Tidings Spring 2022

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tidings 2022SPRING INSIDE THIS ISSUE CEO’S COLUMN | GENERAL NEWS | RESIDENT STORIES A TASTE ADVENTUREFOR Audrey chats about nine decades of memories ALWAYS ON THE ROAD Geoff talks about his love for people & transport A LIFETIME EXUBERANCEOF Lorelei shares her positivity for life LIKE A FISH TO WATER Helen speaks about her passion for Swimming

Tidings Magazine is a seasonal publication produced and printed on behalf of the residents at SwanCare. Deadlines for editorial and advertising are: Summer 7th November, Autumn 7th February, Winter 7th May, and Spring 7th August. To book advertising or for information regarding rates please contact SwanCare on 6250 0032. Please supply editorial contributions as a Word document electronically to tidings@swancare.com.au. Hard copies of articles can be handed to reception in the Administration offices at Bentley Park and Australind Rise. Any supporting photographs may be supplied electronically or as hard-copy prints. Disclaimer: In good faith SwanCare accepts articles, a small selection of advertisements, and other content for Tidings. However, the opinions and claims expressed in articles and advertising materials presented in Tidings are those of the authors and the advertisers respectively, and do not necessarily reflect the views of SwanCare, unless stated. No responsibility is accepted by SwanCare for the accuracy of information contained in the articles or advertisements. Cover image: SwanCare Bentley Park resident Audrey Ridout and Resident Support Services Officer, Jennifer Dowling in recent marketing photoshoot. 26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102 Phone: (08) 6250 0000 Fax: (08) 9470 2017 www.swancare.com.au instagram.com/swancareausfacebook.com/swancarelinkedin.com/company/swancaretwitter.com/swancare 104586 CEO'S COLUMN News from SwanCare’s CEO, Graham Francis SWANCARE NEWS News from Around SwanCare ECO UPDATE Environmental Sustainability Plan Progress VALUABLE VOLUNTEERS Weekend Pool Testers RESIDENT STORY A Lifetime of Exuberance Sarah Wentworth, Administration Officer Geoffrey Pointon chats about his life inLoreleitransportRose speaks about her work & travels 2 | Winter Tidings Edition

2014121617 2627 BRAIN TEASER Crack the Puzzle OUT & ABOUT Photos from Across the Village 24 LEGENDARY RECIPES St Clements Slice VILLAGE NEWS Clubs & Groups Updates RESIDENT STORY Always on the Road GARDEN INTEREST GROUP Spring Tips from Your GIG Friends Fran Williams tells us about her St Clements Slice Spring tips & tricks for your garden Weekend pool testers chat about how they help & new invention Audrey Ridout speaks about her life adventures Helen Urquhart-Holdcroft on swimming swancare.com.au | 3

The new SwanCare website has now been launched. The new website is user friendly and much easier to navigate. This platform provides opportunities for future enhancements such as a dedicated resident portal at a later date. Please feel free to visit the website, have a browse, and provide your feedback to marketing@swancare.com.au.

Another exciting project that we have on the go is the commencement of planning for the major refurbishment and renovation work at SwanCare Waminda. At the forefront of our mind when refurbishing is to ensure that the design allows for the needs of ageing clients with heightened comorbidities and health related issues. The design will improve the amenity, ease of access, and service delivery within SwanCare Waminda for both residents and staff. These works are also scheduled for completion during 2024.

One of the most exciting projects we have commenced is the planning for a new apartment complex. The location ear marked for the apartment is the land immediately behind the grocery store and hairdresser on Adie court. The Architects who have been appointed are IPH Architects, which also undertook the design of the award-winning leisure precinct project. We are just in the infancy stages, but rest assured that there will be plenty of opportunity for consultation with residents. We expect the development to be completed by the end of 2024

Bookings are essential, so stay tuned for details.

Lastly, I am particularly pleased to share some great news with you all about two of our residential aged care centres. I have received the formal confirmation from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission that SwanCare Kingia and SwanCare Tandara has received their re-accreditation for a further three years. We are all extremely proud of the wonderful work that our dedicated care staff provide to our residents within the care centres, and they are to be warmly congratulated on this magnificent achievement.

Enjoy the sunny weather ahead this spring!

Graham Francis SwanCare CEO

CEO'S Column 4 | Winter Tidings Edition

W elcome to the Spring edition of Tidings! Here’s hoping for some great weather and colourful flower displays around the community in the months ahead. We have a number of key projects under way at the moment and I would like to use this edition to give you an idea of how we are progressing with these.

The very popular CEO’s Coffee Club outings are looking to recommence in Spring. For those new to the village, the CEO Coffee Club operates during the warmer months and is where selected SwanCare staff and I take 10 -12 residents to a secret destination for coffee and cake. It’s a great chance to have laugh, a chat, and generally enjoy an outing which is fully paid for by me (CEO).

By the time you read this, work may have commenced on the refurbishment of level two in the administration building. The new layout will include general office space, will have meeting room facilities available for use by resident groups, staff training opportunities, and will become the board room for our monthly Directors meetings. These works are planned for completion by the end of this year.

Environmental Update E-waste Collection Bin swancare.com.au | 5

Containers for Change does not accept white milk containers, wine/spirit bottles, or large juice containers, as these should go in normal recycling bins. Remember to place the containers in the bins loose, no bags or boxes needed.

