Bentley Park Bulletin - October 2022

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SwanCare Centres Auxiliary

Qigong Group

Fish N Chips with Friends

Well, there’s three busy months ahead for the Auxiliary. Our spring luncheon will have happened by the time this notice goes to print.

Come along and have a go at Qigong! Residents of all physical abilities are welcome. For those who don’t know what Qigong is, it is similar to Tai Chi where practitioners focus on posture, movement, breathing, and meditation.

At our September lunch, four Staff Members attended and had a wonderful time.

On the 20th of October we have our bus trip with morning tea and Maxie’s Fashion Parade with time for personal shopping for those who wish to do so. On the 4th of October I will be sitting at the Leisure Centre on the outdoor chairs between 10:30am and 11:30am to collect all your $10 for the bus trip. The Bus will leave Admin at 9:00am and leave Armadale at 2:00pm. It’s our last function for the year. We have our usual meeting on Tuesday the 25th of October where the marketing team will be speaking. Our November meeting will be the AGM. It’s that time again to think about our membership which is $10 and payable on the day. We are looking for a new President, so any new or old residents interested please phone me on the number below.

When: 9:00am Fridays Where: Swan Centre, Leisure Precinct Contact: Doreen Boss on 6250 0551

Ladies of the Night Patchwork Group

In October we will be celebrating Halloween, so dress in Orange/Black. The entertainers will be ‘Flashback Duo’. A reminder that in November we will be celebrating Melbourne Cup. We will have a new entertainer for November which will be the ‘B-Sharps’. All residents, and especially new residents, are most welcome to join us at our monthly luncheons. We are a happy bunch and you will make new friends and reacquaint with old friends. Raffle tickets are on sale and prizes to be won. When: Doors open 10:30am, Friday 7th October

All patchworkers and quilters welcome.

Where: Auditorium, Admin Building

When: 6:30pm Monday 10th & 24th October Where: Activity Room, Leisure Precinct Contact: Marion Pitcher on 9362 1702 or Judy Mackintosh on 9472 0717

Contact: Lesley on 6250 0590 as bookings are essential. If call is not answered, please leave a message and I will return your call Cost: $15.00 per person. This includes drinks,

The Christmas parties at our aged care centres will need some volunteers. Watch this space for flyers regarding the needs for these functions. When: 1:30pm Tuesday 25th October Where: Auditorium, Admin Building Contact: Sandie Holmes on 0459 981 822 Cost: Members are free & non-members $2.00 per person

nibbles, fish & chips served with a fresh garden salad, an hour of entertainment, followed by afternoon tea

Gardens Interest Group Join us to share hints on how to grow beautiful Hibiscus at our October meeting. When: 2:00pm Sunday 16th October Where: Swan Centre, Leisure Precinct Contact: Noelene Barnes on 6250 0589 or Ellen Clair on 6250 0597

Handicraft Group We meet every Monday 12:30pm to 3:00pm in the Activity Room of the Leisure Centre. New members always welcome. You can bring your own craft or help

Social Dance

us make various craft goods for our handicraft stall.

No dance in October due to the Bentley Park Show. Our final dance for the year will be on Saturday 19th November.

to 11:30am. Please feel welcome to come join us.

Our next stall is on the 14th of November from 9:30am

Contact: Sue Lewis on 6250 0850

Line Dancing

For anyone new, have you thought of a different exercise? We all know how important it is to improve our balance and co-ordination as we age, not to mention the brain workout! Line Dancing is lots of fun.

Pony Canasta New members welcome. Join us each Wednesday to play an enjoyable card game. For further information please get into contact today. When: 12:30pm to 4:00pm Wednesdays Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct Contact: Betty Park on 9362 6747 Cost: $1.00 per game. Lucky numbers $0.50

When: 12:30pm to 3:00pm Mondays

Sorry Line Dancing had to be cancelled at short notice, but like everyone, I had to keep to COVID-19 regulations. Back on deck and back to our usual sessions.

