Tidings Winter 2024

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40 Years at Sea


A Good Deed is Never Lost


The Brand & Marketing Trio VALUABLE VOLUNTEERS

A Driving Force

26 Plantation Drive Bentley WA 6102

08 6250 0000 08 9470 2017


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Tidings Magazine is a seasonal publication produced and printed on behalf of the residents at SwanCare.

Deadlines for editorial and advertising are: , Spring 7th August, Summer 7th November, Autumn 7th February and Winter 7th May.

To book advertising or for information regarding rates please contact SwanCare Marketing on 6250 0032. Editorial contributions including photographs can be emailed to tidings@swancare.com.au. Hard copies of articles and supporting photographs can be handed to reception in the Administration offices at Bentley Park and Australind Rise.


In good faith SwanCare accepts articles, a small selection of advertisements, and other content for Tidings. However, the opinions and claims expressed in articles and advertising materials presented in Tidings are those of the authors and the advertisers respectively, and do not necessarily reflect the views of SwanCare, unless stated. No responsibility is accepted by SwanCare for the accuracy of information contained in the articles or advertisements.

Cover image:

SwanCare Bentley Park resident Brian Simmons, story on page 8.



Graham Francis provides his latest update




Creating a Safer SwanCare



News from around SwanCare


Toeing the Line

BPRC hosted their Activities Expos We learn about the life of Annette (Pg 10)
2 | Winter Tidings Edition
Independent living resident Doris turns 100!
10 12 14 16 RESIDENT STORY A Good Deed is Never Lost MEET THE TEAM The Brand & Marketing Trio 20 18 BRAIN TEASER Flower Quiz 22 LIBRARY Penny’s Book Review 21 GARDENS INTEREST GROUP Winter Welcomes VALUABLE VOLUNTEERS A Driving Force
throw a
for some very
special teddies The Girl Guides Group at their monthly meeting (Pg 18)
COMMUNITY CONNECTION A Guiding Light VILLAGE NEWS Updates from SwanCare Clubs & Groups swancare.com.au | 3
Brian shares his stories from sea (Pg 8) An
appreciation piece
our valuable
SwanMobile volunteers (Pg 14) Winter gardening tips & tricks (Pg 21)

CEO’S Column

Spring has sprung! And this time of the year, much of our financial focus is on the upcoming budget. Due for release in July, it promises to be another challenging one as we face rising costs, increased wages, and a volatile revenue base as the Government continues to tinker with the way it provides funding to Aged Care providers.

These challenges, combined with the additional changes to regulations, an impending new Aged Care Act, and associated Quality Standards, along with increased scrutiny from regulators and an extremely challenging property market, will ensure that this budget period is going to one of the most difficult we have faced.

Despite these external challenges, SwanCare is still well placed to continue delivering some exciting initiatives next year, all aimed at providing enhanced amenity and continued betterment to the lifestyle and wellness of our residents.

Some of the major initiatives which we are planning to implement during the next financial year include:

• The SwanCare Waminda Refurbishment will continue in earnest throughout the entirety of next year. These works have already begun to transform Waminda both internally and externally, massively improving the overall quality of life and living environment for our residential aged care residents.

• The other major strategic initiative that we are planning to embark upon as part of the upcoming budget, will be the construction of the new independent living apartment complex. We hope this helps us meet the high demand of people eager to join our Bentley Park community. There is a bit more detailed design work to complete, but once this is finished, we expect to commence construction early 2025.

• During the next financial year, we will look to upgrade the accessibility within the Leisure Precinct, with automatic doors allowing easier access into the swimming pool area.

• Spending on our Information Technology and site wide security and safety will also be front and centre, as we continue to improve our distribution of CCTV to additional areas across the campus.

• We will also be looking to continue the upward growth of our SwanCare At Home services and will focus towards enhancing our overall hospitality service delivery to our retirement village community.

• Other items that are being considered within the budget also include modernisation of the Drummond Apartment lifts, and the consideration to upgrade our Auditorium kitchen.

It is important to note that with all budget items, whilst they are on the table for consideration, it always comes down to balance, priority and of course, the availability of cash-flow. We will always endeavour to meet each budget request, but sometimes other factors come into play which may mean some items are delayed to future budget periods.

Lastly, a reminder that the very popular CEO Coffee Club will be entering its winter hiatus during June, July and August, looking to bounce back into action in September. Keep an eye out for dates as places fill up fast!

All the best, take care, and above all else, stay safe.

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Creating a Safer SwanCare

With the change in weather from the warmer summer months to the cooler winter climate, it is quite timely to take a moment to think about how this change could impact your safety. SwanCare will always endeavour to provide facilities which are well maintained and free of hazards, however with winter comes times when the weather throws up challenges that even our team cannot control.