Containers for Change

Family and friends are welcome to donate some or all of their container refunds to SwanCare’s villages at a refund point. They can do this by quoting the appropriate member number as per below:

National Water Week

• SwanCare Australind Rise: C10592085

Junk Collection

National Water Week will take place between 17th and 23rd of October. Water Week is all about building awareness around the value of water and how important it is to our daily lives. Please remember every bit we do to help reduce our water usage can help ensure supplies will be available in the future. If you have a leak in your home or see one around the village, please report it to our maintenance team through our website. From a quick fix to a leaking tap or toilet can, it can all help to save a significant amount of water.

In spring 2022, we will be placing some bins around the Bentley Park retirement village for general household junk to be disposed of. Keep an eye out for notices with dates and further information.

SwanCare’s General Manager of Business Development, Paul Grzelec, has provided an environmental sustainability plan update below.

E-waste Collection

We have now raised over $1,750 since commencing the Containers for Change program within the Bentley Park retirement village. Please remember to check the container has the 10cent mark on it before placing into the blue bins around the village.

In late June we held an e-waste collection in the Bentley Park retirement village. This resulted in 307 kilograms of e-waste being sent for recycling, rather than being sent to landfill. Thank you to those who participated.

• SwanCare Bentley Park: C10313407

“The op shop had a surplus of cups and saucers,” said Mary Manning, SwanCare resident and Op Shop volunteer. “So along with the social club, we were more than happy to help out when we heard that Conquer Cystic Fibrosis needed some.”

At only $5 per class for Group Gym Sessions or Water Aerobics they are very affordable for all.

Recently our Curtin University friends, Aaron and Meg, conducted a survey on the group gym sessions at the leisure precinct gym. It was revealed that all respondents ticked that they were very satisfied with the program, which gives an insight as to how much they enjoy going. Respondents mentioned that they liked the variety of exercises and even reported that their balance, fitness, and strength had improved whilst participating in the sessions.

They also mentioned that they loved socialising with other residents and Curtin staff/students.

If you are a SwanCare resident who feels the need for some gentle encouragement to get back into exercise, why not book in for one of these classes.

Op Shop Certificate from Conquer Cystic FibrosisFoodbank Staff, SwanCare CEO, & SwanCare Residents

Recently, the SwanCare Op Shop and the Bentley Park Social Club came together to provide cups and saucers for a Conquer Cystic Fibrosis morning tea.


Well, you’ve done it again! The SwanCare 2022 Foodbank drive was a fantastic success with many residents and staff generously donating food to help fight hunger. In the previous years we have donated 240kg (equivalent to 432 meals) in 2020, and nearly doubled it in 2021 with 452kg (equivalent to 814 meals). Now in 2022 we can announce that we have donated a huge 581kg (equivalent to 1162 meals)! We are so very proud of our SwanCare community, a huge pat on the back to those residents and staff who donated. A special thank you to Pam, Lesley, and Sandra for organising the drive and to all the helpers this year.

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Meg and Aaron would love to see you there! You can find more information and the timetable in the Bentley Park Bulletin. Op Shop Award

Foodbank WA is a fantastic charity organisation helping to fight hunger by sourcing food for people in need. If you wish to find out more about Foodbank or to donate, please visit their website for more information: www.foodbank.org.au Gym Group Survey

SwanCare News

Conquer Cystic Fibrosis were kind enough to send through a certificate and letter thanking the clubs for their donation. Well done to both groups for their kind donation. We’re always so proud hearing of how generous our community is!

Recently we have had a few long-term employees retire. It’s certainly sad to see them go!

SwanCare News

Bentley Park Show Entries

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Susie & close colleagues at SwanCare WamindaMick, Paul, & Graham at Mick’s Retirement Lunch

SwanCare Waminda night staff member, Susie Wilson, has been working as an Enrolled Nurse at SwanCare for just under 33 years. Recently she decided it was her time to retire and focus on other passions in life, such as her love for travel. Susie will be sorely missed by the SwanCare Waminda team who have a strong family bond with her after three decades of service. In her retirement speech she said that we haven’t seen the last of her yet, and we look forward to seeing her in a more casual sense soon. We hope you enjoy retirement, Susie! It’s been a pleasure having you as part of the SwanCare family for all these years.

Bentley Park Show entries are now open!

Paper & card arts entry from 2021 Bentley Park Show swancare.com.au

Early July marked the retirement of our longstanding Building & Facilities Manager, Mick Harrison. He worked for SwanCare for 13 years, from casual work before joining as the Maintenance Electrician, and working his way to the Building & Facilities Manager. Mick had a great knowledge base of our facilities and will be sorely missed around the site. We said happy retirement with some great speeches from our executive team and CEO, signed cards, presents, and a great BBQ lunch. While his presence will be missed, we wish him well for his retirement. We are sure there will be many camping and fishing trips for Mick, as well as time doting on his grandchildren. All the best, Mick!

Retirements Galore

Submissions can be for any of the following categories including culinary arts, earth arts, garden arts, industrial arts, paper and card arts, textile arts, and visual arts. For more information about what is included in the categories and for terms and conditions, please see SwanCare Administration (to obtain a registration pack) or chat to any of the Bentley Park Show Committee.

Volunteer, Sandra Holmes, said volunteering is her way of giving back, as she uses the pool almost every day.

