary

Mahjong Club The Mah-jong Club meets every Friday Afternoon from 1pm to 4pm in the JP Stratton Centre EXCEPT the 1st Friday of the month we meet in the Leisure Centre. New players always welcome & we will teach new players the rules of the game.

The Snooker Players Association


The Snooker Players Association is situated on the second (Social) floor of the Administration Building. Playing sessions are held Monday to Friday from 1–3pm.

demonstration due to lack of numbers

New members are welcome and we would especially welcome ‘recently-moved-in’ residents. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t played for many years, as the ‘old touch’ will soon come back! If you decide to join, the membership fee is only $5 per year and you pay 20c for each frame played. Think about it, come along, or give me a ring. Peter Brunt, President Ph: 9355 4767

Now at the JP Stratton Centre every Wednesday from 1:00 until 3:45pm. New players wanted – will teach. Come and have a cuppa and a game for 50 cents. For more information contact Marie Stephens Ph: 947 25097 or Joan Mellowship Ph: 9361 4106


as several of our members are sick. We will reschedule this event when we are all recovered from the winter ills. The Village Annual Show is fast approaching so its time to work on those exhibits and get our entry forms in. Club days are Tuesday and Friday mornings 9-11a.m.in the Art Studio, second floor of the Administration building. New members are always welcome.

Undercroft Bowling Club

Our dear friend and member Ron Tucker passed away on 2nd September. Sadly missed, our love to Jan.

A successful International Fun Day was held on Saturday 15th September. Members played for their country of birth. It was won by the Team: (1) Aussies (2) The Roos (3) Emus/Cockneys (4) Scots (5) South Africa The match was followed by a BBQ and lovely salads and sweets made by our wonderful ladies! We are off on 2nd October to Serpentine Dam for lunch and maybe “The Spud Shed” visit which is very popular. No more at present.

Birthdays for October Elsie Sanbrook & Bob Thorpe Likeable Libras!!

Sayings: (1) We do not stop laughing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop laughing. (2) Love does not make the world go round, it makes the ride worthwhile. Gill Godsmark, Secretary.

Sheila Barley, Secretary.

TAI CHI We meet Tuesdays at 5pm in the Auditorium. For more information please contact Tom Brazier on 6250 0496.

DARTS CLUB NEWS Darts are on Tuesday and Friday at 6.30pm. Don Mabbott, President

B e nt le y Pa r k

B i n g o C lu b ! Thursday Nights in our Auditorium. Eyes Down 7.00pm Come along on Thursday’s from 6:30pm and join the fun! $2 PER BOOK, Flyers a $1 each, Raffle Lucky Numbers – Break Opens – Lucky door Prize. NEW PLAYERS ALWAYS WELCOME. VERY GOOD PRIZE.

Maureen Thompson Ph: 9472 7967

Pony Canasta

Unfortunately we have had to cancel Brian’s

Bentley Park Indoor Bowls

Don’t let the cold put you off, our bus will pick you up from anywhere in Bentley Park, Cooinda or Rowethorpe, commencing at

Indoor bowls is played in the Auditorium, Tuesday & Wednesday at 1:30pm. The Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 12th September at 1:00pm in the Auditorium. Beryl Moule was voted President and Jan Towns voted in as Secretary. Congratulations to both. New players welcome.

6:15pm. Just call Laurie on 6250 0477.

Joan Towns, Secretary

Ph: 0459 540 921

The Auditorium is WARM!! Company is good and we will bus you home by 9:30pm. Hope to see you there. Good Luck! Carol Greenaway, Licence Holder


9 – 11am 9.15–11.15am


9 – 11am 2 – 4pm


9 – 11am

Can you help? We need help from anyone with a computer background, not necessarily an expert, who is prepared to spend a couple of hours a week and facilitate one of our sessions. All we need is someone who has experience with Hotmail and Gmail and a working knowledge of MS Word and MS Excel. It’s not hard, just helping those who have limited computer experience.

Kingia/Tandara High Care Auxiliary What a great time was had by all at the Annual Spring Lunch on 6th September!! Our theme this year was “Spring on the Farm” with a prize for the best decorated table. Our committee dressed for the day in their best “farming attire” adding to the theme. The table decorations were fabulous; it was great to see the effort that was put in by everyone. We have so many very artistic people in our midst!!

SWAN VILLAGE BOWLING CLUB The Annual General meeting was held on Thursday 13th September, a good number of members turned up to vote in a new committee. The new committee is President, Tony Ryder, Vice President, Tom Brazier Secretary, Barry Williams, Treasurer, Lloyd Jones, Tini Kampen, Maureen Waller, Hazel Lancaster, Dee Sanders, Fran Williams, welcome to you all.