To help you navigate some of the likely situations, SwanCare Work Health & Safety Coordinator, Paul Marshall, shares some tips on how to prepare yourself before, during and after adverse weather.

1. Strong Winds - The unpredictable weather often includes strong gusty winds that wreak havoc in a number of ways. We suggest that in periods where strong winds are forecast, that you ensure all outdoor furniture, plants and other items are secured indoors where possible, tied down or moved to a safe area.

During strong winds the safest place to be is indoors with all windows and doors closed and to remain there until the strong winds have passed.

When venturing outside, be mindful that objects may have moved or fallen, such as tree branches and other debris. Make sure you check pathways and roads before heading out to prevent tripping or falling over.

2. Rain - Winter rains could be short light showers through to heavy torrential downpours. When it is expected that rainfall will be considerable, a safe option is to remain indoors and only leave the comfort of your home when necessary. Where possible during heavy rain or storms, reschedule non-urgent appointments, such as shopping, to other times.

Resident Watch

Always be mindful that following any rain surfaces may be slippery, and puddles are likely on footpaths and roadways. Make sure you watch your step, avoid these areas if you drive a gopher, use handrails and be careful of unsteady surfaces.

3. Electricity - Water and electricity are not good friends. Both wind and rain can create an electrocution hazard. Plan ahead by removing any electrical items which may be exposed to wind and rain. Electrical hazards are often invisible so please keep safe and prevent yourself or others by being aware of your surroundings and taking action.

SwanCare has a renewed focus on Safety to ensure all our residents and staff remain safe every day. To assist in communicating our SwanSafe way of working, and in recogition World Day for Safety and Health at Work, some of our dedicated Safety Representatives participated in an informative yet touching video to share what it truly means to be SwanSafe. You can view the video by visiting our website and searching 'Introducing SwanSafe: Safety Always'.

We encourage you to take steps to prepare yourself for the winter months by considering these simple tips above and by adopting a Safety Always mindset. Remember, if you need assistance during these times, the team at SwanCare are here to help!

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SwanCare News

National Aged Care Provider Conference

Members of our SwanCare team touched down in Adelaide for the National Aged Care Provider Conference. Hosted by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, the event sees over 2,000 providers from across Australia come together to discuss a range of significant areas within our industry.

SwanCare CEO Graham Francis shared how the insightful conversations, which covered a range of subjects, will bring immense value extending to the entire SwanCare community.

“We are bringing home plenty of learnings from this experience which we look forward to sharing with our wider team, residents, and their respective support networks,” he said.

Celebrating 40 Years of Service

The 20th of March 2024 saw Maintenance Supervisor, George Palmer, achieve 40 years of service at SwanCare.

On the morning, George entered the Auditorium under the impression there were some maintenance works to be done, only to find the entire Administration team awaiting to surprise him with a celebratory morning tea!

George is a valued member of the SwanCare family, and we’re thrilled to be able to commemorate him on this incredible milestone.

From all of us George, congratulations!

The Flock that Squats Together

Our team of Squatting Swans put their strength to the test with the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s (NBCF) Squat Challenge!

The challenge asks people across Australia to complete 57 squats every day throughout March to fundraise for breast cancer research. 57 representing the number of Australians who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day.

We are pleased to share that some 20,000+ squats later, SwanCare raised a total of $4,479 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation!

We would like to take this opportunity to give another huge thank you to everyone who supported our Squatting Swans, helping us to achieve this incredible result for the NBCF.

L-R Mechy S., Duska B., Rikke W. & Graham F. Our team of Squatting Swans
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L-R Antonino A., Graham F., George P. & Paul G.

Happy 100th Birthday, Doris!

As a Bentley Park resident since 2006, Doris has celebrated many milestones along the way and can now add joining the 'Centenarian Club’ to this list!

Our CEO Graham paid Doris a visit to congratulate her on achieving this great milestone and to present her with a special letter which acknowledges Doris as the latest recipient of our unique ‘Live for Free’ policy.

At SwanCare, all independent living residents who achieve one hundred years of age are gifted a waver on their fortnightly service fees from the day they turn 100. This opportunity enables our residents to continue spending their later years in life with us at no extra cost; a policy we feel both elated and privileged to offer.

Doris, it is a true honour to have you part of our Bentley Park village, and we thank you for allowing us to be part of your special day. Congratulations and Happy 100th Birthday!

SwanCare Waminda Refurbishment

I would like to provide a brief overview on the project and progress that has been made.

• There are 6 stages in the refurb, with completion scheduled for late 2025.

• Stage 1 is now complete seeing the Ground Floor rooms, courtyard reception extension, carpark and ramp entry renovated.

