Tidings Summer 2022

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tidings SUMMER 2022 INSIDE THIS ISSUE CEO’S COLUMN | GENERAL NEWS | RESIDENT STORIES SWANCARE GOLF DAY Charity Golf Day reaches new heights NEW LOOK FINANCE TEAM Succession plan in motion LIFELONG PASSION FOR LEARNING Dr. Chandran talks about the power of knowledge COVID-19 CONCIERGES Doreen & Merilyn share their volunteering experience

26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102

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Tidings Magazine is a seasonal publication produced and printed on behalf of the residents at SwanCare.

Deadlines for editorial and advertising are: Autumn 7th February, Winter 7th May, Spring 7th August, Summer 7th November.

To book advertising or for information regarding rates please contact SwanCare on 6250 0032.

Please supply editorial contributions as a Word document electronically to tidings@swancare.com.au. Hard copies of articles can be handed to reception in the Administration offices at Bentley Park and Australind Rise.

Any supporting photographs may be supplied electronically or as hard-copy prints.


In good faith SwanCare accepts articles, a small selection of advertisements, and other content for Tidings. However, the opinions and claims expressed in articles and advertising materials presented in Tidings are those of the authors and the advertisers respectively, and do not necessarily reflect the views of SwanCare, unless stated. No responsibility is accepted by SwanCare for the accuracy of information contained in the articles or advertisements.

Cover image: SwanCare Bentley Park resident Dr. Sarath Chandran in a recent marketing photoshoot.

Charity Golf Day

4 5 9 8 6 CEO'S COLUMN News from SwanCare’s CEO, Graham Francis SWANCARE NEWS News from around SwanCare ECO UPDATE Environmental Sustainability Plan Update VALUABLE VOLUNTEERS COVID-19 ConciergesDoreen Boss & Merilyn Babidge GARDENS INTEREST GROUP Summer Tips & Tricks for your Garden COVID-19 Concierges Merilyn & Doreen Finance department implements succession plan SwanCare’s
twitter.com/swancare linkedin.com/company/swancare yet another success 2 | Summer Tidings Edition
10 12 14 16 19 RESIDENT STORY Dr. Sarath Chandran’s Passion for Learning MEET THE STAFF The Finance Team Promotes from Within 23 20 PASSIONS & PASTIMES Deirdre Sanders’ Love for Gardening RESIDENT STORY Terry Brown’s Long & Varied Careers 25 26 LEGENDARY RECIPES Phyl Leavy shares her Mum’s Christmas Cake 24 LIBRARY Penny’s Book Review RESIDENTS’ COUNCIL Introduction of the new Bentley Park Residents’ Council VILLAGE NEWS Clubs & Groups Updates CHARITY GOLF DAY SwanCare’s Charity Golf Day Wrap Up The many careers of Terry Summer garden tips & tricks The knowledgeable Dr. Chandran Bentley Park Residents’ Council 2023 Deiddre’s love of gardening BRAIN TEASER Word Search Puzzle by Sue Lewis swancare.com.au | 3

Welcome to the Summer edition of Tidings.

I hope you’re all looking forward to the warmer weather ahead and maybe even to taking a dip in the SwanCare pool to cool down?

What a year 2022 has been! We have endured another year under the veil of COVID-19, as well as having a federal election and the resulting commitment to the Aged Care Royal commission reform initiatives. The ongoing staffing shortage remains on the radar as we look at SwanCare staff retention, attraction, and rewards being a continued focus when casting our eyes forward to next year.

Despite these constraints, SwanCare has performed relatively well by comparison to our peers; emerging from the challenges of 2022 in good shape ready to embrace the years ahead. The commitment and dedication of our staff over the last few years has been nothing short of extraordinary. It truly reinforces the incredible nature and character of those that work for SwanCare as we endeavour to enrich the lives of the many residents that call SwanCare their home.

Looking towards 2023 and beyond, we are excited to have commenced the following major projects that will enhance the amenity and support services for our residents and staff. Projects such as:

• The major refurbishment works to SwanCare Waminda residential aged care centre. Construction is likely to commence towards the middle part of 2023.

• The proposed construction of future independent living units within the Bentley Park retirement village. Construction of this new apartment complex is likely to occur towards the latter half of 2023, however

it is very dependent on the cost of housing construction and residential market forces.

• The refurbishment to the second floor of the administration building. These works are likely to be completed later this year and be ready for activation early in the New Year which will ease overcrowding on the first floor of Administration.

The Bentley Park Show was as an absolute hit in early October. This event once again showcased the amazing talent of our residents and attracted a large crowd of attendees into the Leisure Precinct and the Bentley Park village in general. We congratulate all volunteers and show entrants on another successful event.

We have also recently enjoyed a fantastic day at Meadow Springs Golf & Country Club for our major fundraising event of the year, the SwanCare Charity Golf Day. This year it raised almost $20,000! This brings the total raised from our SwanCare Charity Golf Days over the last 15 years to over $200,000. It is truly a testament to the generosity and support of our wide-reaching community.

With the festive season upon us and the warmer weather ahead, we wish you and your loved ones a happy and safe holiday period and look forward to seeing what 2023 brings.

CEO'S Column 4 | Summer Tidings Edition

Environmental Update

SwanCare’s General Manager Growth & Support Services, Paul Grzelec, has provided an update on environmental sustainability initiatives in place across SwanCare Bentley Park.

Food Organics & Green Waste Trial

You will start to see the expansion of food organics and green waste bins throughout the Bentley village over the coming months. These bins will be strategically placed within the common areas of the village and within shared bin stores.

The Food Organics bin will have a lime green colour lid. Place food items sealed in green compostable bin liners or wrapped in newspaper directly into the bin.

The Green Waste bin will have a dark green lid. Place small cuttings and branches loose in the bin. Do not place bags or other waste into the bin as this will contaminate the mulching process.