When: 9:30am Mondays & 11:00am for the intermediate session Where: Auditorium, Admin Building Contact: Pam Hind on 0431 102 103 or 9470 4139 or Cost: $1.00 to cover morning tea & other expenses. Please bring your own cup

Where: Activity Room, Leisure Precinct Contact: Wendy Paull on 9470 1966

Bentley Park Bulletin

Bingo Club Did you know that playing bingo can improve your brain’s speed, awareness, and memory capabilities? SwanCare resident, Silvia Walton, has reaped the benefits of this her whole life! “I just love bingo,” said Silvia. “It’s exciting, especially when you get down to only a few numbers. I’ve always loved bingo and have attended games throughout my life in the UK and in Perth.” When Silvia moved to SwanCare in 2001, it was only natural that she joined the SwanCare Bingo Club and eventually became the treasurer. “Mary runs the club, and because I attended every week she thought I’d be a great fit for the role,” said Silvia. “She asked me if I would be the treasurer and I happily accepted.” One of Silvia’s main jobs is to sell the books and work out the money for the prizes. “The winnings differ each week according to how many people attend and how much money we can raise,” said Silvia. The club wouldn’t run without the other fantastic volunteers and the regular bingo goers. Silvia is very thankful to the Bingo Club community and extends her thanks to them all, especially Frankie who calls the numbers each week. “I encourage everyone to come along and give bingo a try,” said Silvia. “It’s somewhere to go for a night out which has a great atmosphere and around 40 friendly faces. Don’t worry if you can’t walk down as the bus can pick you up and drop you off too!” Residents are invited to join in the fun at the SwanCare Bingo Club each Thursday night. Come once, or why not make it a regular occurrence! Tea, coffee, and biscuits are available for $1. Raffle tickets, break opens, lucky numbers, and lucky door prize are on sale on the night too. When: Thursdays, Doors open 6:00pm. Eyes down 7:00pm sharp Where: Auditorium, Admin Building Contact: Silvia Walton on 9361 2630 Cost: $12.00 per book (6 games) & $1.00 per flyer

Bentley Park Diners In October we are heading to the Kardinya Tavern! Buy from the senior’s menu for $20 including a glass of house wine, beer, or lemon lime bitters. You can also buy off the regular menu with main meals ranging from $20 to $40, burgers and sandwiches from $17 to $24, pizza from $17 to $25, and assorted desserts available at various costs. They have also said there are weekly specials available. Bus will leave village at 5:30pm and return when all have finished eating and socialising. No need for a partner as we take 20 on each bus. Come along and join us! Please book a seat as soon as possible as I need to let the restaurant and drivers know. When: 5:30pm Tuesday 11th & 18th October Where: Kardinya Tavern, Kardinya Contact: Lorraine on 6250 0425. If no answer, please leave a message Cost: $5.00 per person for bus (pay as you board) & cash for dinner

October 2022

Bulletin Submissions Contributions for Bentley Park Bulletin are encouraged. If you have a club or group update please submit to prior to the 20th of each month. Please note late submissions cannot be guaranteed inclusion.

Hatha Yoga Group Greetings! The Hatha Yoga Group continues to meet. In the lessons, we do movements to warm up, lengthening movements to relax tight muscles, yoga postures

Bentley Park Residents’ Council

(asanas), balancing practice, breathing techniques, a

There is no residents’ meeting in October. However,

As we are no longer teenagers and we can only do what

Board Game Group

please consider nominating for the Residents’ Council.

we can do, the asanas are not necessarily perfect but

All residents should have received a nomination

nevertheless they have their benefits.