• Stage 2 has commenced with the whole of

SwanCare News

Teddy Bears Picnic

For this group of retirement living residents, a teddy bears picnic is more than just a nod to nostalgia; it also represents the opportunity to make a meaningful difference.

For over 8 years, Bentley Park resident Dianne M. has dedicated countless hours, and an abundance of love and care, towards crafting hundreds of cuddly teddy bears - 459 of them to be exact!

The bears are then donated to a range of charities across the state, where the one-of-a-kind friends are gifted to provide some comfort and companionship to children in need.

Accompanying Dianne on this powerful project is a group of fellow retirement living residents, each of whom attended a celebratory teddy bears picnic. A small token to acknowledge their incredible team effort as these teddies get ready to meet their new friends.

the fourth floor now being refurbished, with handover expected mid to late July.

• Stage 3 will commence in late July or early August, with the entire third floor to be renovated.

We acknowledge the disruption and noise the refurbishment is creating, and we thank you for your patience and understanding.

- Paul Grzelec, General Manager Growth & Support Services

Graham presenting Doris with her special letter The generous residents behind the Teddy Bear Picnic Project
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Resident Story

Toeing the Line

When you’re a genuine boatie, the sea runs through your veins, and that is certainly true for SwanCare retirement living resident Brian Simmons. His life has revolved around water, boats never being far away from his next adventure. In this edition of Tidings, we are privileged to be able to take a deep dive into Brian’s life!

A Nautical Love Story

Brian’s always loved the water ever since he was a young boy. However, the love affair truly began later in life when Brian was on a working holiday in New Zealand, where he met some yachters who invited him to sail around Auckland. That was it and Brian was hooked, line and sinker!

“I thought, well this is the life!” laughed Brian, “Lying there on a boat with a stubbie, relaxing but always having something fun to do. I thought, this is what I want!”

Since Brian had discovered his sea legs, he knew he wanted a boat of his own. The only problem was that he couldn’t afford one. So, he rolled up his sleeves and got building!

Embarking on a New Career

Brian’s talent derived from his previous experience as an apprentice boiler maker. It involved a lot of plate work, and he was confident working with steel, which provided great skills for shaping a boat.

“But the money ran out,” said Brian, “Fortunately, another fellow who was walking around the shipyard saw my boat and said he’d pay me to build him a boat. My boat wasn’t finished, but I agreed because it would then fund the rest of it!

I finished with our 40-footer in the old shipyard in Maylands. It was lovely, an old classic design boat.”

Once Brian’s boat was ship-shape and Bristol fashion, he travelled to Bunbury to build a boat for another young couple.

“At the time, the plan was to sail to Canada and Alaska, so me and my wife took off sailing North. We worked along the way, I built some boats in Geraldton too, but then things took a turn in Darwin when my wife and I split up. I stayed there and lived on the boat for a bit.”

While Brian didn’t make it to Alaska, he did go to sunny Queensland.

“It seemed like a good option, cruising around,” he said, “I worked repairing boats for a couple of years, also repairing old timber houses. The plan then was to eventually sail out to the Pacific Islands, I was always dreaming that I would do it.”

It’s safe to say Brian is happiest on the water, calling his boat home for 40 years. Over the time seasickness had never been an issue, although he did come close once.

8 | Winter Tidings Edition
Retirement living resident Brian

“The wind was blowing from the south in Fremantle,” he recalls, “I was lying on the settee with my son on my chest, who was 12 months old at the time. There was a big swell and it made him sick on me, which made me very queasy!”

From Sea to SwanCare

Like all good things, it eventually came to an end, with Brian selling his boat only a few years ago.

“I didn’t like land so much; a boat is much more fun than a house! It’s challenging work though in that you haven’t got much space to make a mess. Overall, boating has been a great life for me. I’ve met a lot of good people, especially with sailboats. There’s nothing like it, the feeling of the wind, sailing by the seat of your pants!”

But when the time came to disembark, choosing Bentley Park to retire in was an easy decision for Brian.

Resident Story

“Moving to SwanCare was a no-brainer for me. I wanted to come back to WA anyway, and my parents were at SwanCare for 12 years or so, so I knew it well. It’s got all the facilities here; I like to use the gym to keep active, and I’ve got great neighbours!”

Brian shares what life looks like nowadays.

“I don’t often go out on the water; boating is not an option anymore because my knees are not up to it. So, I’m into old cars now!

Twelve months ago, I saw one. An old Jaguar, 1976 model. It’s what I wanted for the last 40 years. It’s kept me busy, and poor! Now it’s all done and sorted… it’s very nice to drive!”

So, if you spot a fancy Jaguar rolling around SwanCare, you know who it might be.