Valuable Volunteers

Volunteer, Stan Barclay, said he volunteers because he can. “I’m fit and able, so I put my hand up,” Stan said. “I worked as an Environmental Health Officer before I retired, and I had a pool previously, so it felt only natural to help out with this.”

“I’m always in the pool, I use it nearly every day, so this is my way of giving back,” Sandra said.

Pool Testers (from left to right)

“I’ve been testing the pool since SwanCare first put the call out for volunteers two-and-a-half years ago,” Doug said.

Pool volunteers take a sample of mid pool water on the weekend, then put the sample in a testing machine with a tablet. The machine reads the chemicals and the volunteers record the reading for the Health Department. If it’s not within range, SwanCare closes the pool.

Volunteer Doug Warnes, touted as the most knowledgeable of the group by all the volunteers, has even invented a tool that collects water easily from the required depth, without having to kneel.

Community Living Coordinators Matthew Upston and Ashleigh Fitzgerald, along with the SwanCare Maintenance team, take care of pool testing during the week, but on the weekends, it requires volunteers to help keep it sparkling.

It is tested twice a day to help keep residents safe. The bottom line is that if it’s not tested on the weekends, no one can use the pool.

The Weekend Pool Testers

“I figured that I use the pool more than most people, so I should help do the testing. I had a pool at home before I moved to SwanCare, but the testing here is a bit more rigorous than what I used to do at home.”

Some of these valuable volunteers are Doug Warnes, Sandra Holmes, Barry Morgan, Stan Barclay, Linda Gooley, and George Brooks who test the pool on the weekends, when the residents use for leisure and exercise.

“I invented the pool tool for those of us that have bad knees or a bad back, it’s a Godsend!

Barry Morgan, George Brooks, Stan Barclay, Doug Warnes, Sandra Holmes & Linda Gooley

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Dedicated volunteers are vital to maintaining SwanCare’s vibrant community. Looking after its residents,the various properties and services that need to be maintained is integral especially over the weekend.

“It’s an easy volunteering job and it doesn’t take a lot of time out of my day.”

“I take my information booklet every time in case I forget,” said George. “This booklet has information on how to test, including if the figures are safe, and what I’m supposed to do if I need to close the pool.”

Valuable Volunteers

“It’s very important to get the pool checked so it’s safe for everyone to use. We don’t want anyone getting sick!”

Doug Warnes demonstrates water collecting device

“Even though I’m not a great swimmer, I do try to use the pool once a week for fitness.”

Unlike the majority of testers, Stan only uses the pool once a week.

“Once we moved to SwanCare I thought I’d help test the pool as it’s interesting and I wanted to help to community where I could.”

“I thought to myself, if I can test a patient’s urine, I can do this,” laughed Linda.

The final of the six volunteers, George Brooks, said he loves seeing the pool sparkling.

“Doug’s pool tool is the best, I can get a water sample without bending down, I’ve had a knee replacement, so this helps immensely.”

“Before I moved to SwanCare we lived on a half-acre block with a big pool and shed. I used to look after the pool and really enjoyed having a nice clean, sparkling pool,” George said.

If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer pool tester, please get in contact with Community Living Coordinators, Matthew Upston or Ashleigh Fitzgerald, on 6250 0320. If you’re interested in volunteering for any other positions, please get in contact with Karen Parker on 6250 0010 or karen.parker@swancare.com.auemail

swancare.com.au | 9

George says that it’s easy to volunteer for this as there’s a step-by-step guide to help.

“I knew it was a job I could do, and it doesn’t take much of my time,” said Barry.

Linda Gooley, a retired nurse, said it was important to keep the pool safe for residents.

It is great to see the community spirit in full force. We thank all of you, Doug, Sandra, Barry, Stan, Linda, and George, for everything that you do to help the residents of SwanCare.

Volunteer, Barry Morgan, said he had a pool at his home in Roleystone and was happy to help.

“It was such a wonderful town and I learnt so much about the Indigenous community there. It’s a fascinating culture. Being a taxi driver in town, I also met a lot of the local characters and basically knew everyone. It was a great time in my life!

Resident Story

A Lifetime of Exuberance 10 | Winter Tidings Edition

SwanCare Bentley Park retirement living resident, Lorelei Rose, has a passion and exuberance for life that defies her age. She has had several careers over the course of her life including being a stewardess in the Royal Australian Airforce, a nurse at the Shenton Park Rehabilitation Hospital, and in Carnarvon she was a support teacher, a carer, as well as a taxi driver. She says she loved all of her professions equally. She also cared for her Mum for 10 years, before she went into an aged care home, which she said was a privilege to do so.

Lorelei is the proud mother of three wonderful children, Tanaya, Michael, and John and has three grandchildren. She moved into SwanCare five years ago, but has stayed very active in the community and said she is now enjoying the quiet life.

Once a month Lorelei attends an ex-service women’s meeting at Anzac House in the city and says that there’s a special bond between people who have served.

“I really loved Carnarvon, it was such a special place to me,” Lorelei said. “I love the weather; it really is paradise there. I met so many wonderful people in Carnarvon. I worked as a multi-skilled carer in the nursing home there looking after Aboriginal elders, I was also a teacher’s aide, and I worked as a volunteer in the Carnarvon Space & Technology Museum on the weekends.

As an ex-service women Lorelei says “You never forget your service number. There’s a very special bond that comes from being in the service together, you really are comrades for life, and you support one another through it all.”