The trial will be reviewed in 2023 and if successful it will be expanded with permanent locations, enclosures and signage for the bins where required.

Container for Change

The Containers for Change program at Bentley Park has now raised over $1,900 since commencement. The funds raised are used for village initiatives. Please remember that the containers must have the 10c mark on them to be eligible for a refund.

Garden Watering

Our village gardens have an automatic reticulation system that is scheduled to run as many stations as possible overnight and within the permissible days. Additional hand watering should be minimised. From time to time there will be broken sprinklers or inadequate coverage in certain areas. Please raise a maintenance request on the SwanCare website if you see any issues with sprinklers.

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SwanCare News


September 8th was RU OK? Day - a National Day of Action where Australians are reminded that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation to support the people in their world through life’s ups and downs.

Morning tea was held across the SwanCare site to remind staff to ask the important question to those around them and encourage people in need to seek further help. Everyone was asked to wear yellow if they could and bring a gold coin donation that was donated to the RU OK? Team.

At SwanCare, we are passionate about providing a warm, safe and supportive environment for both staff and residents. And although this day is an excellent reminder for us all to check in with each other, our resident and staff mental and emotional well-being is our number one priority each and every day of the year.

You don’t need to be an expert to ask, ‘are you OK?’ but if you need some guidance, we suggest you check out ALEC - the 4 Steps of an RU OK? conversation. 1. Ask, 2. Listen, 3. Encourage action, and 4. Check in.

For more information about RU OK? Day visit www.ruok.org.au.

Staff Thank You Lunch

Our monthly staff thank you lunch has remained a successful initiative by SwanCare! Over the last several months, we have been delighted to be served a delicious Malaysian curry with rice, English stew with rice, Tandoori Chicken with vegetables and more! Of course, all meals came with vegetarian and meat options. Special thanks to those who manned the food stations to ensure everyone was served and thanked, and also to the SwanCare Chef’s for preparing this tasty lunch for the staff.

John Curtin Weekend

In September, we had a group of 15 John Curtin Weekend (JCW) volunteers onsite assisting SwanCare admin staff with gardening. They completed some planting which needed to be done around the site, planting lavender and small natives. We thank everyone for their time and energy on the day, we got a lot done! Specials thanks to Scott from Prestige Property Maintenance for making himself available to assist and guide us with the project.

New Resident Morning Tea

In October, our community living staff held an afternoon tea for some of our new retirement living residents. It was a lovely afternoon meeting everyone and they were able to make new friends while enjoying some lovely food and beverages. We saw plenty of smiles and conversations, so we know they enjoyed a great afternoon together. We love to see it!

John Curtin Weekend & staff volunteers being briefed for gardening busy bee
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New resident morning tea in The Club

Healthy Eating Workshop

Recently our retirement living residents participated in a Healthy Eating Workshop. It was very informative and encouraged residents to have fun with healthy snacks. There was helpful information on preventing falls, fractures, and infections by including key ingredients in your diet such as calcium, protein, vitamins and minerals. Residents also learnt some fun ways to include these nutrients into their day through tasty snack ideas available in the local Swan Grocery Store! Creamy rice pudding, mixed nuts, yoghurt with fruit and peanut butter were some fan favourites.

The workshop hosts, Student Dietitians, Olivia and Melissa, created a fun and engaging experience for all those who attended. Residents even got hands on making and enjoying Banana Bites and Fruit and Cheese Kebabs. Yum!

If you’re a retirement living resident and missed the workshop, feel free to grab a summary sheet from one of our community living coordinators.

Whoos in the Tree

We’re always on the lookout to see if the friendly neighbourhood owls are making a home in our trees, and recently we spotted another one! SwanCare’s photographer, Sean, captured some fantastic photos of the inquisitive little guy who was enjoying some quiet time in the SwanCare Bentley Park trees. We’re so glad he stopped by, even for the brief time he was here. We love seeing wildlife here!

SwanCare News

Shirley’s Garden

If you’re ever walking along the boulevard and notice the sweet smell of Jasmine, chances are it’s coming from Shirley’s garden! Starting with only a patch of soil, Shirley has since carefully planted, fertilised and tendered to a variety of flora. Her beautiful garden is admired by many, although particularly enjoyed by visitors passing by on the SwanMobile; a service started by her husband Peter in 2002 and named shortly after by the winner of Admin’s competition – Shirley! Thank you Shirley and Peter for inviting us to visit your beautiful garden and hear your wonderful SwanCare stories.

Various Job Opportunities

SwanCare currently have an abundance of jobs to be filled. If you know of anyone who is looking for a role, please let them know that they can find the jobs currently available on our website here at swancare.com.au/work-with-us

Peter & Shirley Brunt under their beautiful Jasmine arch Shirley enjoying the sweet aroma of Jasmine
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Bentley Park’s visiting Boobook Owl

Valuable Volunteers

A Helping Hand

Volunteers are the lifeblood of SwanCare. Today we spoke to two dedicated care centre reception volunteers, Doreen Boss and Merilyn Babidge. Doreen and Merilyn have lived at SwanCare Bentley Park for the past 18 months and said they love the idea of being useful to staff and visitors in the residential aged care centres. Since the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Doreen and Merilyn have volunteered their time at the care centres.

“During COVID we helped administer Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) to visitors, made sure people were aware of the rules of visiting, checked their vaccinations and kept RATs stocked up. We also helped register visitors electronically and generally chauffeured them through; as COVID created a lot more work for SwanCare,” Merilyn said.

“Because of the additional work COVID presented on top of everything else the receptionist does, I’ve also been helping out with some administrative duties at reception, just so they can catch up,” Doreen said.

“I help out with the residents too, if someone has dementia and they’re agitated I help settle them down, and generally just help visitors register at reception.”

Both ladies say that they love volunteering because it helps them feel like a valued member of the SwanCare community and helps the care centres run smoothly.