Thank you for sharing your life at sea with us, Brian. We feel so lucky you’ve chosen to plant your feet at SwanCare!

Brian's beloved Jaguar
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Brian's boat sailing off of Port Headland, 1984

Resident Story

A Good Deed is Never Lost

Some people were born to do good in the world. As President of the SwanCare Centres Auxiliary group, in addition to other voluntary roles within the community, retirement living resident Annette Lennerts is one of those special people. We sat down with Annette to learn more about her and the life she’s lived.

Home is Where the Heart is

Annette’s life started in the Netherlands where she lived with her parents and younger brother in a small house in the South, before moving to an apartment when she was eight. At the time she had no idea she would eventually call Australia home, but after meeting Hugh everything changed.

“We met when he was on holiday travelling through Europe, he then invited me on a holiday of my own to Australia,” explains Annette, “We just got on so well and I ended up staying.”

Annette loved Australia and was instantly attracted to the vast open spaces and Australian people.

“Life was more restrictive in the Netherlands. Places were small, everyone knew everyone, and everyone knew everything about everyone!

Here, I found open space and freedom. I enjoyed meeting the many friendly people who are willing to help you if needed, but don’t invade your privacy! That really appealed to me.”

The couple got married in Perth, later having a daughter and a son. They lived in Victoria Park where she assisted Hugh in his Accountancy practice and worked as a teacher’s aide, before the family moved to Collie where Annette worked at the local pharmacy.

“I was in charge of the vitamin section. I also had a column in the local paper, ‘Health and Beauty with Annette!’ I didn’t have any qualifications to do that, but I used to get my facts from books and reference them!”

Annette was also the Cub Scout Leader in Collie for many years. She says she’s proud to have taught many boys to cook and look after themselves through the Scout program.

After the family moved back to Perth, she worked for the Medical Defence Association before attending Curtin University to achieve a Diploma in Quality Management. Annette worked as a Quality Management Consultant for several years, finishing her career as Hugh’s partner in a Company Secretarial practice before moving to SwanCare.



Annette and Hugh moved to SwanCare in December of 2021 and have become well and truly ingrained in the SwanCare family. The pair are involved in various clubs and groups, filling their social calendar right to the top!

10 | Winter Tidings Edition
Retirement living resident Annette

Resident Story

One of Annette’s voluntary roles is being President of the SwanCare Centres Auxiliary. Annette explains what they do and why she loves being part of it.

“It’s a fundraising group where we have meetings, guest speakers and organised outings.

We sell raffle tickets and lucky numbers to help raise money. People also pay an annual membership fee that goes towards a pot of funds.

We have four residential aged care centres at SwanCare that we subsidise with our funds. It’s lovely because you know you’re making a real difference to the lives of the residents in care.

If any residents are interested in joining us, I hope they know they’re welcome with open arms!”

When discussing her other roles, Annette shared she’s also achieved her bus driver’s license. This has enabled her to join SwanCare’s volunteer team as a village bus driver, taking residents to and from various outings around Perth.

“It’s not too difficult. I've driven a car with a caravan around Australia – the bus is easier!”

Other activities she’s involved in include Indoor Carpet Bowls, Line Dancing, the Heart Foundation Walking Group, and the Art Group, describing herself as quite a creative person.

“I used to make costumes for my grandsons. They had themed parties they went to, so they always asked me to get the machine out to make their costumes!”

Aussie Adventures

Outside of SwanCare life, Annette and Hugh love to travel wherever and whenever they possibly can! They currently have plans to head to Broome later this year in their caravan, followed by Manjimup for Christmas where Hugh’s brother has a farm.

“We’ve travelled a lot and had all sorts of experiences,” said Annette, “We are hoping to keep doing that for as long as possible.”

Annette reminisced about her first holiday in Australia and the many different culture shocks that came with it.

“Homes are built for cold weather in the Netherlands, even the toilets are heated! But coming here when the toilet was not necessarily in the house, and the house itself was only made of weatherboard, it was very cold. That was difficult to get used to.

And the technology… I remember seeing washing machines with wringers on the top. That was a shock!”

Thank you for sharing your story with us Annette, it has been lovely getting to know you and the wonderful role you play within our SwanCare community.

Annette being inducted as a Cub Scout Leader, 1984
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Annette skiing in New Zealand, 2012

Meet the Team

Brand & Marketing

Have you ever flicked through one of our publications, liked a post on Facebook or even stopped to admire a new sign and wondered ‘who comes up with this’? Well, that is just a small part of what our Brand & Marketing team look after!

Simply put, SwanCare’s Marketing team is responsible for everything with a logo. From our corporate collateral, publications, signage, website, communications, advertising and everything in between, this all falls within the scope of our team of three.