Lorelei travelled to every state of Australia while she was in service, but always had a special love for Carnarvon, in WA’s Gascoyne region, a town she lived in for nine years.

Lorelei (right) recently participated in a marketing photoshoot along with other SwanCare residents

“We’re so lucky, all the people living at SwanCare, it’s so peaceful here and we’re really looked after. There’s a gorgeous sense of community here. It’s wonderful,” Lorelei said. “It’s a great place to live, you can be social when you want to and have your time alone when you need it.”

Lorelei has had a very enriching life filled with work, travel, love, and family. She is truly one of those people that is grateful for every day on this “I’veearth.hada very full life. I was married for 13 years to a hard-working Italian man and now I’m very happily living at SwanCare. Through all of life’s adversities, my moto has always been ‘truth needs no defence’.

“I’m a bit of a homebody these days, but I have a lovely apartment and there’s plenty to do here if I want to. I think a lot of people here like their own space, like I do, but we can socialise when we want too as well. I do the exercise classes here often, there’s concerts, fish & chip nights, and we have a little community catch-up every fortnight, just so we can all check-in on each other.”

Resident Story

“I also paint, and I love my music,” said Lorelei. “Capital Community Radio’s ‘Swinging down the Lane’ program is my favourite. The music is from the 1920s to the 1950s and its such great music.”

Lorelei & her granddaughter swancare.com.au

“Living at SwanCare honestly feels like being on a holiday, everyone is so friendly, I get delicious meals delivered to my door, all the staff are so helpful… what a privilege to live here, it’s the best in the west. I’ve lived here five years and I love it every single day.”

“My dear mum had to look after all of us on her own and she did a fantastic job of it, but it was such hard work and there wasn’t much money,” said Lorelei. “That’s why I felt so privileged to care for her for 10 years, she lived until she was 99 and I still miss her. I went to see her every day when she was in the nursing home.”

“I’ve always enjoyed travelling, I went on a five-week cruise around Australia by myself in 2006 and I met some interesting people. The memories of that holiday will last me a lifetime.”

“Unfortunately, after nine years I had to leave Carnarvon to come back to Perth to help my daughter with my granddaughter, who needed a cochlear implant at the time. I don’t regret being there for her at all, although I do still miss Carnarvon to this day.”

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Though holidays are lovely, Lorelei cannot speak highly enough about SwanCare and loves being at home here.

Lorelei has a twin brother, Stephen, and she said they talk every day. She came from a big family of seven children and lost her dad when she was just six years old.

Lorelei is quite a busy person, but when she’s not socialising, you’ll find her doing hobbies that she keeps up with during her quiet time.

Lorelei also has a passion for travel and has been to many different places during her lifetime but recalls her favourite holiday easily with many happy memories attached.

Thank you for spreading your positivity around the village, Lorelei. It’s been a pleasure chatting with you!

Meet the Staff

“As a not-for-profit the values are very resident centric at SwanCare and that really resonated with me when I was applying for my role,” Sarah said. “I’ve spent nearly a decade in the aged care industry, working in stay-at-home care and for a charity, now I’m working for SwanCare and enjoying every minute of it.”

Welcome to SwanCare, Sarah! We’re so glad to have you here.

“After so many lockdowns and COVID-19 in the UK, we decided to make the move back to Australia, I’ve lived here before, but not in WA,” she said. “I love the beaches being nearby and I love summer in Perth.”

from Cheshire in England, Sarah moved from the UK to Perth with her Australian husband and two children a year and a half ago. She is loving WA’s lifestyle so far.

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Sarah is loving getting to know the residents, both those wanting to move in and those already living here.

When she’s not working Sarah loves cooking and baking, exploring WA, planning road trips, and having a wine with friends.

“The residents are all happy and engaged and I love supporting that. I’m very grateful to be part of the team. It’s a privilege to share the ageing journey with people and help guide them through all of its ups and downs. The best thing about this job is the people, I’m happy for the opportunity and proud of what I do.”

“I’ve just started here, but the people in my team and the other teams supporting us are fantastic,” Sarah said. “I’ve mostly been assisting potential residents visiting the village and taking them on Originallytours.”

Sarah said she’s looking forward to exploring her role more and working in collaboration with other teams at SwanCare.

Sarah is the newest staff member of SwanCare’s Community Living Team, starting her role as Administration Officer in July. She loves helping village residents live their best lives and it shows.

“I love trying new recipes and my kids love eating, so it’s perfect,” Sarah said. “There’s so much to explore in WA, and when it’s better weather I can’t wait to explore the outdoors more.”

Sarah Wentworth, Administration Officer Meet Sarah Wentworth

“The best thing about my job is bettering someone’s life, and allowing them to live their best lives,” Sarah said enthusiastically.

Sarah said she loves the kindness ethos at SwanCare which permeates through the organisation.

“When people come to us, they’re often scared, we listen to them and offer a solution at what can be an emotional time, helping to break down those barriers about retirement living and aged care,” she said. Sarah has such a kind soul, and you can really tell when you have a conversation with her.