“I think we should all live by the philosophy that if we give a lot, we get back,” Doreen said. “That doesn’t mean that you need to give gifts, it’s more about giving your time. I truly believe it’s a two-way flow. Apart from being useful, it’s also a good thing to do.”

Merilyn agreed saying she feels lucky to be part of such a supportive community and wanted to give back.

“So much of what I do is centred around me in my retirement. While that’s lovely, volunteering helps you feel useful to other people. That’s important in your retirement and gives you a great feeling of satisfaction too,” Merilyn said.

“I’d highly recommend volunteering; it breaks up your week and lets you focus on other people and what they need.”

“Moving here recently was the best thing I’ve done,” Merilyn said. “I’ve met some wonderful people and there’s so many activities I can enjoy, such as line dancing, singing in the choir and volunteering.”

Doreen agreed, saying she felt well looked after at SwanCare and loves the community she is now part of.

“I teach a class of Qigong here (a healing martial arts exercise). I volunteer and I take part in many activities. I’ve made great friends and I feel lucky to be a part of it, that’s why giving back to it is so important to me.”

A big thank you to you both Doreen and Merilyn for offering your assistance during these tumultuous times.

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Merilyn & Doreen together for a common cause

Garden Interest Group

Summer Tips & Tricks for your Garden

Summer is here and it is time to ensure survival of your plants over the hot, dry days ahead.

A hint to reduce evaporation in pot plants is to wrap the pots in hessian or place them inside other pots to shade the roots, and group plants with similar water needs together. In the garden, check the top 10cm of soil and if not cool, damp use a wetting agent, water well, and add chunky mulch to shade roots and prevent evaporation. Drooping plants will often perk up once the sun is off them.

Avoid over fertilising as this increases the water needs of your plants and can burn the roots. Half strength liquid or a slow release formula, like Grow Safe, will keep them all happy.

Succulents and day lilies make excellent water wise feature plants with many forms, coloured foliage, and flowers available.

Small moths have been in plague numbers lately and the white butterflies are back, so spray under leaves with Dipel to stop the millions of caterpillars munching lacy holes in all your favourite treasures.

Ideas for easy to grow vegetables include beans, beetroot, carrots, lettuce, and radish. Succession plant and thin out for a staggered crop. Silver beet, cucumber, sweet corn melon, onion, peas, pumpkin, and zucchini can be grown in pots or raised beds to save bending. Add flowers to encourage bees to pollenate your crop. Tomatoes are always popular; prune side shoots out to strengthen and encourage flowers and stake tall varieties.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from all at the Bentley Park Gardens Interest Group!

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Colourful Summer ready garden

Resident Story

A Lifelong Passion for Learning

For former teacher, lecturer and SwanCare resident Dr. Sarath Chandran, a lifelong passion for learning is in his blood and it’s something he continues to enjoy, even in his retirement.

They say that great teachers are born, not made, and this is true of Sarath who clearly still loves to learn and teach, even in his twilight years. Sarath was a physics and chemistry lecturer at Curtin University who studied at Murdoch and obtained his Ph.D. from UWA. He also held a long tenure at Lynwood Senior High School as the head of its Science Department.

Even though he is officially retired, he still tutors from time to time, helping out students at school and university whenever he can.

He said to this day, he loves to challenge his mind, is an avid reader and still runs into his old students occasionally, which gives him immense satisfaction.

“It gives me such joy to know that students I’ve taught are doing well, some of them are engineers and doctors now, it’s a real honour that they remember me and that I had some influence on their lives at school or university,” he said.

Originally from Madras in Southern India, Sarath now lives with his wife Rajakumari at SwanCare Bentley Park and has two grown sons who live in Italy and Melbourne.

They left India many years ago for a better life in Australia; and Sarath said although they had visited a couple of times, Australia is home now. Since moving to SwanCare almost a year ago, he said the people and staff he has met feel a lot like family.

“There are wonderful people here and we have so much support, it has all been very smooth sailing,” he said.

“I am enjoying meeting people and settling in, I will probably stop teaching all together next year.”

Sarath said his love of both reading and gardening keeps him occupied at SwanCare, he is currently exploring religious history and biblical archaeology, and also loves to read historical fiction novels.

“There is so much to learn, I am always learning,” he said.

“I think that’s how it is for teachers; you never stop teaching and you never stop learning.

Dr. Sarath Chandran along with his wife & sons Dr. Sarath Chandran & sons when receiving his Ph.D.
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“At the moment I am exploring biblical history and trying to look at it from a different perspective than with my critical thinking, science mind. I also like to keep up to date with the latest scientific developments, so much is changing right now.”

When Sarath isn’t reading or tutoring, he also enjoys cooking and learning how to make new vegetarian dishes for him and his wife to enjoy.

“I am enjoying learning how to cook and I very much like making sauces, pickles and salads and all of the accompaniments to Indian meals such as rice, chapatis, side dishes and chutneys. I am always learning new recipes and I also enjoy eating what I’ve made, and sharing it with friends, it’s a lovely experience,” he said.

“There are also many, many clubs you can join at SwanCare and they are very encouraging if you have an interest in something or if you want to create your own club. There’s something for everyone to enjoy here.

“I enjoy being out in the garden too, especially at this time of year in spring before the weather gets too hot. There is always something to plant or prune and it is good physical activity.”

Sarath said that being retired has been wonderful because his time is now his own, and he can fill his days however he wants to.

“When you’re working, so much of your time isn’t your own, I did very long hours at the universities and schools I worked for. There are often times when you are on call,” he said.

“And while at the time it is truly wonderful to be part of a school or university community, there is only so much else you can fit in around your work and your family. When you’re retired you can enjoy your days knowing that you can do as little or as much as you would like to every day,” he said.

Resident Story

“But for the moment, there is always something to do, I keep a diary with a list of things I have to do and haven’t done, so there is no problem in staying busy.