The Brand & Marketing Trio SwanCare’s Brand & Marketing Manager, Nancy Kingston, leads the small passionate team whose ultimate goal is to ensure the SwanCare brand continues to deliver on its purpose of enriching lives in our community. Focused on instilling a sense of pride within our staff and maintaining the position of being a highly desirable community for our residents, means no two days are ever the same.

Nancy joined SwanCare in the newly created role in February 2021 after more than two decades in the Advertising and Marketing industry.

“I had an expansive career in Advertising and Marketing but as the years went on, ultimately, I knew I wanted to use my knowledge for something bigger than just the ‘Corporates’ which is what lead me to pursue the client side.

Being able to be part of an industry which improves the lives of other’s is something I wanted since I was a child, Marketing was just something I fell into when I moved from Vancouver, Canada to Perth, back in 1998.”

So, what is Nancy’s vision for her team at SwanCare?

“When I started, I spent a great deal of time observing and researching. We had a solid foundation but the one thing that stood out to me was just how happy our residents were. This made my job so much easier as at the end of the day, our residents, and our staff, are our biggest ambassadors.

So, I embarked on a journey to showcase SwanCare’s authentic self by placing our residents

and our staff at the forefront, not actors or models, in all that we do. I also found you learn a lot when you take the time to engage with those around you.”

The team includes Creative & Design Lead, Sean Le, who also has had a long career in Advertising and Design, leading him and Nancy to immediately form a clear vision for SwanCare.

Sean spearheads the brand style, ensuring it remains fresh and relatable. He does so by not only producing our publications, collateral and other design elements, but by getting amongst our residents, taking photos and videos. He has an innate ability to capture candid moments through a lens and is also a pretty solid drone pilot!

We asked Sean what led him to SwanCare.

“I worked across a wide range of clients over my career then moved to freelancing when I started a family. While I enjoyed the flexibility of working for myself, I missed the interaction of a team environment and really wanted to focus on the development of a single brand. Being part of a brand journey is pretty special. I was intrigued by the aged care industry so applied and I knew early on that I had found my tribe.”

The latest addition to the team is Hannah Kehoe, Brand & Marketing Officer, who joined us in late 2022 after graduating from Curtin University with a Bachelor of Communication.

Hannah recording a podcast episode
12 | Winter Tidings Edition

Meet the Team

Her previous experience as a Social Media and Marketing Coordinator has provided a refreshing lift across our online channels and has enabled us to branch out in areas such as podcasting. She is also the go-to content writer for our publications, including the Bentley Park Bulletin and Tidings. You might spot Hannah around the campus creating excitement, taking photos and videos, so be sure to smile!

So, what does Hannah find most rewarding about her role?

“I really love connecting with the residents and being able to help share their stories. The residents I meet never cease to amaze me with the lives they lived and their outlook on life itself. As the young one in the team, I have learnt so much in large part to our residents and continue to look forward to uncovering the next unique story.”

Making Marketing Happen

Aside from corporate collateral, advertising and branded material, what else does the team get up to?

Hannah says team engagement is high on the priority list, “We like to get out across the campus, see what’s happening at all times of the day and of course make appearances to special events where possible to take photos.

More so we love bringing smiles to our residents faces, so you may see us donning a costume for Halloween – can you tell there’s a Canadian in the

team?! – performing random acts of kindness and generally bringing positive energy wherever we go!”

“The relationships we continue to build with our residents are extremely important to us, so don’t be shy!” Nancy added.

“Residents not only give us story ideas from a business perspective, but they also leave us feeling fulfilled personally. The community at Bentley Park truly is unique and something we all feel very blessed to be a part of, so thank you to you all for allowing us to share in your retirement journey.”

The Brand & Marketing team would like to thank all our residents for their contributions to our publications. Please continue to reach out with your story ideas at tidings@swancare.com.au as without you, we would not be able to share in these wonderful adventures.

Halloween engagement, 2023
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L-R Hannah K., Sean L. & Nancy K.

A Driving Force Valuable Volunteers

There are a number of key aspects that keep our village active and thriving, one being our team of resident volunteers. Courtesy of their generous contributions, SwanCare is able to offer additional resources and experiences. One notable example is our SwanMobile service, made possible thanks to our team of dedicated volunteer drivers.

Jim Leavy moved to SwanCare Bentley Park in 2010 and within two years became part of our volunteer team by climbing aboard the village golf buggy, otherwise known as the SwanMobile!

“I heard they were looking for drivers at the time, so I decided to put my hand up to help. I also thought it would be a great way to get amongst the community,” he shares.

Before life at Bentley Park, Jim spent many years volunteering through his children’s local sporting clubs and groups. While he had plenty of experience helping out in those fields, the SwanMobile offered an exciting opportunity for Jim to volunteer in a whole new way.