Yes, the board games are still going strong! All welcome. We are located in the club from 6:00pm on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month.

form in individual letter boxes. Nominations close on

When: 6:00pm to 9:00pm Friday 7th & 21st September Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct Contact: Sandra Holmes on 0459 981 822







Art Group

Maureen Grickage

6250 0580

Heart Foundation Walking Group

David Hall

6250 0566

Bentley Park Bowling Club

Adrian Fishwick

6250 0529

Indoor Carpet Bowls

Beryl Moule

9355 1810

Bentley Park Diners

Lorraine Pittaway

6250 0425

Ladies of the Night Patchwork Group

Marion Pitcher

9362 1702

Bentley Park Library

Penny Felder

6250 0022

Line Dancing

Pam Hind

9470 4139

Bentley Park Residents’ Council

Ellen Clair

6250 0597


Maureen Wynmalen

0421 423 833

Bentley Park Social Club

Jan Irvine

0415 228 226

Op Shop

Margaret Frew

0490 728 016

Bingo Club

Silvia Walton

9361 2630

Philosophy Forum

Matthew Upston

6250 0320

Board Game Group

Sandra Holmes

0459 981 822

Photography Group

Chris Mann

6250 0801

Book Club

Nicky Dair

6250 0553

Pony Canasta

Betty Park

9362 6747

Care Christian Fellowship

Ron Manning

0409 735 169

Pool Table Club

Craig Hudson

9362 2786

Chess Group

Tom Swallow

6250 0503

Pottery Club

Margaret Frew

0490 728 016

Church Services at SwanCare Kingia

Rhea Dimalanta

0413 392 570

Qigong Group

Doreen Boss

0409 710 004

Church Services at Rowethorpe

Glenice Sanders

6250 0572


Marion Hayman

0409 667 794

Coffee and Catch Up Club

Marianne Grande

0424 988 764

Seated Exercise Group

Leona Douglas

0439 201 799

Computer Club

Tony Ryder

6250 0510

Snooker Club

Andrew Chisholm

0417 594 669

Darts Club

Thelma Chilton

6250 0574

Social Dance

Sue Lewis

6250 0850

Dutch Club

Liz Fasher

0478 942 492

Swan Village Bowling Club

Stan Barclay

9457 8194

Fish N Chips with Friends

Lesley Foster

6250 0590

SwanCare Allsorts Choir

Maureen Grickage

6250 0580

Fourth Saturday Quiz

Margaret Jones

6250 0450

SwanCare Centres Auxiliary

Sandra Holmes

0459 981 822

Friday Night Chase

Thelma Chilton

6250 0574

Village Players Theatre Group

Franceine Gregory

0408 199 976

Gardens Interest Group

Noelene Barnes

6250 0589

Vision Impaired Group

Jenny & Trevor Dawson

6250 0427

Girl Guides

Lorraine Pittaway

6250 0425

WA Bush Poets and Yarn Spinners

Maxine Richter

0429 339 002

Group Gym Classes

Matthew Upston

6250 0320

Water Aerobics

Matthew Upston

6250 0320

Handicraft Group

Wendy Paull

9470 1966

Writing Club

Shirley Barnes

6250 0558

Hatha Yoga Group

Gaileen Wester

0488 019 349

Swan Village Bowling Club September events were all successfully completed with the CEO, Graham Francis, being a member of the team who won his own competition, the Patrons Shield. Entries are now open for the next competition, the George Rowe Shield. The entry sheet is available in the Pavilion. The AGM was held on the 15th of September and all existing committee members were re-elected and are joined by Geoff Pointon. Chris Simms has retired as president but remains on the committee with myself, Stan Barclay, replacing him as President. I have never been President of anything before, but I am sure with help from Chris Simms and Jim Leavy I will muddle through. Membership and game fees are being kept at $15 per year and $0.50 per game. Maybe the treasurer, Jim Figgins, should be running the country as inflation seems to have passed us by. Fees are now due. As well as bowling, membership entitles members to attend all social functions. If you no longer bowl, please still come along and say hello. The next outing is for Christmas Dinner on the 17th of November. New members are always welcome at the club. Contact a committee member or just turn up on a match day. All you need is a pair of flat shoes. Bowls are available if required. To help facilitate this, all members who keep their bowls and leased bowls in the club store are required to label them with their name. Hope to see everyone on the green soon! When: 1:00pm Mondays, Wednesdays, & Saturdays Where: Pavilion, Leisure Precinct Bowling Green Contact: Stan Barclay on 0429 469 404 or 94578194

October 7th.

mini concentration, and a relaxation to finish the class.