“I am slowing down, but I do still enjoy tutoring, I like to stay mentally active and physically fit, I also hope to do some volunteering at SwanCare next year too.

“I would highly recommend the village to anyone who is thinking of starting that next chapter of their life,” Sarath said.

“We are very fortunate to be here, we have everything we need and lovely people around us who really do feel like family.”

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us Sarath, we love having you as part of the SwanCare family.

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Dr. Sarath Chandran with the books he has authored throughout his academic career

Meet the Staff

Finance Team sets Succession Plan in Motion

There are big changes coming to SwanCare’s Finance Department with Chief Financial Officer Garry Black set to retire in December.

Garry’s retirement sets in motion a longplanned succession plan which will see Sinead McCartan promoted to CFO.

It’s a promotion Sinead said she’s very much looking forward to and one that has been fully supported by Garry with a comprehensive handover the recent months.

“We’ve got a lot of exciting movement in the team right now, and it’s a great for everyone’s growth to continue,” Sinead said.

“Garry has been such a strong advocate and mentor for me, the best boss you could ask for in any industry.

“I was really attracted to both the values and the mission at SwanCare, and while that can be easy for businesses to say, they really stand by their values, and it comes from the top.

“Garry really took me under his wing and we all wish him so well in his retirement. He’s been wonderful to learn from and grow with.”

As part of the team changes Sinead will move from Management Accountant to Chief Financial Officer, Sasha Locke will move from Assistant Accountant to Management Accountant and Laura Nguyen will move from Finance Support Officer to Assistant Accountant.

This will complete the new look team with Accounts Payable Officer Gail Dunn, Finance Officer Kim George and Finance Support Officer Joy Sullivan remaining in their current positions.

“From the very beginning at SwanCare there was succession planning in place and I’m delighted to progress to this new opportunity,” Sinead said. “I’m excited for the challenges ahead. This move also means that Sasha and Laura are provided with new opportunities as well.”

Sinead came to Australia from County Down in Northern Ireland 10 years ago and said she loves working for a company that puts its residents first. “Finance is at the core of everything, but with SwanCare, I find that people really stand by their values, and that’s not just the management team, it’s the business as a whole,” she said.

“We all work as one big team here. In terms of our growth strategy, and where we’re heading, all the departments are on same path and working on the same goals. It’s our job to make sure our residents are at the forefront of everything we do.

“In the finance department, Gail, Kim and Joy have almost 100 years’ experience between them, which is really special and really shows the kind of organisation we’re working in. “SwanCare is an amazing company, it looks after its residents and its staff and I feel so lucky to be a part of it.”

Congratulations on your retirement Garry, we wish you all the best. And congratulations also to Sinead, Sasha and Laura on your new roles. We know SwanCare remains in safe hands.

12 | Summer Tidings Edition
Outgoing CFO Garry Black & incoming CFO Sinead McCartan
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SwanCare’s Charity Golf Day Wrap Up Charity Golf Day

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the major sponsors of the SwanCare Charity Golf Day 2022, Prestige Property Maintenance and Perrott Painting for their generous sponsorship again this year. The event was an outstanding success!

The SwanCare Charity Golf Day 2022 total of $19,064. In the 15 years since inception of the event, we have raised a grand total of $202,954. Proceeds from the 2021 golf day were allocated to the purchase of a new bus which has been ordered, with expected delivery in March 2023. Proceeds from this year’s event will be allocated to developing a new dementia garden at SwanCare Kingia residential aged care centre. The garden will be a safe environment where residents can wander through the gardens and will include sensory items, wayfinding pathways, etc. You’ll be able to find the completed garden on our social media pages in the coming months.

This year we saw the introduction of two hole in ones on course. Bridge42 sponsoring the 11th hole with a prize of $20k cash and Retravision sponsoring the 8th hole with a $20k Retravision gift card prize. Unfortunately, even with double the chance, we weren’t able to give away a big prize. Our sincere thanks to both Bridge42 and Retravision for their support.

Oban Group were responsible for keeping all 104 players out on the course well hydrated. For the drinks cart sponsorship, we thank you!

Congratulations to the winners of the SwanCare Charity Golf Day 2022, team Carpet Call. The mystery hole scoring system proved very favourable to Carpet Call and we congratulate them on their win. Word is they’ll be back next year to defend their title!

SwanCare congratulates all of the teams who participated and contributed to the success of our event.


4. ETS - 69.625 5. Oban Team #2 - 59.625

We acknowledge and sincerely thank our hole sponsors for their support.

Major Sponsors: Prestige Property Maintenance and Perrott Painting.

Sponsors: Bridge42, Retravision, Oban Group, Carpet Call, ETS - Electrical Testing Services, Kings Electrical Solutions, National Australia Bank (NAB), Thompson Surveying Consultants, TK Elevator, Ralph Beattie Bosworth (RBB), Southern Cross Protection, Wood Recruitment, and Wormald.

Thank you for the generous donations and contributing to our prize pool from Perrott Painting, Prestige Property Services, Retravision, Azure Painting, Bidfood, Bunzl,

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Carleton Constructions P/L, Central Signs, Elements, Employer Branding Australia, Filterfab, 4Logic, Health World Pharmaceuticals, Ivan’s Market Garden, Cake West, Lockton, Meadow Springs Golf & Country Club, M Ike, Mirus, MKDC, Mr Sheen Car Detailing, Oban Group, Onpress Digital, Precise, Quayclean, Rapid Air, RBB, Seven West Media, St James Newstart Pharmacy, and Wormald.

Congratulations to Dave Thomas, City Toyota winner of the Bunzl Putting Competition. Our sincere thanks to Bunzl for their continued support of our event and sponsoring both the putting competition and the NAGA Award for 15 consecutive years.