SwanMobile drivers enable our residents, visitors and staff to travel around the 15-hectre site safely and efficiently. Whether someone wants to visit a loved one in care, needs a lift to our Medical Centre, or is perhaps meeting up with a friend for coffee, our valuable volunteers are there to help.

The training process equips drivers with knowledge on how to operate the buggy and correctly navigate the village. Jim recalls enjoying his ‘buddy shifts’, where interested volunteers team up with a licenced SwanMobile driver to learn the ropes firsthand.

“After the buddy shifts you get more of an idea on what to expect, like who the regular riders are and the kind of adjustments or extra support they might need.

You also learn just how big the village really is and where all the different clubs and groups meet. It’s useful for emergencies too, I’ve helped ambulances find their way around in the past.”

Knowing the village like the back of their hand is just one of the perks that come from being a SwanMobile driver, with Jim adding that the friendly chit-chats are also a highlight of the role.

“I enjoy getting to know people and the different activities they do, it’s a great way to socialise and get more involved in the village. I think if you’re not getting involved, you’re really missing out!”

A big thank you to our SwanMobile drivers for generously sharing their skills to support our entire SwanCare community. If you are interested in becoming a driver, please advise Ronnie at reception.

14 | Winter Tidings Edition
Jim driving the SwanMobile through the Leisure Precinct
swancare.com.au | 15 Peace of mind with Care
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Village News

SwanCare Centres Auxiliary Fish N Chips with Friends

In April, the Auxiliary visited the Drome Dairy where Dr. Max shared some very interesting information regarding the farming of camels for milk. Visitors could get up close and friendly with some of the camels and also buy some of the products made at the property with the camel’s milk, which are apparently very good for the human body. The lunch we had afterwards in Toodyay at the Victoria Hotel was also enjoyed by all. Altogether it was a great day out.

For May we had the popular Kimbo Fashion parade, followed by our meeting in June where our guest speaker is Leanne LeBrun, who will be talking on the transition from independent living into residential aged care.

- Annette Lennerts, President

WA Bush Poets & Yarnspinners

On the first Friday of each month, the WA Bush Poets & Yarnspinners meet in the Auditorium for a monthly muster. It’s an evening of entertainment where residents from SwanCare, and people from around WA, gather to share their poetry talents by reading and reciting poems both modern and traditional, humorous, and serious. Tea breaks are also included so there’s plenty of opportunity to socialise and make friends. I would encourage any interested residents to come on down and see what it’s all about!

- Bill Gordon, President

We are halfway through the year already. Time flies when you are having fun, which is what residents have at our monthly luncheons!

For Mother’s Day, each of the ladies received a small gift of thanks from the Committee. The Entertainer for the day was Paul Robertson who got everyone clapping and singing along to his songs. Paul will also be the Entertainer at our Christmas Luncheon.

As the Olympics will be held in Paris this July, we thought that all residents could come dressed up in their gym gear. So, wear your trackies, sneakers, and gold or green t-shirts. If you have a medal of some sort, wear that too!

Upcoming dates for Entertainers:

• Friday 7th June - Jay Weston

• Friday 5th July - Evergreen Melodies

• Friday 2nd August - Eklipz

All residents, and especially new residents, are most welcome to join us at our popular monthly luncheons, however bookings are essential. We are a happy bunch, and you will meet new friends and reacquaint with old friends. We have a variety of Entertainers each month, with raffle tickets on sale and prizes to be won. Please see the Bulletin for more information.

- Lesley Foster

Auxiliary members enjoying a day out at the Drome Dairy Bush Poets at the Boyup Brook Country Music Festival
16 | Winter Tidings Edition

Bentley Park Residents’ Council

The Bentley Park Residents’ Council have been working hard with Management to improve the village generally and assist residents with their problems.

The first Expo to show all the various groups was an enormous success, so much so that we held a second one with the aim of showcasing the groups and getting more residents involved.

Council members are walking around the village at various times to talk to residents and identify potential hazards or work needed, in line with the new SwanSafe program.

Projects currently underway are the construction of a mini forest, working with Management to better enable the buggies to go to Akora and Jarrah, and working to replace the first Buggy that is now getting old.

Resident input is always welcome and encouraged.

- Bill Waterer, Chairperson

Village News

Swan Village Bowling Club

This year the weather has been good to us and at least a few members have bowled every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 1:00pm. Most days at least two rinks have been in use and on at least three occasions, all four rinks have been needed.

The Hazel Lancaster Shield and the Keith Withers Shield were well supported with the results published in the Bulletin and on SwanCare's Facebook page. All our tournaments celebrate the great contributions made by the original members, not just towards the bowling club but the entire village; things like Bingo, Pony Canasta and bus tours were originally started by the Club, although they now operate totally independently.