You are welcome to join the class if you are able to get up off the floor unaided. Please bring a yoga mat, a tie,

The next residents’ meeting will be on the 15th of

and a rug for cold evenings when we do the relaxation.

November when Graham will come and give his end of


year summary of activities. If there are any particular questions you would like him to address, please speak to any Council member.

When: 6:00pm Tuesdays Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct Contact: Gailene Wester on 0488 019 349

Contact: Ellen Clair (Chairperson) on 6250 0597 or Joan Hutchinson (Deputy) on 6250 0852

Snooker Club Writing Group

Everyone is welcome to join the Snooker Club. It

We would love a few more regular members to attend. So if you are thinking about it, please come along and expand your knowledge so as to write your family history, articles for your artistic or sporting group, or even for letters to the editor. You will be given topics to think and write about, leading you to writing fantasy pieces, solid news articles, or poems.

played, or you’re a newcomer.

When: 10:00am Wednesday 12th & 26th October Where: Activity Room, Leisure Precinct Contact: Shirley Barnes on 6250 0558

Indoor Carpet Bowls New members are always welcome. Never played? Give it a go, it’s fun! When: Meet & chat from 12:45pm, to start promptly at 1:00pm Wednesdays Where: Auditorium, Admin Building Contact: Beryl Moule on 9355 1810

doesn’t matter if it’s been a long time since you last When: 12:30pm Mondays & Thursdays Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct Contact: Andrew Chisholm on 0417 594 669, or just turn up on the day

Bentley Park Social Club The October concert is Joyce Mathers and ‘& Avenue’ presenting ‘The Seekers’. You may remember Joyce from our Valentine’s Day Concert. She is supported by an experienced three-piece vocals/band. No tickets are required. Kiosk open, afternoon tea served, and raffle tickets on sale. The bus will pick up residents from 1:30pm and return after the show. When: 2:00pm to 4:15pm Sunday 9th October Where: Auditorium, Admin Building Contact: Jan Irvine on 0415 228 226





Rowethorpe Church Service 10:00am


Library Open Bentley Park Bowls Pottery Group Seated Exercise Group Line Dancing Christian Fellowship Line Dancing Intermed. Group Gym Class Snooker Club Handicraft Swan Bowling Club Dutch Club Darts Club






Bin Cleaning


ZONE 1: Adie Court, Le-Breton Lane, Wootliff Way, Drummond Way, & Pemberton Drive.

9:00am - 3:00pm 9:00am RCL 9:00am PGS 9:30am CB 9:30am AUD 11:00am SC 11:00am AUD 10:30am LPG 12:30pm CB 12:30pm AR 1:00pm LPB 4:00pm CB 6:00pm CB

October 2022 Calendar View daily activity times on SwanCareTV (Channel 103)

ZONE 2: Akora Apartments, Grandis Boulevard, Beelu Avenue, Augustus Way, & Solandri Avenue.

Op Shop Open Bentley Park Bowls Seated Exercise Group Swan Bowling Club

Services 8:30am - 12:00pm 9:00am RCL 9:30am CB 1:00pm LPB

ZONE 3: Saggers Drive, Talbot Place, Graham Crescent, Hawthorne Crescent, & Clayden Court

Bentley Park Library

Medical Centre Services

Penny and our volunteers welcome you to visit!

In case of an emergency call 000.

The library has new titles waiting to be read

For a locum doctor to visit you after hours

and as always, the interlibrary service if you

please ring: 1300 644 483. Alternatively, call

can’t find it in our bookshelves.

SwanCare Resident Support on 6250 0020.

When: Monday & Wednesday 9:00am - 3:00pm Tuesday Closed Thursday & Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm Where: Rear of Admin Building Contact: Penny Felder on 6250 0022

ZONE 4: 26 Plantation Drive, Plantation Apartments, Pine Mews, Leeuwin Crescent, Millstream Way, & Stirling Close.