If this is you, please contact President Ken Thurtell on ph 93626169 or John on ph 6250 0505.

The President thanked Alan Manning

We still are the cheapest and friendliest internet access around, so make the most of what we have to offer.

done the, past President Hazel Lancaster

We are located on the 2nd floor of the Administration building in an air-conditioned room so it is never hot or cold, the membership is only $10 per annum and each session only $2. There is an experienced facilitator available at each session to help those who want it. We also run a special class for beginners. J C Wellstead, Secretary Ph: 6250 0505

The Writer’s Group We are a group of friends who write for our own pleasure. We meet to share our work and our ideas, and to offer suggestions to fellow members in a non-critical way that helps to improve their work. Most members write about their memories from years ago, and some write parts of their life stories. Some interesting discussions are had following the reading of the work. We meet each fortnight on Thursday mornings at 9.30 am in the Handicraft Room on the second floor of the Administration Building. Because of declining numbers, the Group may soon have to finish; it seems people don’t write so much now in these days of texting. One or two new members would be welcome; there are no fees, all you need to do is to bring a piece of your writing to read. Anyone interested would be welcome to come and listen to the readings before deciding to join us. The meetings for October will be on Thursdays 11th and 25th at 9.30am. Reg Gooch, 9472 6132.


Held every Thursday in the Stratton Centre at 1.30pm. New members welcome. Pam Urquhart

for conducting the election of the new committee. Also thanked for a job well and her hard working committee. Our special guests were Natalie Hodi (standing in for Graham our CEO who unfortunately was ill and could not attend), Julie Atkinson, our General Manager Aged Care and of course our very own Annemarie from High Care, were asked to do the judging of the best table. Personally I didn’t envy them as there were so many very good entries. However there can only be one winner and that was table 2. I gather that the eight at that table all contributed to the display and the sound effects were marvellous. Congratulations to you all! The committee provided a lovely 3 course lunch, under the guidance of very own Lorraine Pittaway and her sister Maureen, who put in a marvellous effort with the catering. Prawn cocktails (heaps of prawns!), cold meat and an assortment of salads, followed by a special yummy desert. The serving was done by our very own “farming committee”. Even our guests joined in the fun and helped with the serving while still being able to mix and meet residents at the same time! Thank you so much to them for helping to make it a very fun lunch!! Although we were to have Kings Park Fashions bringing their fashions to us, they have changed their policy. They did invite us to visit their premises; this however would not be very convenient to us, so we are working on other arrangements for next year’s program.

Several suggestions were proposed for consideration at the next meeting, the main one being replacement of the playing surface, a vote was taken, and it was left for the committee to decide the outcome. On a lighter note, a Bus outing has been arranged, to visit Friar Tucks Restaurant in Mandurah on Thursday 27th September, if enough people are interested we will arrange a second bus, please let Hazel or myself know. We have the Presidents Shield being played on Saturday 22nd start times are 9am for 9.30am. Kindest regards to you all and enjoy our Bowling Club. Tony Ryder, New President

Ladies of the Night Patchwork Group

Keep your eyes peeled for the October letterbox drop which will have all the details of what is on!!

Meetings are held at 6.30pm on the 2nd and

See you next meeting, hope you like our pictures. Anyone else who took photos at our lunch, we would love to see them for our album if you can.

Plantation Drive, Bentley Park. All patch

Carol Greenaway, President

Jean Buchanan-Hughes - 9362 5903

4th Monday of each calendar month in the Handicraft Room at Administration Building workers and quilters welcome. For more information phone: Marion Pitcher - 9362 1702 or



Community Noticeboard

Bentley Park Diners

Theatre Go-ers Club

Our outing for October 2012 on the 9th & 16th will be Globe Restaurant in South Perth. Meals

SwanMobile Availability Bookings: 6250 0023

approximately $20-$25. There will be a special menu next week with table service and drinks


9am - 4pm


9am - 12 noon

Girl Guides Association Western Australia Inc For more information please contact Nancy Brazier on 6250 0496 or email tomnanb@bentleyparkestate.com.au

can be ordered. You don’t need a partner as there will be a bus full of friendly Villagers to welcome you.

Please book your seat as soon as possible as I need to book drivers.

Contact Lorraine on 6250 0425

As advised last month there will be no outing this month. We can look forward to our outing to Marloo Theatre at Greenmount next month. To see “Wet & Windy” a comedy/farce which should be another great night out on Friday 23rd November. Bookings open Monday 22nd October at the JP Stratton Centre from 9:00am. Tickets $21.00 each with payment on bookings. All residents of the Village are welcome to join the club. No joining fees. Monthly newsletter with details of the outings. Just give me a call for further information. Until Next Month, Beryl Davis, Ph: 9355 4795

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