Other winners on the day:

Nearest the Pin #11

Colin Reguero, Retravision Nearest the Pin #4 Nick Gaisford, TKE Nearest the Pin #8 Herbert Muller, Siphonic Solutions Longest Drive #15

Aaron Collyer, Media Tonic Straightest Drive #10

Callan Eddy, Interlink Insurance Brokers

Further updates and photos can be found on our social media platforms.

Thank you all, we look forward to welcoming you to the 16th SwanCare Charity Golf Day in 2023!

Charity Golf Day

SwanCare’s CEO Graham Francis having a putt with the Prestige Property Maintenance team Graham with the winning team for 2022 - Carpet Call
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Another perfect day on the course at SwanCare’s Charity Golf Day 2022

Residents’ Council

Committed to Change

As the new Chair of the Bentley Park Residents’ Council, Bill Waterer is committed to inspiring people to get involved.

As part of various committees and councils his whole life, Bill understands the important role that council’s play in small communities and is looking forward to his councillors becoming better known by residents of the village.

“I’m keen to look at new opportunities for how we can involve the residents with the council more,” Bill said.

“We’re looking at a welcome program for new residents, and I’d like to make our councillors more visible. Quite often people don’t know who to turn to when they have a concern.

“For starters our eight councillors will wear hi-vis vests so everyone knows who they are, and one Friday a month a councillor will be at the leisure centre to answer people’s questions. We’re also looking to reintroduce buggy tours of the village to residents.”

Many people might not know that Bill was awarded the Order of Australia medal for services to the environment and endangered species. He worked hard to protect numbats and western ground parrots, and is close personal friends with renowned chimpanzee expert and ethologist Dr Jane Goodall. He is the state coordinator for Jane’s Roots & Shoots

program in Western Australia.

“Jane’s Roots & Shoots program is phenomenal because it lets children make decisions. The key to good committees, councils and foundations is to get people involved young, don’t say no to everything and let them have their say.”

Bill said he has a great group of councillors and is looking forward to working with them over the next 12 months.

“SwanCare is our community and if we don’t get involved, we haven’t got a community,” Bill said. “I’d encourage everyone to get involved, you’ll never know if you don’t have a go.

“We’ve always had a fantastic relationship with management and I want to strengthen that relationship going forward. We care about our village and where we live.”

Bentley Park Resident Council members

Bill Waterer – Chair

Awarded the Order of Australia medal, Bill has held many senior management roles and ran his own environmental business. He also worked to assist single mothers with disabled children access suitable wheelchair vehicles and support services and has a long history with Lion’s International, serving in every club and district position except District Governor.

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Bentley Park Residents’ Council members (L to R) Aileen Hooper, Roger Freeman, Ellen Clair, Bill Waterer, Joan Hutchinson & Margaret Jones. Absent: Val Kostic & Carole Collins

Residents’ Council

He was Club President three times and District Cabinet Secretary for three years. Bill was WA Coordinator and National Coordinator of The Orangutan Project for 10 years and is WA Coordinator and National Coordinator for the Jane Goodall Roots & Shoots program.

Carole Collins – Deputy


Carole has been on the committee for the past 12 months and moved to the village two years ago. She nominated for the resident committee as she feels it’s important for residents to have an open line of communication with management. Carole is a retired nurse who worked for 50 years at hospitals and in the community in Australia and overseas. Carole is originally from New Zealand.

Ellen Clair - Councillor

Ellen worked in student counselling for most of her professional life, retiring in 2014 and has been a resident at the village for the past 10 years. She initiated the establishment of the Bentley Park Garden’s Interest Group and has been a member of the Residents’ Council since 2016, holding Deputy Chair in 2018 and Chair from 2019 22. She said she enjoys being on the council and feels it has contributed to and improved communication between residents and management.

Roger Freeman - Councillor

A resident of the village for two years, Roger is a proud ‘Ten Pound Pom’ who arrived in Australia in 1966. A former Local Government CEO at Marble Bar, Trayning and Bridgetown, Roger has special interests in health, waterways and seniors. He has been involved in the Residents’ Council since 2021 as a councillor, board representative and is also part of the infrastructure group.

Val Kostic - Councillor Val grew up in the remote mining towns of WA and arrived in Perth at age 16. Before she retired, she worked in education and psychology, developing

an interest in the psychological management of chronic pain, and assisting her clients to manage it. Val has happily lived at the village for the past six years and became a member of the council in 2022.

Aileen Hooper - Councillor

Aileen is in her second term and finds it very rewarding to be part of the Bentley Park Residents’ Council. Previously, Aileen worked in the public sector and owned her own business before she retired and moved into SwanCare in 2015. She enjoys researching family history, painting with oils and loves a good detective novel.

Joan Hutchinson - Councillor

Joan has been a part of the Bentley Park Residents’ Council for the past year. In her earlier years, Joan grew up on a farm in southwest WA, went to boarding school before joiningTrans Australia Airlines (TAA) as an air hostess based in Melbourne and Brisbane. She continued her love of travel overseas working for a British airline based in London, travelling to Africa, Europe, and the far east. She returned home to commence nursing training, graduating as a registered nurse in Perth and studying midwifery in Sydney.

Margaret Jones - Councillor Margaret has held various executive positions at committees and clubs, including being on the Board of Perth Women’s Health and secretary on the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of WA board. Before she retired, Margaret was a schoolteacher for 14 years. She gained a psychology degree at UWA as a mature age student before working as a registered psychologist for the next 23 years. Margaret volunteered at Perth Airport for 14 years, loves theatre, music, choreography, script writing and directing.

Thank you to Bill, and all the members of the Bentley Park Residents’ Council, for taking part in this story. We look forward to seeing what the committee will bring in 2023!

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Village News

Swan Village Bowling Club

Night bowls has started on the 28th of November at 6pm in the expectation of hot sunny days ahead. October was a quiet month with numbers down except for Gala days and a visit from our friends at Rowethorpe. Our Christmas Lunch at the RAAFA retirement village and museum is already fully booked with people on the waiting list and will be over before this is published. Christmas seems to get earlier every year!