Peace of mind with ValueAdviceCare Joanne Abetz B Pharm MPS 16A Chapman Road, St James, WA 6102 T: (08) 9361 6101 F: (08) 9472 1764 E: info@sjnp.com.au W: stjamesnewstartpharmacy.com.au OPEN 7 days, 8am - 8pm Script box locations: 1 Administration Building 2 Akora Apts 3 Drummond Way Apts 4 Grocery Store 5 Mavis Cleaver Court 6 Medical Centre Foyer 7 Plantation Apts 8 Richard Cleaver Court 10% SENIORS’ DISCOUNT We are here to help you with our friendly service, professional advice and low prices. We are open 7 days a week, from 8am to 8pm. You can find us just around the corner on Chapman Road. Our services include: Free Home Deliveries* | Webster-Pak® | Vaccinations | Pharmacist consultations NDSS Sub Agency | Blood Pressure testing | Medical Certificates *Please phone the pharmacy to arrange a special and prompt delivery time for you.

Audrey & late husband, Terry, at a family wedding

After living in the UK, they moved back to Southern Rhodesia, buying acreage with a pig farm, where Terry also taught at the local school. Whilst they were living here, their third son was born. When there was unrest in Rhodesia, they moved back to the UK again, before making the decision to come to Australia. They originally moved to Tasmania for a year, before joining family in Perth.

Though, it does seem that a life of travel and adventure was always on the cards for Audrey.

“I came from the generation that didn’t question anything, we just went with the flow and did as our parents wished,” Audrey said. “I was an only child, so at the time I was excited to be in a new place, go on the boat, and was delighted to meet the children at my new boarding school.”

“Turning 21 was much more important in those days than it seems to be today,” Audrey said.

When SwanCare Bentley Park resident, Audrey Ridout, met her husband-to-be, Terry, on a boat sailing from the UK to Africa, she knew she was signing up for a life of adventure as a wife of a Royal Air Force (RAF) Navigator. And that’s exactly what she got!

Being married to an RAF navigator meant that they moved around a lot, so Audrey’s first two sons were born in Yorkshire and Bath in the UK. They also moved to the Isle of Man for a short stint while they were in the UK.

“I’d always had a fancy to go to Australia, to Tasmania in particular, maybe because it was called the Apple Isle,” said Audrey.

A Taste for Adventure Resident Story

Audrey and her mother loved living in South Africa, moving from Durban to Johannesburg during their time there. Audrey said that she enjoyed the country and the people, but found cleverly agreed to pay the fare back to Africa for her. It was on that fateful journey that she met her husband Terry, a navigation instructor in the Royal Air Force.

14 | Winter Tidings Edition

“This was not long after WWII, so there wasn’t a lot of air traffic and there were two Air Force officers being sent to Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) on the boat,” she said.

Sometime after this her husband, who suffered badly from stomach ulcers, was deemed unfit to fly and left the Air Force. Unbelievably, some 30 years later, the ulcer problem was solved by the Barry Marshall team at UWA.

“They were in First Class of course, but they came down to tourist class to “check out the talent” as they called it… by the time we docked, Terry had my address and we’d promised to keep in touch. He wrote to me, and that year came to spend Christmas with my mother and I in Johannesburg. We then dated, got married, and I moved to Southern Rhodesia to be with him.”

In 1939, Audrey and her mother first set sail to South Africa in search of a better life. Her parents had recently divorced and Audrey, not quite 12 years of age, said she was excited by the idea of going somewhere new.

Audrey & Jenny at a recent marketing photoshoot swancare.com.au

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“Penny at the library always looks after me, I love a good book. I’m also addicted to crosswords,” laughed Audrey. When Audrey isn’t reading these days, she loves painting, and has been an avid painter since 2006 when her husband sadly passed away quite suddenly.

Audrey is an avid reader and enjoys that the library is just down the road at Admin.

What an interesting life you have had moving around the world with loved ones.

Resident Story

Audrey & family at a wedding anniversary celebration

“I have everything I need here, and everyone is very friendly, it’s a lovely place to live,” said Audrey.

| Winter Tidings Edition



While native plants and ornamentals require different growing conditions, remember you can still mix some phosphate tolerant natives to add lots of colour to your garden. Some natives can also be grown in pots, so consider adding kangaroo paws, everlastings, brachycome, conostylis, dichondra, myoporum, patersonia, or pimelea to provide food for native birds and bees - they are very important for cross-pollinating different plants and foods.


Boronia ‘Pink Passion’ is another small shrub which is very pretty when flowering, and is much hardier than the shade loving brown boronias. It has a slight aniseed perfume and flowers nearly all year round. Brighten your home with the bright foliage of crotons or flowering plants like cyclamen, orchids, and spathiphyllums, all of which are good indoor plants.

As the weather warms up silver beet, tomato seedlings, beans, beetroot, capsicum, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, melon, radish, sweetcorn, zucchini, and basil can be planted in your vegetable garden or pots. Keep feeding your vegetables and rhubarb with liquid or slowrelease fertiliser for a bumper crop and start to water once the rain stops. Keep an eye out for snails, aphids, and pesky caterpillars. Use an eco-spray if you see them or remove them by hand. Tips from your Friends


Garden Interest Group

Spring is finally here! Make sure you find time to ‘stop and smell the roses’, by walking around the village to see the beautiful and large variety of flowers putting on colourful displays.

I would like to thank all residents who attend the Auxiliary Meetings each month. The raffle, lucky numbers, and luncheon outings have all contributed financially to our fundraising efforts. It’s with this money that we have been able to buy three mobile bed monitors, contribute to the cycling-without-age rickshaws to stay in action, and make a donation to all four care centres Christmas parties. Once again, many thanks to all residents. Look out for flyers for future events coming up. We are looking for a new President for 2023 as I have travel plans, so any Male or Female wishing to apply, please get into contact with me via details in Bentley Park Bulletin.