During the winter months we have fewer competitions but hope to have a soup day and a joint game with Rowethorpe. August will see the AGM before the Patron's Shield in early September.

The green has recently been rolled and repainted, ready for another year of happy bowling. Hopefully the weather will continue to be kind but if not, you can always enjoy a game with our friends in the under croft of Richard Cleaver Lodge on Saturday or Monday mornings from 9:00am. Many of the members of Bentley Park Bowling Club are also members of the Swan Village Bowling Club.

If you are new to the village and fancy trying a game but do not want to embarrass yourself at our official game days, just give me a call and we can arrange a bit of a trial or some tuition. New members are always welcome and if you have any queries, please see the Bulletin for more information.

- Stan Barclay, President

The winners of the 2024 SVBC Hazel Lancaster Shield Residents engaging at the BPRC Expo Residents hearing about the variety of stalls on display
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A Guiding Light Community Connection

The original Burswood Trefoil Guild commenced in 1999, with members meeting at the local St. Barnabas Church or at the house of another member; but after SwanCare became home to several of the Guides, the group decided it was time to find a new HQ.

Since June of 2010, the Burswood Bentley Trefoil Guild established itself as part of the village. Staying true to their roots, the group not only welcomes SwanCare retirement living residents, but continues to accept members from the wider Perth region; providing a space for women to build lifelong friendships, all while supporting some excellent causes.

One of their longest standing members is resident Lorraine Pittaway who was awarded her long service badge in August of last year, after demonstrating 45 years of dedication and commitment to the Girl Guides Association.

“I made my Girl Guides promise at 11 years old and I’ve never looked back,” says Lorraine, “It was one of the best decisions I ever made.”

For resident Emilia Young, her promise was made in Singapore. Due to Girl Guides having a global presence, it helped her find a sense of community when she eventually migrated to Australia seven years ago.

“I read there was a group available for older ladies, so I reached out and I’ve been part of it ever since,” Emilia said, “I don’t think I could ever give up Guiding!”

Resident Beverley Melton says Emilia’s story is a great example of how being a Guide can bring people together from just about every corner of the planet.

“When I lived in England I was appointed as the District Commissioner for their Girl Guides, since being here I’ve also travelled to Hobart where we met Guides from across Australia. It’s worldwide.”

There was a moment in time though where Beverley thought her days of being a Guide had come to an end. However, after moving to SwanCare ten years

ago and seeing the Burswood Bentley Trefoil Guild in action, her passion was reignited.

“I saw them with their flags during a village ceremony or service of some sort, and I recognised one of the members. After having a conversation with her I realised it was time to come back, so I joined the Trefoil, or as I sometimes call it, ‘The Girl Guide Granny’s’!” She laughed.

Beverley, Emilia and Lorraine join their fellow Girl Guides for a morning tea in the Pavilion on the first Wednesday of every month. Together they discuss various fundraising opportunities and brainstorm ideas on how they can continue to support the local community.

It was during one of these monthly meetings where the suggestion to host a Beetle Afternoon was first brought to the table. The event invites residents to The Club for a sociable afternoon to play the popular party game ‘Beetle’, with prizes, raffle tickets, afternoon tea, and a craft stall included. While the initial idea was heavily supported by the group, they knew the success of the event was ultimately left in the hands of our SwanCare

18 | Winter Tidings Edition
Beverley enjoying a Beetle Afternoon

Community Connection

community – and they did not disappoint!

“I had never heard a room filled with so much laughter until we held our first Beetle Afternoon! It’s always a fun day,” said Lorraine.

“It’s a great way to bring everyone in the village together for a chance to play and have some fun,” Emilia added.

Since then, the Beetle Afternoon has been a staple for the Trefoil and remains one of Bentley Park’s most popular events on the social calendar. Not only is it an enjoyable experience but it also makes a meaningful difference, with all donations going towards a charity of their choosing.

“The money raised from our most recent Beetle Afternoon went to the Girl Guides’ ‘Lend a Hand’ program,” explains Lorraine, “the program provides financial support to families, enabling more young girls across Australia to join their local Guide Movement.”

“We’ve also supported women’s refuges and various charities for children in need. I think it’s good to do while we have the means, it’s far more useful than sitting around drinking tea and gossiping!” Emilia laughed.

When they aren’t busy fundraising, the ladies can

be found socialising and sharing a laugh; something Beverley and Lorraine say is a key part of being a Girl Guide.

“It’s a good group to join if you’re passionate about supporting some great causes, but more than that, it’s a social club,” said Lorraine, “Friendship is mainly what you get out of it.”