With the summer weather ahead, we expect to see numbers increase and we have already welcomed several new members to the club. Do not let that deter you as there are still vacancies on most days. If you do not like the


Well, 2022 is coming to an end! We have had a wonderful year and the aged care homes have received very generous donations because of the raffles and bus trips we have had during the year. That’s a big thank you to the residents and a great working Auxiliary committee. Thanks to all!

Our first meeting to start 2023 will be on the 28th of February. Megan Heavey from Curtin University will be our speaker. Just in time for all those New Year’s Resolutions we make.

hot weather or the later starts why not try out at Bentley Park Bowling in the undercroft beneath Richard Cleaver Lodge. They bowl undercover at 9am on Saturdays and Mondays. Many residents are members of both clubs. You cannot get enough of a good thing like bowling.

I hope to see everyone over the Christmas season and hope everyone in the village has a happy and healthy holiday season. Remember even if you are not bowling, members are always welcome to our outings and our Wednesday happy hour. Keep your eyes on the Pavilion notice Board for upcoming events.

Also don’t forget memberships are only $10 a year and if you’re paying at a meeting, please put money in an envelope with your name and phone number.

Auxiliary Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month in the Auditorium at 1.30pm.

I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas full of joy and stay safe.

18 | Summer Tidings Edition
Social Engagement team members Claudia & Ceri at the November Auxiliary meeting

Village News

Fish N Chips with Friends

During September, October and November, several SwanCare staff members were invited to join us for lunch.

At our November lunch, we ran our own version of the Melbourne Cup. There was lots of fun and laughter as the horses headed to the finish line. Winners were in race 1: Maureen Waller and in race 2: Adleen Panizza. “Go Girls”. In September and November we had two new Entertainers: “Eklipz” And The “B-Sharps”. In 2023 we will also have a few new Entertainers.

Coming up Entertainers: Christmas theme on Friday the 2nd of December is Paul Robinson

Board Game Group

Boards games are on every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 6 pm in Club House after Chase the Ace. As it’s close to the end of 2022, our last board games for the year will be on the 16th of Dec. We will back in 2023 from February on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month.

Valentine’s Day theme on Friday the 3rd of February is Robert Graham

St. Patrick’s Day theme on Friday the 3rd of March is Patrick O’Hooligan

All residents, including new residents, are most welcome to join us at our monthly luncheons. Raffle tickets are on sale and prizes to be won. The committee would like to wish all residents a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for your continued support during 2022. We look forward to seeing you all again in 2023.

The colourful affair of Melbourne Cup at Fish N Chips with Friends
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Our volunteers are everything

Trim your Sails Resident Story

SwanCare resident Terry Brown had a long and varied career before he retired, but his favourite roles in life were as a husband, father, psychologist and sailor.

When Terry Brown first left school at 15 he went to work at WA Newspapers, working there for the next 10 years. He started at the bottom of WA’s state newspaper, delivering advertising proofs to advertisers and then later moved into advertising layout and graphic design. He also completed a 5 year apprenticeship there as a Hand and Machine Compositor. Terry said that while he enjoyed his time as part of Perth’s media landscape, he decided he needed a change and so left to work for the Employer’s Federation in an industrial relations role.

From there he followed his passion for helping people, working at TAFE as part of its counselling service for the next 23 years. While he was in the role, he also studied for his Bachelor of Psychology degree part time, it took him eight years to complete it while he worked full time.

In 1995, after they disbanded the counselling service at TAFE, he went on to work at the Curtin School of Business, often lecturing overseas. He also helped supervise overseas students and supported them as they settled into their new lives in Perth.

Terry said his interest in psychology was basically an interest in people. He had always enjoyed the subject and loved working closely with other individuals.

“We offered help and support to students and teachers, and we also offered vocational counselling for students who didn’t really know what they wanted to do,” he said.

“I enjoyed giving back and helping people. We also administered aptitude tests and interviewed people for courses. It was a very busy role, but I really got a lot out of it.”

Terry moved into SwanCare in 2014 with his wife Leonie who sadly passed away in 2018. Their move was followed by two other couples who have been lifelong friends.

20 | Summer Tidings Edition
Resident Terry Brown at home at SwanCare Bentley Park

The first was John Hollier who Terry went to primary school with, and his wife Robyn. The second was Frank Robinson who Terry has been friends with since high school, and his wife Barbara.

“Leonie and I moved into SwanCare first, but we were closely followed by the other two couples and it was great. We were all a bit of a support group for one another here, we always went grocery shopping together and had a coffee on Thursday mornings,” he said.

“For us SwanCare was close to home, and we also thought the facilities and the layouts of the units were the best. We are very happy here and I have all the support I need.

“It was really wonderful to downsize and move here, but still live independently and have lifelong friends nearby.”

Terry and Leonie also have two grown-up children, Timothy and Lisette, who both live in Perth.

Terry keeps himself busy at SwanCare. He enjoys a photography course; where he has recently won awards, swims in the pool, attends community functions and also takes part in line dancing classes.

“I tried line dancing and I was hooked,” Terry said. “It engages the brain and the body because you have to think about moving as well as working through the steps, it’s quite an eclectic musical mix and we learn new dances every week. It’s great and very social.

“Photography is something new to me, but I’ve really enjoyed taking the time to learn about it. My camera is a Canon Powershot, so it’s not terribly expensive, but there’s still a lot for me to learn and its very interesting.

“I was pleased to win some photography prizes in a local competition recently, one was for a

black and white photo, one was a photo of a dog and the other one was of a country scene in Balingup.”

For four years Terry also drove SwanCare’s SwanMobile, ferrying residents around the village and to run errands nearby. Last year Terry was on the Bentley Show Committee but said he’s getting ready to slow down.

Although Terry doesn’t sail anymore, he was a committed sailor who enjoyed being part of various sailing and dingy clubs in Perth and also in Albany when he lived there for two years.