Fish N Chips with Friends Auxiliary

- Sandra Holmes

The Auxiliary meetings are held in the Auditorium every fourth week at 1:30pm. Members are free and cost for non-members is a gold coin donation. Reminder that there will be no meeting in September, instead the spring luncheon is on the 29th of September.

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Village News

In July, we had a quiz on who could guess how many kilos of food the residents and staff of the village collected for Foodbank. The nearest answer was 600 kilos. Total was 581 kilos. Great effort by everyone. Coming up, we are thrilled to have two new entertainers. Friday 2nd September will have a theme of Spring/Father’s Day and the entertainer will be “EKLIPZ”. Friday 7th October will have a theme of Halloween and the entertainer will be “Flashback Duo”. Friday 4th November will have a theme of Melbourne Cup and the entertainer will be “B.Sharps”. We will be running our own version of the Melbourne Cup race. All residents, and especially new residents, are most welcome to join us at our monthly luncheons. We are a great bunch! You will meet new friends and catch up with other residents. Raffle tickets are on sale with prizes to be won. Bookings are to be made by contacting Lesley on 6250 0590. If call is not answered, please leave a message and your call will be returned.

August Entertainment Rob & Terry (Lucy not pictured) Jason & Simon played piano at August meeting swancare.com.au

- Lesley Foster

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Bentley Park Residents Council

The next important item in the calendar is the call for nominations for new members of the Residents’ Council. In October each year all positions are declared vacant. Existing Council members can re-nominate if they wish to continue, and we would welcome new nominations from residents who would like to join the Council. The Residents’ Council is the main liaison body between residents and Administration. We aim to suggest improvements to village infrastructure and activities to improve the quality of life for all village residents. There are also three special-focus resident committees: Transport, Infrastructure, and Environment. These smaller groups liaise with Administration to progress particular issues – such as, improvements to the buses, to waste collection, and village signage. If you have a passion to improve a specific area of village life, perhaps join one of the committees, or start a new one which supports your interests.

Previous Bentley Park Residents’ Council

Ellen Clair

Village News

The council has organised residents’ meetings every two months this year and we have enjoyed learning more about the intricacies of how SwanCare operates. We have had talks from various departments – Finance, ICT, Maintenance, and a presentation from Marketing is scheduled for September. Meeting the team members and listening to the presentations have helped us to understand the size and complexity of the SwanCare business, which includes Bentley Park and Australind Rise villages, the four residential aged care centres, and various services to village residents.


Nomination forms will be available at the September Residents’ Meeting. Please feel free to chat to any Council member if you would like more information about what we do.

Now to the topic of business for the forthcoming quarter. As we (hopefully) move to more agreeable and predictable weather, we will be approaching the time when we can hold more ‘Gala Days’ which are official trophy tournaments. The first of which will be the Patron’s Shield, a fours match scheduled for Wednesday, 7th of September, when we will be joined by our Patron, CEO Graham Francis. Player lists will be going up very soon and is sure to be very well attended, so get your name down early to secure a place. Future matches will be the Geo Rowe Perpetual Shield, on Saturday, 8th of October followed by the Cleaver Family Shield held on Saturday, 5th of November. Note that we always have a rather nice afternoon tea following each Gala Day match; a quick plug here for the village shop who have supplied very nice scones, which our catering helpers finish off with jam and cream. They are really yummy I can tell you. Our next outing is to Golden Ponds Restaurant, Baldivis on Thursday, 1st of September and will probably have been held by the time you read this, but just keep an eye on the club notice board for future events. These outings are for members only which thereby hangs a hint that membership can be on a social basis only. The $15 membership fee allows you to not only come on our lunch outings, but to join us for Wednesday’s Happy Hours (cheap drinks) and afternoon teas (free).

Until next time, happy bowling!

Swan Village Bowls Club

Whilst existing members are usually happy to continue, it is always nice to welcome new blood with their new ideas to come on board. Meetings are held bi-monthly, and they are usually no more than an hour long, so the commitment is not too onerous; give it some thought. So, at this juncture, I will say that it has been my pleasure and privilege to have served as Club President for the last twelve months and, assuming I can get over one or two health niggles, I’m happy to continue contributing, in whatever capacity I can be of most use. I thank the members of the present committee for their service and support, and that goes equally for the occasional help from the membership in general.

The major event in the not-too-distant future will be the club AGM, held on Thursday, 15th of September. All committee positions will become open and resident members are reminded, and encouraged, to nominate for election/appointment to the committee. Nomination forms will become available soon.

Village News

Swan Village Bowls Club

It is now springtime, although there are bound to be some more rainy, windy, and cold days for a while yet. We have had a few days where the weather stopped play, but that is to be expected at this time of year; fortunately, these days have been few and far between.

- Chris Simms

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“I also love to head down to the shops every day, get a coffee, and read the newspaper.”

20 | Winter Tidings Edition

Retired bus driver, Geoff Pointon, has lived at SwanCare’s Bentley Park retirement village for just over a year and believes the secret to staying young at heart is keeping active.