Emilia agreed, “We’re comrades so to speak, you feel a genuine sense of belonging and pride. The Girl Guides Founder once shared a quote that said, ‘Our difference in life is to be happy and make others happy,’ which I think sums us up best.”

We couldn’t agree more! Well done to all of you and thank you for the incredible work you do at SwanCare and among the wider community.

Plenty of smiles at the Beetle Afternoon
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L-R Aileen S., Lorraine P., Beth M., Tess T., Emilia Y. & Jan R.

Brain Teaser

Flower Quiz | By Sue

Find the answers to the clues.

1. It is in the eye Marigold

2. 11th November Broom

3. Shrinking… Wall Flower

4. Heritage steam railway UK Harebell

5. Rapid water source Aster

6. The dream of a single girl Cyclamen

7. Cereal Blossom Daisy

8. Remember always Sweet William

9. Pilgrim’s ringer Bluebell

10. Tiptoe through these Forget Me Not

11. A clean sweeper Violet

12. Was begged for an answer Dandelion

13. Fashionably dressed king of the jungle Poppy

14. Bill has had a bath Iris

15. First woman MP in the UK Canterbury Bell

16. Not what a girl wants to be at a dance Corn Flower

17. Males on bikes Tulips

18. Rabbit’s relative rings Speedwell


1. Iris, 2. Poppy, 3. Violet, 4. Bluebell, 5. Speedwell, 6. Marigold, 7. Corn Flower, 8. Forget Me Not, 9. Bell, 10. Tulips, 11. Broom, 12. Daisy, 13. Dandelion, 14. Sweet William, 15. Aster, 16. Wall Flower, 17. Cyclamen, 18. Harebell
20 | Winter Tidings Edition

Gardens Interest Group

Winter Welcomes

Brighten up your winter days by using colourful plants in your pots and gardens.

Gerberas, Chrysanthemums, Dianthus. Marigolds and Petunias brighten May with their beautiful blooms. Camellias and Azaleas will also flower in the coming winter.

Another way to introduce colour is with Orchids which bloom from May through to October with many varieties like this scented Zygopetalum.

You can also use plants like Crotons and Rhoeo spathacea (Moses-in-the-cradle) with leaves providing stunning colours.

Feed your bulbs in June ready for a spring show of colour. Pansy, Dianthus, Linaria, Viola, and Alyssum, are always dependable to put on a good

show. Flag Iris are hardy plants with yellow, white, and purple blooms.

July is the traditional time to prune roses. Do not forget to clean up any fallen leaves which can harbour thrip and fungus spores, and spray under the leaves and the soil around the base of the plants with lime sulphur or a quality rose spray to control scale, black spot, and mildew. White oil will also control scale and chilli thrips.

If you have a vegetable patch include broccoli, broad beans, cabbage, leek, onion, silver beet, beetroot, capsicum, lettuce, and spinach in your winter planting schedule.

Wildlife safe snail pellets which have an iron base will keep slugs and snails under control for all plants.

Zygopetalum Gerberas Rhoeo Spathacea Dianthus Marigolds
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Penny’s Book Review

Black Sheep | By

As most of us know, Judy Nunn is an Australian actress and author. She became well known for her role as a scheming bisexual reporter in the soap opera ‘The Box’ showing on television for four years. She also had other roles in ‘Prisoner’ and ‘Sons & Daughters’.

She is now a successful author and has written many books based on Australian events and towns. There are many of Judy Nunn’s books in our library which have been very popular with many readers.

Black Sheep is her latest book based on a sheep property near Goulburn, NSW.

Orphaned at sixteen, James Wakefield was determined to be a gun shearer like his father. Now he has killed twice, changed his name and is on the run from the law.

Ben McKinnon, meanwhile, is heir to the vast Glenfinnan sheep property near Goulburn. He too

has a secret that, if ever revealed, would shatter the privileged lives of his father, Alastair and his sisters Jenna and Adele.

Fate brings James and Ben together, where a powerful friendship is forged, both men gladly becoming the keeper of the other’s secret.

Has James finally found the family he’s always longed for or has the McKinnon dynasty unwittingly adopted a black sheep?

This book may not suit some readers, but I think it will appeal to people of a farming background, and lovers of Australian stories.

Yours in books,

22 | Winter Tidings Edition
Out & About
Plantation Apartment residents enjoying their courtyard concert The Ufologists of We Are Not Alone Ronnie & Joe celebrate National Receptionist Day Admin Team surprising residents for National Act of Kindness Day The Allsorts Choir peforming for fellow residents Busy Fingers held a craft stall for Mother's Day BPRC welcoming new residents to SwanCare The Heart Foundation Walking Group on their way through the village
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Care Staff enjoying our Employee Benefits Expo
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