He also formed the Naval Cadets Association with John and Frank, and at one point they raised more than $100,000 to build six new boats.

To help raise money for the cadets, Terry, John and Frank sold hotdogs at HMAS Stirling’s open days and helped a mutual friend to sort wool, then sell it.

“Unfortunately, the association doesn’t exist anymore, but we raised a lot of funds for boats and hopefully we helped out a bit,” he said.

When asked about his long and varied career Terry said that he had enjoyed all of his roles, but counselling at TAFE was his favourite.

“I finished my career at Curtin, but I really did enjoy working at TAFE, there was so much variety in the role,” Terry said.

And when he wasn’t working or spending time with his family, he was always on the water.

“I’ve always enjoyed being out on the open water,” he said.

“I was the first full time counsellor at Albany Tech so I bought a 14ft Windrush catamaran while I lived down there and was part of the Princess Royal Sailing Club.

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Resident Story

Resident Story

Trim your Sails (Cont...)

“I also spent time sailing a Heron dingy at the Perth Dingy Sailing Club with my son, which was a lot of fun and sailed with a friend on a cruiser on Wednesday afternoons.

“I don’t sail anymore, but I loved not having to rely on a motor and that I had to keep watching the wind to trim the sails, work out where the wind was coming from, there’s quite a strategy around sailing.

“My Great Grandfather was a Master Mariner, a ship’s Captain who used to sail around South America a lot, so it must have been in the blood.”

Terry also travelled frequently with his family, he and Leonie boarded a Swiss lady from Phoenix College in Perth called Fanny and then stayed with her and her family in Basel when they went to Switzerland.

“Basel is fascinating because it’s where three countries borders collide, Germany, France and Switzerland,” Terry said.

“Fanny’s brother Otto was retired and so he became our tour guide, we got to know them

both very well and stayed good friends, it was a very interesting place to visit because you were literally on the border of three countries and could just cross borders for whatever you needed, it also makes for a quite unique culture.

“Leonie and I also travelled to Africa, Canada, Europe, England and Fiji. In Fiji it’s very relaxing, you definitely get used to Fiji time!”

Terry said he highly recommends living at SwanCare’s Village to anyone.

“I’ve got some excellent neighbours, and we all keep an eye on each other including Frank, Barbara and Robyn. To be honest I haven’t come across anyone in the Village that I don’t like,” he said.

“The staff at SwanCare are marvellous, it’s a wonderful place to live.”

We love having you part of the SwanCare community, Terry. Thank you for sharing your incredible stories with us.

22 | Summer Tidings Edition
Terry’s weekly coffee catchup with friends (L to R) Robin, Terry, Leonie, John, Frank & Barbara

Passions & Pastimes

In Full Bloom

For Deirdre Sanders her love of gardening was sown at an early age and continues to grow. She adores her garden at SwanCare’s Village and shares some tips for avid gardeners with Tidings. Deidre Sanders turns 90 in March, but still loves to potter around her garden and said that Thursday is her “day off to devote to it.”

The rest of her week is full to the brim with activities and classes at SwanCare including dance classes, choir practice and indoor bowls.

She said time in the garden calms the soul and she believes everyone should learn about growing plants and veggies.

“I think spending time in the garden should be compulsory,” Deirdre said.

“It’s very interesting you learn a lot about nature and the cycles of things, it’s calming and peaceful too.”

Deirdre lived in Darwin for 20 years where she was only a short walk away from the stunning Botanic Gardens, giving her plenty of inspiration. Since 2006, Deidre has lived on a corner house in the village, which means she has more garden than most and loves the community that surrounds her.

“Not too long ago I broke my hip and everyone was so nice to me, making sure I had what I needed from the grocery store and my papers,” she said.

“We all take care of each other here.” Deidre travelled extensively with her husband when he retired and said she enjoyed exploring stunning gardens in Europe and loved the tulips in Tasmania.

In her own garden she has a patch of cacti out the back which love full sun, a pawpaw tree that grew from dropped seeds out the front and loves her snap dragons, lavender and gerberas.

“Spring is a gorgeous time of year in the garden, before it gets too hot,” Deirdre said.

“If you’re going to have a garden, it is lots of work, you need to work out where the sun falls in different seasons, be water wise and understand what plants need to grow well. You also have to add to the soil a lot, with mulch so the plants are getting nutrients they need.”

Deirdre’s love of gardening started at an early age growing up with her parents in Claremont on a half-acre block with gorgeous gardens, a veggie patch and chickens.

“My parents were always out in the garden, so I learnt from them at an early age, Dad had a veggie patch and Mum grew beautiful roses,” she said.

“I had my own little garden and grew some wheat and lantana. It was wonderful, watching things sprout up.

“Gardening is a very pleasant job, I love my garden, and I recommend it to everyone.”

Thank you Deirdre for inviting us to see your beautiful garden. We can’t wait to watch more of your flowers blossom in the New Year!

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Deirdre Sanders shows off her garden

Penny’s Book Review

The Heights

After studying English at the University College in London, Louise worked as a travel writer, art book editor, and copywriter, before beginning her first book on a whim while on holidays. Her books are emotional dramas, often located in foreign settings, where the characters behave quite differently than they would live at home. Her seventh book “The Heights”, written in 2021, is one of suspense. There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love, but will Ellen put her whole family in danger? Ellen Saint is an average Mum, who is devoted to her family and only wants the best for her kids. When her teenage son Lucas brings home a new friend, cracks start

to appear in Ellen’s perfect family life.

Kieran Watts is nothing like Lucas – He is rude, obnoxious, and reckless. Ellen can only watch in despair as her son falls deeper under his influence. Her whole world falls apart and she embarks on an obsessive need to get revenge.

While the style of this book is highly unusual, its contents kept me intrigued until the last chapter. The ending is not what you’d expect. This book is currently available on our shelves in the Bentley Park Library. I encourage you to read it!