“I’d been living on my own, I was retired, and I guess without my wife Irene, I had become a bit isolated,” Geoff said. “I looked at SwanCare first because it was really important to me that wherever I moved I still had my own independence; here I have my own garden, I can have a barbecue, have my family over, or be social in the community if I want to.”

“I do personal fitness training sessions three times a week, I play bowls, and I’m also part of the SwanCare Allsorts Choir.

Resident Story

“I keep pretty active here and I think that really is the secret to ageing well,” Geoff said.

Geoff decided to move to SwanCare after his wife passed away three years ago, and his children were concerned that he wasn’t being as social as he once had.


Geoff was in-between jobs when he first became a bus driver for MTT in Perth, he absolutely loved it and never looked back.

“I love the public, I’m a real people person,” he said. “I enjoy helping people, and it turned out that I loved it so much I became a Training, Development, and Recruitment officer in the “Thereend.” was always great comradery in the industry too. Still to this day I keep in touch with some of the drivers I recruited from the Philippines, who I went on to train and help on the Road

Geoff visits SwanCare administration to share his story

Resident Story

Geoff in front of his MTT bus Geoff & his family

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“Even though I’m retired, I do volunteer bus and buggy driving around the village, and I’ve also helped SwanCare create an assessment module for volunteer drivers here, so there’s that accountability to keep the residents safe. I was really happy to assist with that.”

“It’s definitely a vocation, not a job,” said Geoff. “I love seeing people’s joy when they’re going somewhere, and they have safe qualified drivers looking after them. I get a lot of enjoyment out of seeing people happy, that’s why I loved the job so much.”

Now retired, Geoff still can’t get enough of transporting people and has volunteered some of his time here at SwanCare.

“When I was at Transperth in the 80s I won the driver of the year award and that was pretty special, I was very proud of that.”

Geoff and has wife Irene have a daughter and a son, and he said while his family is very important to him. He’s also made a lot of good friends at the Village.

Geoff originally hails from New Zealand, ending up in Australia in 1968 in pursuit of more opportunities. He acquired his training licence in NSW and has trained drivers from NSW, WA, the Philippines, and New Zealand as part of his work.

When you speak to Geoff about his career achievements, it was evident that he loved his job as he was presented a top award.

“I go to church every Sunday and that’s really important to me, and currently at choir we’re practicing for the Christmas concert, so there’s always plenty to do around here,” he said.

get a NZ citizenship over 16 years ago. Once a year I still go over to Christchurch to catch up with them.”

Thank you for sharing your story with us Geoff. We look forward to seeing you out and about the village!

“To be honest that’s one of the things I really enjoy about living at the Village.”

Helen has competed in swimming competitions in Sydney, New Zealand, Italy, and recently did a virtual swim to Rottnest.

When she’s not swimming Helen has two sons and two granddaughters that fill up her time, and a brother that also lives at SwanCare.

Thanks for chatting with us, Helen! Keep up the great work in the pool.

“There’s plenty to do here if you want to, but I get out and about a fair bit because I can still drive,” she said. “I swim three times a week at the club, and I’ve been competitively swimming for 20 years now, so it’s a big part of my life.”

Helen has spent so much time in the pool that when asked about her best times she couldn’t remember the exact seconds.

“I can’t actually remember my best personal best time in the pool, it was too long ago, but I know I recently got 5m 35s for the 100m breaststroke… so that’s not bad,” Helen said.

“Swimming for fitness never really entered my mind,” Helen said. “I do it because I enjoy it. I love being in the water and I like the social element of it too. I’ve met lots of great people through the Somerset Swimming Club in East Victoria Park.”

Helen has lived at SwanCare for the past 12 years, and said she likes the fact that she can be social in the community or enjoy her own time.

22 | Winter Tidings Edition

“I remember when I got my bronze medal for lifesaving and I always liked swimming, so I thought I’d give it a go and haven’t looked back,” she said. “Staying active as you get older is so important, it helps keep you mobile and stops you from getting stiff. I’ve always had a bad back, so I could never run, but swimming is my sport and I love it. Age is really no barrier to swimming, anyone can swim.”

“You never know what next year will bring, but I’ll keep swimming as long as I can,” said Helen.

Helen first started swimming competitively when she was a hairdresser. She saw a brochure at work, rang the number, and the rest is history.

Helen at home at SwanCare

SwanCare Bentley Park resident, Helen UrquhartHoldcroft, has loved being in the water for as long as she can remember. It started with her school swimming lessons at South Beach in Fremantle and has continued throughout her life. She recently competed in the Australian Masters Games and won three silver medals, swimming in a total of six events over three days.

“You all get in a pool at the same time and you swim the same amount of lengths it would take you to get to Rottnest. It was really good fun and I’ll probably do it again next year,” Helen said. “It’s much safer in the pool, there’s no sharks!”

Like a Fish to Water Passions & Pastimes

Yours in books, Penny Felder Penny Felder SwanCare Bentley Park Librarian

The Nightingale

Penny’s Book Review

Kristin Hannah is an American author born in 1960 and is an author of numerous books. She writes General Fiction, Historical, Romance, and Historical Romance. While this book is on the Bentley Park shelves, the others are available on request through the interlibrary loan service. This book was awarded a West Street Journal best book of the year. It is an unforgettable novel about the war, love, and strength. It captures the panorama of World War II and brings to light an intimate part of history seldom seen. The Nightingale tells the stories of two sisters, separated by years and experiences, but also by ideals, passion, and circumstances. They both embark on their own dangerous paths towards survival, love, and freedom in German-occupied war-torn France. It’s a heart breaking, but beautiful novel that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit, bravery, and endurance. I thoroughly enjoyed this well written and moving story. I feel both women and men would enjoy this book as it’s based on historic events that many experienced, but didn’t talk about it.