Care Christian Fellowship Join us as we study the bible, worship and pray


Rowethorpe Church Service 10:00am

3 RC


Rowethorpe Church Service 10:00am RC Social Club - The Seekers Concert 2:00pm AUD


Rowethorpe Church Service 10:00am Gardens Interest Group 2:00pm


Library Open Bentley Park Bowls Pottery Group Seated Exercise Group Line Dancing Christian Fellowship Line Dancing Intermed. Group Gym Class Snooker Club Handicraft Swan Bowling Club Dutch Club Darts Club Patchwork Group

17 RC SC


Rowethorpe Church Service 10:00am

Library Open Bentley Park Bowls Pottery Group Seated Exercise Group Line Dancing Christian Fellowship Line Dancing Intermed. Group Gym Class Snooker Club Handicraft Swan Bowling Club Dutch Club Darts Club

Library Open Bentley Park Bowls Pottery Group Seated Exercise Group Line Dancing Christian Fellowship Line Dancing Intermed. Group Gym Class Snooker Club Handicraft Swan Bowling Club Dutch Club Darts Club

24 RC

Library Open Bentley Park Bowls Pottery Group Seated Exercise Group Line Dancing Christian Fellowship Line Dancing Intermed. Group Gym Class Snooker Club Handicraft Swan Bowling Club Dutch Club Darts Club Patchwork Group

9:00am - 3:00pm 9:00am RCL 9:00am PGS 9:30am CB 9:30am AUD 11:00am SC 11:00am AUD 10:30am LPG 12:30pm CB 12:30pm AR 1:00pm LPB 4:00pm CB 6:00pm CB

9:00am - 3:00pm 9:00am RCL 9:00am PGS 9:30am CB 9:30am AUD 11:00am SC 11:00am AUD 10:30am LPG 12:30pm CB 12:30pm AR 1:00pm LPB 4:00pm CB 6:00pm CB 6:30pm AR

9:00am - 3:00pm 9:00am RCL 9:00am PGS 9:30am CB 9:30am AUD 11:00am SC 11:00am AUD 10:30am LPG 12:30pm CB 12:30pm AR 1:00pm LPB 4:00pm CB 6:00pm CB

9:00am - 3:00pm 9:00am RCL 9:00am PGS 9:30am CB 9:30am AUD 11:00am SC 11:00am AUD 10:30am LPG 12:30pm CB 12:30pm AR 1:00pm LPB 4:00pm CB 6:00pm CB 6:30pm AR


Art Group 9:00am Seated Exercise Group 9:30am Rummycub 1:00pm Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm Photography Club 2:00pm SwanCare Allsorts Choir 2:00pm Hatha Yoga Group 6:00pm RECYCLING BIN COLLECTION


Art Group Seated Exercise Group Rummycub Coffee & Catch Up Photography Club SwanCare Allsorts Choir Bentley Park Diners Hatha Yoga Group

9:00am 9:30am 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm


Art Group 9:00am Seated Exercise Group 9:30am Catholic Service 10:45am Rummycub 1:00pm Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm Photography Club 2:00pm SwanCare Allsorts Choir 2:00pm Bentley Park Diners 5:30pm Hatha Yoga Group 6:00pm RECYCLING BIN COLLECTION


Art Group Seated Exercise Group Rummycub SwanCare Auxiliary Coffee & Catch Up Photography Club SwanCare Allsorts Choir Hatha Yoga Group

9:00am 9:30am 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm






Walking Group Op Shop Open Library Open Seated Exercise Group Girls Guides Group Gym Class Pony Canasta Indoor Bowls Swan Bowling Club


Walking Group Op Shop Open Library Open Seated Exercise Group Writing Group Group Gym Class Pony Canasta Indoor Bowls Swan Bowling Club