Yours in books,

Penny Felder

24 | Summer Tidings Edition

Mum’s Christmas Cake |


• 700 Grams sultanas

• 200 Grams raisins

• 200 Grams currants

• 60 Grams mixed peel

• 60 Grams glazed cherries

• 1/2 Cup rum, brandy or sherry

• 650 Grams dark brown sugar

• 300 Grams butter

• 4 Eggs

• 2 1/2 Cups plain flour

• 2 Tablespoons marmalade

• 2 Teaspoons vanilla essence

• 1 Teaspoon mixed spice

• 1 Teaspoon cinnamon

• 1/4 Teaspoon nutmeg


1. Put all fruit into large bowl and pour over brandy. Leave to soak overnight.

2. The next day, beat butter and sugar well, add eggs, vanilla essence, and marmalade. Sift flour and spices together then add alternately with fruit mixture. Stir well. Note: If it presents a bit stiff, add small amount of milk.

3 Place in well greased and lined 2 small tins (or 1 large tin). Bake in moderate oven (180 degrees) for about 2 hours for smaller tins or slightly longer if using a large tin.

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year and is generally filled with food and families coming together. Retirement living resident, Phyl Leavy, has many fond memories around Christmas, with one of these happy memories attached to her Mum’s Christmas Cake.

“Mum was a great cook,” said Phyl. “At Christmas time I can remember that she used to cook this cake, and the whole Christmas dinner, in the old wood stove which made the whole kitchen

unbearably hot. We’d eat this as a family and enjoy every mouthful, even if it felt like a sauna in the house!”

Since moving out and having a family of her own, Phyl’s mum made the cake many times for her grandchildren. Recently one of her son’s asked Nanna for the recipe and the story was a great laugh when she recited it from memory and accidently lead them astray.

“A few years ago, one of my sons was home for Christmas and asked my mum for her Christmas cake recipe as he wanted to try making it,” said Phyl. “She recited it from memory over the phone and he wrote down it down word for word.”

After not having much success Phyl’s son later called Phyl to ask why it didn’t work.

“He said the cake was so moist that they kept adding flour but to no avail,” said Phyl. “When I asked to hear back what they had written down, my mum had said cover the fruit in sherry so that’s what they did! She knew what she meantpour 1/2 cup over - but he didn’t!”

Phyl was still amused sharing that story with us, unsure as to why they thought there was so much alcohol in the recipe.

“I don’t think they have ever tried again,” laughed Phyl.

Thanks for a familiar Christmas recipe and sharing your funny story, Phyl. Merry Christmas and happy baking everyone!

We’d love our residents to come forward to present us more recipes and stories behind them. If you have one you can share, please contact Marketing on 6250 0000 or email it through to tidings@swancare.com.au.

Legendary Recipe
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| By Susan Lewis

Brain Teaser
N B U D G E R I G A R O L P J H N A L S U E W F S Y K U W E D X C M C U M D F F Z W R C K R T Y U T L I E A S I B I A R O L O P P A Q K L W E X I H L L T R M F F Z E I J E R S C O D I L L M N H G D F R E P E N G U I N O O O L R W Q Z C Z Q N T M O O R W R R I F G T Y N I S R T D A R T E R A A T V T Y A H T W O F G G T H I N T Y B N A R H Y V H L A I P S K T G U A N M C A E B B L T T O I E Y A I N N F Y G H B A U U R D A E Y W E P P F O N I H J I T K K H T D Y R L Q D D P R E T A E Y E N O H L W D E Z Q O Y J B C O R E L L A L Q T T E E R C L L I B N O O P S I C P P R J K A R R U B A K O O K W T H Y U G F 1. Flightless bird 2. Splendid blue 3. Largest ill 4. Spears fish 5. Household pet 6. Beware! 7. Large wingspan 8. Swimming bird 9. Spoon shaped bill 10. Nature’s comic 11. Laughing bird 12. White parrot 13. Waggy tail 14. Coo coo 15. Nests under eaves 16. Expert diver 17. Nectar loving 18. Nest of mud 19. Wadding bird 20. Coloured parrot Match the clue with a bird and find the bird in the word puzzle. ANSWERS: 1. Emu, 2. Blue wren, 3. Pelican, 4. Darter, 5. Budgerigar, 6. Magpie, 7. Albatros, 8. Penguin, 9. Spoonbill, 10. Galah, 11. Kookaburra, 12. Corella, 13. Willy wagtail , 14. Dove, 15. Swallow, 16. Cormorant, 17. Honeyeater, 18. Mudlark, 19. Ibis, 20. Lorrikeet
Blue wren, Budgerigar,
Dove, Emu, Galah,
Magpie, Mudlark,
Penguin, Spoonbill,
Willy wagtail 26 | Summer Tidings Edition
Word Search
CHOICES: Albatros,
Honeyeater, Ibis, Kookaburra, Lorrikeet,

Out & About

Residents modelling for Maxie’s Fashion at Auxiliary excursion Just one of the many displays at this year’s Bentley Park Show Swan Village Bowling Club enjoying a roll in the sunshine Healthy Eating Presentation from Curtin Dietetics Students Getting hands on preparing healthy snacks at Healthy Eating presentation Fish N Chips with Friends Melbourne Cup Day best dressed lady - Marion Pitcher Fish N Chips with Friends Melbourne Cup Day best dressed gentleman - Tom Swallow Jenny & Trevor Dawson at Bentley Park Show
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Question time at the Bentley Park Residents’ Council meeting
We welcome contributions to the Tidings. Please post or email to: 26 Plantation Drive, Bentley WA 6102 P: 08 6250 0000 | F: 08 9470 2017 E: tidings@swancare.com.au Pacesetter Laser Recycled is 30% recycled and made from elemental chlorine free bleached pulp sourced from sustainably managed sources. It is manufactured by an ISO certified mill. swancare.com.au

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