By Kristin Hannah swancare.com.au

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Legendary Recipe St Clements Slice | By Fran Williams Base • 2 tbsp butter • 2 tbsp sugar • 1 egg • 1 ¼ cups self-raising flour • Splash of milk Method 1. In a bowl cream together butter and sugar 2. Add egg to bowl and beat together 3. Add self-raising four and a splash of milk 4. Grease and paper a suitable 10 to 12-inch tin (or a rectangle container) and flatten mixture in bottom 5. Cook at 180c until slightly brown Lemon Filling • Juice of 2 lemons • 1 cup sugar • 1 tbsp butter • 1 cup hot water • 1 tbsp custard powder • 1 tbsp cornflower • Splash of water Method 1. In a bowl mix together lemon juice, sugar, butter, and hot water 2. In a separate small bowl mix in custard powder and corn flour with a little cold water 3. Add all ingredients to saucepan and cook until thick 4. Allow to cool Marshmallow Topping • 1 tbsp gelatin • ¾ cup hot water • 1 cup sugar Method 1. In a bowl mix together gelatin and ¼ hot water 2. In a separate bowl mix together sugar and ½ cup of hot water 3. When cool combine marshmallow mixtures and beat until thick Construction method 1. When lemon filling is cool spread it evenly over the cooled base 2. Add the marshmallow filling evenly over the lemon filling and leave in tin 3. OPTIONAL: Sprinkle coconut on top of marshmallow 4. Slice contents into squares or fingers and enjoy! 24 | Winter Tidings Edition

The slice that Fran has reminisced over and shared with us, is one that comes with many memories attached.

“St Clements Slice was my mum’s favourite recipe,” said Fran. “I’m not sure if she came up with it or she found it somewhere, but amongst all the recipe books that I had in my lifetime I have never found a recipe for it.” She also recalls helping her mum in the kitchen and being encouraged by her to cook. The encouragement even led her to making wedding cakes later in life. “As a kid I always mucked around with mum’s cakes when she made them,” said Fran. “I’d slap a bit of icing on and do designs. I don’t know… maybe I was just meant to be a cook!”

Although Fran doesn’t cook as often as she used to, everyone still enjoys her cooking.

“Everywhere I go everyone asks me to bring a plate, so I must be doing something right!”

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“As a kid my mum was an excellent cook!” said Fran. “I remember that she would see people walking up our lane towards our house, and she could whip up a Swiss roll, scones, or anything really. By the time they got to the house, they’d be cooked and out of the oven.”

What were you doing when you were 7 years of age? SwanCare Resident, Fran Williams, was entering baking into the Northam show and Franwinning!wasbrought up in Northam in a small house filled with 10 people - her mother, father, and eight children. Her mother was the best cook she has ever known and puts her success down to learning from the best.

“It looks complicated, but it’s really not!” said Fran. “You can make the slice the night before, cool ingredients then spread across evenly.”

Recipe Yarn

When Fran makes the St Clements Slice, she recalls memories of her mum and family, especially while they lived together. “Mum gave us St Clements Slice often when we were young,” said Fran. “Mum was a good cook, but as you can imagine with 10 of us to feed they wouldn’t last long. My big brothers usually took a couple, and I might have only got one slice!” Through the years Fran has also won many prizes locally at the Bentley Park Show.

We think you’re doing something right too, Fran! Thanks for the tasty treat and great yarn. We encourage everyone to give this one a go. We’d love our residents to come forward to present us more recipes and yarns. If you have any, or know someone who would make a great contributor, please call 6250 0000 and ask for the marketing department. Or you can email it through tidings@swancare.com.auto:Thankyou.

St Clements Slice has a similar taste to a lemon tart, but not as sweet. Fran assures us that it’s tasty and said that it doesn’t last long when you put it out on a table, as everyone loves it!

“I have won a lot of prizes at the Bentley Park Show over the years. I came in here over 12 years ago and have won on a few occasions.”

Legendary Recipe

1 64253 7 10 8 11 9 12 1 2 3 4 6 7 5 8 9 10 11 12 Brain Teaser Crack the code below and then place the word in to the crossword puzzle. 26 | Winter Tidings Edition

Out & About Ladies hard at work in the Handicraft group The look of concentration while lining the ball up in Snooker Group Leslie singing at the leisure precinct with her guitarist Fish N Chips With Friends - June entertainment Adam Penn Fish N Chips With FriendsJuly entertainment Bling Theatre Group rehearsing their lines for a play Line Dancing with staff & residents Fish N Chips With Friends - August entertainment Lucy, Rob, & Terry Residents & staff mingling at friday sundowner swancare.com.au | 27

We welcome contributions to the Tidings. Please post or email to: 26 Plantation Drive, Bentley WA 6102 P: (08) 6250 0000 | F: (08) 9470 2017 E: tidings@swancare.com.au Pacesetter Laser Recycled is 30% recycled and made from elemental chlorine free bleached pulp sourced from sustainably managed sources. It is manufactured by an ISO certified mill. swancare.com.au

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