Walking Group Op Shop Open Library Open Seated Exercise Group Group Gym Class Uniting Church Service Pony Canasta Indoor Bowls Swan Bowling Club


Walking Group Op Shop Open Library Open Seated Exercise Group Writing Group Group Gym Class Pony Canasta Indoor Bowls Swan Bowling Club

7:30am ABL 8:30am - 12:00pm 9:00am - 3:00pm 9:30am CB 10:00am PAV 11:30am LPG 12:30pm CB 12:45pm AUD 1:00pm LPB

7:30am ABL 8:30am - 12:00pm 9:00am - 3:00pm 9:30am CB 10:00am AR 10:30am LPG 12:30pm CB 12:45pm AUD 1:00pm LPB

7:30am ABL 8:30am - 12:00pm 9:00am - 3:00pm 9:30am CB 10:30am LPG 10:45am SR 12:30pm CB 12:45pm AUD 1:00pm LPB

7:30am ABL 8:30am - 12:00pm 9:00am - 3:00pm 9:30am CB 10:00am AR 10:30am LPG 12:30pm CB 12:45pm AUD 1:00pm LPB

Bentley Park Bulletin contact details If your club would like to be featured in the next Bentley Park Bulletin, please email the details to: Deadline is prior to the 20th October 2022. Please note that all activities in the Bentley Park Bulletin are subject to change due to COVID-19 regulations and public holidays.


Walking Group 7:30am ABL Library Open 9:00am - 12:00pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Philosophy Forum 10:30am PAV Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC Chess Group 2:00pm CB Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD ZONE 1 BIN CLEANING GENERAL WASTE COLLECTON


Walking Group 7:30am ABL Library Open 9:00am - 12:00pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC Chess Group 2:00pm CB Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD ZONE 2 BIN CLEANING GENERAL WASTE COLLECTION


Walking Group 7:30am ABL Library Open 9:00am - 12:00pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Book Club 10:00am SC Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC Chess Group 2:00pm CB Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD Deadline for Bentley Park Bulletin Articles ZONE 3 BIN CLEANING GENERAL WASTE COLLECTION


Walking Group 7:30am ABL Library Open 9:00am - 12:00pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC Chess Group 2:00pm CB Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD ZONE 4 BIN CLEANING GENERAL WASTE COLLECTION


Admin Building Level 2, Admin Building Adie Court Activity Room, Leisure Precinct Auditorium The Club, Leisure Precinct Computer Lab, Mavis Cleaver Court


Walking Group 7:30am RTC Library Open 9:00am - 12:00pm Computer Club 9:00am CL Art Group 9:00am AR Qigong Group 9:00am SC Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Fish n Chips Luncheon 10:30am AUD Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Water Aerobics 11:30am LPP Mahjong Club 1:00pm SC Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB Friday Night Chase 5:00pm CB Board Game Group 6:00pm CB Darts Club 6:00pm CB Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners 7:00pm AUD


Walking Group Library Open Computer Club Art Group Qigong Group Seated Exercise Group Group Gym Class Water Aerobics Mahjong Club Village Players Coffee & Catch Up Friday Night Chase Darts Club


Walking Group Library Open Computer Club Art Group Qigong Group Seated Exercise Group Group Gym Class Water Aerobics Mahjong Club Village Players Coffee & Catch Up Friday Night Chase Board Game Group Darts Club


Walking Group Library Open Computer Club Art Group Qigong Group Seated Exercise Group Group Gym Class Water Aerobics Mahjong Club Village Players Vision Impaired Group Coffee & Catch Up Friday Night Chase Darts Club


7:30am RTC 9:00am - 12:00pm 9:00am CL 9:00am AR 9:00am SC 9:30am CB 10:30am LPG 11:30am LPP 1:00pm SC 1:00pm AUD 2:00pm CB 5:00pm CB 6:00pm CB

7:30am RTC 9:00am - 12:00pm 9:00am CL 9:00am AR 9:00am SC 9:30am CB 10:30am LPG 11:30am LPP 1:00pm SC 1:00pm AUD 2:00pm CB 5:00pm CB 6:00pm CB 6:00pm CB

7:30am RTC 9:00am - 12:00pm 9:00am CL 9:00am AR 9:00am SC 9:30am CB 10:30am LPG 11:30am LPP 1:00pm SC 1:00pm AUD 1:00pm 2:00pm CB 5:00pm CB 6:00pm CB

Bowling Green, Leisure Precinct Leisure Precinct Gym Leisure Precinct Pool Pavilion, Leisure Precinct Pottery Group Studio, Richard Cleaver Lodge Richard Cleaver Lodge

together. Also, we have a different speaker every


Op Shop Open Bentley Park Bowls Seated Exercise Group Swan Bowling Club

8:30am - 12:00pm 9:00am RCL 9:30am CB 1:00pm LPB

week. It’s close to home and enjoy a cuppa on us afterwards. The Church is interdenominational so anyone can come along. There is no pressure to give money unless you want to. When: 11:00am Mondays Where: Swan Centre, Leisure Precinct Contact: Ron Manning on 0409 735 169

Church Services at SwanCare Kingia All visitors must have their temperature taken and provide a copy of their 2022 flu vaccination certificate, COVID-19 vaccination certificate and wear a mask. Contact SwanCare Kingia reception for more information.


Op Shop Open Bentley Park Show Bentley Park Bowls Seated Exercise Group Swan Bowling Club

8:30am - 12:00pm 9:00am - 3:00pm 9:00am RCL 9:30am CB 1:00pm LPB

Catholic Service (Father Chris & Missions of Charity Nuns) When: 10:45am on 3rd Tuesday of the month Where: Swan Room, SwanCare Kingia

Uniting Church Service When: 10:45am on 3rd Wednesday of the month Where: Swan Room, SwanCare Kingia

Clinipath Pathology

Monday: Podiatry services by appointment, Ph: 6468 0038 Tuesday: Dr Aru - 9:15am - 10:00am, Ph: 9470 1341 Thursday: Dr Aru - 9:15am - 10:00am, Ph: 9470 1341

Op Shop The place to buy what you need. Come and visit us to view manchester, cushions, wool, cutlery, dinner sets, soup mugs, glassware, towels, suitcases, handbags, and more. When: Open Wednesday & Saturday mornings from 8:30am - 12:00pm Where: Clayden Court Contact: Margaret Frew on 0490 728 016

Rowethorpe Church Services Sunday services have recommenced back at the Rowethorpe Chapel. All welcome to attend. When: 10:00am Sundays Where: Rowethorpe Chapel Contact: Glenice Sanders on 6250 0572

SwanMobile Availability During times of bad weather or extreme heat the SwanMobile will not be operational. Residents are reminded to book in advance. When: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (no later), Saturday 9:00am - 12:00pm Not running on Public Holidays Contact: 6250 0023

When: Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 3:00pm, Friday 8:30am - 12:30pm Where: Rowethorpe Medical Centre Contact: 6363 6326


Op Shop Open Bentley Park Bowls Seated Exercise Group Swan Bowling Club The Fourth Saturday Quiz


Op Shop Open Bentley Park Bowls Seated Exercise Group Swan Bowling Club

8:30am - 12:00pm 9:00am RCL 9:30am CB 1:00pm LPB 2:30pm CB

Winners of the Swan Village Bowling Club Patron’s Shield

Jason & Simon wowed the crowd at September’s Auxiliary meeting

Melissa & Olivia speaking at their Healthy Eating presentation

Lesley’s 87th birthday celebrations

Fish N Chips with Friends September entertainment ‘Eklipz’

8:30am - 12:00pm 9:00am RCL 9:30am CB 1:00pm LPB


Reading Room, Leisure Precinct


Rowethorpe Chapel


Rowethorpe Terrace Cafe


Swan Centre, Leisure Precinct


Swan Room Chapel, Kingia

WAM Waminda

Bowlers competing for the Swan Village Bowling Club Patron’s Shield

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